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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Modos de coexistência mediada por uma ontologia da atenção distribuída digitalmente / Modes Of Mediated Coexistence: For An Ontology of Digitally Distributed Attention.

Andre Figueiredo Stangl 11 May 2016 (has links)
A pesquisa apresenta o conceito da coexistência mediada comunicacionalmente e tenta identificar os \"erros\" de percepção que podem ocorrer entre as diversas formas/ambientes de mediação comunicacionais, representadas pelos fluxos e refluxos: acústicos, visuais, elétricos e digitais. O conceito de coexistência mediada comunicacionalmente é inspirado na \"Investigação sobre os Modos de Existência\", de Bruno Latour, e opera uma tradução da tensão entre essencialismo e correlacionismo visando a um deslocamento da atenção que nos ajude a perceber etnograficamente as relações entre humanos e não humanos. Assim, na primeira etapa da pesquisa foi feita uma revisão da \"investigação\" de Latour, descrevendo seus passos até a missão diplomática e colaborativa de composição de um mundo comum, representada pela AIME. Em seguida, foram mapeados os principais usos do termo mediação, buscando identificar aqueles mais próximos da AIME, como foi o caso das explorações de Marshall McLuhan. Por fim, para identificar esses fluxos e refluxos ontológicos foi realizada uma experimentação etnográfica sobre o fenômeno dos rolezinhos, partindo a princípio dos rastros das controvérsias sobre o evento. O percurso que levou a pesquisa a formular o conceito de coexistência mediada também levou a propor uma estratégia de autoconhecimento, ou autoantropologia, como prefere Marilyn Strathern, que nos ajude a lidar com a multiplicação dos ambientes de nossas ecologias cognitivas. Tendo como base indícios de que a velocidade e a intensidade do trânsito entre as diversas mediações comunicacionais instauram desvios e confusões (semelhantes a \"erros\" de percepção, aqui nomeados como efeito Flammarion), a pesquisa então propõe/constata o seguinte: para aprender a conviver com os desafios de uma atenção distribuída digitalmente e no sentido da diplomacia que nos levará a compor um novo e múltiplo mundo, talvez seja necessário reaprendermos a nos livrar da atenção. / This research presents the concept of communicatively mediated coexistence, and it attempts to identify perceptions \"errors\" likely to occur among the several communicational mediation forms/environments represented by fluxes and refluxes: acoustic, visual, electric, and digital. The concept of communicatively mediated coexistence is inspired by Bruno Latour\'s \"An Inquiry Into Modes of Existence\" and it performs a translation of the tension between essentialism and correlationism, aiming at an attention shift that helps us to perceive, ethnographically, the relations between humans and non humans. Thus, the first stage of the research was a review of Latour\'s \"inquiry\", describing his steps up to the collaborative and diplomatic mission of composing a common world, represented by AIME. Next, the main uses of the term mediation were mapped in order to identify those closer to AIME, as in the case of Marshall McLuhan\'s explorations. Finally, in order to identify these ontological fluxes and refluxes, an ethnographic experiment about the phenomenon of rolezinhos (short strolls) was carried out, starting with the trail of controversies raised by the event. The path which led to the formulation of the concept of mediated coexistence, in this research, also led to proposing a strategy of self-awareness - or self-anthropology, as preferred by Marilyn Strathern - which may help us deal with the multiplication of the environments of our cognitive ecologies. Based on the evidence that the speed and intensity of the transit among several communicational mediations establish deviations and confusions (similar to perception \"errors\", here named as Flammarion effect), the research proposes/concludes the following: in order to learn to coexist with the challenges of a digitally distributed attention, and towards the diplomacy which will allow us to compose a new and multiple world, perhaps it is necessary to relearn to free ourselves from attention.

Modos não-lineares de vibração e controle ativo de risers. / Non-linear vibration modes and active control of risers.

César Tarabay Sanches 12 March 2009 (has links)
Este trabalho tem por objetivos: o estudo do comportamento dinâmico nãolinear de risers oceânicos, utilizando modos não-lineares de vibração, e o controle ativo das vibrações neles induzidas. Uma formulação não-linear do método dos elementos finitos é utilizada para a modelagem dos sistemas estruturais com vários graus de liberdade. Pela aplicação do método das variedades invariantes ao modelo de elementos finitos, determinam-se os modos normais não-lineares. Para o caso de ressonâncias internas, pode ser necessário determinar multi-modos não-lineares, o que se faz pela aplicação do método das múltiplas escalas. Apreciável esforço científico ainda é necessário para uma compreensão profunda da dinâmica de risers. Muitas das questões em aberto estão relacionadas a aplicações em águas ultraprofundas. Recentemente, novas reservas de óleo e gás foram descobertas no mar brasileiro em águas ultraprofundas, com lâminas dágua superiores a 2500m. Assim, a indústria offshore se depara com um novo conjunto de problemas e desafios relacionados à dinâmica não-linear de risers. Desta forma, a análise modal não-linear pode ter um importante papel na modelagem de Riser- Towers, SCRs (Steel Catenary Riser), entre outros sistemas oceânicos. Um procedimento completo consideraria diversos aspectos como movimentos induzidos por ondas (WIM Wave Induced Motion) e por correntes oceânicas. Nesta última categoria, ressaltam-se as vibrações induzidas por vórtices (VIV Vortex Induced Vibration). A todos esses fenômenos se somam o escoamento interno, deslocamento imposto, contato com o solo marinho, etc. Nota-se que a análise modal não-linear é adequada para representar o comportamento da dinâmica global dos risers por meio de modelos matemáticos com poucos graus de liberdade. Diferenças relevantes entre as abordagens linear e nãolinear são encontradas na forma modal e nos diagramas de fase. Tais diferenças podem ser importantes quando o arrasto e a inércia do fluido forem considerados. Multi-modos são utilizados para abordar ressonâncias internas utilizando análises acopladas que são importantes no caso de excitação multi-modal de modos altos por VIV. De fato, modos não-lineares podem ser úteis na elaboração de modelos matematicamente reduzidos que apresentem uma resposta qualitativa e quantitativamente coerente com a resposta da análise de risers sob carregamentos reais. A análise modal não-linear é uma técnica inovadora que permite um aprofundamento do entendimento do comportamento da dinâmica dos risers e a elaboração de modelos matemáticos com poucos graus de liberdade. Por serem modelos menores, consomem menos tempo de processamento levando a respostas mais rápidas, essenciais para sistemas de controle eficientes. Alguns exemplos de sistemas de controle são estudados neste trabalho. / The present work has the following objectives: deep understanding of the nonlinear structural behaviour of riser dynamics, by using non-linear modal analysis, and the study of these structural systems when an active control system is coupled. The finite element method provides a set of non-linear equations of motion for the structural system considered. These non-linear equations of motion are handled by the so-called invariant manifold approach: non-linear vibration modes are defined as movements whose trajectories in phase space are confined to a two-dimensional invariant manifold. In addition, the method of multiple scales is used to determine the non-linear multi-modes, when internal resonances come into play. Riser dynamics still demands great research efforts, many of the open topics being related to deep and ultra-deep water applications. The offshore industry has already begun to explore in water depths at the limits of the current technology and has plans to access sites over 2500 metre-deep. Therefore, offshore industry will face new challenges concerning the non-linear dynamics of risers. Non-linear modal analysis will play an important role in the project development of hybrid towers, SCRs and so on. A complete design procedure considers several issues associated with the dynamic response to wave-induced motions (WIM) of the Floating Production Unity (FPU) and to ocean currents. In this latter category one may cite vortex-induced motions (VIM) of spar-type FPUs and vortex-induced vibration (VIV). Results point out that non-linear modal analysis is adequate to capture the global dynamic behaviour of risers. Relevant differences with respect to linear analysis might then appear in the modal shape and phase trajectories. Such differences might be important when drag and inertia fluid loads will be further considered. Multi-modes should be considered to approach internal resonance. Coupling analysing may be relevant in the case of multi-modal excitation of higher modes in VIV. Non-linear modes are believed to play an important role in degree-of-freedom model reduction, thus allowing for good qualitative and quantitative response analysis of risers under sea loading. Non-linear modal analysis is an innovative technique that allows for deeper understanding of riser dynamics. In addition, reduced models can be found in order to diminish the processing time. Reducing the calculation time is very important when control systems are considered. This work studies some examples of risers that are controlled by active systems, which are considerably affected by the processing time.

Modos de espacialização do vídeo na arte contemporânea / Modes of spatialization of video in contemporary art.

Danilo Nazareno Azevedo Baraúna 21 October 2016 (has links)
Neste trabalho analisaremos as operações utilizadas por artistas para estabelecer relações entre a videoarte e o seu espaço físico de instauração a partir do estudo de amostragens estratificadas de obras realizadas entre os anos de 1990 e 2015 pertencentes aos acervos do Festival de Arte Contemporânea Sesc_Videobrasil da Associação Cultural Videobrasil, do projeto de pesquisa \"Acervo de Videoarte paraense: sistematização e análise crítica\" (CNPq/SEC/MinC) e de obras coletadas em nosso Estágio de Pesquisa no Exterior (BEPE-FAPESP). Utilizamos um método de abordagem hipotético-dedutivo e método de procedimento de caráter tipológico. No primeiro capítulo levantaremos algumas caraterísticas do elemento espaço físico e os mecanismos de representação deste em imagens bidimensionais. No segundo capítulo discutimos as características do vídeo no par convergência/especificidade com relação a certas práticas e movimentos da televisão, cinema e computador, apontando para problematizações sobre a videoarte no espaço da galeria. No terceiro capítulo indicamos a análise de duas possíveis situações de espacialização do vídeo, às quais estão diretamente relacionados ao tamanho físico da imagem exposta no espaço. À primeira operação denominamos micro-espacialização e está relacionada ao vídeo em pequenas dimensões com relação ao espaço e ao público, constituída por modos de espacialização diferenciados, a saber: 1) Vídeo-espaço; 2) Aparelho-espaço; 3) Vídeodistensão. Classificou-se como macro-espacializações a segunda operação, ligada à exibição do vídeo em grandes proporções em relação ao espaço e ao corpo do espectador a partir de projeções ou multiplicação de monitores, formada por modos de espacialização denominados de: 1) Situação-cinema; 2) Vídeo-cenário; 3) Vídeo-dilatação. Para efeito de análise utilizamos os estudos de alguns autores como: Arlindo Machado (1997 e 1988), Brian O\'Doherty (1999), Chris Meigh-Andrews (2014), Claire Bischop (2005), Erika Balsom (2013), Henri Bergson (2012), Lev Manovich (2001), Maurice Merleau-Ponty (2014 e 2011), Michael Rush (2014 e 2006), Noel Burch (2011), Phillipe Dubois (2004), e Timothy Barker (2012). / In this work we aim to analyse the operations used by artists to establish relationships between video art and its physical space of instauration from the study of stratified samples of works of art produced betwen the years of 1990 and 2015 in the collections of Contemporary Art Festival Sesc_Videobrasil of Cultural Association Videobrasil, from research project \"Collection of Video art from Pará: sistematization and critical analysis\" (CNPq/SEC/MinC) and the works of art collected during our Research Internship Abroad. We used a hipothetical-deductive approach and a tipological method of procedure. In the first chapter we will rise some characteristics of the physical space and the mechanisms of its representation in bidimensional images. In the second chapter we discuss the video characteristics from the convergences/specificities related to some practices and movements on television, cinema and computer, showing the problematization of videoart in the space of gallery. In the third chapter we indicate the analysis of two possible video\'s spacialization, related to the physical size of the image exhibted. We called the first operation micro-spacialization, related to video in small size in its relationships with the space and public body\'s, constituted by the following modes of spacialization: 1)Video-space; 2) Device-space; 3) Video-distension. The second operation Macro-spacialization, is related to video exhibition in large scales from video projections and the multiplication of monitors, formed by these modes of spacialization: 1) Cinema-situation; 2) Video-scenario; 3) Video-dilatation. To the analysis of these situations we used the studies of some authors, including: Arlindo Machado (1997 and 1988), Brian O\'Doherty (1999), Chris Meigh-Andrews (2014), Claire Bischop (2005), Erika Balsom (2013), Henri Bergson (2012), Lev Manovich (2001), Maurice Merleau-Ponty (2014 and 2011), Michael Rush (2014 and 2006), Noel Burch (2011), Phillipe Dubois (2004), and Timothy Barker (2012).

Estudo das frequências quasinormais das p-branas negras / Study of quasinormal frequency of black p-branas

Jéferson de Oliveira 07 June 2010 (has links)
Esta tese visa realizar um estudo acerca das freqüências quasinormais das p-branas negras utilizando um campo escalar de teste. No contexto da correspondência AdS/CFT estudamos alguns aspectos da formação de estados supercondutores na teoria de campos definida na borda do espaço-tempo de Gauss-Bonnet AdS d-dimensional. Apresentamos a derivação das soluções das p-branas negras, bem como a análise de sua estrutura causal. Revisamos o regime perturbativo da Relatividade Geral e a interpretação dos modos quasinormais de um buraco negro em termos dos elementos que compõem a correspondência AdS/CFT. Estudamos a evolução de um campo escalar sem massa na geometria das p-branas negras em detalhe, sendo que utilizamos o método semianalítico WKB e a integração característica (Problema de Goursat) para calcular as freqüências quasinormais correspondentes. Por fim, apresentamos uma expressão aproximada de um estado supercondutor na teoria de campos definida na borda do buraco negro de Gauss-Bonnet AdS através do dicionário AdS/CFT. / This thesis aims at studying the quasinormal frequencies of black p-branes using a scalar field in the probe limit. In the context of AdS/CFT correspondence we study some aspects regarding the formation of superconductor states in the field theory set on the AdS boundary of the Gauss-Bonnet AdS spacetime. We present the derivation of black p-brane solutions, as well as the analysis of its causal structure. We review the perturbative regime of General Relativity and the interpretation of the black hole quasinormal modes in terms of the correspondence AdS/CFT. We study the evolution of a massless scalar field in the geometry of black p-branes in detail, and we use the WKB method and the characteristic integration (Goursats problem) in order to calculate the corresponding quasinormal frequencies. Ultimately, we present an approximate expression for a superconductor state in the field theory defined in the AdS boundary of Gauss-Bonnet AdS spacetime.


AGNES D ALEGRIA COSTA 15 February 2005 (has links)
[pt] Apresentamos, nesta dissertação, a teoria dos modos de Espinosa, tendo como pano de fundo a P.8 da Parte II da Ética, onde surge uma aparente ruptura na simetria entre os nexos causais dos modos infinitos e finitos dos atributos pensamento e extensão, imposta pela tese do paralelismo universal, principal tese do sistema espinosista. Esta assimetria comprometeria a aplicabilidade da tese paralelista à teoria dos modos tal como formulada na Parte I da Ética. Por isso buscamos, no decorrer deste trabalho, apresentar uma interpretação da teoria dos modos que possa dissolver esta aparente contradição, garantindo a aplicabilidade da tese paralelista à teoria dos modos e mostrando que a questão levantada a partir da P.8 da Parte II da Ética não deve ser considerada uma dificuldade real. / [en] In this work, we present Spinoza´s theory of modes, against the background of proposition 8 of the Book II of the Ethics. This proposition seems to break the symmetry between the causal nexus of the infinite and finite modes of the attributes of thought and extension, wich follows from the doctrine of universal parallelism, core thesis of Spinoza’s system. This asymmetry seems to compromise the applicability of the parallelist thesis to the theory of modes, as it is presented in Ethics, Book I. Therefore we try to offer an account of the theory of modes, that would solve this seeming contradiction, assuring the applicability of the parallelist thesis to the theory of modes and showing that the question that arises from proposition 8 in Ethics Book II should not be considered a true difficulty.

Manipulation d’un grand nombre de solitons dissipatifs dans les lasers à fibre / Manipulation of a large number of dissipative solitons in fiber lasers

Niang, Alioune 10 December 2014 (has links)
Ce travail est consacré à l’étude des interactions d’un grand nombre de solitons dans un laser à fibre dopée erbium/ytterbium. Les impulsions interagissent entre elles et se structurent pour former des distributions plus ou moins organisées. Deux cavités ont été réalisées, l’une basée sur la rotation non-linéaire de la polarisation (RNLP) et l’autre sur le miroir optique à boucle non-linéaire (NOLM) en configuration de laser en forme de huit. Avec la RNLP, nous nous sommes intéressés d’abord à une distribution où les impulsions sont liées (cristal de solitons). Ce cristal, stable pour des puissances moyennes, devient instable lorsque la puissance augmente : il se disloque. Les solitons se réorganisent pour former un régime de verrouillage harmonique (HLM) de 50 cristaux. Nous avons ensuite cherché s’il était possible de contrôler les distributions de solitons par l’injection d’une composante continue externe. Nous avons montré que le HLM peut être forcé par l’injection de cette composante. Nous avons développé deux approches afin de modéliser un laser verrouillé en phase et soumis à l'injection d'une composante continue, l'une est scalaire et l'autre vectorielle. Ces modèles démontrent que le signal injecté peut modifier les interactions entre les solitons. Enfin, le NOLM a permis d’observer plusieurs dynamiques : pluie de solitons, gaz de solitons, liquide de solitons, poly-cristal de solitons, multi-cristal de solitons, cristal de solitons, états liés et verrouillage harmonique d’états liés. Ce laser a permis également d’observer une émission laser continue et impulsionnelle autour de 1600 nm. / This work has been devoted to study the interaction of the large number of solitons in the erbium/ytterbium doped fiber laser. The interaction of pulses with each other causes to form more or less organized distribution. Two laser cavities have been constructed, one based on the non-linear polarization rotation (NLPR) and the other based on the nonlinear optical loop mirror (NOLM) in a figure-eight laser configuration. With the NLPR, we were interested to the distribution of coherent pulses (crystal solitons). This crystal, stable for moderate power, becomes unstable at high power, which means to get loose from the initial soliton. These solitons rearrange their relative position to form one harmonic-mode locking regime (HML) of 50 crystals. Afterward, we have investigated the possibility of controlling the solitons distribution by injecting an external continuous wave (cw). It has been observed that cw could force the laser to operate at HLM regime. Moreover, we have developed two theoretical approaches, such as scalar and vectorial, to model the passively mode-locked fiber laser submitted to the cw. Both models confirm that the injected signal could modify the interactions between the solitons. Finally, the NOLM allowed us to observe several dynamics, including rain solitons, gas solitons, liquid solutions, poly-crystal solitons, multi-crystal solitons, crystal solitons, bound states and harmonic-mode locking of bound states. Furthermore, it made possible to observe the continuous as well as pulsed laser emission around 1600 nm.

Modelling and Simulation of a Resonant Converter

Kolachina, Srinivasa Kranthi Kiran, Reddy, Nishu January 2014 (has links)
This thesis is a part of collaborated project between Alstom and Blekinge Institute of Technology. In this thesis a fifth order non- linear Hamilton observer is applied on a series resonant converter. Two models for individual modes are given for a resonant power converter, one is suitable for simulation and other is suitable for simulation and analysis. The circuit is run in eight modes. A switched model of a fifth order DC/DC converter consisting of eight different switching modes has been derived and the performance of the circuit is studied under several conditions by simulation. / +917893357437

Visualization of Composite Events in Active Databases

Guðnason, Ólafur Pálmi January 2000 (has links)
The composite event detection process in different consumption modes has been proven to be difficult to comprehend. It is believed that visualization of this process can make it easier to grasp. In this final year project, a prototype of a visualization tool that visually displays the composite event detection is developed. The prototype uses time graphs to display the composite events and the chronicle consumption mode is used in the detection of the composite events. Animation is used in the prototype when the composite events are visualized, as it is believed that animation can be of help when learning complex algorithms, such as consumption modes. The prototype is then compared with other similar visualization tools. This prototype addresses factors, which have been identified as playing a central role in the visualization of composite events, that other similar visualization tools do not.

Etude et réalisation de liens optiques hétérogènes à base de semiconducteurs III-V reportés du Silicium

Mandorlo, Fabien 27 November 2009 (has links)
Afin de poursuivre la croissance imposée par la loi de Moore, les circuits numériques deviennent de plus en plus parallèles, avec un nombre important d’unités de calcul distinctes. L’utilisation de l’optique peut s’avérer intéressante pour leur assurer une bande passante élevée. Au contraire, les liens traditionnels (électriques) commencent à montrer leurs limites en terme de consommation par unité d’information échangée. Dans un tel contexte, il est alors nécessaire de développer des interconnexions optiques dont les procédés de fabrication restent compatibles avec le standard CMOS. Si le transport de la lumière est aisé à obtenir au voisinage de 1.55 μm avec le couple Silicium/Silice, l’obtention de sources LASER est nettement plus difficile puisque le silicium (gap indirect) ne permet pas de réaliser le gain optique requis. Une solution consiste alors à reporter par collage moléculaire des vignettes de composés à base de semi-conducteurs III-V.Dans cette thèse, nous nous intéresserons uniquement à une source bien particulière, basée sur les modes de galerie (WGM) dans les résonateurs à symétrie circulaire, de quelques micromètres de rayon. Nous verrons comment tirer profit des éléments a priori perturbateurs que sont les contacts électriques (absorbants) de sorte à diminuer le seuil LASER. La mise en place d’un modèle semianalytique permet d’obtenir un dimensionnement ultra-rapide de la source monolithique obtenue, en optimisant la géométrie et la position des électrodes de contact. La collection de la lumière dans un guide par couplage évanescent donne lieu à de complexes interactions. Là encore, une modélisation à partir de la théorie des modes couplés a permis d’en comprendre les rouages, et d’en tirer profit. Le guide lui-même peut alors servir à favoriser une seule et unique longueur d’onde d’émission. Avec des éléments actifs situés à proximité de ces guides, on peut même obtenir une source ultra-compacte et modulable dont on contrôle la longueur d’onde d’émission par un élément extérieur au LASER. La dernière partie de cette thèse fournit des résultats expérimentaux, obtenus avec une chaine "pilote" sur des wafers 200 mm (CEA LETI) en se limitant à des procédés CMOS. On démontre donc la faisabilité des sources proposées dans les chapitres précédents ainsi que la possibilité de les intégrer un lien optique complet (source, routage et détection). / To follow the evolution imposed by Moore’s law, digital circuits are becoming more and more parallelized with a large number of independent computational units. Optics may be used to provide them the necessary very high bandwidth, as traditional electrical links begin to suffer from their high consumption per transferred bit. In such cases, developing CMOS compatible optical interconnects can be necessary. If light transport around wavelength 1.55 μm is quite easily obtained thanks to the Silicon/Silica couple, obtaining laser sources is much more difficult because silicon (indirect gap) can not be used to provide optical gain. An alternate solution consists in using molecular bonding of III-V semiconductor based dies onto silicon wafers. In this thesis, we only focus on a very specific source based on Whispering Galery Modes (WGM) inresonators with circular symmetry, with a few micrometers radius. We will see how to take advantage of perturbative elements such as the electrical contacts (necessary absorbing) to decrease the lasing threshold. The use of a semi analytical model provides ultra fast design of these monolithic source, optimizing the the geometry and position of the contacting electrodes. Light collection in an optical waveguide by evanescent coupling to the source leads to complexinteractions. Modelling them from Coupled Mode Theory demonstrates how it works, and how to take advantage of them to control the lasing wavelength. The optical waveguide itself can then be used to promote a single wavelength emission. Laying out active elements around the collecting waveguide, one can get modulated and ultra-compact sources for wavelength tuning or mode hoping applications, with an external active control. The last part of this thesis provides experimental results obtained with a 200 mm pilot line at CEALETI, using CMOS compatible processes. Feasibility of the sources suggested in the previous chapters is demonstrated with their integration in a complete optical link (source, routing and detection).

Co-Evolution of Information Revolution and Spread of Democracy. 33. Jahrestagung der Gesellschaft für Informatik an der Johann Wolfgang Goethe-Universität in Frankfurt am Main 29.9. - 2.10. 2003

Frisch, Walter 29 September 2003 (has links) (PDF)
This is a short summary of a recent survey [FR03] focusing on the observed evidence, that Internet connectivity is positively correlated with spread of democracy at high levels of significance. The results of multivariate correlation analysis and probabilities regression estimate models are based on the combined analysis of mid - 1991's, to 2001 data series of the Eurostat's and US Census Bureau, the World Bank, and OECD's statistical data service which track the growth of information technology and rating of freedom and democracy worldwide.(author's abstract)

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