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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Millennials och baby boomers attityder till fake news : Generationernas upplevelser av nyhetsmediers sanningshalt / Attitudes towards fake news according to millennials and baby boomers : Experience of news veracity according to generations

Adolfsson, Claes, Strömberg, Markus, Stenberg, John January 2017 (has links)
Syftet med denna uppsats var att ta reda på generationerna millennials och baby boomers inställning till mediernas sanningshalt och politiska neutralitet. Detta gjordes med hjälp av följande frågeställningar: Vilka attityder och vilken inställning har millennials och baby boomers till nyhetsmediernas sanningshalt? Finns skillnader och likheter kvar när vi väger in variablerna kön och politiskt ställningstagande?   För att definiera generationerna använde vi oss av Cliff Zukins generationsteori. Det finns flera andra teorier med olika definitioner av generationerna men vi valde att avgränsa oss till Zukins modell eftersom vi ansåg denna vara mest relevant utifrån vårt syfte. För att få ytterligare information om generationernas ställningstaganden i olika frågor har vi även utgått från Paula M Poindexters forskning i frågan, samt Göran Bolins definition av Mannheims teori. Vi har slutligen använt oss av Jesper Strömbäcks definition av dagordningsteorin när detta varit aktuellt.   Vi valde att genomföra en enkätundersökning för att på så sätt kunna nå så många respondenter som möjligt. Eftersom vi ville jämföra två specifika generationer med varandra använde vi oss av ett kvoturval. Svaren gav oss en övergripande bild av de olika generationernas attityder gentemot nyhetsmedierna.   Resultaten visade att generationstillhörighet inte påverkade det allmänna förtroendet för nyhetsmedier. När vi adderade variabeln kön blev resultatet annorlunda, den yngre generationens kvinnor hade betydligt högre förtroende än männen i samma grupp. Både de yngre och äldre männen hade en mer kritisk syn på nyhetsmediernas innehåll än kvinnorna. Detta visar att kön är en betydande variabel i frågan om förtroende.   Även politisk åsikt visade sig vara en viktig variabel. Den största skillnaden visade sig i generation baby boomers där tre fjärdedelar av de som röstar rött har ett ganska stort förtroende för nyhetsmedier. De som röstar blått i denna generation hade ett betydligt mindre förtroende.   Den största skillnaden beroende på generationstillhörighet visade sig i frågan om hur enkelt det är att upptäcka en falsk nyhet. Millennials ansåg sig ha betydligt enklare att avgöra nyheters äkthet än baby boomers. Endast två procent i den äldre generationen ansåg att det var enkelt att upptäcka, motsvarande siffra i den yngre generationen var 12 procent.   Majoriteten av alla respondenter uppgav att de tror på en stor eller ganska stor framtida ökning av falska nyheter. Det här resultatet påverkade dock inte respondenternas syn på hur enkelt det är att se om en nyhet är falsk.   Slutsatsen vi kan dra är att generationstillhörighet inte påverkar i frågan om förtroende för nyhetsmedier, däremot i hur enkelt det är att avgöra om en nyhet är sann eller falsk.Vid mätning av förtroende för nyhetsmedier var politisk åsikt den viktigaste variabeln. / The purpose of this study was to find out the generations millennials and baby boomers approach to the media's veracity and political neutrality. This was done using the following questions: What attitudes does Millennials and Baby Boomers have to the news media's veracity? Are there differences and similarities there when we look at the variables gender and political position?   To define the generations we used Cliff Zukins generation theory. There are several other theories with different definitions of generations, but we chose to limit ourselves to Zukins model because we considered this to be the most relevant to our purpose. To obtain additional information about the generation's positions on various issues, we have also assumed Paula M Poindexters research on the issue, and Göran Bolins definition of Manheims theory. Finally we used Jesper Strömbäcks definition of the agenda setting theory when it was accurate.   We chose to conduct a survey in order to be able to reach as many respondents as possible. Because we wanted to compare two specific generations with eachother, we used a quota sampling. The answers gave us an overall picture of the different generational attitudes toward the news media.   The results showed that generational affiliation did not affect public confidence in the news media. When we added the gender variable, the result is different, the younger generation of women had significantly higher confidence than men in the same group. Both the younger and the older men had a more critical view of the news media content than women. This shows that gender is a significant variable in the issue of trust.   Political opinion also turned out to be an important variable. The biggest difference was shown in the generation of baby boomers where three quarters of the red voters had a fairly strong confidence in the news media. Those who vote blue in this generation had a significantly lower confidence.   The main difference depending on generational affiliation was shown in the question of how easy it is to spot fake news. Millennials believed it was much easier to determine authenticity in news than baby boomers. Only two percent of the older generation felt that it was easy to spot, the corresponding figure in the younger generation was 12 percent.   The majority of all respondents stated that they believe in a large or fairly large future increase of false news. This result did not affect the respondents' views on how easy it is to see if the news is false.   The conclusion we can draw is that the generational affiliation does not affect the question of confidence in the news media, however, it does have an affect in how easy it is to determine if news is true or false.When measuring confidence towards the news media, political opinion was the most important variable.

Multimediální prvky online zpravodajství a jejich vliv na příjemce / Multimedia Elements of Online News and Their Impact on the Recipients

Loušová, Barbora January 2019 (has links)
Diploma thesis Multimedia Elements of Online News and Their Impact on Recipients is concerned with the transformation of today's information distribution thanks to the development of the Internet. Media institutions use this tool as means of disseminating their messages. For the same reason they also include multimedia elements to the content. Websites allow to quickly pass on information to a large number of users. Multimedia elements, such as photos, photo galleries, videos or infographics, allow to pass on additional information, but also to catch the attention of the recipients. The aim of this study is to find out how much the audience appreciates the contribution of multimedia elements and how much they can use them during processing of the information. The theoretical part therefore first defines the particular cognitive processes, such as attention, perception and memory of news articles readers. These are further reflected with the different characteristics and social background of the news content recipients. Equally important is the description of theories and researches that dealt with the influence of multimedia elements on recipients of various types of media. The theoretical knowledge is followed by quantitative research in the form of an experiment and a subsequent questionnaire....

Framing Terrorism in Nordic News Media : A study regarding acts of terror, involved actors, and political messages during 2014-2018

Bolland, Mick January 2019 (has links)
The overall aim of this study was to investigate what common trends are within the communication of acts of terror towards the public within the Nordic countries. This was done by positioning the portrayal of terrorism within the theory of framing by Entman (1993) and the model of framing terrorism by Norris, Kern and Just (2003), which provided the following sub-topics to analyze during the research in regards to terrorism: (1) problem definitions, (2) diagnoses, (3) moral evaluations, (4) treatment recommendations, and (5) political messages. The method was based on quantitative content analysis, which made use of physical, categorical, and thematic distinctions surrounding the framing of terrorism. The sample size consisted out of 138 articles which were analyzed based on these distinctions. The included articles originated from the following online editorials of publisher The Local: The Local Denmark, The Local Sweden, and The Local Norway. Results indicated an overall more objective approach from the tabloid in regards to terrorism, meaning that mostly only facts were provided but no political messages. Biases within the articles were not directly found, though a focus on male and Muslim perpetrators in regards to acts of terror was apparent. Conclusions surrounding the analysis include that the editorials generally appear to be protecting the public by not mentioning too many details surrounding acts of terror. The editorials also seemingly contribute to the avoidance of radicalizing potential actors in regards to acts of terror by leaving out details such as diagnoses and moral evaluations. The editorials were furthermore found to hold an objective tone and did not subject to sensationalism.

Behemoth of the High North : Framing of the Arctic Challenges in Russian News Media

Johansson, Daniel, Florhed, Jacob January 2019 (has links)
Klimatförändringarnasägs vara den viktigaste drivkraften för de geostrategiska förändringarna som äger rum i Arktis. Uppvärmningen av regionen medför ett antal betydande geopolitiska effekter. När det gäller dessa nya omständigheter betraktas Ryssland som en nyckelaktör. Det föreslås också av flera forskare att Ryssland använder statliga nyhetsmedier för att förmedla en Kreml-godkänd världsuppfattning tillen internationell publik. Vårt syfte med denna studie är att analysera hur den ryska tidningen RT (tidigare RussiaToday) inramar klimatförändringarnai Arktis. För att identifiera kategorier inom materialet har vi använt en kvantitativ innehållsanalys,och för att analysera inramningen harvianvänt en framinganalysbaserad på Robert Entmansprinciper. Vi fann att de största kategorierna var "klimat", "energi" och "konflikt". Inramningenbestår av en fientlig och konfliktorienterad vy över väst (främst USA) i kategorierna "energi" och "konflikt", medan en mer samarbetsorienteradram visas inom kategorin "klimat". Vi fann också att det finns en del intressen iatt utveckla Nordostpassagen, vilket kan vara ett mer realistiskt mål för Ryssland än energiutvinning i Arktis. Det finns behov av mer forskning om ämnet för att kunna diskutera Arktis framtid. / Climate change is often presented as amain driver of the geostrategic changes that are taking place in the Arctic.Russia is regarded as a key actorin this changing geopolitical landscape. Several scholarssuggests thatRussiausesstatenewsmedia to mediate a Kremlin-approved idea of the worldtowards an international audience.Thepurpose ofthis study is to analyze how the Russian newspaper RT (former Russia Today) is framing climate change in the Arctic.To identifycategories within the material,we have used a quantitative content analysis, and to analyze the framing we have used a framing analysis based on Robert Entman’s principles. We found that the largest categorieswere ‘climate’, ‘energy’and ‘conflict’. The framing consists of a hostile and conflict-oriented view of the west(mainly America)in the ‘energy’ and ‘conflict’-categories, while a more cooperative framing appears within the ‘climate’category. We also found that there aresomeinterestsin developing the Northern Sea Route, which may be a more realistic goal for Russia than energy extraction in the Arctic. There is a need for more research on this subject, to be able to discuss the future of the Arctic

Intersektionella maktrelationer inom etablerad och alternativ media : En jämförande innehållsanalys på nyheter om sexuella övergrepp / Intersectional power relations within mainstream and alternative media : A comparative content analysis on news about sexual assault

Lundh, Erik January 2019 (has links)
Efter uppkomsten av hashtaggen #metoo blev sexuella övergrepp och trakasserier ett starkt diskuterat ämne i Sverige och flertalet personer blev uthängda i media efter anklagelser om sexualbrott. Med en rådande oro om hur informationspåverkan kan vara negativ påstod flera forskare att media agerat rättegång genom att de hängts ut utan att ges chansen att försvara sig själva. Denna undersökning har därför gjort en jämförande kvantitativ innehållsanalys på två olika nyhetskällor på internet ­­– Aftonbladet och Svenska motståndsrörelsen, om deras rapportering om sexualbrott efter #metoo. Den förstnämnda är var en etablerad tidning som politiskt beskrevs som socialdemokratisk oberoende. Den andra var en alternativ tidning som sympatiserade med den alternativa högern. Det var olika benämningar inom gestaltning av förövaren, tonalitet till händelsen och volymen på artiklarna som undersöktes. Sedan tolkades resultatet hermeneutiskt utifrån ett agendasättande synsätt samt att ojämlikheter mellan de olika komponenterna bidrog till social stratifiering. Variablerna inom gestaltningen var ras, politisk inriktning, kön och namn. Undersökningen visar att det skedde en stark ojämlikhet i vem som de valt att hänga ut i media, samt hur denne beskrivs. Det var både en ojämlikhet mellan de olika två tidningarna och inom dem. Detta stärker förfarandet om informationspåverkan och uppmärksammar opartiskhet hos medierna samt vikten av källkritiskhet. / After the emerge of the hashtag #metoo, sexual abuse and harassment became a heavily debated topic in Sweden and a lot of people were portrayed in the media after allegations of sexual offenses. With an increasing concern about how the information affects can be negative, several researchers claimed that the media acted as a trial by hanging them out without giving the opportunity to defend themselves.   This thesis has therefore made comparative quantitative content analysis on two different news sources on the internet – Aftonbladet and Svenska motståndsrörelsen movement with their reporting about sex crimes following the #metoo. The first mentioned was a mainstream newspaper that politically was referred to as social-democratic independence. The second where an alternative media that sympathizes with the alternative right-movement.   There were different terms in the form of the perpetrator, tonality to the event and the volume of the articles that were investigated. Then the result was based on an agenda setting approach and that inequalities between the different components contribute to social stratification. The variables in the design were race, political orientation, gender and name.   The survey result shows that there was a strong inequality in who you choose to hang in the media, as well as how this is described. There were both an inequality between the two newspapers and within them. This strengthens the process of information impact and draws attention to the impartiality of the media and the importance of source criticism.

Iskalla maffiasvek : En kvantitativ innehållsanalys om hur organiserad brottslighet gestaltas i svensk nyhetsmedia / Ice-cold betrayal of mafia : A quantitative study about how organized crime is portrayed in Swedish news media

Fernström, Linnéa, Thunberg Aureliusson, Erika January 2018 (has links)
Brott är generellt sett ett område som motsvarar många kriterier för nyhetsvärdering inom journalistiken och ämnet lockar till läsning. När media rapporterar om olika händelser i världen får därför framförallt våldsbrott mycket publicitet. Det finns tidigare forskning som visar att medias frekventa rapportering om brott skapar en obefogad rädsla hos befolkningen. Mycket forskning kring brott i media finns både nationellt och internationellt, men denna studie fokuserar på en viss typ av brottslighets plats i media som inte alls är lika utforskat, nämligen organiserad brottslighet. Vi tittar på hur den organiserade brottsligheten gestaltas i svensk nyhetsmedia, vilka skillnader det finns i rapporteringen av denna typ av brott i jämförelse med annan kriminalitet, samt om rapporteringen i morgonpress och kvällspress skiljer sig från varandra. Undersökningen gjordes genom en kvantitativ innehållsanalys på 200 artiklar. Hälften av dessa var publicerade i Dagens Nyheter och Svenska Dagbladet som representerar morgonpress medan den andra hälften hämtats från Aftonbladet och Expressen som i undersökningen representerar kvällspress. Artiklarna är också uppdelade där 100 stycken behandlar organiserad brottslighet och de resterande 100 annan typ av kriminalitet. Undersökningen visade att rapporteringen om de olika typerna av brott skiljer sig. Organiserad brottslighet får mer fysisk plats i tidningarna då de i fler fall finns med bilder. Denna typ av kriminalitet framställs som ett större hot/risk än annan brottslighet, händelser gestaltas mer förstorat, och bilderna i dessa artiklar förstärker ofta en hotfull känsla. Organiserad brottslighet gestaltas som farligare än annan brottslighet. Vi såg utöver detta också skillnader i de olika typerna av press. Kvällspress skriver på ett mer förstorat sätt om organiserad brottslighet än vad morgonpress gör, vilket i denna studie innebär att de använder fler ord som endast finns där i syfte att förstärka olika känslor. Kvällspress använder sig också mer av bilder för att befästa de känslorna artikeln ska förmedla. Med stöd av dagordningsteorin, nyhetsvärdering och nyhetsurval, gestaltningsteorin samt kriminaljournalistik har vi utefter våra resultat analyserat och diskuterat vår forskningsfråga. Vi förstår varför organiserad brottslighet får mycket plats då den uppfyller kriterier för att skapa mediedramaturgi, men anser att det kan vara problematiskt då media med hjälp av sin gestaltning kan skapa en obefogad oro och rädsla bland publiken. Detta påverkar inte bara individen utan även samhället i stort eftersom människors bild av den kriminella världen kanske inte stämmer överens med verkligheten. Eftersom detta kan ge effekt på hela samhället anser vi att studien är relevant för makthavare i landet och Polismyndigheten. Under denna studie har det framgått att forskning om organiserad brottslighet är begränsad. Det finns dåligt med statistik och fakta om denna typ av brott och vi ser gärna att man i framtiden forskar vidare i fältet. Som påbyggnad av detta finns det inte heller mycket forskning att hitta om organiserad brottslighet i förhållande till media. Detta saknas framförallt i svensk forskning och vi skulle gärna se framtida svenska forskare fördjupa sig mer i detta område, till exempel genom en liknande studie, med ett större empiriskt material, för att få en ännu bättre bild av gestaltningen av organiserad brottslighet i media. / Crime is an area that meets the requirements for being highly valued as a news topic and is often something that attracts the readers. When media is reporting about what’s going on in the world is especially violent crimes getting much publicity. Previous research shows that medias frequent way to report about crimes creates an uncalled-for fear among the population. There is a lot of national and international research about crime in media, but this study will focus on a special type of crime and the place it has in media, namely organized crime. We look at how organized crime is portrayed in Swedish news media, which differences it is compared to other crimes, and also if morning press and tabloid press reports in different ways and in that case how. The study was done by a quantitative content analysis on 200 articles. Half of these were published in Dagens Nyheter and Svenska Dagbladet which is morning press while the other half is from Aftonbladet and Expressen which represents the tabloid press. The articles is also divided in to 100 articles about organized crimes and the remaining 100 about other crimes. The study shows that the reporting about the two types of crimes has differences. Organized crime gets more physical space in the papers due to the fact that these crimes more often has pictures in the articles. This type of crime is portrayed like a bigger threat and risk compared to other crimes, it is often written in a magnified way and the pictures is used to increase the sense of threat/risk. Organized crime is portrayed as much more dangerous than other crimes. We also saw differences in the two types of newspaper. Tabloid press is writing in a more magnified way than morning press, which in this study means that they more often use words that is only there in the purpose of increasing the sense of threat. Tabloid press is also using more pictures to fortify the feeling that the article is supposed to mediate. With the support of the agenda setting theory, valuation and selection of news, framing theory and court journalism did we along our results analyze and discuss the research question. We understand why organized crime is getting as much publicity as it does, due to the fact that it fulfills the criterias to create media dramaturgi, but we also see it as a problem as media with its portraying can create an uncalled-for fear and concern among the crowd. It does not just affect the person but also the society since the image of the criminal world that people has disagree with the reality. Since this can affect the entire society we mean that this study is relevant for rulers of the country and the police. During the study has it been stated that research about organized crime is limited. There is not much statistics and facts about this type of crime, so we would like to see more research in this field overall. Build up on this there is not much research to find about organized crime in relation to media either. Above all it is the swedish research that’s lacking in this field and we would like to see future swedish researchers immerse themselves into this field. For example, through a study like this, but with a bigger empirical data, to get a better understanding of the relationship between organized crime and media.

Enquadrando a esfera pública: a controvèrsia das cotas raciais na imprensa / Framing public sphere: the racial-quota controvesy in the brazilian press

Luiz Augusto de Souza Carneiro de Campos 06 May 2013 (has links)
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior / As investigações em torno da atuação política da imprensa costumam partir de duas posturas teóricas opostas. De um lado, alguns analistas enfatizam a importância da imprensa para a constituição de uma esfera pública nas democracias modernas. Desse prisma, ela seria encarregada de viabilizar o debate público e submeter ao escrutínio da sociedade as decisões estatais. Do outro lado, uma perspectiva mais cética defende que a imprensa não pode ser tomada como um pilar da esfera pública. Suas rotinas e estruturas a tornariam uma instância de manipulação retórica incompatível com o ideal moderno de um público deliberativo. Contudo, para além dessas oposições é importante notar que o ideal de uma deliberação pública mediada pela imprensa tem funcionado historicamente como um discurso de legitimação para a própria imprensa. Partindo da premissa de que a ideia de esfera pública é uma categoria política, esta pesquisa pretende entender de que modo alguns jornais se servem de uma dada concepção de esfera pública para se autolegitimarem enquanto pilares do debate público democrático. Através do estudo da maneira como a grande imprensa brasileira lidou com o tema das ações afirmativas raciais no ensino superior, este trabalho mostra como determinados enquadramentos midiáticos serviram para que a imprensa reivindicasse para si o status de esfera pública de debate do tema. A pesquisa se baseou numa análise de todos os textos sobre as ações afirmativas raciais no ensino superior publicados entre 2001 e 2009 nos dois principais jornais brasileiros: O Globo e Folha de S. Paulo. No total, 1.831 textos de diferentes tipos (reportagens, artigos, colunas, editoriais, cartas de leitores etc.) foram compilados e analisados a partir de Programas Computacionais de Codificação Assistida de Dados Qualitativos (CAQDAS, na sigla anglófona). A análise indica que ambos os jornais promoveram uma dramatização pública da controvérsia ao organizarem as discussões em torno das ações afirmativas raciais de acordo com determinados modelos de esfera pública. Tal dramatização não somente possibilitou que a imprensa influenciasse os destinos das ações afirmativas raciais no país, apresentando-as como medidas essencialmente polêmicas, mas também limitou a cobertura a estruturas narrativas padronizadas / News media studies usually are based on one of two theoretical perspectives. On one side, some researchers focus on the relevance of press for the constitution of the public sphere in the modern democracies. According to this point of view, the press would shelter public debate and hold governmental decisions accountable to society as a whole. On the other side, a more skeptical perspective argues that the press cannot be considered to be a pillar of the public sphere given the fact that its routines and structures are open to rhetorical manipulation, which, in turn, is incompatible with the modern ideal of a deliberative public sphere. Beyond this opposition, however, it is important to notice that the ideal of public deliberation mediated by the press have historically been used by the press itself as a means to legitimize its social and political function. By analyzing the coverage of race -based affirmative action done by two chief Brazilian quality papers, O Globo and Folha de S. Paulo, I show how the media framed it as a polarized and dramatized debate, producing at the same time a "public space" where certain voices where authorized and linked to certain positions in the debate. My database was comprised of all texts on affirmative action published by these newspapers between 2001 and 2009, and included different formats such as reportages, columns, op-ed articles, readers letters, etc.). Data analysis was performed with the help of Computer Assisted Qualitative Data Analysis Softwares (CAQDAS)

"Fördjuparen" och "Uppdateraren" - nya mönster för nyhetsanvändning för unga vuxna

Strinnholm, Anna January 2006 (has links)
<p>Abstract</p><p>Title: The “Investigator” and the “Updater” – new patterns of news use among young adults.</p><p>Number of pages: 48</p><p>Author: Anna Strinnholm</p><p>Tutor: Amelie Hössjer</p><p>Course: Media and Communications, D- level</p><p>Period: Fall of 2005</p><p>University: Division of Media and Communication, Department of Information Science, Uppsala University</p><p>Purpose/Aim: The aim of this essay is to provide an description of how daily newspaper, TV, radio and the Internet are used by young adults in order to contribute to Lennar Weibulls model “a typology of the Swedish mediasystem from an audience perspectiv”.</p><p>Method/Material: The method of gathering of empirical material has been conducted by interviewing eight people of how they use daily newspapers, TV, radio and The internet to inform themselves of the daily news. The empirical material has then been analysed by applying a two step method, of first making a summary of the interviews and secondly making a comparison with a model of Lennart Weibull “a typology of the Swedish mediasystem from an audience perspectiv” .</p><p>Main results:Two different types of ideal media users can be drawn from the empirical research, the “Investigator” and the “Updater”. The updater search for news to stay updated and relies on the Internet as main source of information. The Investigator is not satisfied with the Internet as a news media, the investigator search for news for an in debt understanding and find a daily newspaper more suitable. The difference between the media use of the investigator and the updater leads to the conclusion that Internet is not used as news media of in debt information like the daily newspaper, to be correctly understood of how it is used by young adults it should be accepted as a basic news media of providing fast and easy updated news.</p><p>Keywords: information media, news media,, daily newspaper, TV, radio the Internet, young adults, media use,</p>

"Fördjuparen" och "Uppdateraren" - nya mönster för nyhetsanvändning för unga vuxna

Strinnholm, Anna January 2006 (has links)
Abstract Title: The “Investigator” and the “Updater” – new patterns of news use among young adults. Number of pages: 48 Author: Anna Strinnholm Tutor: Amelie Hössjer Course: Media and Communications, D- level Period: Fall of 2005 University: Division of Media and Communication, Department of Information Science, Uppsala University Purpose/Aim: The aim of this essay is to provide an description of how daily newspaper, TV, radio and the Internet are used by young adults in order to contribute to Lennar Weibulls model “a typology of the Swedish mediasystem from an audience perspectiv”. Method/Material: The method of gathering of empirical material has been conducted by interviewing eight people of how they use daily newspapers, TV, radio and The internet to inform themselves of the daily news. The empirical material has then been analysed by applying a two step method, of first making a summary of the interviews and secondly making a comparison with a model of Lennart Weibull “a typology of the Swedish mediasystem from an audience perspectiv” . Main results:Two different types of ideal media users can be drawn from the empirical research, the “Investigator” and the “Updater”. The updater search for news to stay updated and relies on the Internet as main source of information. The Investigator is not satisfied with the Internet as a news media, the investigator search for news for an in debt understanding and find a daily newspaper more suitable. The difference between the media use of the investigator and the updater leads to the conclusion that Internet is not used as news media of in debt information like the daily newspaper, to be correctly understood of how it is used by young adults it should be accepted as a basic news media of providing fast and easy updated news. Keywords: information media, news media,, daily newspaper, TV, radio the Internet, young adults, media use,

Excellence in Incompetence: The Daily Show Creates a Moment of Zen

Hodgkiss, Megan Turley 04 December 2006 (has links)
Jon Stewart, the anchor and purveyor of “fake news,” has catapulted television's The Daily Show into prominence. The show functions as both a source of political humor and a vehicle for political commentary. This thesis explores how the program visually and rhetorically problematizes the hegemonic model of traditional television news, and how it tips the balance between what is considered serious news and what has become cliché about the broadcast industry.

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