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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Análise de alterações volumétricas e metabólicas cerebrais nos diferentes subtipos de comprometimento cognitivo leve / Volumetric, metabolic and CSF biomarkers profile in different subtypes of MCI

Artur Martins Novaes Coutinho 20 October 2015 (has links)
Introducão: o comprometimento cognitivo leve (CCL) é reconhecido como um estágio transicional sintomático entre o envelhecimento normal e a demência, particularmente a doença de Alzheimer (DA). Apresenta como subtipos principais o amnéstico (CCLa), com comprometimento de memória, e o não amnéstico (CCLna), que apresenta perda de outras funções, principalmente executivas, de atenção, de linguagem e visuoespaciais. Aparentemente o CCLna tem menor taxa de conversão para demências ao longo do tempo que o subtipo amnéstico, particularmente para a DA. Dessa forma, o CCLna poderia apresentar um perfil de biomarcadores diferente do CCLa no momento do diagnóstico. Estudos na literatura investigando o padrão de biomarcadores no CCLna como grupo independente são raros, alguns destes indicando perfil menos relacionado à DA no CCLna que o visto no CCLa. Segundo nosso conhecimento, não há estudos investigando concomitantemente volume e metabolismo cerebrais, além de biomarcadores no LCR de uma mesma amostra de CCLna, em comparação com CCLa e um grupo de idosos cognitivamente normais. Objetivo: investigar as alterações de volume e metabolismo cerebral em grupos de indivíduos com os subtipos amnéstico e não amnésico de CCL, comparativamente a voluntários idosos sem comprometimento cognitivo, com o intuito de avaliar se há concordância entre estas alterações. Avaliou-se ainda possíveis associações entre os perfis dos estudos de imagem com padrões classicamente descritos na para CCL em risco de evolução para DA, investigando ainda a existência de correlações entre destes achados com o dos diferentes biomarcadores no LCR e com dados clínicos. Métodos: cento e quatorze voluntários foram incluídos em três diferentes grupos: gCCLna (N = 38), gCCLa (N = 46) e GC (N = 30). Após entrevista clínica, exame neurológico e classificação por uma bateria de testes neuropsicológicos, estes foram submetidos a exames de RM cerebral (para excluir outras causas de comprometimento cognitivo e para análise de morfometria baseada em voxels - VBM) e de PET-18FDG cerebral. Analisou-se ainda os valores de biomarcadores no LCR (A?, tau e p-tau) de uma subamostra de pacientes (CCLna = 33, CCLa = 38). Resultados: os três grupos não apresentaram diferenças em relação às variáveis idade, escolaridade, sexo, fatores de risco cardiovascular (exceto por maior prevalência de dislipidemia no gCCLa) e hiperintensidades de substância branca na RM. Menores valores de mini-exame do estado mental foram observado nos grupos CCLa e CCLna em relação ao GC. O subgrupo amnéstico apresentou redução de volume em porções mediais e polares de ambos os lobos temporais em comparação com GC e gCCLna, além de áreas de redução do metabolismo no giro do cíngulo posterior e pré-cúneo direitos e giro temporal médio esquerdo em relação ao GC. Esse padrão de redução volumétrica e metabólica não foi visto no gCCLna, que demonstrou discreta redução volumétrica nos giros temporal inferior esquerdo e frontal médio direito em comparação com o GC. Nenhuma alteração metabólica persistiu no subgrupo não amnéstico após correção para efeito de volume parcial em comparação com o GC, havendo redução metabólica bilateral no giro frontal médio em comparação com o gCCLa. Não houve diferenças significativas nos biomarcadores de LCR entre os grupos CCLa e CCLna. Houve, porém, tendência de menores valores de peptídeo A? no gCCLa. Observou-se correlação positiva entre metabolismo no giro temporal médio esquerdo e rendimento em testes de memória; correlação negativa também foi observada entre os valores de A? e os de tau e p-tau no LCR. Conclusão: os grupos CCLa e CCLna apresentaram alterações de volume e metabolismo diferentes em comparação com o grupo controle, e estas alterações não apresentaram concordância entre si. Também não foram encontradas correlações entre os diferentes biomarcadores de imagem e no LCR, notando-se apenas correlação positiva entre metabolismo temporal e desempenho em testes de memória. O gCCLa apresentou padrões de metabolismo e volume cerebrais classicamente relacionados a risco de evolução para DA. Por outro lado, o grupo CCLna apresentou um padrão diferente de alterações metabólicas e volumétricas, com áreas menores de redução de volume e padrão mais heterogêneo de alterações metabólicas em relação ao grupo controle. O conjunto de achados de biomarcadores no gCCLna não é indicativo de nenhum perfil específico de evolução para demências / Introduction: Mild cognitive impairment (MCI) is presumably a transitional stage between normal aging and dementia, particularly Alzheimer\'s disease (AD). Non-amnestic subtypes (naMCI) present with executive, attention, visuospatial and language dysfunctions. They have a lower conversion rate to dementia compared to amnestic subtypes (aMCI). Investigations regarding biomarker profiles of naMCI as an independent group are scarce. To our knowledge there is no study investigating the brain volumetric and metabolic features, as well as the profile of cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) biomarkers of naMCI patients as a single group in comparison to aMCI and cognitively normal elderly patients (control group - CG). Objective: to investigate the brain volumetric and metabolic changes in individuals presenting amnestic and non-amnestic MCI subtypes in comparison to elderly volunteers without cognitive impairment, aiming to verify if there are agreements between these changes. Possible associations between the imaging profile of these groups and classical patterns of high risk for developing AD were also evaluated, as well as possible correlations between imaging biomarkers, CSF biomarkers and clinical data. Methods: a hundred and fourteen (114) patients were included in three different groups: naMCIg (N = 38), aMCIg (N = 46) and CG (N = 30). Patients underwent brain MRI (in order to exclude other causes of the cognitive impairment but also for VBM analysis) and [18F]FDG-PET. A subsample (naMCIg = 33, aMCIg = 38) also underwent a lumbar puncture in order to assess the profile of amyloid-ß peptide, tau and phosphorylated tau protein levels in the CSF. Results: There was no difference in CSF biomarkers, education years, age, gender and cardiovascular risk factors between the naMCI and aMCI groups, except for a higher prevalence of dyslipidemia in aMCI. The amnestic MCI group had lower rBGM in relation to control group in the precuneus, posterior cingulate and left medium temporal gyrus. Compared to aMCIg, naMCIg presented with bilateral prefrontal cortex hypometabolism, but without metabolic changes in relation to CG after correction for partial volume effect. Amnestic MCI group had bilateral temporal lobe volume reduction in comparison to naMCI and CG, particularly in the polar and mesial parts of the temporal lobe. Non-amnestic MCI presented with discrete volumetric reductions in comparison to CG, Conclusion: Volumetric and metabolic alterations were different and essentially discordant between aMCI and naMCI groups in comparison to CG. Amnestic MCI showed metabolic and volumetric profiles classically related to MCI due to AD, while naMCI group presented with less-significant areas of volumetric and metabolic reductions in relation to control group. Our non-amnestic MCI group probably represents a heterogeneous group with a different pattern of neurodegeneration than the classical MCI due to AD

Treino de estratégia de memória para associação de faces e nomes no comprometimento cognitivo leve amnéstico: desfecho em medidas cognitivas e ressonância magnética funcional / Memory strategy training for face name associations in the amnestic mild cognitive impairment: cognitive and magnetic ressonance imaging outcomes

Sharon Sanz Simon 28 June 2017 (has links)
INTRODUÇÃO: O Comprometimento Cognitivo Leve amnéstico (CCL-A) frequentemente representa a zona de transição entre o envelhecimento saudável e a demência, sendo considerado um problema de saúde pública, sobretudo devido ao crescimento da população idosa. Assim, é crucial o desenvolvimento de tratamentos eficazes que possam minimizar os déficits cognitivos presentes, tal como o treino de estratégia de memória (TEM). Destaca-se o TEM com foco na associação entre faces e nomes, alvo relevante, uma vez que esquecer nomes é uma queixa frequente em idosos com CCL-A. Entretanto, até o momento há pouca evidência quanto à eficácia dessa modalidade de intervenção a essa população, assim como à generalização dos possíveis efeitos, e o correlato neural subjacente. OBJETIVO: Investigar a eficácia do TEM com foco na associação face-nome e o correlato neural através da ressonância magnética funcional (RMf), em comparação a um grupo controle ativo (Psicoeducação - PED), em idosos com CCL-A. MÉTODOS: Trinta idosos com CCL-A foram randomizados em dois grupos: Grupo Experimental (GE, N=15), submetido ao TEM, e o Grupo Controle (GC, N=15), submetido a PED. Em cada programa, os participantes completaram quatro sessões de uma hora cada, duas vezes por semana. Os participantes foram avaliados nos momentos pré e pós intervenção, através de testes neuropsicológicos, tarefas de associação face-nome, escalas de humor e metamemória, além de uma tarefa na RMf. Ademais, no momento préintervenção, os participantes realizaram a coleta do líquido cefalorraquidiano; e, após a intervenção, responderam a um questionário de avaliação dos programas. A fim de investigar a manutenção dos efeitos ao longo do tempo, os voluntários foram reavaliados após um mês e após três meses. RESULTADOS: Não houve diferenças significativas entre ambos os grupos quanto ao perfil clínico, neuropsicológico e biomarcadores liquóricos. Quanto às mudanças após as intervenções, o GE apresentou melhor desempenho que o GC na tarefa de associação face-nome para o material treinado, o que generalizou em parte para o material não-treinado, com benefícios persistindo após três meses. No que se refere à generalização para as medidas neuropsicológicas, o GE exibiu melhora em teste de memória visual, porém não houve mudanças em testes de memória verbal e de atenção após ambos os programas. Além disto, em relação ao GC, o GE reportou uso mais frequente de estratégia associativa, e menor frequência de falhas de memória no cotidiano. Após os programas, ambos os grupos reportaram sentimentos mais positivos quanto à própria memória e avaliaram positivamente as intervenções. Ademais, não foram observadas mudanças em sintomas de depressão e ansiedade após os programas. Os achados de neuroimagem indicam que após as intervenções o GE mostrou maior ativação cerebral que o GC em regiões parietais (pré-cuneo, cíngulo posterior e giro angular bilaterais) e frontais (giro frontal medial à esquerda, giros frontal médio e pré-central à direita) ao codificarem o material treinado. Quanto ao material não-treinado, o GE mostrou maior ativação cebrebral que o GC em região anterior temporal (sulco temporal superior, giro temporal superior e médio). CONCLUSÃO: Os benefícios do TEM são observáveis tanto nos estímulos treinados, como transferem, em parte, para estímulos não-treinados e testes neuropsicológicos padronizados. Além disto, após o TEM, houve aumento no uso de estratégias associativas e ganhos de metamemória. Embora o GE tenha reportado menos falhas de memória que o GC, este aspecto não parece associado ao humor, uma vez que não ocorreram mudanças em sintomas de depressão e ansiedade após os programas. Os dados de neuroimagem corroboram os achados comportamentais sugerindo que o cérebro de idosos com CCL-A permanece altamente plástico. O GE mostrou maior aumento de ativação cerebral que o GC em regiões consistentes com as estratégias treinadas, envolvendo recursos atencionais, memória episódica, semântica e subjetiva, imageria mental, pensamento associativo, processamento de faces e cognição social / INTRODUCTION: Amnestic mild cognitive impairment (A-MCI) often represents the transitional stage between healthy aging and dementia, and has been considered a public health matter due to the growth of elderly population. Thus, it is critical to develop effective treatments that can minimize the cognitive deficits, such as mnemonic strategy training (MST). We highlight the MST focused on face-name associations, a relevant target since forgetting names is a frequent complaint in elders with MCI. However, at the moment there is little evidence of the efficacy of this modality of MST to this population, as well as, its transfer effects and underlying neural correlate. OBJECTIVE: Investigate the efficacy of MST focused on face-name associations, and the underlying neural correlate, in comparison with an active control group (Psychoeducation - PED) in elders with A-MCI. METOHDS: Thirty elders with A-MCI were randomized in two groups: Experimental Group (EG, N=15), underwent to MST, and the Control Group (CG, N=15), underwent to PED. In each program, the participants completed four individual one-hour sessions, twice a week. The participants were assessed at pre and post intervention through neuropsychological tests, face-name association tasks, mood and metamemory scales, beside a fMRI task. Moreover, at pre-intervention, the participants performed the cerebral spinal fluid (CSF) puncture; and at post-intervention, answered a questionnaire to evaluate the programs. In order to investigate the maintenance of the effects over the time, the volunteers were reassessed after 1 and 3-months. RESULTS: There was no significant differente between groups regarding the clinical and neuropsychological profiles, as well as, the CSF biomarkers. With respect to the changes after intervention, the EG showed a better performance than CG in the face-name association task to the trained material, and transfered, in part, to the untrained material, with the benefits persisting after three months. Regarding the transfer effects to the neuropsychological measures, the EG exhibited an improvement in the visual memory test, however no changes were observed in the verbal memory and attention tests after both programs. In comparison to CG, the EG reported a more frequent use of associative strategy, and less frequent memory mistakes. After the programs, both groups reported more positive feelings regarding their own memory and evaluated positively the interventions. In addition, there was no change in depression and anxiety symptoms after the programs. The neuroimaging findings indicate that after the interventions the EG showed greater cerebral activation than CG in parietal (bilateral precuneus, posterior cingulare and angular gyru), and frontal regions (left medial frontal gyru, right precentral and middle frontal gyrus), when enconding the trained material. For the untrained material, the EG showed greater brain activation than CG in an anterior temporal region (superior temporal sulcus, superior and middle temporal gyru). CONCLUSION: The MST benefits were observed in the trained and transfer, in part, to the untrained stimuli and neuropsychological tests Moreover, after the MST, there was an increase of associative strategy use and gains in metamemory. Despite the EG has been reported less memory mistakes than the CG, this aspect does not seem related to mood, since there was no changes in depression and anxiety symptoms after the programs. The neuroimaging data corroborate the behavioral findings suggesting that the brain of elders with a-MCI remains highly plastic. The EG showed greater increase of brain activation than the CG in regions consistent with the training, involving attentional resourses, episodic, semântic and subjective memory, mental imagery, associative thinking, face processing and social cognition

Efeitos da estimulação magnética transcraniana sobre a cognição no comprometimento cognitivo leve: estudo duplo-cego, randomizado controlado / Effects of transcranial magnetic stimulation on cognition in mild cognitive impairment. Double-blind, randomized controlled trial

Hellen Livia Drumond Marra 12 November 2012 (has links)
INTRODUÇÃO: O envelhecimento está associado, muitas vezes, a um declínio cognitivo frequentemente negligenciado, especialmente quando em formas brandas e/ou iniciais, com importante repercussão na vida das pessoas. Tais declínios podem regredir para a normalidade, estabilizar ou mesmo evoluir para quadro demenciais. O comprometimento cognitivo leve (CCL) é uma síndrome clínica de associada a um risco aumentado de demência, podendo ter várias etiologias e patologias. Até o momento, não existe ainda uma abordagem terapêutica, deixando uma lacuna no arsenal terapêutico tanto do especialista quanto do clínico geral. A estimulação magnética transcraniana é uma técnica não invasiva e promissora. Tem potencial para melhorar a memória e a cognição de idosos ativando redes neurais. OBJETIVOS: Este trabalho visa verificar os efeitos da estimulação magnética transcraniana repetitiva (EMTr) de alta frequência primeiramente sobre a memória e, secundariamente, sobre a cognição global de idosos com CCL. MÉTODOS: Trata-se de um estudo duplo cego, randomizado sham-controlado. Foram estimulados 32 idosos com idades entre 60-74 anos, totalmente independentes para as atividades instrumentais de vida diária (AIVDs), com queixas subjetivas de memória e evidência de algum prejuízo na avaliação neuropsicológica, caracterizando CCL. Os participantes foram divididos em dois grupos: (I) EMTr ativa (n=15) e (II) EMTr sham (n=17). O grupo ativo recebeu 10 sessões de EMTr a 10Hz (110% do limiar motor e 2.000 pulsos por sessão) sobre o córtex pré-frontal dorso lateral esquerdo.Foi utilizada uma bobina inativa (sham) para o grupo placebo. As baterias neuropsicológicas foram realizadas nos três tempos: antes (T0), logo após (T1) e um mês após (T2) a EMTr. RESULTADOS: Dos 109 pacientes triados, 36 foram elegíveis para o estudo. Houve 4 desistências, e 32 finalizaram o estudo. Os dados demográficos foram homogêneos. Os escores dos testes foram ajustados para a idade e escolaridade. O ponto de corte do Escore Isquêmico de Hachinski foi <=4. A medida de desfecho primário foi o teste ecológico Rivermead Behavioural Memory (RBMT) devido a sua alta capacidade de predizer problemas de memória diárias. As variáveis contínuas foaram avaliadas pelo teste t de Student. Análise de variância para medidas repetidas (ANOVA) foi utilizada para comparar as medidas de variáveis quantitativas ao longo dos instantes de medição. Houve interação (efeito de grupo) a favor do grupo ativo nas variáveis Rivermead Behavioural Memory Test (p=0,042) e teste de Stroop (retângulos) (p=0,044) em T0-T1; dígitos ordem direta (p=0,041) e trilhas B em T1-T2 (p=0,032). Houve interação no teste de memória lógica tardia em T0-T1 e T0-T2 (p=0,044 e 0,005, respectivamente) a favor do grupo sham; porém, o desfecho foi igual em T2 em ambos os grupos. Não houve interação no IQCODE e na escala de Bayer de funcionalidade. Os resultados mostram melhora significativa, a um nível de 5% de significância, na memória do dia a dia, da atenção e de função executiva dos idosos que se submeteram à EMTr de alta frequência, sugerindo seu potencial terapêutico no CCL. Trial registration: clinicaltrials.gov Identifier: NCT01292382. / BACKGROUND: Aging maybe associated with a cognitive decline often overlooked, especially in milder forms, with significant impact on people\'s lives. Such declines may regress to normal, or even stabilize, or progress to dementia. Mild cognitive impairment (MCI) is a clinical syndrome associated with an increased risk of dementia and may have different etiologies and pathologies. To date, there is still not a therapeutic approach, leaving a gap in the therapeutic armamentarium of both expert as the general practitioner. Transcranial magnetic stimulation is a promising and noninvasive technique with potential to improve memory and cognition in elderly by activating neural networks. OBJECTIVES: This study aims to assess the effects of high frequency repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation (rTMS) primarily on memory and secondarily on global cognition in elderly people with MCI. METHODS: Double blind, randomized sham-controlled trial. Were stimulated 32 eldrely aged 60-74 years, totally independent for instrumental activities of daily living (IADL) with subjective memory complaints and evidence of some impairment in neuropsychological assessment, characterizing MCI. Subjects were divided into two groups: (I) active rTMS (n=15) and (II) rTMS sham (n=17). The active group received 10 sessions of 10 Hz rTMS (110% of motor threshold and 2000 pulses per session) over left dorsolateral prefrontal cortex. We used a inactive coil (sham) for the placebo group. The neuropsychological assessment were conducted in three stages: before (T0), immediately after (T1) and one month after (T2) rTMS. RESULTS: Of 109 patients screened, 36 were eligible for the study. There were 4 dropouts, and 32 completed the study. Demographic data were homogeneous. The test scores were adjusted for age and education. All subjects presented a cut-off score <=4 for the Hachinski Ischaemic Score. Continuous variables were evaluated by Student t test. Repeated measures of anayses of variance (ANOVA) were used to compare measures of quantitative variables along time. The primary outcome measure was a positive response on the ecological tool Rivermead Behavioural Memory Test (RBMT) because of its capacity to predict everyday memory problems. There was interaction (group effect) in favor of the active group over the variables RBMT (p=0.042) and Stroop test (colored rectangles) (p=0.044) at T0-T1; digit span direct order (p=0.041) and trail making B, T1-T2 (p=0.032). There was interaction in late logic memory test at T0-T1 and T0-T2 (p=0.044 and 0.005, respectively) for the sham group, but the outcome was the same in both groups at T2. There were no significant interaction at IQCODE and Bayer ADL Scale. The results present significant improvement, at a 5% level of significance, in everyday memory, attention and executive function of the elderly who underwent to high-frequency rTMS, suggesting its therapeutic potential in MCI. Trial registration: clinicaltrials.gov Identifier: NCT01292382.

O papel da escolaridade, do alfabetismo funcional e dos fatores sociodemográficos na avaliação cognitiva do idoso / The role of formal education, functional literacy, and demographic factors on the cognitive assessment of older adults

Daniel Apolinario 06 August 2013 (has links)
INTRODUÇÃO: A busca pelo diagnóstico cada vez mais precoce das demências traz a necessidade de estratégias mais eficientes na utilização dos testes cognitivos. A definição dos parâmetros de normalidade para esses testes é particularmente desafiadora no contexto brasileiro de baixa escolaridade e grande heterogeneidade sociocultural. OBJETIVO: Avaliar os efeitos de diferentes estratégias de ajuste de normas nas propriedades do Mini-Exame do Estado Mental (MEEM). MÉTODOS: Duzentos e trinta idosos encaminhados a um serviço de Geriatria por suspeita de comprometimento cognitivo foram recrutados sequencialmente e submetidos ao MEEM. Todos os pacientes passaram por uma segunda avaliação cega para o resultado do MEEM, constituída de testagem neuropsicológica e entrevista com um informante para obtenção de diagnóstico padrão-ouro. Para o ajuste de normas, quatro fatores preditores foram testados: (1) características sociodemográficas; (2) uma classificação simples de alfabetismo funcional com quatro níveis; (3) um questionário de habilidades cognitivas pré-morbidas respondido pelo informante; (4) um teste de leitura de palavras aplicado diretamente ao paciente. Três técnicas de predição foram testadas: (1) agrupamento em níveis; (2) regressão linear; (3) regressão não-linear por modelo polinomial fracional. As combinações de fatores preditores e técnicas de predição deram origem a vinte modelos que foram testados individualmente na comparação com o MEEM sem ajuste. Os desfechos avaliados foram a acurácia do modelo na detecção de comprometimento cognitivo e a variação da sensibilidade e da especificidade entre os níveis socioeconômicos. RESULTADOS: Entre os 230 idosos recrutados, 106 (46%) apresentavam envelhecimento cognitivo normal, 56 (24%) comprometimento cognitivo sem demência e 68 (29%) demência. A classificação de alfabetismo funcional, o questionário de habilidades cognitivas pré-mórbidas e o teste de leitura de palavras não apresentaram propriedades adequadas para ajuste de normas, mas as limitações podem estar relacionadas a problemas específicos dos instrumentos utilizados e não devem ser generalizadas. Alguns modelos baseados em fatores sociodemográficos foram capazes de melhorar a acurácia do MEEM, resultado que diverge da literatura atual e que deve ser confirmado em outros estudos com populações de baixa escolaridade. Um modelo polinomial fracional utilizando variáveis sociodemográficas apresentou propriedades ótimas de acurácia e promoveu estabilização da sensibilidade e da especificidade entre os níveis socioeconômicos. A partir das equações geradas por esse modelo podem ser construídas tabelas simples de uso clínico para converter o resultado bruto em escore z ou percentil. CONCLUSÕES: Nossos resultados apontam o modelo polinomial fracional baseado em variáveis sociodemográficas como a melhor opção para ajuste de normas de testes cognitivos em nosso meio / INTRODUCTION: The need for diagnosing dementia early demands effective strategies on the use of cognitive tests. Establishing criteria of normality for these tests is a challenging task in environments of low education and enormous sociocultural heterogeneity such as observed in Brazil. OBJETIVE: To evaluate how different strategies for adjusting norms can change the properties of the Mini-Mental Status Examination (MMSE). METHODS: Two hundred and thirty older adults referred for a geriatric service because of suspected cognitive impairment were recruited sequentially and completed the MMSE. All the patients underwent a second assessment, blind to the result of the MMSE, which was composed of a neuropsychological battery and an interview with a close informant for the establishment a gold-standard diagnosis. For the adjustment of the norms, four predictive factors were evaluated: (1) demographic characteristics; (2) a simple classification of functional literacy with four levels; (3) a premorbid abilities questionnaire; (4) a word-reading test. Three techniques of prediction were evaluated: (1) grouping in demographic or ability levels; (2) simple or multivariate linear regression; (3) nonlinear regression by using a fractional polynomial model. Some possible combinations of predictive factors and prediction techniques originated twenty models that were assessed individually in comparison with the raw MMSE scores. The endpoints assessed were accuracy of the model for detecting cognitive impairment and the variation of the sensibility and specificity across socioeconomic levels. RESULTS: Of the 230 older adults recruited, 106 (46%) had normal cognitive aging, 56 (24%) presented cognitive impairment no dementia (CIND) and 68 (29%) had dementia. The functional literacy classification, the premorbid cognitive abilities questionnaire and the word-reading test did not present adequate properties for the adjustment of norms, but the limitations may be associated to specific problems of the instruments an cannot be generalized. Some models based on the demographic characteristics were able to improve the accuracy of the MMSE. This finding diverges from the currently available literature and should be confirmed in further studies with low-educated populations. A fractional polynomial model employing demographic factors presented very good properties and was able to stabilize the sensibility and the specificity across the socioeconomic levels. The equations generated by this model can be employed to construct practical tables for converting raw scores into z scores and percentiles. CONCLUSIONS: Our results point to the fractional polynomial model based on demographic variables as the best choice to adjust norms for cognitive tests in our context

Efeitos das intervenções psicomotoras no equilíbrio do idoso com déficit cognitivo leve: quase experimento

Ferreira, Josélia Braz dos Santos January 2014 (has links)
Submitted by Fabiana Gonçalves Pinto (benf@ndc.uff.br) on 2015-10-16T15:19:42Z No. of bitstreams: 1 Josélia Braz dos Santos Ferreira.pdf: 3515861 bytes, checksum: 7ce85c03078e93aebb216e487af5816e (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2015-10-16T15:19:42Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Josélia Braz dos Santos Ferreira.pdf: 3515861 bytes, checksum: 7ce85c03078e93aebb216e487af5816e (MD5) Previous issue date: 2014 / Mestrado Acadêmico em Ciências do Cuidado em Saúde / Trata-se de um estudo quantitativo com uma abordagem quase experimental, cujo objetivo geral foi analisar os efeitos das atividades psicomotoras para o equilíbrio em idosos com distúrbio cognitivo leve e os objetivos específicos foram identificar o déficit psicomotor nos idosos com Déficit Cognitivo Leve utilizando a Escala Motora para a Terceira Idade (EMTI) e a Escala de Tinetti; implementar atividades e exercícios psicomotores para o idoso com Déficit Cognitivo Leve visando a melhora dos fatores psicomotores com ênfase ao equilíbrio e marcha; comparar as condições psicomotoras dos idosos com Déficit Cognitivo Leve antes e após a implementação de atividades e exercícios psicomotores. A pesquisa foi realizada em um período de 4 (quatro) meses, com início em abril de 2014 e término em julho de 2014. Os sujeitos do estudo foram 43 idosos de duas instituições públicas, na faixa etária entre 64 a 88 anos, 86,04% do sexo feminino. O estudo desenvolveu metas que foram cumpridas de acordo com a Teoria do Alcance de Metas de Imogene King. Foi aplicado o MEEM (Mini Exame do Estado Mental) em todos os idosos para avaliação da memória. Para avaliar os parâmetros motores foi utilizada a Escala Motora para Terceira Idade (EMTI) e para avaliar o Equilíbrio e a Marcha, a Escala de Tinetti; foi utilizado também o Diário de Quedas do Idoso. As escalas foram aplicadas antes e após a implementação das atividades psicomotoras, que foram realizadas durante 10 (dez) sessões. Nos resultados, utilizou-se do software estatístico SAS versão 9.3.1, tal que primeiramente realizou-se uma análise descritiva dos dados, dividindo em primeira medida (primeira avaliação) e segunda medida (segunda avaliação). A avaliação do MEEM mostrou 15 (quinze), 34,88%, dos idosos avaliados apresentaram sinais sugestivos de déficit cognitivo. Resultados relacionados ao desempenho dos idosos nos parâmetros motores Motricidade Fina, Organização Espacial e Organização temporal, tanto na primeira como na segunda medidas apresentaram bons resultados e ficaram na classificação normal médio da EMTI. No entanto, na primeira avaliação, os parâmetros Motricidade Global, obteve média de 34,88 pontos, equivalente a classificação muito inferior; o Esquema Corporal com média de 76,46 pontos correspondeu a classificação inferior; e também o Equilíbrio com média de 79,81 pontos ficou na classificação inferior. Estes resultados corresponderam aos resultados do Equilíbrio e Marcha da Escala de Tinetti, que apresentou 22 (51,16%) idosos com média de 17,22 pontos e ficaram, segundo a escala, com alto risco para quedas. Os resultados destas escalas foram corroborados com os resultados do Diário de Quedas dos Idosos, onde 26 (60,47%) idosos sofreram 52 quedas, sendo que 33 (63,46%) quedas ocorreram por desequilíbrios e 31 (59,62%) quedas foram na rua. Na segunda avaliação após as atividades implementadas, os idosos apresentaram melhores resultados com mudança da classificação de acordo com os escores, exceto a Motricidade Global, que permaneceu na classificação muito inferior. No entanto, o Esquema Corporal mudou para a classificação normal baixo com média de 86,93 pontos, o Equilíbrio mudou da classificação inferior para normal médio com média de 92,37 pontos. O Equilíbrio e marcha da Escala de Tinetti apresentou aumento em seus escores e a maioria dos idosos, 28 (65,11%), ficaram com risco moderado para quedas segundo a escala. Concluiu-se com os resultados na segunda medida, que as metas foram alcançadas e a hipótese de que o exercício de estimulação psicomotora favorece o equilíbrio de idosos com distúrbio cognitivo leve foi confirmada / This is a quantitative study with a quasi-experimental approach, whose general objective was to analyze the effects of psychomotor activities for balance in elderly people with mild cognitive impairment and specific objectives were to identify the psychomotor deficit in the elderly with mild cognitive deficit using the Scale motor for the Elderly (EMTI) and the Tinetti scale; implement activities and psychomotor exercises for the elderly with Mild Cognitive Deficit aimed at improving the psychomotor factors with emphasis on balance and gait; compare psychomotor conditions of elderly people with Mild Cognitive Deficit before and after the implementation of activities and psychomotor exercises. The survey was conducted over a period of four (4) months, starting in April 2014 and ending in July 2014. The study subjects were 43 elderly two public institutions, aged between 64 and 88 years, 86, 04% female. The study developed goals that were performed in accordance with the Scope of the Theory of Imogene King Goals. The MMSE (Mini Mental State Examination) in all the elderly to assess memory was applied. To evaluate the motor parameters we used the Motor Scale for the Elderly (EMTI) and to assess the balance and the March, the Tinetti Scale; we used the Elderly Falls Journal. The scales were applied before and after the implementation of psychomotor activities, which were performed for 10 (ten) sessions. In the results, we used the SAS statistical software version 9.3.1, such that first carried out a descriptive analysis of data, sharing in a first step (first evaluation) and second measurement (second evaluation). The assessment of the MMSE was 15 (fifteen), 34.88% of the sample respectively showed signs suggestive of cognitive impairment. Results related to the performance of the elderly in the parameters Motricity Thin engines, Space Organization and temporal organization, both in the first and second measurements showed good results and were in the normal average rating of EMTI. However, the first evaluation, the Global Kinetics parameters obtained an average of 34.88 points, equivalent to much lower rating; the Body Scheme averaging 76.46 points corresponded to a lower classification; and also the balance with an average of 79.81 points was in a lower classification. These results corresponded to the results of Balance and Gait Tinetti Scale, which showed 22 (51.16%) elderly with an average of 17.22 points and were, according to the scale at high risk for falls. The results of these scales were corroborated by the results of the Seniors' Falls Gazette, where 26 (60.47%) elderly suffered 52 falls, of which 33 (63.46%) decreases occurred by imbalances and 31 (59.62%) falls were in the street. In the second evaluation after the implemented activities, the elderly showed better results with rating change according to the scores, except the Global Mobility, which remained much lower rating. However, the Body Scheme moved to low normal rating with an average of 86.93 points, the balance changed the lower rating for average normal with an average of 92.37 points. The Balance and Gait Tinetti Scale showed an increase in their scores and most elderly, 28 (65.11%) were at moderate risk for falls under the scale. Concluded with the results in the second measure, which targets have been achieved and the hypothesis that the psychomotor stimulation exercise favors the balance of elderly patients with mild cognitive impairment was confirmed

La Banque Nationale de Données Alzheimer comme outil épidémiologique : état des lieux et perspectives / The French Alzheimer database (BNA) as an epidemiologic tool : current status and perspectives

Tifratène, Karim 11 October 2016 (has links)
Le plan Alzheimer 2008-2012 prévoyait la création d’une base de données nationale recueillant des données d’activité de l’ensemble des centres mémoire français. La banque nationale Alzheimer (BNA) s’est vu assignée un double objectif : contribuer à adapter l’offre de soins spécialisés et générer des données épidémiologiques sur la maladie d’Alzheimer et les maladies apparentées. Les bases de données médico-administratives sont utiles dans le champ de l’épidémiologie car les effectifs sont importants, les données reflètent les pratiques quotidiennes et le suivi longitudinal est le plus souvent possible. Des problèmes spécifiques se posent également car elles n’ont en général pas été conçues dans un objectif de recherche, manquent d’informations spécifiques d’une problématique donnée et présentent des limites en termes de validité. L’objectif de ce travail est d’étudier la BNA comme outil épidémiologique. Pour ce faire nous avons effectué des travaux relatifs à la qualité des données et à la validité externe de la base de données, nous avons également mené un travail spécifique sur l’atrophie corticale postérieure afin de montrer les possibilités de la BNA comme outil pour l’étude des affections neuro-dégénératives rares. Notre travail montre que la qualité des données est perfectible par la mise en place d’un contrôle qualité plus structuré. La BNA est actuellement capable de reproduire des résultats de recherche décrits dans la littérature et semble sensible aux grandes tendances décrites dans l’environnement. Nous proposons une série de mesures qui permettrait à la BNA d’être un meilleur outil pour la recherche en épidémiologie. / The French Alzheimer database (BNA) is part of the third French plan against Alzheimer’s disease and related disorders. The objective of this database is to collect activity data of all French memory centers in order to help health authorities to organize the care offer and to generate epidemiologic knowledge on dementia. Administrative database have advantages and drawback in terms of medical research. It can gather data related to a large population, reflects the “real life” of patients and medical practices and allows longitudinal follow-up. On this other side some specific problems exists among them validity is a real concern. The objective of this work was to assess the BNA as an epidemiologic tool. We performed quality analyses and external validity studies in this perspective and initiated a research on posterior cortical atrophy to illustrate the potential of the database for the study of rare conditions. Our work shows that quality can be increased by the setup of a more structured quality program. The BNA is currently able to reproduce known published results and is sensitive to the environment. In this work we give some recommendations to increase the value of the BNA for epidemiological research.

Analyse automatique de l’écriture manuscrite sur tablette pour la détection et le suivi thérapeutique de personnes présentant des pathologies / Automatic handwriting analysis for pathology detection and follow-up on digital tablets

Kahindo Senge Muvingi, Christian 14 November 2019 (has links)
Nous présentons dans cette thèse un nouveau paradigme pour caractériser la maladie d’Alzheimer à travers l’écriture manuscrite acquise sur tablette graphique. L’état de l’art est dominé par des méthodes qui supposent un comportement unique ou homogène au sein de chaque profil cognitif. Ces travaux exploitent des paramètres cinématiques globaux, sur lesquels ils appliquent des tests statistiques ou des algorithmes de classification pour discriminer les différents profils cognitifs (les patients Alzheimer, les troubles cognitifs légers (« Mild Cognitive impairment » : MCI) et les sujets Contrôle (HC)). Notre travail aborde ces deux limites de la littérature de la façon suivante : premièrement au lieu de considérer un comportement homogène au sein de chaque profil cognitif ou classe (HC, MCI, ES-AD : « Early-Stage Alzheimer Disease »), nous nous sommes affranchis de cette hypothèse (ou contrainte) forte de la littérature. Nous considérons qu’il peut y avoir plusieurs comportements au sein de chaque profil cognitif. Ainsi, nous proposons un apprentissage semi-supervisé pour trouver des groupes homogènes de sujets et analysons l’information contenue dans ces clusters ou groupes sur les profils cognitifs. Deuxièmement, au lieu d’exploiter les paramètres cinématiques globaux (ex : vitesse moyenne, pression moyenne, etc.), nous avons défini deux paramétrisations ou codages : une paramétrisation semi-globale, puis locale en modélisant la dynamique complète de chaque paramètre. L’un de nos résultats importants met en évidence deux clusters majeurs qui sont découverts, l’un dominé par les sujets HC et MCI et l’autre par les MCI et ES-AD, révélant ainsi que les patients atteints de MCI ont une motricité fine qui est proche soit des sujets HC, soit des patients ES-AD. Notre travail montre également que la vitesse prise localement regroupe un ensemble riche des caractéristiques telles que la taille, l’inclinaison, la fluidité et la régularité, et révèle comment ces paramètres spatiotemporels peuvent conjointement caractériser les profils cognitifs. / We present, in this thesis, a novel paradigm for assessing Alzheimer’s disease by analyzing impairment of handwriting (HW) on tablets, a challenging problem that is still in its infancy. The state of the art is dominated by methods that assume a unique behavioral trend for each cognitive profile, and that extract global kinematic parameters, assessed by standard statistical tests or classification models, for discriminating the neuropathological disorders (Alzheimer’s (AD), Mild Cognitive Impairment (MCI)) from Healthy Controls (HC). Our work tackles these two major limitations as follows. First, instead of considering a unique behavioral pattern for each cognitive profile, we relax this heavy constraint by allowing the emergence of multimodal behavioral patterns. We achieve this by performing semi-supervised learning to uncover homogeneous clusters of subjects, and then we analyze how much information these clusters carry on the cognitive profiles. Second, instead of relying on global kinematic parameters, mostly consisting of their average, we refine the encoding either by a semi-global parameterization, or by modeling the full dynamics of each parameter, harnessing thereby the rich temporal information inherently characterizing online HW. Thanks to our modeling, we obtain new findings that are the first of their kind on this research field. A striking finding is revealed: two major clusters are unveiled, one dominated by HC and MCI subjects, and one by MCI and ES-AD, thus revealing that MCI patients have fine motor skills leaning towards either HC’s or ES-AD’s. This thesis introduces also a new finding from HW trajectories that uncovers a rich set of features simultaneously like the full velocity profile, size and slant, fluidity, and shakiness, and reveals, in a naturally explainable way, how these HW features conjointly characterize, with fine and subtle details, the cognitive profiles.

Identification de marqueurs neuropsychologiques précoces dans la maladie d’Alzheimer : trajectoires des changements cognitifs et fonctionnels

Cloutier, Simon 08 1900 (has links)
L’objectif général de cette thèse était de caractériser les trajectoires de déclin cognitif et fonctionnel dans les phases précliniques et précoces de la maladie d’Alzheimer, faisant appel à deux grandes approches: l’étude du trouble cognitif léger dans la maladie d’Alzheimer sporadique et l’étude du phénotype cognitif d’individus porteurs de mutations autosomiques dominantes dans la maladie d’Alzheimer familiale. La thèse comprend 6 articles, dont 4 empiriques. Le premier article (Chapitre II) visait à faire une revue de littérature sur le trouble cognitif léger, son contexte historique, ses critères diagnostiques et les connaissances actuelles dans les domaines cognitif, génétique et de neuroimagerie. L’objectif de la deuxième étude (Chapitre III) visait à caractériser les différents domaines cognitifs (mémoire épisodique, fonctions exécutives, mémoire de travail, traitement visuospatial et langage) et leurs trajectoires dans le temps, chez des personnes avec un trouble cognitif léger, en distinguant celles qui ultérieurement progressent vers une démence, ou progresseurs, et celles qui ne progressent pas vers une démence, ou non-progresseurs. Les résultats indiquent que, chez les progresseurs, les trajectoires de déclin se distinguent selon le domaine cognitif : une fonction quadratique (fonction polynomiale de second degré, qui peut être interprétée comme représentant un plateau suivi d’un déclin accéléré) caractérise le rappel différé en mémoire épisodique et la mémoire de travail/vitesse de traitement de l’information et une fonction linéaire (plus graduelle et progressive) caractérise le rappel immédiat en mémoire, les fonctions exécutives et les habiletés visuospatiales. L’objectif de la troisième étude (Chapitre IV) était de caractériser les trajectoires de déclin des capacités à réaliser les activités de la vie quotidienne instrumentales chez ces mêmes individus ayant un trouble cognitif léger qui ont progressé vers une démence et de comparer ces trajectoires à celles que l’on retrouve chez les individus avec un trouble cognitif léger n’ayant pas progressé. Les résultats montrent que les capacités autorapportées à réaliser les activités de la vie quotidienne suivent une trajectoire quadratique chez les progresseurs (ont rencontré les critères de démence au cours de l’étude), linéaire chez les déclineurs (ont présenté un déclin cognitif sans rencontrer les critères de démence au cours de l’étude) et n’ont pas changé à travers le temps chez les stables (sont demeurés cognitivement stables au cours de l’étude). Les résultats indiquent que ces patrons peuvent être surtout expliqués par une catégorie d’activités, les activités complexes (p.ex. gérer le budget), qui suivent les mêmes trajectoires. L’objectif du quatrième article (Chapitre V) était de présenter les différentes composantes (génétique, imagerie et cognition) d’un projet de collaboration initié en 2012 entre le Canada et la Chine, ayant pour but d’étudier les phrases précliniques de la maladie d’Alzheimer de type familial. L’objectif de la cinquième étude (Chapitre VI) était d’examiner l’apparition et l’évolution des atteintes cognitives dans la maladie d’Alzheimer de type familial, en distinguant les personnes porteuses de mutations PSEN1 menant à un diagnostic de démence de celles non-porteuses de ces mutations. Les résultats montrent que, chez les porteurs de mutation, le temps estimé au diagnostic suit une trajectoire quadratique pour le rappel différé et la reconnaissance en mémoire épisodique et une trajectoire linéaire pour le rappel immédiat en mémoire, la fluence verbale sémantique/catégorielle et les habiletés visuoconstructives. Enfin, l’objectif de la sixième étude (Chapitre VII) était de présenter les données d’imagerie préliminaires de la cohorte canadienne avec mutations PSEN1, avec une série de cas. Chez les porteurs de mutation, l’amyloïde est un marqueur précoce, significatif même chez les individus non symptomatiques. Le marqueur tau est significatif uniquement près de l’âge estimé du diagnostic chez les porteurs et semble être davantage associé aux déficits cognitifs. / The main objective of this thesis was to characterize the trajectories of cognitive and functional decline in the preclinical and early stages of Alzheimer's disease, using two methodological approaches: the study of mild cognitive impairment in sporadic Alzheimer's disease and the study of the cognitive phenotype of individuals with autosomal dominant mutations in familial Alzheimer's disease. The thesis comprises 6 articles, 4 of which are empirical. The first article (Chapter II) aimed to review the literature on mild cognitive impairment, its historical context, its diagnostic criteria and current knowledge in the cognitive, genetic and neuroimaging fields. The objective of the second study (Chapter III) was to characterize the different cognitive domains (episodic memory, executive functions, working memory, visuospatial processing and language) and their trajectories over time, in individuals with mild cognitive impairment, by distinguishing those who progressed to dementia, or progressors, and those that did not progress to dementia, or non-progressors. The results indicate that, in the case of progressors, the trajectories of decline are distinguished according to the cognitive domain: a quadratic function (a plateau followed by an accelerated decline) characterizes the delayed recall in episodic memory and working memory/processing speed and a linear function characterizes immediate recall, executive functions and visuospatial abilities. The objective of the third study (Chapter IV) was to characterize the trajectories of decline in the ability to perform instrumental activities of daily living in these same individuals with mild cognitive impairment who progressed to dementia and to compare these trajectories with those found in individuals with mild cognitive impairment who did not progress. The results show that the self-reported abilities to perform activities of daily living follow a quadratic trajectory in the progressors (met the dementia criteria during the study), a linear trajectory in the declinors (presented a cognitive decline without meeting the dementia criteria during the course of the study) and did not change over time in the stable (remained cognitively stable during the study). The results indicate that these patterns can be mainly explained by a category of activities, the complex activities (e.g. managing the budget), which follow the same trajectories. The objective of the fourth article (Chapter V) was to present the different components (genetics, imaging and cognition) of a collaborative project initiated in 2012 between Canada and China, aimed at studying the preclinical phases of familial Alzheimer’s disease. The objective of the fifth study (Chapter VI) was to examine the onset and course of cognitive impairment in familial Alzheimer's disease, by distinguishing individuals with PSEN1 mutations leading to a diagnosis of dementia from those not carrying these mutations. The results show that, in mutation carriers, the time to the estimated age of onset follows a quadratic trajectory for delayed recall and recognition in episodic memory and a linear trajectory for immediate recall, semantic/categorical verbal fluency and visuospatial abilities. Finally, the objective of the sixth study (Chapter VII) was to present preliminary imaging data for the Canadian cohort with PSEN1 mutations, using a case series. In mutation carriers, amyloid is an early marker, with a significant deposition, even in non-symptomatic individuals. The tau marker is significant only near the estimated age of onset in mutation carriers and appears to be more associated with cognitive deficits.

Outcomes of stable and unstable patterns of subjective cognitive decline: results from the Leipzig Longitudinal Study of the Aged (LEILA75+)

Röhr, Susanne, Villringer, Arno, Angermeyer, Matthias C., Luck, Tobias, Riedel-Heller, Steffi G. January 2016 (has links)
Background: Subjective cognitive decline (SCD), i.e., the self-perceived feeling of worsening cognitive function, may be the first notable syndrome of preclinical Alzheimer’s disease and other dementias. However, not all individuals with SCD progress. Stability of SCD, i.e., repeated reports of SCD, could contribute to identify individuals at risk, as stable SCD may more likely reflect the continuous neurodegenerative process of Alzheimer’s and other dementias. Methods: Cox regression analyses were used to assess the association between stability of SCD and progression to MCI and dementia in data derived from the population-based Leipzig Longitudinal Study of the Aged (LEILA75+). Results: Of 453 cognitively unimpaired individuals with a mean age of 80.5 years (SD = 4.2), 139 (30.7 %) reported SCD at baseline. Over the study period (M = 4.8 years, SD = 2.2), 84 (18.5 %) individuals had stable SCD, 195 (43.1 %) unstable SCD and 174 (38.4 %) never reported SCD. Stable SCD was associated with increased risk of progression to MCI and dementia (unadjusted HR = 1.8, 95 % CI = 1.2–2.6; p < .01), whereas unstable SCD yielded a decreased progression risk (unadjusted HR = 0.5, 95 % CI = 0.4–0.7; p < .001) compared to no SCD. When adjusted for baseline cognitive functioning, progression risk in individuals with stable SCD was significantly increased in comparison to individuals with unstable SCD, but not compared to individuals without SCD. Conclusions: Our results, though preliminary, suggest that stable SCD, i.e., repeated reports of SCD, may yield an increased risk of progression to MCI and dementia compared to unstable SCD. Baseline cognitive scores, though within a normal range, seem to be a driver of progression in stable SCD. Future research is warranted to investigate whether stability could hold as a SCD research feature.

Anosognosia in Very Mild Alzheimer’s Disease but Not in Mild Cognitive Impairment

Kalbe, Elke, Salmon, Eric, Perani, Daniela, Holthoff, Vjera, Sorbi, Sandro, Elsner, A., Weisenbach, Simon, Brand, Matthias, Lenz, O., Kessler, Josef, Luedecke, S., Ortelli, P., Herholz, Karl January 2005 (has links)
Objective: To study awareness of cognitive dysfunction in patients with very mild Alzheimer’s disease (AD) and subjects with mild cognitive impairment (MCI). Methods: A complaint interview covering 13 cognitive domains was administered to 82 AD and 79 MCI patients and their caregivers. The patient groups were comparable according to age and education, and Mini Mental State Examination (MMSE) scores were ≥24 in all cases. The discrepancy between the patients’ and caregivers’ estimations of impairments was taken as a measure of anosognosia. Results: Self-reports of cognitive difficulties were comparable for AD and MCI patients. However, while in comparison to caregivers MCI patients reported significantly more cognitive impairment (p < 0.05), AD patients complained significantly less cognitive dysfunctions (p < 0.001). Conclusions: While most MCI patients tend to overestimate cognitive deficits when compared to their caregiver’s assessment, AD patients in early stages of disease underestimate cognitive dysfunctions. Anosognosia can thus be regarded as a characteristic symptom at a stage of very mild AD (MMSE ≥24) but not MCI. Accordingly, medical history even in mildly affected patients should always include information from both patient and caregiver. / Dieser Beitrag ist mit Zustimmung des Rechteinhabers aufgrund einer (DFG-geförderten) Allianz- bzw. Nationallizenz frei zugänglich.

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