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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Análise do perfil dos pacientes HIV/aids que faltam às consultas agendadas de infectologia no Serviço de Extensão ao Atendimento de Pacientes HIV/Aids da Divisão de Moléstias Infecciosas e Parasitárias do Hospital das Clínicas da Faculdade de Medicina da Universidade de São Paulo / Characterization of patients who missed infectious diseases medical appointments at the Casa da Aids, an outpatient clinic specialized in HIV/AIDS patients attached to the Infectious Diseases Service, Clinics Hospital of the São Paulo University Medical School

Nagata, Delsa 02 July 2013 (has links)
INTRODUÇÃO: A terapia antirretroviral (TARV) reduziu a mortalidade e a morbidade por aids, melhorou a qualidade de vida das pessoas vivendo com HIV/aids (PVHA) e, recentemente, foi reconhecida pelo seu papel como instrumento para redução da transmissão do HIV. Entretanto, a efetividade da TARV depende da manutenção de altas taxas de adesão à mesma. Tipo de tratamento, características individuais dos pacientes, barreiras de acesso ao serviço e à informação, falta de regularidade no comparecimento às consultas e às retiradas de medicamentos podem associar-se negativamente à adesão. Do ponto de vista da gestão, a falta à consulta agendada é um problema para os serviços de saúde que pode ser traduzido em custos para a sociedade. O presente estudo tem como objetivo analisar o perfil dos pacientes com HIV/aids que faltaram a consultas médicas agendadas de infectologia em um serviço especializado no atendimento de PVHA adultos, utilizando uma base de dados secundários gerados por um sistema administrativo destinado ao monitoramento da produção e ao faturamento. MÉTODOS: Foram incluídas PVHA em acompanhamento no Serviço de Extensão ao Atendimento de Pacientes HIV/Aids (SEAP HIV/Aids) com registro de pelo menos uma consulta agendada de infectologia em 2006 e 2007. Excluídos os sujeitos com discordância nas informações sobre sexo e data de nascimento, gestantes e com registro de óbito ou de transferência de serviço antes da primeira consulta de infectologia em 2007. Através do Sistema de Informação e Gestão Hospitalar (SIGH) foram obtidos dados do cadastro dos pacientes, registros de consultas e atendimentos em especialidades médicas e disciplinas de saúde, de internações hospitalares no ICHCFMUSP e de retiradas de medicamentos. A variável desfecho foi falta em consulta agendada de infectologia em 2007. As variáveis independentes incluíram características sócio-demográficas dos sujeitos, consultas e atendimentos em especialidades e disciplinas disponíveis no SEAP HIV/Aids, internações no ICHCFMUSP; tipo de médico infectologista que acompanhou o sujeito: se assistente ou residente, mudança de médico e retirada de antirretrovirais (ARV), em 2007. Na análise foram utilizados os testes do qui-quadrado de Pearson e t de Student. RESULTADOS: Sob o olhar da qualidade de informação, observou-se baixa frequência de registros de consultas e atendimentos em duplicidade. Embora a completitude e a acessibilidade tenham sido consideradas adequadas para grande parte dos dados, as variáveis cor, ocupação e endereço, não foram analisadas devido à baixa consistência dos dados referentes às mesmas. Entre os 3075 sujeitos incluídos 38,9% (1195) faltaram em pelo menos uma consulta de infectologia e a taxa de faltas às consultas de infectologia foi de 13,9%; 70,1% (2157) dos sujeitos eram do sexo masculino e não foi observada associação entre sexo e falta em consulta (p=0,32). A proporção de sujeitos que faltaram diminuiu à medida em que aumentou a idade (p<0,001) e a média de idade dos que faltaram foi menor do que a dos que não faltaram (p<0,001). Os sujeitos que faltaram agendaram 33,3% mais consultas em infectologia (p<0,001) e compareceram a menos consultas (p<0,001) quando comparados aos que não faltaram. A falta foi associada a maior comparecimento em consulta sem agendamento (p<0,001) e em atendimento de serviço social (p<0,001), a internação hospitalar no ICHCFMUSP (p<0,001), a assistência feita por médico residente e a troca de médico (p=0,02), e a menor comparecimento em consultas de ginecologia (p<0,001) e de proctologia (p=0,00). Sujeitos em uso de TARV faltaram em menor proporção (p<0,001). A média de retiradas de ARV entre os sujeitos que faltaram foi menor quando comparados aos que não faltaram (p<0,001). A organização do serviço de saúde é um fator relevante para o comparecimento dos pacientes em consulta. No contexto da atenção à saúde de PVHA, acesso a mais modalidades de assistência, atendimento em horário marcado, e uma gestão que tenha por objetivo diminuir as barreiras de acesso ao tratamento podem contribuir para elevar a qualidade da assistência ofertada. A elaboração e acompanhamento de indicadores de qualidade tais como acompanhamento de taxas de faltas e de retiradas de ARV pode contribuir para a redução de taxas de faltas às consultas. Embora ainda necessite de melhorias, o SIGH revelou-se um instrumento útil para a elaboração de indicadores relacionados à qualidade da atenção à saúde de PVHA / BACKGROUND: The highly active antiretroviral therapy (HAART) reduced AIDS morbidity and mortality in HIV/AIDS patients, improved their quality of life and, was recognized as prevention to HIV transmission. However, the success of antiretroviral therapy (ART) depends on high levels of adherence to it. Treatment regimens, patient individual characteristics, access barriers, missing scheduled appointments and not taking ART drugs can be associated with low adherence. For managers, a missed appointment could be translated in costs. Our goal is to characterize HIV/AIDS patients who missed scheduled medical appointments, according to SIGH, an electronic administrative database. METHODS: Adults HIV/AIDS patients followed at a public outpatient clinic specialized in HIV/AIDS attached to the Clinics Hospital of the São Paulo University Medicine School who had at least one scheduled appointment with an infectious disease physician in 2006 and 2007 were included. Patients with uncertain age and gender registry, pregnant or who were transferred or died before first scheduled appointment in 2007 were excluded. The outcome was missed scheduled medical appointment with an infectious diseases physician in 2007. Data on sociodemographic characteristics (age, gender, color/race, occupation, and address), appointments with physicians and health care providers care available in the clinic, hospitalization at Central Institute of Clinics Hospital of the São Paulo University Medicine School and ART withdrawal from the pharmacy in 2007 were obtained from a computerized administrative database; besides, the sort of infectious disease physician (assistant or resident) who cared for the patient, physician changing and number of changes were other independent variables included. Chi-square and Student-t test were used on analysis. RESULTS: We observed few duplicities of registry of appointments. Although the database showed a good completeness and accessibility for most variables, color/race, occupation and address had low consistency and were not analyzed. The study included 3075 subjects, 38.9% (1195) of them missed at least 1 scheduled medical appointment with an infectious disease physician in 2007; 13.9% of all medical appointments were missed. Subjects who missed medical appointments scheduled 33.3% more (p<0.001) and had less medical consultations (p<0.001) compared with those who did not miss medical visits. Seventy one percent (2157) of the subjects were men and we found no association between gender and missing medical appointment (p=0.32). Missing medical appointment was associated with younger age (p<0.001), unscheduled medical (p<0.001) and social worker visits (p<0.001), hospitalization (p<0.001), assistance by resident (p=0.04), change of physician (p=0.02), lower attendance to gynecologist (p<0.001) and proctologist (p=0.00); besides, not be on HAART was associated to missing medical appointment (p<0.001) and subjects who missed medical visits withdrew few ART drugs from the pharmacy (p<0.001). The organization of the health service is relevant for improving patient attendance to it. Access to more medical specialties and health disciplines, scheduled medical visits, reduction of barriers to access are all management instruments to increase the quality of health services. The use of quality indicators, like rate of missed medical appointments and withdrawal of drugs from the pharmacy, may increase the adherence of HIV/aids patients to the treatment. The performance of SIGH was satisfactory when it was used for quality indicators, although some improvement is still necessary

Avaliação da efetividade de uma intervenção psicossocial para melhorar a adesão do paciente à terapia antirretroviral da Aids: ensaio controlado aleatório utilizando monitoramento eletrônico / Evaluation of the effectiveness of a psychosocial intervention to improve patient adherence to antiretroviral therapy of AIDS: randomized clinical trial using electronic monitoring

Basso, Cáritas Relva 07 May 2010 (has links)
INTRODUÇÃO: O sucesso da terapia antirretroviral de alta potência depende da manutenção de altas taxas de adesão do paciente ao tratamento, o que provocou a implementação de intervenções para melhorar a adesão nos programas de Aids em todo o mundo. No Brasil há poucos estudos sobre a efetividade destas intervenções e apenas um foi aleatório e controlado. Este estudo objetiva avaliar a efetividade de uma intervenção psicossocial para melhorar a adesão de pessoas vivendo com HIV e Aids à terapia antirretroviral. MÉTODOS: Consentiram em participar do estudo 121 dos 363 pacientes com carga viral >50 cópias/ml e com mesmo esquema antirretroviral por no mínimo seis meses, em acompanhamento no Centro de Referência e Treinamento em DST e Aids - São Paulo/Brasil. Todos os participantes utilizaram monitoramento eletrônico de medicação por 60 dias sendo então aleatorizados na proporção de 1:1 para os grupos de intervenção (GI) e controle (GC). O GI recebeu o cuidado usual do serviço e participou de quatro encontros individuais de uma hora com profissional de saúde previamente capacitado a intervalos de 15 dias. O GC recebeu apenas o cuidado usual. O desfecho primário foi a adesão medida pelo monitoramento eletrônico no momento da alocação nos grupos (início da intervenção), após 30, 60, 90 e 120 dias. A medida secundária foi a carga viral no início e no final do estudo. A análise foi feita por intenção de tratamento. RESULTADOS: Não houve diferença estatística significativa nas medidas de adesão segundo percentual de doses tomadas, de doses tomadas no horário e proporção de pacientes com adesão >= 95%, entre os grupos GI e GC durante o período da intervenção (medidas de 30 e 60 dias). Entretanto, a evolução da proporção de pacientes com adesão >= 95% entre o início da intervenção e o primeiro seguimento pós intervenção (medida de 90 dias) mostrou aumento no GI e declínio no GC, embora sem significado estatístico. O GI mostrou queda significativa em todas as medidas de adesão de 60 dias (final da intervenção) e 120 dias (final do seguimento). A carga viral média diminuiu significativamente entre o início e o final do estudo em ambos os grupos, sem diferença estatística significativa entre o GI e o GC. CONCLUSÕES: A intervenção não provocou aumento na adesão dos participantes do estudo. O discreto aumento na proporção de aderentes no grupo da intervenção em relação ao controle durante o período da intervenção sugere, contudo, que o número de participantes - bem menor do que a estimativa amostral - possa ter comprometido os resultados pela falta de poder estatístico suficiente para mostrar diferenças entre os grupos. A redução nos níveis de carga viral foi benéfica, pois se associa com a diminuição da mortalidade e da progressão para Aids. Registro do Ensaio: National Institute of Healthy - Clinical Trials: NCTOO716040 / INTRODUCTION: The success of the antiretroviral therapy depends on high patient adherence to treatment, which has led to the implementation of interventions aimed at enhancing adherence in AIDS programs worldwide. Few studies have been performed in Brazil investigating the effectiveness of these interventions, and only one randomized controlled study is available. The aim of this study is to assess the effectiveness of a psychosocial intervention in improving adherence to antiretroviral treatment among individuals living with HIV and AIDS. METHOD: A total of 121 out of 363 patients with viral load > 50 copies/ml and in use of the same antiretroviral scheme for at least six months were recruited from the Reference and Training Center for STD and AIDS - São Paulo/Brazil. All participants used electronic monitoring of medication for 60 days and were randomized in a 1:1 ratio for the intervention group (IG) and control (CG) The IG, in addition to receiving standard care, took part in four 1-hour meetings, held every fortnight by a trained-health professional. The CG received standard care only. The study was run for six month. The primary outcome was adherence measured by electronic monitoring at the time of allocation groups (commencement of intervention), after 30, 60, 90 and 120 days. The secondary measure was the viral load at baseline and end-point of the study. The analysis was done by intention to treat. RESULTS: Comparison between IG and CG during the intervention period revealed no statistically significant difference in adherence in terms of percentage of doses taken, percentage of doses taken on time, or proportion of patients with adherence >= 95%. However, the evolution of the proportion of patients with adherence >= 95% between the commencement of intervention and follow-up after first intervention (as of 90 days) showed increased adherence in the GI and a tendency for reduced adherence in the CG, although this did not reach statistical significance. A significant decrease in all measures of adherence was observed between 60 days (end of intervention) and 120 days (study end-point). Viral load was found to decrease between baseline and study end-point in both groups (p<0.0001), but presented no statistically significant difference between the IG and CG. CONCLUSIONS: The intervention did not lead to increased adherence among study participants The slight increase in the proportion of adherent participants in the intervention group compared to control during the intervention period suggests, however, that the number of participants - far less than the estimated sample-may have affected the results by the lack of sufficient statistical power to show differences between the groups. Reduced viral load can be beneficial to patients since it is associated with lower mortality and disease progression. National Institute of Healthy - Clinical Trials: NCTOO716040

Uso de medicamentos recomendados na prevenção secundária da Síndrome Coronariana Aguda

Gaedke, Mari Ângela January 2013 (has links)
Submitted by William Justo Figueiro (williamjf) on 2015-07-06T22:12:30Z No. of bitstreams: 1 02a.pdf: 469334 bytes, checksum: d1ee27d63e3def5d073e04e680f2b027 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2015-07-06T22:12:30Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 02a.pdf: 469334 bytes, checksum: d1ee27d63e3def5d073e04e680f2b027 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2013 / Nenhuma / Verificou-se a prevalência do uso de medicamentos recomendados na prevenção secundária da síndrome coronariana aguda na alta hospitalar e seguimentos de seis meses e de um ano. Utilizaram-se dados de estudo de coorte no qual se incluíram pacientes de 30 anos ou mais, de ambos os sexos, egressos de hospital da região sul do Brasil. Os desfechos foram o uso dos medicamentos recomendados para prevenção secundária: antiagregante plaquetário, betabloqueador, estatina e inibidor da enzima conversora de angiotensina ou bloqueador do receptor de angiotensina; e uso de bloqueio antiplaquetário duplo. Entre as 138 pessoas incluídas, 36,2% receberam os quatro medicamentos na alta, e 64,5% usaram bloqueio antiplaquetário. Na análise não se verificou associação entre exposições e o uso dos quatro medicamentos. Quanto ao uso de bloqueio antiplaquetário verificou-se diminuição nos seguimentos, porém ele foi mais frequente nos indivíduos que realizaram intervenção coronária percutânea. A prevalência de uso dos medicamentos na alta e nos seguimentos mostrou subutilização desta terapêutica na prática clínica. / We verify the prevalence of medication recommended in secondary prevention of Acute Coronary Syndrome in patient discharge and follow-up of a six months and one year period. We used data from a cohort study which included patients 30 years old or older, of both genders, discharged of hospital in southern Brazil. The outcome was the simultaneous use of drugs recommended by scientific evidence for secondary prevention: antiplatelet agents, beta-blocker, statin and angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitor or angiotensin receptor blocker; and use of dual antiplatelet blockage. Among the 138 people included, 36.2% were prescribed the four drugs at discharge, and 64,5% and dual blockage. In the analysis there was no association between exposure and the use of the four drugs. Regarding the use of antiplatelet blockage there was a decrease in the follow-up, but he was more frequent in subjects who underwent percutaneous coronary intervention. The prevalence of drug use at discharge and follow-up showed underutilization of this therapy in clinical practice.

Análise do perfil dos pacientes HIV/aids que faltam às consultas agendadas de infectologia no Serviço de Extensão ao Atendimento de Pacientes HIV/Aids da Divisão de Moléstias Infecciosas e Parasitárias do Hospital das Clínicas da Faculdade de Medicina da Universidade de São Paulo / Characterization of patients who missed infectious diseases medical appointments at the Casa da Aids, an outpatient clinic specialized in HIV/AIDS patients attached to the Infectious Diseases Service, Clinics Hospital of the São Paulo University Medical School

Delsa Nagata 02 July 2013 (has links)
INTRODUÇÃO: A terapia antirretroviral (TARV) reduziu a mortalidade e a morbidade por aids, melhorou a qualidade de vida das pessoas vivendo com HIV/aids (PVHA) e, recentemente, foi reconhecida pelo seu papel como instrumento para redução da transmissão do HIV. Entretanto, a efetividade da TARV depende da manutenção de altas taxas de adesão à mesma. Tipo de tratamento, características individuais dos pacientes, barreiras de acesso ao serviço e à informação, falta de regularidade no comparecimento às consultas e às retiradas de medicamentos podem associar-se negativamente à adesão. Do ponto de vista da gestão, a falta à consulta agendada é um problema para os serviços de saúde que pode ser traduzido em custos para a sociedade. O presente estudo tem como objetivo analisar o perfil dos pacientes com HIV/aids que faltaram a consultas médicas agendadas de infectologia em um serviço especializado no atendimento de PVHA adultos, utilizando uma base de dados secundários gerados por um sistema administrativo destinado ao monitoramento da produção e ao faturamento. MÉTODOS: Foram incluídas PVHA em acompanhamento no Serviço de Extensão ao Atendimento de Pacientes HIV/Aids (SEAP HIV/Aids) com registro de pelo menos uma consulta agendada de infectologia em 2006 e 2007. Excluídos os sujeitos com discordância nas informações sobre sexo e data de nascimento, gestantes e com registro de óbito ou de transferência de serviço antes da primeira consulta de infectologia em 2007. Através do Sistema de Informação e Gestão Hospitalar (SIGH) foram obtidos dados do cadastro dos pacientes, registros de consultas e atendimentos em especialidades médicas e disciplinas de saúde, de internações hospitalares no ICHCFMUSP e de retiradas de medicamentos. A variável desfecho foi falta em consulta agendada de infectologia em 2007. As variáveis independentes incluíram características sócio-demográficas dos sujeitos, consultas e atendimentos em especialidades e disciplinas disponíveis no SEAP HIV/Aids, internações no ICHCFMUSP; tipo de médico infectologista que acompanhou o sujeito: se assistente ou residente, mudança de médico e retirada de antirretrovirais (ARV), em 2007. Na análise foram utilizados os testes do qui-quadrado de Pearson e t de Student. RESULTADOS: Sob o olhar da qualidade de informação, observou-se baixa frequência de registros de consultas e atendimentos em duplicidade. Embora a completitude e a acessibilidade tenham sido consideradas adequadas para grande parte dos dados, as variáveis cor, ocupação e endereço, não foram analisadas devido à baixa consistência dos dados referentes às mesmas. Entre os 3075 sujeitos incluídos 38,9% (1195) faltaram em pelo menos uma consulta de infectologia e a taxa de faltas às consultas de infectologia foi de 13,9%; 70,1% (2157) dos sujeitos eram do sexo masculino e não foi observada associação entre sexo e falta em consulta (p=0,32). A proporção de sujeitos que faltaram diminuiu à medida em que aumentou a idade (p<0,001) e a média de idade dos que faltaram foi menor do que a dos que não faltaram (p<0,001). Os sujeitos que faltaram agendaram 33,3% mais consultas em infectologia (p<0,001) e compareceram a menos consultas (p<0,001) quando comparados aos que não faltaram. A falta foi associada a maior comparecimento em consulta sem agendamento (p<0,001) e em atendimento de serviço social (p<0,001), a internação hospitalar no ICHCFMUSP (p<0,001), a assistência feita por médico residente e a troca de médico (p=0,02), e a menor comparecimento em consultas de ginecologia (p<0,001) e de proctologia (p=0,00). Sujeitos em uso de TARV faltaram em menor proporção (p<0,001). A média de retiradas de ARV entre os sujeitos que faltaram foi menor quando comparados aos que não faltaram (p<0,001). A organização do serviço de saúde é um fator relevante para o comparecimento dos pacientes em consulta. No contexto da atenção à saúde de PVHA, acesso a mais modalidades de assistência, atendimento em horário marcado, e uma gestão que tenha por objetivo diminuir as barreiras de acesso ao tratamento podem contribuir para elevar a qualidade da assistência ofertada. A elaboração e acompanhamento de indicadores de qualidade tais como acompanhamento de taxas de faltas e de retiradas de ARV pode contribuir para a redução de taxas de faltas às consultas. Embora ainda necessite de melhorias, o SIGH revelou-se um instrumento útil para a elaboração de indicadores relacionados à qualidade da atenção à saúde de PVHA / BACKGROUND: The highly active antiretroviral therapy (HAART) reduced AIDS morbidity and mortality in HIV/AIDS patients, improved their quality of life and, was recognized as prevention to HIV transmission. However, the success of antiretroviral therapy (ART) depends on high levels of adherence to it. Treatment regimens, patient individual characteristics, access barriers, missing scheduled appointments and not taking ART drugs can be associated with low adherence. For managers, a missed appointment could be translated in costs. Our goal is to characterize HIV/AIDS patients who missed scheduled medical appointments, according to SIGH, an electronic administrative database. METHODS: Adults HIV/AIDS patients followed at a public outpatient clinic specialized in HIV/AIDS attached to the Clinics Hospital of the São Paulo University Medicine School who had at least one scheduled appointment with an infectious disease physician in 2006 and 2007 were included. Patients with uncertain age and gender registry, pregnant or who were transferred or died before first scheduled appointment in 2007 were excluded. The outcome was missed scheduled medical appointment with an infectious diseases physician in 2007. Data on sociodemographic characteristics (age, gender, color/race, occupation, and address), appointments with physicians and health care providers care available in the clinic, hospitalization at Central Institute of Clinics Hospital of the São Paulo University Medicine School and ART withdrawal from the pharmacy in 2007 were obtained from a computerized administrative database; besides, the sort of infectious disease physician (assistant or resident) who cared for the patient, physician changing and number of changes were other independent variables included. Chi-square and Student-t test were used on analysis. RESULTS: We observed few duplicities of registry of appointments. Although the database showed a good completeness and accessibility for most variables, color/race, occupation and address had low consistency and were not analyzed. The study included 3075 subjects, 38.9% (1195) of them missed at least 1 scheduled medical appointment with an infectious disease physician in 2007; 13.9% of all medical appointments were missed. Subjects who missed medical appointments scheduled 33.3% more (p<0.001) and had less medical consultations (p<0.001) compared with those who did not miss medical visits. Seventy one percent (2157) of the subjects were men and we found no association between gender and missing medical appointment (p=0.32). Missing medical appointment was associated with younger age (p<0.001), unscheduled medical (p<0.001) and social worker visits (p<0.001), hospitalization (p<0.001), assistance by resident (p=0.04), change of physician (p=0.02), lower attendance to gynecologist (p<0.001) and proctologist (p=0.00); besides, not be on HAART was associated to missing medical appointment (p<0.001) and subjects who missed medical visits withdrew few ART drugs from the pharmacy (p<0.001). The organization of the health service is relevant for improving patient attendance to it. Access to more medical specialties and health disciplines, scheduled medical visits, reduction of barriers to access are all management instruments to increase the quality of health services. The use of quality indicators, like rate of missed medical appointments and withdrawal of drugs from the pharmacy, may increase the adherence of HIV/aids patients to the treatment. The performance of SIGH was satisfactory when it was used for quality indicators, although some improvement is still necessary

Farmakoepidemiologija antidijabetičnih lekova i odnos pacijenata prema leku i lečenju dijabetes melitusa tipa 2 u Republici Srpskoj / Pharmacoepidemiology of antidiabetic drugs and patients' relation towards drugs and treatment of type 2 diabetes mellitus in the Republic of Srpska

Popržen Jelena 20 September 2018 (has links)
<p>Iako je dijabetes melitus (DM) tip 2 je hronično oboljenje čija se stopa značajno povećala poslednjih decenija, podaci o odnosu pacijenta prema leku i lečenju dijabetes melitusa su retki i odnose se na pojedine aspekte terapije. Glavni kamen spoticanja u lečenju dijabetesa jeste nepridržavanje pacijenata propisanim lekovima, &scaron;to otežava održavanje normalne glikoregulacije i doprinosi razvoju te&scaron;kih komplikacija koje značajno utiču na kvalitet života pacijenata sa DM. Raspolaganje tačnim podacima o upotrebi antidijabetičnim lekova, kao i uvidom u realno stanje o odnosu pacijenata prema leku u lečenju DM tipa 2, omogućava pobolj&scaron;anje farmakoterapijske prakse i kreiranje intervencije za pobolj&scaron;anje adherencije pacijenata Ciljevi ovog istraživanja bili su: 1) analiza obima potro&scaron;nje i strukture antidijabetičnih lekova na teritoriji Republike Srpske i njihovo poređenje sa upotrebom i strukturom propisivanja u okolnim zemljama kao i državama sa razvijenom farmakoterapijskom praksom; 2) analiza obima potro&scaron;nje i strukture antidijabetičnih lekova u op&scaron;tini Foča i poređenje sa savremenim farmakoterapijskim smernicama; 3) određivanje procenta pokrivenosti antidijabetičnom terapijom pacijenata sa DM tip 2 tokom jedne godine u op&scaron;tini Foča; 4) određivanje adherencije pacijenata sa DM tipa 2 prema antidijabetičnoj terapiji metodom brojanja tableta/doza insulina i putem validiranog upitnika; 5) određivanje kvaliteta života povezanog sa zdravljem pacijenata sa DM tipa 2 u op&scaron;tini Foča primenom validiranog upitnika SF-36v2; 6) određivanje prediktora neadherenije kod primene obe metode merenja adherencije u odnosu na karakteristike i kvalitet života pacijenata sa DM tip 2 u op&scaron;tini Foča. Ispitivanje se sastojalo iz dva dela. U prvom delu sprovedeno je retrospektivno farmakoepidemiolo&scaron;ko praćenje upotrebe antidijabetičnih lekova kao i određivanje strukture ovih lekova na teritoriji Republike Srpske u periodu od 01.01.2013. do 31.12.2013.godine i izvr&scaron;eno je poređenje sa upotrebom i strukturom propisivanja u okolnim zemljama kao i državama sa razvijenom farmakoterapijskom praksom. U drugom delu ispitivanja sprovedeno je farmakoepidemiolo&scaron;ko ispitivanje primene antidijabetičnih lekova na nivou same op&scaron;tine Foča u okviru koje je pored analize obima potro&scaron;nje i strukture antidijabetičnih lekova u istom periodu kao i na teritoriji Republike Srpske i poređenja sa savremenim farmakoterapijskim smernicama, određivan i procenta pokrivenosti antidijabetičnom terapijom mereno redovno&scaron;ću ponovnih popunjavanja recepata od strane lekara op&scaron;te prakse tokom jednogodi&scaron;njeg perioda. Takođe je sprovedeno i ispitivanje adherencije prema antidijabetičnim lekovima primenom dve različite metode merenja kao i kvalitet života pacijenata sa DM tip 2 između 01.01.2015. i 31.12.2015.godine. Ukupna upotreba antidijabetika za lečenje dijabetesa tip 1 i tip 2 na teritoriji Republike Srpske iznosila je 38,29 DDD/1000st/dan. Upotreba insulina i analoga iznosila je 11,28 DDD/1000st/dan. Ukupna upotreba oralnih lekova koji snižavaju glukozu i krvi, isključujući insuline iznosila je 27,01 DDD/1000st/dan, a metformin je najče&scaron;će kori&scaron;ćeni predstavnik. Sličan obim i struktura upotrebe antidijabetičnih lekova utvrđena je i u op&scaron;tini Foča. Procenat pokrivenosti antidijabetičnom terapijom pacijenata sa DM tip 2 tokom jedne godine u op&scaron;tini Foča iznosio je vi&scaron;e od 94,91%. Adherencija određivana metodom brojanja tableta/doza insulina iznosila je 52,3%, a merena primenom validiranog upitnikom iznosila je svega 44,9%. Statistički značajni prediktori neadherencije određivane primenom metode brojanja tableta/doza insulina su doplata cena leka kao i niži skor dimenzije mentalnog zdravlja kada je u pitanju kvalitet života. Prediktori neadherencije merene primenom validiranog upitnikom bili su mu&scaron;ki pol, kao i niži skor dimenzije mentalnog kao i fizičkog zdravlja kada je u pitanju kvalitet života. Na osnovu ovih saznanja, intervencije za pobolj&scaron;anje adherencije pacijenata bi bile usmerene na edukaciju pacijenata mu&scaron;kog pola, zatim na smanjivanje izdataka pacijenata za lekove, &scaron;to će doprineti i boljem kvalitetu života ovih pacijenata.</p> / <p>Although diabetes mellitus (DM) type 2 is a chronic disease whose rate has increased significantly in recent decades, data on the patient&#39;s attitudes towards the medicine and the treatment of diabetes mellitus are rare and relate to individual aspects of the therapy. The main stumbling block in the treatment of diabetes is not taking prescribed drugs regularly, which makes it difficult to maintain normal glycoregulation and contribute to the development of severe complications that significantly affect the quality of life of patients with DM. The disposition of accurate data on the use of antidiabeticdrugs, as well as the insight into the real state of the patient&#39;s relationship with the medication in the treatment of DM type 2, enables the improvement of pharmacotherapeutic practice and the creation of an intervention to improve patient adherence.<br />The objectives of this research were:<br />1) analysis of the volume of consumption and structure of anti-diabetic medicines on the territory of the Republic of Srpska and their comparison with the use and structure of prescribing in the surrounding countries as well as countries with developed pharmacotherapeutic practice;<br />2) analysis of the volume of consumption and structure of antidiabetic drugs in the municipality of Foča and comparison with modern pharmacotherapeutic guidelines;<br />3) determining the percentage of coverage with antidiabetic therapy of patients with DM type 2 during one year in the municipality of Foča;<br />4) determining the adherence of patients with DM type 2 in antidiabetic therapy by the method of pill counts /volume of insulin and by validated questionnaire;<br />5) determining the quality of life associated with the health of patients with DM type 2 in the municipality of Foča using the validated questionnaire SF-36v2;<br />6) determination of the predictor of nonadherence in the application of both methods of adherence measurement in relation to the characteristics and quality of life of patients with DM type 2 in the municipality of Foča.<br />The investigation consisted of two parts.<br />In the first part, a retrospective pharmacoepidemiological monitoring of the use of antidiabetic drugs was carried out, as well as determining the structure of these drugs in the territory of the Republic of Srpska in the period from January, 1st 2013 until December, 31st 2013, and a comparison was made with the use and prescription structure in neighboring countries as well as countries with developed pharmacotherapeutic practices. In the second part of the study, a pharmacoepidemiological study was carried out on the use of antidiabetic drugs at the level of the municipality of Foča itself, in which, besides analyzing the volume of consumption and structure of anti-diabetic drugs in the same period as in the territory of the Republic of Srpska and comparison with modern pharmacotherapeutic guidelines, the percentage of coverage by antidiabetic therapy was measured by the regularity of the prescription prescribed by the general practitioner over a one-year period. Medication adherence to antidiabetic drugs was also carried out using two different methods of measurement as well as the quality of life of patients with DM type 2 between January, 1st 2015 and December, 31st 2015. The total use of antidiabetic for the treatment of type 1 diabetes and type 2 in the territory of the Republic of Srpska was 38.29 DDD / 1000st / day. The use of insulin and analogs was 11.28 DDD / 1000st / day. The total use of blood glucose lowering drugs , excluding insulins, was 27.01 DDD / 1000st / day, and metformin is the most commonly used representative. A similar volume and structure of the use of anti-diabetic drugs was also determined in the municipality of Foča. The percentage of coverage of antidiabetic therapy of patients with DM type 2 during one year in the municipality of Foca amounted to more than 94.91%. Adherence determined by the pill counts and the volume of insulin method was 52.3%, and measured by applying the validated questionnaire was only 44.9%. Statistically significant predictors of nonadherence determined by the method of pill counts/volume of insulin are copayment, a fix fee for prescription made by patients as well as the lower score of the mental health dimension when it comes to quality of life. The non-adherence predictors measured using the validated questionnaire were the male sex, as well as a lower score of the mental dimension as well as physical health when it comes to quality of life. Based on these findings, interventions to improve patient adherence would focus on health education of male patients, and policy changes regarding availability of antidiabetic medication through copayment reductions , which will contribute to a better quality of life for these patients.</p>

Travel – a risk factor for disease and spread of antibiotic resistance

Angelin, Martin January 2015 (has links)
As international travel is rapidly increasing, more people are being exposed to potentially more antibiotic resistant bacteria, a changed infectious disease epidemiology, and an increased risk of accidents and crime. Research-based advice is needed to adequately inform travellers about these risks. We studied travellers who sought advice from the Travel Medicine Clinic at the Department of Infectious Diseases, Umeå University Hospital, as well as university students from Umeå, Stockholm, and Gothenburg travelling abroad for study, research, and clinical exchange programs. From retrospective data at the Travel Medicine Clinic, we found that pre-existing health problems were rare among travellers from Umeå seeking pre- travel health advice and vaccinations. In addition, we found that the travel destination and the sex of the traveller affected vaccination levels. Although hepatitis A is endemic to both Thailand and Turkey, compared to travellers to Thailand few travellers to Turkey visited the clinic for hepatitis A vaccination. The data also revealed that more women than men were vaccinated against Japanese encephalitis despite comparable trips. A prospective survey study showed that travellers felt that the pre-travel health advice they received was helpful. Two-thirds of the travellers followed the advice given although they still fell ill to the same extent as those who were not compliant with the advice. Factors outside the control of travellers likely affect the travel-related morbidity. Compared to older travellers, younger travellers were less compliant with advice, fell ill to a greater extent, and took greater risks during travel. In a prospective survey study, we found that healthcare students had higher illness rates and risk exposure when abroad compared to students from other disciplines. This difference was mainly due to the fact that healthcare students more often travelled to developing regions during their study period abroad. When abroad, half of all students increased their alcohol consumption and this was linked to an increased risk of theft and higher likelihood of meeting a new sex partner. The healthcare students participating in the survey study also submitted stool samples before and after travel. These samples were tested for the presence of antibiotic resistance, both by selective culturing for ESBL-PE (Extended-Spectrum Beta-Lactamase Producing Enterobacteriaceae) as well as by metagenomic sequencing. About one-third (35%) of the students became colonised by ESBL-PE following their study abroad. The strongest risk factor for colonisation was travel destination; for example, 70% of students who had travelled to India became colonised. Antibiotic treatment during travel was also a significant risk factor for colonisation. The stool samples from a subset of study subjects were analysed using metagenomic sequencing. From this we learned that although the majority of resistance genes in the gut microbiome remained unchanged following travel, several clinically important resistance genes increased, most prominently genes encoding resistance to sulphonamide, trimethoprim, and beta-lactams. Overall, taxonomic changes associated with travel were small but the proportion of Proteobacteria, which includes several clinically important bacteria (e.g., Enterobacteriaceae), increased in a majority of the study subjects. Clearly, there are risks associated with international travel and these risks include outside factors as well as the personal behaviour of travellers. We believe our results can be used to develop better pre-travel advice for tourists as well as university students studying abroad resulting in safer travel.

Impact of type of drug insurance on adherence, persistence and costs of antidepressant drugs : a Quebec population-based study

Assayag, Jonathan 01 1900 (has links)
Contexte: À date, il existe peu de données sur l’adhésion, la persistance et les coûts associés aux antidépresseurs selon le type d’assurance médicament (privé ou public). Objectif: Comparer selon le régime d’assurance médicament (privé ou public), l'adhésion, la persistance et les coûts des antidépresseurs. Méthodes de recherche: Une étude de cohorte appariée a été réalisée en utilisant des bases de données du Québec. Sujets: Nous avons sélectionné 194 patients assurés par un régime privé et 1923 patients assurés par le régime public de la Régie de l’assurance maladie du Québec (RAMQ) (18-64 ans) qui ont rempli au moins une ordonnance pour un antidépresseur entre décembre 2007 et septembre 2009. Mesures: L’adhésion, mesurée sur une période d’un an, a été estimée en utilisant le proportion of prescribed days covered (PPDC). Un modèle de régression linéaire a été utilisé afin d’estimer la différence moyenne en PPDC entre les patients assurés par un régime privé et ceux assurés par le régime public de la RAMQ. La persistance a été comparé entre ces deux groupes avec un modèle de régression de survie Cox, et le coût mensuel d'antidépresseurs ($ CAN) a été comparé entre ces deux groupes en utilisant un modèle de régression linéaire. Résultats: Le PPDC parmi les patients assurés par un régime privé était de 86,4% (intervalle de confiance (IC) 95%: 83,3%-89,5%) versus 81,3% (IC 95%: 80,1%-82,5%) pour les patients assurés par le régime public de la RAMQ, pour une différence moyenne ajustée de 6,7% (IC 95%: 3,0%-10,4%). La persistance après un an parmi les patients assurés par un régime privé était de 49,5% versus 18,9% pour les patients assurés par le régime public de la RAMQ (p <0,001), et le rapport de risque ajusté était de 0,48 (IC 95%: 0,30-0,76). Comparativement aux patients assurés par le régime public de la RAMQ, les patients ayant une assurance privée ont payé 14,94 $ CAD (95% CI: $12,30-$17,58) de plus par mois en moyenne pour leurs antidépresseurs. Conclusion: Les patients assurés par un régime privé avaient une meilleure adhésion, persistance, mais avaient aussi un plus haut coût pour leurs antidépresseurs que ceux assurés par le régime public de la RAMQ. Cette différence de coûts peut être due aux différentes exigences de paiement en pharmacie entre les deux régimes ainsi qu’aux limites des honoraires des pharmaciens imposés par le régime public. / Background: The influence of the type of drug insurance on adherence, persistence and cost of antidepressants is not well known. Objective: To compare adherence, persistence and cost of antidepressants in patients with private and public drug insurance. Research Design: A matched cohort study was conducted using prescription claims databases from Quebec, Canada. Subjects: 194 privately and 1923 publicly insured patients (18-64 years) who filled at least one prescription for an antidepressant between December 2007 and September 2009. Measures: Adherence over one year was estimated using the proportion of prescribed days covered (PPDC). The difference in mean PPDC between patients with private and public drug insurance was estimated with a linear regression model. Persistence was compared between the groups with a Cox regression model, and the monthly cost of antidepressants (CAD$) was compared between the two groups using linear regression. Results: The PPDC was 86.4% (95% CI: 83.3-89.5) in patients with private and 81.3% (95%CI: 80.1-82.5) in patients with public drug insurance and the adjusted mean difference was 6.7% (95% CI: 3.0-10.4). Persistence was 49.5% in patients with private and 18.9% in patients with public drug insurance at one year (p<0.001), and the adjusted hazard ratio was 0.48 (95%CI: 0.30-0.76). Patients privately insured paid 14.94$ CAD (95% CI: 12.30; 17.58) more per month on average for their antidepressants. Conclusion: Better adherence and persistence and higher costs were observed in privately insured patients. Cost difference might be due to different pharmacy payment requirements and pharmacists’ honorary restrictions under the public plan.

Attitudes et croyances vis-à-vis du traitement comme variables intermédiaires du comportement d'usage du médicament. / Attitudes and beliefs towards treatment as predicting variables of medication use behaviour

Samalin, Ludovic 27 September 2016 (has links)
La prise en charge des patients souffrant d’un trouble mental justifie une meilleure compréhension des mécanismes influençant les comportements des patients et des cliniciens vis-à-vis des stratégies thérapeutiques. Le principal objectif de cette thèse est d’étudier et d’identifier le rôle des attitudes des patients et des cliniciens vis-à-vis du comportement d’usage d’une thérapeutique. Pour cela, nous avons réalisé plusieurs études permettant d’appréhender cette problématique dans différentes pathologies et envers différentes thérapeutiques.Concernant les attitudes des patients envers leur traitement, nous avons détaillé un travail visant à évaluer les croyances de patients souffrant de schizophrénie envers leur antipsychotique et une étude qualitative sur les attitudes des patients bipolaires envers leur prise en charge en phase d’euthymie. Nous avons montré l’impact des attitudes négatives sur le niveau d’observance ou d’adhésion des patients à leur prise en charge et l’intérêt de cibler des stratégies de prise en charge individualisées visant à améliorer ces attitudes. Concernant les psychiatres, nous avons présenté une étude évaluant les attitudes des cliniciens vis-à-vis des recommandations professionnelles ainsi qu’un travail concernant leurs attitudes envers les antipsychotiques d’action prolongée. Certaines attitudes des psychiatres apparaissaient associées à une plus faible utilisation des recommandations ou des formulations d’action prolongée. Nos résultats montrent ainsi que l’observance ou l’adhésion des patients à une prise en charge ou le choix thérapeutique des cliniciens sont sous-tendus par leurs attitudes. L’étude des attitudes dans le domaine de la santé mentale apparaît comme une étape indispensable dans la compréhension de certains comportements d’usage des thérapeutiques. Les données issues des travaux présentés mais aussi d’études récentes permettent d’envisager un changement de paradigme dans l’appréhension des comportements d’observance des patients et de décision médicale des cliniciens dans le choix d’une thérapeutique centré sur leurs attitudes. / The management of patients with severe mental illnesses needs a better understanding of thefactors affecting the behaviours of clinicians and patients toward therapeutic strategies.The main objective of this thesis was to assess and identify the role of the clinician’s attitudes and patients’ attitudes toward the medication use behaviour. We conducted several studies to address this point in different mental disorders and for different type of treatment. Concerning the patients ‘attitudes toward treatment, we reported data from a study assessing the beliefs toward antipsychotics of schizophrenic patients and from a qualitative study assessing the patient’s attitudes toward the management of bipolar disorder in euthymic periods. We showed that the negative attitudes had a marked impact on the level of adherence of patients and could determine individual targets of interventions to improve them. Concerning the psychiatrists, we reported two studies assessing the clinician’s attitudes toward guidelines and long-acting injectable antipsychotics. Some specific attitudes were associated with a lower use of guidelines or long-acting formulations. These findings showed that the adherence of patient to treatment and the medical decisions of clinicians were related to their attitudes. The assessment of attitudes or beliefs in the field of mental health appears to be an essential step to promote a better comprehension of some treatment use behaviours. Our results and from other recent studies support a new paradigm for the patient adherence to treatment and the medical decision of clinicians focused on their attitudes as predicting variables.

Fatores relacionados à adesão ao tratamento antirretroviral de adultos com HIV/AIDS / Factors related to the adherence to the antiretroviral treatment of adults with HIV/AIDS

Zuge, Samuel Spiegelberg 06 May 2013 (has links)
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior / The objective was to analyze the factors related to the adherence to the antiretroviral treatment of adults with HIV/AIDS, who were treated at the University Hospital of Santa Maria. This is a cross-sectional study, with a quantitative approach, involving 179 adults subjected to antiretroviral treatment for the HIV/AIDS. The data collection was held from January to July 2012, after approval by the Research Ethics Committee from the Federal University of Santa Maria. We have used a research tool consisted of data about the economic, demographic, social and clinical profiles; the Brazilian version of the Cuestionário para la Evaluación de la Adhesión al Tratamiento Antiretroviral and the Scale of self-efficacy expectancy to the antiretroviral treatment. After checking for errors and inconsistencies, the statistical analysis was performed by using the program PASW ® Statistics (Predictive Analytics Software, from SPSS Inc., Chicago - USA), version 18.0 for Windows. Of the 179 adults undergoing antiretroviral treatment for the HIV/AIDS, 50,8% were male, 23,5% were aged from 45 to 49 years (average age 43,21, ± 10,48), 62,6% lived in the city of Santa Maria; in 68,6% the route of HIV transmission was the sexual one. The Cronbach s alpha indexes of the scale of adherence and of self-efficacy expectancy were, respectively, 0,78 and 0,93. Of the adults under antiretroviral treatment, 83,2% were defined as non-adherents (raw score ≥ 83; percentile ≥ 85). The self-efficacy expectancy for the adherence to the antiretroviral treatment showed an average of 95,04% (± 9,11). Through bivariate analysis, it was found a statistically significant relationship between adherence and breed, schooling, viral load, the act of keeping the follow-up of your health in the service, the propensity to alcoholism, change in the lifestyle and necessity to use psychiatric medications. We have found a high and positive correlation between self-efficacy expectancy to follow-up the treatment and the adherence to the antiretroviral treatment. It was also evidenced a significant relationship among adherence, schooling, the act of keeping the follow-up of your health in the service and change in the lifestyle. The adherence showed a significant and direct correlation with self-efficacy expectancy (r=0,637, p <0,01), time of diagnosis (r = - 0,175, p<0,05), low and reverse with the number of pills (r = - 0,301, p <0,01), very low between and treatment time (r = - 0,165, p <0,05), low and direct with the viral load (r = 0,344, p <0,01). We conclude that adherence to the antiretroviral therapy is related to numerous factors that might interfere with the effectiveness of the treatment. From the analysis of adherence and of factors that might influence in the antiretroviral treatment, one can establish strategies of individual and collective care towards this population. / O objetivo foi analisar os fatores relacionados à adesão ao tratamento antirretroviral de adultos com HIV/AIDS, atendidos no Hospital Universitário de Santa Maria. Estudo transversal, com abordagem quantitativa, envolvendo 179 adultos em tratamento antirretroviral para o HIV/AIDS. A coleta de dados foi realizada no período de janeiro a julho de 2012, após aprovação do Comitê de Ética em Pesquisa da Universidade Federal de Santa Maria. Utilizou-se um instrumento de pesquisa, composto por dados sobre o perfil econômico, demográfico, social e perfil clínico; a versão brasileira do Cuestionário para la Evaluación de la Adhesión al Tratamiento Antiretroviral e a Escala de expectativa de autoeficácia ao tratamento antirretroviral. Após a verificação de erros e inconsistências, a análise estatística foi realizada no programa PASW Statistics® (Predictive Analytics Software, da SPSS Inc., Chicago - USA) versão 18.0 for Windows. Dos 179 adultos em tratamento antirretroviral para o HIV/AIDS, 50,8% eram do sexo masculino, 23,5% encontravam-se na faixa etária de 45 a 49 anos, idade média (43,21, ± 10.48), 62,6% residiam no município de Santa Maria, em 68,6% a via de transmissão do HIV foi a sexual. O alfa de Cronbach da escala de adesão e de expectativa de autoeficácia foi, respectivamente, 0,78 e 0,93. Dos adultos em tratamento antirretroviral, 83,2% foram definidos como não aderentes (escore bruto ≥ 83; percentil ≥ 85). A expectativa de autoeficácia para a adesão ao tratamento antirretroviral apresentou média de 95,04% (± 9,11). Por meio da análise bivariada foi encontrada relação estatística significativa entre adesão e a raça, escolaridade, carga viral, ao como é manter o acompanhamento de sua saúde no serviço, a propensão para alcoolismo, mudança no estilo de vida, necessidade de utilizar medicações psiquiátricas. Identificou-se correlação alta e positiva entre expectativa de autoeficácia para seguir o tratamento e adesão ao tratamento antirretroviral. Evidenciou-se também relação significativa entre adesão, escolaridade, manter o acompanhamento de saúde no serviço e mudança no estilo de vida. A adesão apresentou correlação significativa alta e direta com expectativa de autoeficácia (r= 0,637, p<0,01), tempo de diagnóstico (r= - 0,175, p<0,05), baixa e inversa com número de comprimidos (r= - 0,301, p< 0,01), muito baixa entre e tempo de tratamento (r= - 0,165, p< 0,05), baixa e direta com a carga viral (r= 0,344, p<0,01). Conclui-se que adesão ao tratamento antirretroviral esta relacionada a inúmeros fatores que podem interferir na eficácia do tratamento. A partir da análise da adesão e dos fatores que podem influenciar no tratamento antirretroviral será possível estabelecer estratégias de cuidado individual e coletivo a esta população.

Adesão de pacientes com insuficiência cardíaca à farmacoterapia: as experiências de dois centros clínicos especializados

Camuzi, Ranieri Carvalho 11 January 2018 (has links)
Submitted by Biblioteca da Faculdade de Farmácia (bff@ndc.uff.br) on 2018-01-11T13:15:59Z No. of bitstreams: 1 RANIERI CARVALHO CAMUZI.pdf: 15172783 bytes, checksum: 659642cc2290ea484c112a926143aed9 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2018-01-11T13:15:59Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 RANIERI CARVALHO CAMUZI.pdf: 15172783 bytes, checksum: 659642cc2290ea484c112a926143aed9 (MD5) / Fundação Carlos Chagas Filho de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado do Rio de Janeiro / A insuficiência cardíaca (IC) é uma síndrome prevalente que, apesar dos avanços no tratamento, acarreta significativa morbidade e mortalidade. Estudos demonstram que a não adesão ao tratamento é uma importante causa de resultados insatisfatórios na terapia, descompensação no quadro clínico, internação e óbito. Acreditando-se que a efetiva inserção do farmacêutico na assistência, mesmo na dispensação convencional, seria capaz de promover maior adesão, tevese por objetivo avaliar como dois modelos de atuação farmacêutica impactam sobre a adesão à farmacoterapia em pacientes com IC com fração de ejeção reduzida assistidos em dois centros clínicos especializados da rede pública de saúde. O trabalho foi organizado em duas partes. A primeira parte foi um estudo prospectivo com análise transversal de dados de pacientes com ICFER acompanhadas por uma equipe multidisciplinar, no momento da inserção do profissional farmacêutico nessa equipe e após 4 meses, com orientação farmacêutica por demanda do paciente. A segunda parte é a análise transversal de um estudo prospectivo que realizou acompanhamento farmacoterapêutico com pacientes de outro centro clínico especializado, por 4 meses. Foram incluídos respectivamente 38 e 31 pacientes. Nos dois grupos, observou-se maioria de homens, com predomínio de IC leve a moderada, polimedicados e tratando duas ou mais comorbidades, utilizando combinação de betabloqueador, inibidores da enzima conversora da angiotensina e/ou antagonistas dos receptores da angiotensina, antagonista da aldosterona e diurético. Na primeira parte do estudo, observou-se associação de maior número de comorbidades, maior gravidade e polifarmácia com boa adesão. Na segunda parte, verificou-se associação de idade maior, viver sem cônjuge e com menor número de pessoas no mesmo lar, razão de posse de medicamentos e razão para não tomar o medicamento com a adesão. Os resultados sobre adesão melhoraram nos dois grupos, ao final do estudo, embora sem significância estatística. Na segunda parte observou-se melhora estatisticamente significante no nível de conhecimento da prescrição, na razão de posse de medicamentos e na autoavaliação de saúde. Não foi possível observar melhora significativa na adesão, porém verificaram-se melhorias significativas em fatores associados à boa adesão. O limitado número amostral exigirá cautela na extrapolação dos resultados / Heart failure (HF) is a prevalent syndrome that, despite advances in treatment, causes significant morbidity and mortality. Studies show that nonadherence to treatment is an important cause of unsatisfactory results in therapy, decompensation in the clinical condition, hospitalization and death. Believing that the effective insertion of the pharmacist into the patient care would be able to promote greater adherence, even in the conventional dispensation, the objective of this study was to evaluate how two models of pharmaceutical services impact on adherence to pharmacotherapy in patients with HF with reduced ejection fraction, assisted in two specialized clinical centers of the public health network. The study was organized in two parts. The first was a prospective study with cross-sectional of data from patients assisted by a multidisciplinary team, at the time of insertion of the pharmacist in this team and after 4 months, with pharmaceutical orientation by patient demand. The second part is a cross-sectional analysis of a prospective study that carried out pharmacotherapeutic follow-up with patients from another specialized clinical center for 4 months. Thirty-eight and 31 patients were included respectively. In the two groups, was observed majority of men, with a predominance of mild to moderate HF, polymedicated and treating two or more comorbidities, using a combination of beta-blocker, angiotensin converting enzyme inhibitor and/or angiotensin receptor antagonist, aldosterone antagonist and diuretic. In the first part of the study, we observed an association of higher number of comorbidities, greater severity and polypharmacy with good adherence. In the second part, there was an association of older age, living with no spouse and with fewer people in the same household, reason for possession of medications and reason for not taking the drug with high adherence. The adherence level was improved in both groups at the end of the study, although without statistical significance. In the second part, there was a statistically significant improvement in the level of prescription knowledge, in the drug possession ratio and in the health self-assessment. It was not possible to observe a significant improvement in adherence, but there were significant improvements in factors associated with good adhesion. The limited sample size will require caution in extrapolating the results

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