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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Nifty Shades of Beige: The Exploration of Color Lexicology Related to Sexual Identity

Yutzy, Evan 07 May 2015 (has links)
No description available.

L'apprentissage de l'orthographe lors de la dictée et la copie de mots manuscrits : effets des tâches processus sous-jacents / Spelling acquisition in the dictation and copying of handwritten words : task effects and underlying processes

Pérez, Manuel 07 November 2013 (has links)
L’étude de l’apprentissage de l’orthographe vise à analyser les mécanismes cognitifs et les structures le rendant possible. Cette acquisition s’effectue au travers de tâches comme la dictée et la copie, utilisées en recherche et à l’école. Si des modèles propres aux tâches rendent compte des processus de la production verbale écrite, ils n’intègrent pas de dimension comparative. L’objectif de cette thèse est d’examiner comment la dictée et la copie participent à cet apprentissage. Le modèle que nous proposons intègre les deux tâches et les instances mémorielles sous-jacentes. Les performances en dictée d’élèves de C.P. et de C.E.1 ont été analysées selon 4 conditions d’entraînement : aucune préparation, lecture à haute voix, lecture à haute voix et copie, copie seule. Les items utilisés sont soit des mots sélectionnés en fonction de leur complexité orthographique et de leur familiarité ou leur fréquence, soit des pseudomots de complexité variable. Globalement les expériences 1, 2, 3 font état d’effets du niveau scolaire et de l’entraînement. Toutefois, dans l’expérience 4, la supériorité de la copie sur la lecture disparaît : la copie ne serait efficace que si elle est combinée à une lecture à haute voix. Si la copie associée au déchiffrage semble l’entraînement le plus efficace en termes d’apprentissages orthographiques, la présence en mémoire à long terme d’une représentation graphomotrice connectée à la représentation lexicale est envisageable. Ceci expliquerait pourquoi, face à un mot que nous lisons mais dont nous doutons de l’orthographe, nous éprouvons le besoin de l’écrire manuellement afin d’en récupérer la forme orthographique normée. / Studies on lexical spelling acquisition have two aims: analyzing the cognitive mechanisms involved in this learning and understanding the processes on which they are based. Dictation and copying are known to be tasks leading to acquire orthographic knowledge. They are used by teachers and researchers. If some specific task models report on cognitive processes involved in verbal written production, they do not allow to get a comparative vision. This thesis aims at examining dictation and copying in the process of lexical orthographic learning. The model we propose includes the two tasks (dictation and copying) and the different underlying memories. We analysed the productions of children of 1st and 2nd grades under dictation according to 4 training conditions: dictation without training, reading aloud, reading aloud and copying, just copying. Children were asked to produce words or pseudowords. Words were selected according to their orthographic complexity and familiarity or their frequency, and pseudowords were more or less complex. Overall, experiments 1, 2 and 3 point out an effect of both grade and training. But, in experiment 4, copying doesn’t seem better than reading aloud: copying could be efficient only when combined with reading aloud. If the association of decoding and copying seems to be the best training to get orthographic knowledge, one might wonder about the presence of a graphomotor representation linked with lexical representation in Long Term Memory. This presence could explain why we need to write a word when we are sceptical about its spelling.

Les mots-valises en espagnol / Portemanteau words in Spanish

Tokpa, Louopou Rose 12 December 2018 (has links)
L'objet de notre travail porte sur les mots-valises. En effet, les résultats des études de la sémantique et de la lexicologie structurales ont démontré qu'il n'y a de signe qui ne soit dérivé d'un autre signe et donc de création lexicale qui ne soit le rappel de structures déjà existantes. Au cœur de la réflexion sur la motivation du signe, le mot-valise représente le mot saisi dans sa totalité et dans sa segmentalité. Pour comprendre la technique d'agencement qui aboutit à la formation des mots, Alain Finkielkraut explique qu'il faut transgresser la linéarisation du signe en récitant à l'envers sa leçon de parole. Le mot-valise prend au sérieux cette hypothèse car en réalité les mots contenus dans le dictionnaire ne sont que des morceaux errants d'un lexique inconnu. Désormais, le mot n'est plus un groupe de son correspondant à un sens, un véhicule passif porteur d'un signifié comme l'enseignent les dictionnaires et la vieille grammaire. C'est pourquoi, Freud et Saussure on bien chacun démontré par une voie qui lui est propre, qu'à travers le mécanisme du lapsus, le sens peut aussi s'appréhender par métanalyse pour l'un, et par dérivation anagrammatique pour l'autre. Ainsi, quelque soit le procédé, le mécanisme analogique reste toujours le même qui assure la fusion du son et du sens. Pour terminer, l'objet de cette thèse sera d'explorer dans le cadre d'une étude sémiologique, les mécanismes à l'œuvre dans la formation des mots-valises ainsi que les effets de sens et de style suscités par ce type de création. / The focus of our work is on “portmanteau words”. Indeed, results of studies of semantics and structural lexicology have shown that there is no sign that is not derived from another sign and therefore of lexical creation which is not a reminder of already existing structures. At the heart of reflection on the motivation of the sign, a portmanteau word represents the sign grasped in its totality and its segmentality. To understand the technique of the arrangement that leads to the formation of words, Alain Finkielkraut, argues that it is paramount to transgress the linearity of the sign by reciting one’s speech lesson backwards. The portmanteau word considers this assumption seriously considering that in reality words contained in the dictionary constitute stray pieces of an unknown lexicon. Henceforth, a word is no longer a group of different sounds corresponding to a meaning, a passive vehicle carrying a signification as taught by the old grammar dictionary. This is why Freud and Saussure have clearly demonstrated in a peculiar way, that through the mechanism of the slip, the meaning of a word can also be understood by metanalysis for one, and by anagrammatic derivation for the other. Thus, whatever the process, the analog mechanism remains the same, ensuring the fusion of sound and meaning. Finally, the purpose of this thesis will be to explore, in the context of a semiological study, the mechanisms at work in the formation of portmanteau words as well as the effects of meaning and generated style by this type of creation.

Le lexique mental dans l'enseignement du vocabulaire en FLE : le cas de l'acquisition du passé comosé par des apprenants hispanophones de français L3 / The mental lexicon in french foreign language vocabulary teaching and learning : the case of the acquisition of the past perfect by Colombian L3 french learners

Toro Criollo, Alejandro 09 November 2016 (has links)
Cette recherche-action expérimentale présente la force qui manifeste le lexique mental dans l’enseignement du vocabulaire en FLE. Elle a été développée avec le groupe expérimental du français II du programme de lettres modernes à l’université du Quindío en Colombie. Les étudiants présentaient un faible niveau en français dans les activités orales et écrites. Le manque du vocabulaire a été un élément présent dans la production de la langue. Le but de cette recherche est d'améliorer l'acquisition du vocabulaire en français par le biais d'une série de séances d'apprentissage du passé composé en tenant compte les trois piliers de la connaissance des mots exprimés par Nation 2013 le sens la forme et l’utilisation et la théorie de Pinker 2011 sur les mots et les règles les ingrédients du langage et évaluer ces séances pour voir si elles ont affecté leur performance sur un test de français, examen final. Un pré-test et un post-test ont été appliqués, le premier a servi pour établir les problèmes qui avaient les étudiants en apprenant ce temps verbal, le second a mesuré les résultats obtenus après la fin des séances. Les résultats ont été comparés à ceux du groupe contrôle qui a eu un enseignement centré sur la grammaire. Les résultats obtenus suggèrent que les étudiants ont amélioré les compétences pour s’approprier de la forme, le sens et l’utilisation des verbes réguliers et irréguliers en français afin de réduire l’effet de fossilisation des erreurs ; récurrente des étudiants de tous les niveaux dans le programme. En conséquence, le groupe expérimental s’est mieux comporté dans l’examen final que le groupe contrôle et donc l’appropriation a été améliorée. / This research presents the force that manifests the mental lexicon in teaching vocabulary in French as a foreign language. This experimental action research was developed with the experimental French group II EG from the program of modern languages at the University of Quindio in Armenia City, in Colombia. Students presented a low level in oral and written French activities. The lack of vocabulary was a recurrent element in the expression of the language. The purpose of this research is therefore focused on improving vocabulary acquisition in French through a series of learning sessions of the French’s present perfect taking into account the three pillars of the knowledge of words expressing by Nation 2013 meaning, form and usage and Pinker 2011 theory about words and rules the ingredients of language and evaluate these sessions to see that so affected their performance on a test of French, final exam. A pre-test and post examination was conducted, the first served as background to establish the problems that had students in learning this tense, the second measured results obtained by students after completion of the respective sessions. Results were compared to a control group CG. Through this study, it was concluded that the sessions learning of the French’s present perfect improved their capabilities to internalize the form, the meaning and usage of both regular and irregular French verbs to reduce the effect of fossilization of an error that was a recurring of students at all levels in the modern languages program. As a result, the EG performed better in the final exam than the CG and thus the appropriation of the French present perfect was improved.

Employing General Linguistic Knowledge in Incidental Acquisition of Grammatical Properties of New L1 and L2 Lexical Representations: Toward Reducing Fuzziness in the Initial Ontogenetic Stage

Bordag, Denisa, Opitz, Andreas 05 April 2023 (has links)
The study explores the degree to which readers can use their previous linguistic knowledge, which goes beyond the immediate evidence in the input, to create mental representations of new words and how the employment of this knowledge may reduce the fuzziness of the new representations. Using self-paced reading, initial representations of novel identical forms with different grammatical functions were compared in native German speakers and advanced L2 German learners with L1 Czech. The results reveal that although both groups can employ general knowledge about German grammar when establishing new representations, the L1 native speakers outperform the L2 learners: Their new representations have more precise structure and are better differentiated from related representations with respect to their grammatical information. Modeling consequences of these findings are discussed in the context of the Ontogenesis Model of the L2 Lexical Representation and the Fuzzy Lexical Representation Hypothesis.

Effect of language task demands on the neural response during lexical access: a functional magnetic resonance imaging study

Gan, Gabriela, Büchel, Christian, Isel, Frédéric 28 November 2013 (has links) (PDF)
This study examined the effects of linguistic task demands on the neuroanatomical localization of the neural response related to automatic semantic processing of concrete German nouns combining the associative priming paradigm with functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI). To clarify the functional role of the inferior frontal gyrus (IFG) for semantic processing with respect to semantic decision making compared to semantic processing per se, we used a linguistic task that involved either a binary decision process (i.e., semantic categorization; Experiment 1) or not (i.e., silently thinking about a word's meaning; Experiment 2). We observed associative priming effects indicated as neural suppression in bilateral superior temporal gyri (STG), anterior cingulate cortex (ACC), occipito-temporal brain areas, and in medial frontal brain areas independently of the linguistic task. Inferior parietal brain areas were more active for silently thinking about a word's meaning compared to semantic categorization. A conjunction analysis of linguistic task revealed that both tasks activated the same left-lateralized occipito-temporo-frontal network including the IFG. Contrasting neural associative priming effects across linguistic task demands, we found a significant interaction in the right IFG. The present fMRI data give rise to the assumption that activation of the left inferior frontal gyrus (LIFG) in the semantic domain might be important for semantic processing in general and not only for semantic decision making. These findings contrast with a recent study regarding the role of the LIFG for binary decision making in the lexical domain (Wright et al. 2011).

Ordförrådsutveckling vid digitalt spelande : En pilotstudie av Sweet City som undervisningsmoment ur ett andraspråksperspektiv / Vocabulary Acquisition through Video Games : With second language acquisition as a focus

Svensson, Peter January 2017 (has links)
The purpose of this study, in the research field of Swedish as a second language, is to investigate whether a connection between form and meaning is established in the pupils’ receptive vocabulary when they play the video game Sweet City in pairs. Two subsidiary purposes are to see whether the use of language scaffolding in the video game affects an vocabulary acquisition and how the situation around the vocabulary tests worked out. The vocabulary change was measured through a pre-test and an instant after-test, hence the focus on the connection between form and meaning. The method was based on Schmitts’ (2010) principles of testing vocabulary change. Because the group was small, with only nine participants, a more qualitative approach was necessary and a discrepancy framework was developed and used to rule out participants’ guessing of target words. The findings show that seven of nine participants had an increase of two to four new words in the connection between form and meaning. Further, the results hint that a use of the video game’s language scaffolding gives a positive effect if used extensively. The discrepancy framework further showed that some participants had guessed extensively in the vocabulary tests, which could have been an effect of a long day of material collection and a desire to get a higher test result.

Effect of language task demands on the neural response during lexical access: a functional magnetic resonance imaging study

Gan, Gabriela, Büchel, Christian, Isel, Frédéric 28 November 2013 (has links)
This study examined the effects of linguistic task demands on the neuroanatomical localization of the neural response related to automatic semantic processing of concrete German nouns combining the associative priming paradigm with functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI). To clarify the functional role of the inferior frontal gyrus (IFG) for semantic processing with respect to semantic decision making compared to semantic processing per se, we used a linguistic task that involved either a binary decision process (i.e., semantic categorization; Experiment 1) or not (i.e., silently thinking about a word's meaning; Experiment 2). We observed associative priming effects indicated as neural suppression in bilateral superior temporal gyri (STG), anterior cingulate cortex (ACC), occipito-temporal brain areas, and in medial frontal brain areas independently of the linguistic task. Inferior parietal brain areas were more active for silently thinking about a word's meaning compared to semantic categorization. A conjunction analysis of linguistic task revealed that both tasks activated the same left-lateralized occipito-temporo-frontal network including the IFG. Contrasting neural associative priming effects across linguistic task demands, we found a significant interaction in the right IFG. The present fMRI data give rise to the assumption that activation of the left inferior frontal gyrus (LIFG) in the semantic domain might be important for semantic processing in general and not only for semantic decision making. These findings contrast with a recent study regarding the role of the LIFG for binary decision making in the lexical domain (Wright et al. 2011).

L’effet de la langue seconde sur le traitement des mots composés chinois chez les locuteurs bilingues chinois-français et chinois-anglais

Li, Shiyu 12 1900 (has links)
La présente étude a examiné si les équivalents traductionnels en français ou en anglais des constituants des mots composés chinois peuvent influencer la reconnaissance des composés chinois et, si oui, s’ils affectent ce processus de la même manière. Nous avons mené une expérience d’amorçage par répétition du constituant, où les cibles étaient des mots composés chinois bimorphémiques, précédés d’un de leurs constituants ou d’un stimulus non relié. Des bilingues chinois-français et chinois-anglais ont été assignés à trois conditions d’amorçage, où les amorces étaient traduites dans leur L2 (français ou anglais) ou répétées en L1 (chinois, transcrit en pinyin). Les résultats des conditions d’amorçage en L2 révèlent que les participants reconnaissaient les mots composés chinois comme de vrais mots significativement plus rapidement lorsqu’ils étaient précédés d’un de leurs constituants, en français ou en anglais, que lorsqu’ils étaient précédés d’un stimulus non relié. Cet effet n’est pas limité à une L2 spécifique, puisque les effets d’amorçage des constituants provoqués par les amorces en français et en anglais ont partagé le même patron. Nous n’avons pas trouvé d’effet d’amorçage par répétition d’un constituant en chinois, ce qui pourrait être dû à la difficulté à traiter le pinyin. Nous proposons que l’effet d’amorçage par répétition du constituant en L2 sur le traitement des mots composés chinois appuie l’hypothèse d’un lexique mental bilingue intégré caractérisé par une connectivité au niveau non seulement lexicale, mais aussi infralexicale. / The present study investigated whether the French or English translation equivalents of Chinese compound constituents affect Chinese compound recognition and, if so, whether they affect processing in a comparable manner. We conducted a constituent priming experiment, where targets were bimorphemic Chinese compounds, preceded by one of their constituents or an unrelated item. Chinese-French and Chinese-English bilinguals were assigned to three priming conditions, where primes were translated into their L2 French or L2 English or repeated in their L1 Chinese (transcribed as Pinyin syllables). Results from the L2 priming conditions indicated that participants recognized Chinese compounds as real words significantly faster when they were preceded by one of their constituents, in either French or English, than they were when preceded by an unrelated stimulus. This effect was not restricted to a particular L2, as constituent priming effects produced by French primes patterned with English primes. We failed to find a significant constituent priming effect in the L1 priming condition, possibly due to difficulty in processing Pinyin. We argue that the L2 constituent priming effects on Chinese compound processing provide evidence in favour of an integrated bilingual mental lexicon characterized by lexical as well as sublexical connectivity.

中文名詞多義性與詞彙認知歷程 / Multiple Senses of Mandarin Chinese Nominals: Implications for Lexical Access

林千哲, Lin, Chien-Jer Charles Unknown Date (has links)
本論文以語意學、認知語言學及心理語言學的觀點,探討中文名詞的多義現象。本篇論文討論詞彙多重意義的語言及心理語言表徵,並研究詞義如何在心理詞彙庫中被擷取。 文中藉由認知語言學者Tuggy(1993)所提出的認知語意架構,及詞彙語意學中「同形異義詞(homonymy)」、「一詞多義(polysemy)」及「模糊意義(vagueness)」等觀念之區辨,探索詞義之本質。本文所談之意義(sense)根據Ahrens(1999)之定義有以下三個特性:(1)意義非轉喻(metonymy)或部分/全體(meronymy)之延伸,但可以是隱喻性延伸;(2)意義之間的延伸關係無法由在同類名詞中直接以規律獲得;(3)除非特意,一詞的不同意義不會在同一語境中同時出現。 針對詞彙辨識歷程的語意效應,本論文有三大研究主題--意義數目效應、意義相關性效應及相對意義頻率效應。各效應之預測如下:「意義數目效應」認為意義數目較多的詞彙在詞彙判斷作業(lexical decision tasks)中比較容易辨識;「意義相關性效應」認為當一個詞的意義之間的相關性較高時,該詞的辨識時間亦會較快;「相對意義頻率效應」則認為一個詞意義之間頻率差異程度越小,該詞越有歧義之特質,也因此越容易辨識。 本研究旨在以實證方式探討這些語意向度在詞彙辨識歷程中所扮演的角色。由受試者提供200個中文名詞的意義並決定意義間的相關性;進行電腦詞彙判斷作業,得到辨識每個詞所需的反應時間;再由統計考驗反應時間來驗證各效應。 本研究結果發現只有「意義數目效應」達顯著水準,意義數目較多的詞彙在詞彙判斷作業中比較容易辨識。此一效應支持心理詞彙庫的隨機觸接模型(random access model)及平行觸接模型(parallel access model)並駁斥「序列搜尋模型(serial access model)」。 / This thesis studies the multiple senses of Chinese nominals from semantic, cognitive linguistic, and psycholinguistic viewpoints. It discusses the linguistic and psycholinguistic representations of a word's multiple senses, and the access of these senses in the mental lexicon. The nature of lexical meaning is examined by discussing lexical semantic notions such as homonymy, polysemy, and vagueness, and by introducing Tuggy's (1993) cognitive linguistic representation of a word's multiple lexical meanings. The "senses" of a word are defined according to the lexical semantic theory of Ahrens (1999) as having three properties: (1) A sense is not an instance of metonymic or meronymic extension, but may be an instance of metaphorical extension. (2) The extension links between two senses cannot be inherited by a class of nouns. (3) Senses cannot appear in the same context (unless the complexity is triggered). This thesis specifically looks into three semantic effects on word recognition, including the word's number-of-sense (NOS) effect, the effect of sense relatedness, and the effect of relative sense frequency. The predictions of these effects are as follows: The NOS effect predicts that words with more senses are recognized faster than those with fewer senses. The effect of sense relatedness predicts that words with more closely related senses are easier to recognize than those with distantly related senses. The effect of relative sense frequency predicts that words with equal sense frequencies are more easily recognized than words with unequal sense frequencies. This research aims at empirically verifying these three effects during the recognition of isolated lexical items. Subjects generate the senses of 200 Chinese nominals, and rate the relatedness among these senses. Lexical decision tasks are conducted to obtain the reaction times required to recognize each stimulus item. The semantic effects are verified by comparing the reaction times of different groups of experimental stimuli. The experimental results confirm only the NOS effect, giving support to the random and parallel access models of lexical access, and refuting the serial access model of the mental lexicon.

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