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Bilder av Sverige i ItalienGustafsson, Oskar January 2010 (has links)
<p><strong>Title:</strong> Images of Sweden in Italy</p><p><strong>Number of pages:</strong> 5252 (589 including enclosures)</p><p><strong>Author:</strong> Oskar Gustafsson</p><p><strong>Tutor: </strong>Martin Nilsson</p><p><strong>Course:</strong> Political Science C level – Bachelor’s Thesis</p><p><strong>Period: </strong>Spring term 2010</p><p><strong>University: </strong>School of Social Sciences</p><p>Linnaeus University</p><p><strong>Purpose/Aim:</strong> The purpose of my research study is to, through the use of political science theories on soft power and marketing theories about nation branding and in comparison to previous studies on the image of Sweden in Italy, gains a better understanding of the image of Sweden in Italy, with special focus on national political institutions and young Italians.</p><p><strong>Method: </strong>The method of analysis is a combination of qualitative methods: interviews where information about the image of Sweden amongst national political institutions were gathered and a survey where information was gathered about the image of Sweden amongst young Italians.</p><p><strong>Main results: </strong>On the basis of the results I have gained it can be concluded that a positive and well informed image of Sweden emerges when it comes to cultural and social factors but a more restricted and somewhat negative image come to light when asking national political institutions and young citizens in Italy about their views and knowledge on Swedish domestic and international politics and economics.</p><p><strong>Keywords: </strong>Soft power, Public Diplomacy, Nation Branding, Images of Sweden, Italy.</p>
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Swedish nation branding in crisis : A study on the Swedish nation branding strategy and the migration crisis' impactRosi, Alessia January 2017 (has links)
Swedish nation branding has been studied with the main purpose to contribute to the research field of integrating the nation branding concept into IR. The study conducts a detailed description of Swedish branding strategies and its government’s statements of the migration policy change, during the peak of the migration crisis of 2015 through the theoretical framework of constructivism and soft power. This has been examined with the aim of describing the evolution of the strategy and the government’s statements during the migration crisis in order to clarify how a crisis can affect future branding strategies. The findings show that in a changing international arena, there is a significant need for nations’ branding strategies to be realistic and competitive in order to be able to obtain soft power.
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Tulips, cheese and bikes? : Constructing the Netherlands through nation branding on the website Holland.comGerritsen, Anne lot January 2019 (has links)
In the globalized world of today, more and more countries are constructing themselves as authentic and unique in order to attract potential tourists. Nation branding is being used as a tool to commodify the country. This thesis is a critical discourse analysis that takes interest in examining how the Netherlands is discursively constructed as a nation brand on the website Holland.com. The thesis draws on theories of national identity, nation branding, commodification and authenticity, all from a critical point of view. Using critical discourse analysis as a method, this thesis is able to reveal the underlying ideologies and interests that are being promoted through the website. This is done by using specific tools, to discover what information is being made salient on the website and what information is being suppressed. The analysis of the website reveals three main findings: the Netherlands is constructed as authentic, with the purpose of commodifying the country to become as attractive as possible for potential visitors. Another finding shows how nation branding is used to reshape and reconstruct national history, as well as geography. Lastly, the analysis uncovers forms of nationalism found in the texts on the website.
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Nationella stereotyper i reklam / National stereotypes in advertisementWALLIN, KARIN January 2010 (has links)
AbstractBackground: Countries can be seen as brands (nation brands) with brand values that transmitto the country’s products. Country-of-origin (COO), the brands nationality, links the productto an associative network of cultural shared national stereotypes. Through associating thebrand with a country or a region, the credibility of the brand can increase and strengthen thebrand. Therefore COO is used in marketing to position a brand.Purpose: The purpose of this study is to examine how luxury fashion brands communicatetheir national identity through analyzing their advertising. The brands examined in the studyare the French brand Chanel and the British brand Burberry. To be able to answer the researchquestion, the brands’ advertising campaigns were analyzed to see whether they contain abrand personality built on a national stereotype or if there is a clear national theme or storieslinking to the national identity.Methodology:The national stereotypes of the two countries were examined through a pilotstudy. The advertising campaigns were analyzed by using an analyze model that wasdeveloped from image analyzing theories. It was then connected to the theory and the nationalstereotypes that evolved from the pilot study.Results: The results revealed in this study shows that the two different brands use theirnational identity in different ways. While Burberry has a clear British theme in theirmarketing, Chanel uses stories to link their brand personality with that of the founder CocoChanel, whom is associated with the stereotype of France. / <p>Sammanfattning</p><p>Bakgrund: Länder kan ses som varumärken (nation brands) som har varumärkesvärden som</p><p>överförs till ländernas produkter. Country-of-origin (COO), varumärkets nationalitet, länkar</p><p>produkten till ett associativt nätverk av kulturellt delade nationella stereotyper. Genom att</p><p>associera ett varumärke med ett land eller en region, kan trovärdigheten för varumärket öka</p><p>vilket förstärker varumärket. COO kommuniceras därför i reklam för positionering.</p><p>Syfte: Huvudsyftet med denna studie är att undersöka hur lyxvarumärken inom mode</p><p>kommunicerar sin nationella identitet genom att analysera deras reklamkampanjer. De</p><p>varumärken som studerades var franska Chanel och brittiska Burberry. För att svara på syftet</p><p>prövades om varumärkenas personlighet bygger på den nationella stereotypen.</p><p>Reklambilderna analyserades även för att se om det finns ett tydligt nationellt tema eller</p><p>berättelser som länkar till den nationella identiteten.</p><p>Metod: Genom en förstudie undersöktes de olika ländernas nationella stereotyper.</p><p>Reklambilderna analyserades med hjälp av en analysmodell som utvecklades från</p><p>bildanalysteorier. Analysen kopplades till teorin samt de nationella stereotyper som</p><p>framkommit genom förstudien.</p><p>Resultat: Resultatet och det som framkom i studien var att de olika varumärkena använder sig</p><p>av sin nationella identitet på olika sätt. Medan Burberry har ett tydligt brittiskt tema i sin</p><p>marknadsföring, använder Chanel berättelser som länkar varumärkespersonligheten till</p><p>grundaren Coco Chanel, som kan sammankopplas med den franska stereotypen.</p><p>Program: Textilekonomutbildningen magister</p>
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Representing Turkish national culture and Turkish-American identity in Chicago's Turkish festivalsGirit Heck, Ozge 01 May 2011 (has links)
In my dissertation I critically analyze and evaluate how the Turkish nation and culture is `performed' and `constructed' in two Turkish Festivals in Chicago: The Chicago Turkish Festival and The Chicago Turkish World Festival. I examine what this representation suggests about the complex national and cultural identity politics the Turkish Diaspora negotiate, with both their native and adoptive countries. My study draws on theories of nationalism and transnational nationalism, as well as critical cultural studies concepts including the `tourist gaze', (cultural) `spectacle', and `internal colonialism.' Because nationality festivals are public demonstrations involving a mass audience, my dissertation investigates how representations of Turkey (visual and verbal) are dependent upon the images and narratives popular among the American audience that are targeted.
In an era of globalization, the cultural representation of Turkey in these two Turkish festivals in Chicago is used for political and commercial ends to: a) form good relations with the local U.S. state officials and to help lobby for the Turkish community in Chicago; and b) open up new means of income for local artists and entrepreneurs as well as transnational businesses that attend these festivals from Turkey and other countries. The Turkish American cultural organizations, The Turkish American Cultural Alliance (TACA) and the Turkish American Society of Chicago (TASC), that organizes these festivals, in many ways take part in nationalism from abroad (transnational nationalism) when they promote the official national discourses of the homeland and receive material and moral support from the Turkish Consulate of Chicago and the Tourism and Culture Ministry in Turkey.
My dissertation demonstrates how Turkey's representation in these festivals by the two leading Turkish American organizations have become dependent on both European Orientalist discourses of the Ottoman Era that are internalized by the Turks today, as well as the very singular and monolithic nationalist discourses of the Turkey's founding fathers. I include a historical analysis of Chicago's Turkish community, including the way it was represented at Chicago's Columbian Exposition in 1893 (Chapter 2), an ethnographic analysis of the Turkish American organizations that have organized the Turkish festivals in Chicago (Chapter 3), and a critical analysis of activities and live performances that take place at both festivals (Chapter 4 & 5). My methods of study are field note observations, interviews conducted with the festival organizers and volunteers, and surveys conducted with festival participants. My research reveals that although the two Turkish American organizations, TACA and TASC, use similar national and cultural narratives, symbols, and representations, they differ in their choice of glorifying either Ottoman history or the history of the Turkish Republic, and on the degree to which Islam constitutes Turkish culture and national identity. This serves political ends as it reflects the ongoing political debates in Turkey over what social and cultural identities make up the Turkish nation.
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Traumhaftes Schweden : Eine sprachwissenschaftliche Untersuchung von der Präsentation von Schweden auf deutschsprachigen InternetseitenWiklund, Emma January 2009 (has links)
No description available.
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Thailand’s Nation Branding : A study of Thai nation-brand equity and capabilitiesPrucpairojkul, Piyada, Triamsiriworakul, Supatana January 2008 (has links)
<p>Problem:</p><p>Which of Thailand’s four main sectors that nation brands compete including tourism, FDI, export promotion, and talent attraction that should be develop a main focus in developing a stronger Nation Brand for the country comparing to other four countries in South East Asia including Singapore, Malaysia, Indonesia, and the Philippines?</p><p>Purpose:</p><p>The purpose of this paper are 1) to study and analyze the current status of Thailand’s nation brand equity and 2) to examine the feasibility in each of Thailand’s four main sectors that nation brands compete including tourism, FDI, export promotion, and talent attraction by comparing to other four countries in ASEAN including Singapore, Malaysia, the Philippines, and Indonesia in order to generate recommendations for the country in developing a stronger nation branding strategy in the future.</p><p>Method:</p><p>In order to achieve our purpose, firstly, we chose ‘Asset-based Nation brand equity’ model to collect the information and perform analysis on the contribution of both nation internal and external assets towards nation brand equity. Secondly, ‘Nation brand internal analysis’ model was chosen in order to be a guideline for gathering data and performing analysis on Thailand’s nation brand capability in each of the 4 main sectors comparing to the other four countries. In addition, due to our research topic and limited time frame, we would rely on secondary sources as our main source of information with some guidance from our primary source. After the analysis had been performed, we had reached the conclusion and generated recommendation for our target group</p><p>Conclusion:</p><p>For the analysis of Nation brand equity, Thailand has equipped relatively strong internal assets both innate and nurtured as the country is rich with beautiful landscape and fascinating culture together with a strong support for the art from both governmental and private sectors. However, as for external assets, both disseminated and vicarious assets of Thailand still weakly contribute to the strength of the nation equity. Due to these reasons, we have recommended Thai governmental units to set up the organizations to improve the quality of disseminated asset and also start cooperation with private sector in order to come up with external portrayal in popular culture that can effective represent and enhance the country’s image.</p><p>As for the result of ‘Nation brand internal analysis’, Thailand has shown moderate to high capability in the Export Promotion sector which was the highest among the other 3 sectors. However, based on the data in the analysis part, there are still lots of things needed to be done both by Thai governmental units and private sector in order to boost the country’s nation brand capability to achieve competitive advantage in the international market in the long run. According to this point, we had listed some recommendations for the governmental units to use as a general guideline in obtaining a strong nation brand that could help the country become more competitive in the global market.</p>
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Sverigebilden : Marknadsföringen av Sverige i utlandetHeijbel, Edit, Appert, Jonas January 2007 (has links)
<p>Vårt syfte med föreliggande uppsats är att beskriva och förklara hur den svenska staten bygger</p><p>upp och utvecklar bilden av Sverige mot omvärlden. Vi har frågat oss hur det kommer sig att Sverige har ett av världens starkaste varumärken när landet inte på något sätt är världens rikaste</p><p>land, största exportör, största mottagare av utländska investeringar eller främsta turistmål.</p><p>Metodmässigt bygger vårt arbete på en fallstudie där vi intervjuat representanter för fyra myndigheter som arbetar med marknadsföring av Sverige mot utlandet tillsammans i Nämnden för Sverigebilden i utlandet; Svenska Institutet, Invest in Sweden Agency, Visit Sweden och Exportrådet. Vi har arbetat hermeneutiskt där vi försökt att förstå våra fallföretag och deras agerande.</p><p>Vår slutsats är att ekonomiskt sett är Sverige inte det mest framgångsrika landet men när det kommer till att marknadsföra bilden av Sverige så finns det en stark och planerad strategi som</p><p>bygger på samverkan mellan de olika aktörerna i Nämnden för Sverigebilden i utlandet. Det samarbete som vi kartlagt i denna uppsats anser vi till viss del förklarar den starka bilden av</p><p>Sverige. Den största delen av förklaringen, menar vi, är emellertid den goda bild som redan finns av Sverige i utlandet och som växt fram under tidens gång, tack vare ett antal särskiljande</p><p>positiva faktorer som behandlas i uppsatsen. Den övervägande positiva varumärkesbilden gör att även allvarliga problem som det svenska samhället utsätts för tycks i omvärldens ögon tolkas mer</p><p>som undantag som bekräftar regeln.</p>
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Re-Branding A Nation Online : Discourses on Polish Nationalism and PatriotismKania-Lundholm, Magdalena January 2012 (has links)
The aim of this dissertation is two-fold. First, the discussion seeks to understand the concepts of nationalism and patriotism and how they relate to one another. In respect to the more critical literature concerning nationalism, it asks whether these two concepts are as different as is sometimes assumed. Furthermore, by problematizing nation-branding as an “updated” form of nationalism, it seeks to understand whether we are facing the possible emergence of a new type of nationalism. Second, the study endeavors to discursively analyze the ”bottom-up” processes of national reproduction and re-definition in an online, post-socialist context through an empirical examination of the online debate and polemic about the new Polish patriotism. The dissertation argues that approaching nationalism as a broad phenomenon and ideology which operates discursively is helpful for understanding patriotism as an element of the nationalist rhetoric that can be employed to study national unity, sameness, and difference. Emphasizing patriotism within the Central European context as neither an alternative to nor as a type of nationalism may make it possible to explain the popularity and continuous endurance of nationalism and of practices of national identification in different and changing contexts. Instead of facing a new type of nationalism, we can then speak of new forms of engagement which take place in cyberspace that contribute to the process of reproduction of nationalism. The growing field of nation-branding, with both its practical and political implications, is presented as one of the ways in which nationalism is reproduced and maintained as a form of “soft” rather than “hard” power within the global context. The concept of nation re-branding is introduced in order to account for the role that citizens play in the process of nation branding, which has often been neglected in the literature. This concept is utilized to critically examine, understand, and explain the dynamics of nation brand construction and re-definition, with a particular focus on the discursive practices of citizens in cyberspace. It is argued that citizens in the post-socialist countries, including Poland, can engage in the process of nation re-branding online. It is also argued that this process of online nation re-branding may legitimately be regarded as a type of civic practice through which citizens connect with each other and reproduce a form of cultural national intimacy. The results of the analysis of the online empirical material illustrate that nation re-branding is a complex, dynamic, and ambivalent phenomenon. It involves a process of discursive negotiation of nation and of national identity, but also challenges, dismantles, and transforms the national image as it is communicated both internally and externally. This reveals nation re-branding as an element in the post-socialist transformation from a ”nation” to a ”Western,” ”modern,” and ”normal” country in which dealing with an ”old” nation brand is as equally important as the introduction of the new brand. Nationalism does not disappear in the digital age, but rather becomes part of the new way of doing politics online, whereby citizens are potentially granted a form of agency in the democratic process.
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Nation Branding : Profilering av varumärket Sverige med ett webbperspektivBengtsson, Janna, Söderberg, Marie January 2009 (has links)
Nation branding innebär att profilera och varumärka ett land. Här ingår att kommunicera immateriella värden såsom det upplevelsebaserade, och att visa på det unika med landet. Globaliseringen har skapat förändringar som gör att Sverige inte längre klarar sig på att vara välkända enbart i Europa. Ökad handel med områden där Sverige är relativt okänt betyder att Sverige måste kommunicera sitt varumärke på ett nytt sätt. Syftet med studien är att undersöka hur kommunikationen för profileringen av Sveriges nation branding ser ut, med fokus på webben som kanal. Utifrån teorier om globalisering, pr, varumärkning och användbarhet på webben, har vi utfört studien i två delar. Inledningsvis genom kvalitativa intervjuer med utvalda representanter för Sveriges nation branding, därefter genom en kvalitativ innehållsanalys på deras webbsidor. Enligt resultatet drar vi slutsatserna att grunden för en enhetlig profilering av Sverigebilden i utlandet sker utifrån en gemensamt framtagen varumärkesplattform och Sverigeportalen Sweden.se. Målgruppen definieras enligt empirin som en progressiv grupp i utlandet, och webben är en viktig kanal för Sveriges nation branding. Regelbundna studier genomförs också av de ansvariga organisationerna för att utvärdera hur väl den önskade bilden av Sverige når ut till målgruppen. Nation branding för varumärket Sverige tycks mer handla om Sverige som en mental plats än en fysisk plats. Detta skulle kunna vara ett sätt för landet att differentiera sig. Avslutningsvis väljer vi att inkludera ett kort kapitel om fortsatt forskning, där vi ger förslag på vidare studier kring några av de ämnen och företeelser som framkommit i studien.
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