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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Let´s Dance : För att utveckla motoriken? / Let´s Dance : To develop motoric activity?

Lindh, Sarah January 2008 (has links)
Abstract Dancing and the body`s ability to express itself has been an interest of mine for a long time. For that reason I would like to find out more on how you as a pedagogue can work with dancing as a way to develop motoric activity. The purpose of my research is to find out how pree-school-pedagogue`s and sportsteacher`s are working with dancing, and also how children in a pree-school class apprehends the idea of dancing before and after a dancelesson. My question for this paper is: How can dancetutoring in pree-school develop children`s motoric activity? To find out the answer for this question I have also chosen to use relevant litterature within the subject. Since the examination covers only the answers from four pedagogue`s and six children I can not make a generell conclusion that covers all children or pree-schools. However can I show the benefits of using dancetutoring in pree-school to develop children`s motoric activity. The result showed that children and pedagogues have the same apprehension about dance, and resembles this with a movement. The children`s answers are not as self-evident as the pedagogue`s but for me, they are of equal value for my examination. Some of the benefits with using dancing to develop motoric activity are, according to litterature and pedagogue`s: strengthened motor activity, coordination, flexibility, a developed movement pattern, consciousness of the body, increased knowledge of the body and self-esteem. Keywords: dancing, motoric activity, movemnet & play. / Sammanfattning Mitt intresse för dans och kroppens uttrycksmöjligheter har funnits en längre tid, och jag vill därför ta reda på mer om hur man som pedagog kan arbeta med dansen för att utveckla motoriken. Syftet med min undersökning är att ta reda på hur förskolepedagoger och idrottslärare arbetar med dans, samt hur barn i en förskoleklass uppfattar begreppet dans innan och efter en danslektion. Min frågeställning inför undersökningen är: Hur kan dansundervisning i förskolan påverka barns motoriska utveckling? För att ta reda på svaret till dessa frågor har jag även valt att använda mig av relevant litteratur inom ämnet. Då undersökningen bara omfattar fyra pedagogers och sex barns svar så kan jag inte dra någon generell slutsats som omfattar alla barn eller förskolor. Däremot kan jag påvisa fördelarna med att använda sig av dansundervisning i förskolan för att utveckla motoriken hos barnen. Resultatet visade att barn och pedagoger har samma uppfattning om vad dans är för någonting och liknar detta med rörelse. Barnens svar är inte lika självklara som pedagogernas men är ändå för mig, av lika stort värde i min undersökning. Några av fördelarna med att använda sig av dans för att utveckla motoriken är enligt litteratur och pedagoger: en stärkt motorik, koordination, smidighet, ett utvecklat rörelsemönster, kroppsmedvetenhet, ökad kroppsuppfattning och kroppskontroll samt självkänsla. Nyckelord: dans, motorik, rörelse & lek.

”Det ska vara minst lika kul att gå ut som att vara inne" : En kvalitativ studie om förskolegårdens betydelse för barns möjlighet till motorisk stimulans och utveckling. / “It should be just as fun to go outside as being indoors" : A qualitative study about the importance of the preschool yard in furthering motoric stimulus and development in children.

Franzén, Emelie January 2015 (has links)
Tidigare forskning menar att barn i vårt samhälle är allt mer stillasittande och inte rör på sig i samma utsträckning som tidigare. Samtidigt tillbringar många barn den största delen av sin vakna tid på förskolan, därmed läggs ansvaret på förskolorna att tillgodose barn den motoriska stimulans de behöver. Oftast görs detta genom den fria leken ute på gården, och gården bör vara utformad för att bemöta varje barn på dess individuella nivå. Studier visar att förskolegårdar idag kan vara bristfälliga och att de har nedprioriterats de senaste decennierna. Tidigare forskning visar att gårdar med stora ytor och mycket växtlighet gynnar barns motoriska utveckling. Föreliggande kvalitativa studie genomfördes genom intervjuer med pedagoger från förskoleverksamhet samt miljöobservationer av förskolegårdarna. Resultatet visar att pedagogerna har stor medvetenhet kring barns behov av rörelse och att förskolegårdarna kan ha skiftade standard. Pedagogerna lyfter svårigheter att bemöta barn i skilda åldrar på samma gårdar, och att den ofta kan vara mer passande för antingen äldre eller yngre barn. Jag tycker att svaren jag fick på mina frågeställningar är positiva, men tror att studien kunde ha gett ett helt annat utfall i en annan kommun eller med ett annorlunda urval. / Previous research has showed that children in our society are becoming increasingly more sedentary. At the same time, a lot of children spend most of their waking hours at preschool, which leaves the preschools with the responsibility of making sure that every child gets the motoric stimuli that it needs. Generally, this is done through unstructured play in the yard of the preschool. The yard needs to be designed in a way that challenges every child on their own individual level. Studies show that preschool yards can be deficient and that they have been under-prioritized during the last few decades. Research shows that preschool yards with big open spaces and a lot of vegetation furthers children's motoric development. This qualitative study was carried out through interviews with preschool teachers and scientific observation of the preschool yards. The result shows that the educators have a lot of awareness when it comes to children's need for movement and also that the preschool yards can have a varying degree of sufficiency. The preschool teachers mentions difficulties with having children of different ages in the same yard, the yards are often more appropriate for either older or younger children. I think my results are positive, but I also think that the study could have had a completely different outcome in another municipality or with a different selection of preschools.

Bendrosios motorikos (judesio ir padėties) įtaka kalbinei motorikai (artikuliacijai) ikimokykliniame amžiuje / Influence of general motoric on linguistic motoric at pre-school age / Einfluß der allgemeinen Motorik für die Sprechmotorik im Vorschulalter

Baranauskienė, Jurgita 16 August 2007 (has links)
Darbe analizuota bendrosios motorikos (judesio ir padėties) atskirų komponentų, tokių kaip kūno laikysena, koordinacinių funkcijų, kūno judesių įtaka ikimokyklinio amžiaus vaikų, su kalbos neišlavėjimu dėl dizartrijos ir alalijos, tokiems kalbinės motorikos komponentams kaip artikuliacinio aparato būklei, artikuliacinio aparato judesių koordinacijai ir garsų bei žodžių artikuliacijai. Iškelta hipotezė, kad ikimokyklinio amžiaus vaikams, turintiems kalbos sutrikimų, tokie bendrosios motorikos (judesio ir padėties) komponentai kaip kūno laikysena, kūno judesių funkcijos ir koordinacija gali įtakoti artikuliacinio aparato būseną, jo judesių koordinuotumą ir kalbinę artikuliaciją. Testavimo metodu buvo atliktas tyrimas, kurio tikslas - nustatyti bendrosios motorikos (judesio ir padėties) ir kalbinės motorikos (artikuliacijos) išlavėjimą ikimokyklinio amžiaus vaikų su kalbos neišlavėjimu dėl dizartrijos ir alalijos, ir atlikus koreliacinę analizę nustatyti bendrosios motorikos (judesio ir padėties) atskirų komponentų įtaką kalbinės motorikos (artikuliacijos) atskiriems komponentams. Tyrime dalyvavo 100 ikimokyklinio amžiaus vaikų nuo 4 iki 7 metų, turinčių kalbos neišlavėjimą dėl dizartrijos ir alalijos. Empirinėje dalyje nagrinėjami koreliaciniai ryšiai tarp kūno laikysenos, koordinacinių ir kūno judesių funkcijų, artikuliacinio aparato būklės, jo judesių koordinacijos, artikuliacijos ir amžiaus. Svarbiausios empirinio tyrimo išvados: 1. Įvertinus ikimokyklinio amžiaus vaikų... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / The influence of separate components of general motoric such as carriage of the body, coordinational functions, movements of the body on such components of linguistic motoric as the state of articulatory apparatus, coordination of movements of articulatory apparatus and articulation of sounds and words of pre-school age children with language misdevelopment due to disartry and alalija is analysed in this work. The hypothesis that such components of general motoric as carriage of the body, functions of movements of the body and coordination can influence the state of articulatory apparatus, coordination of its movements and linguistic articulation of children of pre-school age with language disturbances is raised. By the method of testing the research which goal is to establish the development of general motoric and linguistic motoric (articulation) of children of pre-school age with language misdevelopment due to disartry and alalija and after the correlation analysis has been carried out to ascertain the influence of separate components of general motoric on separate components of linguistic motoric. 100 children of pre-school age from 4 to 7 years old having language misdevelopment due to disartry and alalija took part in the research. In the empirical part the correlational connections between the carriage of the body, coordinational functions and functions of the movements of the body, state of articulatory apparatus, coordination of its movements, articulation and... [to full text] / In dieser Arbeit wurde der Einfluß solcher einzelnen Komponenten der allgemeinen Motorik wie Körperhaltung, Koordinationsfunktionen und Körperbewegungen der Kinder im Vorschulalter mit Sprachstörungen wegen Dysarthrie und Alalie für solche Komponente der Sprechmotorik wie Zustand des Artikulationsapparates, Bewegungskoordination des Artikulationsapparates und die Artikulation von Lauten und Wörtern analysiert . Es wurde die Hypothese herausgehoben, daß für die vorschulaltrige Kinder, die Sprachstörungen haben, solche Komponenten der allgemeinen Motorik wie Körperhaltung, Funktionen der Körperbewegung und Koordination auf den Zustand des Artikulationsapparates, auf die Koordination seiner Bewegungen und auf die Sprechartikulation Einfluß haben können. Es wurde eine Untersuchung gemäß der Testmethoden gemacht, Ziel dieser Untersuchung – die Entwicklung der allgemeinen Motorik und der Sprechmotorik (Artikulation) der vorschulaltrigen Kinder mit Sprachstörungen wegen der Dysarthrie und Alalie festzustellen, und nach der Korrelationsanalyse den Einfluß der einzelnen Komponenten der allgemeinen Motorik für die einzelnen Komponente der Sprechmotorik festzustellen. An der Untersuchung haben 100 vorschulaltrigen Kinder von 4 bis 7 Jahren teilgenommen, die die Sprechstörungen wegen Dysarthrie und Alalie haben. Im empirischen Teil analysiert man Korrelationsverbindungen zwischen der Körperhaltung, den Koordinationsfunktionen und den Funktionen der Körperhaltung, dem Zustand des... [der volle Text, siehe weiter]

Zjištění podílu a přiměřenosti sportovní gymnastiky ve výuce tělesné výchovy na prvním stupni ZŠ vzhledem k současné úrovni pohybových schopností a dovedností dětí / Findings of sufficiency and adequacy of sports gymnastics in physical training at primary school according to current level of motor abilities and skills of children\\

POKORNÁ, Renáta January 2011 (has links)
This thesis probes the share and adequacy of gymnastics in physical education classes at primary school. Second and fourth grades of the primary school were selected for the research. Teachers of these grades were subjected to a questionnaire. These questionnaires have been prepared on the basis of educational programs of individual schools. The objective was to determine to what degree the gymnastic exercise is included in physical education classes. The evaluation was carried out by comparing the responses of individual teachers of each of the two grades and the two most important items were processed graphically. These questions are the total annual funding of physical education and gymnastic classes and also the most widely used gymnastic tools for these schools.

Analýza ručně psaného projevu u pacientů postižených neurologickými onemocněními / Analysis of hand-written text of patients with neurological disorders

Galáž, Zoltán January 2014 (has links)
The master‘s thesis deals with the analysis of the hand-written text. There is a design and a realization of a system for the purpose of diagnosing a Parkinson’s desease based on the analysis of hand-written text. The system consists from several modules and it is programmed in the programming environment of MATLAB. The first module provides pre-processing of the records to adjust records to the form suitable for the segmentation. Afterwards, the records are divided into those with signals onto the surface of the tablet and those with the signals above the surface of the tablet. In the next module the records are segmented by the two-phase metod of automatic segmentation.High-level featuresare calculated from the extracted features. The results of the statistical analysis are exported in the form suitable for the classification process. The classification is performed by the proposed model made in the programming environment of RapidMiner. The output of designed system is the trained model capable of automatic classification of the Parkinson’s disease by the analysis of the hand-written text.

Analýza ručně psaného projevu u pacientů postižených neurologickými onemocněními / Analysis of hand-written text of patients with neurological disorders

Galáž, Zoltán January 2014 (has links)
The master‘s thesis deals with the analysis of the hand-written text. There is a design and a realization of a system for the purpose of diagnosing a Parkinson’s desease based on the analysis of hand-written text. The system consists from several modules and it is programmed in the programming environment of MATLAB. The first module provides pre-processing of the records to adjust records to the form suitable for the segmentation. Afterwards, the records are divided into those with signals onto the surface of the tablet and those with the signals above the surface of the tablet. In the next module the records are segmented by the two-phase metod of automatic segmentation.High-level featuresare calculated from the extracted features. The results of the statistical analysis are exported in the form suitable for the classification process. The classification is performed by the proposed model made in the programming environment of RapidMiner. The output of designed system is the trained model capable of automatic classification of the Parkinson’s disease by the analysis of the hand-written text.

Zařazení kompenzačních cvičení v předškolním vzdělávání a jejich vliv / Inclusion of compensatory exercises in preschool education and their impact

Tymichová, Veronika January 2022 (has links)
Title: Inclusion of compensatory exercises in preschool education and their impact Objectives: The aim of this work is to verify the effect of the intervention exercise program in preschool education. The next object was to evaluate the postural position of selected group of preschool children. Methods: In our empirical-theoretical work we were used the methods of comparative analysis of literature with the topic of the work. We used input and output measurements by Matthias's test. From the initial testing of 60 preschool children we selected 7 individuals with the worst results who were included in the intervention program. After the intervention we re-evaluated the postural body position of 7 individuals together with 7 preschool children in the control group. We used the method of observation during testing and during the intervention and we used mathematical-statistical methods also. Results: We were found that in a sample of 60 children had 8.4 % poor posture but it is a better score than in similarly focused studies. Seven children with the worst evaluated results were included in the intervention exercise program. After the intervention program we measured better results in postural body position in 5 individuals. Based on the results of the experiment it can be said that compensatory...

Pedagogická diagnostika grafomotorických a vizuomotorických dovedností a možnosti jejího rozvoje u dětí předškolního věku / Educational Assessment of graphomotor skills and their development in preschool children

Bekečová, Pavlína January 2018 (has links)
The diploma thesis deals with problems of pedagogical diagnostics of the writing-motoric and visual-motoric functions and possibilities of their development in the practice of the kindergarten teacher. There are the starting points clarified in the theoretical part, which relate to the objectives, tasks, methods, forms and content of preschool education in the context of school maturity. The school readiness and its fields with a narrower focus on monitored sub- components of a school maturity and also the action and the influence of the kindergarten in this area is clarified and described. Also the professional competencies and duties of the preschool teacher are defined here. The concept of pedagogical diagnostics, the theoretical foundations of methods and instruments of pedagogical diagnostics are analyzed in details. A direct diagnostic activity in combination with the theoretical bases and approaches is stressed here. These theoretical findings are further applied in the practical with a focus on writing- motoric and visual-motoric function. The main research problem addressed in the practical part of this work are the options and ways to support children's development in the last year of kindergarten before the start of compulsory schooling and finding ways to contribute as much as possible...

Hudební činnosti v rozvoji grafomotoriky / Music Activities and Development of Graphomotory

Nevoralová, Eva January 2018 (has links)
The topic of the diploma thesis is the use of musical activities in the development of graphomotoric skills of preschool children. The theoretical section is focused on harmonising of music and movement on the level of gross and fine motoric skills. This diploma thesis analyses the musical aspect of the Czech version of the Good Start Method. The practical section presents new lessons developing graphomotoric skills with a central focus on musical and instrumental activities. The thesis provides a report on the aims, methods and progress of the field research in the preparatory classes of primary school. Part of the process is basic research into the received tempo of two songs from the Good Start Method. KEYWORDS Good Start Method, musical activities, musical skills, graphomotoric skills, gross motoric skills, fine motoric skills, rhythmic feeling

Hodnocení motorické docility adolescentů se specifickými poruchami učení a chování. / Evaluation of the motoric docility level of adolescents with specific learning and behavior disorders.

Kaňka, Ladislav January 2020 (has links)
Title: Evaluation of the motoric docility level of adolescents with specific learning and behavior disorders. Author: Bc. Ladislav Kaňka Advisor: prof. Ing. Václav Bunc, CSc. Aim of the thesis: The aim of this study is to evaluate the motoric docility level of pupils with specific learning a behavior disorders through the Iowa-Brace test and to compare the results with data from pupils without these disorders. Method: Testing motoric abilities of 13-14 year old (adolescents) with specific learning a behavior disorders through the Iowa-Brace test and later comparing to pupils who do not have any specific learning and behavior disorders. The data was processed with the program IBM SPSS Statistics 24 and then evaluated. Results: Specific learning and behavior disorders have a significant negative impact on the motoric docility level of an individual, which has been proved by poorer performance of these pupils in a test studying the motoric docility level of probands (Iowa-Brace test). The difference in the overall performance in the Iowa-Brace test depends more on the specific learning and behavior disorders than on the sex of the individual. The biggest difference between pupils with and without specific learning and behavior disorders was noticed during the exercise "Turek" (this exercise assesses...

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