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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Young people and migration in Ghana

Yeboah, Thomas January 2018 (has links)
This study is concerned with migration of children/young people from northern to southern cities in Ghana. It focuses attention on the following specific research questions: What are young peoples’ motivations for migration, and negotiations surrounding the decision-making process? What are the precarious employment and living situation associated with young migrants? In what ways do social networks support young migrants in the migration process? What role does migration for work play in the lives of young migrants and their left behind families? What are young migrants’ aspirations for the future? To answer these questions, the study draws on the analytical insights gained from the concept of social navigation and social capital/network literatures, and primary research conducted in Ghana. A key finding from this study demonstrate that young peoples’ migration is closely linked to the unequal spatial development manifested in relative poverty conditions in rural northern Ghana, and the desires of children/young people to work and earn income in the south, where better economic prospect exists. Migration is also propelled by young migrants’ decisions to be free from strained and abusive relationships. It is evident that young migrants’ transitions into the labour market demonstrates their own agency and the important role that their networks can play in providing the finance necessary for travel and to secure work. The experiences of migration vary greatly involving both negative and positive aspects. Their precarious employment situation involves considerable uncertainty and risk, and exploitation by employers and clients. Incomes are low and irregular, which brings additional difficulties in fulfilling daily subsistence needs. Some of these difficulties are mitigated through social networks. These networks are fundamental in the life trajectories of young migrants, right from the time the decision to migrate is taken. However, they are also associated with discrimination and exploitative practices. Findings also reveal that migration offer opportunities for youngsters to see new places, undertake paid work, earn income, save and engage in popular global culture of consumerism and materialism, and sending of remittances to left-behind families. Access to mobile phones facilitates communication with families up north and this helps in maintaining intergenerational relations that are spread across spatial boundaries. Future aspirations of the youngsters centred on desires for better job prospects and greater stability although lack of financial and linking social capital serve as constraints. Overall this study makes an important contribution to the literature by providing new insight on the pathways that migration may be beneficial to young people and their left behind families. The findings suggest that addressing the internal geographical imbalance in development between the north and south is key to tackling the interlinked problems associated with child migration in Ghana. Findings also call for interventions to better strengthen the agency of young migrants in navigating hardships while improving their wellbeing.

The ma(r)king of complex border geographies and their negotiation by undocumented migrants : the case of Barbados

Dietrich-Jones, Natalie January 2014 (has links)
The University of ManchesterNatalie Dietrich JonesPhD Development Policy and ManagementThe ma(r)king of complex border geographies and their negotiation by undocumented migrants: The case of Barbados2013ABSTRACTUsing Barbados as a case study, this thesis examines the relationship between agency, undocumentedness and borders. The relationship between these three concepts has been debated in a well-established European and North American literature; however, there is no similar body of work for the Caribbean, a space which since its genesis has been shaped by b/ordering practices. Through a stratified view of the border, it explored the discursive and non-discursive (material) factors which constrained migrants’ existence, and migrants’ agentic response to these constraints. The timing of fieldwork meant that the location’s geography, as well as migrants’ narratives, was marked by a recent amnesty exercise. In addition to ‘talk’ the research also relied on text, in the form of government and other legal documents relating to the management of migration. The research is therefore based on a combination of narrative and critical discourse analysis, espousing the methodological eclecticism that is encouraged in critical realist methodology. The study makes an important contribution to the field of border studies, based on its exploration of the relationship between a complex border ontology and migrant agency. The principal finding is that borders create complex geographies, which operate at varying spatial scales. The thesis thus provides an enhanced theorization of border(s), in particular as it relates to conceptualizations of space, suspect status, governmentality, and agency.

Lean i kris : Berättelsen om Migrationsverkets leanarbete när krisen kom / Lean in Crisis : The Story about Lean at the Swedish Migration Agency in Crisis

Holgersson, Emmy, Rosenqvist, Elin January 2016 (has links)
Bakgrund: I Sverige har managementfilosofin Lean Production (Lean) fått ett stort genomslag inom offentliga verksamheter. Lean, som har sitt ursprung i den japanska biltillverkningsindustrin, handlar om att öka värde för kund, effektivisera verksamheten genom atteliminera resursslöseri och arbeta med ständiga förbättringar. Migrationsverkets beslutade 2010 att införa arbetssättet Lean i hela verksamheten. På grund av eskalerande konflikter runt om i världen, speciellt i Syrien, briserade flyktingströmmarna under 2015 och människor flydde mot Europa och Sverige för att söka skydd undan krig och förödelse. Efterfrågan på Migrationsverkets tjänster ökade således enormt och myndigheten försattes i en krissituation vars storlek aldrig tidigare upplevts. Arbetet enligt Lean sattes på prov och så även myndighetens krishantering.  Syfte: Syftet med studien är att öka förståelsen av hur tillämpningen av Lean inom offentlig verksamhet påverkas i en krissituation, samt att identifiera centrala leanattribut att utveckla för krishantering. Metod: Detta är en kvalitativ fallstudie av Migrationsverket. Den bygger på fem semistrukturerade intervjuer samt dokumentstudier. Studien har en övergripande induktiv forskningsansats och utgår således från empirin.  Slutsats: Studien visar att Lean fungerade som en stödstruktur för Migrationsverket vid hanteringen av flyktingkrisen 2015. Teamarbete och mötesstruktur fick en viktig betydelse för meningsskapande för medarbetarna. Samtidigt anpassades förbättringsarbetet och processflödet till krissituationen och blev mer kortsiktigt. / Background: In Sweden, the management philosophy of Lean Production (Lean) has had amajor impact on the public sector. Lean originated from the Japanese automotive industry and involves aspects such as increasing value for customers, optimize operations by eliminating waste and continuous improvements. In 2010 the Swedish Migration Agency decided to apply Lean on the whole organisation. Because of escalating conflicts around the world, especially in Syria, the refugee stream in 2015 increased and people fled to Europe and Sweden to seek protection from war and devastation. The demand for the Migrations Agency’s services thus increased enormously and the authority found itself in a crisis which magnitude had not been experienced before. Thus, the Lean strategy as well as the crisis management of the Migrations Agency was tested. Aim: The aim of the thesis is to increase the understanding of how the application of Lean in the public sector is affected during a crisis, and to identify key aspects of Lean to develop within crisis management. Methodology: This is a qualitative case study within the Swedish Migration Agency which is built upon semi structured interviews and document studies. The thesis has an inductive approach. Conclusion: The thesis shows that Lean functioned as a supportive structure for the Swedish Migration Agency during the immigration crisis in 2015. Teamwork and meeting structure had a great importance for sensemaking among the workers. The continuous improvement and process flow was affected by the crisis situation and adjusted to the crisis situation and became short-term.

The Swedish Model of Detention : A case study of Åstorp Detention Centre / The Swedish Model of Detention : A case study of Åstorp Detention Centre

Elin, Örtman January 2019 (has links)
Detention centres are a rather new phenomena in the Swedish institutional setup. However, due to the migration inflow of 2015 it is now rapidly expanding all over Sweden. So far, it has been only scarcely monitored and researched and mostly with a focus on the perspective of the detainee’s health or the employee’s experiences at the detention centres. Little is known about the role of the NGOs and how they collaborate with the Migration Agency to secure the rights for those who are detained. This study is a qualitative case study on one of the five detention centres in Sweden, namely Åstorp detention centre which is located in Skåne 20km from Helsingborg. Four interviews have been made with the Migration Agency and with the NGOs that are continuously visiting the detainees in Åstorp. By using data triangulation, the validity of the study has increased and principles from the rights-based approach have been used to highlight important aspects of the collaboration. One significant finding in this research is that the Migration Agency is willingly increasing the transparency by inviting an unlimited number of NGOs to monitor and secure the rights for the detainees, which in turn has led to Sweden's detention centres being referred to as a successful model for the rest of the world. This study has also showed a successful and mutual collaboration between the Migration Agency and the NGOs and even if their roles at the detention centres are different, all participants are working towards a common goal, to improve the conditions for those who are detained. Notwithstanding the relatively limited sample by including one out of five detention centres, this study contributes also, in a small way, to new insights of the situation in Sweden's detention centres and the importance of a successful collaboration between the Migration Agency and NGOs for the detainee’s rights.

Barnets bästa i asylprocessen : En kvalitativ studie om asylhandläggarnas tolkning och tillämpning av barnets bästa gällande barnfamiljer / Child´s best interest in the asylum process

Prag, Elin, Karolina, Bonikowska January 2015 (has links)
The purpose of this study is to describe and understand how the principle of the child’s best interest in the asylum process for families with children is interpreted and implemented in practice by the asylum bureaucrats at the Swedish Migration Agency. Our questions are: “How is the best interest of the child in families with children interpreted by the asylum bureaucrats at the Swedish Migration Agency?” "How are asylum bureaucrats at the Swedish Migration Agency reasoning about the implementation in practice of the child's best interest in families with children? The essay rests upon semi-structured interviews with eight asylum bureaucrats at three different asylum units. The interviews are based on an interview guide together with a vignette, which purpose was to see how the interviewees are implementing the best interest of the child in a specific case of a potential application. We are analyzing our results by using Lipsky’s theory of street-level bureaucrats and their professional discretion. We are also using Roine Johansson’s (2007) interpretation of Lipsky and Svensson et al., (2008) and their perspectives about professional discretion. Our main findings and conclusions in the study are showing that the asylum bureaucrats interpretations of the best interest of the child are statutory. According to the asylum bureaucrats, the main definition of the principle is related to the importance of talking with the children. These statements in the interviews also reflects how they look upon the implementation in practice of the child's best interest. The asylum bureaucrats felt they have a wide discretion in their everyday work.

Migrationsverkets utredningsansvar i asylprocessen : En studie om domstolarnas bedömning av Migrationsverkets tillämpning av officialprincipen

Fedioutchek, Julia January 2018 (has links)
Seeking asylum is a human right, which means that all states in the world that have signed the UN Refugee Convention are responsible for ensuring that refugees in need of protection can get it. Sweden has signed the UN Refugee Convention as early as in 1954. Thus, a legally secure asylum process is to be sought. The Swedish Migration Agency has a central role in this, as the reception of refugees is the primary responsibility of the Agency. The Migration Agency's case management must therefore comply with the requirements regarding ensuring the protection of people who are forced to flee, in Swedish, European and international law. A basic principle of asylum cases is that it is the applicant who has the burden of proof to make his protection needs plausible. On the other hand, the Migration Agency has an extended investigative responsibility, as there is a strong protection interest in investigations of asylum cases. The so-called officialprincipen places a demand on the Migration Agency to investigate a case to the extend its nature requires. If the work of Migrations Agency does not meet these requirements, the result may be that deficiencies in the investigation are put on the applicant and that the application gets rejected. Deficiency in case management by the Migration Agency, apart from that it is affecting individuals, and can destroy a life, can also, in the long run, have devastating consequences for the entire Swedish legal system. It also means more work for the courts, double work for the Migration Agency and increased costs for the judiciary system.     The change of the instance procedure in 2005 has greatly improved the asylum process. The case law in the area has meant that the courts can check the Migration Agency's investigations and give references to the Migration Agency about what needs to be done in order for the administrative process to be more legally secure. My conclusion is that the Swedish legal order in this area is changing as more demands are made by the EU and due to the EU's increased competence in the area. When it comes to the actual design of the provision for the officialprincipen, it is rather vaguely designed. The frameworks for what is covered by the Migration Agency’s investigative duty appear relatively diffuse for the Agency. Hopefully, the provision in the new Administration Act, and a more solid case law in the area, will result in a more uniform and predictable enforcement of the officialprincipen at the Migration Agency. / Att söka asyl är en mänsklig rättighet vilket innebär att alla stater i världen som har skrivit under FN:s flyktingkonvention är ansvariga att se till att flyktingar som behöver skydd kan få det. Sverige har undertecknat FN:s flyktingkonvention redan 1954. En rättssäker asylprocess är således att eftersträva. Migrationsverkets har en central roll i detta, eftersom flyktingmottagande är verkets primära ansvar. Migrationsverkets ärendehandläggning måste alltså leva upp till de krav gällande säkerställande av skydd för människor på flykt som finns i den svenska rätten, europarätten och folkrätten. En grundläggande princip i asylärendena är att det är den sökande som har bevisbördan för att göra sitt skyddsbehov sannolik. Å andra sidan har migrationsverket ett utvidgat utredningsansvar eftersom det föreligger ett starkt skyddsintresse vad gäller utredningar av asylärenden. Den s.k. officialprincipen ställer krav på Migrationsverket att utreda ett ärende som dess beskaffenhet kräver. Om verket inte lever upp till dessa krav kan resultatet bli att brister i utredningen läggs den sökande till last och att den sökande får avslag. Bristande handläggning av ärenden hos Migrationsverket, förutom att den drabbar enskilda människor, och kan förstöra ett liv, kan även i förlängningen få förödande konsekvenser för hela det svenska rättssystemet. Det innebär även mer arbete för domstolarna, dubbelarbete för verket och ökade kostnader för domstolsväsendet.     Den under 2005 förändrade instansordningen har förbättrat asylprocessen en hel del. Prejudikatbildningen på området har medfört att domstolarna kan kontrollera Migrationsverkets utredningar och ge hänvisningar till Migrationsverket om vad som måste göras för att handläggningsprocessen ska bli mer rättssäker. Jag har kunnat konstatera att den svenska rättsordningen på området förändrats i takt med att det ställs större krav från EU:s sida och på grund av att EU får en ökad kompetens på området. När det kommer till själva utformningen av bestämmelsen för officialrincipen, är den tämligen vagt utformad. Ramarna för vad som omfattas av Migrationsverkets utredningsskyldighet framstår som relativt diffusa för verket. Förhoppningsvis kommer bestämmelsen i den nya förvaltningslagen, och en mer solid prejudikatbildning på området, medföra att en mera enhetlig och förutsägbar tillämpning av officialprincipen växer  fram hos Migrationsverket.

En myndighet i förändring : En fallstudie om Lean på Migrationsverkets mottagningsenhet. / An authority in change : A case study about Lean in The Migration Agency´s reception unit.

Dasander, Carolin January 2015 (has links)
The purpose of this thesis is to illustrate how the business philosophy Lean, originating from the Japanese manufacturing industry, has been transferred to The Swedish Migration Agency. In addition to this, I will also look at how the management philosophy New Public Management (NPM) has been introduced in The Swedish Migration Agency´s discourse.   The Swedish Migration Agency is an authority of change and 2015 has so far been an eventful year marked by record high refugee flow in combination with the new organizational structure, alongside with mass recruitment in the organization.   The Lean model gaining ground can be seen as a paradigm shift and a shift from a democratic discourse to a NPM-discourse, where the state had previously been characterized by traditional bureaucracy, but now focuses on efficiency and management by objectives. This development creates a neoliberal effect on the Swedish welfare society, where citizens gradually transforms into consumers.

"It depends a lot on the case officer" : A qualitative study of case- and executive officers´assessment of asylum applications at the Swedish Migration Agency.

Habib Davidsson, Maria, Ekberg, Sofie January 2018 (has links)
The purpose of this study is to highlight the work of asylum case- and executive officers at the Swedish Migration Agency. It focuses on the oral investigation that is conducted by the Swedish Migration Agency with an asylum seeker in Sweden, how the case- and executive officers assess if an asylum seeker is credible, and if there are any difficulties with this process. The aim of this study has not been to investigate how the credibility and reliability assessments should be conducted; instead, it has been to understand the complexity of these assessment and how the case- and executive officers experience the same. The study is ethnographic, and the empirical material consists of interviews with individuals who work as case- and executive officers at the Migration Agency's asylum units in Sweden. The study has a qualitative approach since the interest lies in individual experiences. The analysis is based on extracts from the interviews and is linked to existing research and theories. Theoretically, the thesis is inspired by Michael Lipsky's concept of street-level bureaucracy. In addition, we have also built up a theoretical chapter presenting the legal framework. The study shows that the assessment of an asylum seeker is a complicated and abstract process. And in the end, it all comes down to an overall assessment.

The Complexity of Conversion Cases : A critical and constructive analysis of the management of conversion cases at the Swedish Migration Agency

Isaksson, Ida January 2021 (has links)
The Swedish Migration Agency has, through the years, received criticism regarding its management and assessments of different cases. One of these critiques has been towards the Agency’s management of asylum seekers claiming to have converted as a refugee claim. Therefore, this thesis aims to strengthen the Agency’s management of these cases. Using the critisism made against the Swedish Migration Agency, I suggested recommendation and amendments to the Agency’s established guidelines. The findings in this thesis showed extensive criticism towards the Agency’s usage of religious knowledge tests to assess the genuineness of a conversion. The critic also argues that the Agency lacks religious understanding and that the Agency should focus on identity, community, and faith in a higher power. The analysis presented a need to address religion, the conversion process, and the role of the Agency’s personnel in the guideline.

HBTQ i asylprocessen : En kvalitativ dokumentstudie om trovärdighet och tillförlitlighet i HBTQ-asylsökandes domstolsbeslut / LGBTQ in the asylum process : A qualitative document study about credibility and reliability in court orders for LGBTQ asylum seekers

Liljeberg, Frida, Rasmussen, Carola January 2019 (has links)
The aim of this study was to, through an analyze of court orders, gain a more profound understanding of how the Swedish Migration Courts argue and relate to credibility and reliability in the decision assessment for asylum-seeking LGBTQ people. The court orders used in the study was all rejected by the Swedish Migration Court and appealed to the Swedish Migration Supreme Court. The study is of an hermeneutic and qualitative perspective and an argumentation analysis of the court orders was conducted. The results show that the Swedish Migration Courts use both international-and Swedish law and guidelines as support and basis when they argue in the asylum assessments. They also use value-added words to reinforce their arguments. The critical perception of the asylum process presented by previous research can be understood to some extent. It is also possible to see that some criticism is unfounded, as more perspectives should be taken into consideration. Some gaps in knowledge about LGBTQ issues can be seen and therefore better guidelines may be necessary.

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