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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Une étude du capitalisme libanais : un mode de coordination destructive ? / A study of the Lebanese capitalism : a destructive mode of coordination ?

Baroudi, Noujoud 29 January 2016 (has links)
Un « mode de coordination » est un concept qui définit l’interaction entre les rapports sociaux et l’économie. Celle-ci, qui ne peut pas être séparée du politique, se développe grâce au fonctionnement des différentes formes institutionnelles. Plusieurs modes de coordination ont été identifiés par la littérature, à savoir, le « mode de coordination par le marché », le « mode de coordination éthique » et le « mode de coordination bureaucratique ». Vahabi (2010) a introduit un nouveau type de coordination qu’il a nommé : « mode de coordination destructive ». Celui-ci privilège la violence et les moyens coercitifs dans les relations sociales et assure une allocation appropriative des ressources. Vahabi présente la République iranienne comme un exemple-type du « mode de coordination destructive » étant donné son capitalisme rentier et la corruption de son système politique dans la gestion des ressources. Nous nous intéressons, dans ce travail de recherche, à étudier dans quelle mesure le cas du Liban peut être analysé à la lumière de ce mode de coordination destructive. / A « mode of coordination » is a concept that define the interaction between social relations and economy. The latter, which cannot be separated from politics, develops through the functioning of different institutional forms. Several methods of coordination have been identified in the literature, namely, the « market mode of coordination », the « ethics mode of coordination » and the « bureaucratic mode coordination mode ». Vahabi (2010) introduced a new type of coordination that he called it: the "destructive mode of coordination." This mode privilege violence and coercive means in social relations and provides an appropriate allocation of resources. Vahabi present Iranian Republic as a typical example of "destructive mode of coordination" because of the nature of its capitalism and corruption of its political system in the management of resources. We are interested in this research, to examine to what extent the case of Lebanon can be analyzed as a destructive mode of coordination.

Full-field X-ray orientation imaging using convex optimization and a discrete representation of six-dimensional position - orientation space / Imagerie de l'orientation en utilisant les rayons-X et illumination complète, grâce à la minimisation d'un fonctionnelle convexe et à une représentation échantillonné de l'espace sis-dimensionnel position-orientation

Vigano, Nicola Roberto 02 November 2015 (has links)
Cette thèse de doctorat introduit un modèle et un algorithme six-dimensions pour la reconstruction des orientations cristallines locales dans les matériaux polycristallins. Le modèle s’applique actuellement aux données obtenues avec un rayonnement synchrotron (faisceau parallèle et monochromatique), mais il est également possible d’envisager des extensions aux instruments et sources de laboratoire (polychromatique et divergent). Le travail présenté est principalement une extension de la technique connue sous le nom de “Diffraction Contrast Tomography” (DCT) qui permet la reconstruction de la forme et de l’orientation cristalline des grains dans des matériaux polycristallins (avec certaines restrictions concernant la taille et le nombre total de grains ainsi que la mosaicité intragranulaire). / This Ph.D. thesis is about the development and formalization of a six-dimensional tomography method, for the reconstruction of local orientation in poly-crystalline materials. This method is based on a technique known as diffraction contract tomography (DCT), mainly used in synchrotrons, with a monochromatic and parallel high energy X-ray beam. DCT exists since over a decade now, but it was always employed to analyze undeformed or nearly undeformed materials, described by “grains” with a certain average orientation. Because an orientation can be parametrized by the used of only three num- bers, the local orientation in the grains is modelled by a six-dimensional space X6 = R3 ⊗ O3, that is the outer product between a three-dimensional real- space and another three-dimensional orientation-space. This means that for each point of the real-space, there could be a full three-dimensional orientation- space, which however in practice is restricted to a smaller region of interest called “local orientation-space”. The reconstruction problem is then formulated as a global minimisation prob- lem, where the reconstruction of a single grain is the solution that minimizes a functional. There can be different choices for the functionals to use, and they depend on the type of reconstructions one is looking for, and on the type of a priori knowledge is available. All the functionals used include a data fidelity term which ensures that the reconstruction is consistent with the measured diffraction data, and then an additional regularization term is added, like the l1-norm minimization of the solution vector, that tries to limit the number of orientations per real-space voxel, or a Total Variation operator over the sum of the orientation part of the six-dimensional voxels, in order to enforce the homogeneity of the grain volume. When first published, the results on synthetic data from the third chapter high- lighted some key features of the proposed framework, and showed that it was in principle possible to extend DCT to the reconstruction of moderately de- formed materials, but it was unclear whether it could work in practice. The following chapters instead confirm that the proposed framework is viable for reconstructing moderately deformed materials, and that in conjunction with other techniques, it could also overcome the limitations imposed by the grain indexing, and be applied to more challenging textured materials.

Ultrasonic guided wave imaging via sparse reconstruction

Levine, Ross M. 22 May 2014 (has links)
Structural health monitoring (SHM) is concerned with the continuous, long-term assessment of structural integrity. One commonly investigated SHM technique uses guided ultrasonic waves, which travel through the structure and interact with damage. Measured signals are then analyzed in software for detection, estimation, and characterization of damage. One common configuration for such a system uses a spatially-distributed array of fixed piezoelectric transducers, which is inexpensive and can cover large areas. Typically, one or more sets of prerecorded baseline signals are measured when the structure is in a known state, with imaging methods operating on differences between follow-up measurements and these baselines. Presented here is a new class of SHM spatially-distributed array algorithms that rely on sparse reconstruction. For this problem, damage over a region of interest (ROI) is considered to be sparse. Two different techniques are demonstrated here. The first, which relies on sparse reconstruction, uses an a priori assumption of scattering behavior to generate a redundant dictionary where each column corresponds to a pixel in the ROI. The second method extends this concept by using multidimensional models for each pixel, with each pixel corresponding to a "block" in the dictionary matrix; this method does not require advance knowledge of scattering behavior. Analysis and experimental results presented demonstrate the validity of the sparsity assumption. Experiments show that images generated with sparse methods are superior to those created with delay-and-sum methods; the techniques here are shown to be tolerant of propagation model mismatch. The block-sparse method described here also allows the extraction of scattering patterns, which can be used for damage characterization.

Quantificação de biomassa e carbono da parte aérea em uma área de Mata Atlântica, na Serra da Cantareira, São Paulo / Quantification of aboveground biomass and carbon in an Atlantic Forest area, at Serra da Cantareira, São Paulo

Tiago Cavalheiro Barbosa 15 February 2016 (has links)
A atividade humana tem contribuído com as emissões de gases de efeito estufa (GEE) associadas, principalmente, com queima de combustíveis fósseis e mudanças no uso da terra. Assim, se faz necessário que sejam adotadas medidas visando o retardamento dos efeitos das mudanças climáticas. As florestas exercem papel essencial no balanço de carbono principalmente por funcionarem como sumidouros de CO2. Por outro lado, se desmatadas, promovem emissões e liberam parte do carbono estocado. A quantidade de biomassa florestal e o teor de carbono podem variar em função do tipo florestal, bem como de sua localização. Entretanto, fator importante diz respeito à confiabilidade dos dados mensurados neste tipo de pesquisa. A biomassa e o carbono da parte aérea podem ser determinados via método destrutivo, ou estimados via método não destrutivo. A construção do Rodoanel Mário Covas trecho norte e a supressão de uma área de Mata Atlântica possibilitou a realização de estudo de biomassa da parte aérea via método destrutivo. O objetivo deste trabalho foi estudar o tamanho e forma de parcelas, a intensidade amostral, quantificar a biomassa e o carbono na parte aérea, comparar métodos destrutivos e não destrutivos para a quantificação de biomassa e carbono na parte aérea, estudar a variação da densidade básica da madeira das espécies nas diferentes classes de DAP e grupos sucessionais e comparar as medidas de altura total e DAP obtidas a campo no inventário com as medidas coletadas após o corte. O tamanho mais conveniente de parcela foi 400 m 2, com forma retangular e dimensão de 10 x 40 m. A intensidade amostral variou entre 39 e 75 unidades amostrais. A biomassa da parte aérea obtida, via método destrutivo, foi de 188,3 Mg ha-1 e o carbono, 85,1 Mg ha-1. A biomassa estimada por equações alométricas da literatura foi subestimada, quando comparada ao valor real, obtido via método destrutivo. As menores classes de DAP apresentaram as maiores densidades básicas da madeira. A densidade básica foi 0,488 g cm-3 na média das espécies. A porcentagem de carbono contida nos troncos e galhos não diferiu entre as classes de DAP. O teor de carbono foi 45,41%, na média dos troncos e galhos. Espécies pioneiras acumularam maior quantidade de biomassa e carbono nos galhos e apresentaram maior densidade básica que as não pioneiras. A utilização dos dados coletados na fase de inventário e após o corte não afetaram os valores de biomassa estimados. / Human activity has contributed to the emission of greenhouse gases associated mainly with burning fossil fuels and changes in land use. Thus, it is necessary that measures be adopted to delay the effects of climate change. Forests play an essential role in the carbon balance mainly acting as CO2 sinks. On the other hand, if they are deforested, they will promote emissions and release some of the stocked carbon. The amount of forest biomass and the carbon content may vary depending on the forest type and its location. However, an important factor is about the reliability of the data measured in this type of research. Aboveground biomass and carbon can be determined via destructive method or estimated by non-destructive method. The construction of the north extension of Mário Covas Road and the suppression of an Atlantic forest area made it possible to carry out study of the aboveground biomass via destructive method. The goal of this work was to study the size and shape of plots, the sampling intensity, their aboveground biomass and carbon, compare destructive and non-destructive methods for the quantification of biomass and carbon, study the variation of wood basic density in the species in different classes of diameter of trunk at breast height (DBH) and successional groups and compare the total height and DBH measures obtained on field in the inventory with the measures taken after the cut. The most convenient plot size is 400 m2, with rectangular shape and size of 10 x 40 m. The sampling intensity varied between 39 and 75 sample units. The aboveground biomass obtained, via destructive method, was 188.3 Mg ha-1 and carbon, 85.1 Mg ha-1. The biomass estimated by allometric equations of the literature was underestimated compared to the real value obtained via destructive method. Smaller DBH classes had the highest wood basic density. The basic density was 0.488 g cm-3 in average of the species. The percentage of carbon contained in the trunks and branches did not differ between the DBH classes. The carbon content was 45.41%, in the average of the trunks and branches. Pioneer species accumulated higher amount of biomass and carbon in the branches and had a higher wood basic density than non pioneers species. The utilization of data collected in the inventory phase and after the cut did not affect the estimated biomass values.

Avaliação da influência da origem e do tratamento dos agregados reciclados de resíduos de construção e demolição no desempenho mecânico do concreto estrutural. / Evaluate the influence of origin and processing of recycled aggregates from construction and demolition waste on the mechanical performance of structural concrete.

Lucia Hiromi Higa Moreira 05 November 2010 (has links)
A cadeia da construção civil é uma grande causadora de impactos ambientais, pois além do alto consumo de recursos naturais gera também grandes quantidades de resíduos. Isto traz elevados custos à sociedade pela necessidade de remoção e destinação dos resíduos, normalmente depositados em aterros. A reciclagem tem sido uma alternativa para redução do volume de resíduos finais. Estudos utilizando agregados reciclados de Resíduos de Construção e Demolição (RCD) para a produção de concreto têm sido realizados por vários pesquisadores indicando viabilidade técnica da sua aplicação. No entanto, há dúvidas que dificultam a implementação do uso de resíduos reciclados dada a grande variabilidade das suas propriedades devido à variação de sua constituição que é muito influenciada pela origem dos mesmos. Assim, alguns tratamentos são propostos com a intenção de otimizar o desempenho do concreto produzido com estes agregados reciclados. A presente dissertação tem como objetivo avaliar a influência dessas variabilidades dos agregados de RCD reciclados nas propriedades do concreto estrutural. Esses agregados foram provenientes das cidades de Macaé e São Paulo, ambos submetidos aos mesmos tipos de tratamento: (a) britagem e (b) britagem e separação densitária (jigue), atendendo a mesma faixa granulométrica de -19+4,8 mm. No programa experimental, foi utilizada a metodologia de dosagem convencional para a avaliação do comportamento mecânico do concreto reciclado. Neste estudo, os agregados foram utilizados sem pré-saturação, o que possibilitou o preenchimento de parte dos poros dos agregados pela pasta de cimento. Tal procedimento contribuiu para uma menor diferença relativa de desempenho do concreto convencional em relação ao produzido com agregados reciclados, principalmente para os concretos com maior relação água/cimento. Foram analisados os resultados de resistência à compressão, resistência à tração por compressão diametral, módulo de elasticidade, absorção de água, índice Binder Intensity e ensaio de ultra-som. Comprovou-se que a porosidade dos agregados é o fator principal de influência no comportamento do concreto. Já a origem dos agregados foi um fator secundário dado que os mesmos apresentavam diferentes porosidades em função da cidade onde foram obtidos. A separação densitária possibilitou a aproximação do comportamento dos agregados de diferentes origens por aproximar a porosidade dos mesmos. / The civil construction industry is a great producer of environment impacts. It also generates great amounts of residues, further the high consumption of natural resources. This fact brings high costs to society due to the need of residues removing and disposal, which typically occurs in landfills. Recycling has been an alternative to reduce the volume of residues. Studies using recycled aggregates from Construction and Demolition Waste (CDW) to produce concrete have been carried out by several researchers, indicating that is technically feasible in terms of application. However, there are questions that turns difficult the implementation of the use of recycled residues, due to the great variability of their properties as a result of the variation of their constitution, which is strongly influenced by their origin. Thus, a few treatments are proposed, aiming at optimizing the performance of these recycled aggregates to produce concrete. The present work aims at assessing the influence of the recycled CDW aggregates on the properties of structural concrete. These aggregates originated from the cities of Macaé and São Paulo, and both were submitted to the same type of treatment: (a) crushing and (b) crushing and density separation (jig), complying with the same granulometric range of -19+4.8 mm. The conventional mix design methodology was used in the experimental program to assess the concrete behavior and the influence of the recycled material. The aggregates were used in this study without being pre-saturated, which allowed filling up part the pores of the aggregates with cement paste. Such procedure contributed for a smaller relative difference on the performance of the conventional concrete and that one produced with recycled aggregates, especially the concrete with a higher water/cement ratio. The compressive strength, split tensile strength, elastic modulus, water absorption, Binder Intensity index and measuring of ultrasonic testing were analyzed. The porosity of the aggregate was proved to be a prevalent factor influencing the behavior of the concrete. The origin of the aggregates was a secondary factor because they had different porosities according to the city where they were obtained. The density separation allowed the reduction of the difference in behavior between the concretes produced with aggregates from different origins by approaching their porosity.

Mechanické vlastnosti svaru titanové slitiny TiAl6V4 připraveného pomocí technologie elektronového paprsku / Mechanical properties of the weld of titanium alloy TiAl6V4 prepared by using an electron beam technology

Byrtus, Robin January 2018 (has links)
The aim of the diploma thesis is to evaluate the mechanical properties and fracture behavior of the weld join Ti6Al4V titanium alloy prepared by using an electron beam technology. The theoretical part deals with the welding of titanium alloys with the help of electron beam, the weldability evaluation of titanium alloys, the influence of electron beam welding on the microstructure and the methods of testing of weld joints. Using the experiments, the mechanical properties of the base material and the weld were evaluated and a structural analysis of the weld was performed.

Diagnostika při hodnocení stavebně statického stavu existující konstrukce / Diagnostics in the case of evaluating of current state of a building

Kopec, Jan January 2020 (has links)
This work deals in the theoretical part in its theoretical part with a summary and detailed description of selected diagnostic methods that were applied to selected structural parts of an existing bridge structure within the practical part. The thesis also deals with the basic terminology and terminology in the field of bridge construction, subsequently, in its practical part deals in terms of diagnostics, the implementation of structural and static survey and subsequent evaluation of the current structural, technical and static state on selected structural units of existing reinforced concrete bridge structures

Evaluation of the degradation process of cement-based materials exposed to aggressive environment by using ultrasonic techniques and physical characterisation

MAHMOUD, TAREK IBRAHIM 07 March 2013 (has links)
El hormigón armado compuesto de cemento Portland fue inventado hace algo más de un siglo aproximadamente y se ha convertido en el material más utilizado en la construcción. La durabilidad de este hormigón es una de las consideraciones más importantes a ser tenidas en cuenta en el diseño de nuevas estructuras y en la evaluación estructural de las ya existentes. Cuando un hormigón sujeto a un ambientes o cargas que puede degradarlo, como puede ser su uso en puentes y ambientes marinos o si contiene grandes cantidades de alúmina o áridos reciclados, el conocimiento o predicción de su durabilidad es una aspecto crítico para su comportamiento en servicio. Los ensayos no destructivos se han mostrado como unos de los ensayos preceptivos con una importancia económica y social más relevante desde que se han aplicado para la auscultación de la durabilidad de las estructuras de hormigón pertenecientes a la ingeniería civil, donde estos materiales son ampliamente utilizados. En cualquier caso, el uso de las técnicas no destructivas en estos materiales no está suficientemente implementado, hecho este motivado por las características heterogéneas de su microestructura. De todos los métodos no destructivos aplicables para el hormigón, el uso de pulsos ultrasónicos es de gran interés para la caracterización de la microestructura y las propiedades de materiales heterogéneos. El objetivo del presente trabajo es obtener un procedimiento de evaluación del ciclo de vida del hormigón preparado y puesto en servicio para ambientes marinos. Además, será estudiado y analizado la incorporación de varias metodologías (destructivas y non destructivas) para caracterizar el proceso de degradación de morteros y hormigones expuestos a disolución de sulfato de sodio y a exposición en disolución de nitrato amónico. Con esta finalidad, una integración adecuada de diferentes técnicas será usada para la caracterización de propiedades y el seguimiento del proceso de degradación que afectan al hormigón. Como objetivos adicionales, destaca que fueron estudiadas las relaciones entre los parámetros destructivos y no destructivos, así como la relación entre los distintos parámetros no destructivos entre sí. Muchos de los estudios anteriores que han usado la inspección ultrasónica las cuáles fueron utilizadas para determinar la relación agua/cemento del mortero, de la pasta de cemento y del hormigón, o para monitorizar los cambios estructurales, para diferentes relaciones a/c, en el proceso de curado. En este trabajo de investigación fue analizado el efecto que tiene para diferentes relaciones a/c en los parámetros ultrasónicos durante el proceso de degradación. Para este objetivo, se utilizaron un Cemento Portland tipo II A L 42.5 (LPC), y otro sulforresistente tipo I 42.5R/SR (SRPC) que fueron usados en la fabricación de dos marcos de hormigón, los cuales fueron utilizados como hormigón en servicio (caso real). Para el estudio del efecto de la variación de a/c en los parámetros ultrasónicos durante la degradación se utilizaron muestras de mortero con deferentes relaciones agua cemento 0.525- 0.45- 0.375 and 0.30 a partir de LPC para obtener diferentes niveles de degradación. Para monitorizar el proceso de degradación se utilizó la inspección por pulso/eco (1 y 3.5 MHz) para la obtención del parámetro del área del perfil de atenuaciones (APA) el cual fue estimado por L Vergara et al., 2003 y usado por Fuente et al, 2004. Para seguir el proceso de curado de pasta de cemento y morteros, este parámetro ha demostrado una alta sensibilidad para caracterizar los cambios microestructurales de materiales derivados del cemento a lo largo de su curado. El método de transmisión se ha utilizado para la determinación de las velocidades de ondas longitudinales con la frecuencia de 1MHz y transversales con la frecuencia de 500 kHz. La velocidad ultrasónica también ha demostrado la capacidad para seguir los cambios microestructurales de un modo sencillo porque dicho parámetro está relacionado con la variación de las propiedades mecánicas, y bajo ciertas premisas, con la variación de la porosidad. El análisis con la imagen ultrasónica con 2 MHz fue también usada para la consecución de los mismos objetivos. Como métodos destructivos, los ensayos de resistencia a la compresión y flexión fueron los utilizados para determinar la pérdida de actividad resistente de morteros y hormigones, y la porosidad conectada al agua para analizar los cambios en la matriz porosa por el efecto de la difusión de elementos agresivos que penetran en el material provocando su degradación. La porosimetría de mercurio (MIP) fue usada para observar las variaciones del volumen y tamaño de poro y, por último, la microscopía electrónica de barrido (MEB) que fue utilizada para cuantificar y detectar los cambios en la microestructura por el ataque de elementos agresivos. Los resultados obtenidos muestran que, la degradación producida por exposición a sulfato de sodio, tiene dos etapas, en la primera etapa se forma la etringita que llena los poros pero que no produce microfisuración. En esta etapa se observó una variación en los parámetros obtenidos por ejemplo, incremento de la velocidad de la onda ultrasónica, de las resistencias a compresión y a la flexión o la disminución de la porosidad. Esta variación en los parámetros podría indicar una mejora en las prestaciones mecánicas del material objeto de la investigación, pero en realidad esto no es cierto porque los poros están llenos de etringita, provocando una expansión, que es la causa de la degradación en la segunda etapa. En dicha segunda etapa, se produce una microfisuración generalizada por la expansión de la etringita e incrementando su volumen dentro de los poros. Este hecho produjo un cambio en los parámetros medidos que contrastan con la evolución en la primera etapa, disminución de la velocidad de las ondas ultrasónicas, y de las resistencias mecánicas y consecuentemente un aumento de la porosidad. Por otro lado, la degradación por ataque de nitrato amonio tiene una única etapa debida al proceso de descalificación que comienza desde el principio del proceso de exposición y es lineal durante todo el periodo de exposición. Para ambos casos, la integración de las diversas técnicas se revela como satisfactoria para el seguimiento del proceso de degradación, encontrando buenas correlaciones entre los parámetros no destructivos y los parámetros destructivos de técnicas de análisis físico-químico. / Mahmoud, TI. (2013). Evaluation of the degradation process of cement-based materials exposed to aggressive environment by using ultrasonic techniques and physical characterisation [Tesis doctoral]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/27550

Inline Coherent Imaging

WEBSTER, PAUL J L 21 November 2012 (has links)
In laser materials processing, the direct measurement and characterization of material and process depth is traditionally a diffcult task. This is particularly difficult when such information needs to be obtained in real-time for feedback and dynamic analysis applications. This thesis outlines a novel method and apparatus for real-time depth measurement during laser processes such as welding, drilling, cutting and ablation called inline coherent imaging (ICI). The approach borrows the coherent imaging ideas from the primarily medical field of optical coherence tomography and adapts them to the new application. Without requirements for flawless image quality and limitations on sample exposure the design is free to emphasize speed in acquisition and processing. Furthermore, the imaging optics are specialized for compatibility with off-the-shelf beam delivery systems. Several generations of the imaging technique and relevant design equations are described and shown and realized. Also described is the design and construction of two laser processing stations used for testing ICI in macro- and micro-processing applications. A variety of applications for ICI in the understanding of percussion drilling and welding of metals and other industrial materials are discussed. The imaging technique is further extended to provide manual and fully automatic closed-loop control of drilling and ablation processes in industrial materials. Finally, some important applications of ICI in the processing of bone in both open and closed-loop configurations are demonstrated. / Thesis (Ph.D, Physics, Engineering Physics and Astronomy) -- Queen's University, 2012-11-20 15:31:21.708

Konflik in 'n plaaslike owerheid binne die raamwerk van 'n geïntegreerde ontwikkelingsplan van arbeid / Pierré de Villiers

De Villiers, Pierre January 2006 (has links)
Local government has to face new challenges and demands as they approach the 21st century, especially in view of the fact that the South African system of local government has been significantly altered since the first democratic local government elections which were held in November 1995 and July 1996. The integrated development plan (IDP) of a municipality reflects on the municipal council's vision for the long-term development of the municipality with special emphasis on the municipality's most critical development for service delivery purposes. The integrated development plan consists of separate plans developed for new initiatives to fit into the overall strategic planning framework as distinct from the normal operating and capital business plans for each of a Council's existing functions. The plans do not necessarily relate to completely new functions but may relate to changing the way a function operates, enhancing service levels of existing functions or even cutting back services provided by an existing function. Some IDP initiatives may stand apart as individual projects and some may have wide-spread impact across existing functional areas. Emanating from the above is a resultant conflict between administration management of a municipality and the rest of the workforce of the municipality. As a result of the lack of knowledge regarding conflict in a local authority within the framework of an integrated development plan for labour and the need for it to be managed correctly, it was decided to embark on this study and contribute to the existing knowledge on this subject. / Thesis (M.Com. (Industrial Sociology))--North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2007.

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