Spelling suggestions: "subject:"magnetization."" "subject:"agnetization.""
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Magnetization Reversal in Film-Nanostructure Architectures Schulze, Carsten 13 May 2014 (has links) (PDF)
The concept of percolated perpendicular media (PPM) for magnetic data storage is expected to surpass the areal storage density of 1 Tbit in -², which is regarded as the fundamental limit of conventional granular CoCrPt:oxide based recording media. PPM consist of a continuous ferromagnetic thin film with densely distributed defects acting as pinning sites for magnetic domain walls.
In this study, practical realizations of PPM were fabricated by the deposition of [Co/Pt]8 multilayers with perpendicular magnetic anisotropy onto nanoperforated templates with various perforation diameters and periods. The structural defects given by the templates serve as pinning sites for the magnetic domain walls within the [Co/Pt]8 multilayers. Magnetometry at both the integral and the local level was employed to investigate the influence of the template on the magnetization reversal and the domain wall pinning.
It was found, that magnetic domains can be pinned at the ultimate limit, between three adjacent pinning sites. The coercivity and the depinning field, which both are a measure for the strength of the magnetic domain wall pinning, were found to increase with increasing perforation diameter. The size of magnetic domains within the magnetic film appeared not to depend solely on the diameter of the nanoperforations or on the period of the template, but on the ration between diameter and period. By means of micromagnetic simulations it was found, that the presence of ferromagnetic material within the pinning site given supports the pinning of magnetic domain walls, compared to a pinning site that is solely given by a hole in the magnetic thin film.
Investigation of the evolution of the magnetization in magnetic fields smaller than the coercive field revealed, that the energy barrier against thermally induced magnetization reversal is sufficiently large to provide long-term (> 10 years) stability of an arbitrary magnetization state. This could also be qualitatively supported by micromagnetic simulations.
Static read/write tests with conventional hard disk recording heads revealed the possibility of imprinting bit patterns into the PPM under study. The minimum bit pitch that could be read back thereby depended on the period of the nanoperforated template.
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Electromagnetic Modelling of Power Transformers for Study and Mitigation of Effects of GICsMousavi, Seyedali January 2015 (has links)
Geomagnetic disturbances that result from solar activities can affect technological systems such as power networks. They may cause DC currents in power networks and saturation of the core in power transformers that leads to destruction in the transformer performance. This phenomena result in unwanted influences on power transformers and the power system. Very asymmetric magnetization current, increasing losses and creation of hot spots in the core, in the windings, and the metallic structural parts are adverse effects that occur in transformers. Also, increasing demand of reactive power and malfunction of protective relays menaces the power network stability. Damages in large power transformers and blackouts in networks have occurred due to this phenomenon. Hence, studies regarding this subject have taken the attention of researchers during the last decades. However, a gap of a comprehensive analysis still remains. Thus, the main aim of this project is to reach to a deep understanding of the phenomena and to come up with a solution for a decrease of the undesired effects of GIC. Achieving this goal requires an improvement of the electromagnetic models of transformers which include a hysteresis model, numerical techniques, and transient analysis. In this project, a new algorithm for digital measurement of the magnetic materials is developed and implemented. It enhances the abilities of accurate measurements and an improved hysteresis model has been worked out. Also, a novel differential scalar hysteresis model is suggested that easily can be implemented in numerical methods. Two and three dimensional finite element models of various core types of power transformers are created to study the effect of DC magnetization on transformers. In order to enhance the numerical tools for analysis of low frequency transients related to power transformers and the network, a novel topological based time step transformer model has been outlined. The model can employ a detailed magnetic circuit and consider nonlinearity, hysteresis and eddy current effects of power transformers. Furthermore, the proposed model can be used in the design process of transformers and even extend other application such as analysis of electrical machines. The numerical and experimental studies in this project lead to understanding the mechanism that a geomantic disturbance affects power transformers and networks. The revealed results conclude with proposals for mitigation strategies against these phenomena. / <p>QC 20150210</p>
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Density functional study of the electronic and magnetic properties of selected transition metal complexesMartin, Claudia 27 February 2014 (has links) (PDF)
Die vorliegende Promotionsarbeit “Density functional study of the electronic and magnetic properties of selected transition metal complexes” beschäftigt sich mit dem Zusammenhang zwischen strukturellen Merkmalen sowie elektronischen und magnetischen Eigenschaften von Einzelmolekül-Magneten. Im Wesentlichen konnte dabei gezeigt werden, dass die magnetischen Eigenschaften sowohl von strukturellen Merkmalen als auch von den elektronischen Eigenschaften bestimmt werden. Des Weiteren ergab sich, dass verschiedene Kenngrößen der magnetischen Eigenschaften (im speziellen der magnetische Grundzustand S sowie die magnetische Anisotropie D) miteinander korreliert sind. Dies ist im Besonderen für eine mögliche Anwendung von Einzelmolekül-Magneten im Bereich der Datenspeicherung von Bedeutung.
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Nuclear magnetic resonance studies of quadrupolar nuclei and dipolar field effectsUrban, Jeffry Todd January 2004 (has links)
Thesis (Ph.D.); Submitted to the University of California, Berkeley, CA (US); 21 Dec 2004. / Published through the Information Bridge: DOE Scientific and Technical Information. "LBNL--56768" Urban, Jeffry Todd. USDOE Director. Office of Science. Office of Basic Energy Sciences (US) 12/21/2004. Report is also available in paper and microfiche from NTIS.
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Propriétés structurales et magnétiques de ferrites de gallium substituées par des terres rares / Structural and magnetic properties of gallium ferrites substituted by rare earth elementsNeacsa Iurcut, Daniela Maria 23 September 2016 (has links)
Nous présentons une contribution expérimentale à l’étude des propriétés structurales et magnétiques de ferrites de gallium substituées par des terres rares. Ce travail s’inscrit dans la thématique plus générale des multiferroïques magnétoélectriques dont fait partie le composé Ga2-xFexO3 qui est ferrimagnétique et présente une polarisation spontanée à température ambiante. On s’intéresse à l’influence de la substitution d’atomes de gallium ou de fer par des éléments de terres rares (Sc, Yb, Er, Sm) sur les paramètres structuraux de Ga2-xFexO3 avec 0,9 x 1,2 et à l’effet de la substitution par Sc et Yb sur la température de transition magnétique et l’aimantation à saturation. On présente une étude expérimentale du magnétisme du composé Ga0.99Yb0.01FeO3, réalisée à partir de mesures de la susceptibilité alternative et de l’aimantation en fonction du champ magnétique, H, et de la température T. Un large domaine d’irréversibilité magnétique est observé dans le diagramme de phase H–T. Les résultats suggèrent que Ga0.99Yb0.01FeO3 constitue un verre de spin Heisenberg tridimensionnel. / We present an experimental contribution to the study of structural and magnetic properties for gallium ferrites substituted by rare earth elements. This work is part of the more general theme of magnetoelectric multiferroïc which includes the Ga2-xFexO3 compound ferrimagnetic and with a spontaneous polarization at room temperature. We study the influence of the substitution of gallium or iron atoms with rare earth elements (Sc, Yb, Er, Sm) on the structural parameters of Ga2-xFexO3 with 0.9 x 1.2 and the effect of the substitution by Sc and Yb on the magnetic transition temperature and the saturation magnetization. We present an experimental study of magnetism Ga0.99Yb0.01FeO3 compound, realized from alternative susceptibility and magnetization measurements as a function of magnetic field, H, and the temperature T. A wide irreversible magnetic area is observed in the phase diagram H–T. The results suggest that Ga0.99Yb0.01FeO3 is a three-dimensional Heisenberg spin glass.
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Transferência de spin em nanopilares magnéticos : caos e ressonância estocásticaAccioly, Artur Difini January 2015 (has links)
Ao passar por uma fina camada magnética uma corrente spin polarizada pode produzir um efeito de torque clássico atuando na camada, sendo capaz de gerar precessão e reversão da magnetização. Esse efeito tem sido alvo de inúmeras pesquisas, em especial pela possibilidade de aplicações em memórias magnéticas não voláteis e em nano-osciladores de alta frequência, entretanto outras características podem ser exploradas. Em particular, devido ao seu caráter não-linear, torques de spin aplicados em camadas magnéticas podem fornecer condições para aparecimento de caos determinístico e ressonância estocástica. Caos determinístico pode ocorrer em sistemas dinâmicos contínuos que tenham ao menos três graus de liberdade. Nesse caso, mesmo que apenas termos determinísticos sejam considerados, a combinação de termos não-lineares e alta sensibilidade em relação a condições iniciais ou pequenas perturbações pode gerar irregularidade e imprevisibilidade no sistema. Ressonância estocástica é o nome que se dá para fenômenos em que a adição de ruído a um sistema pode melhorar a resposta do mesmo, existindo um nível ótimo de ruído. Esse fenômeno pode ser usado para detecção e amplificação de sinais de baixa intensidade, por exemplo. Aqui analisamos a dinâmica da magnetização da camada livre de junções magnéticas em geometrias do tipo nanopilar, com o estudo dividido em dinâmicas determinísticas e estocásticas. Dentro da análise apenas com termos determinísticos, buscamos verificar comportamentos regulares, irregulares e caóticos, caracterizando o sistema através da geração de diagramas com as fases dinâmicas para diferentes valores de parâmetros. Foram vistas duas geometrias diferentes, sendo que em uma delas foi possível fazer a caracterização completa das fases dinâmicas do sistema. No caso de dinâmicas estocásticas, buscamos explorar efeitos não-lineares e flutuações térmicas, analisando ressonância estocástica e sincronização facilitada por ruído em uma junção túnel magnética, além de estudar as respostas dinâmicas quando há apenas o torque de Slonczewski e quando também está presente o torque tipo campo. Foi possível observar a influência de diversos parâmetros, como a amplitude da corrente aplicada e a frequência de entrada, na resposta magnética e na sincronização de dispositivos estocásticos. Além disso, vimos que com a inclusão do torque tipo campo aparece um possível novo comportamento, similar à ressonância, em alta frequência, ainda não detectado experimentalmente. Esses resultados são importantes pela possibilidade de uso desses dispositivos spintrônicos em transmissão segura de dados, comunicação em alta frequência e em uma nova geração de dispositivos bio-inspirados e eficientes energeticamente. / When passing through a fine magnetic layer a spin polarized electric current may result in a classical torque acting on the layer, being capable of causing magnetization precession and reversal. This effect has been object of numerous researches, specially because of possible applications in non-volatile magnetic memories and high frequency nanooscillators. However, other characteristics can be exploited. In particular, because of its non-linear features, spin torques acting on magnetic layers can generate the conditions for deterministic chaos and stochastic resonance to arise. Deterministic chaos may happen in continuous nonlinear dynamical systems with at least three degrees of freedom. In this case, even if only deterministic terms are considered, the combination of nonlinearities with high sensitivity on initial conditions or small perturbations can produce irregularity and unpredictability in the dynamical behaviour. Stochastic resonance is the phenomenon in which the addition of noise in a system can produce a better output, or system response, existing an optimal noise level. This effect can be used as a way to detect and amplify low intensity signal, for example. In this PhD Thesis we study the magnetization dynamics on the free layer of magnetic junctions in nanopillar geometries. The work is divided into two parts: deterministic and stochastic dynamics. When analysing the deterministic case we tried to characterize regular, irregular and chaotic behaviours, producing dynamical phases diagrams for different system parameters. Two different geometries were analysed, being possible to generate a complete characterization of the dynamical phases in one of them. For the stochastic case we tried to explore nonlinear effects and thermal fluctuations, analysing stochastic resonance and noise-enhanced synchronization in a magnetic tunnel junction and studying the dynamical response when only one spin torque is considered, the Slonczewski torque, and also when a perpendicular torque, the field-like torque, is present. We were able to see the influence of several system parameters, such as the amplitude of the applied electric current and the input frequency, on the system response and on the synchronization of stochastic systems. Also, we noticed that with the inclusion of the field-like torque a possibly new high frequency resonance-like behaviour appears. These results are important because of the possibility of using new spintronic devices for secure data transmission, high frequency communications and on a new generation of bio-inspired devices.
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Contribution à la modélisation du champ électromagnétique dans les dispositifs basses fréquences par la méthode des moments / Contribution to the modeling of the electromagnetic field in the low frequency devices by the method of momentsOubaid, Rania 16 December 2014 (has links)
La modélisation numérique est devenue incontournable dans le monde de la conception industrielle et de la recherche scientifique. Les problèmes à résoudre étant de plus en plus complexes, il est nécessaire d'adopter une approche adaptée au problème traité. Dans les domaines d'application de l'électromagnétisme basses fréquences, la méthode des éléments finis (MEF) est la méthode de référence. Actuellement, de plus en plus de dispositifs ouverts comportant de grands entrefers sont développés. Dans ce genre de problèmes, la MEF n'est pas optimale car elle nécessite de mailler un grand volume d'air pour obtenir une bonne précision. Dans cette thèse nous étudions, au travers de deux applications (représentant respectivement un système ouvert et un système à grands entrefers) une méthode alternative qui ne souffre pas des limitations évoquées : la méthode des moments (MoM) de type intégrale volumique. En effet, cette méthode nécessite de mailler uniquement les milieux magnétiques. Le principe de cette méthode est d'abord de calculer l'aimantation induite dans le milieu linéaire ou non linéaire placé sous l'effet d'un champ extérieur. Pour cela, le milieu magnétique est discrétisé en éléments hexaédriques. Dans chaque élément est localisée une aimantation considérée comme uniforme. Ensuite, la connaissance de cette aimantation induite permet de déterminer le champ magnétique en tout point de l'espace: interne, proche ou lointain. Dans un premier temps, un code basé sur la MoM a été développé pour la première application. Il permet de calculer le champ magnétostatique proche ou lointain d'une antenne basse fréquence. Une méthode permettant de calculer l'énergie magnétostatique contenue dans tout l'espace a été également mise au point. Dans deuxième temps, afin de pouvoir traiter une géométrie complexe, des modifications ont été intégrées au code afin de modéliser la deuxième application : le dispositif de test des propulseurs à effet Hall (PPS-Flex). Il s'agit de prendre en compte des symétries géométriques et physiques caractéristiques de ce dispositif. Les résultats montrent que la MoM permet de calculer le champ magnétique à l'intérieur de son canal et éventuellement au-delà. Dans les deux exemples étudiés, la méthode des moments a donné des résultats satisfaisants lors de la comparaison avec la méthode des éléments finis 3D et avec les résultats de mesures. Ces résultats montrent des gains potentiellement significatifs sur le plan des temps de calculs. A l'issu de cette thèse, nous disposons d'un outil de laboratoire permettant de modéliser le comportement du champ magnétostatique dans des systèmes ouverts et/ou à grands entrefers. / The numerical modeling has become essential in the world of industrial design and scientific research. The problems to be solved are increasingly complex making it necessary to adopt an appropriate approach for the problem addressed. In the domains of application of low frequency electromagnetic, the finite element method (FEM) is the reference method. Currently, more and more devices having large open gaps are developed. In this kind of problems, the MEF is not optimal as it requires to mesh a large volume of air to get a good accuracy. In this thesis we study, through two applications (an open system and a large gap system), an alternative method that does not suffer from the limitations discussed: the method of moments (MoM) of volume integral type. Indeed, this method requires to mesh only the magnetic media. The principle of this method is first to calculate the induced magnetization in the linear or nonlinear medium under the effect of an external field. To accomplish this, the magnetic medium is discretized into hexahedral elements. In each element, a uniform magnetization is localized. Then, the determination of this induced magnetization allows to compute the magnetic field at any point in the space: internal, near or far. In the first step, a code based on the MoM has been developed for the first application. It allows to calculate the magnetostatic field near or far from a low-frequency antenna. A method to calculate the magnetostatic energy in the whole space was also developed. Meanwhile, in the second step, in order to treat complex geometry, some modifications have been integrated into the code to model the second application: the test device of Hall effect thrusters (PPS-Flex). It consists in taking into account the physical characteristics and geometric symmetry of the device. The results show that MoM allows to calculate the magnetic field inside the channel and possibly beyond. In both examples studied, the MoM has given satisfactory results when compared with the 3D finite element method and with the results of measurements. These results show potentially significant gains in the computation time. At the end of this thesis, we have developed a laboratory tool allowing to model the behavior of the static magnetic field in open and/or wide-gap systems.
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Modelos de spins geometricamente frustrados: transição de fase e estruturas de platoresLitaiff, Fabian Cardoso 08 April 2013 (has links)
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Previous issue date: 2013-04-08 / Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais / This thesis presents a study of the magnetization plateau and the phenomenon of geometrical frustration in spin systems applied to lattices with triangular structure, as well as the results achieved by applying the differential operator technique of the Ising and Heisenberg models with external magnetic field applied to the easy magnetization axis z, their phase diagrams, behavior plateaus observed and analyzed according to the Haldane conjecture and appearance of plateaus presented by Oshikawa, Yamanaka and Affleck, and also to study the behavior of the magnetic susceptibility in order to verify the behavior of frustrated systems using the frustration factor f= θWC/TN to verify frustration encountered at various stages of the study models / Este trabalho apresenta um estudo da magnetização de platô e do fenômeno de frustração geométrica em sistemas de spins, aplicados às redes com estrutura triangular, bem como os resultados alcançados aplicando-se a técnica do operador diferencial a modelos de Ising e Heisenberg com campo magnético externo aplicado sobre o eixo fácil de magnetização z, seus diagramas de fases e comportamento de platôs observados e analisados segundo a conjectura de Haldane e a condição de aparecimento de platôs apresentada por Oshikawa, Yamanaka e Affleck, e ainda, o estudo do comportamento da susceptibilidade magnética com o objetivo de verificar o comportamento dos sistemas frustrados utilizando-se o fator de frustração f= θWC/TN para verificar a frustração nas diversas fases encontradas ao longo do estudo dos modelos.
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Investigação de parâmetros hiperfinos dos óxidos semicondutores SnOsub(2) e TiOsub(2) puros e dopados com metais de transição 3d pela espectroscopia de correlação angular gama-gama perturbada / Investigation of hyperfine parameters in pure and 3d transition metal doped SnOsub(2) e TiOsub(2) by means of perturbed gamma-gamma angular correlation spectroscopySCHELL, JULIANA 09 June 2015 (has links)
Submitted by Claudinei Pracidelli (cpracide@ipen.br) on 2015-06-09T18:22:48Z
No. of bitstreams: 0 / Made available in DSpace on 2015-06-09T18:22:49Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 0 / Tese (Doutorado em Tecnologia Nuclear) / IPEN/T / Instituto de Pesquisas Energeticas e Nucleares - IPEN-CNEN/SP
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Transferência de spin em nanopilares magnéticos : caos e ressonância estocásticaAccioly, Artur Difini January 2015 (has links)
Ao passar por uma fina camada magnética uma corrente spin polarizada pode produzir um efeito de torque clássico atuando na camada, sendo capaz de gerar precessão e reversão da magnetização. Esse efeito tem sido alvo de inúmeras pesquisas, em especial pela possibilidade de aplicações em memórias magnéticas não voláteis e em nano-osciladores de alta frequência, entretanto outras características podem ser exploradas. Em particular, devido ao seu caráter não-linear, torques de spin aplicados em camadas magnéticas podem fornecer condições para aparecimento de caos determinístico e ressonância estocástica. Caos determinístico pode ocorrer em sistemas dinâmicos contínuos que tenham ao menos três graus de liberdade. Nesse caso, mesmo que apenas termos determinísticos sejam considerados, a combinação de termos não-lineares e alta sensibilidade em relação a condições iniciais ou pequenas perturbações pode gerar irregularidade e imprevisibilidade no sistema. Ressonância estocástica é o nome que se dá para fenômenos em que a adição de ruído a um sistema pode melhorar a resposta do mesmo, existindo um nível ótimo de ruído. Esse fenômeno pode ser usado para detecção e amplificação de sinais de baixa intensidade, por exemplo. Aqui analisamos a dinâmica da magnetização da camada livre de junções magnéticas em geometrias do tipo nanopilar, com o estudo dividido em dinâmicas determinísticas e estocásticas. Dentro da análise apenas com termos determinísticos, buscamos verificar comportamentos regulares, irregulares e caóticos, caracterizando o sistema através da geração de diagramas com as fases dinâmicas para diferentes valores de parâmetros. Foram vistas duas geometrias diferentes, sendo que em uma delas foi possível fazer a caracterização completa das fases dinâmicas do sistema. No caso de dinâmicas estocásticas, buscamos explorar efeitos não-lineares e flutuações térmicas, analisando ressonância estocástica e sincronização facilitada por ruído em uma junção túnel magnética, além de estudar as respostas dinâmicas quando há apenas o torque de Slonczewski e quando também está presente o torque tipo campo. Foi possível observar a influência de diversos parâmetros, como a amplitude da corrente aplicada e a frequência de entrada, na resposta magnética e na sincronização de dispositivos estocásticos. Além disso, vimos que com a inclusão do torque tipo campo aparece um possível novo comportamento, similar à ressonância, em alta frequência, ainda não detectado experimentalmente. Esses resultados são importantes pela possibilidade de uso desses dispositivos spintrônicos em transmissão segura de dados, comunicação em alta frequência e em uma nova geração de dispositivos bio-inspirados e eficientes energeticamente. / When passing through a fine magnetic layer a spin polarized electric current may result in a classical torque acting on the layer, being capable of causing magnetization precession and reversal. This effect has been object of numerous researches, specially because of possible applications in non-volatile magnetic memories and high frequency nanooscillators. However, other characteristics can be exploited. In particular, because of its non-linear features, spin torques acting on magnetic layers can generate the conditions for deterministic chaos and stochastic resonance to arise. Deterministic chaos may happen in continuous nonlinear dynamical systems with at least three degrees of freedom. In this case, even if only deterministic terms are considered, the combination of nonlinearities with high sensitivity on initial conditions or small perturbations can produce irregularity and unpredictability in the dynamical behaviour. Stochastic resonance is the phenomenon in which the addition of noise in a system can produce a better output, or system response, existing an optimal noise level. This effect can be used as a way to detect and amplify low intensity signal, for example. In this PhD Thesis we study the magnetization dynamics on the free layer of magnetic junctions in nanopillar geometries. The work is divided into two parts: deterministic and stochastic dynamics. When analysing the deterministic case we tried to characterize regular, irregular and chaotic behaviours, producing dynamical phases diagrams for different system parameters. Two different geometries were analysed, being possible to generate a complete characterization of the dynamical phases in one of them. For the stochastic case we tried to explore nonlinear effects and thermal fluctuations, analysing stochastic resonance and noise-enhanced synchronization in a magnetic tunnel junction and studying the dynamical response when only one spin torque is considered, the Slonczewski torque, and also when a perpendicular torque, the field-like torque, is present. We were able to see the influence of several system parameters, such as the amplitude of the applied electric current and the input frequency, on the system response and on the synchronization of stochastic systems. Also, we noticed that with the inclusion of the field-like torque a possibly new high frequency resonance-like behaviour appears. These results are important because of the possibility of using new spintronic devices for secure data transmission, high frequency communications and on a new generation of bio-inspired devices.
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