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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Critical perspectives on modern languages in Scottish further education 2000-2002

Doughty, Hannelore January 2005 (has links)
The research in this thesis focuses on issues surrounding modern language provision within Scottish further education during the period 2000-2002. The study analyses the arguments regarding the place of modern language study within Scottish further education (FE) as expressed in formal and informal discourses, and assesses the influence of socio-cultural and socio-historical assumptions on these discourses. To this end, a multi-strand and multi-level research model was adopted, examining official and other public documents, together with views expressed by stakeholders from five Scottish FE colleges and from industry. These were analysed both on their own terms and by taking into account changes in the external context. The initial focus of the study centred on the motivational characteristics of student participants. However, changes in the external context prompted the inclusion of further data into the research design and a shift of methodological emphasis, exploring the ways in which assumptions underlying data collection procedures related to labour market information and uptake of individual FE subjects may be contributing to a continuous re-affirmation that 'English is enough'. The validity of this assertion and the authority accorded to it are called into question. It is argued that the belief will increasingly limit Scottish FE students' potential to participate as self-confident and self-determining individuals in a global and multilingual economy for which their vocational education and training is ostensibly trying to prepare them. Some suggestions, arising from the research, for a more inclusive language education policy are considered.

Japanese Pronoun Adventure: a Japanese Language Learner's Exploration of His Japanese Gender Pronoun

Nakano, Takumi 07 November 2016 (has links)
In Japanese, there are various kinds of first-person pronouns, and some of them express the referent’s gender identity. Gender-neutral pronouns are made in English- speaking world day by day, but there is not any common first-person pronoun which indicates the gender identity that positions the referent’s gender somewhere between masculine and feminine. The present paper conducted a life story research on the “Japanese life” of an advanced learner of Japanese at a university in the United States who has been exploring his gender identity by coining and using a new Japanese first- person pronoun 㛪 ore, which indicates “in the middle between masculine and feminine.” This new Japanese gender pronoun has enabled the research participant to express his gender identity as he desires to be, and brought the gender non-binary view to the Japanese-speaking world. His invention and usage of the new pronoun has been achieved between two languages, Japanese and Chinese, with the help of his friends. The study also shows the influence of the ideology of gender binary view in the society, which made a gap between his preferred gender expression and actual expression that occurs when he speaks Japanese. Finally, the present study suggests teachers and educational institutions of Japanese to provide students with environments where they can try out different identities and expressions before asking them what kind of language user they aspire to be.

Metoder för att anpassa undervisningen i modernaspråk för särskilt begåvade elever genomdifferentiering, berikning och/eller acceleration : En systematisk litteraturstudie

Belin, Anna January 2022 (has links)
Syftet med den här studien är att fördjupa kunskapen om särskilt begåvade elevers behov avanpassningar, och att, genom att läsa tidigare forskning, hitta metoder och strategier för attanpassa undervisningen för särskilt begåvade elever i högstadiet, genom användning avexempelvis differentiering, berikning och/eller acceleration, främst i ämnet moderna språk.Resultatet av mina sökningar visar att det finns många beprövade sätt att differentieraundervisning på som gynnar särskilt begåvade elevers inlärningssätt, bland annat genomindividuella instruktioner, nivågrupperingar av olika slag samt anpassad- och/ellerkomprimerad/utökad läroplan. Ett annat sätt att differentiera undervisningen på är genomberikning och fördjupning i form av mer avancerat material, möjlighet att välja mellanenklare och mer komplext material, högre nivå av frågeställningar, möjligheter tillanvändning av kritiskt och/eller kreativt tänkande och så kallat högre ordningens tänkande.Ytterligare sätt är multidiciplinära arbetsuppgifter och möjlighet att skriva och läsa på en meravancerad nivå. Acceleration kan användas dels genom att elever får accelerera inom ett ellerflera ämnen, eller genom att elever får möjlighet att flytta upp en eller flera årskurser och påså sätt gå igenom grundskolan i en snabbare takt. Metoden som har använts i denna studie ären systematisk litteraturstudie, som innefattar att systematiskt söka, granska ochsammanställa litteratur inom ett valt ämne eller problemområde.

Tendencies of the generation of '98 as exhibited in the dramatic works of Jacinto Benavente and Gregorio Martinez Sierra

Danner, Helen 01 January 1936 (has links)
One of the most widely discussed movements of modern Spain is the activity of a literary school usually termed the Generation of '98. The Spanish American War proved to be the final humiliation of a century of political and economic decline in Spain. A group of young men decided that something must be done to save Spain from crumbling to pieces before their very eyes. They loved their country, and its decline made them heart-sick. They knew something must be done to startle the people and to make them realize that they were no longer living in the Golden Age when Spain was a great power. They wished to make their countrymen look forward and not backward. This group of men were intellectuals. They were novelists, dramatists, critics, publishers, historians, professors, and editors of magazine and newspapers. As we see, they were all men of letters. Jacinto Benavente was born in Madrid in 1866 and spent the early years of his childhood in this city. Benavente's first important publication was a book of poems imitating for the most part Campoamor and Becquer.2 Benavente also published essays on various subjects. The most interesting of these for the purpose of this study were Cartas de Mujeres, because it shows that Benavente exhibits one of the tendencies of the Generation of '98. Martinez Sierra is generally considered a member of the Generation of '98 Because of this optimism, Sierra does not deal a great deal with the social and political problems of Spain. He writes simplify of the great masses telling the commonplace happenings of their lives.

Hermann und Dorothea and Luise : a comparative analysis

Kroeck, Bettie Louise 01 January 1933 (has links) (PDF)
Critics have not yet come to an agreement as to how much Goethe took from Voss's Luise for his Hermann und Dorothea: and how much credit we are justified in giving to Goethe's originality for his production. When Hermann und Dorothea first appeared, it was scorned by a great many readers as being a rather poor imitation of Luise. Now it is undoubtedly regarded as the better productions of the two. However many critics still consider it to be an imitation of Voss, although perhaps an improvement. Certainly, Goethe was inspired to the use of the hexameter, in the telling of his story, by Voss's work; there is not a doubt of this, as Goethe himself admits the fact without hesitancy. But I feel sure that in making an honest comparison of the two poems one can easily see that the younger poet is entirely original except, as I have said, in the matter of the verse-form. Goethe's poem contains many subtleties of character and really wonderful philosophies of life, that when one studies the two poems for comparative purposes, Luise becomes weak and colorless besides the masterpiece, Hermann und Dorothea.

Language training for missionaries

Farr, Laurence McPherson 01 January 1951 (has links) (PDF)
Every foreign missionary is confronted with one basic task. Without its successful accomplishment his work as a missionary will fail. It is the task of learning the language of the people among whom he is working. However laudable his motives may be, however great his consecration, and however capable he may be in many tasks, if he fails to gain the ability to understand readily speech addressed to him or to communicate his own thoughts intelligibly and accurately to them, he is working behind a closed door — a door which he failed to unlock, It is the purpose of this study (1) to inquire into the objectives and methods of language study; (2) to determine what preparation can actually be given the student for the task of learning the language; (3) to outline the courses to be offered. As not all missionaries have the same work, it will also be necessary to determine what courses would be an advantage to every missionary, and what additional courses are to be expected of those who have a more specialized language, teaching or theological task.

Análisis de formas interiores y exteriores de la novela El día señalado de Manuel Mejía Vallejo

Dávila.a, Elisa 01 January 1972 (has links) (PDF)
El proposito del presente ensayo sobre la novela El dia sefialado, es iniciar un estudio a fondo de la obra de Manuel Mejia Vallejo (n. 1924-), considerado hoy como uno de los mejores novelistas colombianos, y, sin lugar a dudas, como el mejor cuentista nacional. A pesar de que El dia sefialado es ganadora del Premia Nadal en 1963, parece ser que aun los criticos de la novela hispanoamericana no le han prestado a Mejia Vallejo la atcncion que si le han dedicado a otros autores contemporaneos del escritor. Lo anterior se deba, en parte, a que la novelistica colombiana csta apenas empezando a darse a conocer nuevamente a travas de la obra de ese otro gran escritor Gabriel Garcia Narquez, y que la trascendencia que este escritor le ha traido no solo a la narrativa nacional, sino a la latinoamericana, ha opacado, en cierta medida, a esa nueva genecracion de escritores que estan empezando a darle un vuelco a la literatura colombiana y que estan tratando de sacarla del sopor y del tradicionalismo deteriorado en que estaba sumergida. Este ensayo es pues, un punto de partida hacia el estudio de la obra de Mejia Vallejo, y hacia una revaloracion de la literatura colombiana actual.

Viral Stories in Spanish and English: A Qualitative Analysis of Narrative Perceptions Regarding Infant Immunizations Across Major Ethno-linguistic Communities

Elshaer, Zeynep H 01 January 2020 (has links)
The intent of this thesis is to analyze the varying perceptions among Hispanic (Spanish-speaking) and Anglophone communities regarding vaccines and more specifically infant immunization practices, in order to identify common or diverging patterns of communication, information dissemination, and narrative discourse. Currently, medical messaging and health policy is largely formulated without thorough attention to the different ways diverse or minority ethno-linguistic communities may interpret the information, thereby leading to deficiencies in effective communication practices between individuals and healthcare providers or policymakers, and outright opposition between informal and formal public health messaging. This evaluation was conducted in order to broaden the current knowledge and information regarding the views of these groups, focusing on minority communities, in order to inform more thorough, inclusive, and research-supported medical messaging and outreach. During, the COVID-19 pandemic, the need for more thorough and comprehensible communication has become clear and, therefore, through the use of this study as a foundational element in drafting communication, one could improve the quality and reach of vaccine-related messaging. In effect, this stands to help educate the public and increase overall community safety. The data was retrieved via extrapolation of information regarding people's perceptions of vaccines and their usage in the community as cross-referenced from social media, blog sites, and other online sources of discourse or information distribution. The key motifs that most prevalently influenced the perceptions included persuasion by personal anecdotes, ethico-religious arguments, figurative analogies, scattergun argumentation, and perceptions of genocide.

Constructing Abe no Seimei: Integrating Genre and Disparate Narratives in Yumemakura Baku's Onmyōji

Recchio, Devin T 07 November 2014 (has links) (PDF)
The Onmyōji series has had an incredible impact on Japanese fiction. It has created an entire genre of material called onmyōjimono and sold 5 million copies counting only the novel series. Despite this, it has been woefully understudied by both Japanese and English speaking scholars. The Japanese scholars that do acknowledge it use it as a springboard to launch a survey of Abe no Seimei in written and performed media throughout history, and the English speaking scholars have limited their analyses to the form that oni take in the narrative. My research has revealed that Yumemakura Baku utilizes a complex set of mechanisms to combine disparate narratives into a cohesive whole, integrating elements of genre and modern literary aesthetics to make old narratives agreeable to modern tastes. In the process he creates a dark and threatening world through which the Heian courtiers must navigate. Abe no Seimei acts as their guide and mediator. Despite holding an official rank within the court he is as otherworldly as the world, filled with supernatural beasts and formless creatures, in which they live. Using the mechanism of Abe no Seimei, Yumemakura Baku reveals to the reader their own tendencies toward prejudice, while constructing a vast world through centuries of written material.

Le dialogue russe spontané : de la pragmatique à l’enseignement / Spontaneous dialogue in russian : from pragmatics to teaching

Simonneau, Ksénia 02 June 2010 (has links)
Le dialogue siège au cœur de l’activité de langage. Il doit donc être au cœur de l’enseignement des langues vivantes. Telle est la position centrale de la thèse, appliquée à l’enseignement du russe. Après le rappel des travaux sur le dialogue dans les traditions russe et française, la thèse analyse un important corpus enregistré de dialogues russes spontanés, et montre concrètement que son exploitation pédagogique passe nécessairement par une typologie des dialogues, à la fois linguistique et pragmatique. La thèse examine enfin, sous cet angle, une série de manuels existants et formule une série de propositions concrètes visant à construire une véritable didactique du dialogue. / Dialogue is at the very center of linguistic activity. It must therefore be at the center of the teaching of modern languages. This is the basic position of the present thesis, as applied to the teaching of Russian. After a survey of the existing works on dialogue in the Russian and French traditions, the thesis analyzes a large recorded corpus of spontaneous Russian dialogues and demonstrates concretely that in order to make use of it pedagogically it is necessary first to have a typology, both linguistic and pragmatic, of the dialogues. Finally the thesis examines, from this point of view, several existing handbooks, and formulates a certain number of concrete proposals whose aim is to achieve a real didactics of dialogue.

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