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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Актуализация и развитие студенческого потенциала в спортивных мегасобытиях в подготовке к Всемирным студенческим играм – 2023 : магистерская диссертация / Actualization and development of student potential in sports mega-events in preparation for the World Student Games - 2023

Кириллов, Е. С., Kirillov, E. S. January 2021 (has links)
Актуальность диссертационной работы заключается в особом внимании к развитию студенческого спорта, который является актуальным не только для студенчества, но и для всего общества в различных аспектах. Физическая культура и спорт являются не только эффективным средством физического развития человека, сферой общения и проявления социальной активности людей, формой организации и проведения их досуга, но бесспорно влияют и на другие стороны человеческой жизни. Актуализации ресурсного потенциала студентов в процессе подготовки к Всемирным студенческим играм – 2023 представляет особый интерес как в процессе подготовки, так и проведении масштабного, социально значимого спортивного события. Всемирные студенческие игры – 2023 – драйвер развития студентов и событие, позиционирующее Университет в профессиональном пространстве мирового образования; мероприятие, объединяющее участников и организаторов от регионального и федерального уровней до консолидации всех мировых спортивных студенческих сообществ. Объектом исследования является потенциал студенческой общности. Предметом исследования – развитие студенческого потенциала в спортивных мегасобытиях. Магистерская диссертация состоит из двух глав, введения, заключения, библиографического списка, трех приложений. / The Master's dissertation consists of two chapters, an introduction, a conclusion, a bibliographic list, and three appendices. The relevance of the dissertation work lies in the special attention to the development of student sports, which is relevant not only for students, but also for the whole society in various aspects. Physical culture and sport are not only an effective means of physical development of a person, a sphere of communication and manifestation of social activity of people, a form of organizing and conducting their leisure, but undoubtedly affect other aspects of human life. Updating the resource potential of students in the process of preparing for the World Student Games – 2023 is of particular interest both in the process of preparing and conducting a large-scale, socially significant sports event. World Student Games-2023-the driver of student development.

Är fotbollsplanen den nyautrikespolitiska arenan? En studie om beslutsarenor kopplat till fotbolls-VM i Qatar 2022

Björkman, Tilde January 2023 (has links)
No description available.

The Path to Global Sport Sponsorship Success: An Event History Analysis Modeling Approach

Jensen, Jonathan A. 21 May 2015 (has links)
No description available.

在發展中國家舉辦世界盃足球賽對於經濟和社會之影響: 針對2010 南非世足賽排擠窮人工作權與生存權之研究 / The Social and Economic impacts of hosting the FIFA World Cup in the Developing world: A Case Study of the Poor, the Excluded and the Disenfranchised in South Africa 2010.

馬泰伯, Matsau, Thabo Unknown Date (has links)
現今年代,已不在是只有最富有和已開發國家才有舉辦豪華大型活動的權力,體育大型活動也不在是純粹的體育競賽了。由於舉辦比賽及活動可產生數十億美元的經濟效應,南半球的發展中國家及熱切的想申辦此類大型活動。但舉辦一場大型活動實際又會對當地社區、城市,甚至一個社會帶來什麼樣的影響呢?特別是當舉辦國是較貧困和資源不足的發展中國家,有時,發展中國家的社會保障自卑感造成了與已開發國家結果截然不同的結果,在某些情況下這樣的挑戰是普遍的,不管如何這樣的情況在發展中國家更常發生,也往往導致災難性的後果。本文試圖了解,在社會和經濟層面,在特定國家體育大型活動的舉辦對於特定社會群體的影響。本文希望發展中國家未來在招標與申請舉辦大型活動時,能對於現實有更好的了解,並能設置更合理的預期,此外也能對伴隨而來不可避免的人口問題有一定的準備。 / Gone are the days when the hosting of lavish mega-events is exclusive to the wealthiest and most developed nations. Gone too are the days when sporting mega-events were purely sporting spectacles. With tournaments and events generating billions of dollars, developing nations in the global south have, with increasing enthusiasm, bid to host such events. But how does a mega-event actually affect a community, a city, a society? What happens when that community is particularly impoverished and in an under-resourced developing nation? At times, the social security inferiority of developing nations produces results starkly different results to those of the developed world and in other situations the challenges are universal but are exacerbated in the developing world, often with dire consequences. This dissertation seeks to understand how, on social and economic levels, the hosting of sporting mega-events manifests itself to particular groups in society, in particular kinds of nations. This is done with the hope that developing nations bidding and hosting in the future may better appreciate the reality and therefore not only set more realistic expectations but also better prepare to guard against and remedy the inevitable consequences on some sectors of the population.

Influencer-marketing på sociala medier : En studie om relationen mellan företag och konsumenter genom Influencer-marketing / Influencer-marketing on Social Media : A study on the relationship between companies and consumers through Influencer-marketing

Björklund, Filip, Svensson, Sofia January 2023 (has links)
Under det senaste decenniet har digitaliseringen satt fart och utvecklat medielandskapet vilket resulterat i att sociala medier blivit ett av de främsta verktygen att tillämpa vid marknadsföring. Vidare har det utvecklats diverse verktyg att tillämpa på sociala medier för att driva sin marknadsföring framåt. Den mest använda sociala plattformen var Facebook år 2020. Därefter kom Instagram och Youtube där båda hade en användningsgrad på omkring 60% vilket är en siffra som ständigt ökar. Denna studie har för avsikt att undersöka om Influencer-marketing i sociala medier är en effektiv metod för företag att nå sin målgrupp på den svenska modemarknaden. Studien syftar till att påvisa avgörande faktorer för om strategin är värd att investera i eller inte. Målet är även att undersöka hur företagen resonerar kring möjligheter och risker med att arbeta med Influencer-marketing. Undersökningen grundar sig i en metodkombination som utgår från en kvantitativ enkät med klusterurval och fyra semistrukturerade, kvalitativa intervjuer med företag. Fyra företag deltog i undersökningen varav två tillämpar Influencer-marketing och två eliminerar metoden. Den kvantitativa enkäten resulterade i 131 svar från privatpersoner som dagligen exponeras av Influencer-marketing via sociala medier. Resultatet från undersökningen visade på att Instagram och Facebook är de främsta plattformarna för organisationer att marknadsföra på. Resultatet påvisade även att Instagram och TikTok var de främsta plattformarna som respondenterna spenderar sin tid på. Vidare påvisade resultatet även att det finns delade meningar kring att tillämpa Influencer-marketing vilket bland annat beror på företag, produkter och målgrupp. Samtliga företag som intervjuats verkar inom samma bransch men har varierande marknadsföringsstrategier. / In the last decade, digitization has accelerated and developed the media landscape, resulting in social media becoming one of the main tools for marketing. The most used social platform in 2020 was Facebook, followed by Instagram and YouTube, both with a usage rate of around 60%, which is a number that is constantly increasing.  This study aims to investigate whether influencer marketing on social media is an effective method for reaching the target audience in the Swedish fashion market. The study aims to demonstrate decisive factors for whether the Influencer-marketing strategy is worth investing in or not. The goal is also to examine how companies reason about opportunities and risks when working with influencer marketing. The study is based on a method combination consisting of a quantitative survey with cluster sampling and four semi-structured, qualitative interviews with companies. The companies that participated in the study were two that apply influencer marketing and two that eliminate the method. All companies interviewed operate in the same industry but have varying marketing strategies. The quantitative survey resulted in 131 responses from individuals who are exposed to influencer marketing on social media.  The result of the study showed that Instagram and Facebook are the primary platforms for organizations to market on. The result also showed that Instagram and TikTok were the primary platforms that respondents spend their time on. Furthermore, the result also showed that there are divided opinions about applying influencer marketing, which among other things, depend on the company, products, and target audience.

Att utvärdera samband mellan subjektivt skattad smärta och transmittorsubstanser med magnetresonansspektroskopi : - En pilotstudie

Lundmark, Hanna, Yamamoto, Helya January 2022 (has links)
Att utvärdera samband mellan subjektivt skattad smärta och transmittorsubstanser med magnetresonansspektroskopi Bakgrund: Smärta är en komplex upplevelse, som involverar olika delar av hjärnan. Regionen anterior cingulate cortex (ACC) är kopplad till upplevelsen av smärta och delas in i ett flertal mindre regioner, till exempel den pregenuala regionen (pgACC) och dorsala regionen (dACC). För att studera olika metaboliter och transmittorsubstanser kan magnetresonansspektroskopi (MRS) användas. MRS och sekvensen MEGA-PRESS kan mäta specifika transmittorsubstanser såsom Gamma-AminoButyric Acid (GABA) och glutamin-glutamat (Glx).  Motiv: Det finns kunskapsluckor kring hur individens subjektiva smärtupplevelse i relation till transmittorsubstanser objektivt kan mätas och utvärderas.  Syfte: Att med MRS och MEGA-PRESS undersöka GABA+ och Glx-nivåer i hjärnområdena pgACC och dACC samt undersöka samband mellan smärtkänslighet och GABA+ och Glx i pgACC och dACC.  Metod: En kvantitativ, experimentell pilotstudie genomfördes med tio friska deltagare. Initialt skannades deltagarna i MRT och smärtstimulerades, sedan skattade de den upplevda smärtan med hjälp av Numeric Rating Scale. MRS och tekniken MEGA-PRESS användes för att mäta transmittorsubstansnivåerna.   Resultat: Studien visade att det fanns en statistiskt signifikant negativ korrelation mellan skattad smärtintensitet och uppmätta nivåer av GABA+ i pgACC (Spearman´s rho = -0,67; p = 0,04). Det fanns även ett statistiskt signifikant positivt samband mellan skattad smärtintensitet och uppmätta nivåer av Glx i dACC (Spearman´s rho =0,73; p=0,02). Vidare fanns signifikant skillnad i Glx mellan pgACC och dACC och en icke signifikant skillnad i GABA+.  Konklusion: Sammanfattningsvis visar resultatet att MRS och MEGA-PRESS kan kvantifiera transmittorsubstanser vid utvärdering av smärtkänslighet och att det finns en positiv korrelation mellan Glx och skattad smärtintensitet, samt en negativ korrelation mellan GABA+ och skattad smärtintensitet. Detta kan ge fördjupad insikt i individens smärtupplevelse och kan främja den individuella behandlingen. Genom att ta hänsyn till sambandet mellan smärta och transmittorsubstanser kan det bidra till ökad förståelse kring individens smärtupplevelse. / To evaluate the relation between subjectively estimated pain and neurotransmitters using magnetic resonance spectroscopy  Background: Pain is a complex experience that involves different parts of the brain. The region anterior cingulate cortex (ACC) is connected to the experience of pain and can be divided into several smaller areas, such as the pregenual region (pgACC) and the dorsal region (dACC). To study different metabolites and neurotransmitters, magnetic resonance spectroscopy (MRS) can be used. MRS and the sequence (MEGA-PRESS) can measure specific neurotransmitters such as Gamma-AminoButyric Acid (GABA) and glutamin-glutamate (Glx).  Motive: There are knowledge gaps about how the individual's subjective pain experience in relation to neurotransmitters can be objectively measured and evaluated.  Aim: Using MRS and MEGA-PRESS to examine levels of GABA+ and Glx in the brain regions pgACC and dACC and to examine the relationship between pain sensitivity and GABA+ and Glx in pgACC and dACC.  Methods: A quantitative, experimental pilot study was conducted which included ten healthy participants. The participants were initially scanned in the MRI and subjected to pain-stimulation, thereafter the participants rated the perceived pain using Numeric Rating Scale. MRS and the sequence MEGA-PRESS were used to quantify the neurotransmitters of interest.  Result: There was a significant, negative correlation between rated pain intensity and measured GABA+ levels in pgACC (Spearman´s rho = -0,67; p = 0,04). There was also a significant, positive correlation between rated pain intensity and measured levels of Glx in dACC (Spearman´s rho =0,73; p=0,02). Furthermore, there was a significant difference in Glx between pgACC and dACC as well as a non-significant difference in GABA+ between regions.  Conclusion: In summary, the result shows that MRS and MEGA-PRESS can quantify neurotransmitters when evaluating pain sensitivity and that there is a positive correlation between Glx and estimated pain intensity, and also a negative correlation between GABA+ and estimated pain intensity. This can provide a deeper insight into the individual’s pain experience and promote individual treatment. Further research regarding the meaning of the different brain regions when measuring neurotransmitters is recommended.

Analys av värdnationers aktiemarknadsreaktioner i samband med tillkännagivandet av mega-sportevenemang : En kvantitativ studie om tillkännagivandet av mega-sportevenemang med syfte att beskriva och analysera potentiella reaktionen på värdnationens aktiemarknad

Jonsson, Rasmus, Törnblom Ehrnst, Emil January 2024 (has links)
This study investigates the impact of mega-sporting event announcements on the host country's stock market. The analysis includes 34 events between 2000 and 2024, including the Olympic Games (Summer and Winter), the FIFA World Cup, and the UEFA European Championship. Employing a deductive approach grounded in existing theory and research, the study formulates hypotheses and utilizes an event study methodology to examine whether the announcements trigger abnormal returns in the host nation's stock market. T-tests are used to assess the statistical significance of the findings. The results provide limited evidence of market reactions to the announcements, with any potential effects occurring primarily before the official announcement, suggesting the possibility of information leakage or insider trading. No significant effects were found on the announcement day itself or on subsequent days. Furthermore, no statistically significant differences were found based on the economic size of the host nation or the type of event. However, the study did observe that FIFA World Cup announcements tend to generate slightly more volatile market reactions compared to the other events.

Planification en contexte mégaévénementiel et reconversion urbaine : le cas du Green Point Urban Park à Cape Town en Afrique du Sud

Labrecque-Pagé, Julie 02 1900 (has links)
Depuis les années 2000, nous observons de plus en plus de pays en développement (PED) hôtes de mégaévénements. En accueillant un mégaévénement en leur sol, les PED espèrent améliorer leur cadre urbain et attirer des investissements étrangers. Ceci étant dit, les retards en termes d’infrastructures et d’équipements que connaissent ces pays et les stricts cadres normatifs imposés par des organismes internationaux comme la FIFA, nous amènent à questionner la possibilité d’intégrer les aménagements mégaévénementiels, à leur contexte local. En ce sens, le processus de planification, dans lequel les cadres normatifs externes et locaux sont négociés, peut être vu comme un moment charnière ayant une incidence sur le potentiel de reconversion. Dans le cadre de ce mémoire, nous avons entamé une réflexion à ce sujet en examinant le processus de planification d’un aménagement mégaévénementiel, le Green Point Urban Park (GPUP) à Cape Town, et son incidence sur son potentiel de reconversion. Plus précisément, nous allons, en premier lieu, décrire le processus de planification du site, nous allons par la suite évaluer son potentiel de reconversion, puis nous allons faire ressortir des liens entre le processus de planification et le potentiel de reconversion des aménagements mégaévénementiels. En somme, notre travail met en évidence une relation entre, d’une part, la prépondérance du cadre normatif imposé par l’organisme international et la dynamique du système d’acteurs au moment de la planification du GPUP et, d’autre part, la difficile reconversion de ce dernier après la Coupe du monde de 2010. / Since the year 2000, there has been an increasing number of developing countries hosting mega-events. By welcoming such events, developing countries have been improving their urban landscape and providing opportunities for foreign investments. That being said, their lack of infrastructure and equipment has shown to be a challenge in the organization of mega-events, events that must abide by strict regulatory frameworks set by international organizations, like FIFA. We believe the planning process, where local and international normative frameworks are negotiated, has an impact on the reconversion of mega-event developments. Through the analysis of Cape Town’s Green Point Urban Park (GPUP), this study aims to evaluate the planning process’ impact on the reconversion phase. To do so, we’ve divided our study in three parts. The first describes the planning process, the second exposes our evaluation of the site’s reconversion potential and the third evaluates the relationship between the GPUP reconversion potential and its planning process. Overall, this study seeks to demonstrate the dominating role played by the international normative framework during the GPUP’s planning process phase and how this has ultimately hindered the site’s potential of reconversion after the 2010 World Cup.

Méga-événements et nouveaux médias : le journalisme liquide dans le contexte de la Coupe du monde de 2014 et des Jeux olympiques de 2016

Burg, Ana Paula 04 1900 (has links)
Ce mémoire porte sur les représentations qui ont circulé sur Internet avant et durant le mouvement historique et inattendu de révolte sociale au Brésil, pendant la Coupe des confédérations de 2013. La vague de manifestations a provoqué un débat passionné sur Internet à propos des méga-événements, mais des études sur ce phénomène récent sont encore absents de la littérature. La présente recherche est un effort de combler cette lacune en examinant le cas de la ville de Rio de Janeiro, qui accueillera la finale de la Coupe du monde de soccer de 2014 et sera la ville hôte des Jeux olympiques de 2016. Le but du travail est de comprendre quelles sont les représentations qui émergent des nouvelles en réseau au sujet des transformations et des conflits urbains dans le cadre des méga-événements. À partir d'une analyse logico-naturelle des documents publiés entre 2009 et 2013 sur des sites Web avec quatre profils communicationnels distincts, la recherche met en évidence dans quelle mesure les représentations sociales reproduisent (1) la stratégie de branding urbain de la part du gouvernement et (2) les stratégies de résistance civile de la part des populations affectées par les transformations urbaines. Du point de vue théorique et méthodologique, l'étude mobilise la notion de journalisme liquide, inspiré des travaux du sociologue Zygmunt Bauman, qui s’est concentré sur les conséquences culturelles, économiques et politiques de la mondialisation. Les résultats de l'analyse documentaire ont permis d'exposer les représentations sociales construites autour de trois thématiques centrales : les favelas, les expulsions forcées dans la ville de Rio de Janeiro et les manifestations de juin 2013. En plus d'une discussion théorique critique à propos des résultats, l'étude les confronte avec la littérature scientifique repérée dans la recension des écrits. / This master thesis deals with the representations circulating on the Internet before and during the historical and unexpected popular uprising in Brazil, during the 2013 Confederations Cup. The wave of protests, which triggered a passionate online debate about mega-events, is still an understudied phenomenon. To fill this gap, this research investigates the problem by examining the case of the city of Rio de Janeiro, host of the finals of 2014 World Cup and of 2016 Olympic Games. The study aims to analyze on the representations emerging from news networks in the light of the fast-paced urban transformations and conflicts that currently characterize mega-events in the city. A natural logic analysis of documents published between 2009 and 2013 by four particular types of news sites highlights how social representations reproduced: (1) the government strategy of urban branding and (2) the civil movements strategies to face urban transformations. At the theoretical and methodological levels, the study explores the research path of liquid journalism, inspired by the work of sociologist Zygmunt Bauman, who focused on the cultural, economic and political consequences of globalization. The collected data were analyzed from a critical and theoretical viewpoint. The results were discussed by confronting those obtained by the researchers who we referenced in the literature.

Designing radiation protection for a linear accelerator : using Monte carlo-simulations / Framtagning av förslag på förstärkt strålskydd för en linjäraccelerator : med hjälp av Monte Carlo-simuleringar

Lindahl, Jonatan January 2019 (has links)
The department of Radiation Sciences at Umeå University has obtained an old linear accelerator, intended for educational purposes. The goal of this thesis was to find proper reinforced radiation protection in an intended bunker (a room with thick concrete walls), to ensure that the radiation outside the bunker falls within acceptable levels. The main method was with the use of Monte Carlo-simulations. To properly simulate the accelerator, knowledge of the energy distribution of emitted radiation was needed. For this, a novel method for spectra determination, using several depth dose measurements including off-axis, was developed. A method that shows promising results in finding the spectra when measurements outside the primary beam are included. The found energy spectrum was then used to simulate the accelerator in the intended bunker. The resulting dose distribution was visualized together with 3D CAD-images of the bunker, to easily see in which locations outside the bunker where the dose was high. An important finding was that some changes are required to ensure that the public does not receive too high doses of radiation on a public outdoor-area that is located above the bunker. Otherwise, the accelerator is only allowed to be run 1.8 hours per year. A workaround to this problem could be to just plant a thorn bush, covering the dangerous area of radius 3m. After such a measure has been taken, which is assumed in the following results, the focus moves to the radiation that leaks into the accelerator’s intended control room, which is located right outside the bunker’s entrance door. The results show that the accelerator is only allowed to be run for a maximum of 6.1 or 3.3 hours per year (depending on the placement of the accelerator in the room), without a specific extra reinforced radiation protection consisting mainly of lead bricks. With the specific extra protection added, the accelerator is allowed to be run 44 or 54 hours per year instead, showing a distinct improvement. However, the dose rate to the control room was still quite high, 13.7 μGy/h or 11.2 μGy/h, compared to the average dose received by someone living in Sweden, which is 0.27 μGy/h. Therefore, further measures are recommended. This is however a worst case scenario, since the leakage spectrum from the accelerator itself was simulated as having the same energy spectrum as the primarybeam at 0.1 % of the intensity, which is the maximum leakage dose according to the specifications for the accelerator. This is probably an overestimation of the intensity. Also, the energy spectra of the leakage is probably of lower energy than the primary beam in at least some directions. Implementing more knowledge of the leak spectra in future work, should therefore result in more allowed run hours for the accelerator.

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