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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Condutas de discriminação entre crianças da educação infantil /

Kawashima, Rosana Akemi. January 2007 (has links)
Orientador: Raul Aragão Martins / Banca: Angela Maria de Barros Lara / Banca: Maria de Lourdes Morales Horiguela / Resumo: O tema ética e moral na escola tem sido o foco de inúmeras pesquisas e trabalhos publicados na área da Educação e da Psicologia. Ao mesmo tempo em que todos reconhecem a importância deste tema, pouca relevância tem sido dada ao tema dentro da escola. Nos estudos em psicologia moral, os termos ética e moral correlacionam-se com justiça, do mesmo modo em que foram abordados por Piaget (1994) com a teoria da moralidade infantil; como fez Turiel (1983) com a teoria dos domínios; e também como fizeram os PCNs, quando trazem o tema da justiça a ser abordado na escola. A intenção deste trabalho é abordar a questão da discriminação entre os estudantes e entender como são tratadas as pesquisas sobre o tema. Tomamos como viés de análise a violência na escola, a violência no Brasil e como a ética e a moral são praticadas no âmbito escolar. Dentro deste cenário, o estudo teve como objetivo investigar formas e evolução de pensamentos e condutas de discriminação, visando analisar como esta conduta é categorizada, e compreender seu julgamento sócio moral. O grupo pesquisado compreende crianças com 4, 5 e 6 anos de idade da Educação Infantil, da cidade de São José do Rio Preto. Como instrumentos de coleta de dados, esta pesquisa utiliza a observação e a entrevista clínica. A entrevista tem como tema uma história baseada em acontecimentos retirados do período de observação das atividades das próprias crianças investigadas. O primeiro passo revela que crianças pequenas perpetuam condutas discriminatórias, mais os meninos que as meninas. Verificou-se que a maioria das crianças considera a conduta de conflito errada dentro do domínio moral, determinada por heteronomia e obediência à autoridade. / Abstract: The topic ethics and moral in the school has been object of study of several researches and papers that has been published in the field of Education and Psychology. While every researcher recognizes the importance of the subject, not much attention has been given to it. In the studies carried out in Moral Psychology, ethics and moral are related to justice. The same correlation is established by Piaget (1994) in the theory for moral development of young children; by Turiel (1983) in the domain theory, and also in the PCNs (Brazilian National Curricular Parameters) when the topic justice is mentioned as subject to be explored in the school. The main purpose of this paper is to approach the question of the discrimination among students and to understand the way researches in the field are carried out. We conducted our investigation by examining the violence in the school, violence in Brazil and how ethics and moral are put into practice in the school. Taking that into consideration, the study had as main objective the investigation of the development of forms and thoughts and discriminatory behavior in children, trying to understand the way this behavior is ranked, and its social-moral judgment comprehended. The group studied is comprised of children in the ages of 4, 5 and 6 in the Infant School in the city of São José do Rio Preto, State of São Paulo - Brazil. The data collection instruments employed were observation and clinical interview. The topic of the interview was selected having in mind the period of observation. It was chosen according to the activities developed by the children. The first step revealed that young children perpetuate discriminatory behavior. Boys, more than girls, have a more prominent tendency to discriminate. It was also observed that most part of the children consider the question of conflict situation in the moral dominion as something wrong, when determined by heteronomy and obedience to authority. / Mestre

O julgamento sociomoral de universitários usuários de maconha /

Almeida, Eliane Sartorello de. January 2008 (has links)
Orientador: Raul Aragão Martins / Banca: Rita Mellissa Lepre / Banca: Maria de Lourdes Morales Horiguela / Resumo: O uso de substâncias psicoativas ilícitas ou lícitas, entre os jovens, é um assunto que vem sendo muito discutido pela sociedade. Uma droga bastante comum em nossa sociedade é a maconha (cannabis sativa) e o consumo desta substância, assim como o de outras drogas, pode ter conseqüências legais, sociais e físicas. O entendimento desta conduta passa pelo conhecimento de dois pontos. O primeiro ponto diz respeito à autonomia moral; descrevemos o conceito de autonomia para a Filosofia e para a Psicologia. O segundo ponto se concentra na maconha; sua história; a conduta do usuário; e dados epidemiológicos do mundo, do Brasil, de São Paulo e do Ensino Superior; e por fim a investigação do uso em um campus universitário. Dentro da Psicologia estudamos o desenvolvimento da autonomia baseados no trabalho de Piaget e planejamos uma avaliação da mesma baseados na moral judgment interview - MJI, desenvolvida por Kohlberg. A pesquisa foi realizada em duas etapas. Primeiro foi feito um levantamento do uso de diversas drogas entre 155 formandos; em seguida selecionamos usuários e não-usuários e aplicamos a MJI para avaliar seu julgamento sociomoral. Essa segunda etapa também contava com questões sobre uso abusivo de maconha que só foram respondidas por usuários. Os dados demonstraram que 23,3 % dos participantes fazem ou já fizeram uso de maconha; a maioria dos usuários (71,0%) faz uso de álcool; a religião funciona como fator de proteção ao uso de maconha; nem idade, nem sexo, nem classe social são relevantes na conduta de uso. A entrevista demonstrou que a maioria dos alunos se encontram no Nível Convencional, mais especificamente no estágio 4 e que, dos usuários de maconha, a maior parte não faz uso abusivo. / Abstract: The use of licit or illicit psychoactive substances, among young people, is a subject which has been discussed by society. A very common drug in our society is marijuana (cannabis sativa), and the consumption of this substance, as well as the use of other legal or illegal drugs, may have legal, social and physical consequences. To understand this behavior it is necessary to consider two points. The first point is about the moral autonomy; we describe the concept of autonomy to Philosophy and Psychology. The second point is centered in marijuana; its history; the user behavior; and epidemiological data from the world, from Brazil, from São Paulo and from College; and at last the research about the use in a college campus. In Psychology, we studied the development of autonomy using the work of Jean Piaget and we planned an evaluation on the same subject based on the Moral judgment interview - MJI, developed by Kohlberg. The research was organized in two stages. In the first stage we did a survey of several drugs with 155 under graduation students; then, we selected users and non-users and applied the MJI to evaluate their socio-moral judgment. This second stage also had questions about the abusive use of marijuana, which were answered only by users. Data showed that 23, 3% of the participants do or at least once did use marijuana; the majority of users (71, 0%) consume alcohol; religion works as a protection factor against the use of marijuana; nor age, gender or social group are relevant for the use behavior. The interview showed that students are at the Conventional level, most of them in the stage four, in which most of the marijuana users don't make abusive use. / Mestre

Correlação entre grau de psicopatia, nível de julgamento moral e resposta psicofisiológica em jovens infratores / Correlation between psychopathy, moral judgment level and psychophysiological response in juvenile offenders

Daniel Martins de Barros 06 May 2011 (has links)
Introdução: A psicopatia sempre foi associada a comportamentos imorais e frieza emocional, além de risco de reincidência criminal. Embora a frieza dos psicopatas seja bem estabelecida, não há consenso sobre o nível de discernimento moral desses indivíduos, existindo teorias propondo que eles não apresentam desenvolvimento moral adequado enquanto outras propõem que o que lhes falta é querer agir, não saber discernir o certo do errado. Já quando analisamos a relação entre essas três variáveis, psicopatia, imoralidade e frieza, os dados são ainda mais díspares, não existindo consenso sobre a necessidade ou não da presença de emoções para o amadurecimento moral. O estudo de sujeitos infratores encarcerados é interessante nesse contexto, uma vez que permite o controle de variáveis de confusão envolvidas nessa inter-relação, como influências ambientais, vivência criminal, grau de psicopatia, uso de drogas e QI. Em se tratando de jovens infratores, há ainda a vantagem de se estudar uma amostra homogênea quanto à idade. Objetivos: Verificar se existe correlação entre os níveis de maturidade moral e os graus de frieza emocional e de psicopatia, tomando por base uma população de jovens em medida sócio-educativa de internação na Fundação Casa. Adicionalmente, verificar a capacidade de previsão de reincidência da tradução brasileira do PCL-R. Esperou-se correlação inversa significante entre o escore da Psychopathy Checklist Revised (PCL-R) e reatividade autonômica e nível de julgamento moral. Quanto a estas duas últimas variáveis, estabelecemos como hipótese a independência entre ambas. Acreditamos ainda que infratores reincidentes iriam diferir de primários no grau de psicopatia. Métodos: Trinta jovens em medida sócio-educativa foram submetidos a avaliação: a) do grau de psicopatia com a escala PCL-R, separando fator 1 (ligado às relações interpessoais e frieza) e fator 2 (ligado a estilo de vida criminal, comportamentos antissociais); b) do nível de maturidade moral com o Socio-moral Objective Measure (SROM-SF); c) da frieza emocional, refletida na resposta psicofisiológica aferida pela atividade elétrica da pele (AEP) diante de estímulos visuais eliciadores de respostas afetivas provenientes do International Affective Picture System (IAPS). Resultados: Encontrou-se relação direta entre o fator 1 do PCL-R e a latência de resposta autonômica (teste de Spearman, p<0,005), e entre o fator 2 e o maior controle vagal (teste de Spearman, p<0,005). Não houve correlação entre a maturidade moral e o nível de psicopatia (teste de Spearman, p>0,05) ou frieza emocional (teste de Spearman, p>0,05). Os escores no PCL-R diferenciaram as populações de reincidentes e primários (teste t, p=0,0006). Conclusões: Conforme previsto, houve relação significativa entre o grau de psicopatia e a frieza emocional psicofisiologicamente aferida pela AEP. Além disso, a previsão de independência entre AEP e julgamento moral também se confirmou. Diferentemente da hipótese inicial, o grau de psicopatia não apresentou correlação com o nível de julgamento moral. Adicionalmente, verificou-se que a tradução brasileira do PCL-R demonstrou consistência ao prever a reincidência criminal na amostra estudada. / Background: Psychopathy has always been associated with immoral behavior and callousness. Although the latter characteristic is well established for psychopaths, there is no consensus regarding the level of moral discernment of these individuals: some theories suggest that they lack appropriate moral development, whilst others, that they lack only the willing to act properly. Regarding the relationship of these three variables - psychopathy, immorality and callousness - data is even less consistent. Thus, it is important to investigate incarcerated offenders, since studies with such population allow one to control for variables that may confound this inter-relationship, such as environmental influences, criminal experience, psychopathy, drug use and IQ. The investigation of juvenile offenders has additional advantages, as they form a homogeneous sample regarding age. Objectives: To verify the correlation between level of moral judgment, callousness and psychopathy in juvenile offenders incarcerated in Fundação Casa. We also wished to verify the risk prediction of the Brazilian version of the Psychopathy Checklist Revised (PCL-R). We expected to find inverse correlations between PCL-R scores and electrodermal activity and moral judgment level. Regarding the last two variables, we expected that they should be independent from each other. Finally, we expected that primary offenders would be different from recidivist ones. Methods: Thirty incarcerated young offenders were evaluated regarding: a) the degree of psychopathy according with scores on the scale PCL-R, split between factor 1 (which reflects interpersonal relationships and coldness) and factor 2 (reflecting criminal lifestyle, antisocial behaviors), b) level of moral judgment level as assessed with the Socio-moral Objective Measure-Short Form (SROM-SF), c) emotional callousness as measured through psychophysiological responses (electrodermal activity EDA) to visual stimuli from the International Affective Pictures System (IAPS). Results: We found a direct relationship between factor 1 of the PCL-R and latency of EDA response (Spearman test, p<0,005), and between factor 2 and greater vagal control (Spearman test, p<0,005). No significant relationship was found between moral maturity and level of psychopathy or callousness (Spearman test, p>0,05). PCL-R scores were able to distinguish primary from recidivist offenders (t test, p=0,0006). Conclusions: As predicted, there was a significant correlation between psychopathy levels and callousness as measured through EDA. Moreover, we also confirmed the prediction that there would be no relationship between EDA and moral judgment. However, different from what we expected, psychopathy level did not show any significant relationship with moral judgment. Additionally, it was found that the Brazilian version of the PCL-R demonstrated consistency in predicting recidivism in the sample studied.

The Use of Campus Based Restorative Justice Practices to Address Incidents of Bias: Facilitators’ Experiences

Anderson, Desiree 18 May 2018 (has links)
Student conduct plays an integral role in the functioning of an institution and the moral development of students. As multiple models of student conduct exist, such as the Model Student Conduct Code or a Restorative Justice Approach, it is critical to have an understanding of the various structures and how to choose the most effective structure for addressing the diversifying needs of the campus community. Most college and university campuses use the Model Student Conduct Code (Dannells, 1997) which tends to place a heavy emphasis on authority and is more legalistic which creates an “adversarial environment” (Lowery & Dannells, 2004) on college and university campuses. It can be argued that the traditional student conduct code does not make space for individuals to engage in dialogue and for learning to take place. The focus of this dissertation is to understand the experiences of facilitators as they develop, implement, and use restorative justice models on college and university campuses, which provide a guiding framework for dialogue between victims/harmed parties and offenders/respondents and may be better suited as a means of managing bias and hate-motivated incidents. Restorative practices have been implemented in criminal justice, and K-12 environments and are seen by some as an antidote to overly legalistic campus conduct processes (Karp, 2004). This phenomenological research explores the experiences of individuals who have facilitated a campus-based restorative process and how that experience may impact their view of and the opportunities to improve campus climate through the lens of Critical Race Theory and Models of Moral development. Through this study, conduct and other campus administrators can gain valuable information on how restorative processes are developed, how facilitators gained and maintained institutional support, and how successful facilitators find the process in meeting their goals of student learning. Campus administrators will also gain insight on the perceived effectiveness of restorative practices as a tool for managing incidents of bias and the perception of the campus climate.

Effects of the Walters Criminal Lifestyle Program on Offenders' Criminal Thinking Styles

Singher, Alessandre Singher 01 January 2017 (has links)
Researchers have documented the high prevalence of crime in society and the need for programs to assist in the reduction of crime. Social cognitive and criminal lifestyle theories were the two major theoretical frameworks applied to this study due to their focus on the influence of cognitive change on behavioral modifications. A lifestyle approach in such programs reshapes criminal thoughts and transforms criminal behaviors. The efficacy of a lifestyle program in a community correctional facility outside of federal prison walls, modified to run 3 months with parolees and probationers, lacks evidenced research. Using a 2x3 between groups factorial ANCOVA, archival data, which had not previously evaluated, was used to assess whether there were any treatment or cohort differences in criminal thinking. Archival pre and posttest data from The Psychological Inventory of Criminal Thinking Styles were collected from 3 cohort groups who participated in 5 weeks of the criminality program as compared to 5 weeks of primary group programming. Pretest scores on the criminal thinking inventory were controlled to assess the presence of any posttest differences between treatment conditions and cohorts. This study's findings reported statistically significant differences in posttest scores for the criminality program as compared to the primary group program. Using study's findings, clinicians can develop programs that assist in changing an individual's worth, values, and thinking process, which may assist in building outcomes of lower recidivism rates. These lifestyle changes can promote positive social change within the social structure of offenders, the community, and society.

Att växa som individ i ett könsfokuserat samhälle : Perspektiv på moralutveckling och ART / To develop as an individual in a sex oriented society : Perspective on moral development and ART

Granlund, Anne, Sundberg, Daniela, Wallgren, Linnea January 2013 (has links)
Moral och moralutveckling är ett komplext område som kan vara viktigt att belysa i socialt arbete, då det visat sig att ungdomar med ett normbrytande beteende ofta har en lägre moralnivå än andra ungdomar. Det kan därför hävdas att det finns ett behov av moralfrämjande insatser inom ramen för behandling. Studiens syfte är att undersöka moralutveckling och ställa detta mot behandlingsprogrammet Aggression Replacement Training för att se hur de moralbildande komponenterna är tänkta att främja normbrytande ungdomars moralutveckling. Ett vidare syfte är att undersöka hur moralteorier och ART kan förstås ur ett genusperspektiv. I Studien används scoping samt en riktad innehållsanalys för att tematisera manual, forskning och litteratur. Resultatet visar att ART:s syfte med moralträning är att ungdomar ska ledas framåt i sin moralutveckling och nå en medvetenhet kring ömsesidigt beroende mellan individ och samhälle. Behandlingsutfallet påverkas av en kombination av olika faktorer, inom och utanför behandlingsprogrammets ramar. Det är oklart huruvida det finns ett behov av att anpassa behandling utefter kön, dock kan det hävdas att det utifrån ett genusperspektiv krävs individanpassning. Diskussionen belyser att det kan finnas ett behov av att göra en distinktion mellan moraliskt resonerande och moraliskt handlande, samt så diskuteras genusperspektivets betydelse i relation till könsroller och socialisering. / Morality and moral development are complex topics that may be important to social work, as it has been found that adolescents with antisocial behavior often has a lower moral level than other juveniles. It can therefore be argued that there is a need for moral interventions when different interventions are organized. The purpose of this study is to explore moral development in relation to the treatment program Aggression Replacement Training, how the components in moral skill training are meant to promote moral development in juvenile delinquents. A further aim is to examine how moral theories and ART can be understood from a gender perspective. Methods used in this study are scoping and directed content analysis. The results show that ART:s aim with moral training is to lead juveniles forward in their moral development. A combination of factors, both within and outside the treatment program affects the treatment outcome. Whether there is a need to adjust treatment to sex is unclear, thus it can be argued that there from a gender perspective may exist a need for more personalized treatment. The discussion illuminates a need to make a distinction between moral reasoning and moral action in treatment. Furthermore the discussion considers gender perspective in relation to gender role and socialization.

Exploration of the Relationship between Moral Judgment Development and Attention

Clark, Lauren I. 01 August 2010 (has links)
Research in moral psychology has focused on understanding what factors assist in the development of moral action and decision making. The purpose of this study was to address whether variability in attention relates to moral judgment development. The reason for exploring moral judgment development was to further explore the research of Thoma and Bebeau (2008) who documented that the moral development scores of college and graduate students has been declining over time, with more college-aged students scoring in the lower levels of moral reasoning. Attention was chosen as a viable topic of research, based on the writings of Carr (2008a) who suggests that technology has had an impact on the way that individuals read and process information. College students from Western Kentucky University were recruited via the Psychology Department Study Board. Participants first took the Defining Issues Test-2 (DIT2) online and then scheduled a subsequent session in the laboratory to take the Test of Everyday Attention (TEA). The DIT2 assesses three levels of moral reasoning advancing by level: Personal Interests, Maintaining Norms, and Postconventional schemas. The TEA assesses four different types of attention: divided attention, attentional switching, selective attention, and sustained attention. In a sample of 79 college students, results revealed that stronger attention abilities were related to higher postconventional reasoning. However, decreases in attention were not related to lower personal interests reasoning. Attentional switching, selective attention, and sustained attention were particularly influential where postconventional reasoning was concerned. The trends observed in this study were somewhat expected as moral judgment development is regarded and verified as a cognitive intellectual process. In light of the information provided by the results of this study, future studies are recommended to determine how efforts to facilitate improved attention might ultimately translate to improved moral judgment development. Research has shown that interventions aimed at improving attention are successful (Kerns, Eso, & Thomson, 1999). In conclusion, this study supports the notion that attention does pertain to moral judgment scores as inferred by the DIT2. The effect of the TEA scores on the DIT2 postconventional scores was strong (R2 = .237).

Bringing up good babies : an ethnography of moral apprenticeship in Saraguro

Jenson, Jennifer J, University of Lethbridge. Faculty of Arts and Science January 2011 (has links)
This thesis is based on an ethnographic investigation of indigenous childrearing theories of the Saraguros of southern Ecuador, with particular emphasis on the effect they believe their childrearing practices to have on infants’ and toddlers’ moral apprenticeship. To understand this learning process, I focused on children from newborn to age three and their caregivers, using everyday decisions involving babywearing and sleep practices as a window onto the ways apprenticeship is practiced among Saraguros and their particular moral standards. The moral apprenticeship of Saraguro babies is therefore considered as a product of local learning styles, constructions of childhood, and infant care practices, which create cultural self-fulfilling prophecies regarding young children’s development and capabilities. Their experiential learning system is being challenged by national children’s rights programs, which are informed by universalized visions of proper childhoods, rendering early childhood in Saraguro an interesting site from which to view the process of cultural change. / ix, 211 leaves ; 29 cm

A study of the moral development and ethical issues of resident assistants at Ball State University

Boyd, Carla Linder January 1994 (has links)
Due to a living and learning work environment that is filled with role ambiguity, resident assistants often handle situations that require clear and competent ethical decision making. The purpose of this exploratory study was to examine the various aspects of ethics that affect the lives and job performance of resident assistants. Through an examination of the levels of moral development and the ethical issues faced by resident assistants, the intentionality and the quality of values education for resident assistants is hoped to be improved. One hundred and seventeen resident assistants at a mid-sized, Midwestern, public university created the sample population. All 117 participants completed the survey resulting in a 100 percent return rate.Resident assistants at Ball State University do not have a unique profile of moral development. As a group they tend to make decisions based upon the established rules of society rather than individual rights or universal principles. Results from the Defining Issues Test showed that they have a principled morality score of 37.07% in comparison to the standardized mean score for college students of 42.3%. In their work environments, they report situations involving dating or relationship issues as occurring most often. Colleagues dating their residents was perceived as the least serious out of 16 ethical situations. Situations of racial, gender, or religious intolerance were considered quite serious by the resident assistants. Out of the 117 participants, 109 resident assistants reported situations which created personal ethical or moral dilemmas. Dilemmas that included issues of the enforcement of or the belief in housing policies were reported 21 times. Director or staff conflicts involving a variety of situations were reported as an issue by 17 resident assistants. Relationships with residents that are based upon friendship and/or respect along with perceived issues of resident assistant harassment created the third largest category out of 15 categories of moral dilemmas.Resident assistants are paraprofessionals with a great amount of responsibility and are often put in situations which involve unconscious ethical decision making. Suggestions for hiring, training and role modeling are given in order to better meet the needs of resident assistants. Professionals and researchers must continue to examine the areas of moral development and ethical issues because understanding the issues that concern resident assistants is an important step in creating an ethical campus community. / Department of Secondary, Higher, and Foundations of Education

An Analysis Of The Moral Development Of George Eliot&#039 / s Characters In Middlemarch According To Lawrence Kohlberg&#039 / s Theory Of Moralization

Cetinkaya, Goksev 01 December 2003 (has links) (PDF)
This study analyzes the moral development of George Eliot&#039 / s characters in her novel Middlemarch according to Lawrence Kohlberg&#039 / s theory called &quot / The Cognitive-Developmental Theory of Moralization&quot / . Eliot&#039 / s moral view is characterized by man&#039 / s relation with other men, not man&#039 / s relation with God. As long as the individuals treat others with sympathy and understanding, they can develop morally. Eliot&#039 / s aim is to contribute to the creation of a happier society by presenting the harms of egoism. According to Kohlberg&#039 / s theory, individuals can develop their role taking abilities parallel to their cognitive developments. This development is displayed by three levels and at the heighest level an individual can go beyond the expectations of society with principles of justice and respect for basic human rights and dignity. However, although the characters in Eliot&#039 / s novel are sometimes in conflict with the society, they tend to find solutions to their problems within the social structure they live in because Eliot contends that the harmony of society is more important than the personal satisfaction and happiness of individuals for the welfare and happiness of humanity as a whole.

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