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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Uma visão matemática do cubo mágico

Moya, Cláudia Salomão January 2015 (has links)
Orientador: Prof. Dr. Antônio Cândido Faleiros / Dissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Federal do ABC, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Mestrado Profissional em Matemática em Rede Nacional, 2015. / The main goal of this work is to show that it is very benecial to the students to use logical thinking games in the mathematics classes, particularly the one known as Rubik Cube, closely related to the group theory. We present a historical study on the developing of this game, as well as the practical aspects we use in its solution. We also present the group theory and show what are the relations between it and the Rubik Cube. Finally, we show a quiz the students answered after learning this game, in order to analyse in what aspects the game may contributed to the students activities in the school and in the learning process. This non-traditional classes are a good way of increasing the self-esteem of the students and, also, their sociability. It's also a good way of training the logical thinking and concentration, two of the main requisites for learning mathematics, as could be realized in all the groups which did this activities. It is possible to teach notions of group theory to the basic student, because the Rubik Cube may be shown to be a set of elements with a binary operation, which, in this game, is the movements sequence. Furthermore, it is possible to verify the associative, neutral element and inverse element properties. It is usually said that the \Education is the most powerful weapon you can use to change the world"(Nelson Mandela), that is, it is seen as a powerful social transformation instrument. However, our experience shows that goals and laws does not change the reality by themselves. We also need the society as a whole working and contributing, not only the directly interested people, teachers and other school professionals. When we have an education of high quality we can easily see the economic and cultural consequences for our country, as well as in the daily activities. In this work I will present the conclusions I obtained proposing the mathematical games for my students, specially the Rubik Cube, but also other games, like the Sudoku and the Rummikub.

Dosimetria 3D de um tratamento simulado de próstata na presença de próteses femorais metálicas. / 3D dosimetry of a simulated prostate treatment in the presence femoral prostheses.

Diana Maritza Cuevas Rojas 24 January 2017 (has links)
Historicamente a radioterapia é divida em radioterapia externa, braquiterapia e radioisotopoterapia sistemática. As diferenças entre as três está no posicionamento da fonte de radiação com respeito ao corpo humano. Na radioterapia externa a fonte fica a uma certa distância do paciente, já no caso da braquiterapia as fontes podem ser inseridas dentro de cavidades do corpo ou implantadas diretamente nos tecidos. Na radioisotopoterapia sistemática isótopos radiativos são administrados por via oral ou venosa. Dessas três a radioterapia externa é a mais usada pois, ela permite realizar planejamentos de radioterapia em três dimensões (3D), partindo inicialmente de uma tomografia computadorizada da região do tumor. O planejamento baseado na tomografia computadorizada permite que a distribuição da radiação nos tecidos seja feito com mais precisão evitando assim, que os tecidos sadios sejam afetados. Nesse trabalho a radioterapia externa convencional, foi implementada e executada para um tratamento de próstata com implantes metálicos, usando 4 campos de irradiação (0, 90, 180, 270 graus) e uma dose total planejada de 70 Gy fracionada em 35 sessões, cada uma com 2 Gy. Em qualquer tipo de tratamento que envolva a radiação ionizante é exigido um controle de qualidade para assim, determinar se a dose inicialmente planejada será entregue ou não ao tumor. Idealmente deveria ser implementado um controle de qualidade em três dimensões mas, até o momento não há um dosímetro 3D consolidado na rotina clinica. No entanto, o uso de géis poliméricos associados à técnica de leitura de dose com imagem de ressonância magnética (IRM) possibilita a dosimetria tridimensional. Nesse contexto, é aplicada a dosimetria 3D usando para isso, o gel magic com formaldeído (magic-f). Além da dosimetria 3D, foram realizadas medidas de dose absorvida por meio de dosimetria pontual, para tal fim são utilizados dosímetros termoluminescentes e de alanina. Na avaliação da distribuição de dose feita pelo planejamento e a medida com o gel é usado a análise gama (3%/3mm), neste caso, a distribuição de dose medida concorda com a distribuição de dose planejada TPS. A análise gama apresenta um porcentagem de aprovação do 93%. Os valores de dose absorvida na interface osso-metal determinados pelos dosímetros TL apresentam um aumento de 1,73 Gy na região do osso sacro e outros aumentos entre o 0,16 e 0,33 Gy foram encontrados em regiões como a cabeça do fêmur e quadril. Esses aumentos na dose foram só para duas sessões com doses entregadas ao fantom de 2 Gy. De igual maneira para os dosímetros de alanina se encontro um aumento na dose de 1,22 e 2,42 Gy na região do osso sacro. O planejamento feito nesse caso foi de 6 Gy. Os resultados evidentemente mostram como as inomogeneidades de um material com número atómico alto, gera perturbações sobre as distribuições de dose inicialmente planejadas. / Historically, Radiotherapy is divided into external radiotherapy, brachytherapy and systemic radioisotopotherapy. The difference between the three lies in the position of the radiation source regarding the human body. In external radiotherapy the source is at a certain distances of patient, and in the case of brachytherapy, this source can be inserted into cavities of body or implanted directly in the tissues. In systemic radiotherapy radioisotopes are administered orally or intravenously. Of these three, external radiotherapy is the most used because it allows planning of radiotherapy in three dimensions (3D), starting from a CT scan of the tumor region. Computed tomography planning allows the distribution of radiation in the tissues to be more accurate thus avoiding, that healthy tissues are affected. In our case, conventional external radiotherapy was implemented and executed for a prostate treatment with metal implants, using 4 irradiation fields (0, 90, 180, 270 degrees) and a total planned dose of 70 Gy fractioned in 35 sessions each with 2 Gy. In any type of treatment involving ionizing radiation, quality control (QC) is required to determine if the dose initially planned is delivered or not to the tumor. Ideally, a quality control should be implemented in three dimensions but to date there is no consolidated 3D dosimeter system in the clinic routine. However, the used of polymeric gels associated with magnetic resonance image (IRM) allow three-tridimensional dosimetry. In this context, the 3D dosimetry is applied using the magic gel with formaldehyde (magic-f). In addition to 3D dosimetry, absorbed dose measurements were performed by means of a dose in a point, using thermoluminescent and alanine dosimeters. The comparison of dose distributions calculated by TPS and measured in the gel was made using by gamma analysis (3% / 3mm), in this case, the distribution of dose measurement agrees with the distributions expected by TPS. The analysis shows a percentage of approval of 93%. The absorbed dose values at the bone-metal interface determined by the TL dosimeters, presented a 1.73 Gy increase in the region of the sacral bone, and another increases between 0,16 and 0,33 Gy were found in the regions as the head of the femur and the hip. These dose increases were only for two sessions with doses delivered to the phanton of 2 Gy. Similarly for alanine dosimeters were found increases in the dose of 1.22 and 2.42 Gy in the region of sacral bone. The planning done in this case was 6 Gy. The results evidently show how the inomogeneities of a material with a high atomic number generate disturbances over the initially planned dose distributions.

Verificação 3D da distribuição da dose em radiocirurgia estereotáxica através de simulação Monte Carlo e dosimetria por ressonância magnética nuclear / Dose distribution verification in 3D to stereotactic radiosurgery through Monte Carlo simulation and gel dosimetry with nuclear magnetic resonance 2012

Mirko Salomón Alva Sánchez 24 October 2012 (has links)
A radiocirugia estereotáxica é uma técnica que fornece altas doses de radiação utilizando campos pequenos para conformação da dose no volume alvo do tratamento. Devido à complexidade desta técnica torna-se necessária a verificação da distribuição de dose no volume de tratamento. Neste trabalho, as distribuições tridimensionais (3D) de doses de casos clínicos de neoplasias cranianas foram estudadas utilizando-se um objeto simulador de cabeça. A reconstrução das distribuições de doses nos volumes alvo e nas regiões adjacentes a estes foram avaliadas com o código de simulação PENELOPE, o dosímetro MAGIC-f gel e com o sistema de planejamento iPlan. Filmes radiocrômicos também foram empregados para a determinação das distribuições de dose em planos do tratamento. As respostas obtidas com as ferramentas dosimétricas utilizadas foram analisadas através de distribuições de índices gama, comparando-se os mapas centrais das distribuições de dose obtidas com as quatro ferramentas dosimétricas utilizadas. Usando-se critérios de tolerância de 3% e 3mm, a análise realizada na região da prescrição de dose (isodoses de 95%) mostrou-se equivalente para todas as ferramentas dosimétricas utilizadas; resultado diferente foi observado para isodoses menores, com uma equivalência máxima de 76,5%. As distribuições volumétricas, obtidas através do PENELOPE, MAGIC-f gel e o iPlan, foram comparadas, ainda, através dos histogramas dose-volume, para cada caso estudado, mostrando que 95% da dose absorvida relativa encontra-se dentro do volume alvo para todos os planos estudados. A probabilidade de controle tumoral, TCP, foi avaliada para os casos de radiocirurgia estudados, a partir das distribuições volumétricas de dose, resultando em uma probabilidade de controle tumoral máxima de 72%, para todos os casos, conforme o modelo matemático de TCP utilizado. Das comparações realizadas pode-se inferir que o dosímetro MAGIC-f gel e o código de simulação PENELOPE-Monte Carlo podem ser utilizados para determinar as distribuições de dose em 3D para a técnica de radiocirurgia estereotáxica. Essas ferramentas dosimétricas podem, dessa forma, auxiliar no comissionamento de unidades de terapia e em verificações 3D de doses do tratamento dos pacientes, permitindo avaliações dentro e ao redor do volume alvo e podendo se tornar ferramentais de rotina nos serviços de radioterapia. / Stereotactic radiosurgery is a technique which delivers high radiation doses using small fields to conform the absorbed dose into the target volume. Due to the complexity of this technique it is necessary to verify the dose distribution in the treatment volume. Thus, in this study the three-dimensional (3D) dose distributions of selected clinical cases of cranial tumors were obtained using a head phantom. The the dose distributions of target volumes and adjacent regions were evaluated with PENELOPE Monte Carlo simulation code, MAGIC-f dosimeter and iPlan® treatment planning system. Radiochromic films were also used to determine the dose distribution on selected plans of the treatment. The obtained results for the proposed dosimetric tools were analyzed by the gamma index distributions, comparing the maps of the central dose distributions obtained with the four dosimetric tools. Using the dose criteria of 3% in 3 mm, the gamma index test showed equivalence in the region of dose prescription (95% isodose) and a different result was observed for lower isodoses, with maximum accordance of 76.5%. The volumetric dose distributions obtained with PENELOPE, MAGIC-f and iPlan were also compared using the dose-volume histograms for each studied case, showing that 95% of the absorbed dose yield within the target volume. The tumor control probability, TCP, was evaluated for the studied radiosurgery cases, from the dose distributions-volumetric, resulting in a maximum probability of tumor control of 72% for all cases, for the used mathematical model of TCP. From the results it can be inferred that the MAGIC-f gel dosimeter and the PENELOPE Monte Carlo simulation code can be used to determine 3D dose distributions for stereotactic radiosurgery. These dosimetric tools can assist the commissioning of treatment units and 3D dose verifications of patients treatments, allowing assessments in and around the target volume and may become routine in radiotherapy services.

Comparação dosimétrica 3D de tratamentos de câncer de mama com técnica conformacional 3D usando filtros e com IMRT direto e inverso na presença do movimento respiratório / 3D dosimetric comparison of breast cancer treatments with 3D conformational technique using filters and with direct and inverse IMRT in the presence of respiratory movement

Jéssica Caroline Lizar 03 April 2017 (has links)
A radioterapia externa pós-operatória em mulheres diagnosticadas com câncer de mama em estágio inicial é tido como um procedimento padrão, no entanto durante o planejamento para irradiação do volume alvo as possíveis incertezas dosimétricas introduzidas dado o movimento respiratório intrínseco da paciente são desconsideradas. Este estudo avalia não apenas a influência da respiração na distribuição tridimensional da dose, mas como essa distribuição se modifica dado a técnica radioterápica empregada para o tratamento. Três técnicas de planejamento foram analisadas: a radioterapia conformacional tridimensional (3D-RT) com filtros, a radioterapia com intensidade modulada (IMRT) usando planejamento direto e o IMRT inverso. A fim de simular o movimento de contração e expansão da caixa torácica, utilizou-se uma plataforma com amplitudes de oscilação pré-determinadas, sendo a frequência de oscilação provida por uma fonte de tensão variável. Para simular a mama usou-se objetos simuladores semiesféricos preenchidos com gel dosimétrico (MAGIC-f). Os planejamentos para cada técnica foram realizados sobre a mesma tomografia computadorizada (CT) do objeto simulador preenchido com água no modo estático. Foram produzidos três lotes de dosímetro gel para o projeto, cada lote foi irradiado com uma técnica radioterápica diferente, sendo que cada lote inclui cinco objetos simuladores e um conjunto de nove tubos de calibração preenchidos com gel MAGIC-f. O primeiro dos objetos simuladores é utilizado como referência, o segundo é irradiado no modo estático, os demais são irradiados em diferentes amplitudes, respectivamente: 0,34 cm, 0,88 cm e 1,22 cm. A informação volumétrica de dose foi obtida utilizando imagens por ressonância magnética nuclear (IRMN), para cada lote foram adquiridos IRMN com sequência multi spin echo e os mapas de relaxometria, que são associados à dose, foram extraídos em um software desenvolvido e aprimorado pelo nosso grupo de pesquisa. A comparação quantitativa dos mapas de relaxometria dos objetos simuladores em movimento em relação ao modo estático foi realizado pelo índice gamma tridimensional (3% / 3mm / 15% Threshold). Para o 3D-RT a porcentagem de pontos aprovados do objeto estático em relação ao oscilante na amplitude de 0,34 cm foi de 96,44%, para amplitude de 0,88 cm foi de 93,23% e para amplitude de 1,22 cm foi de 91,65%. Para o IMRT direto a porcentagem de pontos aprovados do objeto estático em relação ao oscilante na amplitude de 0,34 cm foi de 98,42%, para amplitude de 0,88 cm foi de 95,66% e para amplitude de 1,22 cm foi de 94,31%. Para o IMRT inverso a porcentagem de pontos aprovados do objeto estático em relação ao oscilante na amplitude de 0,34 cm foi de 94,49%, para amplitude de 0,88 cm foi de 93,51% e para amplitude de 1,22 cm foi de 86,62%. A partir dos resultados, infere-se que a movimentação respiratória de baixa amplitude, para tratamentos de câncer de mama, não é um fator preocupante para a rotina clínica, porém o aumento da amplitude da oscilação aumenta a inomogeneidade de dose e pode afetar os parâmetros dosimétricos da cobertura do volume alvo em relação ao planejamento do tratamento. Observou-se em conjunto que a distribuição de dose se modifica claramente com a técnica em uso e no caso do IMRT inverso para amplitude de oscilação de 1,22 cm a aprovação no índice gamma foi menor que 90% / External postoperative radiotherapy in women diagnosed with early stage breast cancer is considered as a standard procedure, however during planning for target volume irradiation as possible dosimetric uncertainties reabsorption of the patient\'s intrinsic respiratory movement are disregarded. This study evaluates not only the influence of respiration on the three-dimensional distribution of the dose but how this distribution is modified due to the radiotherapy technique used for treatment. Three planning techniques were analyzed: three-dimensional conformational radiotherapy (3D-RT) with filters, intensity-modulated radiotherapy (IMRT) using direct planning and inverse IMRT. In order to simulate the movement of contraction and expansion of the chest wall, a platform with predetermined oscillation amplitudes was used, the oscillation frequency was provided by a variable voltage source. To simulate the breast, semi-spherical simulator objects filled with dosimetric gel (MAGIC-f) were used. The plannnings for each technique were performed on the computerized tomography (CT) of the simulator object filled with water in static mode. Three batches of gel dosimeters were prepared for the project, each batch was irradiated with a different radiothermic technique and comprised five simulator objects and a set of nine calibration tubes filled with MAGIC-f gel. The first simulator objects is used as reference, the second is irradiated in the static mode, the others are irradiated using different amplitudes, respectively: 0,34 cm, 0,88 cm and 1,22 cm. Volumetric dose information was obtained using Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Imaging, each batch was scanned with a multi spin echo sequence and the dose-related relaxometry maps were extracted in a software developed and improved by our Group of research. The quantitative comparison of the relaxometry maps of the moving simulator objects with respect to the static mode was performed by the three-dimensional gamma index (3% / 3mm / 15% threshold). For the 3D-RT, the percentage of approved points of the static object with respect to the oscillator in the amplitude of 0.34 cm was 96.44%, for amplitude of 0.88 cm was 93.23% and for amplitude of 1.22 cm was 91.65%. For the direct IMRT the percentage of approved points of the static object in relation to the oscillator in the amplitude of 0.34 cm was 98.42%, for amplitude of 0.88 cm was 95.66% and for amplitude of 1.22 cm was 94.31%. For the inverse IMRT, the percentage of approved points of the static object in relation to the oscillator in the amplitude of 0.34 cm was 94.49%, for amplitude of 0.88 cm was 93.51% and for amplitude of 1.22 cm was 86.62%. From the results, it is inferred that a low-amplitude respiratory movement, for breast cancer treatments, is not a worrying factor for clinical routine, however, increasing the amplitude of the oscillation increases the inomogeneity of the dose and this affects the dosimetry parameters of the target volume coverage. It was observed that the dose distribution changes with the technique in use and in the case of the inverse IMRT for amplitude of oscillation of 1.22 cm, less than 90% of points were approved in the gamma index evaluation

Camaradas e santos: notas sobre a relação entre desagregação e magia na periferia de Liberdade-MG

Souza, José Wellington de 11 August 2010 (has links)
Submitted by Renata Lopes (renatasil82@gmail.com) on 2016-09-29T13:24:45Z No. of bitstreams: 1 josewellingtondesouza.pdf: 358939 bytes, checksum: 6f7c7da146d116a6609fe8eae5eef39e (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Diamantino Mayra (mayra.diamantino@ufjf.edu.br) on 2016-09-30T13:52:46Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1 josewellingtondesouza.pdf: 358939 bytes, checksum: 6f7c7da146d116a6609fe8eae5eef39e (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2016-09-30T13:52:46Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 josewellingtondesouza.pdf: 358939 bytes, checksum: 6f7c7da146d116a6609fe8eae5eef39e (MD5) Previous issue date: 2010-08-11 / CAPES - Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior / O objetivo deste trabalho é analisar a relação entre desagregação e magia entre moradores da periferia de Liberdade-MG. Ex-agregados rurais que em sua maioria usam explicações mágicas para explicarem fenômenos sociais cotidianos. A análise de tal relação foi possível através da observação do conjunto de crenças compartilhadas pelos moradores, e do uso destas crenças, oriundas de diversos grupos religiosos, para explicar a disputa dos moradores por bens escassos, e os problemas encontrados no processo de obtenção destes bens e de adequação à vida urbana. Ao longo do trabalho outros problemas relacionados à relação entre desagregação e magia são apresentados, mas sempre com o intuito de esclarecer as formas através das quais esta relação se estabelece. A partir daí tem inicio a analise da disputa dos grupos religiosos pelo monopólio da definição da Realidade, e pelo monopólio da ação mágica sobre esta realidade. / This work aims to analyse the relationship between desegregation and magic among people from suburbs of Liberdade MG. Most of ex aggregates from rural areas use magic in order to explain the social phenomenon in their daily routine. The analysis was constructed after watching a group of beliefs that came from various religious groups in order to explain the fight for rare riches and the problems that they found during the process of getting these riches and the adaptation to the life in the city area. During this work, other problems related to the relationship between desegregation and magic are showed, but these problems always have the aim to clarify the ways through this relationship occur. After that, it begins the analysis of the battle for the total control (monopoly) of the definition of Reality and for the control of the Magic action on this reality among religious groups.

Evaluation eines Multitouch-basierten Menüs für Magic Lenses im Vergleich zu klassischen Menüs

Groß, Stephanie Sara 20 October 2016 (has links)
Die komplexe Analysen großer Datensätze stellt in der Informationsvisualisierung eine zunehmende Herausforderung dar. Mit Hilfe von Magic Lenses wird die teilweise unübersichtliche Visualisierung dieser Datensätze lokal manipuliert und vereinfacht. Dabei spielen besonders der Umfang an Filterfunktionen und wie sie verändert werden können eine Rolle. Die Vorteile eines Multitouchdisplays im Vergleich zu herkömmlicher Maus- oder Keyboardinteraktion kommen dabei zum Einsatz. Es treten jedoch stetig Probleme bei der Adaption bisheriger Menüdesigns auf. Da Magic Lenses über Menüs parametrisiert werden sollen, stellt sich die Frage welche Menü- und Interaktionsarten besser dazu geeignet sind. In dieser Arbeit wird ein Multitouch-basiertes Kontextmenü für Magic Lenses evaluiert. Es befindet sich direkt am Linsenrand und ist kompakt jedoch neuartig. Es wird die Konkurrenzfähigkeit zu einem speziell für die Studie entworfenen und implementierten klassischen, globalen Menü getestet. Dieses ist für Nutzer vertrauter, aber distanziert sich von der Linse. Die Ergebnisse werden anschließend unter quantitativen und qualitativen Punkten zusammengefasst und ausgewertet. Es zeigt sich, dass klassische Menüs mit Touchinteraktion performanter waren. Das Multitouch-basierte Kontextmenü war allerdings bei den Probanden beliebter und wurde für die Arbeit mit Linsen bevorzugt. / The complex analysis of huge data sets is an increasing challenge in information visualization. With the help of emph{Magic Lenses} the somtimes confusing visualization of those data sets is being locally manipulated and simplified. Especially the amount of filter functions and how they can be altered matter. The advantages of multitouch displays in comparison to conventional mouse and keyboard interaction are used. However, there occur continual problems with the adaption of existing menu designs. Since emph{Magic Lenses} have to be parameterized with those menus the question arises which kind of menu and interaction are more fitting. In this work we evaluate a multitouch based context menu for emph{Magic Lenses}. It is located directly at the lens and compact but new to users. We test its competitiveness to a classical global menu specifically designed and implemented for this study. Users are more familiar with it but it is distanced from the lens. Finally, the results are summarized and analyzed under quantitative and qualitative points. It turns out that classical menus with touch interaction performed best. The multitouch-based context menu though was more popular with probands and was preferred for the work with lenses.

Magic Formula på den svenska aktiemarknaden : Kan en värdeinvesteringsstrategi generera abnormal avkastning på lång sikt? / Magic Formula on the swedish stock market : Long term abnormal returns of a value-investing strategy

Nordström, Daniel, Lindh, Sofia January 2020 (has links)
Att slå marknaden har varit ett kontroversiellt ämne inom akademin under en väldigt lång tid.Enligt EMH, en grundläggande finansteori, är det inte möjligt att “slå marknaden” under enlång tid utan att ta högre risk. Hedgefond-förvaltaren Joel Greenblatt publicerade år 2006 enformel som ska kunna prestera över marknaden till lägre risk, även långsiktigt, The MagicFormula. Denna studie utvärderar en Magic Formula-portfölj på den svenska marknaden i syfteatt undersöka om den kan generera en abnormal avkastning i perioden år 2000-2020. Dettagenomförs genom en kvantitativ analys. Resultaten visar att Magic Formula-portföljensintercept är signifikant skiljt från 0 i Fama & Frenchs trefaktormodell som inkluderar enmarknads-, storleks- och värdefaktor. Eftersom de riskpremier som testats för inte förklararavkastningen dras slutsatsen att antingen är trefaktormodellen bristfällig, eller så existerar enanomali kopplat till strategin.

Vanishing Acts: Absence, Gender, and Magic in Early Modern English Drama, 1558-1642

Dell, Jessica 19 November 2014 (has links)
This dissertation examines how early modern English playwrights employ absence to enrich their representations of the unknown, including witchcraft and the supernatural. Throughout the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries magical themes were often dramatized through visual and linguistic excess. Whether this excess was manifested through the use of vibrant costumes, farcical caricatures, or exaggerated dialogue, magic was often synonymous with theatricality. Playwrights such as William Rowley, Ben Jonson, and William Shakespeare, however, challenge stereotypical depictions of magic by contrasting excessive magic with the subtler power of restrained or off-stage magic. Embedded in the fantastical events and elaborate plots of Shakespeare and his contemporaries, absence, whether as an unstaged thing or person or an absent ideology, becomes a crucial element in understanding how playwrights represented and understood occult issues during the early modern period. Further, when gendered feminine, magical absences serve to combat oppressive silences within scripts and provide female subjects with an unimpeded and inherently magical space from which to challenge pre-established patriarchal systems of control. Each chapter in this dissertation, therefore, appraises the magical possibilities that theatrical absences provide to women as a platform from which to develop their narrative voice. Partnered with a complementary discussion of Jonson’s The Masque of Queens and two thematically linked witchcraft cases, my first chapter argues that Mistress Ford uses the complete stage absence of both a witch and a queen in The Merry Wives of Windsor to reform her community and critique her society’s unjust categorization of women. In chapter two, I examine a series of “vanishing acts” in The Birth of Merlin and argue that Rowley’s female characters use their final moments on stage to contextualize their impending absences for audiences as moments of magical defiance rather than defeat in the face of male tyranny. In my final chapter, I look at how magical objects, such as the handkerchief in Shakespeare’s Othello or the belt in Jonson’s The Sad Shepherd resist the absence of their female creators and continue to provide physically absent or dead women with magical agency. By structuring my dissertation on these three specific gradations of absence, I provide a nuanced analysis of the purposes these dramatic omissions serve by focusing on how these shades of absence subtly alter the ways in which we interpret and define early modern magical belief. / Thesis / Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)

The Magic Formula Investing : Att systematiskt överavkasta marknaden? / The Magic Formula Investing

George Göranzon, Emil, Hellqvist, Alexander January 2022 (has links)
Bakgrund: Värdestrategier har historiskt sett ofta genererat överavkastning relativt index. Huruvida en värdestrategi lyckas eller ej återspeglas i dess förmåga att identifiera och utnyttja felprissättningar på aktiemarknaden. Å andra sidan menar den effektiva marknadshypotesen att investeringsstrategier inte kan överavkasta marknaden via strategin i sig, utan att eventuell överavkastning beror på slumpen. Av dessa anledningar blir det intressant att analysera huruvida Greenblatts (2010) The Magic Formula kan generera överavkastning gentemot marknaden. Dessutom blir det intressant att testa om en modifierad strategi har en högre sannolikhet att lyckas med detta.  Syfte: Syftet med denna studie är att analysera huruvida The Magic Formula-strategin, och en modifierad The Magic Formula-strategi kan överavkasta den svenska aktiemarknaden över tid.  Metod: Studien har en kvantitativ strategi med en deduktiv ansats och en longitudinell design. Historiska aktiekurser har hämtats för att testa strategierna, där två fiktiva portföljer har skapats. Resultatet av dessa portföljers prestation har sedan analyserats samt testats statistiskt.  Slutsats: Resultatet visade att The Magic Formula mellan 2011–2022 inte lyckades överavkasta index. En modifierad variant av The Magic Formula lyckades dock överavkasta index avsevärt. Skillnaderna i medelavkastning gick dock inte att säkerställa statistiskt, vilket betyder att den genererade över- och underavkastningen mycket möjligt kan ha varit slumpmässig.  Nyckelord: The Magic Formula, EMH, Aktiv portföljförvaltning, Värdeinvestering, Overconfidence, Riskuppfattning, Flockbeteende / Background: Value investing has historically often generated excess returns relative to index. Whether a value strategy succeeds is reflected in its ability to identify and exploit mispricings in the stock market. On the other hand, the effective market hypothesis indicates that investment strategies cannot overperform the market via the strategy by itself, but that any excess return is random. For these reasons, it would be interesting to analyze whether Greenblatt's (2010) The Magic Formula can generate excess returns relative to the market. In addition, it would be interesting to test whether a modified strategy has a higher probability of succeeding.  Purpose: The purpose of this study is to analyze whether The Magic Formula strategy, and a modified The Magic Formula strategy can outperform the Swedish stock market over time.  Method: The study has a quantitative strategy with a deductive approach and a longitudinal design. Historical stock quotes have been obtained to test the strategies, where two fictitious portfolios have been created. The result of these portfolios' performance has then been analyzed and statistically tested.  Conclusion: The results showed that The Magic Formula between 2011–2022 failed in overperforming the market. However, a modified version of The Magic Formula managed to outperform the index considerably. Though, the differences in average returns could not be ensured statistically, which means that the generated over- and underperformance may very well have been random.  Keywords: The Magic Formula, EMH, Active portfolio management, Value investing, Overconfidence, Risk perception, Herd behaviour

Författarens magiska förmåga att skapa och lösa konflikter : Hur Brandon Sandersons Laws of Magic gör magin till ett verktyg som undviker Deus ex Machina / The Author's Magical Ability to Create and Solve Conflict : How Brandon Sanderson's Laws of Magic Enable the Use of Magic as a Tool to Avoid Deus ex Machina

Pettersson, Jacob January 2023 (has links)
Due to the recent growth in popularity of hard magic in fantasy literature, the aim of the present study is to analyze how Brandon Sanderson utilizes his Laws of Magic to construct conflict that can be resolved using hard magic systems in Mistborn: The Final Empire. The pursuit of the study is to fill a gap in the field, as prior research on Sanderson’s writing and the function of hard magic is limited. In addition to the Laws of Magic, the study applies narratological theories about plot and conflict to determine whether Sanderson successfully avoids deus ex machina through clear definitions of magical limitations and foreshadowing of exceptions. The study concludes that Sanderson effectively ties the reader’s process of understanding the magic to the relationship of the two protagonists, where the more experienced magic user acts as a mentor for the less experienced one. By only conveying to the reader what characters know, Sanderson leaves room for twists where it is revealed that the characters were operating with an incomplete understanding of their own magic, allowing for unforeseeable, yet foreshadowed, new uses of their magic at the story’s climax. The discoveries of the study provide useful insight into how Sanderson works with his own Laws of Magic, which can be applied by writers that wish to use magic as a similar tool to construct and solve conflict in their own stories.

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