Spelling suggestions: "subject:"networked control systems"" "subject:"etworked control systems""
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Stabilité et performance des systèmes distribués de contrôle-commande / Stability and performance of distributed computer control systemsFelicioni, Flavia 10 March 2011 (has links)
L’objectif principal de cette thèse est l’étude de propriétés dynamiques et de méthodes de conception et synthèse des algorithmes de contrôle-commande des systèmes dans le cas où les fonctions de mesures, actionnements et contrôles sont distribuées sur des organes de calcul pouvant être partagés avec d’autres applications et connectés sur un réseau de communication numérique. En conséquence, les boucles de contrôle sont en compétition avec d’autres applications pour accéder aux ressources de calcul et de communication de capacité limitée et gérées par des politiques spécifiques. Ceci provoque l’apparition de délais et de perte d’informations transmises entre les différents nœuds qui peuvent dégrader les performances des systèmes et conduire à leur instabilité.Dans une première partie de la thèse, nous avons étudié l’analyse des performances de certains systèmes ainsi que la conception de contrôleurs robustes en fonction de la qualité de service fournie par le réseau. Cette étude a permis de spécifier les règles de conception de contrôleurs.Dans la deuxième partie, nous avons présenté une approche de conception conjointe intégrant les résultats obtenus dans les deux domaines: la synthèse et la conception des algorithmes de contrôle et l’ordonnancement de tâches temps réel qui partagent des ressources limitées. La technique proposée repose sur le changement de la période d’activation de l’algorithme de contrôle, et en conséquence le modèle du système devient un modèle échantillonné à taux variable. Les résultats proposés, en considérant l’algèbre de Lie des matrices d’évolution, permettent de calculer des contrôleurs adaptifs aux périodes qui stabilisent tous le système / The main contributions of this thesis are related to the analysis, synthesis and design of control systems sharing communication and computational resources. The research focuses on control systems where the feedback loops are closed over communication networks which transmit the information provided to its nodes by sensors, actuators and controllers. The shared resource in this scenario is the network. Some of the results are valid when the resource is a processor locally placed respect to several controller executing their algorithms on it. In any of the preceding scenarios, the control loops must contend for the shared resource. The limited capacity of the resource can cause delays and packet losses when information is transmitted. These effects can degrade the control system performance and even destabilize it.The first part of this thesis contributes to the performance analysis of specific classes of systems and to the design of robust controllers for network characteristics modeled by Quality of Service parameters. A series of methods to assist the control systems engineer are provided.In the second part, a contribution to the CoDesign approach is made via the integration of control system synthesis and design techniques with rules allowing to define the communication policy to manage real-time tasks sharing a limited resource. Putting in correspondence a scheduling of instances of the controller tasks with their sampling periods, the proposed policy results in discrete-time varying systems. The stabilization problem of these systems is solved with methods based on the solvability of Lie-algebras. Specifically, the proposed methodology provides adaptive controllers
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Output feedback event-triggered control / Commande par retour de sortie à transmissions évènementiellesAbdelrahim, Mahmoud 23 July 2014 (has links)
La commande à transmissions événementielles est une approche dans laquelle les instants de transmission sont définis selon un critère dépendant de l'état du système et non plus d'une horloge à l'instar des implantations périodiques. Dans cette thèse, nous nous concentrons sur la synthèse de telles lois de commande par retour de sortie. Les contributions sont les suivantes : (i) nous proposons une méthode de synthèse dite par émulation pour des systèmes non linéaires; (ii) nous présentons une méthode de synthèse jointe de la loi de commande et de la condition de déclenchement pour les systèmes linéaires; (iii) nous nous intéressons au cas de systèmes non linéaires singulièrement perturbés et nous construisons le contrôleur à partir d’approximation de la dynamique lente uniquement. / Event-triggered control is a sampling paradigm in which the sequence of transmission instants is determined based on the violation of a state-dependent criterion and not a time-driven clock. In this thesis, we deal with event-triggered output-based controllers to stabilize classes of nonlinear systems. The contributions of the presented material are threefold: (i) we stabilize a class of nonlinear systems by using an emulation-based approach; (ii) we develop a co-design procedure to simultaneously design the output feedback law and the event-triggering condition for linear systems; (iii) we propose stabilizing event-triggered controllers for nonlinear systems whose dynamics have two-time scales (in particular, we only rely on the knowledge of an approximate model of the slow dynamics)
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Έλεγχος και βελτιστοποίηση λειτουργίας ασύρματα δικτυωμένων συστημάτων με έμφαση στην ποιότητα των παρεχόμενων υπηρεσιών / Quality-of-service based control and optimization techniques for wireless networked systemsΠανουσοπούλου, Αθανασία 18 February 2010 (has links)
Η παρούσα διατριβή κινείται στο χώρο των Ασύρματα Δικτυωμένων Συστημάτων και έχει ως αντικείμενο τη μελέτη και τη σύνθεση μηχανισμών που βελτιώνουν τη λειτουργία τους. Ο όρος Ασύρματα Δικτυωμένα Συστήματα αναφέρεται στα συστήματα των οποίων τα δομικά στοιχεία συνδέονται μέσω ασύρματων δικτύων, με την έμφαση να δίνεται στα αυτό-οργανωμένα δίκτυα και στα δίκτυα αισθητήρων. Η βελτιστοποίηση και ο έλεγχος ενός Ασύρματα Δικτυωμένου Συστήματος γίνεται με γνώμονα την Ποιότητα των παρεχόμενων Υπηρεσιών του δικτύου, η οποία χρησιμοποιείται ως μέτρο αξιολόγησης και επαναπροσδιορισμού των παραμέτρων λειτουργίας αυτού. Προσεγγίζοντας το θέμα από την οπτική γωνία του δικτύου, οι μηχανισμοί που είναι υπεύθυνοι για τη βελτιστοποίηση της λειτουργίας των Ασύρματα Δικτυωμένων Συστημάτων, αποστασιοποιούνται από την ανάπτυξη νέων πρωτοκόλλων για τα διάφορα επίπεδα του μοντέλου αναφοράς Ανοιχτής Διασύνδεσης Συστημάτων. Για τον λόγο αυτό, αναφορικά με το μοντέλο αναφοράς Ανοιχτής Διασύνδεσης Συστημάτων, το ζήτημα της βελτιστοποίησης της λειτουργίας των Ασύρματα Δικτυωμένων Συστημάτων προσεγγίζεται από τα ακραία επίπεδα της στοίβας πρωτοκόλλων, και συγκεκριμένα από την οπτική γωνία του Επιπέδου Εφαρμογής και του Φυσικού Επιπέδου.
Στο Επίπεδο Εφαρμογής το ενδιαφέρον επικεντρώνεται στην διασφάλιση των περιθωρίων ευστάθειας για τα Ασύρματα Δικτυωμένα Συστήματα Ελέγχου. Η διασφάλιση της ομαλής λειτουργίας του συστήματος κλειστού βρόχου βασίζεται σε διακοπτικές δομές ελέγχου, των οποίων οι παράμετροι λειτουργίας καθορίζονται από την Ποιότητα Υπηρεσίας του δικτύου, και συγκεκριμένα από το ποσοστό των επιτυχώς ληφθέντων πακέτων.
Στο Φυσικό Επίπεδο εξετάζεται αρχικά το πρόβλημα αποκατάστασης της συνδεσιμότητας μεταξύ των μελών ενός Ασύρματα Δικτυωμένου Συστήματος και στην συνέχεια το πρόβλημα επαναπροσδιορισμού της ποιότητας των ασύρματων ζεύξεων. Οι κεντρικοποιημένοι και κατανεμημένοι μηχανισμοί που αναπτύσσονται για τη βελτιστοποίηση των παραμέτρων της Ποιότητας Υπηρεσίας των Ασύρματα Δικτυωμένων Συστημάτων στο Φυσικό Επίπεδο βασίζονται σε εργαλεία της Υπολογιστικής Γεωμετρίας, συνδυάζοντας τα χωρικά χαρακτηριστικά ενός Ασύρματα Δικτυωμένου Συστήματος με δημοφιλή μοντέλα διάδοσης μεγάλης κλίμακας.
Τέλος, η αξιολόγηση των μεθόδων ελέγχου και βελτιστοποίησης της λειτουργίας των Ασύρματα Δικτυωμένων Συστημάτων πραγματοποιείται με την εφαρμογή τους σε κατάλληλες πειραματικές διατάξεις και σε ένα καθορισμένο σύνολο σεναρίων εξομοίωσης. / The primary objective of the present PhD thesis is the analysis and the synthesis of mechanisms and algorithms that optimize the operation of Wireless Networked Systems. The term Wireless Networked Systems is used to describe the distributed systems, whose components are interconnected over wireless networks. Referring to wireless networking, the emphasis is given at the self-organized Ad-hoc and Sensor Networks. The effort made is focused on the reconfiguration of the Quality of Service of the underlying network. From such a perspective, the mechanisms responsible for improving the Quality of Service differentiate from the design of novel, specialized communication protocols. More specifically, with respect to the Open Systems Interconnection Reference Model (OSI-RM), the optimization issues of the Wireless Networked Systems’ operation are examined at the Application and Physical Layer.
At the Application Layer, problems related to the guarantee of the stability margins for Wireless Networked Controlled Systems are studied. More precisely, the assurance of the desired performance for the closed-loop controlled system is based on switching control techniques. The optimization decision variables are determined by the network’s Quality of Service parameters.
At the Physical Layer the objective is twofold: (a) to establish the physical connectivity among the members of the Wireless Networked System and (b) to optimize of the wireless link’s quality. Based on the combination of the spatial characteristics of the Wireless Networked Systems with large-scale radio propagation models, the centralized and distributed mechanisms, synthesized for the optimization of the network’s Quality of Service at the Physical Layer, exploit effectively concepts adopted by the Computational Geometry.
Finally, properly developed experimental testbeds and network simulation scenaria are utilized to examine the efficiency of the synthesized mechanisms for the control and optimization of the operation of Wireless Networked Systems at the Application and Physical Layer.
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Réseaux de communication et applications de contrôle-commande / Communication Networks and Process Control ApplicationsNguyen, Xuan hung 15 December 2011 (has links)
Cette thèse se situe dans le domaine des Systèmes Commandés en Réseaux, systèmes pluridisciplinairesqui connaissent un grand développement dans le contexte technologique actuel etqui introduisent de nouveaux problèmes de recherche, en particulier, pour les communautés Automatiqueet Réseau de Communication. L’objectif est de montrer l’intérêt de considérer un lienbidirectionnel entre la Qualité de Contrôle (QdC) (stabilité et performance des applications decontrôle-commande) et la Qualité de Service (QdS) (retards dans les transmissions) en se focalisantsur les réseaux locaux et plus particulièrement sur l’ordonnancement des trames dans la souscouche MAC où on considère des protocoles MAC de type CSMA.Notre travail se situe tout d’abord dans le cadre du réseau CAN où nous faisons trois propositions.La première proposition consiste en des solutions de QdS pour des applications decontrôle-commande sur la base du concept de priorité hybride, pour l’ordonnancement de trames,dans laquelle nous définissons une partie priorité dynamique qui dépend d’un paramètre de QdC.Ceci permet de réaliser une relation QdC→QdS. La deuxième proposition consiste en des solutionsde QdC par une méthode de compensation de retard (maintenance des pôles dominants)ce qui permet de réaliser une relation QdS→QdC. La troisième proposition consiste à réaliserune relation QdC⇋QdS qui assure lors de l’implantation de plusieurs applications, une propriétéd’équité comportementale. Nous abordons ensuite le cadre particulier des réseaux locaux sans filoù, d’une part, nous définissons des protocoles MAC de type CSMA sans collision sur la basede priorités et, d’autre part, nous montrons la faisabilité des idées développées dans le cadre duréseau CAN / This thesis is in the field of Networked Controlled Systems, which are multidisciplinary systemsand which experience a great development in the context of the current technology andintroduce new research problems, particularly for the communities of Automatic Control andCommunication Network. The aim is to show the interest in considering a bidirectional link betweenthe Quality of Control (QoC) (stability and performance of process control applications) andQuality of Service (QoS) (delays in the transmissions) and to focus on Local Area Networks and,more particularly, on the scheduling of frames in the MAC layer in which we consider CSMAMAC protocols.Our work first concerns a CAN network where we have three proposals. The first proposalconsists of solutions for QoS, for process control applications, which are based on the conceptof hybrid priority for the frame scheduling in which we define a dynamic priority part which dependson a QoC parameter. This allows to implement a relation QoC→QoS. The second proposalconsists of QoC solutions by using a compensation method for time delays (maintenance of dominantpoles) which allows to implement a relation QoS→QoC. The third proposal consists inimplementing a relation QoS⇋QoC that ensures, for the implementation of several applications,a fairness property. We then discuss the specific context of Wireless LANs, where, on the onehand, we define collision-free CSMA MAC protocols on the basis of priorities and, on the otherhand, we show the feasibility of the ideas developed in the CAN network
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On performance limitations of large-scale networks with distributed feedback controlTegling, Emma January 2016 (has links)
We address the question of performance of large-scale networks with distributed feedback control. We consider networked dynamical systems with single and double integrator dynamics, subject to distributed disturbances. We focus on two types of problems. First, we consider problems modeled over regular lattice structures. Here, we treat consensus and vehicular formation problems and evaluate performance in terms of measures of “global order”, which capture the notion of network coherence. Second, we consider electric power networks, which we treat as dynamical systems modeled over general graphs. Here, we evaluate performance in terms of the resistive power losses that are incurred in maintaining network synchrony. These losses are associated with transient power flows that are a consequence of “local disorder” caused by lack of synchrony. In both cases, we characterize fundamental limitations to performance as networks become large. Previous studies have shown that such limitations hold for coherence in networks with regular lattice structures. These imply that connections in 3 spatial dimensions are necessary to achieve full coherence, when the controller uses static feedback from relative measurements in a local neighborhood. We show that these limitations remain valid also with dynamic feedback, where each controller has an internal memory state. However, if the controller can access certain absolute state information, dynamic feedback can improve performance compared to static feedback, allowing also 1-dimensional formations to be fully coherent. For electric power networks, we show that the transient power losses grow unboundedly with network size. However, in contrast to previous results, performance does not improve with increased network connectivity. We also show that a certain type of distributed dynamic feedback controller can improve performance by reducing losses, but that their scaling with network size remains an important limitation. / <p>QC 20160504</p>
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Fault Tolerant Stabilizability in Multihop Control NetworksIftikhar, Rana Faheem January 2023 (has links)
The integration of control systems with wireless communication networks has gainedsignificant popularity, leading to the emergence of wireless networked control systems(WNCS). WNCS comprises wireless devices such as sensors, actuators, andcontrollers that work together to ensure system stabilizability. However, communicationamong these wireless devices often relies on relay nodes, which presents a challengein guaranteeing system stabilizability due to potential failures caused by natural eventsor malicious activities targeting and disabling these nodes. This study proposes an approach to enhance the resilience of wireless sensor networks(WSNs) utilizing the WirelessHART communication protocol. The objective is to designthe WSNs and controller that can ensure stabilizability, even in the specific number ofrelay node failures. The study employs two key methodologies: firstly, the analysis ofconditions such as controllability, observability, solvability of fault detection andisolation, and the associated requirements to guarantee system stabilizability. Secondly,MATLAB simulations are employed to test the proposed system. By combiningtheoretical analysis and practical simulations, the study provides valuable insights anddesign strategies that contribute to the advancement of WNCS, enabling their reliabilityand stability in the face of potential relay node failures. / Integrationen av styrsystem med trådlösa kommunikationsnätverk har blivit mycketpopulär, vilket har lett till framväxten av trådlösa nätverksstyrningssystem (WNCS).WNCS omfattar trådlösa enheter som sensorer, aktuatorer och styrenheter som arbetartillsammans för att säkerställa systemets stabilisering. Kommunikationen mellan dessatrådlösa enheter förlitar sig emellertid ofta på relänoder, vilket utgör en utmaning föratt garantera systemets stabilisering på grund av potentiella fel orsakade av naturligahändelser eller skadliga aktiviteter som riktar sig mot och inaktiverar dessa noder. Denna studie föreslår ett tillvägagångssätt för att förbättra motståndskraften hos trådlösasensornätverk (WSNs) med hjälp av kommunikationsprotokollet WirelessHART. Måletär att utforma WSN och styrenheter som kan säkerställa stabilisering även vid ettspecifikt antal relänodfel. Studien använder sig av två huvudsakliga metoder: för detförsta analys av villkor såsom styrbarket, observerbarheten, lösbarheten hos felupptäcktoch isolering metod och de tillhörande kraven för att garantera systemets stabilisering.För det andra används MATLAB-simuleringar för att testa det föreslagna systemet.Genom att kombinera teoretisk analys och praktiska simuleringar ger studien värdefullainsikter och designstrategier som bidrar till framsteg inom WNCS, vilket möjliggörtillförlitlighet och stabilitet även vid potentiella fel på relänoder.
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Design and implementation of event-based multi-rate controllers for networked control systemsAlcaina Acosta, José Joaquín 21 January 2021 (has links)
Tesis por compendio / [ES] Con esta tesis se pretende dar solución a algunos de los problemas más habituales que aparecen en los Sistemas de control basados en red (NCS) como son los retardos variables en el tiempo, las pérdidas y el desorden de paquetes, y la restricción de ancho de banda y de recursos computacionales y energéticos de los dispositivos que forman parte del sistema de control. Para ello se ha planteado la integración de técnicas de control multifrecuencial, de control basado en paquetes, de control basado en predictor y de control basado en eventos. Los diseños de control realizados se han simulado utilizando Matlab-Simulink y Truetime, se ha analizado su estabilidad mediante LMIs y QFT, y se han validado experimentalmente en un péndulo invertido, un robot cartesiano 3D y en robots móviles de bajo coste.
El artículo 1 aborda el control basado en eventos, el cual minimiza el ancho de banda consumido en el NCS mediante un control basado en eventos periódicos y presenta un método para obtener sus parámetros óptimos para el sistema específico en que se utilice.
Los artículos 2, 4 y 6 añaden el control basado en paquetes, así como el control multifrecuencia, que aborda problemas de falta de datos por bajo uso del sensor y los retardos, pérdidas y desórdenes de paquetes en la red. También afrontan, mediante tecnicas de predicción basadas en un filtro de Kalman multifrecuencia variable en el tiempo, los problemas de ruido y perturbaciones, así como la observación de los estados completos del sistema. El artículo 7 hace frente a un modelo no lineal que utiliza las anteriores soluciones junto con un filtro de Kalman extendido para presentar otro tipo de estructura para un vehículo autónomo que, gracias a la información futura obtenida mediante estas técnicas, puede realizar de forma remota tareas de alto nivel como es la toma de decisiones y la monitorización de variables.
Los artículos 3 y 5, presentan una forma de obtener y analizar la respuesta en frecuencia de sistemas SISO multifrecuencia y estudian su comportamiento ante ciertas incertidumbres o problemas en la red haciendo uso de procedimientos QFT. / [CA] Amb aquesta tesi es pretén donar solució a alguns dels problemes més habituals que apareixen als Sistemes de Control Basats en xarxa (NCS) com son els retards d'accés i transferència variables en el temps, les pèrdues y desordenament de paquets, i la restricció d'ampli de banda així com de recursos computacionals i energètics dels dispositius que foment part del sistema de control. Per tal de resoldre'ls s'ha plantejat la integració de tècniques de control multifreqüencial, de control basat en paquets, de control basat en predictor i de control basat en events. Els dissenys de control realitzats s'han simulat fent ús de Matlab-Simulink i de TrueTime, s'ha analitzat la seua estabilitat mitjançant LMIs i QFT, i s'han validat experimentalment en un pèndul invertit, un robot cartesià 3D i en robots mòbils de baix cost.
L'article 1 aborda el control basat en events, el qual minimitza l'ampli de banda consumit a l'NCS mitjançant un control basat en events periòdics i presenta un mètode per a obtindré els seus paràmetres òptims per al sistema específic en el qual s'utilitza.
Els articles 2, 4 i 6 afegeixen el control basat en paquets, així com el control multifreqüència, que aborda problemes de falta de dades per el baix us del sensor i els retards, pèrdues i desordre de paquets en la xarxa. També afronten, mitjançant tècniques de predicció basades en un filtre de Kalman multifreqüència variable en el temps. Els problemes de soroll i pertorbacions, així com la observació dels estats complets del sistema. L'article 7 fa referència a un model no lineal que utilitza les anteriors solucions junt a un filtre de Kalman estès per a presentar altre tipus d'estructura per a un vehicle autònom que, gracies a la informació futura obtinguda mitjançant aquestes tècniques, pot realitzar de manera remota tasques d'alt nivell com son la presa de decisions i la monitorització de variables.
Els articles 3 y 5 presenten la manera d'obtindre i analitzar la resposta en frequencia de sistemes SISO multifreqüència i estudien el seu comportament front a certes incerteses o problemes en la xarxa fent us de procediments QFT. / [EN] This thesis attempts to solve some of the most frequent issues that appear in Networked Control Systems (NCS), such as time-varying delays, packet losses and packet disorders and the bandwidth limitation. Other frequent problems are scarce computational and energy resources of the local system devices. Thus, it is proposed to integrate multirate control, packet-based control, predictor-based control and event-based control techniques. The control designs have been simulated using Matlab-Simulink and Truetime, the stability has been analysed by LMIs and QFT, and the experimental validation has been done on an inverted pendulum, a 3D cartesian robot and in low-cost mobile robots.
Paper 1 addresses event-based control, which minimizes the bandwidth consumed in NCS through a periodic event-triggered control and presents a method to obtain the optimal parameters for the specific system used.
Papers 2, 4 and 6 include packet-based control and multirate control, addressing problems such as network delays, packet dropouts and packet disorders, and the scarce data due to low sensor usage in order to save battery in sensing tasks and transmissions of the sensed data. Also addressed, is how despite the existence of measurement noise and disturbances, time-varying dual-rate Kalman filter based prediction techniques observe the complete state of the system. Paper 7 tackles a non-linear model that uses all the previous solutions together with an extended Kalman filter to present another type of structure for an autonomous vehicle that, due to future information obtained through these techniques, can remotely carry out high level tasks, such as decision making and monitoring of variables.
Papers 3 and 5, present a method for obtaining and analyzing the SISO dual-rate frequency response and using QFT procedures to study its behavior when faced with specific uncertainties or network problems. / This work was supported by the Spanish Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad under Grant referenced TEC2012-31506. / Alcaina Acosta, JJ. (2020). Design and implementation of event-based multi-rate controllers for networked control systems [Tesis doctoral]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/159884 / Compendio
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Efficient Design of Wireless Networked Control Systems Applied to UxVs using Non-Conventional Sampling and Event-Based Control TechniquesCarbonell Lázaro, Rafael 23 December 2024 (has links)
Tesis por compendio / [ES] La tesis doctoral se centra en el diseño eficiente de sistemas de control en red NCS aplicados a Vehículos Autónomos No Tripulados (UxVs), empleando técnicas de muestreo no convencional y control basado en eventos. La investigación aborda desafíos inherentes a los NCS, como el desorden y la pérdida de datos en la comunicación, limitaciones en el ancho de banda de la red, recursos computacionales y energéticos limitados, así como retrasos temporales variables.
Se presentan cuatro artículos que contribuyen al tema. El primer y el segundo proponen un control de seguimiento de trayectoria Pure Pursuit para un vehículo terrestre no tripulado (UGV) de tracción en dos ruedas y a cuatro ruedas omnidireccionales, respectivamente, abordando la discrepancia en las frecuencias de muestreo uniforme y no uniforme, respectivamente. El uso de un filtro de Kalman extendido bifrecuencia (DREKF) y no uniforme (NUDREKF), respectivamente, permite estimar las mediciones no disponibles a frecuencia rápida y diseñar un controlador dinámico eficiente con la muestras compensadas por el filtro, logrando hacer un seguimiento efectivo de la trayectoria. Ambos artículos presentan el uso de herramientas de simulación avanzadas como Simscape Multibody que presentan una mayor fidelidad con la realidad. Este tipo de modelado presenta la problemática de la caracterización de parámetros, la cual se resuelve utilizando técnicas que emplean datos de experimentación reales, como se describe en el primer artículo.
El tercer artículo presenta una metodología de síntesis de control para robots móviles con configuración diferencial bajo retrasos temporales variables y restricciones de saturación de entrada. Se propone un método de control basado en funciones no lineales estáticas suaves, demostrando convergencia garantizada hacia una posición objetivo con una tasa de decaimiento exponencial. En este artículo empleamos el simulador de Simscape del primer artículo para la simulación realista junto a las técnicas de estimación no uniforme del segundo artículo para la experimentación.
El cuarto artículo introduce una estructura de control eficiente en el uso de recursos para el control remoto de seguimiento de trayectorias de vehículos autónomos basada en una combinación integral de filtrado de Kalman, muestreo de bifrecuencia no uniforme, comunicación activada por eventos periódicos y técnicas de control basadas en predicciones de h-pasos adelante, junto a una simulación que permite retardos y pérdidas de paquetes simulando una red inalámbrica. Este enfoque, validado mediante simulación y experimentación en una plataforma robótica holonómica de ruedas omnidireccionales, que ha sido mejorada a partir de la desarrollada en el artículo 2, demuestra una reducción significativa en el uso de recursos computacionales en la parte local en comparación con soluciones de control convencionales junto a un seguimiento de trayectoria satisfactorio. Adicionalmente, destacar que la estabilidad de media cuadrática es asegurada para el NUDREKF.
En conjunto, estos artículos contribuyen al diseño eficiente de sistemas de control en red aplicados a UxVs, superando desafíos como retrasos temporales, variabilidad en las frecuencias de muestreo y limitaciones de recursos, y demostrando su efectividad a través de simulaciones realistas y experimentos prácticos. / [CA] La tesi doctoral es centra en el disseny eficient de Sistemes de Control en Xarxa (NCS) aplicats a Vehicles Autònoms No Tripulats (UxVs), emprant tècniques de mostreig no convencional i control basat en esdeveniments. La investigació aborda desafiaments inherents als NCS, com el desorde i la pèrdua de dades en la comunicació, limitacions en l'amplada de banda de la xarxa, recursos computacionals i energètics limitats, així com retards temporals variables.
Es presenten quatre articles que contribuïxen al tema. El primer i el segon proposen un control de seguiment de trajectòria Pure Pursuit per a un vehicle terrestre no tripulat (UGV) de tracció en dos rodes i a quatre rodes omnidireccionals, respectivament, abordant la discrepància en les taxes de mostreig uniforme i no uniforme, respectivament. L'ús d'un filtre de Kalman estés bifreqüència (DREKF) i no uniforme (NUDREKF), respectivament, permet estimar els mesuraments no disponibles a freqüència ràpida i dissenyar un controlador dinàmic eficient amb la mostres compensades pel filtre, aconseguint fer un seguiment efectiu de la trajectòria. Tots dos articles presenten l'ús de ferramentes de simulació avançades com Simscape Multibody que presenten una major fidelitat amb la realitat. Este tipus de modelatge presenta la problemàtica de la caracterització de paràmetres, la qual es resol utilitzant tècniques que empren dades d'experimentació reals, com es descriu en el primer article.
El tercer article presenta una metodologia de síntesi de control per a robots mòbils amb configuració diferencial sota retards temporals variables i restriccions de saturació d'entrada. Es proposa un mètode de control basat en funcions no lineals estàtiques suaus, demostrant convergència garantida cap a una posició objectiu amb una taxa de decaïment exponencial. En este article emprem el simulador de Simscape Multibody del primer article per a la simulació realista junt a les tècniques d'estimació no uniforme del segon article per a l'experimentació.
El quart article introduïx una estructura de control eficient en l'ús de recursos per al control remot de seguiment de trajectòries de vehicles autònoms basada en una combinació integral de filtrat de Kalman, mostreig de bifreqüència no uniforme, comunicació activada per esdeveniments periòdics i tècniques de control basades en prediccions d'h-passos avant, al costat d'una simulació que permet retards i pèrdues de paquets simulant una xarxa sense fil. Este enfocament, validat mitjançant simulació i experimentació en una plataforma robòtica holonómica de rodes omnidireccionals, que ha sigut millorada a partir de la desenvolupada en l'article 2, demostra una reducció significativa en l'ús de recursos computacionals en la part local en comparació amb solucions de control convencionals al costat d'un seguiment de trajectòria satisfactori. Addicionalment, cal destacar que l'estabilitat mitjana quadràtica és assegurada per al NUDREKF.
En conjunt, estos articles contribuïxen al disseny eficient de sistemes de control en xarxa aplicats a UxVs, superant desafiaments com a retards temporals, variabilitat en les freqüències de mostreig i limitacions de recursos, i demostrant la seua efectivitat a través de simulacions realistes i experiments pràctics. / [EN] The doctoral thesis focuses on the efficient design of Networked Control Systems (NCS) applied to Unmanned Autonomous Vehicles (UxVs), employing non-conventional sampling techniques and event-based control. The research addresses inherent challenges in NCS, such as packet disorder and data loss in communication, network bandwidth limitations, limited computational and energy resources, as well as variable time delays.
Four articles are presented, contributing to the topic. The first and second articles propose a Pure Pursuit trajectory tracking control for a two-wheel drive Unmanned Ground Vehicle (UGV) and a four-wheel omnidirectional vehicle, respectively, addressing the discrepancy in uniform and non-uniform sampling rates, respectively. The use of uniform Dual-Rate Extended Kalman Filter (DREKF) and non-uniform Dual-Rate Extended Kalman Filter (NUDREKF) enables estimation of high-rate unavailable measurements and design of efficient dynamic controllers with filter-compensated samples, achieving effective trajectory tracking. Both articles employ advanced simulation tools such as Simscape Multibody, which provide higher fidelity to reality. This type of modeling addresses the problem of parameter characterization, which is resolved using techniques employing real-world experimental data, as described in the first article.
{The third article presents a control synthesis methodology for mobile robots with differential configuration under variable time delays and input saturation constraints. A control method based on smooth static nonlinear functions is proposed, demonstrating guaranteed convergence to a target position with an exponential decay rate. In this article, we use the Simscape Multibody simulator for realistic simulation as in the first article, along with the non-uniform estimation techniques from the second article for experimentation.
The fourth article introduces a resource-efficient control structure for remote trajectory tracking control of autonomous vehicles, based on a comprehensive combination of Kalman filtering, non-uniform dual-rate sampling, periodic event-triggered communication, and h-steps ahead prediction-based control techniques, alongside a simulation that incorporates delays and packet losses to simulate a wireless network. This approach, validated through simulation and experimentation on a holonomic omnidirectional-wheeled robotic platform modeled in the second article, demonstrates significant reduction in computational resource usage on the local side compared to conventional control solutions, along with satisfactory trajectory tracking. Additionally, it is worth highlighting that the stability of the NUDREKF is guaranteed through stability conditions.
Together, these articles contribute to the efficient design of NCS applied to UxVs, overcoming challenges such as time delays, variability in sampling rates, and resource limitations, and demonstrating their effectiveness through realistic simulations and practical experiments. / This PhD research was part of the R+D+i Project, Grant RTI2018-096590-B-
I00 (Research, Development and Innovation projects - "Research Challengues"),
funded by MCIN/AEI/ 10.13039/501100011033 (Ministry of Science, Innova-
tion and Universities - Spanish government) and by Europe "ERDF A way of
making Europe". And grant for predoctoral contracts for the training of doc-
tors, Grant PRE2019-088467 funded by MCIN/AEI/10.13039 /501100011033 and by Europe "ESF Investing in your future". / Carbonell Lázaro, R. (2024). Efficient Design of Wireless Networked Control Systems Applied to UxVs using Non-Conventional Sampling and Event-Based Control Techniques [Tesis doctoral]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/213211 / Compendio
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Design, Implementation and Validation of Resource-Aware and Resilient Wireless Networked Control SystemsAraújo, José January 2014 (has links)
Networked control over wireless networks is of growing importance in many application domains such as industrial control, building automation and transportation systems. Wide deployment however, requires systematic design tools to enable efficient resource usage while guaranteeing close-loop control performance. The control system may be greatly affected by the inherent imperfections and limitations of the wireless medium and malfunction of system components. In this thesis, we make five important contributions that address these issues. In the first contribution, we consider event- and self-triggered control and investigate how to efficiently tune and execute these paradigms for appropriate control performance. Communication strategies for aperiodic control are devised, where we jointly address the selection of medium-access control and scheduling policies. Experimental results show that the best trade-off is obtained by a hybrid scheme, combining event- and self-triggered control together with contention-based and contention-free medium access control. The second contribution proposes an event-based method to select between fast and slow periodic sampling rates. The approach is based on linear quadratic control and the event condition is a quadratic function of the system state. Numerical and experimental results show that this hybrid controller is able to reduce the average sampling rate in comparison to a traditional periodic controller, while achieving the same closed-loop control performance. In the third contribution, we develop compensation methods for out-of-order communications and time-varying delays using a game-theoretic minimax control framework. We devise a linear temporal coding strategy where the sensor combines the current and previous measurements into a single packet to be transmitted. An experimental evaluation is performed in a multi-hop networked control scenario with a routing layer vulnerability exploited by a malicious application. The experimental and numerical results show the advantages of the proposed compensation schemes. The fourth contribution proposes a distributed reconfiguration method for sensor and actuator networks. We consider systems where sensors and actuators cooperate to recover from faults. Reconfiguration is performed to achieve model-matching, while minimizing the steady-state estimation error covariance and a linear quadratic control cost. The reconfiguration scheme is implemented in a room heating testbed, and experimental results demonstrate the method's ability to automatically reconfigure the faulty system in a distributed and fast manner. The final contribution is a co-simulator, which combines the control system simulator Simulink with the wireless network simulator COOJA. The co-simulator integrates physical plant dynamics with realistic wireless network models and the actual embedded software running on the networked devices. Hence, it allows for the validation of the complete wireless networked control system, including the study of the interactions between software and hardware components. / <p>QC 20140929</p>
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Ανάλυση και έλεγχος γραμμικών και μη γραμμικών συστημάτων με περιορισμούς μέσω πολυεδρικών συναρτήσεων LyapunovΑθανασόπουλος, Νικόλαος 05 January 2011 (has links)
Το αντικείμενο της διατριβής αφορά την ανάλυση και τον έλεγχο δυναμικών συστημάτων με περιορισμούς στο διάνυσμα της εισόδου ή/ και στις μεταβλητές κατάστασης. Τα θεωρητικά εργαλεία που χρησιμοποιήθηκαν για την εξαγωγή των αποτελεσμάτων προέρχονται από τη θεωρία ευστάθειας Lyapunov, την αρχή σύγκρισης συστημάτων και τη θεωρία συνόλων, και οδήγησαν στην εδραίωση συνθηκών ευστάθειας και την ανάπτυξη συστηματικών μεθόδων εύρεσης λύσης στο πρόβλημα ελέγχου συγκεκριμένων κατηγοριών δυναμικών συστημάτων με περιορισμούς.
Πιο συγκεκριμένα, για την κατηγορία των γραμμικών συστημάτων συνεχούς και διακριτού χρόνου, προτάθηκε μια νέα μέθοδος επίλυσης του προβλήματος ευσταθειοποίησης συνόλου αρχικών συνθηκών και του υπολογισμού του μέγιστου θετικά αμετάβλητου ή αμετάβλητου με έλεγχο συνόλου παρουσία περιορισμών στις εισόδους ή/και στις καταστάσεις. Τα αποτελέσματα επεκτάθηκαν και στην κατηγορία των γραμμικών συστημάτων με πολυτοπικη αβεβαιότητα.
Επίσης, μελετήθηκε η κατηγορία των αυτοανάδρομων μοντέλων κινούμενου μέσου όρου (ARMA models). Αρχικά εδραιώθηκαν συνθήκες που εγγυώνται ευστάθεια για ένα συγκεκριμένο σύνολο αρχικών συνθηκών παρουσία περιορισμών. Τα αποτελέσματα αυτά εφαρμόστηκαν στην κατηγορία των δικτυωμένων συστημάτων ελέγχου (NCS), όπου υπολογίστηκε ένας κοινός γραμμικός νόμος ελέγχου ανατροφοδότησης κατάστασης για όλο το εύρος της καθυστέρησης της εισόδου.
Τέλος, μελετήθηκε η κατηγορία των διγραμμικών συστημάτων συνεχούς και διακριτού χρόνου. Αρχικά διατυπώθηκαν ικανές συνθήκες ύπαρξης πολυεδρικών συναρτήσεων Lyapunov για αυτήν την κατηγορία συστημάτων. Το πρόβλημα που μελετήθηκε είναι η ευσταθειοποίηση μιας συγκεκριμένης περιοχής του χώρου κατάστασης παρουσία περιορισμών στις εισόδους και τις καταστάσεις και προτάθηκε μια υποβέλτιστη λύση που οδηγεί στον υπολογισμό γραμμικού νόμου ελέγχου ανατροφοδότησης κατάστασης.
Όλα τα αποτελέσματα προκύπτουν από την επιλογή πολυεδρικών συναρτήσεων Lyapunov οι οποίες οδηγούν στο χαρακτηρισμό πολυεδρικών εκτιμήσεων της περιοχής ελκτικότητας και θετικά αμετάβλητων συνόλων. Τα κυριότερα οφέλη της επιλογής τέτοιων συναρτήσεων είναι η μη συντηρητική εκτίμησης της περιοχή ευστάθειας και η εδράιωση συνθηκών που οδηγούν σε συστηματικές μεθόδους επίλυσης των προβλημάτων ανάλυσης και ελέγχου, η λύση των οποίων προκύπτει από τη λύση γραμμικών προβλημάτων βελτιστοποίησης. / This dissertation considers the problem of stability analysis and control of dynamical systems under constraints in the input and/or state vector. The theoretical tools used arise from Lyapunov stability theory, comparison systems theory and set theoretic methods and lead to the determination of stability conditions and development of systematic methods that solve the control problem of constrained systems of particular type.
In specific, for linear discrete or continuous time systems, a novel method that leads to the solution of the initial condition set stabilization problem as well as the maximal controlled invariant set computation problem is presented. These results have been extended for the case of linear systems with polytopic uncertainty.
Also, the category of auto regressive moving average (ARMA) models is investigated. First, conditions that guarantee stability for a preassigned initial conditions set for constrained ARMA models are established. These results are applied to the category of networked control systems (NCS), were a single linear state feedback control law is computed for the whole range of the input delay.
Finally, the category of bilinear discrete-time or continuous-time systems is investigated. Initially, sufficient conditions which guarantee existence of polyhedral Lyapunov functions are presented. The problem studied here is the stabilization of an initial condition set in the presence of input and state constraints. The solution proposed is suboptimal and leads to the determination of a linear state feedback control law.
The choice of Lyapunov functions leads to the determination of a polyhedral approximation of the domain of attraction as well as polyhedral positively invariant sets. The main benefits of choosing this type of functions is the nonconservative estimation of the domain of attraction and the establishment of stability conditions that lead to systematic control design methods through the solution of linear programming problems.
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