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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

"Man behöver inte älska allt och alla men respektera allt och alla, det är det viktigaste" : Romers upplevelser av skolan under perioden 1970-2022 / "You don´t have to love everything and everyone but respect everything and everyone, thats the most important thing" : Roma experiences of the school during the period 1970-2022

Lundquist, Ann-Charlotte January 2022 (has links)
Sammanfattning Syftet med denna uppsats var att redogöra för fem romers erfarenheter av utbildning under perioden 1970–2000-talet. För att uppfylla detta syfte genomfördes en kvalitativ intervjustudie med fem romer som bor i Sverige och som har gått i skola någon gång under perioden 1970–2000-talet. Dessa fem respondenter gav svar på följande frågeställningar: Vilka erfarenheter har romer av skolan, vilka erfarenheter har respondentens föräldrar av skolan och hur anser romer att allas rätt till en likvärdig utbildning bättre kan omfatta alla? Respondenternas svar på dessa frågeställningar analyserades utifrån Pierre Bourdieus begreppsteori, vilken inkluderar habitus, fält, kapital och symboliskt våld. Därigenom gavs en tydligare bild av romers erfarenheter av utbildning under perioden 1970–2000-talet.Sammanfattningsvis framkom att de respondenter som hade haft bra förebilder och som fått stöd och hjälp från skolan, hade klarat skolan bättre och hade även genomgått en längre utbildning. De respondenter som saknade bra förebilder och som inte fick stöd och hjälp från skolan och hemifrån, klarade däremot inte skolan lika bra, vilket resulterade i att de avslutade grundskolan tidigare än de andra barnen. Det fanns dels skolor som försökte hjälpa respondenterna och ge dem det stöd de behövde, dels fanns det skolor som ignorerade respondenternas önskan om stöd och hjälp i skolan. För att förhindra den strukturella diskrimineringen som pågick – och fortfarande pågår – i såväl skolan som i samhället, behövs utbildning för både elever och föräldrar. Uppsatsens slutsatser var följande: ingen vill särskiljas och betraktas som annorlunda; alla behöver bli bekräftade, inklusive romer; det behövs utbildning för både barn och föräldrar för att förhindra strukturell diskriminering, och stöd och hjälp behöver ges till elever som inte får det hemifrån. Begrepp: nationell minoritetsgrupp, romer, diskriminering, respekt, bemötande, utbildning och acceptans. / Abstract The purpose of this paper was to account for Roma experiences of education during the period 1970–2000. Thus, a qualitative interview study was used with five Roma who live in Sweden and who have gone to school sometime during the period 1970–2000. These five respondents provided answers to the following questions: What experiences do Roma have of the school, what experiences did the parents have of the school and how can the education be more including and equal according to Romani people? The respondents answers to these questions were analyzed based on Pierre Bourdieu’s conceptual theory, wich includes concepts such as habitus, field, capital and symbolic violence. This gave a clearer picture of Roma experiences of education in relation to the formal reforms. In summary, the respondents who had good role models, support and help from the school, managed school better and also had a longer education. On the contrary, those repsondents who lacked good role models, support and help from school and from home, did not cope as well, which resulted in them finishing primary school earlier than other children. There were schools that tried to help the respondents and give them the support they needed. However, there were also schools that ignored respondents’ desire for support and help at school. Finally, education for both students and parents was needed to prevent the structural discrimination that was present – and is still present – in both school and in society. The conclusion of this essay was as follows: no one wants to be distinguished as and considered different; everyone needs to be affirmed, including Roma; education was needed for both children and parents to prevent structural discrimination; and support and assistance was also needed for students who did not get it from home. Concepts; national minority group: Roma, discrimination, respect, treatment, education and acceptance.

Osudy matičních školy a jejich učitelů; Ústřední matice školská v jižních Čechách 1880-1918 / Desteny of schools of Central School Foundation and their teachers; Central School Foundation in South Bohemia 1880-1918

Slámová, Kateřina January 2015 (has links)
The submitted thesis deals with the function of private minority schools of Central School Foundation and destiny of their teachers in South Bohemia between 1880 and 1918. In the first chapters it takes down circumstances of the rise of Central School Foundation and the school laws of the second half of the 19th century, which was important for primary schools and their teachers. Decision points of this work are chapters about private minority schools of Central School Foundation and their teachers. In this part, the work is based on the sources from National Archive in Prague and States district archives in South Bohemia (school chronicles and documents). The chapter about private minority schools of Central School Foundation takes down these schools from their opening to transfer into public administration and later support of Central School Foundation to their public schools. The chapters about teachers of Central School Foundation mapping their problems as employee private association, their financial and living conditions and their provision in case of old age and illness. Key words: Central School Foundation, South Bohemia, national minority schools, teachers, the turn of 19th and 20th century.

Multikulturní výchova v mateřské škole / Multicultural education at nursery school

Švaříková, Markéta January 2011 (has links)
TITLE Multicultural education in a nursery school SUMMARY The aim of my thesis is to define the issue of multicultural education in today's nursery school, especially in terms of care about the climate. The theoretical part is focused on the concept of multicultural education in a nursery school with a view to the global framework program for preschool education, creation of a multicultural environment and care for foreigners' children integrated into common activities of the nursery school classes. The practical part of my thesis consists of author's yearlong project within multicultural education in nursery schools, and research mapping the issues of integration and education of foreigners' children in regular nursery school classes. KEYWORDS Multicultural education, intercultural education, nursery school, foreigners, national minority, personal approach

Kulturní antropologie v ošetřovatelství / Cultural Anthropology in Nursing

CARBOLOVÁ, Marcela January 2014 (has links)
Cultural anthropology as a scientific field studying diverse cultures has been incorporated into the field of nursery and it helps medical professionals to acquire specific cultural information enabling them to provide appropriate, efficient, individually-based care, support in health as well as in illness to the individuals and communities from a different cultural environment. The Czech Republic carried out investigation of diverse ethnic groups but did not implement investigation of the specific needs of the Polish minority group. The objective was focusing on mapping the approach of the Polish nationals to their health, on identification of their lifestyle, their approach to prevention, their attitude to home care and the specifics in the approach to dying. Hypotheses: H1 Statistically, the Polish minority group population with higher education shows better results in their approach to their health than the Polish minority group population with elementary education. H2 Younger women of the Polish minority group population with elementary education are more prone to agree with the statement on importance of attending preventive examinations by gynecologist than older women. H3 Based on the statistical assessment the Polish minority group population with higher education gives higher preferences for preparation of meals and catering based on both cuisines (Czech and Polish) than with elementary education. H4 Men of the Polish minority group population occasionally consuming alcohol are statistically significantly prevailing over women of the Polish minority group population occasionally consuming alcohol. H5 The older Polish minority group population has higher frequency of activities with the family than the younger Polish minority group population. H6 The confession of faith of the Polish minority group population significantly affects their approach to abortion compared to the nonbelieving population. H7 Older women of the Polish minority group population give more frequent preference to home care services than men of the Polish minority group population. H8 Women of the Polish minority group population more frequently require attendance of family members when dying than men. Methodology: The research part of the work was carried out by the method of quantitative research investigation. The selected set consisted of 277 persons. The results: 94,90 % of the respondents agree that they take care of their health. However, H1 regarding approach to health was not confirmed. By comparing the results of the investigation we found out that more than 75 % of the respondents take proper prevention in all cases. H2 focusing on prevention was confirmed. The level of consummation of vegetable and fruit in case of the Polish national minority group is higher than the level of the Czech population. H3 was confirmed by testing. H4 connected with consummation of alcohol was not confirmed. This was confirmed in the research investigation; however, H5 was not confirmed. The result of 88.40 % respondents who confessed their faith has not impacted the result of H6 which was not confirmed. The objective of the work included also identification of the attitude and experience with home care agency which was indicated by 46.60 % respondents. H7 was not confirmed. We were surprised by the identified attitude of the respondents to their faith in live after death, to attendance of family members or a priest in case of dying when in all cases more than 20% respondents responded that they did not know. H8 was not confirmed by testing. Conclusion: The thesis gives a summary of information on the Polish national minority group living in the Těšín region of Silesia. The final thesis outlines a proposal for a Standard of nursery care of the Polish national minority group. The results of the research investigation will be also presented at conferences. This thesis may be used by students of the nursery field as a teaching material.

Minäkin haluan oppia suomea! : Ruotsin peruskoulun suomen opetuksen kartoitus / I Want to Learn Finnish Too! : A Survey of Finnish Language Teachingin Swedish Primary Schools

Silfsten, Jemina January 2010 (has links)
Suomen kieli on yksi Ruotsin vähemmistökielistä. Lain mukaan kaikki lapset, joilla on suomenkielinen tausta ja perustavat taidot suomen kielessä, ovat oikeutettuja suomenkielen opetukseen. Tämä opinnäytetyö on pieni muotoinen kvalitatiivinen kartoitus Ruotsin peruskoulun suomen kielen opetuksesta. Teoria perustuu Ruotsin lakiin ja Ruotsin suomen kielen opetushistoriaan. Empiirinen osuus koostuu suomen kielen opettajien ja suomea opiskelevien oppilaiden haastatteluista sekä ruotsinsuomalaisen vapaakoulun rehtorin ja suomalaistaustaisen vanhemman kanssa käymistäni keskusteluista. Olen myös kysynyt usealta kunnalta suomen kielen opetuksen järjestelyistä ja sen toteuttamisesta. Työn tavoitteena on kartoittaa suomen kielen opetuksen tämänhetkinen tilanne Ruotsin peruskoulussa. Eräs tutkimustulokseni osoittaa, että kunta ei tiedota tarpeeksi suomen kielen opetuksesta. Olen saanut myös selville, että pätevistä suomen kielenopettajista on pulaa Ruotsissa. Lisäksi olen todennut, että suomen kielen oppituntien pituus ei joissakin kunnissa yllä edes yhteen tuntiin. Kiertävien suomen opettajien työolot ovat stressaavia ja työpäivät koostuvat lähes pelkästään opetustunneista. Kaikesta tästä olen tehnyt johtopäätöksen: suomen kielen opetuksen tilaa on parannettava laadukkailla opetustunneilla ja pätevillä opettajilla, joilla on hyväksyttävät työolot. Lisäksi opetuksen määrää täytyisi lisätä. / Finska är ett av Sveriges nationella minoritetsspråk. Enligt svensk lag har barn som har finsk bakgrund och grundläggande kunskaper i finska språket rätt till att få undervisning i finska. I detta examensarbete presenterar jag en kort kvalitativ kartläggning av undervisningen i finska i den svenska grundskolan. Teoridelen bygger på förordningstexter och andra styrdokument samt litteratur om den historiska bakgrunden till dagens finskundervising i Sverige. Den empiriska informationen består av intervjuer av finska lärare och elever som läser finska samt diskussioner med en rektor i en sverigefinsk friskola och en förälder till ett barn som har ansökt om finskundervisning. Jag har även frågat flera kommuner om deras sätt att organisera och genomföra finskundervisning. Syftet med detta examensarbete är att kartlägga finska språkets situation i dagens svenska grundskola. Ett av mina resultat är att kommunen inte informerar tillräckligt om finskundervisningen. Jag har också fått reda på att det råder brist på behöriga finska lärare i Sverige. Jag har även kommit fram till att finska lektioner i vissa kommuner är kortare än en timma. Ambulerande lärarna har stressiga arbetsförhållanden och arbetsdagarna består nästan endast av undervisningstillfällen. Med hjälp av allt detta har jag kommit fram till följande slutsats: man måste förbättra villkoren för finskundervisningen med hjälp av högkvalitativ undervisning och behöriga lärare, som arbetar under acceptabla arbetsförhållanden. Dessutom bör undervisningstiden utökas. / Finnish is one of the Swedish minority languages. According to Swedish law children who have a Finnish background and basic knowledge of the Finnish language have a right to Finnish education. In this Degree Project I present a short qualitative survey of the field of teaching of Finnish in Swedish primary schools. The theoretical frame work is based on Swedish law and the literature on the history of Finnish teaching in Sweden. The empirical data consist of interviews with Finnish teachers and their pupils and some discussions with a principal of the Sweden Finnish independent school and a parent for a child who had applied for Finnish education. In addition, several municipalities were surveyed about their plans forteaching Finnish. The purpose of this study is to document the situation of the Finnish language in Swedish primary schools today. One of my findings is that municipalities do not provide adequate information about teaching in Finnish. A further finding is that there is a shortage of competent Finnish teachers in Sweden. I have also established that in some Swedish states schools the Finnish lessons are not even an hour long. The travelling teachers have stressful circumstances at work and workdays consist almost only of lessons. From this my conclusion is that we have to improve conditions for Finnish language teaching with high qualitative teaching and with competent teachers who have acceptable working conditions. Furthermore teaching time should be increased.

Minoriteters Rättigheter : En minoritetspolitisk studie med sverigefinnarna i fokus

Lohilahti, Satu January 2007 (has links)
Over the last few decades, the Swedish society has become more and more multicultural, which has resulted in the fact that the differences between different ethnic groups have become more and more noticed and debated. Studies have shown that persons belonging to minority groups are often wronged by majority decisions, which leaves the minorities in a disadvantageous position in relation to the majority. The scientific problem is how a state should compensate different minority groups for their disadvantaged position in order to be able to guarantee justice and equality for all individuals of the state. The aim of this thesis is to examine the Swedish government’s attitude towards minority rights, and to analyse whether this coincides with Will Kymlicka’s normative minority rights theory. The research questions are: • How should the majority society treat minorities according to Kymlicka? • Which is Swedish minority policy’s stance on minority rights? The methods used in this thesis include a qualitative text analysis and a field investigation among Finnish-speaking people living in Borlänge. The conclusion of this essay is that the Swedish government in all likelihood has a positive attitude towards minority rights, since it has assigned group differentiated rights to the national minorities in Sweden. Furthermore, the Swedish government’s view on minority rights coincides to a great extent with Will Kymlicka’s normative theory.

National Minority Rights : A Caste Study of Croatia and the National Minority Croatian Serbs

Zizmond, Helena January 2008 (has links)
The Serbs are a national group which has been disliked by the Croats for hundreds of years. Even before Croatia became a part of Yugoslavia, the country wanted its independence. However, before and after the break up of Yugoslavia, there was a strong nationalism in the country which led to hatred towards the Serbs and the Serb minorities in Croatia. Studies have shown that minorities often are disfavoured by the majority decisions. This leads to a disadvantageous position for the minorities in the relation to the majority. The problem is how a state should compensate these groups for their disadvantageous position to be able to ensure justice and equality for all citizens within the country. The aim of this thesis is to compare Croatia’s formal national minority rights with the actual national minority rights of the Serbs and to see whether they coincide with each other. The research questions are: • What formal minority rights do Croatian Serbs have in Croatia? • What minority rights do Croatian Serbs have in reality? The method used in this study is the qualitative text analysis. The conclusion of this thesis is that Croatia has a positive attitude towards minority rights and the Serb minority, as Croatia has allocated group-differentiated rights to its national minorities. The Croatian view upon national minority rights coincides to a large extent with Will Kymlicka´s theory. Furthermore, the formal rights and the virtual rights regarding education, language, culture and proportional representation coincides to a great extent if not precisely.

Tradiční romská kultura a její vliv na školní úspěšnost romských dětí / Traditional Romany culture and it's influence on school success of Romany children

Königová, Zdeňka January 2015 (has links)
The aim of this master thesis is to evaluate selected aspects of Romany culture, primary those which influence the school success of Romany children. Through qualitative survey, the information gained from reference books are compared with the information which were gained from Romany pupils attending special primary school in Prague. The thesis includes two parts, a theoretical and a practical one. The theoretical part is divided in two chapters. The first one deals with selected aspects of Romany culture which influence the education of Romany children. The aspects primary include the traditional Romany family and the upbringing of children, the specifics of Romany psyche and mentality and characteristic way of life. The second chapter is focused on education of Roma children and on the problems of these children in Czech schools. There are also mentioned some of the supportive measures which should help those children to overcome their problems and to integrate them in the mainstream society. The practical part of the thesis includes an analysis of the information resulting from interviews with ten Romany pupils who are attending special primary school.

Participace vietnamské národnostní menšiny na české komunální politice / Participation of Vietnamese National Minority in Czech Local Politics

Vitovská, Hana January 2017 (has links)
This diploma thesis focuses on the participation of the Vietnamese national minority in the Czech Republic, especially at the level of local politics. The main objective of the thesis is to analyze and critically reflect on the motivations, attitudes, and views of the Vietnamese national minority on political and civic participation with an emphasis the local politics. At the same time, the work explores the forms of participation of the Vietnamese community and the factors that influence them. Because the target group of this work is a Vietnamese national minority, the national minority policy is first analyzed at the international level, followed by analysis at the national level. The reason for this approach is that the international environment plays a vital role in examining national minority politics and ethnic minorities. Selected instruments and institutions of national minority politics in the Czech environment are then further analyzed and compared with the German counterpart where minorities, and in particular the Vietnamese minority, have long been a significant part of society. The research part of the thesis is designed as qualitative research, using document analysis and semi- structured interviews as data acquisition techniques. This is a key part of the whole work where the...

"Den finska erfarenheten värker" : En studie om hur samhälleliga faktorer påverkar sverigefinnars relation till sin etniska identitet / "The Finnish Experience Aches" : A study of how social factors affect the Sweden-Finns' attitudes towards their ethnic identity

Kujanpää, Ellen January 2022 (has links)
Sverigefinnar är en av Sveriges nationella minoritetsgrupper. Under en lång historisk period har de varit föremål för diskriminering och assimilering, men de senaste åren har deras status höjts och de har idag särskilda lagstadgade rättigheter. Syftet med uppsatsen var att undersöka hur samhälleliga faktorer påverkar sverigefinnars relation till sin etniska bakgrund och hur det har påverkat deras identitetsprocess. För att analysera detta användes Goffmans teorier om stigma. Metoden som valts för denna uppsats är en tematisk innehållsanalys av tre delvis självbiografiska böcker. En av böckerna är en antologi och totalt har tio texter skrivna av sverigefinnar analyserats. Studiens resultat visar att Sverigefinnarna betraktades som avvikande grupp under deras barndom. Det medförde att de kände skam över sin sverigefinska identitet och bidrog till en upplevelse av att deras etniska identitet är mindre värd. Det var även vanligt att många försökt att dölja sin finska bakgrund för att kunna passera som svensk och betraktas som normal. Resultatet visar även att klasstillhörigheten och det finska språket påverkat deras relation till sin etniska identitet. Idag, när de samhälleliga faktorerna och synen på sverigefinnar förändrats, hade skamkänslorna över den sverigefinska identiteten i större utsträckning bytts ut mot stolthet. Men erfarenheterna från barndomen hade trots det en stor påverkan på deras relation till sin etniska identitet, och en komplicerad relation till den etniska identiteten var fortfarande närvarande. / The Sweden-Finns is one of the national minority groups. Sweden-Finns have been subjected to discrimination and assimilation in Sweden for a long period, but during the latest years their status have been raised and today they have statutory rights. The aim of this essay was, by using Goffmans theories about Stigma, to examine how social factors have affected the Sweden-Finns attitude towards their ethnic identity and which influence these factors had on their identity process. The method chosen for this study was a qualitative approach and a thematic analysis of three partly autobiographical books written by Sweden-Finns. Since one of the books is an anthology, a total of ten authors texts have been used. The result showed that the Sweden-Finns have been viewed as strangers during their childhood. It led to shame over their ethnic identity, and it was common to try to hide the Swedish-Finnish identity so that they would be viewed as normal. The social factors also led to a feeling that they had less dignity because of their ethnic identity. Their economical class identity and the Finnish language was also linked to feeling about being different. Today, when the status of Sweden-Finns has improved, the feeling of shame over the ethnic identity was lower and feelings of pride were more common. But the social factors during their childhood have had a big impact of their identity process, and an ambivalent feeling towards their ethnic identity was still present.

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