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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

La performance et la sous-évaluation des introductions en bourse : étude des déterminants et des effets de la cotation sur le marché Euronext Paris / The performance and underpricing of ipo's : study of the determinants and effects of listing on Euronext Paris market

Abdallah, Oussama 31 January 2014 (has links)
Au cours de cette thèse, nous présenterons les effets de l'introduction en bourse de titres appartenant au secteur technologique. Exploration qui porte sur la période 1997 - 2008 selon un positionnement théorique puis un développement des hypothèses. Nous conclurons par la validation empirique de nos échantillons. Les méthodes les plus usuelles seront exploitées quant à la détection des rendements à long terme, temps événementiels ou calendaire, tout en prenant en compte la sensibilité des modes de calcul de la performance et méthodes d'évaluation des rendements attendus dans l'obtention et analyse des résultats. Ces derniers, reflet de problèmes statistiques, seront dès lors, soumis aux solutions préconisées dans la littérature scientifique. Aussi, compte tenu des spécificités du marché français, nous nous appuierons sur le modèle à trois facteurs de Fama & French, démonstration par le résultat selon le coefficient beta, de valeurs de constante presque nulles et non significatives y compris sur les rendements excédentaires. Enfin, sera souligné le déclin des performances opérationnelles des firmes sur le marché Euronext Paris selon un portefeuilles de référence. Phénomène dû à une fenêtre d'opportunité lors de l'introduction en bourse coïncidant avec un pic de performance (rentabilité économique et taux de marge économique) en période de pré-cotation. Ajoutons à cette cotation souvent accompagnée d'une forte croissance, une restructuration du bilan se traduisant par une baisse du taux d'endettement. / In this thesis, we present the effects of the IPO titles owned by the technology sector. Exploration which covers the period 1997-2008 according to a theorical positioning and development assumptions. We conclude with the empirical validation of our samples.

Market Timing Theory of Capital Structure : A Panel Data Regression Study of Swedish Real Estate Firms / Market-timing av kapitalstruktur : en paneldatastudie av svenska fastighetsföretag

Kornher, Gustav, Stiernström, Oliver January 2022 (has links)
In 2002, Baker and Wurgler posited that capital structure is the cumulative outcome of past attempts to time the equity market. Due to this theory´s recent introduction it has not been subjected to the same comprehensive testing as other financing theories. Most importantly, this theory lacks extensive industry and country specific testing that is required to truly understand its explanatory power. Thus, the purpose of this thesis is to evaluate the applicability of the market timing theory on a country and industry specific level. Given these constraints, the study measured the market timing effects on Swedish real estate firms by performing a panel data regression with yearly financial data from 1991 through 2021. In addition, due to the time-varying nature of capital structure, the data was further divided into three sub periods. First, the study controls for short-term effects by regressing market-to-book with three components of leverage. The results suggest a positive relationship between equity issues and market-to-book values, indicating support for short-term market timing effects. Next, the study implements the external financed weighted-average market-to-book variable to measure if the market timing effects are indeed persistent over the long run. Opposing the market timing theory, the results do not find any support for long-term effects. Instead, the findings imply that firms likely rebalance their capital structure shortly after equity market timing attempts. / År 2002 påstod Baker och Wurgler att ett företags kapitalstruktur är det kumulativa resultatet av historiska försök att tajma aktiemarknaden. Då denna teori är relativt ny så har den inte utsatts för samma rigorösa prövning som äldre finansieringsteorier. Med andra ord så saknar teorin i synnerhet omfattande bransch-och-nationsspecifika tester. Syftet med denna avhandling är därmed att undersöka Market-timing-teorins applicerbarhet på svenska fastighetsföretag genom att utföra en paneldataregression med årliga finansiella data mellan 1991 och 2021. På grund av kapitalstrukturens tidsvarierande karaktär delades studiens data upp i tre tidsintervall. Först kontrollerade studien för kortsiktiga effekter genom regression av market-to-book med tre komponenter av skuldsättningsgraden. Resultaten tyder på ett positivt samband mellan aktieemissioner och market-to-book, vilket indikerar stöd för kortsiktiga effekter av market-timing. Därefter implementerar studien External Finance Weighted-Average Market-to-book variabeln för att mäta om market-timing-effekterna verkligen är ihållande på lång sikt. I motsats till market-timing-teorin finner resultaten inte något stöd för långsiktiga effekter. I stället antyder resultaten att företag sannolikt balanserar om sin kapitalstruktur kort efter försök av market-timing.

Efeitos do market timing sobre a estrutura de capital de companhias abertas brasileiras / Market timing effects on capital structure of Brazilian public companies

Albanez, Tatiana 16 October 2012 (has links)
De acordo com a teoria de market timing, as empresas aproveitam janelas de oportunidade para a captação de recursos, com a intenção de explorar flutuações temporárias no custo de fontes alternativas de financiamento. Assim, a estrutura de capital seria determinada por tentativas passadas de emitir títulos em momentos considerados favoráveis para a emissão. O presente trabalho teve por objetivo examinar o comportamento de market timing em companhias abertas brasileiras, buscando verificar a existência e persistência de um comportamento oportunista quando da escolha dentre diferentes fontes de financiamento. Para tanto, foram desenvolvidos dois estudos complementares. Primeiramente, investiga-se o comportamento de market timing por meio da análise da influência de valores de mercado históricos sobre a estrutura de capital de companhias brasileiras que realizaram IPO no período 2001-2011. Como principal resultado, verifica-se uma relação negativa entre valores de mercado históricos e alavancagem, evidenciando que, em momentos de altos valores de mercado, as empresas reduzem o endividamento, por ser mais vantajosa a emissão de ações, e vice-versa, o que pode indicar um comportamento oportunista na captação de recursos. No entanto, o comportamento não é permanente em todo o período, a ponto de determinar a estrutura de capital destas empresas. Assim, julgou-se necessário examinar diretamente os efeitos do market timing sobre a estrutura de capital de companhias brasileiras relacionando indicadores de custo de capital (próprio e de terceiros) com os níveis de endividamento destas companhias. Para tanto, foram utilizadas duas amostras: a primeira foi composta por 235 companhias abertas ativas na BM&FBOVESPA, analisadas no período 2000-2011; a segunda foi composta por 75 companhias abertas ativas e com ratings de crédito atribuídos pelas principais agências de classificação de risco, analisadas no período 2005-2011. Foram utilizadas quatro proxies para o custo de capital próprio, baseadas no Modelo de Precificação de Ativos Financeiros - CAPM, e duas proxies para o custo de capital de terceiros, sendo uma delas baseada no custo médio do passivo oneroso e a outra no rating de crédito das companhias, esta última testada apenas para a amostra 2. Os resultados obtidos com os modelos de dados em painel indicaram que quanto maior o custo de capital próprio, maior o nível de endividamento, bem como, quanto maior o custo de capital de terceiros, menor a utilização de dívida como fonte de financiamento. Estes resultados estão de acordo com o esperado pela teoria de market timing, refletindo que as empresas estão atentas ao custo de diferentes fontes de recursos, em busca das melhores alternativas de financiamento. Este comportamento se justifica e é confirmado por meio dos resultados obtidos: no primeiro estudo, verifica-se que o valor de mercado, em média, caiu após a abertura de capital, tornando indesejável a emissão de novas ações e preferível a utilização de dívida. No segundo estudo, verifica-se que as proxies para custo de capital se mostraram as variáveis mais significativas, exercendo forte influência sobre a estrutura de capital das empresas. Assim sendo, os resultados obtidos se complementam e levam à confirmação da tese proposta: o market timing influencia a estrutura de capital de companhias abertas brasileiras, sendo que as empresas aproveitam janelas de oportunidades para a captação de recursos para financiar seus projetos de investimento. / According to market timing theory, the companies use windows of opportunity to raise funds, aiming to explore temporary fluctuations in alternative sources of capital. Thus the capital structure would be determinate by past attempts to issue securities when security issue was considered propitious. The present thesis aimed to examine the market timing behavior in Brazilian public companies, trying to verify the existence and persistence of opportunistic behavior when choosing among different sources of capital. In order to do so, we developed two complementary studies. Firstly we investigate market timing behavior by analyzing the influence of historical market value on capital structure of Brazilian companies that performed IPO from 2001 to 2011. The main result was that there is a negative relation between historical market value and leverage, evidence shows that in moments of high market value, companies reduce indebtedness because equity issue is more advantageous and vice-versa, it might indicate an opportunistic behavior when raising funds. However, the behavior is not permanent throughout the period to determine the capital structure of these companies. Therefore, it was deemed necessary to directly examine market timing effects on capital structure of Brazilian companies matching cost of capital proxies (equity and debt) with indebtedness levels of these companies. In order to do so, we used two samples: the first was composed by 235 active public companies listed at BM&FBOVESPA that were analyzed from 2000 to 2011; the second was composed by 75 active public companies with credit ratings assigned by major credit rating agencies, they were analyzed from 2005 to 2011. Four proxies were used for cost of equity capital, based on Capital Asset Pricing Model - CAPM and two proxies for cost of debt, one of them was based on average cost of book value of debt and the other on credit rating of companies, the last was tested only for sample 2. The results found with panel data model show that the higher the cost of equity, the greater the level of indebtedness, as well as the higher the cost of debt, the less the use of debt as a financing source. These results are according to the expected by market timing theory, they reflect that the companies are aware of the cost of different financing sources in the search for the best financing alternatives. This behavior is justified and confirmed by the results reached: in the first study we can see that the market value, on average, dropped after the initial public offering making it undesirable to issuing equity and preferable to using debt. In the second study we verify that the proxies for cost of capital were the most significant variables, exerting strong influence on the capital structure of companies. Thus, the results obtained are complementary and lead to the confirmation of the proposed thesis: market timing has influence on the capital structure of Brazilian public companies, and in order to raise funds to finance their investment projects they use windows of opportunity.

Trois essais en finance empirique / Three essays in empirical finance

Zhao, Sujiao 29 October 2014 (has links)
Cette thèse se compose de trois chapitres distincts. Dans le premier chapitre, nous examinons si les facteurs explicatifs de la maturité de la dette précédemment identifiés dans la littérature ont des impacts qui varient en fonction du niveau de maturité de la dette en mettant l'accent sur les cas extrêmes. Nous constatons que les effets des déterminants classiques varient sensiblement en fonction de la distribution de la maturité de la dette. Ces effets sont beaucoup plus faibles pour les percentiles les plus bas et les plus élevés. Cela indique que le risque de refinancement est beaucoup plus contraignant à très court terme et beaucoup moins à très long terme. En revanche, le fait d'avoir accès ou non au financement public accentue ce phénomène d'hétérogénéité de l'impact des déterminants en fonction du niveau de maturité de la dette. Ce dernier point peut s'expliquer par le fait que le risque de refinancement est beaucoup plus important pour les entreprises n'ayant pas accès au financement public. En résumé, nos résultats confirment notre intuition concernant les impacts hétérogènes des déterminants de la maturité de la dette en fonction du niveau de maturité de la dette et en particulier dans les cas extrêmes. Dans le deuxième chapitre, nous examinons les choix de la maturité de la dette des entreprises dans une perspective dynamique. Premièrement, nos résultats mettent en évidence des effets moutonniers. Aussi bien en termes de niveaux de la maturité de la dette qu'en termes de modifications de la maturité de la dette, les entreprises reproduisent le comportement des entreprises du même secteur. Ce comportement moutonnier explique beaucoup plus les variations de la maturité des dettes que les caractéristiques propres des entreprises. Après avoir éliminé l'impact des variations de la structure par terme des taux d'intérêt, ce comportement moutonnier en réponse aux modifications de la maturité de la dette des entreprises du même secteur est encore plus conséquent. Deuxièmement, nous constatons une persistance de niveaux de maturité de la dette dans le temps, notamment pour les entreprises ayant des maturités de la dette très faibles. Le troisième chapitre analyse l'impact du « market timing » sur la maturité de la dette. Nous affirmons que les grandes entreprises affichant des fondamentaux solides ont tendance à émettre des dettes à long terme plutôt qu'à court terme en cas de surévaluation temporaire des titres de ces entreprises. En particulier, pour ce type d'entreprises, l'effet du timing domine celui du comportement moutonnier pendant les périodes de refinancement important. Pour les petites entreprises dont les fondamentaux sont faibles, l'effet du « market timing » est faible, tandis que celui du comportement moutonnier est conséquent. / This dissertation is made of three distinct chapters. The first chapter investigates whether the effects of the previously identified factors vary along the debt maturity spectrum. Special emphasis is place on the extremely cases. Notably, we find that the effects of the conventional determinants vary substantially across the debt maturity distribution. Effect attenuation is observed at the lower and the higher debt maturity percentiles. The mechanism lies in the binding refinancing risk in the short extremes and the lessened refinancing risk in the long extremes. By contrast, the fact that a firm has access to public credit or not accentuates to a larger degree the heterogeneity in the observed effects of the included factors across the debt maturity distribution. This result can be explained by the argument that the refinancing risk is even more binding for firms without access to public credit. Altogether, our findings confirm our intuition concerning the heterogeneous effects of the conventional factors exerted along the debt maturity spectrum, especially for the extreme cases. In the second chapter, we examine debt maturity choices of firms from a dynamic perspective. Our results draw clear implications for a herding effect. Firms herd towards the levels as well as the changes of industry peers' debt maturities. Remarkably, this herding effect explains a much larger proportion of variation in debt maturity adjustment than firms' own characteristics. After eliminating the impact of changes in the yield curve, changes in peer firms' debt maturity policies drives debt maturity dynamics to a larger extent. Meanwhile, we find that debt maturity is persistent over time and that the persistence is primarily attributed to firms with short debt maturities. The third chapter analyzes the impact of market timing. We document that big firms with strong fundamentals attempt to “time” the issuance of long-term debts subsequent to temporary market mispricing. Particularly, for this type of firms, the effect of market timing dominates over that of herding during the periods firms raise large amounts of debts. For small firms with weak fundamentals, the effect of market timing is insignificant whereas the herding evidence is prominent.

Styrande faktorer och aktiemarknadens påverkan på finansiering inom IT-branschen

Ackehed, Ida, Molin Olsson, Elias January 2018 (has links)
The purpose of this study has been to examine the possible relationship between patterns on the stock market and the capital structure of IT-companies. Furthermore, the study attempts to contribute a deeper understanding of the ways Chief Financial Officers (CFO) and Chief Executive Officers (CEO) handle aspects pertaining to levels of debt, solidity, the market when making investment decisions and factors that influence a company´s value. This has been done using the Market Timing Hypothesis as the main theoretical frame of reference. The study has primarily been conducted using quantitative data analysis in the form of multiple regression. Qualitative interviews have been subsequently conducted with the purpose of enhancing the statistical findings. The results from the study indicate that financial decisions largely vary depending on the situation, albeit market value being an influencing factor. Moreover, the profitability of the company and the amount of fixed assets play a role in financial decisions. The respondents further noted that the amount of equity and debt of the company does affect its value. / Studiens syfte var att undersöka sambandet mellan aktiemarknadens fluktuationer och företag i IT-branschens val av kapitalstruktur. Även att söka en djupare förståelse genom att ta del av Chief Financial Officers (CFO) och Chief Executive Officers (CEO) perspektiv på skuldsättningsgrad, soliditet, aktiemarknadens rörelser vid kapitalplacering samt vad som påverkar ett företags värde. Detta har skett med Market timing hypotesen som teoretisk utgångspunkt. Den huvudsakliga undersökningsmetoden har bestått av en kvantitativ dataanalys i form av multipel regressionsanalys. Kvalitativa intervjuer har därefter utförts i syfte att komplettera datan och för att förtydliga hur dessa aspekter hanteras i den praktiska verkligheten. Resultaten från studien indikerar att finansieringsbeslut är högst situationsbetingade men att marknadsvärdet har en viss påverkan. Utöver detta visade sig lönsamhet och andel anläggningstillgångar i förhållande till totala tillgångar väga tungt. De respondenter som intervjuades menade även att mängden eget kapital och skuld ett företaget besitter påverkar dess värde.

Efeitos do market timing sobre a estrutura de capital de companhias abertas brasileiras / Market timing effects on capital structure of Brazilian public companies

Tatiana Albanez 16 October 2012 (has links)
De acordo com a teoria de market timing, as empresas aproveitam janelas de oportunidade para a captação de recursos, com a intenção de explorar flutuações temporárias no custo de fontes alternativas de financiamento. Assim, a estrutura de capital seria determinada por tentativas passadas de emitir títulos em momentos considerados favoráveis para a emissão. O presente trabalho teve por objetivo examinar o comportamento de market timing em companhias abertas brasileiras, buscando verificar a existência e persistência de um comportamento oportunista quando da escolha dentre diferentes fontes de financiamento. Para tanto, foram desenvolvidos dois estudos complementares. Primeiramente, investiga-se o comportamento de market timing por meio da análise da influência de valores de mercado históricos sobre a estrutura de capital de companhias brasileiras que realizaram IPO no período 2001-2011. Como principal resultado, verifica-se uma relação negativa entre valores de mercado históricos e alavancagem, evidenciando que, em momentos de altos valores de mercado, as empresas reduzem o endividamento, por ser mais vantajosa a emissão de ações, e vice-versa, o que pode indicar um comportamento oportunista na captação de recursos. No entanto, o comportamento não é permanente em todo o período, a ponto de determinar a estrutura de capital destas empresas. Assim, julgou-se necessário examinar diretamente os efeitos do market timing sobre a estrutura de capital de companhias brasileiras relacionando indicadores de custo de capital (próprio e de terceiros) com os níveis de endividamento destas companhias. Para tanto, foram utilizadas duas amostras: a primeira foi composta por 235 companhias abertas ativas na BM&FBOVESPA, analisadas no período 2000-2011; a segunda foi composta por 75 companhias abertas ativas e com ratings de crédito atribuídos pelas principais agências de classificação de risco, analisadas no período 2005-2011. Foram utilizadas quatro proxies para o custo de capital próprio, baseadas no Modelo de Precificação de Ativos Financeiros - CAPM, e duas proxies para o custo de capital de terceiros, sendo uma delas baseada no custo médio do passivo oneroso e a outra no rating de crédito das companhias, esta última testada apenas para a amostra 2. Os resultados obtidos com os modelos de dados em painel indicaram que quanto maior o custo de capital próprio, maior o nível de endividamento, bem como, quanto maior o custo de capital de terceiros, menor a utilização de dívida como fonte de financiamento. Estes resultados estão de acordo com o esperado pela teoria de market timing, refletindo que as empresas estão atentas ao custo de diferentes fontes de recursos, em busca das melhores alternativas de financiamento. Este comportamento se justifica e é confirmado por meio dos resultados obtidos: no primeiro estudo, verifica-se que o valor de mercado, em média, caiu após a abertura de capital, tornando indesejável a emissão de novas ações e preferível a utilização de dívida. No segundo estudo, verifica-se que as proxies para custo de capital se mostraram as variáveis mais significativas, exercendo forte influência sobre a estrutura de capital das empresas. Assim sendo, os resultados obtidos se complementam e levam à confirmação da tese proposta: o market timing influencia a estrutura de capital de companhias abertas brasileiras, sendo que as empresas aproveitam janelas de oportunidades para a captação de recursos para financiar seus projetos de investimento. / According to market timing theory, the companies use windows of opportunity to raise funds, aiming to explore temporary fluctuations in alternative sources of capital. Thus the capital structure would be determinate by past attempts to issue securities when security issue was considered propitious. The present thesis aimed to examine the market timing behavior in Brazilian public companies, trying to verify the existence and persistence of opportunistic behavior when choosing among different sources of capital. In order to do so, we developed two complementary studies. Firstly we investigate market timing behavior by analyzing the influence of historical market value on capital structure of Brazilian companies that performed IPO from 2001 to 2011. The main result was that there is a negative relation between historical market value and leverage, evidence shows that in moments of high market value, companies reduce indebtedness because equity issue is more advantageous and vice-versa, it might indicate an opportunistic behavior when raising funds. However, the behavior is not permanent throughout the period to determine the capital structure of these companies. Therefore, it was deemed necessary to directly examine market timing effects on capital structure of Brazilian companies matching cost of capital proxies (equity and debt) with indebtedness levels of these companies. In order to do so, we used two samples: the first was composed by 235 active public companies listed at BM&FBOVESPA that were analyzed from 2000 to 2011; the second was composed by 75 active public companies with credit ratings assigned by major credit rating agencies, they were analyzed from 2005 to 2011. Four proxies were used for cost of equity capital, based on Capital Asset Pricing Model - CAPM and two proxies for cost of debt, one of them was based on average cost of book value of debt and the other on credit rating of companies, the last was tested only for sample 2. The results found with panel data model show that the higher the cost of equity, the greater the level of indebtedness, as well as the higher the cost of debt, the less the use of debt as a financing source. These results are according to the expected by market timing theory, they reflect that the companies are aware of the cost of different financing sources in the search for the best financing alternatives. This behavior is justified and confirmed by the results reached: in the first study we can see that the market value, on average, dropped after the initial public offering making it undesirable to issuing equity and preferable to using debt. In the second study we verify that the proxies for cost of capital were the most significant variables, exerting strong influence on the capital structure of companies. Thus, the results obtained are complementary and lead to the confirmation of the proposed thesis: market timing has influence on the capital structure of Brazilian public companies, and in order to raise funds to finance their investment projects they use windows of opportunity.

A influência do marketing timing e do estágio do ciclo de vida na realização de ofertas públicas de ações.

Costa, Vilma Sousa Ismael da 25 January 2013 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2015-04-16T14:49:06Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 arquivototal.pdf: 1152474 bytes, checksum: 26700a7c34b11ab01884eb96bde9f8b1 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2013-01-25 / Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior - CAPES / This study aimed to analyze whether the market timing and stage of life cycle influence the decision to perform a Public Seasoned Equity Offerings (SEO) in Brazilian companies traded. The analysis focused on whether the probability of a company conduct a SEO is positively related to the index MB (market-to-book), size and stock returns and profitability prior to completion of SEO, and negatively related to the stage lifecycle, profitability and stock return after completion of SEO. Initially we sought to examine the influence of the index market-tobook and returns and future steps in conducting a SEO. dditionally, we sought to examine the influence of firm age and number of years listed in BMFBOVESPA in making an SEO. And, in parallel, we attempted to verify the relationship between SEO and realization of the variables size and profitability. The population consisted of all n-financial companies, publicly traded, with shares traded on the Bolsa de Valores de São Paulo - BM & FBOVESPA, in the period from 2002 to 2010. The model follows the methodology used by H. Deangelo, L. Deangelo and Stulz (2010). Analyzing whether there is a relationship between the logistics company conduct a SEO and variable rate market-to-book, stage of life cycle, past returns and future profitability and size. About the variables we can conclude that there is a relationship between the attainment of SEO content and market-to-book, firm size and profitability after the completion of SEO. The relationships of the variables expected market-to-book and size, were confirmed as positive, however the variable profitability after completion of SEO obtained a negative relationship, thus diverging from the expected. Therefore, hypotheses 1 and 5 of the thesis, that the probability of performing SEO is positively related to the index market-to-book and size, can not be rejected. Descriptive statistics already pointed in this direction, about 81% of the operations were performed by SEO companies that presented index market-to-book more than 1, which indicates some sort of recovery, and the largest proportion, about 55% of the achievements were made by companies that were with index greater than 2.10 MB. Regarding the size, descriptive statistics already presented a preliminary support when showed that most of the offers, about 51% were held by companies that met the range of values of total assets (14 <log assets <16). Furthermore, there were no evidences that confirm the relationship of the stage of the life cycle, the stock return both the previous and subsequent to the achievement of SEO, and the operational performance before and the day of the year with the decision of SEO conduct a public seasoned equity offerings. Although the stage of the life cycle has not been found statistically significant evidence that shows that the vast majority of SEO s, about 57% were held by companies with up to 20 of the constitution, these data are confirmed when we used years BM & FBOVESPA's listing as a proxy for alternative stage of the life cycle, about 79% of SEO s were made by companies that have up to 15 years of listing. Regarding the stock performance of the ANOVA tests indicated an average return of shares a year before the superior achievement in comparison with stock returns one year after the completion of the SEO and the average stock returns in the subsequent year, the SEO companies that made and the companies that did not perform, are equal. The results point toward in favor of market timing theory as an explanation for the conduct of bids, i.e., companies realized the SEO when its shares were valued by the market, taking advantage of the time factor. / Esta dissertação teve como objetivo analisar se o market timing e o estágio do ciclo de vida influenciam na decisão de realizar uma Oferta Pública de Distribuição de Ações Subsequentes (SEO) em empresas brasileiras de capital aberto. A análise se centrou em saber se a probabilidade de uma empresa realizar uma SEO está positivamente relacionada com o índice MB (market-to-book), tamanho e ao retorno acionário anterior à realização da SEO e negativamente relacionado ao estágio do ciclo de vida e ao retorno acionário posterior a realização da SEO. Inicialmente, buscou-se analisar a influência do índice market-to-book e dos retornos acionários passados e futuros na realização de uma SEO. Adicionalmente, procurou-se analisar a influência da idade da empresa e do número de anos listados na BM&FBOVESPA na realização de uma SEO e, paralelamente, verificar a relação entre a realização da SEO e a variável tamanho. A população foi composta por todas as empresas não-financeiras, de capital aberto, com ações negociadas na Bolsa de Valores de São Paulo BM&FBOVESPA, no período de 2002 a 2010. O modelo seguiu a metodologia utilizada por Deangelo, Deangelo e Stulz (2010), analisando se há uma relação logística entre a empresa realizar uma SEO e as variáveis índice market-to-book, estágio do ciclo de vida, retornos passados e futuros e tamanho. Quanto às variáveis, conclui-se que existe relação entre a realização da SEO, o índice market-to-book e o tamanho das empresas. As relações das varáveis market-to-book e tamanho foram positivas, como esperado. Diante disso, as hipóteses 1 e 5 da dissertação, de que a probabilidade de realização de SEO é positivamente relacionada ao índice market-to-book e tamanho, não podem ser rejeitadas. A estatística descritiva apontou que cerca de 81% das operações de SEO foram realizadas por empresas que apresentavam índice market-to-book superior a 1, o que indica algum tipo de valorização e a maior proporção. Cerca de 55% das realizações foram feitas por empresas que se encontravam com índice MB maior que 2,10. No tocante ao tamanho, a estatística descritiva também apresentou um suporte preliminar, quando evidenciou que cerca de 51% das ofertas, foram realizadas por empresas que se encontraram na faixa de valores do ativo total (14< log do ativo < 16). Por outro lado, não foram observadas evidências que confirmem a relação do estágio do ciclo de vida e retorno acionário, tanto no ano anterior quanto no ano subsequente à realização da SEO com a decisão de realizar uma oferta pública de distribuição de ações subsequente. Muito embora o estágio do ciclo de vida não tenha tido significância estatística, foram encontradas evidências, apontando que a grande maioria das SEO s, cerca de 57%, foram realizadas por empresas que possuem até 20 de constituição. Esses dados são corroborados, quando utilizou-se anos de listagem da BM&FBOVESPA como proxy alternativa para estágio do ciclo de vida. No tocante ao retorno acionário, observou-se uma média do retorno das ações de um ano antes da realização superior em comparação com os retornos das ações um ano após a realização da SEO e que as médias do retorno das ações no ano posterior das empresas que realizaram SEO e das empresas que não realizaram eram iguais. Em relação ao desempenho operacional, encontraram-se evidências de diferenças entre o ROA antes e após a realização da SEO e igualdade entre o ROA posterior de empresas emissoras e não-emissoras. Os resultados obtidos apontam na direção a favor da teoria do market timing como explicação para a realização de ofertas, ou seja, as empresas realizaram a SEO quando suas ações estavam valorizadas pelo mercado.

A teoria do equity market timing e assimetria informacional: testes para o mercado norte-americano (1988-2012)

Mendes, Eduardo Alexandre 21 November 2014 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-03-15T19:31:05Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Eduardo Alexandre Mendes.pdf: 1448919 bytes, checksum: 4f0c6c969d447331f42471938bb8bfc0 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2014-11-21 / This study contributes to confirmatory evidence of asymmetric information to explain the equity issuesdecisionsat hot periods, as predict a time-varying adverse selection version ofthe equity market timing theory. Through testing with data from US companies for the period 1988-2012, it was found that the companies held their IPOs in hotperiods (hot market) showed a higher degree of information asymmetry compared to companies that issues in hot periods (cold market). For companies that have made seasoned primary issues in hot periods, the information asymmetry was lower compared to those companies that issued in hot periods. The information asymmetry was measured by quantitative variables of market microstructure and subsequently grouped into two factors, and only one of the factors was significant in the tests. It was also noted the influence of information asymmetry in the amount of equity issues and in financial leverage throughstatic and dynamic panel data regressions in all sub-periods (1988-1999 and 2000-2012) analyzed. The information asymmetry exerts inversely proportional influence on the volume of annual equity issues for considering companies. In the case of leverage, inversely proportional influence was noted. / O presente trabalho contribui com indícios confirmatórios da assimetria informacional para explicação da decisão de emitir ações das empresas em momentos considerados oportunos, como prediz a versão da variação temporal da seleção adversa da teoria do equity maket timing. Por meio de testes com dados de empresas norte-americanas referentes ao período de 1988 a 2012, foi possível constatar que as empresas que realizaram suas ofertas públicas iniciais em momentos aquecidos (hot market) apresentaram maior grau de assimetria informacional em comparação a empresas que o fizeram em momentos desaquecidos (cold market). Para empresas que fizeram emissões públicas subsequentes em momentos aquecidos, a assimetria informacional se mostrou mais baixa em comparação àquelas empresas que emitiram em períodos desaquecidos. A assimetria informacional foi medida por meio de variáveis quantitativas de microestrutura de mercado e posteriormente agrupada em dois fatores, sendo que apenas um dos fatores se mostrou significante nos testes realizados. Também foi constatado a influência da assimetria informacional nas emissões anuais de capital próprio e no endividamento contábil através de regressões com dados em painel estático e dinâmico das empresas em todos os subperíodos (1988 a 1999 e 2000 a 2012) analisados. A assimetria informacional exerce influência inversamente proporcional no volume de emissões anuais das empresas estudadas. Com relação a questão do endividamento financeiro, constatou-se influência inversamente proporcional.

Diversifiering : Fastighetsfinansiering i skymningen av Basel III / Diversification : Real Estate Finance in the Twilight of Basel III

Prakash, Gyan, Oscar, Swanberg January 2021 (has links)
Finanskrisen 2007-2008 blev startskottet för nya bankregleringar och åtstramningar.Regelverket Basel III introducerades med syfte att hantera risker bättre genom att införahårdare kapital- och likviditetskrav som i sin tur skulle motverka eventuella nya systematiskarisker. Syftet med denna uppsats är att undersöka Basel III:s påverkan på diversifieringen avfastighetsfinansiering på den svenska marknaden och utreda de drivkrafter och effekter avdessa förändringar. Studien ämnar att ge ett brett perspektiv genom att undersöka påverkan påett flertal sektorer i den empiriska undersökningen. Efter genomförandet av studien så kan det konstateras att bankerna har fått ökade kostnadersom sedermera har förskjutits till kunderna. Vidare har belåningsgraderna i fastighetssektornminskat till följd av implementeringen Basel III. Det nya regulatoriska landskapet har banat väg för diversifiering. Dock, så kan de primäradrivkrafterna tillskrivas makro-sentiment, jakt på avkastning, market timing och aktörer somhar vuxit ifrån sitt beroende av bankkapital. / The financial crisis of 2007-2008 was the start of new banking regulations and austeritymeasures. Basel III was introduced with the intent of managing risks better by introducingstricter capital and liquidity requirements. The new requirements would in return counteractany new systematic risks. The purpose of this study is to investigate Basel III’s impact oncredit diversification on the Swedish market and navigate what the driving forces are and theeffects of regulatory change. The aim is to provide a broad perspective by presenting valuableinformation relevant to the subject and examining the impact of these changes on differentsectors. The results of the study shows that new regulations have entailed a major regulatory changewith subsequent implications on the market. Findings also show that banks have experiencedan increase of costs which have since been shifted to customers. Furthermore, loan-to-valueratios within the real estate sector have decreased as a result of the implementation of BaselIII. The new regulatory framework has paved the way for diversification. However, thedevelopment has been propelled by macro sentiment, reaching for yield-behavior, markettiming and firms outgrowing their dependency on bank capital.

Investigation of the most appropriate capital structure theory and leverage level determinants

Lew, Sung Hee January 2012 (has links)
This thesis examines capital structure theories and debt level determinants to develop a better understanding, and to establish the most appropriate theory to explain the behaviour of firms‟ debt and equity choices. It tests three major capital structure theories (e.g. the trade-off, pecking order and market timing theories) using static and dynamic statistical models and 13 capital structure determinants, based on three major capital structure theories. The study uses 4,598 sample companies from 11 countries and 27 industries over a 20 year period. This method provides a clear insight into firms‟ debt and equity choice behaviours. The static trade-off theory is tested by first searching for similarities and differences between industries, countries and time periods and, second, by observing whether firms change their capital structures towards optimal levels and whether the coefficient signs are the same as the predictions. The "stock price effect‟ on debt levels is used to examine the pecking order and market timing theories. The pecking order theory is likewise tested by confirming whether firms issue debt when they face a financial deficit. Furthermore, these theories are tested using cluster analyses. The sample examines 11 different characteristics, which include firm size, debt level, and bankruptcy probability. As each characteristic is related to one or more capital structure theories, the most appropriate theory can be derived, based on such characteristics. There are five main findings. First, firms which are financial stable issue relatively more debt. Second, they have a preference for moderate debt levels and thus limit their bankruptcy probability. They also try to exploit opportunities from overestimated stock price by issuing stocks to increase cash inflows. Third, the effects from bankruptcy costs are greater than transaction costs in terms of capital structure adjustment. Fourth, during the sample period, firms continuously decrease leverage levels. Fifth, firms‟ characteristics and macro-economic factors affect their capital structure. There are three main conclusions. First, the behaviour of firms appears generally aligned with the trade-off theory, although the pecking order and market timing theories also partially explain the equity issuance condition. Second, the "equity and debt choice modes‟ can likewise be explained by the use of a theoretically combined approach, using the three major capital structure theories. In this approach, firms increase their value by both increasing debt for tax benefits and low adverse selection costs, and by issuing equity when the stock price is high. Third, this second conclusion implies that the trade-off, pecking order and market timing theories can be combined on the assumption that firms maximise their values under conditions of the existence of asymmetric information, tax shields and bankruptcy probability.

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