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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Estudo da viabiliza??o do uso da mistura h?brida ferrocarbonila / ferrita de NI0,5Zn0,5Fe2o4 como material absorvedor de radia??o eletromagn?tica

Rodrigues, Manuella Karla da Cruz 31 August 2010 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2014-12-17T15:41:56Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 ManuellaKCR_DISSERT.pdf: 3952261 bytes, checksum: 56cf586893164ffedc3ec29beb8e775a (MD5) Previous issue date: 2010-08-31 / Coordena??o de Aperfei?oamento de Pessoal de N?vel Superior / Were synthesized ferrites of NiZn on systems Ni0,5Zn0,5Fe2O4, the precursors citrate method. The decomposition of the precursors was studied by thermogravimetric analysis and spectroscopy in the infrared region, the temperature of 350?C/3h. The evolution of the phases formed after calcinations at 350?C/3h, 600, 1000 and 1100?C/2h was accompanied by X-ray diffraction using the Rietveld refinement method for better identification os structures formed. Was observed for samples calcined at different temperatures increased crystallinity with increasing calcination temperature, being observed for the samples calcined at 900 and 1100 ? C/2h was the precipitation of a secondary phase, the phase hematite. The ferrocarbonila of industrial origin was analyzed by X-ray diffraction and Rietveld for the identification of its structure. The carbonyl iron was added NiZn ferrite calcined at 350?C/3h, 600, 900, 1000 and 1100?C/2h to the formation of hybrid mixtures. They were then analyzed by Xray diffraction and Rietveld. The NiZn ferrite and ferrocarbonila as well as the hybrid mixtures were subjected to analysis of scanning electron microscopy, magnetic measurements and reflectivity. The magnetic measurements indicated that the ferrite, the ferrocarbonila, as well as hybrid mixtures showed characteristics of soft magnetic material. The addition of ferrocarbonila in all compositions showed an increase in the results of magnetic measurements and reflectivity. Best result was observed in the increase of the magnetization for the hybrid mixture of Ferrocarbonila / ferrite of NiZn calcined at 600?C/2h. The mixture Ferrocarbonila / ferrite calcined 1000?C/2h presented better absorption of electromagnetic radiation in the microwave / Foram sintetizadas ferritas de NiZn no sistema Ni0,5Zn0,5Fe2O4, pelo m?todo dos citratos precursores. A decomposi??o dos precursores foi estudada por an?lise termogravim?trica e espectroscopia na regi?o do infravermelho na temperatura de 350?C/3h. A evolu??o das fases formadas ap?s calcina??es a 350?C/3h, 600, 1000 e 1100?C/2h foi acompanhada por difra??o de raios X utilizando o refinamento de Rietveld para melhor identifica??o das estruturas formadas. Foi observado para as amostras calcinadas em diferentes temperaturas o aumento da cristalinidade com o aumento da temperatura de calcina??o, sendo verificado que para as amostras calcinadas a 900 e 1100?C/2h ocorreu a precipita??o de uma fase secund?ria, a fase hematita. A ferrocarbonila de proced?ncia industrial foi analisada por Difra??o de raios X e por Rietveld para a identifica??o de sua estrutura. A ferrocarbonila foi adicionada ? ferrita de NiZn calcinada a 350?C/3h, 600, 1000 e 1100?C/2h para a forma??o das misturas h?bridas. Em seguida foram analisadas por difra??o de raios X e por Rietveld. A ferrita de NiZn, a ferrocarbonila, assim como as misturas h?bridas foram submetidas ? an?lises de Microscopia Eletr?nica de Varredura, medidas magn?ticas e refletividade. As medidas magn?ticas indicaram que a ferrita, a ferrocarbonila, como tamb?m as misturas h?bridas apresentaram caracter?sticas de material magn?tico macios. A adi??o de ferrocarbonila em todas as composi??es indicou um aumento nos resultados de medidas magn?ticas e de refletividade. Foi verificado melhor resultado no aumento da magnetiza??o para a mistura h?brida de Ferrocarbonila/ferrita de NiZn calcinada 600?C/2h. A mistura Ferrocarbonila/ferrita calcinada 1000?C/2h apresentou melhor resultado absor??o da radia??o eletromagn?tica na faixa de microondas em rela??o ?s outras misturas

Identificació, aïllament i caracterització de cèl.lules mare en models de càncer de pròstata

Santamaria i Martínez, Albert 11 June 2009 (has links)
El càncer de pròstata és un tipus de càncer de creixement lent, estructura heterogènia, etiologia desconeguda diagnosticat generalment en homes d'edat avançada (>50 anys). Excloent el càncer de pell no melanocític, és el tumor més freqüent (19,6%) en els homes a Catalunya. De manera natural evoluciona cap a la independència hormonal, tot i que es creu que aquesta transició és accelerada pel tractament amb antiandrògens. La interacció entre estroma i epiteli és d'una gran importància per a l'evolució del tumor.El concepte de cèl·lula mare cancerosa fa referència a una suposada població cel·lular tumoral, amb característiques anàlogues a les de les cèl·lules mare normals, responsable de la generació i manteniment tumorals. La side population (SP), és un conjunt de cèl·lules discriminat per citometria de flux amb capacitat per bombejar certes drogues, xenobiòtics, hormones i altres compostos, que s'ha vist que està enriquida en cèl·lules mare en alguns sistemes.En aquest treball es va proposar de trobar cèl·lules mare canceroses bàsicament en dos models de càncer de pròstata diferents: les línies cel·lulars LNCaP i PC-3 i el model animal PAC-120 (xenotrasplantament d'adenocarcinoma hormonodependent que recapitula de manera fiable el càncer de pròstata). Per tal d'assolir el primer objectiu d'identificar-les, es va proposar l'assaig de side population, per tal i com s'ha demostrat la seva validesa per aïllar poblacions enriquides en cèl·lules mare i és un assaig que dóna informació funcional sobre les cèl·lules i en manté la seva viabilitat. A més, aquesta tècnica permetia també assolir el segon objectiu i parcialment el tercer, és a dir aïllarles i caracteritzar-les.Partint de la hipòtesi nul·la que hi ha cèl·lules amb característiques de cèl·lules mare al càncer de pròstata, els objectius d'aquesta tesi per punts han estat:1. Identificar i aïllar cèl·lules de la side population tant als tumors del PAC-120 com a les línies cel·lulars LNCaP i PC-3.2. Caracteritzar els perfils gènics de les cèl·lules de la side population aïllades.3. Comprovar la seva naturalesa progenitora mitjançant assaigs de diferenciació in Vitro o de tumorigènesi in vivo.4. Analitzar l'existència de cèl·lules tumorals disseminades al moll d'os del model PAC-120 i estudiar la seva possible naturalesa progenitora.Els resultats d'aquest treball demostren que el tumor del model PAC-120, format per una barreja d'epiteli humà i estroma murí, conté cèl·lules de la side population i que els cultius del tumor PAC-120 també contenen cèl·lules de la side population. La separació i anàlisi clonal de les cèl·lules de la side population dels cultius revelen que aquestes tenen una capacitat variable de donar lloc a cèl·lules de la side population. A més, l'estudi dels perfils gènics d'aquestes cèl·lules, la seva expressió proteica (immunofenotip Cd45- Sca-1+ Cd81+), la seva adherència al plàstic, la seva morfologia fibroblastoide, la seva gran capacitat proliferativa i la seva capacitat de diferenciació revelen que són cèl·lules multipotents estromals. Per tant, el tumor PAC-120 conté cèl·lules multipotents estromals que poden ser aïllades mitjançant l'assaig de la side population. Així mateix, el fenotip SP d'aquestes cèl·lules està associat amb el seu estat de diferenciació, ja que la seva diferenciació en comporta la pèrdua.D'altra banda, s'ha demostrat que les cèl·lules multipotents estromals aïllades secreten TGF-beta de manera autocrina i tenen la via del TGF-beta activa. El TGF-beta manté la proliferació i inhibeix la diferenciació de les cèl·lules multipotents estromals obtingudes del tumor.Quant a les línies, en aquest treball s'ha demostrat que tant LNCaP i PC-3 contenen cèl·lules de la side population, i presenten RNA i proteïna del transportador ABCG2. El promotor d'ABCG2 està parcialment desmetilat a la línia cel·lular LNCaP i molt metilat a PC-3. L'addició del composta bloquejador de la metilació de novo 5-aza afavoreix la desmetilació del promotor d'ABCG2, la transcripció del gen, la traducció de la proteïna i l'augment de la side population. A més, el sèrum i l'estradiol regulen a l'alça la transcripció d'ABCG2 i, en el cas del sèrum, també de la side population a la línia cel·lular LNCaP. / Cancer Stem Cells are a distinct cellular population that is believed to be responsible for tumor initiation and maintenance. Recent data suggest that solid tumors also contain another type of stem cells, the mesenchymal stem cells or multipotent mesenchymal stromal cells (MSC), which contribute to the formation of tumor-associated stroma.The Hoechst 33342 efflux assay has proved useful to identify a rare cellular fraction, named Side Population (SP), enriched in cells with stem-like properties. Using this assay, we identified SP in a prostate cancer xenograft containing human prostate cancer cells and mouse stromal cells. The SP isolation, subculture and sequential sorting allowed the generation of single-cell-derived clones of murine origin that were recognized as MSC by their morphology, plastic adherence, proliferative potential, adipogenic and osteogenic differentiation ability and immunophenotype (CD45-, CD81+ and Sca-1+). We also demonstrated that SP clonal cells secrete transforming growth factor β1 (TGF-β1) and that their inhibition reduces proliferation and accelerates differentiation.These results reveal the existence of SP in the stroma of a cancer xenograft, and provide evidence supporting their MSC nature and the role of TGF-β1 in maintaining their proliferation and undifferentiated status. Our data also reveal the usefulness of the SP assay to identify and isolate MSC cells from carcinomas.Concerning to cell lines, previous studies reported the presence of SP in prostate cancer tissues but not in the most widely used prostate cancer cell lines LNCaP and PC3. Using the SP flow cytometric assay, we demonstrate that SP cells are present in LNCaP and PC3 cells and that their abundance change with the serum concentration and steroid ablation. In addition, RT-PCR analysis evidences that ABCG2 is expressed in both cell lines and that its expression significantly increases when LNCaP cells are treated with estradiol (E2) and the demethylation agent 5-aza-2'-deoxycytidine (5-aza-dC). Finally, our results also show that the ABCG2 gene expression relates negatively with the number of methylated CpG islands in its promoter and positively with the abundance of SP in LNCaP cells. In conclusion, these results demonstrate that prostate cancer cell lines LNCaP and PC3 do contain SP cells and express the ABCG2 transporter, and suggest that the changes in the SP abundance in these cell lines most likely reflect the modulation of the transporter activity by the environment than an enrichment in cancer stem cells.

Die Subfertilität der Sportstute: welchen Einblick gewährt die histopathologische Untersuchung von Endometriumbioptaten? / Subfertility in sports mares: which insight is gained by the histopathological examination of endometrial biopsies?

Kilgenstein, Helen 12 June 2014 (has links) (PDF)
Unter Praxisbedingungen gilt die Erstbelegung einer Sportstute nach Beendigung der sportlichen Karriere als problematisch, viele Sportpferde konzipieren erst nach einer mehrjährigen Pause. Bisher existieren nur wenige wissenschaftliche Studien zu diesem Thema, in diesen ist die Problematik nur teilweise und ausschließlich unter klinischen Gesichtspunkten analysiert worden. Gegenstand dieser Arbeit ist die histopathologische Untersuchung der Endometriumbioptate von Sportstuten im Hinblick auf Befunde, die eine Erklärung für die bei Sportstuten häufig beobachtete Subfertilität darstellen können. Bei den Sportstuten dieser Studie handelte es sich um Stuten mit einer regelmäßigen Partizipation an Turnieren der Klasse M oder S, sowie um internationale Sportpferde, die in 3 Gruppen aufgeteilt wurden (Gruppe 1: seit dem Einsatz im Sport noch nicht besamte Stuten, n= 68; Gruppe 2: seit dem Einsatz im Sport erfolglos besamte Stuten: n= 84; Gruppe 3: Stuten, die seit dem Einsatz im Sport ein oder mehrmals abgefohlt haben, n= 37). Die an den Endometriumbioptaten der Sportstuten erhobenen Daten wurden überdies mit denen einer vierten Gruppe, bestehend aus Freizeitpferden (n= 31) verglichen. Auffällig häufig konnten in Gruppen 1 und 2 Differenzierungsstörungen in Bioptaten, die während der Decksaison entnommen wurden, beobachtet werden; dabei handelt es sich um Endometriopathien, deren Auftreten in der equinen Reproduktionsmedizin häufig auf hormonelle Imbalancen zurückgeführt wird. Von den Sportstuten der Gruppen 1 und 2, welche weniger als 1 Jahr vor Bioptatentnahme noch im Sport eingesetzt wurden, zeigten 16% (5/31) eine glanduläre Inaktivität. Dabei handelt es sich um einen histopathologischen Befund, der auf eine stark eingeschränkte Ovarfunktion schließen lässt. Eine irregulär proliferative Differenzierung des Endometriums wiesen 16% (5/32) der Stuten auf, die circa ein Jahr zuvor ihre Karriere im Sport beendet hatten. Solche, die bereits längere Zeit (≥2 Jahre) pausierten, zeigten vermehrt eine irregulär sekretorische Differenzierung des Endometriums (37%; 7/19). Die diagnostizierten Formen endometrialer Fehldifferenzierung, insbesondere in der zeitlichen Reihenfolge ihres Vorkommens, sprechen dafür, dass bei diesen Stuten unmittelbar nach dem Sport eine Ovarialinsuffizienz vorliegt, und dass die Rückkehr in ein reguläres Zyklusgeschehen begleitet wird von verschieden Störungen der Ovarfunktion. Dabei scheint der Schweregrad der ovariellen Dysfunktion mit fortschreitender Dauer seit dem Einsatz im Sport abzunehmen. Die irregulär proliferative Differenzierung wurde signifikant häufiger bei Stuten beobachtet, die vorberichtlich im Präöstrus bioptiert worden waren (p= 0,016); die irregulär sekretorische und die vollständig irreguläre Differenzierung traten häufiger bei im Interöstrus bioptierten Stuten auf. Die Ergebnisse lassen darauf schließen, dass ein Zusammenhang zwischen der Art der irregulären Differenzierung und dem Zyklusstand besteht. In Bezug auf weitere anamnestische Daten, wurde die irreguläre endometriale Differenzierung überdies gruppenübergreifend signifikant häufiger bei Stuten älter als 15 Jahre beobachtet; außerdem zeigten alle vorberichtlich azyklischen bzw. unregelmäßig zyklierenden Stuten (n= 5), alle Stuten mit Ovartumoren (n= 2), sowie eine Stute mit vorberichtlich Ovarzysten und eine mit sogenannten „intrauterine devices“ ein irregulär differenziertes Endometrium. In dieser Arbeit konnte gruppenübergreifend ein signifikanter Zusammenhang zwischen dem Auftreten von degenerativen Veränderungen des Endometriums (Endometrose: p= 0,008; Angiosklerose: p= 0,002) und dem Alter einer Stute nachgewiesen werden; die bei den Sportstuten gewonnen Daten unterschieden sich allerdings kaum merklich von den bei Zuchtstuten erhobenen Daten aus der Literatur. Endometritiden konnten vor allem bei seit dem Einsatz im Sport erfolglos besamten Stuten (Gruppe 2; 31%) nachgewiesen werden und bei ehemaligen Sportstuten, die seit ihrem Einsatz bereits erfolgreich konzipiert hatten (Gruppe 3; 41%). Der Prozentsatz an Stuten mit Endometritiden war in diesen Gruppen höher als der in der Literatur beschriebene Anteil bei „Nicht-Sportstuten“. Eine mögliche Erklärung für das gehäufte Auftreten von Endometritiden bei diesen Stuten stellen darum wiederholte Besamungsversuche dar, und -bei Stuten der Gruppe 3- auch postpartale Involutionsstörungen. Nach dem Kategorisierungssystem von KENNEY und DOIG (1986) hatten seit dem Einsatz im Sport noch nicht besamte Sportstuten (Gruppe 1) bessere Kategorie als Hobbystuten (Gruppe 4). Die in der vorliegenden Untersuchung bei Sportstuten diagnostizierten Differenzierungsstörungen fließen jedoch nicht in dieses Kategorisierungssytem ein. Bei Sportstuten reicht somit die alleinige Anwendung des Kategorisierungssystems für die Beurteilung einer möglichen Fertilitätsminderung nicht aus; deshalb wird eine ausführliche histopathologische Beurteilung eines Endometriumbioptats unter Einbeziehung der glandulären Funktionsmorphologie empfohlen. Zusammenfassend kann davon ausgegangen werden, dass die beobachteten degenerativen Veränderungen des Endometriums, die bei Sportstuten hinsichtlich Grad und Ausprägung mit denen von Nichtsportstuten vergleichbar waren, keine mögliche Erklärung für die Reproduktionsstörungen von Sportstuten darstellen. Vielmehr lassen die im Rahmen dieser Arbeit erhobenen histopathologischen Befunde vermuten, dass bei Sportstuten Differenzierungsstörungen des Endometriums während der Decksaison eine wichtige Ursache der klinisch beobachteten Subfertilität darstellen. Der Nachweis dieser Veränderungen deutet auf ein gehäuftes Auftreten von hormonellen Störungen, ausgelöst durch ovarielle Dysfunktionen hin; zum abschließenden Beweis bedarf es allerdings klinischer Studien.

Meio condicionado de células tronco mesenquimais como tratamento de endometrose em éguas / Conditioned mesenquimial stem cells medium as treatment for endometrosis in mare

Rocha, Fabiano Trevisan da January 2018 (has links)
Durante a vida reprodutiva das éguas o endométrio é exposto a eventos como: cópula, parto, puerpério e infecções. Tais circunstâncias podem levar gradativamente a diminuição da capacidade funcional do endométrio com queda da fertilidade. O objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar o efeito do tratamento com o meio condicionado de células tronco mesenquimais sobre o endométrio de éguas com fibrose uterina através de avaliação histopatológica. No experimento 1, 21 éguas que não pariram pelo menos em duas temporadas foram avaliadas por meio de exames ultrassonográfico, citológico, bacteriológico e histopatológico. No experimento 2, das 21 éguas avaliadas, quatro éguas classificadas como grau II e duas éguas classificadas como grau III na histopatologia endometrial, foram submetidas a infusão uterina com o meio condicionado de células tronco mesenquimais para promover a regeneração endometrial. No experimento 1, a presença de edema uterino foi observada em 81% (17/21) das fêmeas líquido intrauterino em 23,81% (5/21) e cistos uterinos em 57,14% das éguas (12/21). O crescimento bacteriano identificado em 42,90% (9/21) das éguas pelo exame bacteriológico revelou predominância de Escherichia coli (4/21). O exame citológico revelou processo inflamatório em 44,40% das fêmeas (4/9) com crescimento bacteriano, enquanto 16,70% (2/12) das éguas sem crescimento bacteriano tinham presença de processo inflamatório (P = 0,331). A inflamação uterina foi detectada em 28,60% (6/21) das éguas. A biópsia uterina e avaliação histopatológica revelou 14,30% (3/21) das éguas pertencentes à classe Grau I, 47,60% Grau II (10/21) e 38,10% Grau III (8/21). Verificou-se correlação positiva significativa (r = 0,69; P = 0,0005) entre o grau de endometrose pelo Índice de Caslick e o grau atribuído após exame histopatológico. Maior percentual de éguas com índice Caslick superior a 200 foi observado (P= 0,0242) em éguas classificadas como Grau III (87,5%; 7/8) do que Grau I (0,0%; 0/3). Não houve diferença (P= 0,59) entre as éguas Grau III e as Grau II (70%; 7/10); estas últimas tenderam (P= 0,07) a ter maior percentual com índice Caslick acima 5 de 200 do que as fêmeas com Grau I. O índice Caslick médio comparado entre os graus histológicos revelou maior índice nas éguas Grau III do que nas éguas Grau I (252,0 vs 78,3; P= 0,007). As éguas com Grau II apresentaram índice intermediário (174,6). Não houve associação entre a presença de cistos uterinos e o grau histopatológico das biópsias (P= 0,813). Éguas com cistos uterinos tiveram 16,7%, 41,7% e 41,7% das biópsias classificadas no exame histológico como Graus I, II e III, respectivamente. Esses percentuais nas éguas sem cistos foram de 11,1%, 55,6% e 33,3%, para os Graus I, II e III, respectivamente. A idade média das fêmeas foi similar (P= 0,112) entre as fêmeas com e sem cistos uterinos (20,3 vs 16,3 anos). No experimento 2, a aplicação de 20 mL de meio condicionado de células tronco no lúmen uterino das seis éguas com endometrose grau II e III não resultou em melhoria na condição endometrial. / During the mare reproductive life, the endometrium is exposed to events such as copulation, parturition, puerperium, and infections. Such circumstances may gradually lead to a decrease in the functional capacity of the endometrium, resulting in a drop in fertility. The objective of this study was to evaluate, by using ultrasonographic, cytological, bacteriological, and histopathological exams, the effect of a treatment with mesenchymal stem cell-conditioned medium on the endometrium of 21 mares with uterine fibrosis that did not foal in at least two seasons. In experiment 1, 21 mares were evaluated by using ultrasonographic, cytological, bacteriological and histopathological exams. In experiment 2, from the total 21 females, four mares classified by the endometrial histopathology as grade II and two mares classified as grade III were submitted to uterine infusion with mesenchymal stem cell-conditioned medium to promote the endometrial regeneration. In experiment 1, the evaluation revealed the presence of uterine edema in 81% (17/21), intrauterine liquid in 23.81% (5/21), and uterine cysts in 57.14% of the mares (12/21). Bacteriological examination revealed that 42.86% (9/21) of the mares showed bacterial growth, and the microorganism with the highest incidence was Escherichia coli (4/21). The cytological exam showed inflammatory process in 44.40% (4/9) of the females with bacterial growth, while 16.70% (2/12) of the mares without bacterial growth showed inflammatory process (P = 0.331). Uterine inflammatory process was observed in 28.60% (6/21) of the mares. It was possible to identify by using uterine biopsy and histopathological evaluation that 14.30% (3/21), 47.60% (10/21), and 38.10% (8/21) of mares belong to Grade I, II and III, respectively. There was a significant positive correlation (r = 0.69, P = 0.0005) between the degree of endometrosis evaluated by the Caslick Index and the grade attributed after histopathological examination. The percentage of mares with Caslick index over 200 was higher in females classified as grade III (P= 0.0242) than in grade I females (0.0%; 0/3). There was no difference between mares grade III and grade II 7 (70%; 7/10). Grade II females tended to have a higher percentage with Caslick index above 200 (P = 0.07) when compared to the grade I females. The medium Caslick index compared between the histological grades revealed a higher index in grade III than in grade I mares (252.0 vs 78.3, P = 0.007). Mares grade II showed intermediate index (174.6). There was no association between the presence of uterine cysts and the histopathological grade of biopsies (P = 0.813). Mares with uterine cysts had 16.70%, 41.70%, and 41.70% of the biopsies classified in the histological examination as grades I, II, and III, respectively. The percentages in mares without cysts were 11.10%, 55.60%, and 33.30%, respectively, for Grade I, II and III. The mares mean age was similar (P=0.112) among females with or without uterine cysts (20.3 vs 16.3 years). In experiment 2, the application of 20 mL of mesenchymal stem cell-conditioned medium in the uterine lumen of six mares with endometrosis Grade II and III did not improve the endometrial condition.

Desenvolvimento e caracterização de compósitos absorvedores de radiação eletromagnética.

MENEZES, Patrícia Costa Fernandes de. 25 June 2018 (has links)
Submitted by Maria Medeiros (maria.dilva1@ufcg.edu.br) on 2018-06-25T14:52:33Z No. of bitstreams: 1 PATRÍCIA COSTA FERNANDES DE MENEZES - TESE (PPGCEMat) 2015.pdf: 20736985 bytes, checksum: 6d5bf08cc6b3770e921031c7b7dd8006 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2018-06-25T14:52:33Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 PATRÍCIA COSTA FERNANDES DE MENEZES - TESE (PPGCEMat) 2015.pdf: 20736985 bytes, checksum: 6d5bf08cc6b3770e921031c7b7dd8006 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2015-01-14 / Capes / A tecnologia Stealth é a capacidade de navios, aeronaves e submarinos tornarem-se invisíveis à detecção de radares. Para isso, se faz necessário o uso de Materiais Absorvedores de Radiação Eletromagnética – MARE que atuem de forma efetiva no bloqueio da radiação emitida pelos radares. Neste contexto, o objetivo desta pesquisa foi obter um compósito de matriz polimérica de borracha de silicone e carga de ferrita NiZn nanométrica em diferentes concentrações, visando sua utilização como um MARE. A carga foi sintetizada por reação de combustão e os compósitos foram obtidos com concentrações de carga variando entre 16 e 20 g e quantidade de silicone fixa de 20g. Visando investigar a melhor interação entre a carga e a matriz, a carga foi silanizada com 3-aminopropiltrietoxissilano e incorporada apenas ao compósito na concentração de 20:20 de carga:silicone. As técnicas de Difração de Raios-X (DRX), Espectroscopia na Região do Infravermelho por Transformada de Fourrier (FTIR), Microscopia de Força Atômica (AFM), Microscopia eletrônica de Varredura (MEV), Medidas Magnéticas e Eletromagnéticas foram utilizadas para caracterizar a carga e os compósitos. Observou-se que a carga apresentou a fase cristalina do espinélio inverso, com tamanho de partícula nanométrico, com característica de um material magnético mole com valores de absorção de -15,2 dB na faixa de 3 a 4 GHz. Todos os compósitos apresentaram características de MARE com valores de absorção variando de -5 a -17,5 dB na faixa de 3 e 6 GHz. De forma geral, verificou-se que o aumento do teor da carga no compósito dificultou a dispersão e introduziu defeitos volumétricos do tipo poros e aglomerados da carga, porém, não influenciou nos parâmetros magnéticos. A silanização não causou alterações significativas nas propriedades da ferrita, porém contribuiu efetivamente para uma melhor interação com a matriz, resultando diretamente no compósito com o melhor valor de absorção, -14 dB na faixa de 6 GHz, indicando ser o mais promissor para a aplicação como MARE. / Define the Stealth technology as the ability of ships, aircraft and submarines become invisible to radar detection. For this, it is necessary to use materials that effectively reduce this probe, this field that can stand out the use of Radiation Absorbing Materials Electromagnetic - RAME. The objective of this research was to obtain a polymer matrix composite silicone rubber and NiZn ferrite load with different concentrations and better dispersion, for their use as a MARE. The composites were obtained with concentrations varying load between 16 and 20 g of NiZn ferrite synthesized by combustion. To improve the interaction between the cargo and the matrix, it has been silanized with 3 aminopropyltriethoxysilane silane agent and incorporated into a composite. The techniques of X-ray diffraction (XRD), Infrared Spectroscopy in the region by Fourier transform (FTIR), Atomic Force Microscopy (AFM), scanning electron microscopy (SEM), Magnetic and Electromagnetic measurements were used to characterize the load and composite. It was noted that the load presented to the inverse spinel crystalline phase with nanometer particle size with characteristics of a soft magnetic material with 15.2 dB absorption values in the range 3 to 4 GHz. Silanization caused no change significant feature in the ferrite, but contributed effectively for better interaction with the matrix, resulting directly in the composite with the best absorption values, -14 dB at 6 GHz range, indicating that the most promising for application as RAME. For other composites was found that increasing the filler content provided processing difficulties which resulted in the formation of agglomerates and will not influence the magnetic parameters.

Meio condicionado de células tronco mesenquimais como tratamento de endometrose em éguas / Conditioned mesenquimial stem cells medium as treatment for endometrosis in mare

Rocha, Fabiano Trevisan da January 2018 (has links)
Durante a vida reprodutiva das éguas o endométrio é exposto a eventos como: cópula, parto, puerpério e infecções. Tais circunstâncias podem levar gradativamente a diminuição da capacidade funcional do endométrio com queda da fertilidade. O objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar o efeito do tratamento com o meio condicionado de células tronco mesenquimais sobre o endométrio de éguas com fibrose uterina através de avaliação histopatológica. No experimento 1, 21 éguas que não pariram pelo menos em duas temporadas foram avaliadas por meio de exames ultrassonográfico, citológico, bacteriológico e histopatológico. No experimento 2, das 21 éguas avaliadas, quatro éguas classificadas como grau II e duas éguas classificadas como grau III na histopatologia endometrial, foram submetidas a infusão uterina com o meio condicionado de células tronco mesenquimais para promover a regeneração endometrial. No experimento 1, a presença de edema uterino foi observada em 81% (17/21) das fêmeas líquido intrauterino em 23,81% (5/21) e cistos uterinos em 57,14% das éguas (12/21). O crescimento bacteriano identificado em 42,90% (9/21) das éguas pelo exame bacteriológico revelou predominância de Escherichia coli (4/21). O exame citológico revelou processo inflamatório em 44,40% das fêmeas (4/9) com crescimento bacteriano, enquanto 16,70% (2/12) das éguas sem crescimento bacteriano tinham presença de processo inflamatório (P = 0,331). A inflamação uterina foi detectada em 28,60% (6/21) das éguas. A biópsia uterina e avaliação histopatológica revelou 14,30% (3/21) das éguas pertencentes à classe Grau I, 47,60% Grau II (10/21) e 38,10% Grau III (8/21). Verificou-se correlação positiva significativa (r = 0,69; P = 0,0005) entre o grau de endometrose pelo Índice de Caslick e o grau atribuído após exame histopatológico. Maior percentual de éguas com índice Caslick superior a 200 foi observado (P= 0,0242) em éguas classificadas como Grau III (87,5%; 7/8) do que Grau I (0,0%; 0/3). Não houve diferença (P= 0,59) entre as éguas Grau III e as Grau II (70%; 7/10); estas últimas tenderam (P= 0,07) a ter maior percentual com índice Caslick acima 5 de 200 do que as fêmeas com Grau I. O índice Caslick médio comparado entre os graus histológicos revelou maior índice nas éguas Grau III do que nas éguas Grau I (252,0 vs 78,3; P= 0,007). As éguas com Grau II apresentaram índice intermediário (174,6). Não houve associação entre a presença de cistos uterinos e o grau histopatológico das biópsias (P= 0,813). Éguas com cistos uterinos tiveram 16,7%, 41,7% e 41,7% das biópsias classificadas no exame histológico como Graus I, II e III, respectivamente. Esses percentuais nas éguas sem cistos foram de 11,1%, 55,6% e 33,3%, para os Graus I, II e III, respectivamente. A idade média das fêmeas foi similar (P= 0,112) entre as fêmeas com e sem cistos uterinos (20,3 vs 16,3 anos). No experimento 2, a aplicação de 20 mL de meio condicionado de células tronco no lúmen uterino das seis éguas com endometrose grau II e III não resultou em melhoria na condição endometrial. / During the mare reproductive life, the endometrium is exposed to events such as copulation, parturition, puerperium, and infections. Such circumstances may gradually lead to a decrease in the functional capacity of the endometrium, resulting in a drop in fertility. The objective of this study was to evaluate, by using ultrasonographic, cytological, bacteriological, and histopathological exams, the effect of a treatment with mesenchymal stem cell-conditioned medium on the endometrium of 21 mares with uterine fibrosis that did not foal in at least two seasons. In experiment 1, 21 mares were evaluated by using ultrasonographic, cytological, bacteriological and histopathological exams. In experiment 2, from the total 21 females, four mares classified by the endometrial histopathology as grade II and two mares classified as grade III were submitted to uterine infusion with mesenchymal stem cell-conditioned medium to promote the endometrial regeneration. In experiment 1, the evaluation revealed the presence of uterine edema in 81% (17/21), intrauterine liquid in 23.81% (5/21), and uterine cysts in 57.14% of the mares (12/21). Bacteriological examination revealed that 42.86% (9/21) of the mares showed bacterial growth, and the microorganism with the highest incidence was Escherichia coli (4/21). The cytological exam showed inflammatory process in 44.40% (4/9) of the females with bacterial growth, while 16.70% (2/12) of the mares without bacterial growth showed inflammatory process (P = 0.331). Uterine inflammatory process was observed in 28.60% (6/21) of the mares. It was possible to identify by using uterine biopsy and histopathological evaluation that 14.30% (3/21), 47.60% (10/21), and 38.10% (8/21) of mares belong to Grade I, II and III, respectively. There was a significant positive correlation (r = 0.69, P = 0.0005) between the degree of endometrosis evaluated by the Caslick Index and the grade attributed after histopathological examination. The percentage of mares with Caslick index over 200 was higher in females classified as grade III (P= 0.0242) than in grade I females (0.0%; 0/3). There was no difference between mares grade III and grade II 7 (70%; 7/10). Grade II females tended to have a higher percentage with Caslick index above 200 (P = 0.07) when compared to the grade I females. The medium Caslick index compared between the histological grades revealed a higher index in grade III than in grade I mares (252.0 vs 78.3, P = 0.007). Mares grade II showed intermediate index (174.6). There was no association between the presence of uterine cysts and the histopathological grade of biopsies (P = 0.813). Mares with uterine cysts had 16.70%, 41.70%, and 41.70% of the biopsies classified in the histological examination as grades I, II, and III, respectively. The percentages in mares without cysts were 11.10%, 55.60%, and 33.30%, respectively, for Grade I, II and III. The mares mean age was similar (P=0.112) among females with or without uterine cysts (20.3 vs 16.3 years). In experiment 2, the application of 20 mL of mesenchymal stem cell-conditioned medium in the uterine lumen of six mares with endometrosis Grade II and III did not improve the endometrial condition.

Změny složení mléka klisen v průběhu laktace / Changes of mares milk contents during lactacion

VRÁNOVÁ, Vendula January 2012 (has links)
The objective is to determine the composition of mare´s milk at different stages of lactation and changes in its content that occurs during lactation. Variability of constituents in the milk contents between mares and possible link in the content of individual components of milk was also examined. Average values of contents were found during the five months of lactation: Fat 1.5%, protein 1.62%, lactose 6.55% and dry matter 9.78%. It was found that during lactation fat content decreases from 1.7% to 1.3% and protein content decreases from 1.75% to 1.48%. Lactose and dry matter content is unchanged. A higher coefficient of variation was found in fat and protein (between 16 -17%), lower in lactose and dry matter content (5-6%). Relation was found between protein and fat. On the contrary, no evidence of correlation between protein and lactose content, nor between the fat and lactose content was found.

Avaliação da densidade folicular e de estratégias para otimizar a obtenção de folículos pré-antrais equinos / Evaluation of folliculardensity and strategies to optimize the obtainment of equine preantral follicles

Alves, Kele Amaral 17 December 2014 (has links)
Submitted by Cláudia Bueno (claudiamoura18@gmail.com) on 2016-01-15T13:51:53Z No. of bitstreams: 2 Tese - Kele Amaral Alves - 2014.pdf: 3078200 bytes, checksum: a734ef24de50dd8371530cfbd9e5c3d4 (MD5) license_rdf: 23148 bytes, checksum: 9da0b6dfac957114c6a7714714b86306 (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Luciana Ferreira (lucgeral@gmail.com) on 2016-01-18T08:47:10Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 2 Tese - Kele Amaral Alves - 2014.pdf: 3078200 bytes, checksum: a734ef24de50dd8371530cfbd9e5c3d4 (MD5) license_rdf: 23148 bytes, checksum: 9da0b6dfac957114c6a7714714b86306 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2016-01-18T08:47:10Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 2 Tese - Kele Amaral Alves - 2014.pdf: 3078200 bytes, checksum: a734ef24de50dd8371530cfbd9e5c3d4 (MD5) license_rdf: 23148 bytes, checksum: 9da0b6dfac957114c6a7714714b86306 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2014-12-17 / Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior - CAPES / Studies with equine preantral follicles are scarce and the follicular dynamics features remain unclear. The mare’s ovarian function (e.g., folliculogenesis) has similarities with woman’s cycle and based on these aspects, this species can be considered an animal model for comparative studies and techniques with preantral follicles to preserve female fertility. The purpose of the first project was to determine methodologies that might speed up the process of histological evaluation of preantral follicle population. On the second project, we evaluated the follicular population features considering the follicular density factor by means of a mathematical model, to determine the appropriate experimental design to estimate the follicular density in ovarian fragments. The third project, analyzed the effects of reproductive phases, ovary, and ovarian structures on the quality, classification, follicular and cellular densities in ovarian fragments. The results allowed an establishment of the best thickness of histological sections and the ideal number of fragments and sections to estimate the equine preantral follicle density. Furthermore, it was observed a low follicular density associated with a high heterogeneity within and among animals. Moreover, we demonstrated the best scenario (diestrous phase with the presence of a functional corpus luteum) to collect ovarian fragments with higher follicular and cellular densities. In summary, this study demonstrated: (i) advance on the knowledge of equine follicular dynamic on the preantral phase; (ii) the concept of the mare as an animal model to study the reproductive challenges on woman; and (iii) provided basic information for future biotechnology research with the aim to preserve or improve the reproductive capability as cryopreservation, in vitro culture, and transplants of ovarian tissue. / Estudos com folículos pré-antrais equinos são escassos e as características da dinâmica folicular pré-antral permanecem pouco elucidadas. A função ovariana (ex. foliculogênese) da égua possui diversas similaridades com a mulher e, baseado nestes aspectos, podemos considerá-la como modelo animal para estudos comparativos e técnicas que utilizam folículos pré-antrais na preservação da fertilidade feminina. O primeiro projeto teve a proposta de definir metodologias para agilizar o processo de avaliação histológica da população folicular pré-antral. No segundo projeto, avaliou-se as características da população folicular considerando o fator densidade folicular, determinando por meio de modelo matemático, o apropriado desenho experimental para estimar a densidade em fragmentos ovarianos. No terceiro projeto, analisou-se os efeitos da fase reprodutiva, ovário e estruturas ovarianas sobre a qualidade, classificação, densidade folicular e celular em fragmentos ovarianos. Os resultados permitiram estabelecer a melhor espessura de secção histológica e o número de fragmentos e de secções suficientes para estimar a densidade de folículos pré-antrais equinos. Adicionalmente, observou-se uma baixa densidade folicular associada a alta heterogeneidade dentre e entre os animais. Além disso, determinou-se afase de diestro com a presença de corpo lúteo ativo como o melhor cenáriopara a coleta de fragmentos ovarianos com maior densidade folicular e celular. Finalmente, dos resultados originados deste trabalho, pode-se concluir: (i) obteve-se avanço no conhecimento da dinâmica folicular pré-antral equina; (ii) o conceito da égua como modelo animal para estudos de desafios reprodutivos na mulher foi reforçado; e (iii) ocorreu a geração de informações básicas para futuras pesquisas com biotecnologias que visam preservar ou implementar a capacidade reprodutiva como a criopreservação, cultivo in vitro e transplantes de tecido ovariano.

Die Endometriumbiopsie bei der Stute- eine Analyse der histologischen Befunde zwischen 1992- 2012 am Leipziger Institut für Veterinär- Pathologie

Schilling, Anne 07 March 2017 (has links)
In der Arbeit wurden die histopathologischen Untersuchungsbefunde von 15795 Uterusbiopsien, welche am Institut für Veterinär- Pathologie der Universität Leipzig von 1992 bis 2012 befundet wurden, aufgearbeitet und statistisch ausgewertet. Ziel der Arbeit war es, zu untersuchen, welche pathologischen Veränderungen des Endometriums im gesamten Untersuchungsgut vorkommen (Endometritis, Angiose, Lymphangiektasien, Endometrose, endometriale Differenzierungsstörungen) und welche Veränderungen in bestimmten, nach unterschiedlichen Gesichtspunkten festgelegten Untersuchungsgruppen dominieren. Weiterhin wurde geprüft, ob und inwiefern bestimmte pathologische Veränderungen miteinander korrelieren und ob sie von anderen Faktoren, wie etwa der Parität oder dem Alter der Stute abhängig sind. 11698 Datensätze von Erstbiopsien lagen nach der Aufarbeitung der Datei zur Untersuchung vor. Bei 9120 Bioptaten konnte auf das Stutenalter geschlossen werden, bei 6049 Bioptaten auf den Reproduktionsstatus der Stute. Bei 4719 Bioptaten liegen vorberichtliche Angaben zur Güstzeit der Stute vor. Die Auswertung der Befunde erfolgte deskriptiv nach Überarbeitung der Datensätze mit Microsoft Access. Mittels SPSS für Windows (Version 22.0) wurde auf Signifikanz geprüft. Die kategorisierten Daten wurden mit Hilfe des Chi-Quadrat-Tests bzw. des exakten Tests nach Fisher ausgewertet.

The effect of habitat type on farmland bird populations : In Tarnava Mare Natura2000 reserve, Romania

Csiki, Krisztina January 2020 (has links)
Widespread extinction is a critical threat to biodiversity and is largely caused by human overexploitation of habitat and populations. A widely used and hence well studied organism group for indication of biodiversity is birds. In Europe especially, farmland specialists have suffered from intensified agricultural practices such as increase of monoculture, use of pesticides, and heavy machinery. This has been shown to be partly caused by an EU legislation called the Common Agricultural Policy (CAP). A specific type of farmland, termed High Nature Value (HNV) farmland, seems to be particularly advantageous for farmland specialist birds and makes up an important conservation target. The current study was done in the Natura2000 reserve Târnava Mare, Romania, to find out which habitat types play an essential role for occurrence of farmland species. Farmlands in Târnava Mare are highly diverse in structure, characterizing a mosaic of grassland, meadows and fields, and low-intensity farming practices. With bird point count survey data from 2015 to 2019, I evaluated the effect of different habitat types on five species listed in the Farmland Bird Indicator (FBI) and as farmland specialists: red-backed shrike (Lanius collurio), yellowhammer (Emberiza citrinella), Eurasian skylark (Alauda arvensis), Eurasian tree sparrow (Passer montanus), and common whitethroat (Sylvia communis). I compared habitat proportion in presence and absence of the species for 2019’s data with Mann-Whitney tests. They all showed significant results for meadow proportion. All species except the common whitethroat showed significant results for crop proportion, while only two species (red-backed shrike and yellowhammer) showed significant results for scrub. Independent of which habitat type was tested (meadow, crop or scrub), all species with significant result – except for Eurasian skylark with a negative relationship in crop habitat - showed a positive response to a higher proportion of the tested habitat. The same species except Eurasian tree sparrow were modelled with the generalized N-mixture model of Dail and Madsen (2011) to evaluate what is influencing abundance, recruitment rates, survival probabilities and detectability over five years. The day of the season affected the detectability of almost all species. The effect of habitat on recruitment rate and survival probability, however, could only be shown for yellowhammer. For the latter, proportion of meadow affected recruitment and proportion of reed affected survival. In conclusion, the presence of species seems to be generally higher in habitats associated with low-intensity farming on the single season scale. Over time, however, a significant effect on population dynamic parameters for the same species could not be shown for most species. This could be a result of insufficient data for each year, too few years of data, or that the tested habitat types are not affecting these parameters over time.

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