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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Research on thermal modification of African alpine bamboo (Yushania alpina [K. Schumann] Lin) in terms of woven strand board (WSB) product development in Ethiopia

Starke, Robert 17 September 2015 (has links) (PDF)
’African Bamboo PLC’ has the vision to become the first and the leading bamboo-based floorboard producer in Africa with export markets in Europe and America. African alpine bamboo (Yushania alpina), common in the highlands of Ethiopia, was used to develop woven strand board (WSB) products. Research on thermal modification was part of the product development. Samples were mainly collected in Tetechia (6°33‘ 34‘‘ N 38°32‘25‘‘ W, 2,650-2,700 m a.s.l.), located in the Sidama region. Three culms each of two, three, four and five years of age were harvested. Samples were taken from the middle of each internode to determine the moisture content and density. Samples used to assess the effects of thermal modification were cut next to them. Further test specimens from different areas and other species such as the lowland bamboo (Oxytenanthera abyssinica) were also investigated. The thermal treatment was applied in a kiln with steam as an inert blanket to reduce oxidative processes. Eight modifications were performed at temperatures of 160 °C, 180 °C, 200 °C and 220 °C, at durations of three or five hours each. Mass loss, sorption behaviour, impact resistance, resistance to indentation and contents of chemical components were analysed for the modified and unmodified samples. Yushania alpina is a thin-walled bamboo with a maximum diameter of 6 cm, moisture content of up to 150 % and densities of between 0.5 g/cm² and 0.8 g/cm². Moisture content, diameter and wall thickness decreased from the bottom to the top of the culms, whereas density increased. Two year old bamboo had the lowest and three year the highest density. The mass loss followed an exponential trend, with about 2 % loss at 160 °C and 16 % at 220 °C. This mainly reflected the degradation of hemicellulose, which was fully removed at 220 °C. Extractive contents, at less than 5 %, fluctuated. Lignin amounted to 30 % and increased appreciably. Cellulose reached contents of about 45 % and decreased slightly at high temperatures. The chemical change, which was based more on the temperature than on the duration of treatment, influenced the sorption behaviour and mechanical properties most of all. The equilibrium moisture content was reduced by between 10 % to 40 %, depending on the climate and modification temperature chosen. This reduction stabilised between temperatures of 200 °C and 220 °C. The impact resistance of untreated bamboo was 3.8 J/cm², compared to only 1.4 J/cm² for modified samples. Resistance also differed between samples from the outer and inner part of the culm in the transverse section. The resistance to indentation declined also. Unmodified samples had 47 N/mm², compared to only 20 N/mm² for strongly modified samples. The results of the analysis and the experience gained indicate that temperatures between 180 °C and 200 °C, held for three hours, lead to the best results for woven strand board production using Ethiopian highland bamboo. / ’African Bamboo PLC’ setzt sich zum Ziel, als erstes Unternehmen Holzwerkstoffe aus Bambus nach Europa und Amerika zu exportieren. Afrikanischer Hochgebirgsbambus (Yushania alpina), welcher vor allem im Hochland von Äthiopien vorkommt, wurde dazu verwendet ”woven strand boards” (WSB) zu entwickeln. Untersuchungen zur thermischen Modifizierung waren dabei Bestandteil der Produktentwicklung. Die dafür notwendigen Bambusproben wurden hauptsächlich in Tetechia (6°33‘34‘‘ N 38°32‘25‘‘ W, 2650-2700 m ü. NN), einem Dorf in Sidama, entnommen. Es wurden dazu je drei Bambushalme der Altersklassen zwei, drei, vier und fünf Jahre geerntet. Proben für die Bestimmung von Holzfeuchte und Dichte wurden in der Mitte jedes Internodiums entnommen. Diese spielten als Referenzprobe eine große Rolle. Neben den Referenzprobekörpern wurden die jeweiligen Stücke für die thermische Behandlung heraus gesägt, wobei dies nach einer bestimmten Systematik erfolgte. Neben den Proben aus Tetechia wurden für die Untersuchungen zudem Proben aus anderen Gebieten und von einer anderen Art, dem Tieflandbambus (Oxytenanthera abyssinica), hinzugefügt. Die thermische Modifizierung erfolgte unter Wasserdampf, welcher oxidative Prozesse verhinderte. Insgesamt erfolgten acht Modifizierungen bei Temperaturen von 160 °C, 180 °C, 200 °C und 220 °C und einer jeweiligen Haltezeit von drei oder fünf Stunden. In Anbetracht der unbehandelten und behandelten Proben wurden der Masseverlust, die Bruchschlagarbeit, der Eindruckswiderstand und die chemische Zusammensetzung analysiert. Yushania alpina ist ein dünnwandiger Bambus mit Durchmessern bis zu 6 cm, Holzfeuchten bis 150 % und Dichten zwischen 0,5 g/cm² und 0,8 g/cm². Holzfeuchte, Durchmesser und Wandstärke verringerten sich mit der Halmhöhe, wobei die Dichte hingegen anstieg. Zweijähriger Bambus hatte die geringsten und dreijähriger Bambus die höchsten Dichten. Der Masseverlust folgte einem expontiellem Verlauf mit Werten von 2 % bei 160 °C und 16 % bei 220 °C. Er widerspiegelte den Abbau der Hemicellulose, welche bei 220 °C schon nicht mehr vorhanden war. Exktraktgehalte fluktuierten mit Werten unter 5 %. Der Ligningehalt lag bei ungefähr 30 % und stieg merklich an. Der Cellulosegehalt erreichte Werte von etwa 45 %, wobei die Cellulose bei höheren Temperaturen leicht abgebaut wurde. Die chemischen Veränderungen, welche maßgeblich von der angewandten Temperatur statt der Behandlungsdauer beeinflusst wurden, wirkten sich auf das Sorptionsverhalten und mechanische Eigenschaften aus. Je nach ausgesetztem Klima und erfolgter Modifikation wurde die Ausgleichsfeuchte der Proben um 10 % bis 40 % reduziert. Die Abnahme der Ausgleichsfeuchte stabilisierte sich im Temperaturbereich von 200 °C bis 220 °C. Die Bruchschlagarbeit des unbehandelten Bambus betrug 3,8 J/cm², die des behandelten nur 1,4 J/cm². Die Bruchschlagarbeit variierte unabhängig von der Modifikation zwischen dem inneren und äußeren Abschnittes innerhalb des Halmquerschnitts. Der Eindruckswiderstand nahm mit der thermischen Behandlung ebenfalls ab. Unbehandelte Proben hatten 47 N/mm², während die modifizierten Proben nur noch 20 N/mm² aufwiesen. Anhand der Ergebnisse und erworbenen Erfahrungen lies sich schlussfolgern, dass Temperaturen zwischen 180 °C und 200 °C bei einer Haltezeit von drei Stunden für die thermische Modifizierung von Äthiopischem Hochlandbambus in Bezug auf die Entwicklung von ”woven strand boards” empfehlenswert waren.

The investigation of factors governing ignition and development of fires in heathland vegetation

Plucinski, Matthew Paul, Mathematics & Statistics, Australian Defence Force Academy, UNSW January 2003 (has links)
Heathlands typically experience regimes consisting of frequent and intense fires. These fire regimes play important roles in the lifecycles and population dynamics of all species in these communities. Prescribed fire is commonly applied to heathlands to minimise the risk of wildfires as well as to promote biodiversity. Ignitions in heathlands tend to either be unsustainable, or quickly develop into rapidly spreading intense fires. This presents a major problem for the application of prescribed fire and is the primary focus of this thesis. Heathland ignition has been investigated in three sections; litter ignition; vertical development of fire into the shrub layer; and horizontal spread through the shrub layer. These were studied in laboratory experiments using miniature versions of field fuels. Ignition success in litter layers was related to the dead fuel moisture content. Litter type, ignition source, and presence of wind were found to affect the range of ignitable fuel moisture contents of a litter bed. The effect of litter type was best explained by density. Dense litter beds required drier conditions for ignition than low density litter beds. The vertical development of fire into shrubs was mostly dependent on live fuel moisture content, but crown base height, presence of wind, ignition source, shrub height and the percentage of dead elevated fuel were also important. Horizontal spread of fires through shrub layers was most affected by the presence of a litter layer, with nearly all ignitions successful when there was an underlying litter fire. Fire spread would only occur in shrubs without a litter layer when the shrub layer was dense and dry, or had a substantial dead fuel component. Spread was more likely to be sustained when there was wind. Models predicting the moisture content of dead fuels were tested in heathlands, and as would be expected those that can be calibrated for different fuel types were found to have the best performance. Fuel moisture content and fuel load models were reviewed for heathlands, and a number of recommendations for future research were made.

Felkällor och systematiska avvikelser i kvalitetsuppföljningen av tidnings- och journalpapper / Sources of error and systematic deviation in following up of quality in news- and journal paper

Bergendahl, Rikard January 2008 (has links)
<p>I papperstillverkning ställs det krav inte bara på kvalité och kvantitet utan också att stickprov från produktion utförs och tas hand om på ett korrekt sätt. Från det att ett stickprov tas ut och undersöks på brukets laboratorium kan en del källor till förändringar på provresultatet uppstå. Sådana förändringar kan uppstå för det första vid hanteringen av stickprov från pappersmaskin och provens transportering till laboratoriet och för det andra vid laboratoriets hantering och uppföljning av kvalitén. En annan faktor som kan påverka stickproven är klimatet. Årstiderna vår och höst är de tider som proverna kan påverkas mest. Prover undersöks med jämna mellanrum från färdigt papper och används till kalibrering av on-line mätning på pappersmaskin. Vissa av provresultaten skickas direkt till kunden i form av ett analyscertifikat.</p><p>I detta examensarbete var syftet att analysera vissa felkällor i provhanteringen och vad klimatet hade för påverkan på provresultatet. Det undersöktes hur varierande klimatförhållanden på pappersmaskin kunde påverka provresultaten för prov som undersöktes direkt på laboratoriet. Resultat från de proven har sen jämförts med prov som konditionerades en tid på laboratoriet i ett fast klimat (23°C, 50 % RH). Prov konditionerades både efter att provet tagits ut direkt och efter att provet hade legat uppe i maskinhallen under en längre tid. I arbetet ingick det att årstider skulle simuleras och det utfördes på Stora Enso Research Center i Falun i ett speciellt klimatrum. Klimaten som papper undersöktes i då var extremt torrt och extremt fuktigt och dessa resultat jämfördes med resultat från normalt provtagningsklimat.</p><p>Papperskvalitéerna som undersöktes var 45 g/m2 standard tidningspapper från PM 11 och 52 g/m2 SC-papper (obestruket journalpapper) från Kvarnsvedens nya maskin PM 12. Det som undersöktes var de kritiska parametrarna där det föreligger risk för att papper måste kasseras. De kritiska egenskaperna som har kassaktionsgräns är ytvikt, ljushet, nyans och i även vissa fall ytråhet och rivstyrka.</p><p>Resultaten visade att vid extrema klimatförhållanden från undersökningen på Stora Enso Research Center hade många prover påverkats till den grad att de hade lett till kassaktion. För SC-papper var ytråheten den egenskap som var mest kritisk vid extremt torrt klimat och vid fuktigt klimat var ytvikt den mest känsliga egenskapen. För standard tidningspapper var ytvikt och rivstyrka de egenskaper som påverkades mest av extremt klimat och pappret hade fått kasseras vid både extremt torrt och fuktigt klimat.</p><p>Vid undersökningen på Kvarnsveden visade resultaten att fukthalten i pappret påverkades mer än vad papprets övriga egenskaper gjorde. Förändringarna i papprets övriga egenskaper var endast marginella och höll sig inom respektive gränsvärde för kassaktion. Nyans och de andra optiska egenskaperna hade marginella förändringar för både varierande och extrema klimatförhållanden och förändringarna kan i de flesta fall anses försumbara för produktionen.</p><p>I de fall där det råder extrema klimatförhållanden som det kan göra vid vissa årstider är det mycket viktigt att operatörens hantering av stickprov sker på ett korrekt sätt. Då gäller det att stickproverna skickas ner till laboratoriet så snabbt som möjligt där påverkan är mindre än vad den kan vara inne i maskinhallen.</p> / <p>In paper production demands are set not only on quality and quantity, but it is also required that samples from the production are taken out and handled in a correct way. From the moment when a sample is taken out and up to the point when it is examined in the laboratory of the mill, a number of factors may affect the sample and thus the test result. Such changes can arise from the handling of samples from the paper machine and the transport of the samples to the laboratory and also from the handling of the samples in the laboratory. Another factor that can influence the samples is the climate and the seasons spring and autumn is the times when the samples are influenced most. Samples are examined with even intervals from finished papers and is used for calibration of on-line measurement on the paper machine and some of the sample results are sent directly to the costumer in the form of an analysis certificate.</p><p>The purpose of this project was to analyze certain error sources in the sample handling and the impact of the climate on the sample result. It was examined how varying climates on the paper machine could influence the sample results for samples that were examined directly and compared with samples that were conditioned for one hour on the laboratory in a permanent climate (23°C, 50% RH). Samples that were conditioned were either taken directly to the lab or left by the paper machine for an extended period of time. In the work, it was included that seasons would be simulated and it was carried out on Stora Enso Research centre in Falun in a climate room. The climates that papers were examined in then were extreme dry and extreme damp and these results were compared with results from normal climate for testing paper.</p><p>The paper qualities that were examined where 45 g/m2 standard newspaper from papermachine 11 and 52 g/m2 SC-paper (uncoated journal papers) from the new papermachine 12 in Kvarnsveden. What were examined were the critical parameters were it exists risk to rejection of papers. The critical properties that have a limit when the papers are rejected are grammage, ISO-brightness and nuance and in certain cases also roughness and tear strength.</p><p>The results showed that at extreme climate relations from the studies on Stora Enso Research centre samples had been influenced to that degree that many of the samples had to be rejected. For SC-paper roughness was the property that was most critical at extremely dry climate and at damp climate the grammage was the most sensitive property. Standard newspaper was very sensitive at both extremely damp and dry climates for grammage and tearing strength.</p><p>The study on Kvarnsveden showed that the moisture content in the paper was influenced more than the other properties but its changes were only marginal and within the respective limit for rejection. Nuance and the other optic properties had only marginal changes for both varying and extreme climates and the changes can in most cases be considered negligible for the production.</p><p>In those cases when there are extreme climates, like during certain seasons, it is very important that the operator handles the samples correctly. Then, it is important that the samples are sent down to the laboratory as fast as possible where the impact is smaller than if the samples stay in the machine room.</p>

Assessing Soil-Water Status Via Albedo Measurement

Idso, Sherwood B., Reginato, Robert J. 20 April 1974 (has links)
From the Proceedings of the 1974 Meetings of the Arizona Section - American Water Resources Assn. and the Hydrology Section - Arizona Academy of Science - April 19-20, 1974, Flagstaff, Arizona / Reliable information on soil-water status is required in order to make accurate water balance studies of watersheds, to determine the survival probabilities of various types of vegetation between rainfalls in low rainfall areas, and to determine the susceptibility of the uppermost soil to wind erosion. Simple solarimeters may help to accomplish this objective. Bare soil albedo was a linear function of the water content of a very thin surface layer of soil, and albedo correlated well with water contents of thicker soil layers. In addition, albedo measurements could be used to delineate the 3 classical stages of soil drying. Albedo may also be used to differentiate between the initial potential rate phase of evaporation following an application of water, and the succeeding falling rate phase. Results of applying this technique to a field of Avondale clay loam indicate that 20% to 25% of the water applied by either irrigation or rain will be lost by stage 1 potential evaporation, independent of seasonal variations in evaporative demand. Presently the techniques developed are applicable only to bare soil surfaces.

Felkällor och systematiska avvikelser i kvalitetsuppföljningen av tidnings- och journalpapper / Sources of error and systematic deviation in following up of quality in news- and journal paper

Bergendahl, Rikard January 2008 (has links)
I papperstillverkning ställs det krav inte bara på kvalité och kvantitet utan också att stickprov från produktion utförs och tas hand om på ett korrekt sätt. Från det att ett stickprov tas ut och undersöks på brukets laboratorium kan en del källor till förändringar på provresultatet uppstå. Sådana förändringar kan uppstå för det första vid hanteringen av stickprov från pappersmaskin och provens transportering till laboratoriet och för det andra vid laboratoriets hantering och uppföljning av kvalitén. En annan faktor som kan påverka stickproven är klimatet. Årstiderna vår och höst är de tider som proverna kan påverkas mest. Prover undersöks med jämna mellanrum från färdigt papper och används till kalibrering av on-line mätning på pappersmaskin. Vissa av provresultaten skickas direkt till kunden i form av ett analyscertifikat. I detta examensarbete var syftet att analysera vissa felkällor i provhanteringen och vad klimatet hade för påverkan på provresultatet. Det undersöktes hur varierande klimatförhållanden på pappersmaskin kunde påverka provresultaten för prov som undersöktes direkt på laboratoriet. Resultat från de proven har sen jämförts med prov som konditionerades en tid på laboratoriet i ett fast klimat (23°C, 50 % RH). Prov konditionerades både efter att provet tagits ut direkt och efter att provet hade legat uppe i maskinhallen under en längre tid. I arbetet ingick det att årstider skulle simuleras och det utfördes på Stora Enso Research Center i Falun i ett speciellt klimatrum. Klimaten som papper undersöktes i då var extremt torrt och extremt fuktigt och dessa resultat jämfördes med resultat från normalt provtagningsklimat. Papperskvalitéerna som undersöktes var 45 g/m2 standard tidningspapper från PM 11 och 52 g/m2 SC-papper (obestruket journalpapper) från Kvarnsvedens nya maskin PM 12. Det som undersöktes var de kritiska parametrarna där det föreligger risk för att papper måste kasseras. De kritiska egenskaperna som har kassaktionsgräns är ytvikt, ljushet, nyans och i även vissa fall ytråhet och rivstyrka. Resultaten visade att vid extrema klimatförhållanden från undersökningen på Stora Enso Research Center hade många prover påverkats till den grad att de hade lett till kassaktion. För SC-papper var ytråheten den egenskap som var mest kritisk vid extremt torrt klimat och vid fuktigt klimat var ytvikt den mest känsliga egenskapen. För standard tidningspapper var ytvikt och rivstyrka de egenskaper som påverkades mest av extremt klimat och pappret hade fått kasseras vid både extremt torrt och fuktigt klimat. Vid undersökningen på Kvarnsveden visade resultaten att fukthalten i pappret påverkades mer än vad papprets övriga egenskaper gjorde. Förändringarna i papprets övriga egenskaper var endast marginella och höll sig inom respektive gränsvärde för kassaktion. Nyans och de andra optiska egenskaperna hade marginella förändringar för både varierande och extrema klimatförhållanden och förändringarna kan i de flesta fall anses försumbara för produktionen. I de fall där det råder extrema klimatförhållanden som det kan göra vid vissa årstider är det mycket viktigt att operatörens hantering av stickprov sker på ett korrekt sätt. Då gäller det att stickproverna skickas ner till laboratoriet så snabbt som möjligt där påverkan är mindre än vad den kan vara inne i maskinhallen. / In paper production demands are set not only on quality and quantity, but it is also required that samples from the production are taken out and handled in a correct way. From the moment when a sample is taken out and up to the point when it is examined in the laboratory of the mill, a number of factors may affect the sample and thus the test result. Such changes can arise from the handling of samples from the paper machine and the transport of the samples to the laboratory and also from the handling of the samples in the laboratory. Another factor that can influence the samples is the climate and the seasons spring and autumn is the times when the samples are influenced most. Samples are examined with even intervals from finished papers and is used for calibration of on-line measurement on the paper machine and some of the sample results are sent directly to the costumer in the form of an analysis certificate. The purpose of this project was to analyze certain error sources in the sample handling and the impact of the climate on the sample result. It was examined how varying climates on the paper machine could influence the sample results for samples that were examined directly and compared with samples that were conditioned for one hour on the laboratory in a permanent climate (23°C, 50% RH). Samples that were conditioned were either taken directly to the lab or left by the paper machine for an extended period of time. In the work, it was included that seasons would be simulated and it was carried out on Stora Enso Research centre in Falun in a climate room. The climates that papers were examined in then were extreme dry and extreme damp and these results were compared with results from normal climate for testing paper. The paper qualities that were examined where 45 g/m2 standard newspaper from papermachine 11 and 52 g/m2 SC-paper (uncoated journal papers) from the new papermachine 12 in Kvarnsveden. What were examined were the critical parameters were it exists risk to rejection of papers. The critical properties that have a limit when the papers are rejected are grammage, ISO-brightness and nuance and in certain cases also roughness and tear strength. The results showed that at extreme climate relations from the studies on Stora Enso Research centre samples had been influenced to that degree that many of the samples had to be rejected. For SC-paper roughness was the property that was most critical at extremely dry climate and at damp climate the grammage was the most sensitive property. Standard newspaper was very sensitive at both extremely damp and dry climates for grammage and tearing strength. The study on Kvarnsveden showed that the moisture content in the paper was influenced more than the other properties but its changes were only marginal and within the respective limit for rejection. Nuance and the other optic properties had only marginal changes for both varying and extreme climates and the changes can in most cases be considered negligible for the production. In those cases when there are extreme climates, like during certain seasons, it is very important that the operator handles the samples correctly. Then, it is important that the samples are sent down to the laboratory as fast as possible where the impact is smaller than if the samples stay in the machine room.

Soil water movement through swelling soils

Ekanayake, Jagath C. January 1990 (has links)
The present work is a contribution to description and understanding of the distribution and movement of water in swelling soils. In order to investigate the moisture distribution in swelling soils a detailed knowledge of volume change properties, flow characteristics and total potential of water in the soil is essential. Therefore, a possible volume change mechanism is first described by dividing the swelling soils into four categories and volume change of a swelling soil is measured under different overburden pressures. The measured and calculated (from volume change data) overburden potential components are used to check the validity of the derivation of a load factor, ∝. Moisture diffusivity in swelling soil under different overburden pressures is measured using Gardner's (1956) outflow method. Behaviour of equilibrium moisture profiles in swelling soils is theoretically explained, solving the differential equation by considering the physical variation of individual soil properties with moisture content and overburden pressure. Using the measured volume change data and moisture potentials under various overburden pressures, the behaviour of possible moisture profiles are described at equilibrium and under steady vertical flows in swelling soils. It is shown that high overburden pressures lead to soil water behaviour quite different from any previously reported.

Capillary pore-size distribution and equilibrium moisture content of wood determined by means of pressure plate technique

Zauer, Mario, Meissner, Frank, Plagge, Rudolf, Wagenführ, André 23 June 2020 (has links)
This paper deals with the determination of the capillary pore-size distribution (CPSD) and equilibrium moisture content (EMC) of untreated and thermally modified (TM) Norway spruce [Picea abies (L.) Karst.] by means of the pressure plate technique (PPT). Desorption experiments were conducted at very high values of relative humidity (RH) in the range between 99.2% and 100%. The thermal modification of spruce results in an alteration of the CPSD, owing to the formation of intercellular cracks in the middle lamella, as a result of cell-wall compression. The desorption curves for both untreated and TM spruce show an extremely upward bend at 99.97% RH. This step reflects an EMC of 38.1% for untreated spruce and 33.8% for TM spruce. None of the samples shrunk during the PPT measurements. Following desorption experiments at 97.4% RH, all samples shrunk. This step reflects an EMC of 27.9% for untreated spruce and 21.7% for TM spruce.

Teplotně-vlhkostní posouzení prvků krovu s nadkrokevním systémem zateplení / Temperature-moisture Assessment of Members in Truss with Above-rafter Thermal Insulation

Soudek, Pavel January 2014 (has links)
This thesis deals with the temperature-moisture assessment of members in truss with above-rafter thermal insulation. Within this system it focuses on the details of creating a roof overhang because that is where the timber elements are under the greatest amount of moisture stress. Different variations of this detail are presented including the extent to which thermo-technical requirements and requirements surrounding the built-in timber elements are satisfied. Theoretical calculations are then compared with measurements which were performed on a real building. This task of measurement involved developing a new measuring device. The development of this device is also described in this paper.

Energetické využití netradiční biomasy / Utilization of unconventional biomass for energy production

Boumová, Markéta January 2010 (has links)
Tato diplomová práce se zabývá netradičními druhy biomasy využitelnými v České republice a Španělsku a jejich srovnáním. V prvních kapitolách jsou popsány netradiční druhy biomasy, mezinárodní projekty, smlouvy a legislativa. V následujích kapitolách je rozbor netradičních druhů biomasy zejména vznikajících z potravinářského průmyslu každé země s detailním rozborem a srovnáním zbytků z průmyslového zpracování slunečnice a oliv. V závěru je uděláno celkové srovnání těchto druhů biomasy České republiky a Španělska z aspektů výkupních cen, výhřevností, vlhkosti a množství popelovin.

Research on thermal modification of African alpine bamboo (Yushania alpina [K. Schumann] Lin) in terms of woven strand board (WSB) product development in Ethiopia

Starke, Robert 11 September 2014 (has links)
’African Bamboo PLC’ has the vision to become the first and the leading bamboo-based floorboard producer in Africa with export markets in Europe and America. African alpine bamboo (Yushania alpina), common in the highlands of Ethiopia, was used to develop woven strand board (WSB) products. Research on thermal modification was part of the product development. Samples were mainly collected in Tetechia (6°33‘ 34‘‘ N 38°32‘25‘‘ W, 2,650-2,700 m a.s.l.), located in the Sidama region. Three culms each of two, three, four and five years of age were harvested. Samples were taken from the middle of each internode to determine the moisture content and density. Samples used to assess the effects of thermal modification were cut next to them. Further test specimens from different areas and other species such as the lowland bamboo (Oxytenanthera abyssinica) were also investigated. The thermal treatment was applied in a kiln with steam as an inert blanket to reduce oxidative processes. Eight modifications were performed at temperatures of 160 °C, 180 °C, 200 °C and 220 °C, at durations of three or five hours each. Mass loss, sorption behaviour, impact resistance, resistance to indentation and contents of chemical components were analysed for the modified and unmodified samples. Yushania alpina is a thin-walled bamboo with a maximum diameter of 6 cm, moisture content of up to 150 % and densities of between 0.5 g/cm² and 0.8 g/cm². Moisture content, diameter and wall thickness decreased from the bottom to the top of the culms, whereas density increased. Two year old bamboo had the lowest and three year the highest density. The mass loss followed an exponential trend, with about 2 % loss at 160 °C and 16 % at 220 °C. This mainly reflected the degradation of hemicellulose, which was fully removed at 220 °C. Extractive contents, at less than 5 %, fluctuated. Lignin amounted to 30 % and increased appreciably. Cellulose reached contents of about 45 % and decreased slightly at high temperatures. The chemical change, which was based more on the temperature than on the duration of treatment, influenced the sorption behaviour and mechanical properties most of all. The equilibrium moisture content was reduced by between 10 % to 40 %, depending on the climate and modification temperature chosen. This reduction stabilised between temperatures of 200 °C and 220 °C. The impact resistance of untreated bamboo was 3.8 J/cm², compared to only 1.4 J/cm² for modified samples. Resistance also differed between samples from the outer and inner part of the culm in the transverse section. The resistance to indentation declined also. Unmodified samples had 47 N/mm², compared to only 20 N/mm² for strongly modified samples. The results of the analysis and the experience gained indicate that temperatures between 180 °C and 200 °C, held for three hours, lead to the best results for woven strand board production using Ethiopian highland bamboo. / ’African Bamboo PLC’ setzt sich zum Ziel, als erstes Unternehmen Holzwerkstoffe aus Bambus nach Europa und Amerika zu exportieren. Afrikanischer Hochgebirgsbambus (Yushania alpina), welcher vor allem im Hochland von Äthiopien vorkommt, wurde dazu verwendet ”woven strand boards” (WSB) zu entwickeln. Untersuchungen zur thermischen Modifizierung waren dabei Bestandteil der Produktentwicklung. Die dafür notwendigen Bambusproben wurden hauptsächlich in Tetechia (6°33‘34‘‘ N 38°32‘25‘‘ W, 2650-2700 m ü. NN), einem Dorf in Sidama, entnommen. Es wurden dazu je drei Bambushalme der Altersklassen zwei, drei, vier und fünf Jahre geerntet. Proben für die Bestimmung von Holzfeuchte und Dichte wurden in der Mitte jedes Internodiums entnommen. Diese spielten als Referenzprobe eine große Rolle. Neben den Referenzprobekörpern wurden die jeweiligen Stücke für die thermische Behandlung heraus gesägt, wobei dies nach einer bestimmten Systematik erfolgte. Neben den Proben aus Tetechia wurden für die Untersuchungen zudem Proben aus anderen Gebieten und von einer anderen Art, dem Tieflandbambus (Oxytenanthera abyssinica), hinzugefügt. Die thermische Modifizierung erfolgte unter Wasserdampf, welcher oxidative Prozesse verhinderte. Insgesamt erfolgten acht Modifizierungen bei Temperaturen von 160 °C, 180 °C, 200 °C und 220 °C und einer jeweiligen Haltezeit von drei oder fünf Stunden. In Anbetracht der unbehandelten und behandelten Proben wurden der Masseverlust, die Bruchschlagarbeit, der Eindruckswiderstand und die chemische Zusammensetzung analysiert. Yushania alpina ist ein dünnwandiger Bambus mit Durchmessern bis zu 6 cm, Holzfeuchten bis 150 % und Dichten zwischen 0,5 g/cm² und 0,8 g/cm². Holzfeuchte, Durchmesser und Wandstärke verringerten sich mit der Halmhöhe, wobei die Dichte hingegen anstieg. Zweijähriger Bambus hatte die geringsten und dreijähriger Bambus die höchsten Dichten. Der Masseverlust folgte einem expontiellem Verlauf mit Werten von 2 % bei 160 °C und 16 % bei 220 °C. Er widerspiegelte den Abbau der Hemicellulose, welche bei 220 °C schon nicht mehr vorhanden war. Exktraktgehalte fluktuierten mit Werten unter 5 %. Der Ligningehalt lag bei ungefähr 30 % und stieg merklich an. Der Cellulosegehalt erreichte Werte von etwa 45 %, wobei die Cellulose bei höheren Temperaturen leicht abgebaut wurde. Die chemischen Veränderungen, welche maßgeblich von der angewandten Temperatur statt der Behandlungsdauer beeinflusst wurden, wirkten sich auf das Sorptionsverhalten und mechanische Eigenschaften aus. Je nach ausgesetztem Klima und erfolgter Modifikation wurde die Ausgleichsfeuchte der Proben um 10 % bis 40 % reduziert. Die Abnahme der Ausgleichsfeuchte stabilisierte sich im Temperaturbereich von 200 °C bis 220 °C. Die Bruchschlagarbeit des unbehandelten Bambus betrug 3,8 J/cm², die des behandelten nur 1,4 J/cm². Die Bruchschlagarbeit variierte unabhängig von der Modifikation zwischen dem inneren und äußeren Abschnittes innerhalb des Halmquerschnitts. Der Eindruckswiderstand nahm mit der thermischen Behandlung ebenfalls ab. Unbehandelte Proben hatten 47 N/mm², während die modifizierten Proben nur noch 20 N/mm² aufwiesen. Anhand der Ergebnisse und erworbenen Erfahrungen lies sich schlussfolgern, dass Temperaturen zwischen 180 °C und 200 °C bei einer Haltezeit von drei Stunden für die thermische Modifizierung von Äthiopischem Hochlandbambus in Bezug auf die Entwicklung von ”woven strand boards” empfehlenswert waren.

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