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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Enhancing visibility and accessibility of public archives repositories in South Africa

Mukwevho, Nndwamato Jonathan 07 1900 (has links)
Despite the importance of the visibility and accessibility of public archives repositories, various scholars agreed that these repositories in eastern and southern Africa are not known to and are accessed by few people. This study utilised the concept of soft power as a framework to examine the visibility and accessibility of public archives repositories in South Africa with the view to suggest ways to enhance it. A quantitative approach, informed by post-positivist paradigm was employed, using questionnaires, interviews, content analysis and observation of landmarks to collect data. Public archives repositories in South Africa, Friends of Archives, legislation, annual reports, and landmarks were the universe of analysis whereas archivists working in public programming sections, deputy director of Friends of archives, 2012 to 2016 annual reports, archival legislation, social media links and the public display signage of the Limpopo, Mpumalanga, National Archives and Records Services of South Africa (NARSSA), National Film, Video and Sound Archives (NFVSA), served as a unit of analysis or source of information. The study revealed that collaboration with a good partner, especially civil society, was a key for successful public programming at the lowest cost. Whereas the KwaZulu-Natal, Mpumalanga and Western Cape landmarks are visible, the study found that NARSSA, NFVSA, Free State, Limpopo, Northern Cape, North-West and Eastern Cape archives repositories could not easily draw potential users to archives. Furthermore, only Northern Cape and Western Cape provincial archive are active on social media through their departments. The study recommended a visibility and accessibility framework that will provide a foundation and insight on how best public archives could develop and implement integrated and yet impactful public programming activities with less expenses. / Information Science / M. Inf. (Information Science)

Public programming of public archives in the East and Southern Africa regional branch of the International Council on Archives (ESARBICA): / towards an inclusive and integrated framework

Saurombe, Nampombe Pearson 02 1900 (has links)
Public programming initiatives are considered as an integral part of archival operations because they support greater use of archival records. This study investigated public programming practises in the ESARBICA region. The findings of the study were determined after applying methodological triangulation, within a quantitative research context. This included the use of self-administered questionnaires, semi-structured interviews and the analysis of documents and websites. Participants in this study were ESARBICA board members, Directors of the National Archives and archivists from the ESARBICA region. Nine (69.2%) national directors representing different member states completed the questionnaire and eight archivists from the same region were interviewed. Furthermore, three ESARBICA board members were also interviwed. Legislation and country reports from ESARBICA member states were reviewed, together with websites of institutions within the ESARBICA region that offered archival education and training. Findings of the study indicated that public programming initiatives were not a priority. Reasons for this included lack of public programming policies, budgetary constraints, shortage of staff and lack of transport. Furthermore, the national archives were reluctant to rope in technology to promote their archives. Collaboration efforts with regard to promoting archives were shallow. Moreover, the investigation of user needs was restricted to existing users of the archives. In addition to all this, the archivists felt that they needed to improve their public programming skills. The study therefore suggests that the national archives of ESARBICA should focus on: legislation, public programming policies, advocacy, users, partnerships and skills. Taking these factors into consideration, an inclusive and integrated public programming framework was developed and proposed as a possible measure for improving public programming efforts in the ESARBICA region. / Information Science / D. Litt. et Phil. (Information Science)

Records survey and the management of public records in Zimbabwe

Chaterera, Forget 2013 June 1900 (has links)
The study investigated the role of records surveys in the management of public records in Zimbabwe. The goal was to determine how far records surveys were going in enhancing sound records management practices, thereby improving public service delivery, accountability and good governance. Through interviews, questionnaires and document review it was revealed that records surveys were struggling to attain their intended goal of nurturing sound records management practices in public registries. The lack of ideal mission statements, registry manuals, written disaster management plans, vital records protection programmes, adequate records management training, records retention and disposal schedules, top management support, financial constraints and unclear archival legislation were cited as some of the challenges affecting records and information management surveys from nurturing acceptable records management practices. A closer working relationship between the National Archives and public records management units was recommended. / Information Science / M. Inf. (Archival Science)

L'évolution de la politique d'archivage au Yémen, des origines (années 1960) jusqu'aux évolutions technologiques actuelles / The evolution of the archiving policy in Yemen, from its origins (1960s) to the current technological developments / تطور السياسة الارشيفية في اليمن من بداية 1960 إلى التطورات التكنولوجية الحالية

Tawaf, Mohammed Ali 18 February 2019 (has links)
Pendant plusieurs siècles, le Yémen n’a pas porté d’intérêt institutionnel à ses archives, étant isolé du monde extérieur à cause de l’occupation ottomane au nord du pays et de l’occupation britannique au sud. Depuis la révolution de 1962, le besoin de disposer d’archives bien organisées et accessibles est apparu et la création du Centre National des Archives en 1991 a permis d’améliorer considérablement la situation. L’objectif de cette thèse est d’étudier l’intérêt que l’État yéménite a porté au patrimoine archivistique. Elle rappelle l’histoire et le développement de l’archivage dans les ministères et les institutions gouvernementales yéménites depuis la révolution de 1962 jusqu’à aujourd’hui. Elle présente la création des Archives nationales, avec l’aide de partenaires internationaux notamment l’UNESCO et l’ICA, la direction des archives de France et les Archives nationales de Tunisie. Elle explore aussi la façon dont les nouvelles technologies appliquées aux archives permettent aux chercheurs et aux citoyens d’y accéder. Elle présente l’organisation des archives courantes et intermédiaires dans les institutions qui s’est imposée comme un concept et une pratique depuis la création du Centre National des Archives. C’est autour de ses activités et de ses applications qu’ont été élaborées l’observation, l’enquête, la réflexion et certaines propositions. Les problématiques de la thèse s’articulent autour de cinq points : - L’histoire et l’organisation administrative du Yémen- La tradition archivistique au Yémen avant la réunification de 1990- Les origines et le développement du Centre national des archives (CNA)- Les missions, le fonctionnement et l’évaluation du CNA (de 1994 à aujourd’hui)- La fonction archives chez les producteurs (institutions gouvernementales)Les événements survenus au Yémen depuis 2011 ont malheureusement remis en cause toutes ces avancées. Ils ont tari les principales sources de financement de l’État et détruit une partie des fonds et des bâtiments, entraînant une paralysie complète du CNA. / For centuries, Yemeni institutions have not shown particular interest in their archives. The country was isolated from the outside world by British colonization in the South and the Ottoman occupation in the North. After the 1962 revolution, however, the need for organized and accessible archives has developed. This led to the creation in 1991 of the National Archives Centre (CNA). The Centre has improved the situation.This thesis aims at studying the interest shown by the Yemeni State in archival heritage. It starts with the history and the development of archives management in the ministries and governmental institutions of Yemen from the 1962 revolution to the current situation.It sheds light on the creation of the National Archives in Yemen and its international partnership with such institutions as UNESCO, ICA, French Directorate of Archives and Tunisian National Archives. It investigates the way new technologies are implemented in order to enable researchers and citizens to access to archives in a country such as Yemen. Moreover, it sheds light on the records management inside the Yemeni institutions. This practical has been commonly implemented since the creation of the National Archives Centre. This Centre has been the focus of this research. Suggestions are given for the development of its activities.Therefore, this thesis main topics are:- the history and administrative organization of Yemen ;- the archival practice and legacy in Yemen until the country’s reunification in 1990 ;- the origins and subsequent development of the National Archives Centre (CNA) ;- the CNA’s goals, functioning and assessment of its activities from 1994 up to nowadays ;- the archival functions in the producing governmental institutions.Events unfolding in Yemen since 2011 have challenged all these advances. The war did not only exhaust State’s funding. Warlike operations have also destroyed holdings and buildings, bringing the CNA to complete paralysis. This dissertation is concluded by an assessment of the archives current situation in Yemen. / ملخصلعدة قرون، لم يكن لدى اليمن أي مؤسسة أرشيفية، لأنها معزولة عن العالم الخارجي بسبب الاحتلال في شمال البلاد والاحتلال البريطاني في الجنوب. منذ ثورة 1962 ظهرت الحاجة إلى أرشيفات منظمة تنظيماً جيداً وسهل الوصول إليها، وقد أدى إنشاء المركز الوطني للوثائق (المركز الوطني للأرشيف) عام 1991 إلى تحسين الوضع إلى حد كبير.الهدف من هذه الرسالة هو دراسة اهتمام الدولة اليمنية للتراث الوثائقي والأرشيفي، وتشير الرسالة إلى تاريخ وتطور التوثيق والارشفة في الوزارات والمؤسسات الحكومية اليمنية منذ الثورة من عام 1962 وحتى اليوم. وكذلك تقدم إنشاء المركز الوطني للوثائق بمساعدة الشركاء الدوليين بما في ذلك اليونسكو والمجلس الدولي للأرشيف، إدارة الارشيف الفرنسي والأرشيف الوطني التونسي. وتدرس مدى تطبيق التكنولوجيا الجديدة على الارشيفات التي تمكن الباحثين والموطنين من الوصول إليها. وتعرض تنظيم الارشيف الجاري والوسيط في الوزارات والمؤسسات الحكومية التي ظهرت كمفهوم وممارسة منذ إنشاء المركز الوطني للوثائق. وحول نشاطاتها وتطبيقاتها التي وضعت للمراقبة والمسوحات الوثائقية والرؤية وبعض المقترحات لتنظيم الارشيف الجاري والوسيط. وتستند مشاكل ألأطروحة حول خمس نقاط : - التاريخ التنظيمي للإدارة ونشأت الارشيف في اليمن.- التقاليد الأرشيفية في اليمن قبل الوحدة عام 1990.- تأسيس وتطوير المركز الوطني للوثائق (cna).- مهام ونشاطات وتقييم المركز الوطني للوثائق (من 1994 إلى اليوم).- وظيفة الأرشيف لدى المنتجين للوثائق (المؤسسات الحكومية).وللأسف بأن الاحداث التي وقعت في اليمن منذ عام 2011 غيرت كل هذه التطورات في مجال الارشيف. لهذا جفت وقلت المصادر التمويل الحكومية وكذلك تدمير جزء من مبنى المركز وجزء من الرصيد الوثائقي فروع المركز بعدن وحضرموت وبعض ارشيفات الجهات والوزارات الحكومية، مما أدى الى شلل كامل للمركز الوطني للوثائق.الكلمات المفتاحية اليمن – الأرشيف – محفوظات – إدارة السجلات - تثمين - تشريعات الارشيف – تشريع المحفوظات - لوائح الارشيف - الارشيف العسكري – الأرشيف الجاري – الأرشيف الوسيط – الأرشيف التاريخي - المحفوظات الجارية - المحفوظات الوسيطة - المحفوظات التاريخية - - المركز الوطني للوثائق.

我國國家檔案徵集政策之研究 / A Study on National Archives Acquisition Policy in Taiwan

凌寶華, Ling, Pao Hua Unknown Date (has links)
本研究主要探討我國正面臨國營事業民營化過程中可能造成產業文化資產流失,以及因應未來行政院組織法通過後單位之裁併,檔案保存可能面臨潛在之風險與危機,亟需一套完備的國家檔案徵集政策以資遵循,除將提供徵集工作之依據外,並可釐清檔案徵集主題之優先順序,以及控制入藏國家檔案之質與量,使徵集工作得以按部就班,系統化的方式進行,亦可做為我國國家檔案核心館藏建立之最佳指導方針。 本研究使用「文獻分析法」與「深度訪談法」進行研究,除了探討我國國家檔案鑑選與移轉策略,以及擬定國家檔案徵集政策應考慮因素等之外,並對美國、英國、澳洲及加拿大等四國對國家檔案徵集工作推動現況,加以綜合歸納與比較。 本研究以檔案主管機關(檔案管理局)、中央層級機關(國防部、外交部、教育部及內政部)、歷史檔案典藏單位(國史館台灣文獻館、國立故宮博物院、中央研究院近代史研究所檔案館及中央研究院歷史語言研究所)及地方政府檔案管理單位(台北市政府、高雄市政府、嘉義縣政府檔案中心及宜蘭縣史館)等四個層級13個單位為主要訪談研究對象,深入瞭解上述單位檔案管理情形、檔案典藏特色、保存現況及單位具永久保存價值,符合移轉檔案管理局成為國家檔案之統計數量,及對國家檔案徵集政策制定之觀點與建議,並就我國國家檔案徵集內容與優先順序,以及有關國家檔案對於社會價值、功能之看法,並針對研究對象抽樣訪談了26位一般檔案使用者,以瞭解其檔案使用經驗及對國家檔案利用需求、國家檔案徵集內容建議與看法,以期做為我國擬訂國家檔案徵集政策之參考。 根據研究結果,本研究提出六點結論為:(一)國家檔案典藏質量亟待強化;(二)具風險之永久保存價值檔案亟待移轉;(三)國家檔案之定位未明確化;(四)我國目前尚未興建國家檔案館,無法大規模徵集國家檔案入藏;(五)徵集政策及審選標準欠缺,影響國家檔案品質;(六)國家檔案審選耗時費力,降低檔案移轉效率。 根據研究結果,本研究提出十點建議為:(一)訂定國家檔案徵集政策;(二)建立國家檔案委託代管之機制;(三)建立國家檔案審選標準,充實國家檔案典藏內涵;(四)加速國家檔案的徵集,以滿足民眾需求;(五)徵集國家檔案應考量檔案內容之連貫與完整性,避免以主題方式徵集檔案;(六)國家檔案與機關檔案應釐清其定位;(七)重要科技檔案應納入國家檔案徵集策略或計畫,以滿足社會大眾對於科技研究的期望;(八)配合國家檔案之移轉策略,排定國家檔案鑑選之優先順序;(九)設置國家檔案館並儘速辦理國家檔案移轉;(十)加強培養檔案專業管理人員,以因應國家檔案徵集典藏之需求。 / This research is mainly discusses our country to face in the state-operated enterprise privatization process to create the industrial culture property outflow possibly, as well as will organize Fathom in accordance to the future Executive Yuan consolidation of the unit, the archives preservation to face the latent risk and the crisis possibly from now on, will need a set of complete national archives acquisition policy to follow as a means, besides will provide basis of the acquisition work, and may define clearly the file collection subject the order of priority, as well as will control into nature and the quantity of the national archives. In addition, the acquisition work along a prescribed path, systematization's way will carry on for establishment the best directive of our country national archives core collection. This research utilizes “the documentary analysis” and “in-depth interview” to study conducts the research, besides discusses our country national archives appraisal to elect with the shifting strategy, as well as draws up the national archives acquisition policy to take an examination ponders the factor and so on, and to the U.S, British, Australia and Canada four countries to the national archives acquisition work impetus present situation, synthesizes induces and compares. This research take the archives controlling organization (National Archives Administration), the central level institution (Ministry of National Defense, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Ministry of Education and Ministry of Interior), the historical archives repositories(Taiwan Historical, National Palace Museum, Institute Modern History research archives Academia Sinica and Institute of History and Philology Academia Sinica) and the local authority records management units (Taipei City government, Kaohsiung City government, Chiayi County government records center and Institute of Yilan County Historical) and so on four levels, 13 units as the main interview objects of study. The inquire deeply above unit records management situation, the archive reservation characteristic, preserved present situation and the unit has the permanent preserved value, conforms to the shifting National Archives Administration to become statistics of quantity the national archives, and to national archives viewpoints and the suggestions the acquisition policy formulation, and on our country national archives collection content with the order of priority. In addition, the related national archives regarding the social value, the function view, and aimed at the object of study sampling interview 26 archives users, in order to understood that its archives use experience and to the national archives use demand, the national archives collection content suggestion and the view, did take the time as our country drafts reference of the national archives acquisition policy. According to the findings, this research proposed that six conclusions are: 1. the quality and quantity of national archives are urgently awaits to strengthen; 2. a risk the permanent preserved value archives urgently awaits to transfer; 3. the definition of the national archives has to clarified; 4. our country not yet constructs the national archives at present, is unable to collect the national archives massively; 5. shortage of national archives acquisition policy and affects the national archives quality; 6. the choose of national archives is time-consuming, cuts the archives transfer efficiency. According to the findings, this research proposed that ten suggestions are: 1. schedules the national archives acquisition policy; 2. establishes mechanism of the national archives request substitute management; 3. establishes the standard of national archives examination, substantial national archives collection; 4. accelerates the national archives the collection, meets the populace need; 5. acquisition the national archives to consider linking up of the archives content with the integrity, avoids by the specific subjects; 6. both the national archives and the institution records should define clearly; 7.the important science and technology archives should be included into the national archives acquisition strategy or the plan, satisfies the social populace regarding the technical research expectation; 8. coordinates transfer strategy of the national archives, sets up the national archives appraisal to choose the order of priority; 9. establishes the national archives and as fast as possible handles national archives transferring; 10. strengthens the raise archives professional, by demand in accordance to the national archives acquisition.

臺灣與澳門檔案機關行政管理體制之比較研究 / A Comparative Study of the Management and Administrative System of Archival Institutions between Taiwan and Macau

周婥鈮, Chau, Cheok Nei Unknown Date (has links)
檔案館是指一個機構或行政單位負責檔案資料的辦識、鑑定、登錄、保存、編排、描述與提供參考服務。國家檔案館亦可被稱為國家公共檔案館或公共檔案館。它是檔案館的其中一種。由國家各級政府設立並領導,負責接收和管理一定範圍的具有社會和歷史價值的各種檔案,並提供社會利用的重要文化事業機構。 檔案是傳承歷史及人類知識的最佳媒介,檔案管理人員則是手握傳承鑰匙的主要角色,而檔案管理機關則是重要歷史見證者及紀錄者。在臺灣及澳門最高檔案管理機關,對於了解該地區在檔案事業管理及發展上是十分值得研究的對象。檔案行政構在兩地有所不同,筆者對此作比較時會偏向法規、功能以及兩地檔案機關在位階的定位。 透過比較對上述兩地政府機關的體系進行比較研究,比較分析兩地在檔案法、檔案管理行政體制(以檔案管理局與澳門歷史檔案館為研究對象)以及檔案機關之功能任務的異同。冀能了解兩地的檔案管理事業發有何異同之處。 / Archives can be referred to an institution or administrative unit which is responsible for archival identification, appraisal, log in, preservation, arrangement, description and reference service. The National Archives can be also known as the National Public Archives or Public Archives. It is a type of the archives, which is established by the national governments, responsible for various archives with social and historical values, and distributed to fulfil the usage of social and cultural organizations. Archives is the best medium of human knowledge and historical heritage, records management staff are holding the key to a major role in transmission, and archival management institution is an important witness of history and archives holder. By studying about the highest management authority of Archives in Taiwan and Macau, it can help to understand the differences between the region and the development of the Archive Management. Archives administrative structures differ in these two places, this study is focusing on comparing the archival laws, functions and .organization structures of the two places mentioned above. A comparative study of these two archival institutions through the comparison, analyzing the two places in the differences of Archives Act, the administrative management system (National Archives Administration National Development Council and Historical Archives of Macao) and the functional tasks of them can help to deepen understanding the similarities and differences between both parties.


葉俊宏 Unknown Date (has links)
檔案原是權力的象徵,從古至今,從東方至西方,只有少數人有權力得以使用檔案。而檔案由封閉走向開放,其重要的轉折點是在1794年,由於法國頒布世界第一部檔案法,規定檔案館應實行開放原則。此後,開放國家檔案館的檔案供民眾使用的觀念,也深深影響檔案館營運的方式。因此目前許多現代化的國家,常把檔案開放程度視為是民主化的重要指標。隨著網路通訊技術的發展,對於檔案開放亦產生極大的衝擊。 本研究採用「多重個案法」與「比較研究法」進行研究,首先瞭解美國、英國與澳洲三國國家檔案館檔案在網路上開放情況。並藉由比較研究法,瞭解三國之間的差異性,並且透過描述、解釋、併排、比較的過程,最後進行分析,將比較之結果做一結論,得出具體的建議。 根據研究發現,提出結論如下:一、檔案開放相關法規方面:(一)三國對於個人隱私權均相當注重,但美國則為政府資訊公開重於個人隱私權保護;(二)美、英兩國檔案相關法規針對網路開放檔案有特別之規範,美、英兩國檔案相關法規針對網路開放檔案有特別之規範,澳洲則為沿用原有檔案法規;二、線上參考服務方面:(一)線上參考服務多無專責部門,但仍有專責人員負責;(二)電子郵件、FAQ等非同步線上參考服務,為三國國家檔案館最普遍使用的形式;(三)三國國家檔案館均針對研究者提供特別線上參考服務;三、線上檢索工具方面為(一)三國國家檔案館提供多元化的線上檢索工具;(二)提供電子檔案及檔案內容影像檔已成為三國國家檔案館趨勢;(三)檢索系統的描述規則符合國際標準,有利於未來國際間檔案描述的資源分享與交流;四、線上檔案展覽方面:(一)線上展覽主題皆與館藏特色、社會文化相互結合;(二)線上展覽呈現方式較為傳統,缺乏創新;(三)線上展覽仍需與檔案館相關活動配合,以達最大的成效。 最後針對前述研究結果提出五項建議:一、明確規範檔案開放範圍,以作為我國檔案在網路上開放之依據;二、觀摩國外國家檔案館經驗,加強國內對線上參考服務的概念與認識,並積極推廣線上參考服務;三、建議國內檔案典藏單位,針對研究者提供特別線上參考服務;四、建議國內檔案典藏單位改善線上檢索系統,提供多元化線上檢索工具;五、針對我國檔案典藏單位之館藏特色及社會文化,積極推動線上展覽。

Strategies for preservation of digital records in Masvingo Province of Zimbabwe

Magama, Blessed 11 1900 (has links)
Information and communication technologies (ICTs) have been embraced by a number of public institutions in Masvingo province of Zimbabwe as part of the government’s drive towards e-governance and improved service delivery. This has resulted in the generation of large volumes of digital records that are invaluable for strengthening accountability, transparency, decision making and service delivery. Preservation of these digital records has been cited as a daunting task for most institutions especially in sub-Saharan Africa. The dynamic nature of information technologies, obsolescence issues, as well as media degradation require digital preservation strategies in place to ensure that digital records remain accessible and usable over time. However, the National Archives of Zimbabwe (NAZ) mandated to preserve all types of records is at the moment unable to ingest digital records from public departments for preservation due to lack of adequate digital storage facilities and skilled manpower. The records creating agencies in Masvingo have been left on their own to deal with the digital preservation conundrum yet they are also faced with similar challenges. This qualitative study utilised the Open Archival Information System (OAIS) reference model as the conceptual framework to explore the strategies for preservation of digital records in Masvingo province in Zimbabwe. Data was gathered through interviews with officials from 13 out of 15 public departments that preserved digital records in Masvingo province, augmented by observation and document analysis. Research data was manually processed and thematically analysed in line with the objectives of the study. The study established that the strategies for preservation of digital records in Masvingo province were failing to guarantee their long-term preservation and security due to lack of supportive legislation, standards, policy guidelines, budgets, adequate and conducive infrastructure and skills. This has resulted in swathes of digital memory being lost. The study recommended the adoption of trusted digital repositories (TDRs) that are compliant to the OAIS standard, close co-operation between records creating agencies, NAZ, information technology (IT) experts and the academia in tackling digital preservation challenges, and the development of preservation policies and guidelines, as well as continuous training and provision of budgets to cater for preservation of digital records. In the absence of infrastructure, the NAZ should consider cloud computing for preservation of digital records as an interim solution while observing legal obligations. / Information Science / M. Inf. (Archival Science)

Records surveys and the management of public records in Zimbabwe

Chaterera, Forget 30 October 2013 (has links)
The study investigated the role of records surveys in the management of public records in Zimbabwe. The goal was to determine how far records surveys were going in enhancing sound records management practices, thereby improving public service delivery, accountability and good governance. Through interviews, questionnaires and document review it was revealed that records surveys were struggling to attain their intended goal of nurturing sound records management practices in public registries. The lack of ideal mission statements, registry manuals, written disaster management plans, vital records protection programmes, adequate records management training, records retention and disposal schedules, top management support, financial constraints and unclear archival legislation were cited as some of the challenges affecting records and information management surveys from nurturing acceptable records management practices. A closer working relationship between the National Archives and public records management units was recommended. / Information Science / M. Inf. (Archival Science)

An exploration of records management trends in the South African Public Sector : a case study of the Department of Provincial and Local Government

Ngoepe, Mpho Solomon 11 1900 (has links)
An effective records management programme is a major element of the governance of any organisation. However, despite this crucial role played by records management, there is a consensus amongst researchers that many organisations, including government departments, pay little attention to the management of records. In South Africa, government departments are under legislative obligations to adopt a systematic and organised approach to the management of records. For example, the National Archives and Records Service of South Africa Act (Act No. 43 of 1996) requires government departments to develop, implement and maintain proper records management systems. The purpose of this study was to explore records management trends in the Department of Provincial and Local Government (DPLG) to establish if the Department was managing records according to legislative requirements. Data was collected through online questionnaires, physical observation and interviews with selected DPLG employees and analysed through an open source software. The key findings of the study revealed that an enormous benefit for the implementation of a records management programme is the commitment and support of top management. The study recommended that records management should be included in the performance contracts of all employees in the DPLG. The study concluded that a records management programme will only function effectively if it is developed as part of the strategic objective of the organisation. / Information Science / M.A. (Information Sxcience)

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