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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Glokala kampanjer mot fattigdom : Kommunikationsstrategier bakom statliga Världens Chans och ideella Utrota Fattigdomen Nu

Åhrgren, Johan January 2006 (has links)
<p>Purpose/Aim: The purpose is to describe, analyze and compare the two communication campaigns Världens Chans and Utrota Fattigdomen Nu, and discuss how and to what extent communication campaigns in Sweden can be used to reduce global poverty. The theoretical framework is mainly based on communications strategies and other relevant aspects of the planning process of campaigns.</p><p>Material/Method: Within the qualitative case study as an overall method, the main material to the two cases is obtained through five qualitative interviews with the premier representatives of the campaigns.</p><p>Main results: Världens Chans can be seen as an information campaign by the government which purpose is to contribute to the fulfilment of the millennium goals by drawing the attention of the public to their existence. Utrota Fattigdomen Nu, on the other hand, is an influence campaign by the civil society which purpose is to exterminate poverty by putting a pressure on power holders and to change the attitudes and the behaviours among the public. Both campaigns are based on a network with lots of different actors, functioning as opinion makers. Furthermore, communication campaigns are important tools in the fight against poverty.</p>

Skolan i Tanzania med fokus på läs- och skrivsvårigheter : några jämförelser med Sverige / The school in Tanzania with focus on reading and writing difficulties : some comparisons with Sweden

Hollström Tosteberg, Karin January 2013 (has links)
Syftet med den här studien har varit att lära känna skolsystemet i utvecklingslandet Tanzania för att kunna ge en bild av vilka möjligheter lärare där har att stödja elever med läs- och skrivsvårigheter. För att bättre förstå under vilka premisser lärare i Tanzania arbetar har vissa jämförelser gjorts med svenska förhållanden. Genom att studera Tanzanias policydokument har jag fått en bild av hur Tanzanias regering vill att den tanzaniska skolan ska se ut. Frågan är om den bilden stämmer överrens med den bild lärare i Tanzania ger. För att ta reda på det åkte jag till Tanzania där jag genomförde intervjuer i grundskolor och på ett universitet där man utbildar specialpedagoger/speciallärare. Som kom-plement svarade några andra lärare i Tanzania på en enkät som handlade om hur de ser på barn med läs- och skrivsvårigheter och på sina möjligheter att stödja dessa barns utveckling. Samma enkät dela-des ut till några lärare i Sverige. På så sätt fick jag en kontrasterande bild att spegla de Tanzaniska förhållandena i. På många sätt har lärare i Sverige och i Tanzania väldigt olika förutsättningar. Men det finns även likheter. Både i Sverige och i Tanzania upplever lärare att kraven från statligt håll är svåra att uppfylla och i båda länderna finns det många hängivna lärare som vill jobba för att kunna hjälpa alla barn till en god utbildning. / The aim of this study has been to learn more about the school system in the developing country of Tanzania in order to give an idea of what opportunities there are for teachers in Tanzania to support students with dyslexia. For a better understanding of the premises teachers in Tanzania have some comparisons with Swedish conditions been made. By studying the Tanzanian policy documents I have got a picture of how the government of Tanzania want the Tanzanian school to be. The question is whether that image is in compliance with what teachers in Tanzania can give. To find out, I went to Tanzania where I conducted interviews in primary schools and at a university where they train special needs teachers. As a complement a few other teachers in Tanzania answered a questionnaire about how they look at children with reading and writing difficulties and how they experience their opportunities to support these children's development. The same questionnaire was distributed to some teachers in Sweden. In this way I got a contrasting picture that I could use to reflect the Tanzanian situation. In many ways, teachers in Sweden and in Tanzania have very different conditions. But there are also similarities. Both in Sweden and in Tanzania teachers experience that the requirements of the governments are difficult to encounter and in both countries there are many dedicated teachers who wish to help all children to get a good education.

Glokala kampanjer mot fattigdom : Kommunikationsstrategier bakom statliga Världens Chans och ideella Utrota Fattigdomen Nu

Åhrgren, Johan January 2006 (has links)
Purpose/Aim: The purpose is to describe, analyze and compare the two communication campaigns Världens Chans and Utrota Fattigdomen Nu, and discuss how and to what extent communication campaigns in Sweden can be used to reduce global poverty. The theoretical framework is mainly based on communications strategies and other relevant aspects of the planning process of campaigns. Material/Method: Within the qualitative case study as an overall method, the main material to the two cases is obtained through five qualitative interviews with the premier representatives of the campaigns. Main results: Världens Chans can be seen as an information campaign by the government which purpose is to contribute to the fulfilment of the millennium goals by drawing the attention of the public to their existence. Utrota Fattigdomen Nu, on the other hand, is an influence campaign by the civil society which purpose is to exterminate poverty by putting a pressure on power holders and to change the attitudes and the behaviours among the public. Both campaigns are based on a network with lots of different actors, functioning as opinion makers. Furthermore, communication campaigns are important tools in the fight against poverty.

A construção de um modelo de gestão descentralizada de resíduos sólidos na Escola Agrotécnica Federal de Uberlândia inspirado nas metas de desenvolvimento do milênio

Melo, Marilda Resende de 24 October 2008 (has links)
The objective of this work focused on the construction of a decentralized model of solid waste management in Escola Agrotécnica Federal de Uberlândia (EAF-Udi) in order to contribute to the fulfilment of the seventh Millennium Development Goal - Ensure Environmental Sustainability - translated it into local actions. Reports specifically to one of the indicators of this goal, the tenth one, which is to reduce by half until 2015, the proportion of people without sustainable access to drinking water and sanitation, through the adoption of policies and environmental programs. The specific issue to be addressed is contained in part of sanitation concerns and decentralized management of solid waste from School Agrotécnica Federal de Uberlândia, involving the entire school community through environmental health education projects with actions to reduce of waste and to change the destination of it, improving quality of life of every body involved. For the construction of an effective managerial model began with the Differentiated Collection of solid waste generated in the institution, separating them into dry and wet. Later it was made the recovery of dry and wet, giving them the correct destination. The dried were separated by categories (cardboard, PET bootle, cans and plastics) and were sent to reverse logistics. The wet ones, which consisted of organic stuff were reused to their composting in a place of the school. With the effective participation of the community, it was possible to get a significant reduction in the amount of waste brought to the landfill site, guaranteeing a sustainable management. This work contributes for the improvement of life of people. It could be imitated by education institutions similar to the search imitated by other municipalities. / O objetivo deste trabalho foi a construção de um modelo de gestão descentralizada de resíduos sólidos na Escola Agrotécnica Federal de Uberlândia (EAF-Udi), em 2007, a fim de contribuir para o cumprimento da sétima Meta de Desenvolvimento do Milênio Garantir a Sustentabilidade Ambiental - traduzindo-a em ações locais. A pesquisa reporta especificamente a um dos indicadores desta meta, o décimo, que é o de reduzir pela metade, até 2015, a proporção da população sem acesso permanente e sustentável à água potável e a serviços de saneamento, por meio da adoção de políticas e programas ambientais. A questão específica que se aborda está contida em uma das vertentes do saneamento e diz respeito à gestão descentralizada de resíduos sólidos da Escola Agrotécnica Federal de Uberlândia, a qual envolveu toda a comunidade escolar por meio de projetos de educação sanitária e ambiental, com ações para redução do desperdício e para a mudança na destinação dos resíduos, promovendo assim a melhoria da qualidade de vida de todos os envolvidos. Para a construção de um efetivo modelo gerencial iniciou-se com a Coleta Diferenciada dos resíduos sólidos gerados na Instituição, separando-os em secos e molhados, dando-lhes um destino correto Os secos foram separados por categorias (papelão, PET, latas e plásticos) e submetidos à logística reversa. Os molhados, que constaram de material putrescível, foram reaproveitados para a compostagem em um local na própria escola e o composto formado foi utilizado no setor de horticultura e no viveiro da Instituição. Com a efetiva participação da comunidade, obteve-se, como conseqüência, uma redução significativa na quantidade de resíduos levados ao aterro sanitário local, garantindo uma gestão sustentável. Este trabalho contribui efetivamente para a qualidade de vida das pessoas envolvidas e pode ser adotado tanto por instituições de educação similares à pesquisada quanto por outros municípios. / Mestre em Engenharia Civil

"Of course my classroom is almost overcrowded" : En kvalitativ studie om läs- och skrivsvårigheter i Tanzania med fokus på regionerna Kagera och Dar es Salaam / "Of course my classroom is almost overcwroded" : A qualitative study about reading and writing difficulties in Tanzania with focus on the regions Kagera and Dar es Salaam

Gustafsson, Daniella, Wallinder, Linnea January 2021 (has links)
Syftet med den här studien är att utveckla en förståelse för, och beskriva hur lärare i statligt ägda grundskolor i Tanzania arbetar med elever med läs- och skrivsvårigheter. Studien syftar till att ta reda på vilka förutsättningar grundskolelärare har för att kunna hjälpa elever med läs- och skrivsvårigheter och hur de arbetar för att nå det fjärde globala målet. Det fjärde globala målet är en del av Agenda 2030 och innebär att säkerställa att alla barn ska kunna lära sig att läsa, skriva och räkna innan år 2030. Metoden som används i studien är semistrukturerade intervjuer med 9 grundskolelärare och en enkät som besvaras av 18 grundskolelärare. Lärarna som deltar i studien arbetar i huvudsak i regionerna Kagera och Dar es Salaam. Den data som samlas in i samband med de semistrukturerade intervjuerna analyseras med hjälp av en tematisk analys. Enkätsvaren analyseras med hjälp av både en tematisk analys och med univariat analys. Resultatet visar på att lärarna har begränsade förutsättningar att hjälps elever med läs- och skrivsvårigheter. Till exempel har lärare i Tanzania stora klasser och brist på material. Resultatet visar också att det ibland förekommer individuell undervisning för att ge stöd till elever med läs- och skrivsvårigheter men oftast sker undervisningen i helklass. Resultatet visar avslutningsvis på att lärares förutsättningar och arbetssätt får konsekvenser för eleverna. Exempelvis att de blir obehöriga att läsa vidare, de får psykiska problem och riskerar att hamna i arbetslöshet och fattigdom. Detta kan på sikt leda till en global konsekvens; att Agenda 2030 troligtvis inte uppfylls. / The aim of this study is to develop an understanding of and describe how teachers in government owned primary schools in Tanzania work with students with reading and writing difficulties. This study aims to find out what conditions primary school teachers have to help students with reading and writing difficulties and how primary school teachers work to reach the fourth global goal. The fourth global goal is a part of Agenda 2030 which means to ensure that all children should learn how to read, write and count before the year 2030. The research method that is being used in this study is semi-structured interviews with 9 primary school teachers and questionnaires answered by 18 primary school teachers. Most of the teachers that participate in this study are working in the regions of Kagera and Dar es Salaam. The data that is being collected from the interviews is analyzed by a thematic analysis. The questionnaires are analyzed by using both a thematic analysis and univariate analysis. The result shows that the teachers have limited conditions to help students with reading and writing difficulties. For example, they have a large number of students and limited resources. The result also shows that the teachers sometimes support students with reading and writing difficulties individually but that it is more common to teach all of the students at once. Finally, the result shows that teachers’ conditions and their working methods have consequences for the students with reading and writing difficulties. For example, the students cannot continue to secondary school, they get psychological problems and there is a risk that the students will face unemployment and poverty. In the long run this may cause a global consequence; that Agenda 2030 will probably not be accomplished.

Banque mondiale et droit au développement des pays d'Afrique subsaharienne : l'impact des programmes mis en oeuvre au Bénin, au Cameroun et au Togo / World Bank and Right to development : the impact of programs implements in Benin, Cameroon and Togo

Ntolo Bekoa, Martine Nadège 11 December 2014 (has links)
La pauvreté est un phénomène qui touche tous les continents et plus particulièrement l’Afrique. Elle affecte surtout les populations des pays sous développés. Malgré la lutte de ces derniers au lendemain de la seconde guerre mondiale en faveur de l’établissement d’un nouvel ordre économique international qui assurerait leur droit au développement, force est de constater que la question de la lutte contre la pauvreté est encore d’actualité. La Banque mondiale est l’un des acteurs centraux qui accompagnent les pays africains, entre autres, à réaliser leur développement socio-économique à travers la mise en œuvre de projets et programmes de développement. Cependant, la reconnaissance du droit au développement et de ses principes par la Banque mondiale ne s’est pas opérée sans réticence au début. C’est seulement à partir des années 1990 et plus encore au début des années 2000 avec les Objectifs du Millénaire pour le Développement, que l’institution a changé sa vision du développement, élargi ses objectifs, adopté de nouvelles politiques et posé de nouvelles conditionnalités d’octroi de son financement respectueux des principes ou exigences de la Déclaration du droit au développement. Ce changement traduit l’échec des politiques appliquées par la Banque Mondiale en Afrique subsaharienne avant les années 1990. Quels étaient ces politiques ? L’évolution institutionnelle, idéologique de l’institution et ses nouvelles conditionnalités contribuent-elles à assurer un impact plus positif des projets ou programmes de développement en Afrique en général, et plus particulièrement au Bénin, au Cameroun et au Togo ? La décentralisation des compétences et attributions de l’Etat dans la plupart des pays d’Afrique subsaharienne en faveur des collectivités locales constitue-t-elle un cadre plus favorable à la réalisation du droit au développement ? / The poverty is a phenomenon which touches all the continents and more particularly Africa. It affects especially the populations of countries under developed. In spite of the fight of these last ones after the second world war in favour of the establishment of a new international economic order which would ensure their right for the development, the forces is to notice that the question of the fight against the poverty is still of current events. The World Bank is one of the central actors who accompany the African countries, among others, to realize their socioeconomic development through the application of projects and programs of development. However, the recognition of the right for the development and of its principles by the World Bank did not take place without hesitation at the beginning. It is only from 1990s and more still at the beginning of 2000s with the Objectives of the Millennium for the Development, that the institution changed its vision of the development, widens its objectives, adopts new policies and poses of news conditions of granting of its respectful financing of the principles or the requirements of the Declaration of the right for the development.This change translates the failure of the policies applied by the World Bank in sub-Saharan Africa before 1990s. What were these policies? The institutional, ideological evolution of the institution and does its new conditionality contribute to ensure a more positive impact of the projects or the development programs in Africa generally, and more particularly in Benin, in Cameroon and in Togo? Does the decentralization of the skills and the attributions of the State, in most of the countries of sub-Saharan Africa in favour of local authorities, constitute a limit more favorable to the realization of the law for the development?

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