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Avaliação de parâmetros neuroquímicos em fatias de hipocampo de rato submetidas à privação de oxigênio e glicoseHansel, Gisele January 2009 (has links)
Mesmo a isquemia sendo a terceira causa de morte em países industrializados, os mecanismos relacionados a esta doença ainda continuam polêmicos e obscuros. Utilizou-se a técnica de privação de oxigênio e glicose (OGD) em fatias do hipocampo de rato para investigar parâmetros mitocondriais, neurais, astrogliais e metabólicos no período de isquemia e durante o período de reoxigenação. Os resultados mostraram uma diminuição na atividade mitocondrial durante o período isquêmico que foi mantido durante todo o período de reoxigenação. Analisando o sobrenadante destas fatias submetidas à OGD, foi observado que os níveis de LDH, NSE e GFAP se elevaram. Com relação aos níveis de lactato, verificou-se sua diminuição durante todos os períodos. Os níveis de S100B estavam elevados somente durante o período de reoxigenação. Este aumento pode ser tanto um mecanismo de neuroproteção desta proteína frente ao insulto ou ainda uma liberação por dano celular astrocitário. Além disso, foi observado um grande aumento nos níveis de glutamato durante a isquemia e este aumento retornou no período de reoxigenação. Por fim, houve uma diminuição na captação de glutamato somente no período de reoxigenação. Todos estes resultados podem ser conseqüência de uma hiper-estimulação dos receptores glutamatérgicos devido ao insulto isquêmico. Em resumo, nosso estudo mostrou alterações em diversos parâmetros neuroquímicos específicos tanto no período isquêmico quanto na reoxigenação, mostrando que cada tipo celular, reage diferentemente frente ao insulto isquêmico na técnica de OGD in vitro. / Stroke is the third cause of mortality in industrialized countries, and the mechanisms related to this disease are polemic and unclear. Oxygen and glucose deprivation (OGD) in acute rat hippocampal slices was performed to investigate mitochondrial, neural, astroglial and metabolic neurochemical parameters at different ischemic and reoxygenation periods. Results showed the mitochondrial activity decrease due energy failure during ischemic insult and reoxygenation time. In the supernatant medium, LDH, NSE and glutamate levels were increased and the lactate decrease by the lack of energy observed in the ischemic period. Parameters such as GFAP, S100B and glutamate uptake suffered alterations only at the reoxygenation period. These results have shown the vulnerability of neurons facing ischemic insult. Meanwhile, it was also observed a delayed injure of astrocytes only at reoxygenation time, which demonstrate the difference between cell types at OGD. In summary, our finding has shown altered at specific neurochemical parameters in OGD in vitro which features the ischemic episodes and reoxygenation periods.
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Avaliação de parâmetros neuroquímicos em fatias de hipocampo de rato submetidas à privação de oxigênio e glicoseHansel, Gisele January 2009 (has links)
Mesmo a isquemia sendo a terceira causa de morte em países industrializados, os mecanismos relacionados a esta doença ainda continuam polêmicos e obscuros. Utilizou-se a técnica de privação de oxigênio e glicose (OGD) em fatias do hipocampo de rato para investigar parâmetros mitocondriais, neurais, astrogliais e metabólicos no período de isquemia e durante o período de reoxigenação. Os resultados mostraram uma diminuição na atividade mitocondrial durante o período isquêmico que foi mantido durante todo o período de reoxigenação. Analisando o sobrenadante destas fatias submetidas à OGD, foi observado que os níveis de LDH, NSE e GFAP se elevaram. Com relação aos níveis de lactato, verificou-se sua diminuição durante todos os períodos. Os níveis de S100B estavam elevados somente durante o período de reoxigenação. Este aumento pode ser tanto um mecanismo de neuroproteção desta proteína frente ao insulto ou ainda uma liberação por dano celular astrocitário. Além disso, foi observado um grande aumento nos níveis de glutamato durante a isquemia e este aumento retornou no período de reoxigenação. Por fim, houve uma diminuição na captação de glutamato somente no período de reoxigenação. Todos estes resultados podem ser conseqüência de uma hiper-estimulação dos receptores glutamatérgicos devido ao insulto isquêmico. Em resumo, nosso estudo mostrou alterações em diversos parâmetros neuroquímicos específicos tanto no período isquêmico quanto na reoxigenação, mostrando que cada tipo celular, reage diferentemente frente ao insulto isquêmico na técnica de OGD in vitro. / Stroke is the third cause of mortality in industrialized countries, and the mechanisms related to this disease are polemic and unclear. Oxygen and glucose deprivation (OGD) in acute rat hippocampal slices was performed to investigate mitochondrial, neural, astroglial and metabolic neurochemical parameters at different ischemic and reoxygenation periods. Results showed the mitochondrial activity decrease due energy failure during ischemic insult and reoxygenation time. In the supernatant medium, LDH, NSE and glutamate levels were increased and the lactate decrease by the lack of energy observed in the ischemic period. Parameters such as GFAP, S100B and glutamate uptake suffered alterations only at the reoxygenation period. These results have shown the vulnerability of neurons facing ischemic insult. Meanwhile, it was also observed a delayed injure of astrocytes only at reoxygenation time, which demonstrate the difference between cell types at OGD. In summary, our finding has shown altered at specific neurochemical parameters in OGD in vitro which features the ischemic episodes and reoxygenation periods.
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Abordagem por ressonância magnética do mecanismo de ação da pressão expiratória positiva nasal como forma de tratamento da apneia do sonoBraga, Carla Winei January 2012 (has links)
Esta tese de doutorado aborda o assunto apneia do sono, especialmente a síndrome de apneia e hipopneia obstrutiva do sono (SAHOS) como principal motivo de investigação. Nosso estudo teve como objetivo estudar o mecanismo fisiológico de funcionamento da válvula expiratória nasal (nEPAP) denominada Provent. Trata-se de um dispositivo descartável utilizado em ambas as narinas e que permite a inspiração normal, porém oferece resistência à expiração, fazendo com que o próprio paciente gere uma determinada pressão expiratória nasal. Este mecanismo de atuação da válvula determina algum grau de modificação na via aérea superior e no pulmão. Embora já se saiba que este dispositivo é efetivo no tratamento de pacientes com SAHOS leve e moderada3 o seu mecanismo fisiológico de funcionamento ainda não está completamente entendido. Utilizamos um método de ressonância magnética para avaliar a via aérea superior e o pulmão de pacientes em utilização do Provent nasal. Estudamos dez pacientes, 7 homens e 3 mulheres, entre 30 e 62 anos, com diagnóstico clínico de SAHOS e confirmado pela polissonografia (IAH>5 ev/h). Realizamos então, em diferentes momentos, polissonografia diagnóstica, polissonografia em uso da válvula nasal e exame de imagem (ressonância magnética). A faringe e o pulmão foram inspecionados e medidos durante alguns ciclos respiratórios, com e sem a válvula nasal. Neste estudo, validamos o exame de Ressonância Magnética para a avaliação da área transversal da via aérea superior e da capacidade residual funcional durante a respiração através da válvula nasal. Com os nossos resultados reforçamos os achados anteriores da literatura referentes aos três possíveis mecanismos de funcionamento desta válvula nasal: hiperinflação pulmonar importante aumentando a tração na traqueia, uma tendência à dilatação da faringe durante a expiração que se mantém no início da inspiração reduzindo a colapsabilidade da faringe e, finalmente, hipoventilação e aumento de PCO2. Considerando estes resultados, podemos dizer que a pressão expiratória positiva nasal pode ser uma alternativa de tratamento da SAHOS. Os resultados deste estudo são apresentados sob a forma de artigo já publicado em revista internacional de alto impacto científico (Journal of Applied Physiology). Adicionalmente, na forma de apêndice, realizamos outro estudo objetivando estudar o comportamento da SAHOS na Doença de Parkinson e as alterações ocasionadas em marcadores periféricos de lesão neuronal, especificamente a proteína S100B e a Enolase. Os transtornos do sono, incluindo os distúrbios respiratórios, são frequentes nos pacientes com Doença de Parkinson (DP), e, estudos já realizados mostram que a proteína S100B pode estar aumentada tanto em pacientes com SAHOS1 como naqueles com Doença de Parkinson2, sugerindo a possibilidade de algum grau de dano neuronal nestes pacientes quando comparados com indivíduos normais. Estes achados serviram de motivação para o estudo das variáveis neurofisiológicas do sono e do comportamento de biomarcadores em pacientes com Parkinson e, supostamente, SAHOS concomitantemente. / The issue of this doctoral thesis is Obstructive Sleep Apnea (OSA). Our study intended to clarify the mechanism of action of nEPAP (Nasal Expiratory Positive Airway Pressure), delivered with a disposable device (Provent, Ventus Medical). It has been shown to improve sleep disordered breathing (SDB) in some subjects3, but how it works is still not completely understood. We studied 10 patients, 7 males and 3 females, age between 30 and 62 years old, with clinic OSA and confirmed by sleep study (IHA>5). Sleep studies were performed in different nights, a night for diagnostic of OSA and other night under nasal valve. We did use MRI (Magnetic Resonance Imaging) to see upper airway and lung in patients wearing Provent. The present study demonstrate that significant hyperinflation (an increase in end expiratory lung volume) occurs during breathing through the device. In addition, there may be some trend to dilate the UA during expiration, and this may carry over into inspiration, providing a second mechanism to reduce the tendency of the UA to collapse in patients with SDB. Finally, we were able to show significant hypoventilation and a rise in PCO2 during breathing through the nEPAP during wakefulness, which may persist into sleep. Results are presented in the format of a paper published in a international journal with high scientific impact (Journal of Applied Physiology). In addition, as appendix, we did perform other protocol intended to study OSA in the Parkinson Disease (PD) and correlation with detectable levels of S100B and NSE, biochemical markers of neuronal damage. Sleep breathing disorders are frequent in Parkinson Disease and there are some studies showing that S100B, a known biochemical marker of astrocyte damage, is increased in both SAOS and PD1 2, suggesting a possible neuronal damage while compared to controls. These findings were motivation to investigate biochemical markers and sleep in patients with Parkinson. Our results suggest that sleep disturbance in PD causes a worse sleep quality and leads to S100B elevation during the night. Probably PD patients are suffering some degree of brain damage during the night that trigger a S100B response.
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Navier-Stokes-Gleichung gekoppelt mit dem Transport von (reaktiven) SubstanzenWeichelt, Heiko 14 April 2010 (has links)
Im Rahmen des Modellierungsseminars wurde die Kopplung einer Strömung mit der Ausbreitung einer reaktiven Substanz im Strömungsgebiet untersucht. Die Strömung wurde dabei durch die inkompressiblen Navier-Stokes-Gleichungen beschrieben. Zusätzlich wurde ein mathematisches Modell für die Ausbreitung der Substanz durch eine Diffusions-Konvektions-Gleichung bestimmt. Beide wurden durch die FEM- Sofware NAVIER berechnet und simuliert.:0 Notation 3
1 Aufgabenstellung 4
1.1 Projekt 4
1.2 Navier-Stokes-Strömung gekoppelt mit (passivem) Transport einiger (reaktiver) Substanzen 4
2 Einleitung 6
2.1 Strömungslehre 6
2.2 Regelungstheorie 7
3 Mathematische Modellierung 8
3.1 Strömungsmodellierung 8
3.2 Modell zur Ausbreitung des gelösten Stoffes 8
3.3 Gekoppeltes Modell und Randbedingungen 12
3.4 Grenzschichten 13
3.5 Feedback-Steuerung 15
4 Numerische Simulation 19
4.1 Umsetzung des Modells in NAVIER 19
4.1.1 Mathematische Grundlagen für NAVIER 20
4.1.2 Problemimplementation 21
4.2 Beispielsimulation 24
4.2.1 Gebietstriangulation 24
4.2.2 Konfigurationsdaten sowie Anfangs- und Randbedingungen 25
4.2.3 Ergebnisauswertung 28
4.3 Zusatzfunktionen für die Regelung 34
4.3.1 outflow-Funktion 34
4.3.2 Systemmatrizen 34
4.3.3 Feedback-Funktion 34
5 Zusammenfassung/Ausblick 35
5.1 Zusammenfassung 35
5.2 Ausblick 36
6 Schlusswort 37
7 Quellenverzeichnis 38
8 Verzeichnisse 39
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Dubbla karriärer hos gymnasietjejer : En kvantitativ studie om tjejers upplevelse av att kombinera idrottsutövande och studier på nationella idrottsutbildningen med inrikting fotboll / Dual Career for high school girls : A quantitative study of girls´ experience of combine sports and studies in national sports education with a focus on footballCostow, Andrea, Libell, Fanny January 2022 (has links)
Sports combined with school have become a part of Swedish society. National Sport Education gives students at secondary school an opportunity to combine school and sports to prepare for both a post-athlete career and current elite sport career. The purpose of this study is to increase knowledge about the sports background of the girls and their motive to study National sport Education. At what extent do the girls feel they had the opportunity to combine sport and education but also how does the girls see their future in sports and if their perception of a sports career has changed during their education.All the data have been collected by a quantitative survey that we sent out to all 301 girls who are final year students at National Sport Education specialized in football in Sweden. 51 girls answered the survey. The results show that the girls overall are satisfied with their education at National Sports Education and thinks the arrangements are good. According to the girls’ thoughts, the goals and expectations of the Swedish Football Association are considered a few of them are achieved. What can be understood after this survey is that girls have great ambitions overall and want to invest more in their football career. Most girls want to continue playing football in some way after high school, with a combination of jobs or studies to have something to fall back on after completing their sports career.
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A Meta-Analysis: Significance of Biofluid Biomarkers in Sports-Related Traumatic Brain InjuryOliveira, Stephanie 01 January 2022 (has links)
Background: To reduce the reliance on clinical judgment for the regulation of sports-related traumatic brain injury, identifying and measuring objective to biofluid biomarkers can provide important insight into the diagnosis (Determining the type and origin of a disorder) and prognosis (Determining the chance of survival of a disorder) of SR-TBIs. A biomarker is a qualitative or quantitative measurement that provides a measure of a subject’s physiological or pathological condition at a specific time or during a disease state. Recent literature has suggested that biomarkers can help in the screening of patients exhibiting symptoms of mild traumatic brain injury (mTBI). Despite insights from recent research, it is not clear whether biomarkers and assessments of sports-related TBI are well-aligned. The objective of this study sought to review the current literature on predictive values of biomarkers: glial fibrillary acidic protein (GFAP), calcium channel binding protein S100 subunit beta (S100β), total-tau and neuron-specific enolase (NSE) for sports-related Traumatic Brain Injuries (SR-TBIs) to improve comprehension of biological and clinical contexts that can help evaluate the use of these biomarkers in sports-related TBIs and their potential function.
Methods: The study was reported based on guidelines recommended by the Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses (PRISMA: 2020 Edition) of 8 studies related to the assessment of biomarkers concerning SR-TBI. Literature searches were carried out on PubMed, Google Scholar, ScienceDirect, and ResearchGate. With an evidentiary table, the characteristics of the studies included in the meta-analysis (n = 14 studies) were presented. A significant role for biomarkers in the management of mild traumatic brain injury is suggested by the results of this analysis. From the literature, the significance of biomarkers in SR-TBI was identified along with the biomarkers that can facilitate more accurate clinical decision-making.
Results:The initial search resulted in 73 articles, and the application of exclusion criteria and removal of duplicates resulted in the inclusion of 14 articles. Eight of the included studies were ([26], [27], [28], [30], [34], [39], [40], [41]), three were cohort studies ([25], [37], [45]) one was a pilot study [32], one interview, and an observational study [44]. The review was carried out to determine the efficacy of Biomarkers GFAP, S100β, Total-tau, and NSE to help in the screening of mild traumatic brain injury (mTBI) in patients showing symptoms. The focus is on athletes presenting at an emergency department with possible mTBI requiring a CT scan based on the application of a clinical algorithm. A forest plot was utilized, and the studies had low heterogeneity or variability (P
Conclusions: It was established that the utility of biofluid biomarkers in the prediction of mild traumatic brain injury due to SRC is significant when the markers are used in large combinations. The four biofluid biomarkers (S100β, total-tau, GFAP, NSE) under study have strong predictive ability for mTBI, and their use can reduce the number of CT scans among TBI patients participating in athletic activities. Although preliminary evidence shows that other diagnostic treatments may help to mitigate traumatic brain injury sequelae, clinical trials are needed to further test their efficacy, specifically with diverse and high-risk populations. Luckily, the research on mTBI biomarkers is rapidly advancing, and should these biomarkers be better established clinically, they could easily hold many important roles.
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An investigation of the market efficiency of the Nairobi Securities ExchangeNjuguna, Josephine M. 10 1900 (has links)
This study tests for the market efficiency of the Nairobi Securities Exchange (NSE) after the year 2000 to determine the effect of technological advancements on market efficiency. Data that is used is the NSE 20 share index over the period 2001 to 2015; and the NSE All Share Index (NSE ASI) from its initiation during 2008 to 2015. We cannot accept the Efficient Market Hypothesis (EMH) for the NSE using the serial correlation test, the unit root tests and the runs test. However, we can accept the EMH for the more robust variance ratio test. Overall, the results of the market efficiency are mixed. The most significant finding is that the efficiency of the NSE has increased since the year 2000 which suggests that advancements in technology have contributed to the increase in the market efficiency of the NSE. / Business Management / M. Com. (Business Management)
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