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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

La Mongolie et ses rapports avec le monde et la France depuis 1990 : influence internationale sur la politique mongole / Mongolia and its relationship with the world and France since 1990 : international influence on Mongolian politics

Gonchig, Khishig-Erdene 13 June 2017 (has links)
Cette thèse analyse la vie politique intérieure et extérieure, économique et constitutionnelle de la Mongolie depuis sa révolution démocratique. Depuis qu'elle s'est "détachée" politiquement et économiquement de la Russie, ce petit pays mise sur ses richesses naturelles et la Mongolie veut désormais développer sa coopération avec les autres pays et notamment ceux qui ont de l'expérience dans le domaine minier. Les analyses des investissements étrangers directs en Mongolie montrent l'impact de la législation intérieure: lois sur l'exploration et l'exploitation des ressources naturelles, la protection de l'environnement, et le classement stratégique des sites des ressources naturelles... La thèse s’emploie à expliquer les relations actuelles de la Mongolie avec les pays étrangers, et tente de prévoir ce qu'elles seront probablement à l'avenir compte tenu des engagements vis-à-vis des organisations internationales et des accords bilatéraux et multilatéraux. Cette thèse met en perspective le concept de "troisième voisin" dans la politique étrangère de la Mongolie qui partage la frontière avec la Russie au nord et la Chine au sud: la recherche de l’appui d’une tierce puissance, qui est un voisin virtuel (c’est-à-dire sans proximité géographique) partageant les mêmes valeurs démocratiques. En ce sens, la France, l'Allemagne, le Japon, les Etats-Unis, la République de Corée et le Canada sont des troisièmes voisins. Cette thèse tente d'expliquer en détails, les relations bilatérales entre la Mongolie et la France, sa troisième voisine privilégiée. Elle met en lumière les relations humaines, communautaires et territoriales entre la France et la Mongolie qui permettent d'entretenir de bonnes relations à un plus haut niveau indépendamment des problèmes économiques et politiques. Finalement, en tant que toute première thèse sur les relations étrangères mongoles, surtout avec la France, elle vise à servir de base de référence pour ceux qui s'intéressent à la Mongolie. / This thesis analyzes the internal and external political, economic and constitutional life of Mongolia since its democratic revolution. This small country mainly relies on its natural resources and willing to develop its cooperation with other countries, which have rich experiences in mining. Analyses on foreign direct investment in Mongolia show the impact of domestic legislation: laws on the exploration and exploitation of natural resources, protection of the environment, and strategic ranking of natural resource sites etc. The thesis attempts to explain Mongolia's current relations with foreign countries and tries to predict the future in light of the commitments to international organizations and bilateral and multilateral agreements. This thesis puts into perspective the concept of "third neighbor" in Mongolia's foreign policy: the search for the support of a third power, which is a virtual neighbor (ie without geographical proximity) sharing the same democratic values. Moreover, it tries to explain in detail, the bilateral relations between Mongolia and France, its privileged "third neighbor". It highlights the human and territorial relations between France and Mongolia that allow for good relations at a higher level irrespective of economic and political problems. Finally, as the very first thesis on Mongolian foreign relations, namely with France, it aims to serve as a reference base for those interested in Mongolia.

Mongol-Armenian political relations (1220-1335)

Bai?arsaikhan, Dashdondogiin January 2008 (has links)
No description available.

S'attacher à transmettre et transmettre un attachement: les Darhad, leur répertoire et le continuum sonore en Mongolie contemporaine

Legrain, Laurent 06 December 2011 (has links)
Cette thèse traite de l'attachement des Mongols au chant et plus largement à ce que j'appelle un continuum sonore. Mes interlocuteurs perçoivent cet attachement comme l'une des dimensions pérennes et fondamentales de l'être mongol. Mon objectif est double. J'entends décrire les dispositifs qui produisent dans le même temps les contours de ce continuum sonore et des formes de sensibilité et d'attention spécifiques. Je veux comprendre les processus de sa supposée transmission. / Doctorat en Sciences politiques et sociales / info:eu-repo/semantics/nonPublished

Die archäologischen Ausgrabungen der uigurischen Hauptstadt Karabalgasun im Kontext der Siedlungsforschung spätnomadischer Stämme im östlichen Zentralasien

Dähne, Burkart 29 February 2016 (has links) (PDF)
Gegenstand der Dissertation sind die Ausgrabungen in der uigurischen Hauptstadt Karabalgasun/Mongolei der Jahre 2009-2011. Ein Schwerpunkt ist die Darstellung und Auswertung der Grabungsergebnisse unter besonderer Berücksichtigung der bauarchäologischen und stadtgeschichtlich relevanten Zeugnisse. Die Ausgrabungsergebnisse werden in den Kontext der frühen Siedlungs- und Stadtgeschichte Zentralasiens unter besonderer Berücksichtigung der Mongolei, Südsibiriens und Burjatiens eingebunden. Ein erklärtes Ziel der Dissertation ist, die besondere Bedeutung von spätnomadischen Stadtgründungen und Gründungsstädten im Zusammenhang spätnomadischer Herrschaftsbildungen zu erhellen und damit zu einem neuen Verständnis der Stadt im zentralasiatischen Nomadentum im Allgemeinen beizutragen.


呂能通, LU, NENG-TONG Unknown Date (has links)
本論文試圖從邊防的角度來探討清代於內外蒙古地區設防的原因、經過及其影響,以 期了解帝俄侵略我國的史實和外蒙古獨立的原因,藉以提供未來大陸光復後,重建蒙 古參考的方向.研究方法之採用,主要為歷史文獻的分析的工作,並運用社會科學的 理論來建立變項、旨標,再從歷史的角度以比較、歸納、綜合、分析等方法來探求各 指標間可能存在的關係. 全文計一冊,約九萬餘言,共分六章二十一節,下再分若干小節. 第一章緒論,以文章之命題、意義與範圍及蒙古內屬經過,及蒙古在清代戰略上之地 位等作為論文之說明. 第二章探討清代蒙古邊防之原因與目的. 第三章說明清代蒙古邊防設施. 第四章分析清代蒙古邊防演變過程. 第五章檢討清代蒙古邊防的得失. 第六章是以積極開發蒙古、建設蒙古,並建立良好的邊防基礎,作為國家安全的保障 以為結論. 本論文的研究結果,則冀望於方析清代在蒙古地區的邊防狀況,檢討其得失,以為日 後光復大陸後,邊防建設之參考,並以帝俄以武力侵奪我蒙古地區,加以詳述,以了 解其梗概,而促進國人對蒙古地區的重視和關懷.

Chronology of Post-Glacial Settlement in the Gobi Desert and the Neolithization of Arid Mongolia and China

Janz, Lisa January 2012 (has links)
Prior to this study, knowledge of Gobi Desert prehistory was mostly limited to early and mid-20th century descriptions of undated stone tool assemblages from unanalyzed museum collections. This research focuses on the use of extensive existing museum collections to establish a baseline chronology of technology, economy, and land-use for prehistoric Gobi Desert groups. Radiocarbon and luminescence dating are used to establish an artefact-based chronology and provide a relative age for 96 archaeological site assemblages. Interpretations of land-use derived from lithic analysis are compared to detailed regional and local palaeoenvironmental records in order to contextualize residential mobility and subsistence. Results indicate that a dramatic shift in land-use after about 8000 years ago was related to a combination of widespread forestation and the increased productivity of lowland habitats during a period of high effective moisture. Hunter-gatherers organized their movements around dune-field/wetland environments, but utilized a range of both high- and low-ranked foods such as large ungulates from adjoining plains and uplands, and seeds and/or tubers from dune-fields and wetlands. New radiocarbon dates indicate that the use of dune-fields and wetlands persisted into the early Bronze Age, overlapping with the rise of nomadic pastoralism across Northeast Asia. These findings illuminate the period just prior to the rise of nomadic pastoralism in Northeast Asia and add considerable depth to our understanding of hunter-gatherer adaptations within arid environments following the Last Glacial Maximum.

Effects of landscape change on corsac foxes in Mongolia

Lkhagvasuren, Myagmarjav 01 January 2015 (has links)
Landscape change affects the distribution of wildlife and represents a conservation concern, especially in Asia, which is experiencing rapid development. In Mongolia, mining, livestock grazing, infrastructure development and climate change represent major drivers of change that will impact habitats and few tools exist to predict how wildlife will respond. I examined the impacts of landscape change on the corsac fox (Vulpes corsac) in a steppe region of Mongolia. The corsac fox occurs widely throughout northern Asia, but has experienced declines in many regions and remains one the least studied canids. I addressed two questions: 1) how do common features of a landscape, such as habitats, topography, herder camps, and roads, shape the distribution of the species? and 2) how will changes in those features affect distribution in the future? I collected locations of foxes from radio-collared animals, scat surveys, and opportunistic sightings in Ikh Nart Nature Reserve, then used maximum likelihood methods and model selection techniques to develop a model that predicts occupancy probability. I then applied the model to simulations of landscape change. I collected 1,965 locations and examined 19 candidate models. The model with the most support indicated that occupancy is best described by the additive combination of shrublands, open plains, tall grasslands, and rocky habitat. Models with other covariates (camps, roads, and ruggedness) had little support. A Receiver-Operator-Characteristic plot of model performance had an Area Under the Curve of 77%, indicating that the model predicted occupancy better than expected by chance. Average occupancy across the reserve was 22% under current conditions. Incremental reductions in shrubland, open plains, and tall vegetation resulted in occupancy declines with average occupancy being 7%, 13%, and 14%, respectively, when these habitats were completely absent. The loss of all three habitats due to the desertification of the landscape through climate change resulted in an average occupancy of 7%. The results provide the first model of corsac fox occupancy, which can be used to quantitatively examine distribution and impacts of change in other parts of the species' range. In Ikh Nart, results suggest that climate change poses the greatest threat to the species as it is expected to reduce high quality habitats and confine corsac foxes to areas with high competition from red foxes.

SAMBANDET MELLAN EKONOMISK UTVECKLING OCH STYRELSESKICK  -Exemplen: Mongoliet, Turkiet och Vietnam 1980–2017

Hazare, Elias January 2018 (has links)
The purpose of this paper was to study the relationship between democracy and economic development in Mongolia, Turkey and Vietnam during 1980-2017. The study’s questions are (1) How has the relationship between state and economic development been described and explained in selected research literature? (2) How has the relationship between state and economic development manifested in Mongolia, Turkey and Vietnam in 1980-2017? And (3) What can we learn of this study for future research? Based on data derived from political science institutions such as Variety of Democracy and Transformation Index BTI and statistical and economic organizations such as The World Bank and The Global Economy, case study method was applied to examine the relationship between these two concepts country by country. In line with other similar studies the result indicates that the relationship between democracy and economic development is complex and should be understood in relation to each country’s historical, institutional and geopolitical setting. In Mongolia, democratic transition was accompanied by economic progress. Turkey recently experienced some success in economic development despite enduring political instability and the weakening of democratic institutions and in civil society. In Vietnam, economic progress has not so far been accompanied by a parallel improvement of democratic institutions and practice. For future research, it is crucial to study the history of a developing country about political and economic institutions, civil society and its relations with other countries.

La Mongolie, entre dépendance et politiques développementalistes, 1990-2016 / Mongolia between dependency and developmental policies, 1990-2016

Maire, Antoine 30 June 2017 (has links)
Cette thèse cherche à évaluer la politique de développement mise en œuvre par les autorités mongoles entre 1990 et 2016. Elle s’articule autour de la question de recherche suivante : Entre « malédiction des ressources », sinophobie et dépendance, comment la Mongolie démocratique et libérale fait-elle face au défi du développement économique pour préserver son indépendance et sa souveraineté et éviter d'être « transformée en une simple annexe de matières premières » pour la Chine ? À travers ce prisme, cette thèse ambitionne de rendre compte du processus de transition suivi par la Mongolie après 1990. L’objectif est de proposer une description du nouveau système politico-économique qui a vu le jour, donc des spécificités de son capitalisme. Outre cette contribution aux études mongoles, cette thèse entend également permettre de mieux comprendre les défis auxquels sont confrontés les États riches en matières premières dans leur processus de développement. Enfin, elle entend contribuer à expliquer les mécanismes qui ont conduit à la divergence observée dans les processus de transitions politique et économique des pays postsocialistes. / This dissertation evaluates the development policy implemented by Mongolia between 1990 and 2016. It is built around the following research question: “Between “resources curse”, sinophobia and dependency, how is the new democratic and liberal Mongolia facing the economic development challenge to preserve its independence and sovereignty and to avoid being turned “into a raw materials appendage” to China?”. Through this question, the dissertation will describe the development path followed by Mongolia after 1990. The objective is to propose a description of the new politico-economic system that has emerged, that is the specificities of its capitalism. Apart from this contribution to Mongolian studies, this dissertation will also help to understand the challenges that resource-rich countries are facing in their development process. Finally, this dissertation is proposing a new contribution to understand the reasons that led to a divergence in the economic and political transition processes followed by post-socialist countries after 1990.

Modernisation and Mongolia : A case study on Inglehart’s and Welzel’s modernisation theory and the democratisation of Mongolia

Ansar, Jasmin January 2019 (has links)
This essay is a theory testing study that aims to examine to what extent modernisation promotes democratisation. This is done by applying and testing aspects of Inglehart’s and Welzel’s revised modernisation theory to a case study of a specific country, namely Mongolia. The aspects studied are 1) trust in politicians and the political system, 2) how widespread literacy is within the nation and 3) the mass belief among the Mongolian people. The study shows that elements of each aspect are present in Mongolia and that they have indeed influenced the country’s democratisation. The study concludes by summarising the result of each aspect and stating that Mongolia’s democracy is still developing.

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