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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Transmedia Storytelling Systems in Publishing: with Focus on Fantasy Franchises

Jacob, Phillip 08 November 2021 (has links)
This master thesis provides an extensive definition of transmedia storytelling systems and the fantasy genre, besides a short overview of publishing management, technology, and marketing. The focus of this master thesis is the practical relevance of transmedia storytelling systems for fantasy franchises, such as Harry Potter, Game of Thrones, or The Lord of the Rings. This thesis results in the perceptions that potential customers indeed consume storylines across different media types. Most of them only through media types with a low degree of participation. A smaller but significant amount of the customer consumes media types with a high degree of participation. These results are findings from a survey of more than 600 consumers surveyed of selected fantasy franchises.:1 Introduction 9 2 Overview of Publishing Technologies 11 2.1 Principles of publisher’s organization 11 2.2 Cross-media publishing 12 2.2.1 Setup and Integration of a cross-media publishing system 14 2.3 Publisher’s marketing 17 2.3.1 Publishing trademarks 20 2.3.2 Selection of marketing measures 21 3 Principles of Transmedia Storytelling 23 3.1 Transmediality 23 3.2 Transmedia Storytelling 25 3.3 Storyworlds 27 3.4 Transfictionality 29 3.5 Transmedia story systems 30 3.6 Summary 32 4 Examination of the Fantasy Genre 35 4.1 Definition of Fantasy 35 4.1.1 The secondary world 36 4.1.2 Metaphysical power 38 4.1.3 The heroic element 39 4.1.4 Demarcating Fantasy from related terms and genres 40 4.1.5 Summary 42 4.2 The German Fantasy market 43 4.2.1 Fantasy in TV, films, and series 43 4.2.2 Fantasy in books 45 4.2.3 Fantasy in computer games 46 4.2.4 In conclusion 49 5 Implementation of a Survey: Consumption of the Same Fantasy Narrative in Different Media Types 51 5.1 Methods and systematic 51 5.1.1 Description of the examples 53 5.1.2 Justification and classification 56 5.1.3 Gathering of personal data 58 5.2 Results of the survey 60 Inhaltsverzeichnis VII 6 Discussion of the Perceptions 67 6.1 Interpretation and discussion of the survey’s results 67 6.1.1 Interpretation and discussion concerning the target audience 67 6.1.2 Interpretation and discussion in terms of further media consumption 71 6.1.3 Interpretation and discussion in terms of the media type’s potential 79 6.1.4 Interpretation and discussion in terms of further results and perceptions 86 6.2 Strategic Theses for Publishing Houses and Media Agencies 88 6.2.1 Acquiring the right content 89 6.2.2 How to design a transmedia storytelling system? 91 6.2.3 After obtaining the right stories 93 6.2.4 The right publishing system 96 6.3 In conclusion 98 Bibliography 100 Source materials 102 Statistics 105 Attachement A1 107 Total Results 108 Attachement A2 117 Survey’s structure and results in Detail 118 / Diese Masterarbeit bietet neben einem kurzen Einblick in das Verlagsmanagement, allgemeine Produktionstechniken und Marketing-Strategien eine ausführliche Definition von transmedialen Storytelling-Systemen und des Fantasy-Genres. Der Schwerpunkt dieser Masterarbeit liegt auf der praktischen Relevanz von transmedialen Storytelling-Systemen für Fantasy-Franchises, wie Harry Potter, Game of Thrones oder Der Herr der Ringe. Das Ergebnis dieser Arbeit ist die Erkenntnis, dass potenzielle Kunden tatsächlich medienübergreifend Storylines konsumieren. Die meisten von ihnen jedoch nur über Medientypen mit einem geringen Partizipationsgrad. Ein kleinerer, aber wesentlicher Teil der Rezipienten konsumiert Medientypen mit einem hohen Partizipationsgrad. Diese Ergebnisse sind Erkenntnisse aus einer Befragung von mehr als 600 Rezipienten ausgewählter Fantasy-Franchises.:1 Introduction 9 2 Overview of Publishing Technologies 11 2.1 Principles of publisher’s organization 11 2.2 Cross-media publishing 12 2.2.1 Setup and Integration of a cross-media publishing system 14 2.3 Publisher’s marketing 17 2.3.1 Publishing trademarks 20 2.3.2 Selection of marketing measures 21 3 Principles of Transmedia Storytelling 23 3.1 Transmediality 23 3.2 Transmedia Storytelling 25 3.3 Storyworlds 27 3.4 Transfictionality 29 3.5 Transmedia story systems 30 3.6 Summary 32 4 Examination of the Fantasy Genre 35 4.1 Definition of Fantasy 35 4.1.1 The secondary world 36 4.1.2 Metaphysical power 38 4.1.3 The heroic element 39 4.1.4 Demarcating Fantasy from related terms and genres 40 4.1.5 Summary 42 4.2 The German Fantasy market 43 4.2.1 Fantasy in TV, films, and series 43 4.2.2 Fantasy in books 45 4.2.3 Fantasy in computer games 46 4.2.4 In conclusion 49 5 Implementation of a Survey: Consumption of the Same Fantasy Narrative in Different Media Types 51 5.1 Methods and systematic 51 5.1.1 Description of the examples 53 5.1.2 Justification and classification 56 5.1.3 Gathering of personal data 58 5.2 Results of the survey 60 Inhaltsverzeichnis VII 6 Discussion of the Perceptions 67 6.1 Interpretation and discussion of the survey’s results 67 6.1.1 Interpretation and discussion concerning the target audience 67 6.1.2 Interpretation and discussion in terms of further media consumption 71 6.1.3 Interpretation and discussion in terms of the media type’s potential 79 6.1.4 Interpretation and discussion in terms of further results and perceptions 86 6.2 Strategic Theses for Publishing Houses and Media Agencies 88 6.2.1 Acquiring the right content 89 6.2.2 How to design a transmedia storytelling system? 91 6.2.3 After obtaining the right stories 93 6.2.4 The right publishing system 96 6.3 In conclusion 98 Bibliography 100 Source materials 102 Statistics 105 Attachement A1 107 Total Results 108 Attachement A2 117 Survey’s structure and results in Detail 118

Prezidenti ve válce s médii - paralely v postojích médií USA a ČR vůči hlavám státu / Presidents at war with media - paralels in media attitude towards presidents in USA and the Czech Republic

Pešková, Iva January 2020 (has links)
The aim of this thesis is to look for paralels in reactions and attitudes of Czech and American media towards offensive statements of presidents of the Czech Republic and USA with the focus on mainstream media. In a theoretical part of the thesis the role and function of media in liberal democracies are defined. Following part describes an actual media landscapes of USA and the Czech Republic. The main part - research, is based on the description of the media landscapes in both countries and analyzes the media reactions and attitudes towards one specific presidential statement (one by US president Donald Trump, one by Czech president Milos Zeman). Each statement had to be at most critical, attacking the media and had to raise high media response. Media reactions were afterwards analyzed using qualitative content analysis according to the principles of grounded theory. In the conclusion the categories given by the analysis are being compared and analyzed.

Influencer marketing : strategiska val ur ett företagsperspektiv / Influencer marketing : strategic choices from a business perspective

Andersson, Sara, Ledberg, Amanda, Degerlo, Louise January 2020 (has links)
Influencer marketing är en av de snabbast växande delarna i reklambranschen, och med hjälp av influencer marketing har varumärkena möjlighet att skapa en nära relation med sina konsumenter på Instagram. Idag använder många företag sig av influencers med ett stort antal följare för att marknadsföringen skall vara så effektiv som möjlig. För att bli en framgångsrik influencer krävs det att influencern har en bra fingertoppskänsla mellan vad som är intressant, relevant samt vad följarna vill se i deras Instagramflöden. Eftersom det i nuläget inte finns mycket forskning angående företags strategier om hur de använder sig av influencers i sin marknadsföring. Det finns ett gap i forskningen eftersom att detta är ett relativt nytt sätt för företag att marknadsföra sina produkter på. Det har gjorts lite forskning angående influencer marketing strategier ur ett företagsperspektiv. Detta gjordes genom observationer på utvalda modeföretags Instagramkonton samt på de olika influencernas Instagramkonton som respektive modeföretag samarbetar med i sin influencer marketing. Utöver detta genomfördes kvalitativa, strukturerade intervjuer med respondenter från svenska modeföretag angående företagens influencer marketing strategier på respektive Instagramkonton. Studiens slutsatser visar på att modeföretagen tar någon form av strategiska val i sin influencer marketing när de väljer ut vilka influencers de vill samarbeta med på Instagram. De strategiska valen modeföretagen fattar i sin influencer marketing på Instagram är bland annat hur väl influencern passar företagens målgrupper och kampanjer. Influencer valet grundar sig ofta i influencernas storlek, deras sätt att bygga relationer med sina följare samt sättet de kommunicerar på med sina följare. De strategiska val företagen tar vid val av influencers i sin influencer marketing liknar ofta varandra, men beroende på vilket marknad de riktar sig mot är det större variation på vilka influencers de samarbetar med på Instagram. / Influencer marketing is one of the fastest growing parts of the advertising industry, and with the help of influencer marketing, brands have the opportunity to establish a close relationship with their consumers on Instagram. Today many companies use influencers with a large number of followers to make marketing as effective as possible. To become a successful influencer, it requires the influencer to have a good understanding between what's interesting, relevant and what followers want to see in their Instagram feeds. As there is currently not much research on corporate strategies on how they use influencers in their marketing. There is a gap in research because this is a relatively new way for companies to market their products. There has been little research on influencer marketing strategies from a business perspective. This has been done with observations on selected fashion companies Instagram accounts as well as observations on the various influencers Instagramaccounts with which the respective fashion companies collaborate in their influencer marketing. In addition to this, qualitative, structured interviews were conducted with respondents from Swedish fashion companies regarding the companies' influencer marketing strategies on their respective Instagramaccounts. The study's findings show that fashion companies make some form of strategic choice in their influencer marketing when choosing which influencers they want to collaborate with on Instagram. The strategic choices fashion companies make in their influencer marketing on Instagram include how well the influencer suits the companies' target groups and campaigns. The influencer choice is often based on the size of the influencers, their way of building relationships with their followers and the way they communicate with their followers. The strategic choices companies make when choosing influencers in their influencer marketing are of-ten similar, but depending on which market they targeting, there is greater variation in which influencers they collaborate with on Instagram.

Att nå ut i det tysta bruset : En kvalitativ studie om videomarknadsföringsstrategier och ljudlös uppspelning inom musikbranschen / Cutting through the silent content soup : A qualitative study about video marketing strategies and muted video in the music industry

Öhgren, Elin, Ingelsson, Amanda January 2022 (has links)
Musikindustrin ställs idag mot en utmaning när innehåll på sociala medier ses utan ljud, vilket kan ha en negativ inverkan på effektiviteten av budskap och annonsering. Denna studie har undersökt hur marknadsförare inom den svenska musikindustrin förhåller sig till ljudlös uppspelning av rörligt innehåll på sociala medier och vilka strategier de använder för att nå ut med rörligt innehåll på sociala medie-plattformar. Fem marknadsförare inom svensk musikindustri deltog i kvalitativa intervjuer. Tre av respondenterna representerar arrangörer för liveevent och två respondenter representerar skivbolag. Resultatet visade på varierat förhållningssätt till fenomenet om ljudlös uppspelning. Några marknadsförare såg på ljudlös uppspelning som problematiskt, medan några inte såg ljudlösa förhållanden som ett problem. En möjlig förklaring kan vara ökad användning av ljudbaserade plattformar, såsom TikTok. Resultaten identifierade ett flertal strategier relaterade till ljud i rörligt innehåll på sociala medier. De flesta instämde med strategier som identifierats i tidigare studier och källor, medan ett fåtal kunde betraktas som ett nytt tillägg till det nuvarande kunskapsläget. Studien bidrar till befintlig forskning om ljudlös reklam och musikmarknadsföringsstrategier i sociala medier. / The music industry faces challenges when content on social media is consumed without sound, potentially making messages and advertising less effective. This study examined how marketers within the Swedish music industry relate to soundless video play on social media, and what strategies they use relating to sound on social platforms. Five marketers within the Swedish music industry participated in qualitative interviews – three of the participants work at concert and event organizers and two participants work at record labels. The interviews showed varied approaches to the phenomenon of soundless videos. Some marketers regarded muted conditions as problematic, whereas some did not consider soundless play an issue. A possible explanation might be the increased utilization of sound based platforms such as TikTok. The results identified several strategies relating to sound in video marketing on social media. Most concurred with strategies identified in previous studies and sources, whereas a few could be considered a new addition to the current state of knowledge. This study contributes to research on soundless advertising and music marketing strategies in social media.

Improving a company's social media strategy : A study based on a competitive analysis

Wiklund, Elvira January 2017 (has links)
This study started off during the spring of 2017 and had the goal of with the aid of a competitive analysis create a new social media strategy for the company Spree. During the last years, digitalization has grown increasingly and has become more integrated in our society. Together with the digitalization, the use of social medias has increased, both for personal use and for business use. For companies, the use of social medias is still relatively new, so a designed and developed social media strategy can be crucial for a company to reach out in the right way and to the right target group. This study show that a well-designed social media strategy can be created with the aid of a competitive analysis together with a deeper analysis of the company’s own social medias. The analysis of the company’s own social medias helps to illustrate the current flaws that exists, while the competitive analysis assist in finding relationships that can help the company get an apprehension of what their main focus should be on. / Denna studie borjade under varen 2017 och hade som mal att med hjalp av enkonkurrensanalys skapa en ny sociala medier-strategi for foretaget Spree. Under desenaste aren har digitaliseringen vaxt allt mer och blivit mer integrerad i vartsamhalle. Tillsammans med digitaliseringen har aven anvandningen av socialamedier okat, bade for den enskilda individen samt for foretagen. Men att anvandasociala medier for foretag ar fortfarande relativt nytt, sa att ha en utformad ochvalplanerad sociala medier-strategi kan vara avgorande for att na ut pa ratt satt ochtill ratt malgrupp. Denna undersokning visar att en val utformad sociala medier-strategi kan skapasmed hjalp av en konkurrensanalys tillsammans med en djupare analys av foretagetsegna sociala medier. Analysen av det egna foretagets sociala medier hjalper till attbelysa de nuvarande brister som finns, samtidigt som konkurrentanalysen bistar tillatt hitta samband som kan hjalpa foretaget att fa en uppfattning om vad de borfokusera pa.

Samtalet på Facebook : En studie om IKEA Sveriges kommunikation i sociala medier / The conversation on Facebook : A study about IKEA Sweden’s communication in social media

Gustafsson, Frida, Bylund, Fredrika January 2013 (has links)
Introduction In this study, we have explained the complexities of social media, as it is still a relatively unexplored area. With the rapidly growing use of social media in recent years, companies have chosen to establish themselves in social networks to advertise themselves and communicate with their customers. In this study we analyze IKEA Sweden and their use of social media on the national market, where focus lies upon IKEA Sweden Facebook-page. The study intends to find out how the company uses social media as a marketing and communication tool and also analyzes the relations and conversations that occur on the Facebook-page.   Purpose and research questions The purpose of the study was to gain a deeper understanding of how a large Swedish company as IKEA has chosen to use social media and how it's perceived by them. We also intended to find out how IKEA Sweden uses social media in their daily work and how the company communicates through this media channel. The research questions for this study were: how does IKEA Sweden use social media and in what purpose? How does IKEA Sweden want their communication on Facebook to look like and how do they really communicate? What are the employees at different levels view of the company's use of social media? How do they see the development of social media, in general and for the company?                       Methodology We are using semi-structural interviews and text-analyzing as qualitative methods. We chose to do a text-analysis of IKEA Sweden's Facebook page where relationships, interactions, intertextuality and coherence where viewed upon. Semi-structured interviews have been used with five respondents who therefore represented IKEA Sweden in this study.   Theoretical perspective We present a number of different theories to give the reader a greater insight into the relationship between scientific media theories and its application in how companies communicate through social media. To further enhance the reader's understanding of the material presented in this study we describe how we attach these theories to this study and why we found them relevant.   Conclusions IKEA Sweden has a vision to strengthen relations with their consumers and to market themselves on Facebook. They want to create an image of themselves as transparent, available and honest in the dialogue and managing feedback from their consumers. IKEA Sweden use social media as a supplement to tradition marketing and consumer service. We have been able to discern certain awareness in our respondents of the fact that companies are increasingly encroaching on their consumers' private spaces, which may affect the company's presence in social media in the future.

Populism in Power : A case study on the role of media strategies for preserving populist power and its implications for liberal democracy in Hungary

Stuber, Adam Balázs January 2018 (has links)
There is widespread agreement that populism is on the rise around the globe. A concept that has been largely associated with Latin America has increasingly become related to the Global North where populists have gained power in several countries in the past decade. Previously, scholars argued that although populism has the ability to rapidly attract popular support it rarely persists in the long term. Yet there are both historical and contempary examples to contradict that notion. Which leads to the question; how do populists sustain power in a competitive democracy? This paper takes a closer look at how populists in power use media strategies to solidify their position. Existing scholarly literature on the use of media by populists is scarce and has mainly been focused on Latin America. For the research purpose, a detailed narrative spanning an eight year period was conducted to account for the media strategies used by populists in the Hungarian government. The results dinstinguish several strategies used by populists in Hungary which can be linked to their success in preserving power. The thesis contributes to the knowledge on populist media strategies and the wide literature on populism.

Trendy mediálních strategií se zaměřením na Českou republiku / Media strategy trends with focus on the Czech Republic

Skálová, Denisa January 2013 (has links)
The thesis Media strategy trends with focus on the Czech Republic provides the reader with a comprehensive overview of the use of media in marketing communications and trends in this area, complemented with future perspectives. The thesis aims to analyze the current trends in media strategies, to determine whether the new media share in the mediamix will continue to grow and also to compare global and local distinctions in this area.

Hur företag kan skapa engagemang på Instagram när det fysiska mötet begränsas : En fallstudie på Liseberg under Covid-19 pandemin / How businesses can create engagement on Instagram when the physical meeting is limited : A case study at Liseberg during the Covid-19 pandemic

Sandklef, Daniela, Porsefeldt, Julia, Lindqvist, Ludvig January 2023 (has links)
Covid-19 pandemin skapade många begränsningar i det fysiska mötet för företag i Sverige. Problematiken för de företag som inte kunde erbjuda sin produkt på samma sätt digitalt var det som skapade ett intresse att genomföra denna studie. Många företag fick göra ett skifte och fokusera mer på de digitala verktygen under den här tiden. Därför valde gruppen att fördjupa sig i hur företag på Instagram arbetar med sitt innehåll för att skapa engagemang. Frågorna som besvarades togs fram med syftet att skapa en uppfattning kring vilken av de tre framtagna inläggs kategorierna som skapar högst engagemang, rationella inlägg, interaktionella inlägg eller transaktionella inlägg. Samt hur innehållet på Instagram kan förändras beroende på om det fysiska mötet är begränsat eller ej.En kvalitativ fallstudie på Liseberg genomfördes i form av dokumentanalys på företagets Instagramkonto. Resultatet kopplades därefter samman med den tidigare forskningen inom engagemang, digital marknadsföring, sociala medier marknadsföringsstrategi och Social Exchange Theory. Studien är avgränsad till att endast mäta engagemang baserat på gilla-markeringar och kommentarer. Vikten av att ett företag behöver engagemang för att vara konkurrenskraftiga klarläggs samt relevans att företag finns på sociala medier. Resultatet visade att de transaktionella inläggen hade betydligt högst engagemang, men även att de interaktionella inläggen skapade högt engagemang. Förslagsvis borde företag under perioderna de har nedstängt fokusera just på dessa två kategorier som uppmanar till att skapa engagemang i form av gilla-markeringar och kommentarer. Studien visade också hur Liseberg anpassade mängden samt innehållet av deras inlägg under de olika perioderna för att hålla sig aktuella med vad besökarna efterfrågade. Studien är skriven på svenska. / Covid-19 pandemic created a lot of limitations for companies when it came to the physical meeting. The problem that occurred when companies no longer were able to offer their product in reality created an interest in this study. Many companies had to make a shift and focus more on digital tools during this time. Therefore, this group chose to dive into how a company on Instagram works with their content to create engagement. The questions that were answered were developed with the aim of creating knowledge about which of the three developed post categories create the highest engagement, rational posts, interactional posts or transactional posts. As well as how the content on Instagram may change depending on whether the physical meeting is limited or not.A qualitative case study on the amusement park Liseberg was carried out in the form of document analysis on @Lisebergab Instagram. The result was then connected with the previous research on engagement, digital marketing, social media marketing strategy and the Social Exchange Theory. The study is limited to only measuring engagement based on likes and comments. The importance of companies needing engagement to be competitive is clarified, as well as the relevance of companies being on social media. The transactional posts received the highest engagement, but it was also shown that it is not financially sustainable to focus on this too much.The results showed that transactional posts had the highest engagement, but also that interactive posts created high engagement. It is suggested that companies during periods of shutdown should focus on these two categories that encourage engagement in the form of likes and comments. This study also showed how Liseberg adapted the amount and content of their posts during different periods to stay current with what visitors demanded from the company. Following will this paper be written in swedish.

Andy Warhol's Utilization of <i>inter/VIEW</i> Magazine as a Self Promotional Marketing Tool Updated to a Social Media Strategy For Artists in Today's Technological Age

Dieterich, Danielle May 10 June 2016 (has links)
No description available.

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