Spelling suggestions: "subject:"Me ooo"" "subject:"Me 1oo""
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Intersektionella maktrelationer inom etablerad och alternativ media : En jämförande innehållsanalys på nyheter om sexuella övergrepp / Intersectional power relations within mainstream and alternative media : A comparative content analysis on news about sexual assaultLundh, Erik January 2019 (has links)
Efter uppkomsten av hashtaggen #metoo blev sexuella övergrepp och trakasserier ett starkt diskuterat ämne i Sverige och flertalet personer blev uthängda i media efter anklagelser om sexualbrott. Med en rådande oro om hur informationspåverkan kan vara negativ påstod flera forskare att media agerat rättegång genom att de hängts ut utan att ges chansen att försvara sig själva. Denna undersökning har därför gjort en jämförande kvantitativ innehållsanalys på två olika nyhetskällor på internet – Aftonbladet och Svenska motståndsrörelsen, om deras rapportering om sexualbrott efter #metoo. Den förstnämnda är var en etablerad tidning som politiskt beskrevs som socialdemokratisk oberoende. Den andra var en alternativ tidning som sympatiserade med den alternativa högern. Det var olika benämningar inom gestaltning av förövaren, tonalitet till händelsen och volymen på artiklarna som undersöktes. Sedan tolkades resultatet hermeneutiskt utifrån ett agendasättande synsätt samt att ojämlikheter mellan de olika komponenterna bidrog till social stratifiering. Variablerna inom gestaltningen var ras, politisk inriktning, kön och namn. Undersökningen visar att det skedde en stark ojämlikhet i vem som de valt att hänga ut i media, samt hur denne beskrivs. Det var både en ojämlikhet mellan de olika två tidningarna och inom dem. Detta stärker förfarandet om informationspåverkan och uppmärksammar opartiskhet hos medierna samt vikten av källkritiskhet. / After the emerge of the hashtag #metoo, sexual abuse and harassment became a heavily debated topic in Sweden and a lot of people were portrayed in the media after allegations of sexual offenses. With an increasing concern about how the information affects can be negative, several researchers claimed that the media acted as a trial by hanging them out without giving the opportunity to defend themselves. This thesis has therefore made comparative quantitative content analysis on two different news sources on the internet – Aftonbladet and Svenska motståndsrörelsen movement with their reporting about sex crimes following the #metoo. The first mentioned was a mainstream newspaper that politically was referred to as social-democratic independence. The second where an alternative media that sympathizes with the alternative right-movement. There were different terms in the form of the perpetrator, tonality to the event and the volume of the articles that were investigated. Then the result was based on an agenda setting approach and that inequalities between the different components contribute to social stratification. The variables in the design were race, political orientation, gender and name. The survey result shows that there was a strong inequality in who you choose to hang in the media, as well as how this is described. There were both an inequality between the two newspapers and within them. This strengthens the process of information impact and draws attention to the impartiality of the media and the importance of source criticism.
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"Metoo var bara det första steget" : En kvantitativ innehållsanalys om Dagens Nyheters gestaltning av sexualbrott före och efter #metoo / "Metoo was just the first step" : A quantitative content analysis about Dagens Nyheters framing of sexual offenses before and after #metooAndersson, Ronja January 2021 (has links)
The aim of this bachelor study was to examine and analyze if there were any difference in how Dagens Nyheter framed sexual crimes before and after the metoo movements peak in 2017. Framing theory was used to categorize different frames in the reporting of sexual crimes in the Swedish newspaper Dagens Nyheter. The research question was: which frames are the most common in Dagens Nyheters framing of sexual crimes and how common are these frames? Is there any difference in what frames appear in Dagens Nyheter before and after the metoo movements peak in 2017? With a quantitative content analysis I could examine how often the frames were used by Dagens Nyheter and if it was any different after the metoo movements peak in 2017. A total of 869 articles were analyzed. 240 articles in 2014, 322 articles in 2017 and 307 articles in 2020. By using framing theory, ten frames were identified. “police report and legal process”, “sexual offenses linked to religion”, “sexual offenses as a societal problem”, “sexual offense legislation and criticism”, “men with power”, “fact about sexual offenses”, “sexual offenses as a metaphor”, “victim of sexual offenses”, “accused of sexual offenses” and “other”. The result of the examine showed that the most used frame was “police report and legal process”. In the period of 2014 the second most used frame was “sexual offense legislation and criticism”. In the period of 2017 the second most used frame was “victim of sexual offenses” and in the period of 2020 the second most used frame was “sexual offenses as a societal problem”. The biggest difference before and after metoo movement that were found was the frame “accused of sexual offenses”. In 2014 it was not found at all while in 2020 it was one of the more common frames.
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“It’s like we’ve always been walking behind men” : A qualitative study on how machismo and the Me Too- and feminist movements in Chile affect female broadcast journalists and their professional rolesMoussa Espinola, Gabriella January 2019 (has links)
Chile is one of the many countries in Latin America affected by machismo (Torres et al 2002, p. 163-164). In the year of 2017 the Me Too-movement sparked a fire in Chilean media and the feminist movement grew bigger and stronger. These movements affected many institutions, organizations and industries. The journalism industry being one of them. The purpose of this study is to investigate how female journalists in Chile perceive themselves, these movements and their journalistic roles in the context of a country affected by machismo and movements trying to fight it. To investigate these themes a qualitative approach has been used by conducting semi-structured interviews with eight female Chilean journalists that are currently working or have worked in broadcasting. The theoretical background of this study is based on the Hierarchy of Influences model by Pamela J. Shoemaker and Stephen D. Reese (2016), which has been combined with the concept of journalistic role perceptions by Thomas Hanitzsch and Tim P. Vos (2018). The results indicated that the majority of the women interviewed had positive opinions towards the Me Too- and feminist movements in Chile, and that these movements have also had a positive impact on Chilean society and the journalism industry. And so the effects have also been visible in the women's private and professional lives. Even though machismo and harmful patriarchal norms have been and is a part of their lives, the social structures have not gotten in the way of them feeling strong, fighting for their rights, and other women's rights in the industry. Machismo and the movements have all played important parts in how these women have taken on their journalistic roles.
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Ideology and Rape Culture: Examining the Influence of Neoliberalism on Rape Myth AcceptanceWard, Amanda T. 04 November 2020 (has links)
No description available.
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A Movement or a Moment?: The Impact of #MeToo Among College StudentsMonaco, Alexandra L. 02 June 2020 (has links)
No description available.
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Which product attributes lead consumers to prefer startups’ products over established companies’ products in the specialty product category? : A study of the electric vehicle market in GermanyHäßler, Alina, Souren, Bernd January 2018 (has links)
Purpose – The purpose of this study is to investigate which product attributes lead consumers to prefer startups’ products over established companies’ products in the specialty product category. The research object is the electric vehicle market in Germany and the product attributes that are researched are alignable attributes, non-alignable attributes and the price. Design/Methodology/Approach – Quantitative data was collected via an internet questionnaire by means of the non-probability sampling techniques convenience and snowball sampling. The data of 408 members of the German Generation Y (age 17 – 38) was used to test six hypotheses by applying ANOVA and multiple linear regression analysis. Findings – It was found that established companies possess a pioneer advantage in comparison to startups for the specialty product ‘electric vehicle’. This advantage can be overcome when startups differentiate their electric vehicles by implementing superior alignable attributes, a valuable non-alignable attribute or a lower price. Superior alignable attributes had the strongest positive influence on consumers’ preferences towards the startup’s electric vehicle, followed by the lower price and a valuable non-alignable attribute. Limitations/Implications – This study is limited to investigating consumers’ preferences without focusing on the reasons behind the preferences. Further, the category of specialty products is represented by only one example, namely the electric vehicle industry. Practical Implications – Startups can benefit from the results by adopting differentiation strategies that were found to be successful in overcoming pioneer advantage. Originality/Value – This study contributes to pioneer advantage literature by researching how startups can successfully overcome pioneer advantage in the specialty product category.
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Medierna och #Metoo : En kvantitativ innehållsanalys om rapportering kring sexualbrott och sexuella trakasserier före och efter #Metoo i två morgontidningar och två kvällstidningarAltemyr, Emmy, Forsberg, Paulina January 2018 (has links)
Den femte oktober 2017 gick flera kvinnor i USA ut med anklagelser om sexuella övergrepp och våldtäkter mot filmproducenten Harvey Weinstein. Kort därefter startade skådespelerskan Alyssa Milano hashtaggen #Metoo där hon uppmanade kvinnor att vittna om sexuella övergrepp. Kampanjen #Metoo tog över sociala medier och kvinnor i stora delar av världen började dela med sig av egna berättelser om sexuella trakasserier och övergrepp. Syftet med vår studie är därför att undersöka huruvida mediernas rapportering kring sexualbrott och sexuella trakasserier har förändrats efter #Metoo-kampanjens stora genomslag. Genom en kvantitativ innehållsanalys av 80 stycken publicerade artiklar om bland annat hur offer och förövare porträtterats, om namnpublicering har skett samt vilka som har fått komma till tals i artikeln, studerats. Resultatet av den kvantitativa innehållsanalysen visar att mediernas rapportering om sexualbrott och sexuella trakasserier skiljer sig inom vissa områden. Inom kategorierna juridisk process, former av sexualbrott och namnpublicering av offer och förövare kan fler skillnader ses än i övriga kategorier. En tydlig skillnad är att innan #Metoo-kampanjen hade den rapporterade händelsen följden av en juridisk process medan efter kampanjen kunde det räcka med en internutredning eller en anklagelse för att medierna skulle rapportera och namnpublicera personerna i artiklarna.
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Att vara kvinna i en mansdominerad bransch : En intervjustudie om kvinnliga sjömäns upplevelser av kulturell exkluderingNorén, Jennie, O'Mahony, Karin January 2020 (has links)
Sjömansyrket har länge varit mansdominerat och det ter det sig därför intressant att undersöka de kvinnliga sjömännens subjektiva erfarenheter av att vara minoritet. Studiens syfte är att undersöka kulturell exkludering av kvinnor som minoritet i en mansdominerad bransch. Detta görs genom frågeställningarna Vilka exkluderande uttryck i sjömanskulturen upplever kvinnor till sjöss? och På vilka sätt hanterar kvinnor dessa?. Studiens datamaterial består av sju semistrukturerade intervjuer med tematiskt öppna inslag. Studien har utgått från en abduktiv ansats, det vill säga det har skett en växelverkan mellan induktion och deduktion. De teoretiska utgångspunkter som främst används behandlar organisationskultur, samhällets könsstrukturer samt strukturella effekter och copingstrategier som har identifierats i förhållande till avvikarpositionen. Resultatet visar att undersökningsdeltagarna trivs med sitt yrkesval och i många fall med branschen överlag, men att sjömanskulturen är manligt kodad vilket medför flertalet exkluderande uttryck. De exkluderande uttryck som identifieras är sjömansstereotypen, jargong, mumshaming, fysisk arbetsmiljö, uteslutning från språkliga praktiker, homogena chefsled samt jämställdhetsdiskursen. Utifrån studien tas en modell för en framgångsrik strategi fram, där anpassning, motstånd och socialt stöd kan ses som tre kompletterande delstrategier. En pågående förändringsprocess av kulturen i sjöfartsbranschen identifieras, vilken påverkas av att normer förändras på samhällsnivå. Detta märks särskilt genom hur Me too-rörelsen har medfört en stark förbättring av sjömanskulturen.
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Sex(ism), Drugs and Rock ‘n’ Roll: Exploring Online Narratives of Gendered Violencewithin the Alternative Music SceneSapp, E. C. 24 May 2022 (has links)
No description available.
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The Experience of Sexual Abuse of Afro Caribbean Women: The Interpretive Phenomenological Analysis of the Particularities Attached to DisclosureHood, Angela 01 January 2019 (has links)
Sexual abuse is often associated with long-term distressing effects. The experience of sexual abuse differs between survivors and the disclosure of the abuse is a complicated process that may have many particularities attached. For this study, I conducted an interpretative phenomenological analysis to understand how Afro-Caribbean women who experienced sexual abuse understand and make meaning of their experiences and the particularities attached to disclosure. Although prior research regarding sexual abuse has been conducted, research amongst Afro-Caribbean women has been minimal. Further absent from the sexual abuse literature is the lived experience of this population and the meaning they ascribe to their experience. This study utilized semi-structured interviews to elicit data from a sample of five women who identify as Afro-Caribbean or Afro-American women of Caribbean decent who experienced sexual abuse. The emergent themes from the analysis were identity of self as a sexual abuse victim, protection of self from the perpetrator, release of self during and after disclosure, and resilience of self. Themes from the analysis of the participant interviews revealed the experience of sexual abuse in the context of Afro-Caribbean women. This information provides valuable knowledge that may contribute to the larger field of marriage and family therapy by expanding the horizon of cultural awareness around this specific population.
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