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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Utveckling av beslutsstöd för hållbara val av dagvattenhantering / Decision support for sustainable stormwater management system

Brisvåg, Julia January 2017 (has links)
Förtätning av stadsmiljöer bidrar till hårdläggning och borttagande av gröna ytor i naturliga och redan exploaterade områden. Detta minskar möjlighet till infiltration och evapotranspiration av vatten, vilket ökar ytavrinning av regn- och smältvatten. Regn- och smältvatten i urbana miljöer, även kallat dagvatten, har traditionellt hanterats genom snabb avledning till VA-verk eller närmaste recipient. Idag går utvecklingen mot att hantera dagvattnet lokalt och nära källan till vattnet genom att efterlikna den naturliga vattencykeln. Den största utmaningen iatt hantera dagvatten lokalt anses inte bero på avsaknad av rätt teknik utan ett kommunikativt problem mellan berörda parter. För att främja en långsiktig och hållbar dagvattenhantering krävs en gemensam vision vid upphandlingen, vilket kräver nya forum att diskutera hur hanteringen bör gå till. En förvaltningsövergripande planering mot gemensammamål kan minimera risken att valet av system vid upphandlingfrämst styrs av ekonomi och tidigare erfarenheter. Istället kan fokus läggas på vilka lösningar som är mest hållbara i det specifika området. Att belysa detta tidigt i upphandlingsskedet skapar goda förutsättningar för genomförande. Syftet med detta examensarbete varatt ta fram ett beslutsstöd som dels underlättar den förvaltningsövergripande planeringen vid upphandling av dagvattensystem och dels främjar en hållbar hantering av dagvatten. Beslutsstödet möjliggör att hänsyn tas till det specifika områdets samhälleliga och naturgivna förutsättningar. Metoden bygger på multikriterieanalys ochstödet har designats så att det enkelt går att ta fram grundförutsättningar för jämförelsen tidigt i planeringsskedet, vilket sedan analyseras och justeras tillsammans med de parter som berörs av dagvattenhanteringen för det specifika området. Till exempel kommunala förvaltningar inom stadsplanering, miljöoch VA. Designen bygger på etablerade metoder gällande fördröjningskrav, föroreningsbelastning och dimensionering av system för dagvattenhantering. För att testa beslutsstödets relevans har en fallstudie av ett område under upphandling för exploatering i Uppsala kommun genomförts. Det framtagna beslutsstödet utgörs av fyra delar; systemalternativ, multikriterieanalys, fördröjningskrav och föroreningsbelastning. Systemalternativ ger förslag till tekniker som kan utgöra system för dagvattenhantering. Multikriterieanalys innefattar en systemanalytisk jämförelse där systemför dagvattenhanteringutvärderas och viktas enligt 21 kriterium relaterade till hållbar dagvattenhantering. Fördröjningskrav och föroreningsbelastning beräknar mängdvatten som bör fördröjas efter exploatering respektive reningseffekt på förorenat dagvatten beroende på systemalternativ. I fallstudien jämförs fyra systemalternativ frånvälgrundade utvärderingar av varje kriterium, vilket ger en hög trovärdigheti studiens utfall. Utfallet från fallstudien visar attsystem som innefattar öppenhantering av dagvatten är lämpligt i det undersökta området.Utvärderingavbeslutsstödetpekar på att stödet kanbidra till en förbättradkommunikation mellan berörda parter inom en upphandlingoch att utvalda kriterierna har potential attbidra till en hållbar dagvattenhantering under planeringsprocessen. / The ongoing urbanization contributes to decreaseinfiltration and evaporation of water, compared to natural environments. This affect the natural water cycle, leading to an increased surface runoff of rain and melt water, also known as stormwater. Stormwater has by tradition been managed by diverting it to wastewater treatment plants or to the closest receiving waters. Today, it isconsidered to be more sustainable and modern managing the stormwater locally, close to the source by imitating a natural water cycle. The problem of realizing this modern management is not caused by inadequate modern techniques, but a communicative problem between the concerned parties. To promote a long term and sustainable management, a commonvision is required. This demands new forums for discussion. All concerned partiesshould pursue a common goal to minimize the risk of the system being chosen based on economy and previous experience. Focus should be pointed to solutions that are sustainable in the specific area. This should be elucidated in the procurement stage to create good conditions for implementation. The objective with this thesis wasto elaborate a decision supportmethod, facilitating communication between the concerned parties at the procurement stage of stormwater management. The decision support will promotea long term and sustainable solution, and consider the specific area with regard to social conditions and nature. By using multiple-criteria decision analysis, systems of stormwater management will be compared based on problems and advantages of stormwater in an urban environment and an optimal solution can be identified. The decision support has been designedto easily retrieve basic conditions for the comparison early in the procurement stage, which then can be analyzed in view of opinions from the different concerned parties. The design is based on established methods concerning delay demands, pollution load and dimensioning of systems of stormwater management. To test the relevance of the decision support, a case study of an area currently under procurement for exploitation in Uppsala was performed. The developed decision support consists of four sections; “Multiple-criteria decision analysis”, “Alternatives of systems”, “Delay demands” and “Pollution load”. “Multiple-criteria decision analysis” includes analytical comparison where different systems of stormwater management are evaluated and weighted according to 21 criteria related to sustainable stormwater management. “Alternatives of systems”, suggests stormwater techniques which can form a system ofstormwater management. “Delay demands” calculates how much water that should be delayed after exploitation and “Pollution load” calculates the purification effect on polluted stormwater depending on choice of systems. The case study reveals that the support can contribute to better communication between concerned parties within procurement and that the best suited system of stormwater management for the case study area are systems that manage stormwater locally near the source of water.

Optimerad lokalisering av stationer i hyrcykelsystem : En GIS-baserad multikriterieanalys över Gävle

Vikström, Patrich, Levin, Timothy January 2016 (has links)
De senaste årens krav på hållbarhet, har tillsammans med en önskan att göra städerna renare, tystare och mer tillgängliga, resulterat i att cykeln kommit att prioriteras inom samhällsplaneringen. I syfte att främja en hållbar stadsutveckling och uppmuntra fler människor att cykla har allt fler städer valt att upprätta hyrcykelsystem. En av dessa städer är Gävle som under våren 2016 genomför en pilotstudie för att undersöka möjligheten att införa ett regionalt hyrcykelsystem riktat till pendlare. Syftet med denna studie är därför att applicera en metod för att optimera lokaliseringen av cykelstationer i ett hyrcykelsystem i Gävle. För att uppnå detta har en GIS-baserad multikriterieanalys (MKA) upprättats. Multikriterieanalysen resulterade i att ett antal platser pekades ut som lämpliga för etablering av hyrcykelsstationer. Genom vidare analys och diskussion av resultatet prioriterades antalet platser ned ytterligare. Detta mynnade ut i en rekommendation över de två lämpligaste platserna i Gävle för etablering av hyrcykelstationer. Dessa platser är Södermalm och Rådhustorget. / The desire to make our cities cleaner, quieter and more accessible has given the bicycle a higher priority in urban planning in recent years. In order to promote sustainable urban development and encourage people to cycle an increasing number of cities have chosen to set up bike-share systems. During the spring of 2016 the city of Gävle is conducting a pilot study to examine the possibility of introducing a bike-share system. The purpose of this study is therefore to apply a method to optimize the location of bike stations in a bike-share system in Gävle. To achieve this, a GIS-based multi-criteria analysis (MCA) was established. The MCA resulted in a number of sites identified as suitable for the establishment of bike-share stations. Through further analysis and discussion the number of stations was prioritized even further. This resulted in a recommendation of the two most suitable locations for establishment of bike-share stations in Gävle. These places are Södermalm and Rådhustorget.

Multi-Criteria Decision Analysis in Wind power Project Development: Case study in Latvia

Antans, Andis January 2017 (has links)
Wind Power Project Development is a complicated, capital and resource-inclusive process, where a wide variety of factors have to be considered and several stakeholders have a significant say in the process. Decision making in such an environment is complex and has to be approached comprehensively. In order to sustain a structured and clear decision-making process, the sustainable energy industry has recognized Multi-Criteria Decision Analysis (MCDA) method as a suitable set of tools to aid in the decision-making process. One of the MCDA tools – PROMETHEE II, has been examined in this master thesis, to evaluate its eligibility as a decision making aid in wind power project development. To structurally and realistically evaluate the tool, it has been applied to a case study in Ventspils region, in Latvia. The author of this thesis has a preliminary agreement with the owners of the sites to develop the project, therefore, this thesis has a strong potential for a practical implementation in future. Four scenarios have been developed for an evaluation, contributing to four variations of the different amount of turbines erected, with two different hub heights, on two differently sized sites. The scenarios are assessed based on the interests of six key stakeholders. Their opinion on twelve criteria is examined. Input data for each criterion has been generated via WindPro and MS Excel software or by authors assessment based on the researched literature. PROMETHEE II is used to extrapolate a comprehensive and clear representation of the results. The evaluation of the MCDA method proved that MCDA tools, and PROMETHEE II, in particular, can provide excellent support in decision making in wind power development. A wide variety of input data, as well as the various and often contradicting interests by different stakeholders, can be taken into account, while, at the same time, a clear result that can assist in decision making, is generated.  Wind Power Project Development is a complicated, capital and resource-inclusiveprocess, where a wide variety of factors have to be considered and severalstakeholders have a significant say in the process. Decision making in such anenvironment is complex and has to be approached comprehensively. In order to sustaina structured and clear decision making process, sustainable energy industry hasrecognized Multi-Criteria Decision Analysis (MCDA) method as a suitable set of tools toaid in the decision making process. One of the MCDA tools – PROMETHEE II, hasbeen examined in this master thesis, to evaluate its eligibility as a decision making aidin wind power project development.To structurally and realistically evaluate the tool, it has been applied on a case study inVentspils region, in Latvia. The author of this thesis has a preliminary agreement withthe owners of the sites to develop the project, therefore, this thesis has a strongpotential for a practical implementation in future. Four scenarios have been developedfor an evaluation, contributing to four variations of different amount of turbines erected, with two different hub heights, on two differently sized sites. The scenarios are assessed based on the interests of six key stakeholders. Their opinion on twelve criteria examined. Input data for each criterion has been generated via WindPro and MS Excel software orby authors assessment based on the researched literature. PROMETHEE II is used to extrapolate a comprehensive and clear representation of the results.The evaluation of the MCDA method proved that MCDA tools, and PROMETHEE II in particular, can provide excellent support in decision making in wind power development. Wide variety of input data, as well as the various and often contradicting interests by different stakeholders can be taken into account, while, at the same time, a clear result that can assist in decision making, is generated.

L'évaluation des performances des organisations implémentant les métodes Lean Manufacturing et Six Sigma : Application aux industries françaises / Evaluation of the performance of organizations that implemented Lean Manufacturing and Six Sigma methods : application to French industries

Alhuraish, Ibrahim 05 July 2016 (has links)
De nombreuses industries ont mené des recherches en vue de choisir la méthode appropriée afin d'améliorer les résultats, notamment Lean manufacturing et Six Sigma. Ce travail de thèse s’intéresse principalement à l’influence de l’implémentation de ces méthodes au sein des entreprises françaises, selon trois critères : financier, opérationnel et innovation. Les résultats de nos recherches montrent que les entreprises, appliquant Lean manufacturing et Six Sigma, sont plus efficacies pour l'amélioration des performances en matières financière et opérationnelle. Par ailleurs, les entreprises qui utilisent juste une partie des pratiques de Lean manufacturing et/ou de Six Sigma ont montré des améliorations limitées. En ce qui concerne le volet innovation, nous avons montré que l’implémentation de Lean manufacturing est suffisante pour avoir une amélioration des performances. En outre, nous avons constaté que les pratiques de Lean manufacturing et Six Sigma, telles que One Piece Flow, Kanban, 5S, etc. contribuent fortement à l’amélioration des performances. Les résultats statistiques montrent également que les facteurs clés, de la réussite de la mise en place de Lean et Six Sigma, peuvent être significativement différents selon la méthode. / Many industries conduct research in order to decide on the appropriate methodology for delivering optimal performance outcomes such as Lean Manufacturing or Six Sigma. Therefore, this research shows the influence of different categories based on the implementation method against three criteria: financial performance, operational performance and innovation performance. Research results indicate that companies implementing Lean Manufacturing and Six Sigma were more effective in improving company performance across financial and operational dynamics. Additionally, it shows companies who implemented Lean Manufacturing only saw improvements in innovation performance. Moreover, we found that Lean Manufacturing and Six Sigma practices such as One Piece Flow, Kanban, 5S, etc, supported increases in companies’ performance. The statistical results also show that the key factors for the success of Lean Manufacturing and Six Sigma implementation could differ depending on the method employed.

Anticipating a bid/no-bid decision model for an ICT service company

Emmerich, Franck January 2017 (has links)
This report analyses and describes how the bid/no-bid decisions are made at one ICT service company. The analysis is based on current available research within the area of multi criteria decision analysis to enhance the company’s decision process. It proposes how the bid engagement decision can be structured and evaluated. Through a questionnaire at the ICT company, data from its own bids was collected to identify the factors perceived to be relevant to the bid/no bid decision. It is found that the factors can vary depending on industry, market and potentially bid situation, requiring experts’ assessment of which factors to use for each bid situation. Concluding the study, an initial bid model is proposed, but with reservations due to lack of validation in real life situations. A recommendation to expand the existing bid model with probability distribution based risk estimates is made.

Vícekriteriální analýza portfolia ve spojení s parametrickým programováním / Multi-criteria portfolio analysis in conjunction with parametric programming

Hofmanová, Andrea January 2014 (has links)
The presented diploma thesis deals with the issue of multi-criteria decision making in practice. The main aim is to demonstrate the possibilities of involvement the parametric programming in multi-criteria linear programming (MCLP). The first, theoretically oriented chapter, describes the necessary theoretical knowledge. In this chapter is presented the role of financial planning together with essential relationships, by which is determined the rest of the work. This chapter also discusses the issue of multi-criteria linear programming including a description of selected a priori methods. The selected a priori methods are lexicographic method, utility function method, minimization of the distance from the ideal solution and minimal component method. The second chapter is devoted to the practical application of multi-criteria optimization portfolio with a parametric budget. For all the analyzed methods are firstly discussed models without integer conditions, and consequently their modification with these conditions. For the purpose of this work was used solver in MS Excel spreadsheet along with the created macro.

Využití matematického modelování v oblasti sociálních sítí / Use of mathematical modeling in social networks

Kříž, Jan January 2013 (has links)
The aim of this work is to create a functional specification of mobile application newly emerging asocial network for generating meetings with friends. Generating will be divided into two phases. In the first phase, we will use a mathematical model which will generate appointments with those friends that the user meets the least. In the second phase, we will use a mathematical model and multi-criteria decision making process for invitation of maximum number of friends to this meeting. Using graph theory, we will develope an algorithm which will optimize the computing system over all its users. And finally, we will define functionality for meeting friends in partner establishments in the city, which will use the principle of finding the shortest path.

A cross-layer and multi-metric routing decision making framework for MANETs

Osathanunkul, Kitisak January 2013 (has links)
Mobile Ad hoc Networks (MANETs) are re-emerging as a popular networking facility for wireless device users. A growing number of diversified applications are now accessible via wireless devices. The different applications may have different Quality of Service (QoS) requirements, which may better be satisfied by using different routing methods or metric types. Existing ad hoc network routing solutions do not consider various application-level requirements when making a routing decision. They typically make routing decisions based upon limited information acquired at the network layer. Most of the existing routing protocols make use of a single routing metric. Using a single metric type and/or information, only acquired at the network layer may not be able to accommodate different QoS requirements, imposed by diversified user-level applications or application-level data types.The aim of this thesis is to design an efficient routing function for ad hoc networks while at the same time satisfying users‟ and/or applications‟ QoS and security requirements. To achieve this, the thesis investigates and specifies routing requirements that could best support application-level QoS and security requirements in MANETs. It also investigates and critically analyses the state of the art in MANET routing, and the mechanisms used for protecting the routing functions. To overcome the weaknesses and advance the state of the art in MANET routing, this thesis proposes two major solutions. The first solution is the Secure ETX (SETX) routing protocol. It is a secure routing solution that can provide routing functions efficiently in malicious MANET environment. The SETX protocol provides a security mechanism to counter black hole attacks in MANETs on the ETX metric acquisition process. Simulation studies have been carried out and discussed in the thesis. Simulation results show that the SETX protocol can provide a marked improvement in network performances in the presence of black hole attacks, and it can do so with a negligible level of additional overhead.The second solution is a novel routing decision making called the Flexible Routing Decision (FRD) framework. The FRD framework supports routing decision making by using multiple metric types (i.e. multi-criteria routing decision making) and uses a cross-layer approach to support application-level QoS requirements. This allows users to use different routing metrics types, making the most appropriate routing decision for a given application. To accommodate the diversified application-level QoS requirements, multiple routing metric types have been identified and interpreted in the FRD framework design. The FRD framework has overcome some weaknesses exhibited by existing single metric routing decision making, used in MANETs. The performance of a routing decision making of FRD is also evaluated using NS2 simulation package. Simulation results demonstrate that the FRD framework outperforms the existing routing decision making methods.

Analýza trhu informačních systémů pro poskytovatele připojení k Internetu / Analysis of market information systems for internet service providers

Šubr, Zdeněk January 2012 (has links)
This thesis deals with specialized information systems for internet service providers. The aim of thesis is to compare specific information system of company Dupeto s.r.o. with an-other external systems. The first part of the thesis deals with the theoretical foundations, which is followed by the analysis of a market of this systems. After making choice of which systems are the propriet ones, the thesis gives a detailed description of these sys-tems. In conclusion there is a recommendation for Dupeto s.r.o. which system is the best for this company. This recommendation was achieved by the means of a multi-criteria de-cision making. This thesis is so helpful mainly for this company but it is helpful for other internet service providers too because it contains the analysis of the systems from various point of views.

Využití metod Competitive Intelligence v neziskových organizacích / How to use Competitive Intelligence in nonprofit organizations.

Dufek, Josef January 2014 (has links)
This work analyzes the possibilities of using of Competitive Intelligence in nonprofit organizations and suggests a method of implementation of Competitive Intelligence in the existing nonprofit organization. In the theoretical part I write about the nonprofit sector in the Czech Republic and selected countries of the European Union and I briefly describe the term Competitive Intelligence. In the practical part I use a questionnaire to analyze the possibilities of using of Competitive Intelligence in the nonprofit sector and after that I perform PESTEL and PORTER analyses of the SOS Children's Villages. In the end I use a multi-criteria evaluation to select the best method of the implementation of Competitive Intelligence in the analyzed organization.

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