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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.


LIVIA LAZZARO REZENDE 26 November 2003 (has links)
[pt] A presente dissertação parte de um estudo de caso para pensar questões mais amplas acerca da História do Design e da História Brasileira. A partir do último quartel do século XIX (do Segundo Reinado até a proclamação da República) quem desejasse registrar e assegurar a exclusividade de sua marca comercial deveria depositá-la nas Juntas Comerciais espalhadas pelo território nacional. Na Corte foi-se formando uma coleção de rótulos impressos em litografia que continham os mais diversos textos, imagens, propósitos, procedências e compromissos. Quando o registro de marcas pela Junta cessou com o advento da República, os livros- registro foram arquivados e posteriormente adquiridos pelo Arquivo Nacional como exemplares da cultura material oitocentista. Apesar de ser fonte rica para diversos estudos históricos, principalmente os interessados em imagem e comunicação visual, a coleção de rótulos esteve por mais de cem anos esquecida e mantida inativa como agente social. Um recorte temático foi imposto sobre os quase mil rótulos encontrados. Foram selecionados para análise gráfica aqueles exemplares que traziam a imagem do indígena (19 no total) e problematizados à luz da questões da identidade nacional e modernidade discutidas no século XIX. Através dos esforços da presente pesquisa procuramos não apenas recuperar parte da nossa cultura material como apontar novas propostas de entendimento e de narrativa para nossa própria história hoje em dia. / [en] The present research begins as a case study to re-think wider subjects concerning Design History and Brazilian History. For the last twenty-five years of nineteenth century (from the Second Reign to the Republic) the one who wanted to register and reassure the exclusivity of his commercial mark should deposit one sample in any Commercial Board established on national territory. In the Court, the gathering of the lithographic labelssample assembled also a vast sort of texts, images, purposes, origins and commitments. When this process finished with the Republic, the registry- books were filed and lately absorbed by the National Archive as components of the nineteenth century material culture. Although it being a rich source for multiple historical studies, especially those regarded with images and visual communication, the collection of labels was for more than a hundred years forgotten and kept inactive as a social agent. One thematic focus was laid over the almost thousand found labels. Were separate for graphic analysis those who carried the image of the Brazilian native (19 in total). They were analyzed concerning the debate around national identity and modernity taken throughout the nineteenth century. Through the efforts of this research we tried not only to recuperate part of our material culture but also to point out new forms of understanding and reporting to our own history nowadays.

Genre memory in the twenty-first century American war film : how post-9/11 American war cinema reinvents genre codes and notions of national identity

Trafton, John January 2013 (has links)
In this thesis, I argue that twenty-first century American war films are constructed in dialogue with the past, repurposing earlier forms of war representation by evoking the visual and narrative memory of the past that is embedded in genre form—what Mikhail Bakhtin calls 'genre memory.' Comparing post-9/11 war films with Vietnam War films, my project examines how contemporary war films envision war's impact on culture and social space, explore how war refashions ideas about race and national identity, and re-imagine war's rewriting of the human psyche. My research expands on earlier research and departs from traditional approaches to the war film genre by locating the American Civil War at the origin of this genre memory, and, in doing so, argues that nineteenth century documentation of the Civil War serves as a rehearsal for the twentieth and twenty-first century war film. Constructed in explicit relation to the Vietnam film, I argue that post-9/11 war films rehearse the history of war representation in American culture while also emphasizing the radically different culture of the present day. Rather than representing a departure from past forms of war representation, as has been argued by many theorists, I show that contemporary American war films can be seen as the latest chapter in a long history of reimagining American military and cultural history in pictorial and narrative form.

O leitor e a identidade nacional na contística de Mário de Andrade

Knapp, Cristina Löff January 2010 (has links)
Mário de Andrade foi um dos ícones do Movimento Modernista, um autor de fundamental importância para a consolidação do conto moderno na Literatura Brasileira. Seus escritos reúnem vários gêneros. Nosso foco de estudo será a sua contística: suas três obras de contos Primeiro Andar (1926), Contos de Belazarte (1934) e Contos Novos (1947). Sabe-se da escassez de estudos sobre os contos marioandradeanos, e isso justifica a escolha de nosso corpus de pesquisa. Nossa intenção será enfatizar o modo como o autor modernista entendeu o gênero conto e como esse mesmo gênero teve uma grande evolução ao longo de sua produção. Dessa forma, ficará clara a contribuição de Mário para a consolidação do conto moderno em nosso país. Além disso, perseguiremos outra questão: a relação texto, autor e leitor. Assim, iremos constatar como se dá a relação do autor Mário de Andrade com o seu leitor. Na verdade, os contos marioandradeanos exigem um tipo de leitor participativo, que consiga ler, compreender, interpretar e completar o real sentido do texto. Além disso, esse leitor deverá perceber que o autor utiliza alguns recursos como a oralidade para estabelecer uma relação mais próxima com o seu leitor. Também será focalizada no presente estudo a questão da identidade nacional: como Mário de Andrade a entendeu e como a incorporou em seus contos. Podemos constatar que o autor utiliza a linguagem como um dos recursos mais importantes para definir essa questão. Levando em conta o que tem sido discutido pelas teorias modernas sobre identidade, o presente trabalho também procura mostrar como a contística de Mário se aproxima ou se afasta dessa visão mais contemporânea de identidade. / Mario de Andrade was one of the icons of Modernist Movement, an author of fundamental importance for the consolidation of modern short stories in Brazilian Literature. His writings gather many genres. The focus of this study is Mario de Andrade‘s three books stories: Primeiro Andar (1926), Contos de Belazarte (1934), and Contos Novos (1947). Such focus has been chosen taking into consideration that Mario de Andrade‘s short stories have not been fairly explored to date, which therefore justifies the corpus of the present research. Our intention is to emphasize the way that the Modernist author understood the genre short story and how such genre evolved along his writings. Thus, Mario de Andrade‘s contribution for the consolidation of modern short stories in our country shall be clear. Notwithstanding, another topic shall be addressed in this study: the relationship text-author-reader, which aims at grasping how the author relates to his reader. In fact, marioandradeano short stories request a participative type of reader, whom may read, comprehend, interpret, and complete the real meaning of the text as well as to perceive the use of aural strategies which aim at bringing the reader closer to the artist. This study shall also address national identity from Mario de Andrade‘s perspective as well as how such discussion is referred to in his short stories through the use of language resource. It shall also be acknowledged how modern theories on identity can be connected to Mario de Andrade‘s reasoning.

Rozvoj a Židovské zprávy ve 30. letech 20. století / Progress and Jewish News in the 1930s

VÁVROVÁ, Ilona January 2016 (has links)
The core of this thesis is to analyze two popular Jewish periodicals on 30th last century. One of this periodical is called Židovské zprávy (Jewish News) which is Zionist oriented. Second one is a magazine called Rozvoj (Progress) which is representing Czech-Jewish assimilation movement and which is opposed to Zionist ideology. The work is going to follow not only the way of reflection and interpretation of historical political events, but also it is going to focus on the relationship between supporters of the two directions and their attitude to the Czechoslovak Republic and its political representatives.Attention will also be paid to cultural and literary profiling of both periodicals. Subject of the analysis will be also cultural and literary annually based supplements called Židovský kalendář (Jewish Calendar) and Kalendář česko-židovský (Czech Jewish Almanac). The aim of this thesis is to capture ahistorical speechof periodicals which are defined by their ideologies so we can reveal their strategy and perception of the world.

Vitalita současné galicijštiny / Vitality of the current Galician language

Picková, Lenka January 2014 (has links)
Mgr. Lenka Picková Vitality of the current Galician language Abstract: Never in the field of human history has the dying out of languages been as intense as it is in the present day. The goal of this paper is to assess the vitality of the one of the co- official languages in Spain, the Galician language. After an indispensable definition of the social-historical context, a deep, qualitative and quantitative analysis of nine factors is performed: inter-generational language transmission, education, the absolute and relative number of speakers, trends in existing language domains and media, governmental and institutional language attitudes, and, above all, the attitudes of Galician citizens toward their languages. In the final chapter, a summary of the results of these individual factors, as well as an assessment of their influence on the vitality of the Galician language, is provided. Key words: endangered languages, assessment of language vitality, Galician, language attitudes, minority languages, diglossia, languages in contact, national identity, speaker's attitudes.

Vědomí vlastní svébytnosti u Srbů z Dalmácie. A rozvoj srbské státní myšlenky v Království Dalmácie v letech 1878 -1905 / Awarness of their own distinctiveness among Serbs from Dalmatia. And developement of the Serbian state idea in the Kingdom of Dalmatia in the years 1878 - 1905

Slavík, Daniel January 2016 (has links)
(česky) Tématem mojí práce je přiblížení sporných otázek týkajících se národního vymezení srbské komunity v Dalmácii mezi lety 1878 až 1905. Jedná se o dílčí posouzení vztahu pra-voslavné církve a srbského národního hnutí v Dalmácii. Dále se práce zaměřuje na zformová-ní komunity římskokatolických Srbů a jejich vnitřní profilací. Zkoumán je rovněž srbský pří- stup k jejich konfliktu s Chorvaty v rámci Dalmácie. Práce má též přiblížit historiografické spory vedené na toto téma mezi chorvatskými a srbskými historiky. V práci se přibližuji okolnosti zformování srbského národního hnutí a vzniku samostatné politické srbské strany. Ve zvoleném období se věnuji v rámci strany prezentovanému přístupu k pravoslaví a přístupu vedení pravoslavné církve k vymezení srbské národní identity. Dále se zabývám římskokatolickými Srby a spornými otázkami s nimi spojenými. Zaměřil jsem se také na postoj srbské reprezentace k chorvatskému národnímu hnutí a vypo- řádání se s jeho nároky v rámci vlastního národního projektu. Zjistil jsem, že propojení mezi liberálním srbským národním hnutím a místním vedením pravoslavné církve bylo těsnější, než je běžně uváděno v odborné literatuře. V případě Srbů katolíků se mi podařilo přiblížit konflikt mezi jejich vírou a národní identitou, ale i jejich roli v místním...

A critical exposition of Kwame Gyekye's communitarianism

Mwimnobi, Odirachukwu Stephen 11 1900 (has links)
This dissertation argues that Gyekye, in his idea of communitarianism, has a contribution to make towards the understanding of the socio-political structures of multicultural communities in Africa. Gyekye's construct of metanationality, in relation to his communitarian ethics, addresses the socio-political and cultural problems confronting multicultural communities, with particular reference to Nigeria. In an attempt to achieve his idea of a "metanational state", Gyekye claims that: (1) "personhood" is partially defined by a communal structure; (2) equal moral attention should be given both to individual interests and community interests; (3) it is necessary to integrate the "ethic of responsibility" with "rights"; (4) members of the nation-state should be considered equal; (5) in order to achieve nationhood in a multicultural community, it is essential to move beyond "ethnicity" and (6) in an attempt to form a national culture, attention should be drawn to "the elegant" aspects of cultures of various ethno-cultural communities. / Philosophy, Practical and Systematic Theology / M.A. (Philosophy)

A search for identity and memory in Sharon Kay Penman's novel Here be dragons

Fear, Alan Peter January 2016 (has links)
A ideia do País de Gales como uma nação que detém sua identidade própria foi-se diluindo aos poucos, na medida em que se incorporou à história geral e à cultura do Reino Unido, as quais por sua vez são determinadas pela Inglaterra e pelos valores ingleses. A identidade galesa, como qualquer outra identidade nacional, é uma construção feita a partir de muitos fatores determinantes, entre eles os eventos históricos. Nesta tese, apresento minha leitura do romance histórico Here Be Dragons, da autora estadunidense Sharon Kay Penman, para explorar e analisar a questão da identidade nacional galesa e para examinar como o conceito de Identidade Galesa se configura naquele universo ficcional. Este trabalho representa também uma busca pessoal e uma investigação sobre minha identidade e memória galesa, já que fui criado e educado numa Gales gerida pelo sistema educacional inglês, que excluía dos currículos quase todas as referências à história, ao idioma e aos valores do País de Gales. O romance estudado se passa em um período da Baixa Idade Média em que Gales luta por manter sua cultura e sua identidade, ao ser confrontada com um poder maior, o dos reis e barões anglo-normandos que buscam construir seu império. Como se trata de um romance histórico, considero importante explorar as relações entre narrativa histórica e narrativa histórica ficcional. Para tanto, apresento um esboço historiográfico e certas considerações sobre o romance histórico como gênero literário. Mais ainda, acredito ser necessário apresentar um pouco da história do País de Gales, não apenas para termos uma ideia do que seja a identidade galesa, mas também para colocar o romance analisado no seu contexto histórico apropriado. Esta tese está construída em três partes. Na primeira, examino os conceitos de identidade e memória cultural e nacional e aspectos históricos formadores da identidade galesa. Para tanto, me apoio em obras escritas por Anthony D. Smith, professor de Etnia e Nacionalismo da Escola de Economia de Londres, como embasamento teórico para os conceitos de nacionalismo e identidade cultural. A segunda parte, que trata sobre História, é dividida em três subseções. Na primeira apresento um esboço sobre historiografia, com considerações sobre como a História é apreendida e estudada. A segunda trata sobre o romance histórico, comentando como se tornou um gênero literário e como se relaciona com a narrativa histórica. A última subseção apresenta traços da história do País de Gales, para estabelecer as ligações com as questões de identidade nacional. A terceira seção da tese apresenta a minha leitura de Here Be Dragons, na qual examino como é construída na narrativa a questão da identidade galesa através das personagens principais e nas descrições das paisagens e de estruturas medievais como castelos e mansões. Na conclusão, apresento as últimas considerações sobre os processos que levaram ao apagamento e à consequente busca de resgate da identidade nacional galesa. Acredito assim estar cumprindo minha parte neste processo que é tão bem representado no romance Here Be Dragons de Sharon Kay Penman. / Wales, as a nation in itself, has to some extent been forgotten and absorbed into the general history and culture of the United Kingdom, which for the most part, is dominated by England and “English” values. Welsh identity, or indeed any national identity, is a construct of many determining factors, not the least of which are historical events. In this dissertation, I present my reading of the historical novel, Here Be Dragons by American author Sharon Kay Penman, in order to explore and analyze the question of Welsh national identity and to examine how the concept of Welshness is configured in this fictional universe. This work is also a personal search and exploration into Welsh identity and memory, as I was brought up and educated through an English educational system – in Wales – which excluded a greater part of Welsh history, language and values from the curriculum. The novel covers a late medieval period of between 1183 and 1234, during which Wales struggles to maintain its unique identity and culture against the greater power of the empire-building Anglo-Norman kings and barons. As this dissertation concerns a historical novel, in order to better understand the relationship between a history narrative and a historical-novel fictional narrative, an outline of historiography and a background to the genre of the historical novel are important. Furthermore, a description of the historical background of Wales is necessary, not only to give us an idea of the formation of the Welsh identity, but also to place the novel into its correct historical context. The dissertation is divided into three parts. In part one, I examine the concepts of national and cultural identity and memory and the cultural and historical aspects which form the identity of Wales. I have used the works of Anthony D. Smith, professor of Ethnicity and Nationalism at the London School of Economics as a theoretical basis for the concepts of national and cultural identity. Part two, which deals with history, is divided into three sub-sections. In the first sub-section I examine and briefly outline historiography, how history is studied and presented. The second sub-section deals with the historical novel, how it developed as a literary genre and its relationship with the history narrative. The final sub-section is a historical background to Wales in order to have a better understanding of Welsh identity. Part three of the dissertation is my reading of Here Be Dragons, in which I examine the construction of Welsh identity in the narrative in the principal characters and the symbols that represent Wales in the descriptions of landscapes and medieval structures such as castles and manor houses. To conclude, I present my final considerations of the processes which have led to the eradication and the consequent search to restore a Welsh national identity. Thus, I believe I am fulfilling my part in this process that is so well represented in Sharon Kay Penman’s novel Here Be Dragons.

A imagem da nação: cinema e identidade cultural no Brasil (1960-1990) / The image of the nation: cinema and cultural identity in Brzil (1960-1990)

Eduardo Antonio Lucas Parga 15 December 2008 (has links)
O presente estudo se propõe a uma análise que parte do Cinema Novo, no início dos anos 1960, atravessando todo o período da Ditadura Militar até chegar à extinção da Embrafilme (1990), no governo Collor (1990-1992), procurando compreender como o campo cinematográfico constituiu uma arena de representações de imagens em movimento, disputada por agentes sociais pela obtenção da produção hegemônica das imagens cinematográficas da nação. De um lado, o Cinema Novo, com uma perspectiva cultural nacionalista, e de outro, a política cultural governamental do Estado autoritário e também nacionalista, promotor de uma modernização econômica, e entre elas, outros agentes cinematográficos (exibidores, distribuidores, Embrafilme, Cinema Marginal, pornochanchada, filmes estrangeiros entre outros) interagindo na luta pelo predomínio no processo de produção de filmes que construíam a identidade nacional no campo cinematográfico. Entremeada de contradições, envolvendo concepções sobre cultura popular e cultura de massa, a produção cinematográfica brasileira expressava o conjunto dos projetos em disputa considerando a questão nacional e a cultura popular. O resultado foi uma rica diversidade cinematográfica. / The present study proposes an analysis which ranges from Cinema Novo, in the beginning of the 1960s, covers the years of the military dictatorship and eventually reaches the demise of Embrafilme (1990), during the Collor years (1990-1992), trying to understand how cinema became an arena of representations of moving images, contended by different social agents in their attempt to obtain the hegemonic production of the cinematographic images of the nation. On one side, Cinema Novo, with a nationalist cultural perspective, and, on the other, the official cultural policy of the authoritarian and nationalist State too, which was promoting an economic modernization of the Nation, and, between them, other cinematographic agents (exhibitors, distributors, Embrafilme, Cinema Marginal, pornochanchada, foreign movies among others) interacting in the fight for the preponderance in the process of producing movies which would constitute the national identity in the cinematographic field. Brimming with contradictions, involving conceptions about popular culture and mass culture, the Brazilian cinematographic production expressed the sum of the projects in contention taking into account the issues of the national question and popular culture. The result was a rich cinematographic diversity.

En undersökning av den svenska offentlighetsprincipens förenlighet med EU:s dataskyddsförordning / An investigation of the compatibility between the Swedish principle of transparency and the EU's General Data Protection Regulation

Skogelin, Willy January 2018 (has links)
The paper examines the compatibility between the Swedish principle of transparency and EU’s general data protection regulation (EU) 2016/679 (GDPR). The question of compatibility between the right of access to public documents in Sweden and the EU regulation regardng protection of personal data have been relevant since EU started to legislate the area. However, for the first time a general regulation regarding processing of personal data is enforced which brings the problem to a head. Focusing on the right to public documents (a part of the Swedish principle of transparency) the relevant regulations in GDPR is examined to find possible conflicts with the principle of transparency. It is found that the vast opportunities to exception from the principal rules and the possibility of national special regulation solves many of the conflicts, even though some remain. The perception of the Swedish government in regard to article 86 in GDPR, which allows the member states to reconcile the GDPR with the right to public documents, is that the Swedish principle of transparency is granted precedence over the GDPR. The opinion of the Swedish government does not stand valid regarding the textual content in the regulation nor its purpose and goals. It would have been desirable if the government had made a closer investigation regarding what exception from the principal rules to use, and what national special regulation that is necessary, for the practice of the Swedish right of access to public documents. The analysis in the paper concludes that the principle of transparency and the GDPR can possibly be compatible. Article 86 will be of importance after the of- fered exceptions in the specific rights in the GDPR have been used. The article needs to be put in relation to the protection for personal data offered in the Swedish national legislative that limits the right of access to public documents. Furthermore, the question of respect from EU concerning the national constitutional identity is examined regarding its role reconciling the union law and the Swedish principle of trans- parency. It is stated that it may be of importance for a, from a Swedish transparency perspective, beneficial interpretation of article 86 in the CJEU. The paper also investigates the question of Sweden’s transferring of competence concerning the principle of transparency. It is stated that to the extent EU does not provide a protection of the right of access to public documents equal to the law in Sweden a Swedish court could disallow the competence transfer which passed EU that legislative power. / I framställningen utreds den svenska offentlighetsprincipens förenlighet med EU:s dataskyddsförordning (EU) 2016/679. Frågan om förenlighet mellan offentlighetsprincipen och EU:s reglering rörande personuppgiftsskydd har varit relevant sedan EU började lagstifta på området. Däremot har för första gången en allmän förordning rörande behandling av personuppgifter stiftats vilket ställer problemet på sin spets. Med fokus på handlingsoffentligheten utreds det relevanta regelverket i dataskyddsförordningen för att undersöka eventuella konflikter gentemot offentlighetsprincipen. Det konstateras att de många undantag och möjliga nationella särregleringar som förordningen erbjuder löser många av de konflikter som uppstår, men vissa kvarstår. Den svenska regeringen är av uppfattningen att artikel 86 i dataskyddsförordningen, som möjliggör sammanjämkning mellan förordningen och allmänhetens rätt att få tillgång till allmänna handlingar, innebär att offentlighetsprincipen fullt ut kan ges företräde framför förordningen. Den svenska uppfattning framstår inte som hållbar utifrån förordningens ordalydelse och bakomliggande syften och mål. Det hade varit önskvärt om regeringen närmare låtit utreda vilka undantag och nationella särregleringar som varit nödvändiga för att fortsatt kunna tillämpa handlingsoffentligheten. Analysen i framställningen visar att troligen går det att förena offentlighetsprincipen med dataskyddsförordningen. Artikel 86 blir av betydelse efter de i förordningen erbjudna undantagen i de specifika rättigheterna uttömts. Artikeln måste sättas i relation till det skydd för personuppgifter som i svensk nationell rätt begränsar handlingsoffentligheten. Vidare blir frågan om EU:s respekt för den nationella konstitutionella identiteten behandlad rörande dess betydelse för en sammanjämkning av EU-rätten och den svenska offentlighetsprincipen. Det konstateras att den kan ha betydelse för en, till svensk fördel, offentlighetsvänlig tolkning av artikel 86 i EU-domstolen. Framställningen utreder även frågan om svensk kompetensöverlåtelse till EU rörande offentlighetsprincipen. Slutsatsen är att i den mån EU inte erbjuder ett jämbördigt skydd för rätten till allmänna handlingar likt den svenska rätten kan svensk domstol underkänna överlåtelsen av kompetens som tillät EU att inskränka offentlighetsprincipen.

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