Spelling suggestions: "subject:"mutual und"" "subject:"mutual fund""
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台灣共同基金績效持續性與基金流量之研究李愷莉, Li, Kai-Li Unknown Date (has links)
就第三部份基金績效與投資人現金流量的討論,第一,實證結果支持台灣的開放式股票型基金其績效具有持續性,但整體市場的績效持續性並不顯著,其中季資料下基金績效的持續性證據最強,此部份與論文第二部份的結論一致。第二,前一季績效佳的基金在下一季能吸引投資人較多的現金流量,但是放入市場報酬率作為解釋因子後,我們發現投資人的現金流入隨著市場報酬率的上升而提高、隨著基金報酬率的增加而減少,因此投資人買賣基金的主要考量似乎是以市場整體走勢為主,而非基金前期績效。第三,投資人買賣基金的活動對基金後續績效並無影響,這可能是基金經理人的持股比率高於法令規定,或是投資人買入贖回基金的活動對績效的影響通常在數日內即已反應完畢。最後,討論經理人的流動性交易及訊息交易對基金後續績效的影響之前,我們發現基金前期績效的持續大約維持兩個月,但是加入流動性交易及訊息交易作為解釋變數後,基金績效的持續性減弱。 / Mutual funds have been a popular investment vehicle in recent years regardless of the growth of fund assets or numbers of beneficiaries. What investors mind are that whether mutual funds can provide higher return than others, star managers can persist previous dominant performance. For the reasons, we try to examine the performance of Taiwan mutual funds by Sharpe ratio index from new insights, and study mutual fund within best performance group can maintain antecedently superior performance. Finally, we attempt to investigate the relationship between fund performance and fund flows of open-ended stock fund in Taiwan.
1. We analysis the statistical distribution of the Sharpe ratio in Taiwan Mutual Funds developed by Lo(2002) and explore fund performance. First, we construct the confidence intervals of Sharpe ratio of Taiwan stock funds under different assumption for the return-generating process is independently and identically distributed returns (IID) and Non-IID but stationary, then, annualize Monthly Sharpe ratios by Time Aggregation technique. To avoid small sampling errors, we utilize bootstrap sampling conception to simulate the small sample distribution of Sharpe ratio of stock funds. We find that (1) there are not significant evidences that mutual funds in Taiwan have superior performance than riskless rate or market returns in several conditions. (2)By Bootstrapping sampling technique, we still cannot find stock funds have comparatively better performance than market indexes from empirical result. Accordingly, we believe that the usual methods about Sharpe ratios must be modified. That is, a mutual fund with higher Sharpe ratio is not necessarily a good performance, absolutely. Cause, Sharpe ratio index is not a constant, but a random variable, and we must build up its interval estimation and then test if there are significant differences between funds performance. Consequently, we argue it is relatively important to construct the performance-ranking system of mutual funds similar the bond credit-rating.
2. We employ the mover-stayer model to study the dynamics of performance persistence of mutual funds in Taiwan. This model provides us more detailed information about and help us further understand the nature of mutual fund performance persistence. We find (1) that there exists certain degree of persistence in mutual fund performance. Such persistence is, however, not very significant. It is because most funds are mover funds with unstable performance rather than stayer funds with consistence performance. More interestingly, funds within the best and the worst performance groups have more persistent performance than those within the middle performance group. It implies that in view of the previous mediocre performance, fund managers within the middle group have strong intention to improve their future performance. In addition, the fact that the worst performance group has the highest proportion of stayer funds implies that losers are more persistent than winners in Taiwan mutual fund industry. Overall, mutual funds in Taiwan have only weak performance persistence. (2) that consistent with the literature, the degree of persistence in performance is dependent on the performance evaluation criteria. It seems that this difference of degree of persistence is reflected in the estimation of stayer fund proportion, not in the estimation of the transition probability matrix of mover funds. (3) that there exists survivorship bias in our study. It mainly influences the estimation of stayer funds proportion, not that of the transition probability matrix of mover funds. Having said that , we believe that this bias will not alter the important conclusions of this article.
3. This part studies three important issues including the performance persistence of mutual funds, the relationship between mutual fund performance and investor fund flows, and the influence of investor fund flows on the performance of mutual funds. Our analyses are based on the data of mutual funds in Taiwan with three different frequencies that include monthly, quarterly, and yearly data. The methods we utilize to perform the analyses are those from Gruber (1996) and Edelen (1999). There are three main findings in this article: (1)During the sample period from 1996 to 2004, the evidence on the performance persistence of mutual funds in Taiwan is at best weak regardless of various risk-adjusted models and data frequencies. In sum, mutual funds in Taiwan do not perform persistently no matter how their performance is measured. (2)We are not able to discover a significant relationship between mutual fund performance and investor fund flows based on monthly data. This result is not consistent with that of Gruber (1996). However, this relationship becomes stronger if we look at quarterly data. In addition, the most interesting thing is that it seems that it is the quarterly stock market return that derives most of investor fund flows rather than the quarterly mutual fund performance itself. This result implies that the key factor for investors to decide whether to invest more capital into mutual funds is the overall market performance. In other words, the market sentiment may be the most importance factor that induces investors to purchase or sell mutual funds. (3) In contrast to the results of Edelen (1999), the liquidity-trading of fund managers induced by investor fund flows does not have a significant adverse effect on fund performance. Interestingly, the contemporaneous information-trading of fund managers has significant negative impact on fund performance while that in the previous month actually improves fund performance. Furthermore, the performance persistence normally lasts for two months but it diminishes when we incorporate both the liquidity-trading and information-trading of fund managers into the regressions.
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Οικονομετρική διερεύνηση της σχέσης συναλλαγών θεσμικών επενδυτών και χρηματιστηριακών αποδόσεωνΓεωργίου, Παναγιώτης 07 January 2009 (has links)
Η παρούσα διπλωματική εργασία ερευνά την σχέση μεταξύ των συναλλαγών των μετοχικών αμοιβαίων κεφαλαίων και των χρηματιστηριακών αποδόσεων για την περίπτωση του Ελληνικού Χρηματιστηρίου για την χρονική περίοδο 1994-2002. Με την χρησιμοποίηση ποικίλων οικονομετρικών μεθόδων γίνεται έλεγχος για την ύπαρξη σχέσης συνολοκλήρωσης καθώς και κάποιας βραχυχρόνιας σχέσης μεταξύ αυτών των δύο παραγόντων, ενώ γίνεται προσπάθεια εντοπισμού κάποιας σχέσης αιτιότητας μεταξύ αυτών με βάση τον έλεγχο αιτιότητας του Granger. / This diplomatic thesis investigates the relationship between the trading of mutual funds and stock returns in the case of the Greek Stock Exchange Market, for the period 1994 - 2002. A variety of econometric methods was used to check the existence of a cointegration relationship and a kind of a short-run relationship between these two factors. Finally an attempt was made to identify causal relationships between them using the Granger causality test.
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CAPM - en vingklippt modell? : En kvantitativ studie om betavärdets påverkan på Sverigefonders avkastningNylen, Emil, Stolt, Daniel January 2015 (has links)
Idag äger många svenskar andelar i olika fonder. Detta beror delvis på att det allmänna pensionssystemet i Sverige idag består av en premiepensionsdel, där individen kan göra ett individuellt val hur dennes pensionspengar ska investeras. Gemensamt för investerare är att de vill erhålla en god avkastning. Ett vanligt sätt att bedöma förväntad avkastning i en finansiell tillgång kallas Capital Asset Pricing Model, eller CAPM. Detta är en mycket behandlad, debatterad och även kritiserad modell. Förutom CAPM utgår studien från en nyare teori som heter Black Swan theory. År 2007 presenterade Taleb sin teori om Black Swan. Han menar att en Black Swan är en händelse som avviker från det normala, har långtgående effekter och som efteråt får naturliga förklaringar. Ett potentiellt Swan-fenomen är finanskrisen. Om nu finanskrisen kan räknas som ett Swan-fenomen innebär det att den finansiella verkligheten har förändrats. Om nu den finansiella världen har påverkats så finns det anledning att tro att även modeller och deras överensstämmelse med verkligheten har påverkats. Det är detta vi i denna studie ämnar att undersöka och mynnar därför ut i frågeställningen: Var CAPM en fungerande modell gällande Sverigefonder åren 2005-2014? Studiens syfte lyder enligt följande: Att undersöka hur väl CAPM:s prediktion av förväntad avkastning i Sverigefonder stämmer överens med den faktiska avkastningen. Vi vill också genom undersökningen se ifall denna överensstämmelse har förändrats under vår undersökningsperiod och ifall detta i sådana fall kan kopplas till ett potentiellt Swan-fenomen som finanskrisen. Med teoretisk utgångspunkt i modern portföljvalsteori, CAPM och Black Swan theory undersöks sambandet mellan betavärde och avkastning i Sverigefonder. Vi utgår från en positivistisk kunskapssyn och genom en deduktiv ansats genomförs en regressionsanalys för att svara på vår frågeställning. Det empiriska materialet består av månadsavkastning från de valda fonderna, riskfri ränta och marknadsindexets avkastning. I vår studie hade vi endast ett år med signifikant positivt samband mellan beta och avkastning (som försvann i och med heteroskedasticitet i datamaterialet). Vi hade däremot ett år med negativt signifikans (2014) samtidigt som en positiv marknad, vilket inte överensstämmer med tidigare empiriska undersökningar. Vissa år ser det ut som att det finns samband genom att grafiskt titta på våra figurer i resultatdelen, men det är även år där det motsatta förhållandet finns. Med resultaten och analysen i åtanke kan vi inte förkasta nollhypotesen 2005-2013 (det finns inget samband mellan beta och avkastning).
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Learning Effects in International Portfolio Selection Incorporating Interest Rate and Exchange Rate Risks / 考慮利率與匯率風險學習效果對跨國投資的影響楊尚穎, YangS, hang-Yin Unknown Date (has links)
本研究探討於連續時間下,跨國投資者於匯率可預測下之最適投資決策問題。我們假設隨著時間改變,利用可預測之資訊動態修正投資決策。首先我們假設匯率可經由利率過程預測,探討相對風險趨避(CRRA)之投資經理人於跨國投資時之避險需求。研究方法是結合Cox與Huang (1989)之平賭方法與Lioui與Poncet (2003)於跨國投資所建構之財務模型。本研究歸納學習效果會影響匯率期望報酬,利用利率資訊會修正匯率過程之風險市場價值。最適投資決策因此受到調整因子之影響。因此投資人必須依照過濾進來的財務訊息(利率對匯率的改變)動態的調控持有之投資部位。最後,理論結果顯示投資部位必須針對可預測性下匯率避險效果作調整。 / In this study, we explore the effects of uncertainty about the exchange rate predictability on international portfolio choice in a continuous time setting. Uncertainty regarding to the predictive relation affects the optimal portfolio choice through dynamic learning, and leads to a state-dependent relation between the optimal portfolio choice and the investment time horizon. First we investigate the hedge demands in international portfolio management for constant relative risk averse investors where the exchange rate can be predicted by the change of interest rate. Then our approach is implemented through the use of the martingale methodology developed by Cox and Huang (1989) as proposed in the work of Lioui and Poncet (2003). Since the learning processes influence the premium of exchange rate movements, the crucial changes lie in the difference of market price of risk of the interest rate movements to the updated exchange rates. The constructed optimal investment strategy is influenced by the adjusted factors. Hence the investors should dynamically rebalance their holding portfolio according to the filtering mechanism. Finally, the theoretical results show that the adjustment for the optimal weights are required to reflect the prediction effects in hedging the exchange rate risks.
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The value chain of a collective investment scheme and the impact thereof on the individual investorWalters, Andries Blake 29 February 2008 (has links)
Collective investments have become a very popular investment vehicle in South Africa because it is, among other things, transparent, liquid and easily accessible. Growing investor knowledge, good market returns and its suitability for diversification, which minimizes risk, also contributes to its popularity. A value chain that adds value to the investor has developed around the collective investment scheme. The role players in this chain include the investment manager, the management company and financial intermediaries. The growth in this part of the collective investment industry has been so dynamic that regulation and the introduction of various new intermediary layers are constantly affecting the value chain and the value added for the investor. Research was conducted to assess the impact of the value chain on the behaviour of the individual investor and the effect this has on wealth creation. The literary review established that the environment surrounding this dynamic and interdependent value chain is well-regulated and that costs and investor behaviour could have a significant impact on investment returns. The empirical study revealed that the average individual investor recognizes the impact of the value chain on his investment, but perceives himself as being knowledgeable enough to avert ineffectiveness in the chain by ensuring desired investment returns through good investment decisions. Over-diversification and irresponsible switching between funds by the investor can, however, destroy value and negate the effect of long-term returns. / Business Management / M. Com. (Business Management)
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Srovnání výkonnosti v ČR nabízených fondů a ETF z pohledu korunového investora / A Performance Comparison of mutual funds and ETFs available in Czech Republic from the CZK investor's point of viewKůna, Jakub January 2012 (has links)
This diploma thesis "A Performance Comparison of in Czech Republic available mutual funds and ETFs from the view of CZK investor" elaborates on collective investing in Czech Republic; focusing on mutual funds and their exchange traded alternatives in ETFs. In the thesis, a history of Czech collective investments' development is briefly mentioned and of ETFs' beginnings in the US, also a legislative framework for the mutual funds in CZ is shortly discussed; furthermore, different approaches to fund classification based on various criteria are provided. An impact of fund fees and expenses is also analysed. A Current situation on the capital market of funds and ETFs and its trends are showed in many graphs and tables. In the second part of the thesis, author introduces not only the basic ones but also the more sophisticated methods of portfolio's or fund's performance measurements, including yields, risks, risk-adjusted yields etc... The third and last chapter aims at application of the previously mentioned methods on a selection of 20 funds and ETFs; therefore building a financial model enabling that. The analysis is viewed as from the CZK investor, thus all calculations are made in CZK.
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Inovativní financování pro pořízení nemovitostí / Innovative Financing for Acquisition of Real EstateŠafář, Vít January 2016 (has links)
Diploma thesis is focused on innovative financing for acquisition of real estate. The first part contains the basic terms of mortgage loans and mutual funds. The following part describes the methodology for evaluating the effectiveness of funding and the opportunities and risks associated with it. The second part deals with the practical applications of evaluating the effectiveness of the funding. The aim is to compare and optimize various model variants acquisition of real estate.
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A Comparative Study on Green Mutual Equity Fund’s Financial Performance : International vs Domestic Fund CompositionAiyadurai, Janusa, Brenckert, Mathias January 2020 (has links)
In this thesis the relationship between regional composition and risk-adjusted performance is evaluated concerning Swedish issued green mutual equity funds. By using three different indices; Sharpe, Jensen and Treynor, a relationship has been able to establish. The study finds no strong relationship between geographic composition and performance concerning any of the indices and thus the impact of diversifying one's portfolio has little impact. By using the Modern Portfolio Theory, Stewardship Theory, Home Bias Theory and Behavioral Finance Theory a theoretical discussion has been established in order to further examine and analyze the fundamental dynamics of this relationship. Lastly, model risk and other variables impact on performance has been investigated. Our study finds a potential model risk since our three indices results disparate. Further, ESG related factors and Morningstar ratings seem to impact performance greater than regional composition.
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Decision-making In Mutual Funds During the COVID-19 Pandemic / Beslutsfattande i svenska aktiefonder underpandemin COVID-19Galijasevic, Amar, Tegbaru, Josef January 2021 (has links)
During the beginning of 2020, the world was struck by the vicious virus COVID19, forcing societies into lockdown. Demand froze across the board and this was quickly reflected on stockmarkets worldwide. The Swedish stock market index, OMXS30, plummeted around 30% in a matter of weeks. As an investor, it can be difficult to navigate the financial market and make investment decisions during such turbulent periods. The goal of this study is to analyze the decision-making made by Swedish mutual fund managers during the turbulent market period of 2020, to identify common behavior. This is done through interviewing fund managers of major Swedish mutual funds. The results of the study imply that a specific template for decision-making amongst fund managers is difficult to create. Yet, a common and early decision during market corrections is to reduce positions in assets performing well in order to maintain fund liquidity and capture new investment opportunities created by the correction. Making decisions during market volatility is a difficult process that is dependant on factors such as investment mandates, internal resources, investment horizon and preferred valuation methods. / Under början av 2020 spreds viruset COVID19 över stora delar av världen, vilket tvingade samhällen att stänga ner och införa restriktioner för att minska smittospridningen. Efterfrågan föll på bred front och detta återspeglades snabbt på aktiemarknaderna världen över. Det svenska aktieindexet OMXS30 rasade runt 30% på ett par veckor. Under sådanna turbulentaperioder på börsen kan det vara svårt som investerare att navigera och göra rätt beslut kring investeringar. Målet med denna studie är att analysera beslutsprocessen vid investeringar hos svenska fondförvaltare under den volatila marknadsperioden 2020, för att försöka identifiera likheter. En rad intervjuer har utförts för att samla in information om förvaltarnas beslutsprocesser. Resultaten från studien visar att det är svårt att hitta en gemensam metod som fondförvaltare använder vid beslutsfattande i turbulenta marknadsperioder. Trots det, är det vanligaste och tidigaste beslutet att minska positioner i tillgångar som klarat sig väl tidigt i nedgången för att upprätthålla fondens likviditet och kunna investera i nya möjligheter skapade av börsnedgången. Att fatta beslut i fonder under marknadsvolatilitet är en svår process som är beroende av faktorer som investeringsmandat, interna resurser, placeringshorisont och värderingsmetod.
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A Study to Examine During what Market Conditions it has been Profitable with Home Bias for a Swedish Fund Manager / En studie för att undersöka under vilka marknadsförhållanden det har varit lönsamt med Home bias för en svensk fondförvaltareHilmersson, Markus, Malmgren, Erik January 2018 (has links)
This thesis in applied statistics and industrial economics examines the correlation between a number of market conditions on the Swedish and Global market and the yield difference between the Swedish stock market and the Global stock market. The report is based on data from the index MSCI Sweden Net Return, MSCI World Net Return and the Volatility index S&P 500. The market conditions that have been examined are Bull markets, Bear markets, periods of high volatility. We also examined how the appreciation of the SEK in comparison to the USD and the yield of the Swedish stock market correlated with the yield difference between the Swedish Stock Market and the Global stock market. The correlation was examined using multiple linear regression. The results indicated a positive correlation between the yield difference between the Swedish stock market and the Global stock market and the yield of the Swedish stock market, the appreciation of the SEK compared to the USD and Bull markets. We found a negative correlation with Bear markets and no correlation at all with the volatility. The results are in line with what could be expected and give a stronger statistical ground for the idea that the Swedish stock market has larger fluctuations than the Global stock market during large-scale market fluctuations. / Detta kandidatexamensarbete inom tillämpad matematik och industriell ekonomi syftar till att undersöka hur avkastningsdifferensen mellan den Svenska och Globala aktiemarknaden korrelerar med ett antal olika marknadsförhållanden. Rapporten är baserad på data från MSCI Sweden Net Return och MSCI World Net Return samt Volatilitetsindex S&P500. De marknadsförhållanden som har undersökts är Bull markets, Bear markets, perioder då det råder hög volatilitet på marknaden. Vi undersökte även avkastningsdifferensens korrelation till kronans värdeförändring gentemot den Amerikanska dollarn och korrelationen till den Svenska aktiemarknadens värdeökning. Korrelationen undersöktes genom att utföra en multipel linjär regression. Resultaten visade på en rådande positiv korrelation mellan utvecklingen på den Svenska aktiemarknaden, prisutvecklingen av den Svenska kronan mot Amerikanska dollarn samt under Bull markets. Vi fann även en negativ korrelation med Bear markets och ingen korrelation till volatiliteten. Resultaten är i linje med vad som kunde förväntas och ger en starkare statistisk grund till att den Svenska aktiemarknaden har större svängningar än den Globala aktiemarknaden vid stora marknadsfluktuationer.
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