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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Naturalismo biolÃgico: a soluÃÃo dualista de John Searle para o problema mente-corpo

Maxwell Morais de Lima Filho 23 June 2010 (has links)
CoordenaÃÃo de AperfeÃoamento de Pessoal de NÃvel Superior / O objetivo deste trabalho à propor uma classificaÃÃo do naturalismo biolÃgico de John Searle em uma das concepÃÃes teÃricas de Filosofia da Mente. Para tanto, apresentarei uma visÃo panorÃmica das principais teorias e uma exposiÃÃo das teses que compÃem o naturalismo biolÃgico, com o intuito de comparar este com aquelas. O prÃprio Searle resiste em rotular o naturalismo biolÃgico, jà que, segundo ele, todas as teorias da tradiÃÃo em Filosofia da Mente partem de um pressuposto equivocado, a saber, o dualismo conceitual, segundo o qual hà uma exclusÃo mÃtua entre as categorias fÃsica e mental: o fÃsico à nÃo mental, e o mental à nÃo fÃsico. Para Searle, fenÃmenos mentais sÃo biolÃgicos e, portanto, sÃo fÃsicos. No entanto, isso nÃo significa que hà uma reduÃÃo ontolÃgica do mental ao fÃsico, pois existe uma distinÃÃo ontolÃgica entre esses dois nÃveis â ontologia de primeira pessoa e ontologia de terceira pessoa, respectivamente. O problema à que com tal distinÃÃo ontolÃgica, Searle acaba por criar um novo tipo de dualismo, que em vez de contrapor o fÃsico ao mental, contrapÃe o objetivo (ontologia de terceira pessoa) ao subjetivo (ontologia de primeira pessoa). Por defender o fisicalismo ontolÃgico e, ao mesmo tempo, endossar que os eventos mentais sÃo reais, causalmente eficazes e ontologicamente irredutÃveis, a concepÃÃo de Searle converge em muitos pontos com o fisicalismo nÃo-redutivo e com o dualismo de propriedade. Compararei o naturalismo biolÃgico com ambas as teorias e, ao final, terei subsÃdios para argumentar o porquà de classificÃ-lo em uma delas e nÃo na outra. / The objective of this work is to propose a classification of John Searle‟s biological naturalism in one of theoretical conceptions of Philosophy of Mind. In order to do that, I will present a panoramic vision of principal theories and a presentation of theses of biological naturalism in order to compare this with those. Searle himself resist to label the biological naturalism since, according him, all theories of tradition in Philosophy of Mind start from a mistaken assumption, that is, the conceptual dualism, according to which there is a mutual exclusion between the physical and mental categories: the physical is not mental, and mental is not physical. For Searle, mental phenomena are biological and, therefore, physical. However, this does not mean that there is an ontological reduction of mental to physical, because there is an ontological distinction between these two levels â first-person ontology and third-person ontology, respectively. The problem is that with such ontological distinction, Searle ends up creating a new kind of dualism, that instead of countering the physical to the mental, opposes the objective (third-person ontology) to the subjective (first-person ontology). By defending the ontological physicalism and, at the same time, to endorse that mental events are real, causally effective and ontologically irreducible, Searle‟s conception converges at many points with the non-reductive physicalism and property dualism. I will compare the biological naturalism with both theories and â at the end â I will have subsidies to argue why classify it in one and not the other.

A Amazônia como lugar de conflito: o caso do Naturalismo Integral / The Amazon as a place of conflict: Pierre Restany\'s Integral Naturalism

Carmen Palumbo 08 August 2018 (has links)
Nessa dissertação, a viagem-expedição ao Rio Negro, realizada por Pierre Restany, Frans Krajcberg e Sepp Baendereck em 1978, e a análise das circunstâncias que levaram à escrita do Manifesto do Naturalismo Integral, são tomados como ponto de partida para refletir sobre a atuação do crítico Pierre Restany no processo de internacionalização da arte latino-americana nos anos 1960 e 1970. Com foco no contexto brasileiro, concentrado no eixo São Paulo - Rio de Janeiro, a recepção negativa do manifesto pela classe intelectual brasileira será analisada a partir de documentos da época conservados no Fundo Pierre Restany dos Archives de la Critique dArt (Rennes-França) e das matérias jornalísticas publicadas nos jornais da época. Procuramos analisar as diferentes representações de paisagens presentes nos documentos desaminados e as subjacentes visões da arte: por um lado, a floresta exótica e sublime evocada por Restany através do conceito de choque amazônico e sua inserção na teorização de uma arte planetária e internacional e, por outro, a Amazônia enquanto território de luta e resistência no processo de construção da identidade brasileira nos escritos daqueles autores que, como Francisco Bittencourt, Mário Pedrosa e Frederico Morais, pleitearam a afirmação de narrativas historicamente subalternizadas, contribuindo à criação de uma gnose liminar, ou seja, de um novo lugar de enunciação na história da arte. / In this dissertation, the voyage-expedition to the Rio Negro, realized by Pierre Restany, Frans Krajcberg e Sepp Baendereck in 1978, and the analysis of the circumstances which led to the writing of the Manifesto of Integral Naturalism, is taken as a starting point for reflecting on the performance of the critic Pierre Restany in the process of internationalization of Latin American art in the 60s and 70s. With a focus on the Brazilian context, concentrated in the São Paulo - Rio de Janeiro axis, the negative reception of the manifesto by the Brazilian intellectual class will be analyzed from original documents preserved in the Pierre Restany Fund dos Archives de la Critique dArt (Rennes-France) and chronicles published in the newspapers of the time. We aim to analyze the different representations of landscape present in the documents examined and the underlying differents views of art: on the one hand, the exotic and \"sublime\" forest evoked by Restany through the concept of \"Amazonian shock\" and its insertion in the theorization of a planetary and internacional art, and, on the other, the Amazon as a territory of struggle and resistance in the process of constructing the Brazilians identity in the writings of those authors who, like Francisco Bittencourt, Mário Pedrosa and mFrederico Morais, undertook to the affirmation of historically subordinate narrations, contributing to the creation of a \"border gnosis\", that is, of a new place of enunciation in the history of art.

The girl and the province: the progress expected in the novel The normalista, Adolfo Caminha / A menina e a provÃncia: a espera do progresso no romance A Normalista, de Adolfo Caminha

Benigna Soares Lessa Neta 29 August 2011 (has links)
nÃo hà / O presente estudo enfoca, no romance A Normalista, de Adolfo Caminha, publicado em 1893, a relaÃÃo entre a ideia dominante de progresso, que se impÃe de diferentes maneiras aos protagonistas, e a vida da cidade apresentada como pacata e provinciana. Esse romance filia-se à estÃtica naturalista europeia, que se integrou aqui no Brasil ao processo social mais amplo de modernizaÃÃo em que o paÃs estava envolvido. Objetivamos entender a relaÃÃo desse romance com o processo, em curso, de modernizaÃÃo da capital, buscando explicar o jogo dialÃtico entre forma literÃria e processo social, a partir dos pressupostos das obras crÃticas de Antonio Candido e Roberto Schwarz. Na introduÃÃo, apresentamos os objetivos e mÃtodos do trabalho. No primeiro capÃtulo, abordamos o perÃodo que compreende a segunda metade do sÃculo XIX. Vemos, rapidamente, o que motivou o surgimento do Naturalismo; em seguida, tratamos mais especificamente do Naturalismo no Brasil e no CearÃ; apresentamos a relaÃÃo de Adolfo Caminha com a estÃtica Naturalista; depois abordamos a recepÃÃo crÃtica da obra e terminamos o capÃtulo com o entendimento do Naturalismo como experiÃncia ideolÃgica e estÃtica. No segundo, apresentamos, a partir da personagem principal, Maria do Carmo, o posicionamento do narrador e, tambÃm, a prÃpria construÃÃo da narrativa. No terceiro e Ãltimo capÃtulo, analisamos as trÃs personagens em que as ideias de progresso aparecem mais fortemente: JoÃo da Mata, Zuza e LÃdia. Nesse capÃtulo, detemo-nos sobre os conceitos de Candido e Schwarz, a fim de explicar como o romance se organiza. Ao tÃrmino do trabalho, concluÃmos que todas as personagens do romance anseiam pelo progresso e que esse desejo se combina, das mais variadas formas, nem sempre coerentemente, com a vida que elas objetivamente podem levar e com os objetivos que podem atingir na cidade ainda provinciana. / This study focuses on the novel The normalista, Adolfo Caminha, published in 1893, the relationship between the dominant idea of ​​progress, which applies in different ways to the protagonists, and the city life presented as quiet and provincial. This novel joins the European naturalistic aesthetic, which he joined in Brazil to the broader social modernization process in that country was involved. We aim to understand the relationship with this novel process, ongoing modernization of the capital, seeking to explain the dialectical interplay between literary form and social process, from the assumptions of the critical works of Antonio Candido and Robert Schwarz. In the introduction, we present the goals and methods of work. In the first chapter, we cover the period covered by the second half of the nineteenth century. We see quickly what motivated the emergence of naturalism; then we treat more specifically of naturalism in Brazil and CearÃ; We present the Adolfo Caminha relationship with the Naturalist aesthetic; then we approach the critical reception of the work and finished chapter with the understanding of Naturalism as an ideological and aesthetic experience. In the second, we present, from the main character, Maria do Carmo, the position of the narrator and also the construction of the narrative itself. In the third and final chapter, we analyze the three characters in the progress of ideas appear more strongly: JoÃo da Mata, Zuza and Lydia. In this chapter, we are reflecting on the concepts of Candido and Schwarz in order to explain how the novel is organized. At the end of the work, we conclude that all the novel's characters yearn for progress and that this desire is combined, in many different ways, not always consistently, with the life they objectively can take and the goals you can reach the city still provincial .

Em torno da ironia: análise de Dom Casmurro, de Machado de Assis / Irony: analysis of Dom Casmurro, Machado de Assis

Daniel Gomes da Fonseca 29 August 2014 (has links)
Esta dissertação apresenta os resultados de uma análise de Dom Casmurro que levou à conclusão de que a ironia é princípio constitutivo do romance. A ironia explica como a duplicidade efetiva da obra não a impede de se erigir como um todo artístico objetivo. Procuramos mostrar como são conjugadas duas causalidades de natureza diversa: uma, que ocupa o primeiro plano da obra, é expressão da interpretação que o narrador personagem confere à própria existência e contém elementos naturalistas tanto na articulação do enredo, como nas concepções em que se baseia. A outra, que abrange a primeira e a desqualifica, ergue-se a contrapelo e associa a ação recíproca entre personagens às forças histórico-sociais que os pressionam. Ao final, vemos que a ironia age em três níveis interdependentes: na articulação formal, nas concepções que lhe servem de base e no caráter dos personagens. O resultado é um romance que inclui elementos da ideologia conservadora para figurá-los como preconceitos. Essa constituição confere à narrativa a capacidade de enredar o pensamento conservador, que encontra nela motivo de se expor abertamente / This dissertation presents the results of an analysis of Dom Casmurro which has drawn the conclusion that irony is a constitutive principle of the novel. Irony is what explains how the effective duplicity of the story does not prevent it from being constructed as a complete artistic object. We have worked to demonstrate how the two causalities, while of diverse nature, are actually conjugated. The first, occupying the foreground, is the expression of the interpretation the first person narrator confers on his own existence. It also contains naturalistic elements not only in the plot articulation but also in the conceptions on which it is based. The second one, which both includes and disqualifies the first, emerges in spite of the latter and associates the reciprocal actions between the characters and the socio-historical forces which push them. In the end, it can be clearly seen that irony acts in three interdependent levels: in the formal articulation, in the conceptions on which it is based, and on the characters\' actions and disposition. The result is a novel which includes elements of conservative ideology, to reveal them as prejudice. This constitution confers on the narrative the ability to entangle conservative thinking, which finds in the novel a reason to expose itself openly

Science et surnaturel dans le cycle de Durtal de Huysmans / Science and the Supernatural in Huysmans’s Durtal cycle

Sibourg, Éléonore 01 July 2015 (has links)
Cette étude examine les interactions de la science et du surnaturel dans le cycle de Durtal, de Huysmans. Le protagoniste, parti du naturalisme, se convertit au catholicisme. Cette étrange conversion reflète les renversements à l’œuvre dans la société contemporaine. À la fin du XIXe siècle, la science, figurant le salut et l’espoir de l’humanité, s’est substituée à la religion. Le cycle de Durtal expose les désordres générés par cette inversion. Il s’agit alors de déconstruire les savoirs et les croyances en vigueur afin de forger un ordre qui correspondra enfin au protagoniste : telle est la matrice de ces romans. La pathologie devient l’interface privilégiée de ces interactions, dont les déclinaisons constituent l’objet de nos trois parties. Dégénérescence sociale, création d'imaginaires médicaux portés par la contamination, le texte travaille les frontières entre science et religion, proposant ainsi une nouvelle cosmogonie érigée autour du concept de substitution mystique, propre à la religion catholique. Nous analysons ensuite les principes à l’origine des conflits évoqués: les conversions de l’âme et du corps amènent à fonder à nouveau les relations entre le matériel et le spirituel, le visible et l'invisible. L'écriture apparaît ainsi comme le produit d'une quête alchimique, où les contraires peuvent enfin être réunis. Nous traitons enfin du devenir du roman, déformé par tant d’influences contraires. Le caractère pharmaceutique de l'écriture (Jacques Derrida) met fin à cette crise, et redonne à l'auteur son autorité, faisant du roman de Durtal une œuvre naturaliste et mystique. / This thesis examines interactions between science and the supernatural in Huysmans’s Durtal tetralogy. The protagonist, whose aesthetic and philosophical starting point is naturalism, converts to Catholicism. This unusual conversion reflects social upheavals contemporary with Huysmans’s cycle of novels. In the late nineteenth century, science, emerging as symbol of new hope and salvation for humanity, has in a sense replaced religion. The Durtal cycle catalogues the disorders generated by this replacement, and represents the creation of a new order more suited to Durtal’s persona, through deconstruction of existing codes and beliefs. Thus is shaped the intellectual and aesthetic matrix of the four novels. Pathology is at the intersection of the interactions between science and the supernatural, the various components of which constitute the subject of the three substantive chapters of the thesis. Figuring social degeneration and the creation of imaginary medical worlds founded on contamination, Huysmans’s text explores the boundaries between science and religion, thus offering a new cosmogony constructed around a concept of mystic substitution associated with Catholicism. Analysis of these textual explorations is followed by a study of the body and the soul as the two primary principles contributing to the conflicts articulated in Huysmans’s work. The conversion processes to which the body and the soul are subjected help to build renewed relationships between the material and the spiritual, the visible and the invisible. Writing thus appears as the result of an alchemical quest in which opposites can ultimately be reunited. The thesis concludes with a discussion of the development of the novel form, subject to so many contradictory influences. The pharmaceutical quality – in Derridean terms – of writing ends this crisis and restores the author’s authority, making of the Durtal tetralogy a work that is characterised at one and the same time by its naturalism and by its mysticism.

L'influence des écrivains français sur les doctrines littéraires des romanciers turcs de la période de la modernisation et les réalisations / French Influence of Writers on Literary Doctrine of Turkish Novelists of the Period of Modernization and Achievements

Sahin, Can 03 February 2017 (has links)
Le roman est un don de la période de modernisation à la littérature turque. Les changements sociaux et politiques se sont sans aucun doute fait sentir sur la littérature. Le 19e siècle est un siècle riche en changements et en grandes évolutions au sein de l'Empire ottoman. La France était littéralement la fenêtre ouverte sur l'Europe à cette période. La littérature turque classique vieille de plus de mille ans a laissé sa place à une nouvelle conception de la littérature à l'image européenne. L'influence française sur la littérature turque de la période de modernisation est analysée dans cette étude. Nous nous sommes efforcés de déchiffrer les motifs de l'influence française sur la littérature turque et ses effets sur celle-ci. Romantisme, réalisme et naturalisme français qui ont été découverts pour la première fois grâce aux traductions des romans français ont servi de guide aux écrivains turcs. Nous avons mis en évidence les points sur lesquels les écrivains français ont influencé les écrivains turcs à travers notre étude basée sur la lecture des textes théoriques et romanesques. / Novel is a gift to Turkish literature of the period of modernization. Changing social and political events undoubtedly affects on literary form. 19th century in the Ottoman Empire at dizzying speeds where there is a period of development and change. During this period, France is almost like a pop-up window of the Ottoman Empire in Europe. Place a thousand years of classical Turkish literature in the European model is replaced with a new understanding of literature. In this change French literature has been exemplary in litrature. In this study, the period of Reformation French influence in Turkish literature has been examined from a broader perspective. The causes of the French influence in Turkish literature and its reflections have tried to read through the first Turkish novel. For the first time in this process, beginning with the translation of the French novel of French romanticism, French realism and French naturalism led to the Turkish author. This academic endeavour is carried out on the texts of French writer of which direction they affect Turkish writer has been demonstrated in a detailed manner.

Some Women in Dreiser's Life and Their Portraits in His Novels

Crimmings, Constance Deane 12 1900 (has links)
The rise of naturalism in American letters was born out of a reaction against romanticism by writers such as Theodore Dreiser, Hamlin Garland, Stephen Crane, Frank Norris, Jack London, Upton Sinclair and Robert Herrick, who attempted to rid the American novel of romanticism by delving deeper into life's truths than did the realists Mark Twain, William Dean Howells and Henry James. The naturalists objected to the limited subject matter of the realists; they focused their attention on "slums, crime, illicit sexual passions, exploitation of man by man"2 and other actualities of the world. George Perkins outlined other distinctions between realism and naturalism in American literature.3 He describes nineteenth-century realism, 1870-1890, as represented by writers who created a world of truth by keeping actuality clearly in mind. The emphasis was on the following: 1. Using settings that were thoroughly familiar to the writer. 2. Emphasizing the norm of daily experience in plot construction. 3. Creating ordinary characters and studying them in depth. 4. Adhering to complete authorial objectivity. 5. Accepting their moral responsibility by reporting the world as it truly was.

Naturalismus ve francouzské a evropské literatuře / Naturalism in French and European literatur

Krejčová, Alena January 2020 (has links)
The diploma thesis Naturalism in French and European literature deals with the French literary movement naturalism. The first aim of the thesis is to determine the scope of naturalism and its influence on other European literatures and writers. The second aim is to conduct a research on the way naturalism is taught in Czech schools and to map to what extent the theoretical knowledge is reflected in school practice. The thesis is divided into theoretical and practical part. The theoretical part focuses on the literary naturalism as such, on its development and characteristics and it introduces French and European naturalist writers and their most important works. The thesis is interested in the influence of French naturalism on European literature. The practical part, or the research, is concerned with the teaching of the topic of the literary naturalism at Czech grammar schools. It examines the impact of this movement in the Czech context, the attitude of individual teachers and the amount of time devoted to this topic in the classes. The practical part also studies which writers are dealt with in the classes and which works are regardedas exemplary. The conclusion of this thesis summarises the results of the research and it offers recommendations on how to enrich and improve the teaching of the...

"Att bära livet som det var" : En naturalistisk läsning om hur naturalismen lyckas genom att misslyckas i Niels Lyhne

Karlsson, Felix January 2022 (has links)
In this essay I will be examining the protagonist Niels Lyhnes naturalistic ambitions in J.P. Jacobsens novel Niels Lyhne (1880), more accuratley how the novel Niels Lyhne succeedes as a naturalistic novel through the failure of the protagonist Niels Lyhnes own ambition to live by the ideals of naturalism. Niels remains throughout his life a strong atheist because, in his childhood, God did not answer his prayers to save his dying aunts life. His atheism and his naturalistic ambitions turn into, which I will show, a form of idealism. This could be viewed as inevitable. To renounce ones belief in something also means that one embraces a belief in something else, even if this ”something” is the lack of what one used to believe in. Niels Lyhnes failure, however, means that the book Niels Lyhne succedes as a naturalistic novel. What Jacobsen has achieved is to depict man as the incomplete creature that she is.

Ficino's Musica Humana: Musico-Astrological Improvisation

Clauss, Greg A 01 January 2008 (has links) (PDF)
The improvvisatore tradition in Florence Italy during the second half of the quattrocento featured poet-musicians who sang poetry for music (poesia per musica) accompanied by the lira (da braccio). This thesis researches Florentine literati and threads of humanism in relation to poetry written for music. By doing so, philosophical and literary trends are analyzed in relation to the Florentine improvvisatore style: frottola versification forms and divinus furor. Marsilio Ficino’s (1433-1499) direction at the Platonic Academy (founded c. 1463) outside Florence in the hills of Carregi influenced some of the greatest artists and musicians of his time. This thesis focuses on lyric improvisation as a means of connecting mind and body with the universe. In doing so, Ficino’s music-spirit-theory and astrological program are looked at in light of the Platonic sources. The instrument of the improvvisatore, the lira, will be analyzed in relation to affect (ethos) and wellness for mind (soul) and body

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