Spelling suggestions: "subject:"melanogaster"" "subject:"melanogasters""
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Follicle cell actin dynamics and calcium bursts during nurse cell death in Drosophila melanogasterCandelas, Pelagia Graciela 09 August 2019 (has links)
Cell death is a key component in development and for the continued renewal of tissues. Phagoptosis is a process in which phagocytes directly lead to the death of other cells. This process of cell death is significantly less characterized when compared to other mechanisms of cell death, such as apoptosis. In the Drosophila ovary, phagoptosis appears to play a key role in the developmental process of oogenesis. Recent studies have shown that genes associated with phagocytosis are required for the programmed death of nurse cells in the Drosophila ovary. Ovaries are made up of 15 nurse cells, a single oocyte, and a layer of follicle cells bordering them. During the process of egg chamber development, all of the nurse cells undergo programmed cell death. During late oogenesis, each nurse cell is surrounded by a group of follicle cells referred to as stretch follicle cells. These stretch follicle cells have recently been implicated as a main promoter of nurse cell phagoptosis. However, an exact mechanism to explain how these stretch follicle cells induce nurse cell death is not fully characterized. To achieve a more detailed understanding of this mechanism, we are examining the function of the cytoskeleton in this process via live imaging. We hypothesize that the follicle cell cytoskeleton plays a significant role in nurse death due to the importance of actin during phagocytosis. Further, we intend to use these live imaging studies to investigate the role of calcium before, during, and after clearance of the nurse cells. Previous studies have shown that calcium bursts within the cell are associated with the initiation of phagocytosis in macrophages, as well as other phagocytic cell types. Studies in this thesis were done by utilizing live imaging and have shown dynamic changes in follicle cell actin before and during the death of nurse cells. These confocal microscopy real time videos have revealed that follicle cell actin polymerizes towards the nurse cell immediately before acidification. Following acidification of the nurse cells, the follicle cell actin changes direction, moving towards the phagocytic follicle cell. Additionally, through live imaging we have observed calcium bursts in the follicle cells immediately before nurse cell death. Overall, this work has provided a more detailed understanding of nurse cell death.
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Requerimiento de Slit en la morfogénesis del lóbulo óptico de Drosophila melanogasterCaipo Coral, Lorena Isabel January 2017 (has links)
Memoria para optar al título de Bioquímico / La vía de señalización Slit/Robo es una vía conservada en muchas especies que está involucrada en la guía de axones y dendritas durante el desarrollo del SNC. Estudios previos han demostrado que esta vía cumple un rol importante en la formación y mantención de límites en estadios tempranos del desarrollo del lóbulo óptico de Drosophila melanogaster. En este trabajo nos centramos en caracterizar la función del ligando de esta vía, la proteína Slit, la cual es secretada al medio extracelular y es procesada proteolíticamente. Encontramos que Slit influye en el establecimiento de límites entre compartimentos durante el desarrollo del lóbulo óptico. Mediante experimentos de rescate del fenotipo de mutantes Slit, usando el sistema Gal4/UAS, evaluamos la contribución de Slit en las diferentes subpoblaciones celulares del lóbulo óptico, donde se expresa: células gliales, neuronas de la médula y fotorreceptores. Descubrimos que la fuente principal de Slit son las neuronas de la médula, aunque investigaciones pasadas sugerían que Slit era secretada por glías. Además, analizamos si la función de Slit es a corta distancia, para lo cual realizamos experimentos de rescate específico en neuronas de la médula utilizando una versión de la proteína Slit con un segmento transmembrana en su extremo N-terminal, para mantenerla anclada a la membrana plasmática. Encontramos que esta versión de la proteína no rescata el fenotipo mutante de slit, por lo que creemos que Slit estaría actuando a largo alcance. Finalmente, realizamos experimentos de rescate específico en neuronas de la médula con una versión de Slit que no se procesa, para determinar si el corte proteolítico de Slit era requerido para su función y encontramos que este procesamiento es dispensable en este contexto. De esta forma, concluimos que Slit en el lóbulo óptico es secretado principalmente por las neuronas de la médula, actúa a larga distancia, y no requiere ser procesado para su acción / The Slit/Robo pathway is a widely conserved across species. It is involved in axon guidance during the development of the Central Nervous System (CNS). Previous studies have demonstrated the importance of this pathway in the formation and maintenance of boundaries in the optic lobe during early developmental stages in Drosophila melanogaster. During this thesis we focused on the characterization of the ligand of this pathway, the Slit protein, which is secreted to the extracellular medium and proteolytically processed. We observed that Slit is important in the establishment of boundaries in the optic lobe during the entire development of the animal. Through rescue experiments using the Gal4/UAS system, we evaluated the role of Slit in different optic lobe subpopulations where is expressed: glia, medulla neurons and photoreceptors. Thereby, we found out that the main source of Slit expression are medulla neurons, even though previous studies suggested that Slit is secreted by glial cells. Then, we assessed if the role of Slit is performed at short-range. For this aim we performed rescue experiments in medulla neurons using a Slit construct bound to a transmembrane domain to keep it attached to the plasma membrane. We observed that this construct did not rescue the mutant phenotype when expressed in medulla neurons. Finally, we performed rescue experiments using a Slit construct that cannot be processed because it lacks the cleavage site, and found that the proteolytic cleavage is not necessary in this cellular context. In summary, we found that during the development of the optic lobe, Slit protein is mainly secreted by medulla neurons, acts as a long-range cue and does not require proteolytic processing for its activity / Fondecyt 11150610
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Charakterisierung der Serin-/Threonin-Proteinkinase SRPK3 in Drosophila melanogaster und Phosphorylierungsstudien an Synapsin / Characterization of the serine-/threonine protein kinase SRPK3 in Drosophila melanogaster and phosphorylation studies on synapsinNieratschker, Vanessa January 2008 (has links) (PDF)
In einer vorangegangenen Arbeit konnte eine hypomorphe Mutation innerhalb des Genlokus einer putativen Serin-/Threonin-Kinase als Auslöser der Aggregatbildung des Aktive-Zone- Proteins Bruchpilot in larvalen Motoneuronaxonen identifiziert werden (Nieratschker, 2004). Aufgrund der Homologien dieser Kinase zu SR-Proteinkinasen wurde der Name Serin- /Threonin-Proteinkinase 3 (SRPK3) vorgeschlagen. Laut ursprünglicher Annotation der „Flybase“ (http://flybase.bio.indiana.edu) codiert der Genlokus der Srpk3, der auf dem linken Arm des dritten Chromosoms innerhalb der Region 79D4 lokalisiert ist und sich über ca. 10,3 kb erstreckt, für zwei Transkripte (Srpk3-RC und Srpk3-RB). Diese beiden Transkripte haben unterschiedliche Transkriptions- und Translationsstartpunkte und unterscheiden sich in ihrem ersten kodierenden Exon, ab dem vierten Exon sind sie allerdings identisch. Das Srpk3-RCTranskript umfasst ca. 4,2 kb, das Srpk3-RB-Transkript ca. 3,8 kb. Die von diesen Transkripten kodierten Proteine bestehen aus 816 (Srpk3-RC) bzw. 749 (Srpk3-RB) Aminosäuren. Diese beiden ursprünglich annotierten Transkripte konnten durch RT-PCR-Experimente bestätigt werden. Dabei wurde auch ein zusätzliches, alternativ gespleißtes Exon von 159 bp entdeckt, das beiden Transkripten zugeordnet werden kann. Somit codiert der Srpk3-Genlokus für mindestens vier Transkripte, die Transkripte der RC/RF-Transkriptgruppe mit (Srpk3-RF) und ohne (Srpk3-RC) das alternativ gespleißte Exon und die Transkripte der RB/RETranskriptgruppe mit (Srpk3-RE) und ohne (Srpk3-RB) das alternativ gespleißte Exon. Die Existenz eines weiteren Transkriptes Srpk3-RD, die in der aktuellen Version der „Flybase“ annotiert ist, konnte durch RT-PCR-Experimente nicht nachgewiesen werden. Zu Beginn dieser Arbeit lag eine hypomorphe Mutante für die SRPK3 schon vor (Srpk3P1; Eberle, 1995). Diese Linie trägt eine P-Elementinsertion innerhalb des ersten Exons der RC/RF-Transkriptgruppe, die das Leseraster dieser Transkriptgruppe zerstört, so dass in dieser Linie nur die RB/RE-Transkriptgruppe gebildet werden kann. Wie bereits erwähnt, konnte diese Mutation in vorangegangenen Arbeiten bereits als der Auslöser der Aggregatbildung des Bruchpilot-Proteins in larvalen Motoneuronaxone, sowie einiger Verhaltensdefekte identifiziert werden (Nieratschker, 2004; Bock 2006). Diese Verhaltensdefekte ähneln stark denen, die durch einen knock-down der Bruchpilot-Expression mittels RNAi ausgelöst werden (Wagh et al., 2006; Bock, 2006), was auf eine Interaktion beider Proteine schließen lässt. Um nun den Beweis führen zu können, dass tatsächlich diese Mutation die beobachteten Phänotypen verursacht, wurden Rettungsversuche durchgeführt. Die Srpk3-RF-cDNA war dabei in der Lage die durch die hypomorphe Mutation der SRPK3 verursachten Phänotypen vollständig, oder zumindest teilweise zu retten (vgl. auch Bock, 2006; Bloch, 2007). Damit konnte belegt werden, dass die hypomorphe Mutation der SRPK3 tatsächlich die in der Mutante Srpk3P1 beobachteten Phänotypen verursacht. Um die durch in situ Hybridisierung erhaltenen Daten zur Lokalisation der SRPK3 im larvalen Gehirn (Nieratschker, 2004) bestätigen, sowie weitere Daten erhalten zu können, wurden Isoform-spezifische Antisera gegen die SRPK3 generiert. Diese Antiseren sind in der Lage überexprimiertes Protein zu detektieren (Bloch, 2007), allerdings ist es mit diesen Antiseren nicht möglich die SRPK3 in wildtypischen Präparaten nachzuweisen. Weitere Daten zur Lokalisation der SRPK3, die durch die Verwendung eines SRPK3-eGFPFusionsproteins erhalten wurden, zeigten, dass eine der ektopisch überexprimierten SRPK3- Isoformen mit Bruchpilot an der Aktiven Zone kolokalisiert. Dieses Ergebnis, in Verbindung mit den durch die Mutation der SRPK3 verursachten Bruchpilot-Aggregaten in larvalen Motoneuronaxonen und den Verhaltensdefekten, gibt Hinweise auf eine mögliche direkte Interaktion beider Proteine…. / In a previous study, a hypomorphic mutation in the gene locus of a putative serine-/threonine kinase was found to cause aggregates of the active zone protein Bruchpilot in larval motoneuron axons (Nieratschker, 2004). Because of its high homology to SR-protein kinases this gene was named serine-/threonine protein kinase 3 (Srpk3). The 10,3 kb large Srpk3 gene locus is located on the left arm of the third chromosome in the chromosomal region 79D4. According to an earlier annotation in “flybase” (http://flybase.bio.indiana.edu) the Srpk3 gene codes for two transcripts of 4,2 (Srpk3-RC) and 3,8 kb (Srpk3-RB). These two transcripts use different transcription and translation start sites, but from the fourth exon on they are identical. The Srpk3-RC and Srpk3-RB transcripts code for proteins of 816 and 749 amino acids respectively. The existence of these two originally annotated transcripts could be verified by RT-PCR. In addition, an alternatively spliced exon of 159 bp was identified, which is part of both groups of transcripts (Srpk3-RF and Srpk3-RE). Therefore the Srpk3 gene locus codes for at least four transcripts. Srpk3-RB and Srpk3-RC do not contain the newly identified, alternatively spliced exon, whereas Srpk3-RF and Srpk3-RE do. The existence of another transcript (Srpk3- RD) annotated in the current version of “flybase” could not be confirmed by RT-PCR experiments. The hypomorphic BRPK mutant Srpk3P1, which has a P-element insertion in the first exon of the RC/RF group of transcripts that destroys the open reading frame of those isoforms, already existed (Eberle, 1995). Therefore in that line only the RB/RE isoforms are expressed. That hypomorphic mutation was found to cause Bruchpilot aggregates in larval motoneuron axons (Nieratschker, 2004) and in addition several behavioral deficits (Bock, 2006). The behavioral deficits are similar to those caused by a genetic knock-down of the Bruchpilot expression using RNAi (Wagh et al., 2006; Bock, 2006). This observation points towards an exclusive interaction of both proteins. To prove that in fact the mutation of the SRPK3 causes the observed phenotypes, rescue experiments were performed. We were able to revert the mutant phenotypes by expressing the Srpk3-RF cDNA in the nervous system (see also Bock, 2006; Bloch, 2007). Therefore mutation of the SRPK3 indeed causes the observed phenotypes in the hypomorphic BRPK mutant (Srpk3P1). To confirm the data obtained by in situ hybridization on larval brains (Nieratschker, 2004) and to gain more knowledge regarding the localization of the SRPK3, isoform specific antisera have been generated. These antisera recognize over-expressed protein (Bloch, 2007), but they are not able to recognize SRPK3 in wild type animals. Further data about localization of SRPK3 could be provided by using ectopically overexpressed GFP-tagged SRPK3 isoforms. SRPK3-GFP colocalizes with Bruchpilot at the presynaptic active zone. This result along with the Bruchpilot aggregates in larval motoneuron axons and the behavioral deficits of SRPK3 mutants provide further evidence for a possible interaction of both proteins. To investigate, if a complete loss of SRPK3 expression alters the phenotypes observed in the hypomorphic SRPK3 mutant, a SRPK3 null mutant was generated by jump-out mutagenesis. The phenotypic analyses performed with the hypomorphic line Srpk3P1were repeated with the SRPK3 null mutant. It became obvious that the phenotypes were not enhanced by complete loss of SRPK3 expression (also see Bloch, 2007). Regarding the Bruchpilot aggregates in larval motoneuron axons, no significant differences between hypomorphic mutant and null mutant were observed, however behavioral deficits seem to be more severe in the hypomorph (Bloch, 2007)…..
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Peptidomic analysis and characterization of the venom from Conus purpurascensUnknown Date (has links)
The venom of cone snails is a potent cocktail of peptides, proteins, and other small molecules. Several of the peptides (conopeptides and conotoxins) target ion channels and receptors and have proven useful as biochemical probes or pharmaceutical leads. In this study, the venom of a fish-hunting cone snail, Conus purpurascens was analyzed for intraspecific variability; α-conotoxins from the venom were isolated by high performance liquid chromatography, identified by mass spectrometry and nuclear magnetic resonance, and tested in a electrophysiological assay in Drosophila melanogaster; the effects of diet change on venom composition was investigated. It has been determined that each specimen of C. purpurascens expresses a distinct venom, resulting in the expression of more than 5,000 unique conopeptides across the species. α- conotoxin PIA was shown to inhibit the Dα7 nicotinic acetylcholine receptor. / Includes bibliography. / Thesis (M.S.)--Florida Atlantic University, 2015. / FAU Electronic Theses and Dissertations Collection
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Frazzled’s Role in Synapse Formation at a Drosophila Giant SynapseUnknown Date (has links)
In Drosophila melanogaster, the GFS is synaptically coupled to the
Tergotrochanteral motoneurons; these neurons form a signaling pathway from the brain to
the jump muscles (Thomas and Wyman, 1983). Part of this signaling is done through gap
junctions, and placement of these gap junctions was partially shown to be regulated by the
binding of Netrin, a class of guidance molecule (Orr et al., 2014). In the present study we
investigate the role of Netrin's receptor Frazzled in the placement of gap junctions in
Drosophila at: 1) Presynaptic neurons (Giant Fibers [GF]), 2) Postsynaptic neurons
(Tergotrochanteral motoneurons [TTMn]), and 3) Presynaptic + Postsynaptic neurons
simultaneously. Effects of Frazzled were tested using Frazzled RNAi and a combination
of electrophysiological recordings and imaging of the GF-TTMn synapse. The results from
this study show that presynaptic and postsynaptic knockdown of Frazzled delayed
muscular responses and altered the anatomy of both the GF's and TTMn's. / Includes bibliography. / Thesis (M.S.)--Florida Atlantic University, 2018. / FAU Electronic Theses and Dissertations Collection
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The Effects of MsrA and MsrB in Anoxia Tolerance in Aging Drosophila melanogasterUnknown Date (has links)
Drosophila melanogaster tolerates several hours of anoxia (the absence of
oxygen) by entering a protective coma. A burst of reactive oxygen species (ROS) is
produced when oxygen is reintroduced to the cells. ROS causes oxidative damage to
critical cellular molecules, which contribute to aging and development of certain agerelated
conditions. The amino acid, methionine, is susceptible to oxidation, although this
damage can be reversed by methionine sulfoxide reductases (Msr). This project
investigates the effect of Msr-deficiency on anoxia tolerance in Drosophila throughout
the lifespan of the animal. The data show that the time for recovery from the
protective comma as well as the survival of the animals lacking any Msr activity
depends on how quickly the coma is induced by the anoxic conditions. Insight into
the roles(s) of Msr genes under anoxic stress can lead us to a path of designing
therapeutic drugs around these genes in relation to stroke. / Includes bibliography. / Thesis (M.S.)--Florida Atlantic University, 2018. / FAU Electronic Theses and Dissertations Collection
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Spatial and Temporal Coordination of oskar mRNA Localization and Translation During Drosophila OogenesisKoppetsch, Birgit S. 02 May 2003 (has links)
In the fruit fly, Drosophila melanogaster, accumulation of osk mRNA at the posterior pole of the oocyte and local translation initiate assembly of the pole plasm, which is required for germ cell formation and posterior patterning of the embryo. I have used fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH) in combination with immunofluorescence and laser scanning confocal microscopy to examine the spatial and temporal control of osk transcript localization and translation. Drosophila oocytes develop within cysts of 16 interconnected cells. One cell in each cyst differentiates to form the oocyte while the remaining cells form nurse cells that produce RNAs and proteins that are transported to the oocyte. osk mRNA is produced by the nurse cells and accumulates in the oocyte throughout oogenesis, but is only specifically localized to the posterior pole and translated during mid to late oogenesis. My studies help define distinct steps in the osk mRNA localization process. An early step in posterior localization is removal of osk mRNA from most of the cortex, leading to accumulation in the oocyte interior. This process requires microtubules, the microtubule motor protein Kinesin I, the actin binding protein Tropomyosin, and the RNA binding protein Staufen. Transcript then moves from the oocyte interior to the posterior pole through a microtubule independent process. The genes cappuccino, chickadee, spire, armitage, maelstrom, par-1 and gurken are all required for this next step in osk mRNA localization. The final capturing or tethering osk mRNA at the cortex requires an intact actin filament system, but additional components of this anchoring system remain to be identified. I also find that osk mRNA first begins to accumulate at the posterior pole during oogenesis stage 8, but protein is not detectable until stage 9. In addition, grk and par-1 mutations that block osk mRNA localization to the posterior pole and lead to transcript accumulation in the interior do not prevent translation; again, Osk protein production is only observed during stage 9 and later. These observations indicate that posterior localization is neither sufficient nor necessary to trigger osk mRNA translation, which appears to be under tight temporal control.
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Role of Wolbachia in shaping the microbiome of Drosophila melanogasterSimhadri, Rama Krishna 09 October 2018 (has links)
The endosymbiotic bacteria Wolbachia and the gut microbiome have independently been shown to affect several aspects of insect biology, including reproduction, development, lifespan, stem cell activity and resistance to human pathogens in insect vectors. This research shows that Wolbachia, which reside mainly in the fly germline, affect the microbial species present in the gut of a lab reared strain of Drosophila melanogaster. Fruit flies host two main genera of commensal bacteria – Acetobacter and Lactobacillus. Wolbachia-infected flies have significantly reduced titers of Acetobacter. Analysis of the microbiome of axenic flies fed with equal proportions of both bacteria shows that Wolbachia’s presence is a determinant in the microbiome composition throughout fly development. This effect of Wolbachia on the Drosophila microbiome is host genotype-dependent. To investigate the mechanism of microbiome modulation, the effect of Wolbachia on Imd and ROS pathways, the main regulators of immune response in the fly gut was measured. Wolbachia’s presence did not cause significant gene expression changes of the effector molecules in either pathway. It was also found that Wolbachia slightly reduce the relative length of the acidic region of the gut. However, this observation lacks the robustness necessary to provide a mechanism for the significantly reduced Acetobacter levels. Furthermore, microbiome modulation is not due to direct interaction between Wolbachia and the gut microbes,as confocal microscopy shows that Wolbachia is absent from the gut lumen. These results indicate that the mechanistic basis of the modulation of microbiome composition by Wolbachia is more complex than direct bacteria interaction or Wolbachia’s effect on fly immunity. The findings reported here highlight the importance of considering the gut microbiome composition and host genetic background during Wolbachia-induced phenotypic studies and microbial based-disease vector control strategies.
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Potencial protetor do Extrato de Psidium guajava frente à toxicidade induzida pelo organosfosforado Clorpirifós em Drosophila melanogaster / Potential Guard Psidium guajava extract the toxicity induced organosfosforado Chlorpyrifos in Drosophila melanogasterRodrigues, Nathane Rosa 20 May 2015 (has links)
Submitted by Francine Silva (francine.silva@unipampa.edu.br) on 2016-09-28T21:17:01Z
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Potencial protetor do Extrato de Psidium guajava frente à toxicidade induzida pelo organofosforato Clorpirifós em Drosophila melanogaster.pdf: 1278673 bytes, checksum: fb86ba9285bb81b1327ca36aa998f903 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2016-09-28T21:17:01Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 2
license_rdf: 1232 bytes, checksum: 66e71c371cc565284e70f40736c94386 (MD5)
Potencial protetor do Extrato de Psidium guajava frente à toxicidade induzida pelo organofosforato Clorpirifós em Drosophila melanogaster.pdf: 1278673 bytes, checksum: fb86ba9285bb81b1327ca36aa998f903 (MD5)
Previous issue date: 2015-05-20 / Clorpirifós (CP) é um inseticida organofosforado amplamente utilizado no controle de pragas agrícolas e domésticas. O principal dano causado pelo CP é a neurotoxicidade induzida pela inibição da enzima acetilcolinesterase, o que ocasiona um aumento no neurotransmissor acetilcolina e promove uma hiperexitação no sistema nervoso central e junções musculares, levando a perturbações do funcionamento fisiológico. A exposição ocupacional é uma das principais formas de intoxicação humana por organofosforados e as terapias atuais para estes compostos não são totalmente eficientes. Nesse sentido a procura por compostos capazes de reverter esses danos tem se intensificado e alguns estudos têm focado seus esforços sobre os efeitos de proteção de plantas ou compostos naturais em várias condições neuropatológicas. Psidium guajava é uma planta amplamente utilizada na medicina popular e a sua atividade antioxidante foi descrita, no Brasil as folhas e os frutos são utilizados para a anorexia, cólera, diarréia, problemas digestivos, disenteria, insuficiência gástrica, inflamação das membranas mucosas, laringite, problemas de pele, dor de garganta, úlceras, entre outros. Neste estudo foi avaliado o potencial antioxidante e protetor do extrato hidroalcoólico de P. guajava (HEPG) contra a toxicidade induzida por CP na mosca da fruta Drosophila melanogaster. A atividade antioxidante de HEPG in vitro foi confirmada pelos ensaios de ABTS, DPPH, fenóis totais e FRAP. A exposição das moscas ao CP causou aumento da mortalidade, deficiências locomotoras e inibição da acetilcolinesterase. Moscas expostas ao CP apresentaram aumento de ROS e peroxidação lipídica, acompanhado por uma diminuição significativa na viabilidade mitocondrial. Como resposta ao aumento do estresse oxidativo, moscas expostas ao CP mostraram aumento da atividade da GST e nos níveis de GSH. A expressão de mRNA de NRF2 e MPK2 (que codifica p38MAPK em D. melanogaster) também foram significativamente super regulados. HEPG foi capaz de restaurar todos os danos e alterações bioquímicas/moleculares causados pelo CP. Os nossos resultados mostram pela primeira vez o potencial efeito protetor de P. guajava contra a toxicidade causada por clorpirifós, sugerindo a Psidium guajava como um tratamento alternativo adjunto para o envenenamento por compostos organofosforados. / Chlorpyrifos (CP) is an organophosphate insecticide widely used for control agricultural and household pests. The main damage caused by the CP is the neurotoxicity induced by inhibition of the enzyme acetylcholinesterase, which causes an increase in the neurotransmitter acetylcholine and promotes hiperexitação the central nervous system and muscle junctions, leading to disruption of physiologic function. Occupational exposure is a major form of human poisoning by organophosphates and current therapies for these compounds are not fully efficient. In this sense the search for compounds that can reverse this damage has intensified and some studies have focused their efforts on plants protection purposes or natural compounds in various neuropathological conditions. Psidium guajava is a plant widely used in popular medicine and its antioxidant activity was described in Brazil leaves and fruit are used for anorexia, cholera, diarrhea, digestive problems, dysentery, gastric insufficiency, inflammation of mucous membranes, laryngitis, skin problems, neck pain, ulcers, among others. In this study we evaluated the antioxidant and protective potential of the hydroalcoholic extract of P. guajava (HEPG) against CP induced toxicity in the fruit fly Drosophila melanogaster. HEPG in vitro antioxidant activity was confirmed by ABTS, DPPH, Total Phenolics and FRAP assays. The exposure of flies to CP caused increased mortality, locomotor deficits and inhibition of acetylcholinesterase. Flies exposed to CP presented elevated ROS and lipid peroxidation which was accompanied by a significant decrease in mitochondrial viability. As a response to increased oxidative stress, CP exposed flies showed increased in GST activity and GSH levels. The mRNA expression of NRF2 and MPK2 (which encodes D. melanogaster p38MAPK) were also significantly up-regulated. HEPG was able to restore all the damage and biochemical/molecular alterations caused by CP. Our results show for the first time the potential of P. guajava protective effect against the toxicity caused by Chlorpyrifos, suggesting Psidium guajava as an adjunct alternative treatment for poisoning by organophosphorus compounds.
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An Investigation into the Function and Specification of Enteroendocrine cells in Drosophila melanogaster and Mus musculusBost, Alyssa January 2013 (has links)
Enteroendocrine cells (EEs) are critical components in our bodies' ability to maintain homeostasis after eating a meal. Hormones released by EEs mediate processes ranging from triglyceride processing to glucose balance to hydration maintenance. Despite their importance, they remain relatively poorly understood in terms of development as well as function. Drosophila melanogaster is a promising model in which to study EEs. I performed a gene expression assay in Drosophila, and found 19 transcription factors likely to be specific to EEs. I am in the process of analyzing their mutant phenotypes in the fly midgut. Additionally, by a limited screen of the homologs to the fly EE-specific transcription factors, I was able to identify two candidates for novel transcriptional regulators involved in EE specification or functionality. I will be analyzing the mutant phenotypes for these two genes, Lmx1a and Lmx1b, in addition to a third mutant Prox1, chosen because of the strong phenotype of its homologous gene's knockdown in the fly. I am hoping I will be able to add to the ever-growing body of knowledge in reference to enteroendocrine development.
Additionally, several assays were performed on flies lacking EEs. I found that flies without EEs lay significantly fewer eggs, and have apparent defects in oviposition and defecation. I will outline several experiments to continue the phenotype analysis of flies lacking EEs.
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