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The role of the foundation phase teacher in facilitating multiple intelligences in the classroomDe Vries, Marilyn 07 1900 (has links)
Multiple Intelligences (MI) is a theory that has radically challenged the conventional perception of human intelligence. Individuals have different combinations of intelligences (strengths and weaknesses). Teachers who want to achieve success in facilitating the learning of all learners in their classes need to understand and respect the varied learning styles and differences in each individual. In formulating this study, I was interested in how MI is utilised in the classroom, enabling learners to solve problems individually and in society.
The aims of the study are to describe and understand the experiences of the Heads of Departments at their schools, in terms of whether teachers facilitate MI practices in their classrooms and how this impacts both on teachers and learners.
In this study I followed a qualitative approach and I employed a case study design. Data collection consisted of semi-structured interviews that were conducted with four Heads of Department (HODs), in different local school settings in an urban environment. I also used a research diary, observations and visual data collection techniques. It was found that leadership plays a crucial role in how teachers understand and facilitate MI in their schools. There is a basis from which the HODs could be empowered to change the conditions where they manage, teach or facilitate. Teachers can be empowered to meet the challenges of implementing MI in their own planning, preparation and classroom practice. / Inclusive Education / M. Ed. (Inclusive Education)
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Application of accelerated learning techniques with particular reference to multiple intelligencesPienaar, Hester Catharina 31 March 2008 (has links)
The aim of this study was to determine the possible successes and pitfalls in implementing a process to accelerate learning and raise learner performance through a multiple intelligence approach.
A study of the theory of Multiple Intelligences was conducted which also implied a thorough study of the physiology of the brain, how it learns and how it should be utilised in the classroom.
A case study was conducted amongst the learners and teachers of a specific school to determine their ability, willingness to change and their performance in the application of Multiple Intelligences in the classroom. The challenges associated with the implementation of the MI approach were established through different methods.
It was found that teachers have much more difficulty in adapting to a new teaching approach than the learners. Time constraints, constant monitoring and support, teacher training, teachers' attitude to change, big classes, a lack of resources and teacher resistance added to the reality which policy makers have to consider in implementing a new approach. / EDUCATIONAL STUDIES / MED (DIDACTICS)
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Geleenthede wat uitkomsgebaseerde taalhandboeke bied vir die ontwikkeling van leerders se meervoudige intelligensiesvan den Berg, Geesje 08 December 2004 (has links)
Text in Afrikaans / This study investigates the opportunities provided in outcomes-based language textbooks to develop learners' full potential. This is done by looking at how learners' multiple intelligences can flourish. Howard Gardner's theory of multiple intelligences, which is used as a framework in the current study, claims that learners have different combinations of intelligences, and that the various intelligences can be developed. By doing so, learners are developed in their totality as knowledgeable, skilful and balanced adults.
By giving learners a variety of activities which accommodate the different intelligences, they have the opportunity to use their strong intelligences in the language classroom. At the same time, learners are given the opportunity to expand their less developed intelligences. In this study, selected Afrikaans and English language textbooks are analysed to determine how the different intelligences are covered. Outcomes-based language textbooks are used because outcomes-based education deals with the development of learners' full potential. The assumption can be made that this approach to teaching and learning enables learners to develop their multiple intelligences.
The study brings to light that only some intelligences receive attention in language textbooks, namely the linguistic, logical-mathematical, interpersonal, intrapersonal and spatial intelligences. On the other hand, other intelligences get little or even no attention in the textbooks that were analysed, namely the bodily-kinesthetic, naturalistic and musical intelligences. In spite of the important role that music plays in language teaching, it appears that the musical intelligence is afforded the least attention of all the intelligences in seven of the eight textbooks that were analysed. As a result, learners' uniqueness in this regard is not respected, and their total development as knowledgeable, skilful and balanced human beings can therefore be hindered.
Recommendations are made regarding the curriculum, teaching practice and teacher training, and are directed to stakeholders in the writing of textbooks. The recommendations make it clear that different aspects of all the intelligences should be taken into consideration in the development of textbooks and other learning materials for language teaching and, by implication, teaching in general. / Educational Studies / D. Ed. (Didactics)
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Implications of multiple intelligence theory and integrated skills language teaching for textbook development : / the case of grade 9Mengesha, Yohannes Tefera 09 1900 (has links)
The study aims to examine the extent to which considerations of syllabus design
and materials development are employed in a grade 9 English textbook of
Ethiopia- English for Ethiopia: Secondary English Course: Grade 9 Students
Book with particular emphasis on Multiple Intelligence Theory (MIT).The study is
an evaluation research which makes use of a mixed method approach. Data
were collected using interviews, coding form and a teachers’ questionnaire. The
study involved English language syllabus writers in the Ministry of Education in
Ethiopia. Furthermore, 50% of the contents of the Grade 9 English Textbook (6 of
12) were used for content analysis. In addition, 218 Grade 9 English teachers
from fifty high schools that were drawn from 6 Regional States of the country
responded to the questionnaire. In line with this, I collected quantitative data
using a coding form and a questionnaire, as well as other forms of qualitative
data using interview. Data were analysed both qualitatively and quantitatively.
The study revealed that the syllabus writers used the competency-based
approach in developing the Grade 9 English language syllabus. However, this
approach has some drawbacks. On the one hand, competency-based education
is a manifestation of the behaviouristic approach that is excessively reductionist,
narrow, rigid and atomized; many areas in which people need certain
competencies are impossible to operationalise; the approach does not clearly
show how the list of competencies could be realised, how they should be
formatted and presented so as to address learner differences. Above all,
describing an activity in terms of a set of different competencies is not enough in
order to deal with the complexity of the learning process as a whole. Regardless
of these drawbacks, CBL was used to identify and list down the contents as well
as the learning outcomes to be incorporated in the textbook. Thus, the how
aspect remain obscured in that a theory driven approach to developing
teaching/learning materials that meet learners' differences was not markedly
taken note of as a guiding framework in developing the Grade 9 English
language syllabus. The study showed that the great majority of the language
tasks are meant to nurture verbal/linguistic intelligence followed by interpersonal
and intrapersonal intelligences respectively. As a language textbook, it is good
that it gives more coverage to these two intelligence profiles.
When it comes to intentional application of principles of task design and materials
development, many of the listening, reading and speaking lessons are
appropriate in terms of providing comprehensible input, engaging students
cognitively and affectively, promoting emotional/affective involvement and
facilitating better language use. Similarly, visual imaging is also well taken care of
with exception of few of the vocabulary and the grammar lessons. The study
also revealed that the syllabus writers were well aware of the need of integrating
various language skills, and it was found that the issue of using the integrated
approach to ELT materials development was also well addressed and most of
the language tasks are designed in an integrated manner with the exception of
few of the vocabulary and the grammar lessons. Some drawbacks were also
identified with few of the vocabulary and the grammar lessons in terms of
providing comprehensible input and enhancing language use.
On the other hand, as implementers of the textbook, the target schools’ Grade 9
English language teachers have a good understanding of language learning
theories and task design principles. This understanding could help them design
supplementary language tasks for their English classes. At last, conclusions are
drawn and recommendations are given. / English Studies / D. Litt. et Phil. (English)
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Förmågor i uppgiftskonstruktion : En analys av uppgiftskonstruktioner i svenskämnet i relation till teorin om multipla intelligenser / Abilities in task construction : An analysis of task constructions in Swedish in relation to the theory of multiple intelligencesHellvin, Sebastian January 2017 (has links)
I denna studie undersöks hur svensklärares uppgiftskonstruktioner möter elevers olika förmågor. Med utgångspunkt i Gardners teori om multipla intelligenser definierade jag olika kategorier av förmågor som motsvarade de olika intelligenserna i tretton olika uppgiftskonstruktioner för svenskämnet i gymnasieskolan. Studien visar att den lingvistiska förmågan är absolut vanligast i det undersökta materialet, vilket också var väntat. Men de personliga förmågorna är också vanligt förkommande, vilket visar att lärarna begär att eleverna ska dela sina egna tankar, minnen och upplevelser. Den lingvistiska förmågan fungerar i uppgifterna vanligen som metod, men i det stoff eleverna skriver om är de personliga förmågorna långt vanligare än den lingvistiska. / This study examines how the tasks constructed by teachers of Swedish meet the pupils’ differing abilities. Based on Gardner’s theory of multiple intelligences, I defined different categories of abilities corresponding to the different intelligences in thirteen different tasks constructed for the subject of Swedish in upper secondary school. The study shows that linguistic ability is by far the most common in the studied material, as expected. But personal abilities are also commonly found, which shows that the teachers ask the pupils to share of their own thoughts, memories and experiences. The linguistic ability usually functions in the tasks as a method, but in the material that the pupils write, the personal abilities are far more common than the linguistic ability.
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The Need for Arts Education and Alternative Assessment in Light of the No Child Left Behind Act of 2001Labbe, Michelle A. 01 January 2005 (has links)
Due to increasing teacher accountability and standardized test score requirements attributed to the No Child Left Behind Act of 2001, this essay examines research of the positive influences of arts education on student academic achievement and social growth. Howard Gardner's Multiple Intelligences Theory and brain research, such as that of Eric Jensen, suggest the necessity for various types of instruction and assessment to ensure that all students' learning needs are met; and to maximize the potential for intellectual growth in each student. Harvard University's Project Zero programs: Artful Thinking, Art Works for Schools, and Arts PROPEL are examined. A+ Schools Program (North Carolina), and various schools and school districts around the United States having arts-rich curricula and high student academic and social achievement are identified. Community Outreach programs: Chicago Arts Partnership in Education (CAPE),Young Audiences of Indiana, the Pennsylvania Ballet show positive arts influence outside of the traditional classroom setting. Research by James S. Catterall, J. Burton, R. Horowitz, and H. Abeles on the question of learning transfer taking place across the disciplines is also examined.
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O ensino de frações por uma abordagem inspirada nos pressupostos educacionais da Teoria das Inteligências MúltiplasSegeti, Liliane Giglio Canelhas de Abreu January 2015 (has links)
Orientadora: Profa. Dra. Virgínia Cardia Cardoso / Dissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Federal do ABC, Programa De Pós-Graduação em Ensino, História, Filosofia das Ciências e Matemática, 2015. / O presente trabalho consiste na análise de um projeto para o ensino de frações. O referencial teórico adotado foi a Teoria das Inteligências Múltiplas de Howard Gardner, que assume a ideia de que a inteligência humana seria multifacetada, totalizando um espectro formado por oito inteligências: corporal-cinestésica, espacial, interpessoal, intrapessoal, lógico-matemática, linguística, musical e naturalista. Serão relatados os principais pontos da teoria de Gardner, dentre eles, a importância de uma educação que considere as individualidades cognitivas dos educandos, a concepção de inteligência baseada na capacidade de resolver problemas e a abordagem dos conteúdos escolares por meio de cinco pontos de entrada: narrativo, fundamental, por uma abordagem estética, lógico-quantitativo e experimental. Com base nos pressupostos educacionais da teoria e no levantamento das problemáticas relacionadas ao ensino de frações, apresentaremos o projeto de ensino elaborado pela autora deste trabalho e o seu desenvolvimento em uma escola da rede pública municipal de São Paulo, em uma pesquisa-ação com a observação participante de uma turma do quinto ano do ensino fundamental que buscou verificar que contribuições emergiriam das práticas adotadas para a compreensão de tópicos relacionados aos números racionais em sua forma fracionária. Os resultados mostraram que a abordagem utilizada possibilitou avanços na aprendizagem dos alunos nos conteúdos matemáticos trabalhados, em um contexto educacional que teve em suas finalidades propiciar o estímulo e o desenvolvimento de suas inteligências. / This work is the analysis of a project for teaching fractions. The theoretical framework adopted was the Theory of Multiple Intelligences of Howard Gardner, who takes the view that human intelligence would be multifaceted, totaling a spectrum made up of eight intelligences: bodily-kinesthetic, spatial, interpersonal, intrapersonal, logical-mathematical, linguistic, Music and naturalist. The main points will be reported in Gardner's theory, including the importance of an education that consider the cognitive legend of the students, the concept of intelligence-based problem-solving skills and the approach of school subjects through five entry points: narrative, critical, for an aesthetic approach, logical-quantitative and experimental. Based on the assumptions of educational theory and survey of issues related to teaching fractions, we will present the educational project developed by the author of this work and its development in a municipal public school of São Paulo, in an action research with participant observation of a group of fifth grade of elementary school who sought to verify that emerge contributions of practices for understanding topics related to rational numbers in its fractional form. The results showed that the approach has enabled advances in student learning in mathematical contents worked in an educational context he had in his purposes provide the stimulation and the development of their intelligence.
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Веза играња дигиталних игара са профилом вишеструких интелигенција ученика виших разреда основне школе / Veza igranja digitalnih igara sa profilom višestrukih inteligencija učenika viših razreda osnovne škole / Relation between digital gameplay and multipleintelligences profile of higher grade elementaryschool studentsAleksić Veljko 15 May 2017 (has links)
<p>Дисертација пружа емпиријски утемељен иновативан и јединствен увид у везу играња дигиталних игара са профилом вишеструких интелигенција ученика виших разреда основе школе. Систематизован преглед литературе реализован у оквиру дисертације указује на чињеницу да се истраживачи слажу у ставу да су дигиталне игре постале методички валидан образовни алат, али да постоји веома мали број емпиријских истраживања посвећених вези између играња дигиталних игара и профила вишеструких интелигенција ученика. </p><p>Истраживање је реализовано на узорку од 1262 ученика узраста од 11 до 15 година из 22 школе у Србији. За потребе истраживања креирани су и евалуирани одговарајући психометријски инструменти. Анализирана је веза профила вишеструких интелигенција ученика виших разреда основне школе са склоностима и навикама играња дигиталних игара. Проучавана је могућност предикције префериране врсте дигиталних игара у зависности од профила вишеструких интелигенција и навика играња дигиталних игара. Утврђено је да је профил вишеструких интелигенција валидан предиктор склоности, навика играња и идентификатор зависности од дигиталних игара.</p><p>Извршена је идентификација зависности од дигиталних игара и анализирана је њена повезаност са профилима вишеструких интелигенција. Анализирани су утицаји појединих социо- демографских фактора на склоности и навике играња дигиталних игара и зависност од дигиталних игара. У складу са циљем и задацима истраживања формиране су хипотезе, које су дискутоване и потврђене. На основу резултата утврђено је постојање везе играња дигиталних игара са профилом вишеструких интелигенција ученика виших разреда основе школе.</p> / <p>Disertacija pruža empirijski utemeljen inovativan i jedinstven uvid u vezu igranja digitalnih igara sa profilom višestrukih inteligencija učenika viših razreda osnove škole. Sistematizovan pregled literature realizovan u okviru disertacije ukazuje na činjenicu da se istraživači slažu u stavu da su digitalne igre postale metodički validan obrazovni alat, ali da postoji veoma mali broj empirijskih istraživanja posvećenih vezi između igranja digitalnih igara i profila višestrukih inteligencija učenika. </p><p>Istraživanje je realizovano na uzorku od 1262 učenika uzrasta od 11 do 15 godina iz 22 škole u Srbiji. Za potrebe istraživanja kreirani su i evaluirani odgovarajući psihometrijski instrumenti. Analizirana je veza profila višestrukih inteligencija učenika viših razreda osnovne škole sa sklonostima i navikama igranja digitalnih igara. Proučavana je mogućnost predikcije preferirane vrste digitalnih igara u zavisnosti od profila višestrukih inteligencija i navika igranja digitalnih igara. Utvrđeno je da je profil višestrukih inteligencija validan prediktor sklonosti, navika igranja i identifikator zavisnosti od digitalnih igara.</p><p>Izvršena je identifikacija zavisnosti od digitalnih igara i analizirana je njena povezanost sa profilima višestrukih inteligencija. Analizirani su uticaji pojedinih socio- demografskih faktora na sklonosti i navike igranja digitalnih igara i zavisnost od digitalnih igara. U skladu sa ciljem i zadacima istraživanja formirane su hipoteze, koje su diskutovane i potvrđene. Na osnovu rezultata utvrđeno je postojanje veze igranja digitalnih igara sa profilom višestrukih inteligencija učenika viših razreda osnove škole.</p> / <p>Dissertation provides an empirically grounded innovative and unique insight into relations between digital gameplay and multiple intelligences profile. A systematic literature review that was realized in this dissertation points to thefact that researchers agree that digital games became methodically valid educational tool, but that there are very few empirical studies on relations between digital gameplay and multiple intelligences profile of the students.<br />The research sample consisted of 1262 11-to-15- year-old students from 22 Serbian schools. The adequate psychometric instruments were developed and evaluated as part of the research. The relations between multiple intelligence profile of higher grade elementary school students and their gameplay preferences and habits were analyzed. The possibility of predicting preferred digital games genre based on multiple intelligences profile and digital gameplay was examined. It was found that the multiple intelligences profile is a valid predictor of digital gameplay preferences, habits and addiction. The digital games addiction was identified, and its relation with the structure of multiple intelligence profile was examined. The influence of socio-demographic factors on digital gameplay preferences, habits and addiction was analyzed. In accordance with the dissertation objectives and tasks the research hypotheses were formulated, and further discussed and confirmed. The results imply the existence of the relation between digital gameplay and multiple intelligences profile of higher grade elementary school students.</p>
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A Study on the Relationship Between Emotional Intelligence and Mental Illness StigmaArmstrong, E. Nicole 01 January 2015 (has links)
Stigmatizing mental illness involves negative perceptions or attitudes about mental illness and the individuals who have mental illness, generating problematic consequences for both the general population and for people with mental illness. The theory of multiple intelligences proposes that intelligence includes skills and abilities in any area; emotional intelligence (EI), therefore, includes an individual's ability to identify, interpret, and regulate emotions and emotional responses. This study was designed to evaluate level of familiarity with mental illness as a potential predictor for stigmatizing mental illness, to assist in evaluating the relationship between stigmatizing mental illness and EI. The study was specifically designed to determine whether having higher EI is associated with a decreased likelihood to stigmatize mental illness, and whether increased familiarity is associated with greater EI and a decreased likelihood to stigmatize mental illness. It used bivariate correlations and hierarchical regression analyses, respectively, using data collected from a demographic questionnaire, the TEIQue-SF, the AQ-27, and the LOF. The target population consisted of emergency department (ED) staff (N = 43). Findings suggested that EI and mental illness stigma are correlated (r = -.514, p < .001) and that there is a significant interaction between EI and level of familiarity with mental illness (R2 = .269, F(3, 38) = 4.653, p = .007). ED staff are on the frontline of healthcare and serve as a gateway to systems of care and treatment; as a result, this study's findings are important and are intended to inform healthcare and stigma-combating organizations of factors that can improve the sensitivity and quality of care for individuals with mental illness who admit to healthcare systems.
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Improving Reading Fluency of Elementary Students with Learning Disabilities Through Reader's TheaterSchoen-Dowgiewicz, Tami S. 01 January 2016 (has links)
Elementary teachers in a school district in a western state expressed concerns about the reading achievement of students with disabilities (SWDs). SWDs were not developing decoding, comprehension, and fluency skills to become proficient readers. Without mastering these skills, SWDs will experience diminished academic attainment in their school career. To address this problem, teachers in elementary learning centers (LCs) within the district implemented Reader's Theater (RT), an evidenced-based reading approach that incorporates repeated readings using drama-based activities. The purpose of this qualitative bounded case study was to explore elementary LC teachers' use and implementation of RT to improve reading performance with SWDs. Gardner's theory of multiple intelligences served as the conceptual framework for this study. A purposeful sample of 2 LC teachers who implemented RT with SWDs volunteered to participate in semistructured interviews. Qualitative data were analyzed thematically using open coding. The 2 LC teachers noted that RT was useful to increase SWDs' willingness to read, reading fluency, and student investment by integrating repeated reading opportunities in drama-based activities. Based on the research findings, a 3-day RT professional development workshop was developed to assist elementary LC teachers in the district to teach early reading skills to SWDs. This endeavor may contribute to positive social change by providing LC teachers with knowledge about RT that is useful in improving SWDs' fluency, decoding, and comprehension skills and, ultimately, enhancing their reading achievement.
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