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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Implementação da obrigatoriedade da pré-escola: análise sobre uma microrregião no estado de São Paulo / Implementation of preschool compulsory: analysis of a micro-region in the state of São Paulo

Caroline Barreto Brunelli Barbosa 05 September 2017 (has links)
Esta pesquisa, em nível de Mestrado, buscou analisar o processo de implementação da pré-escola obrigatória, em municípios da microrregião de Ribeirão Preto - SP, com o objetivo de analisar as matrículas na pré-escola de 16 municípios da microrregião de Ribeirão Preto, estado de São Paulo, no período de implementação da Emenda Constitucional nº 59 de 11/11/2009, que previa a universalização da Educação Básica dos 4 (quatro) aos 17 (dezessete) anos no período entre 2009-2016. Investigou-se, em termos quantitativos, em que medida os municípios desta microrregião paulista, com suas especificidades, responderam à nova exigência legal em relação à pré-escola, identificando os dados de inclusão escolar das crianças e as relações de um atendimento quantitativo com o qualitativo; comparou-se a evolução no número de matrículas da pré-escola e a população entre quatro e cinco anos de idade nestes municípios, compreendendo as questões relativas à implementação da obrigatoriedade para estas crianças, e suas condições. Analisando o número de matrículas e a população de quatro e cinco anos de idade e comparando-os ao perfil dos municípios, observou-se que seis municípios da microrregião de Ribeirão Preto, assim como 15,7% dos municípios nacionais, não conseguiram implementar as leis e mantiveram, segundo nossas estimativas, crianças de quatro e cinco anos fora da pré-escola. / This research, at Masters level, sought to analyze the process of implementation of compulsory preschool in municipalities of the micro region of Ribeirão Preto - SP, with the objective of analyzing enrollments in the preschool of 16 municipalities of the micro region of Ribeirão Preto, state of São Paulo, in the period of implementation of Constitutional Amendment No. 59 of November 11, 2009, which provided for the universalization of Basic Education from 4 (four) to 17 (seventeen) years in the period between 2009-2016. It was investigated, in quantitative terms, the extent to which the municipalities of this São Paulo microregion, with their specificities, responded to the new legal requirement regarding the preschool, identifying the data of children\'s school inclusion and the relations of a quantitative attendance with the qualitative; the evolution of pre-school enrollments and the population between four and five years of age in these municipalities were compared, including questions regarding the implementation of compulsory education for these children and their conditions. Analyzing the number of enrollments and the population of four and five years of age and comparing them to the profile of the municipalities, it was observed that six municipalities in the micro region of Ribeirão Preto, as well as 15.7% of the national municipalities, were not able to implement the laws and maintained, according to our estimates, four- and five-year-olds out of preschool.

Ensino em casa no Brasil: um desafio à escola? / Homeschooling in Brazil: a challenge to school?

Luciane Muniz Ribeiro Barbosa 03 June 2013 (has links)
A presente tese tem como objetivo analisar os princípios e fundamentos do ensino em casa, bem como sua possível normatização no Brasil. É crescente o número de famílias brasileiras que optam por ensinar seus filhos em casa ao invés de enviá-los para as escolas, apesar da interpretação vigente de que a legislação federal não admite tal prática de ensino, apresentando como compulsória a matrícula em instituição escolar. Tal fenômeno tem suscitado a ação do Poder Judiciário, a apresentação de Projetos de Lei pela sua regulamentação e o interesse da sociedade sobre uma forma alternativa de ensinar os filhos, além do debate e de reflexões sobre o tema. Seguindo tendências internacionais em prol da normatização do homeschooling, os favoráveis ao ensino em casa no país têm reivindicado o uso dos Documentos Internacionais de proteção aos Direitos Humanos para exigir a primazia dos pais na escolha da educação dos filhos e se organizado por meio de associações para exercer influência sobre o Poder Legislativo e divulgar o tema na sociedade. Acresce-se ao debate jurídico questionamentos como: Os argumentos utilizados pelos pais ao rejeitarem a instituição escolar como espaço de formação acadêmica e social revelam-se válidos? Quais os fundamentos filosóficos e políticos presentes na contestação do Estado em relação à compulsoriedade da educação escolar? É possível compreender o ensino em casa como uma alternativa à escolarização de crianças e adolescentes no Brasil e rejeitar a idéia de que a escola detém o monopólio nas questões de socialização e formação para a cidadania? Seria essa modalidade de ensino viável para todos ou esta representaria apenas o descompromisso de poucos com a educação enquanto um bem público? O que a normatização do ensino em casa no país acarretaria para o debate sobre a ação e a formação docente? Estas e outras questões sobre o tema são objeto de análise da presente tese, que, com base em pesquisa bibliográfica e entrevistas com famílias que ensinam os filhos em casa, traça um panorama do ensino em casa, questionando-o como um possível caminho em busca de uma educação que englobe o alcance de resultados acadêmicos e o cumprimento de objetivos constitucionais para a educação como o pleno desenvolvimento da pessoa e seu preparo para o exercício da cidadania. Destaca-se que todo o debate decorrente do tema em análise visa à contribuição para os enfrentamentos necessários dentro de um contexto de luta em prol de uma educação pública de qualidade para todos. / The current thesis aims at analysing the tenets and the basis of homeschooling, as well as its possible regularisation in Brazil. The number of families that decide to teach their children at home has been increasing, besides understanding that the present federal legislation does not permit such brand of education and makes compulsory the enrollment of infants in an educational institution. This phenomenon has incited specific actions of the Judiciary, the presentation of Bills for its regulation and the interest of society in an alternative way of teaching their kids, not to mention the debates and reflections on the subject. Following international tendencies in favor of the regularization of homeschooling, people who defend teaching at home in the country have reclaimed the use of international documents of Human Rights Protection to require the priority of parents over their childrens education and organised associations to exert influence over the Legislature and advertise the topic for the society. In addition to judiciary debate some questions have risen, such as: Are valid the arguments presented by parents to reject the school as a place to academic and social education? Which are the philosophical and political principals behind States refuse in relation of the compulsion to school education? Is it possible to see homeschooling as an alternative to school education of children and adolescents in Brazil and reject the idea that educational institutions have the monopoly over socialization and citizen formation issues? Would this type of education be viable to everyone or it would just represent the disengagement of a few ones with public education? What would the regulation of homeschooling bring on for the debate on teacher practices and teacher training? These and other questions about this subject are the focus of the thesis presented here, which is based on bibliographical research and interviews with families that teach their kids at home. It reveals the panorama of homeschooling and investigates it as a possible way to an education that is able to encompass academic results and the achievement of constitutional goals to the full development of the individual and their capacity to exercise citizenship. It is important to emphasize that all the discussion over the topic in question intends to contribute to the necessary confrontations for a high-quality public education for everyone.

Compulsory voting and TV news consumption: evidence from Brazil / Voto obrigatório e consumo de informação no Brasil

Bruce, Raphael Guinâncio 03 December 2015 (has links)
Do people acquire more information when they are obligated to participate in elections? This dissertation presents empirical evidence on the effects of compulsory voting laws on the consumption of TV news. In Brazil, the law determines that every literate citizen over the age of eighteen and under seventy at the day of the election is subject to a number of penalties if they don\'t attend the ballots. This provides a natural experiment which allows us to identify the causal effect of being under a compulsory voting regime on information acquisition. Using national survey data on the consumption of media we find that, for those who have been exposed to the law for the first time, compulsory voting has a significant and substantial positive impact on the probability of an individual to watch Brazil\'s main newscast, Rede Globo\'s Jornal Nacional. No impact is found, though, for citizens who transition from the voluntary to the compulsory voting regime when they reach the age of seventy. / Pessoas que são obrigadas a votar procuram fazer isso de maneira informada? Essa dissertação procura saber se a lei de voto obrigatório brasileira induz eleitores a consumirem mais informação via noticiários televisivos. Mais especificamente, procuramos saber se o consumo de informações via o noticiário Jornal Nacional, transmitido pela Rede Globo, aumenta em decorrência da exposição à lei. No Brasil, todo cidadão alfabetizado com idade maior que dezoito e menor que setenta anos está sujeito a uma série de punições caso se abstenha sem justificativa nas eleições. Isso gera um experimento natural que nos permite utilizar a técnica de regressão descontínua para recuperar o efeito causal dessa lei sobre o consumo de informação por parte dos eleitores. Encontramos um aumento de 10,4% na probabilidade do eleitor jovem assistir o programa Jornal Nacional que pode ser atribuído especificamente ao fato desse cidadão ser obrigado a votar. Nenhum efeito é encontrado para cidadãos que deixam de ser obrigados aos setenta anos de idade

Essays in behavioural and education economics

Carroll, Nathan John 10 July 2013 (has links)
No description available.

Vem lyssnar på en jonkare? : En kvalitativ studie om hur samhälleliga normer påverkar beskrivningen av personer med missbruksproblematik i LVM

Mårtensson, Elina, Nilsson, Marita January 2019 (has links)
I granskning av personer med missbruksproblematik finns det en risk att de bedöms utifrån samhällets normer samt föreställningar om kategorierna missbrukare, kvinna och man. Även att de förstås som annorlunda i relation till vad som är “normalt” och förväntat utifrån respektive kategori. Strukturalistisk forskning på området visar på en bred kunskap om samhällets föreställningar i relation till kategorierna missbrukare, kvinna och man samt att dessa är skapade i samhället och påverkar välfärdsstatens myndigheter och instanser. Dock saknas fokus på hur dessa föreställningar och kategorier som ett social konstruerat fenomen påverkar arbetet i förvaltningsrätten. Uppsatsen handlar om synen på personer med missbruksproblematik samt hur de begripliggörs i förvaltningsrättens domar. Materialet har analyserats med tematisk analys och för att få djupare förståelse analyserades materialet även utifrån Howard Beckers avvikarteori och Judith Butlers genusteori. Av resultat och analys av uppsatsen framkommer det att förvaltningsrätten och socialnämnden begripliggör personer med missbruksproblematik på ett nedsättande vis, i relation till samhällets normer och vissa egenskaper och livssituationer ges betydelse snarare än andra. Personerna förstås som misslyckade medborgare, dåliga föräldrar och oförståndiga och i detta skapas de till att endast vara klienter i behov av hjälp. Resultatet synliggör att förvaltningsrätten och socialnämnden är en del i ett avvikarskapande som möjliggör tvingande insatser.

Interpretations and Implementations of Compulsory Free Enterprise Education in Utah Public High Schools

Campbell, Marsha M. 01 May 1977 (has links)
The Utah legislature passed Senate Bill 203 in 1975, requiring all public secondary schools to offer instruction on the essentials and benefits of free enterprise. The problem is that no evaluation has been made to determine if the specific requirement is being fulfilled. The purpose of this study is to determine interpretations and implementations of Senate Bill 203. Questions in four areas were studied. 1. Administrators: (a) how did administrators of the districts interpret the guidelines, (b) how did the administrators decide upon the approach followed, (c) how did the administrators justify the approach followed, (d) what instructional materials did the administrators decide to use to fulfill the bill requirements, and (e) what are the attitudes of the school systems' administrators about nonfunding of instruction on the free enterprise system. 2. Courses: (a) what courses are being taught, (b) do the courses contain content in the seven areas described as essential by the National Task Force, (c) what are the materials being used or being sought for use in conjunction with the materials prescribed by the state superintendent of public instruction, and (d) what teaching methods are being used for instruction of free enterprise. 3. Instructors: (a) what are the qualifications of the instructors teaching the classes in free enterprise and (b) what are the instructors' backgrounds in economic education. 4. Comparative responses: (a) does the stated use of materials by instructors compare with the stated use of materials by administrators and (b) how do instructors' academic and economic education backgrounds relate to conditions in the courses taught. The survey covered the entire state of Utah and an overall 92 percent return was achieved. Conclusions drawn from findings are as follows. The administrators generally interpreted the guidelines to mean that economic principles should be injected into current courses. Over half of the administrators interpreted the guidelines to mean implementation by fall, 1977. Another quarter of the number of administrators indicated that the instructional requirement was to be implemented immediately. The approach to be followed for determining the fulfillment of the requirement will basically be organized by instructors. An almost equal number of programs will be organized under a cooperative effort of local school personnel. The approach being followed was justified largely by curriculum directors, school boards, or a combination of other local school administrators. Concerning the use of state prescribed materials, the majority of the administrators believed that the materials could be used for references but few indicated that the materials must be used to structure the free enterprise instruction. The lack of interest was indicated as a reason for more classes in economic education not being offered, for little workshop participation by instructors, and for lack of curriculum development. It was indicated that present economic education programs are not sufficient, and that adequate programs are not possible without additional funding. There are few classes being taught in Utah entirely devoted to free enterprise. When the principles are integrated into classes, those classes are social studies, business education and other vocational education classes. The content specified by the National Task Force is generally indicated a third of the time to be taught very little or not at all. Half of the state's economic education instructors are teaching those concepts some of the time. Very few instructors completely cover the concepts. Texts used in economics classes are of a wide variety. The main materials in teaching free enterprise concepts are textbooks. Methods of instruction are mostly lecture and large group instruction. Most instructors of free enterprise education have social studies or business education undergraduate majors. Few graduate degrees have been earned. A low number of instructors have taken economics classes. Also, few have participated in workshop or in-service training. The biggest reasons were lack of funding and lack of time. Over half of the instructors have been teaching for over 10 years and over half belong to the social studies department. Instructors with more in-service or workshop training are more likely to teach an economics class and cover the concepts indicated by the Task Force more thoroughly. Instructors with strong basic economics were also more likely to cover the Task's Force concepts more completely.

Licenças compulsórias e direitos autorais / Compulsory licenses and copyright

Leonardi, Fernanda Stinchi Pascale 04 April 2014 (has links)
Defende a compatibilidade de licenças compulsórias com o ordenamento jurídico brasileiro e indica hipóteses em que esse instituto poderia ser implementado no Brasil. Para tanto, analisa as licenças compulsórias para obras intelectuais previstas no Direito Internacional e no Direito Estrangeiro, bem como os institutos assemelhados que também permitem o uso de obras intelectuais sem a prévia e expressa autorização dos titulares de direitos autorais, mediante garantia da justa remuneração a esses titulares, apresentando justificativas fundadas no ordenamento jurídico brasileiro para a adoção de alguns desses regimes no Brasil. Identifica dois grupos de licenças compulsórias: um justificado diretamente pelas necessidades culturais e educacionais de países em desenvolvimento, e outro fruto de razões econômicas e práticas, especialmente da impossibilidade de obtenção de autorização individualizada de todos os titulares de direitos autorais das inúmeras obras a serem usadas, por exemplo, no rádio, no televisão, e, atualmente, pela Internet. A primeira parte da obra esclarece que a licença compulsória é um instituto mais conhecido no âmbito do Direito de Patentes do que no Direito Autoral, enquanto a segunda parte apresenta um breve panorama histórico da origem das licenças compulsórias para obras intelectuais. A terceira parte da obra apresenta as licenças compulsórias para tradução, para reprodução, para gravação de obras sonoras e para radiodifusão previstas na Convenção de Berna e na legislação de diversos países estrangeiros. Apresenta, ainda, as soluções estrangeiras para questões de obras órfãs e de uso privado, as quais incluem a adoção de licenças compulsórias ou de institutos assemelhados (direitos de remuneração e licenças coletivas estendidas). Na quarta parte, verifica-se que o ordenamento jurídico brasileiro reconhece a necessidade de balanceamento de direitos constitucionais e a necessidade de impedir o abuso de direito, apresentando o instituto das licenças compulsórias para obras intelectuais como um instrumento para atingir esses objetivos. Em seguida, são avaliados os artigos das duas versões do Anteprojeto de Reforma da Lei de Direitos Autorais que mencionam as licenças compulsórias, indicando-se as possibilidades de melhoria em tais dispositivos. A quinta parte da obra distingue as licenças compulsórias de outros institutos conhecidos no Direito Brasileiro e indica, ao final, sua natureza jurídica. A sexta parte analisa a veiculação de obras por meio da Internet e traz propostas de implementação de regimes de licenças compulsórias no Brasil como aprimoramento à atual estruturação do Direito Autoral brasileiro. Conclui que as licenças compulsórias são sistemas de gestão dos direitos autorais, inexistindo impedimento para a sua instituição no Brasil, especialmente como uma forma de solução aos desafios enfrentados pelo Direito Autoral no tocante à veiculação de obras pela Internet, defendendo a instituição de um ônus geral transitório até que se possa estabelecer uma licença legal definitiva para usos não comerciais e de um sistema duplo para usos comerciais: instituição de licenças obrigatórias para as hipóteses autorizadas pela Convenção de Berna e de licenças coletivas estendidas para as demais hipóteses de usos comerciais. / The work defends the compatibility of compulsory licenses with the Brazilian legal system and indicates cases in which the institute could be implemented in Brazil. It analyzes the compulsory licenses of intellectual works under international law and foreign law, as well as the similar institutes that also allow the use of intellectual works without the prior written consent of the copyright holders, by ensuring fair compensation to such holders, presenting justifications founded in Brazilian law for the adoption of some of these schemes in Brazil. It identifies two groups of compulsory licenses: one directly justified by the cultural and educational needs in developing countries, and another by economic and practical reasons, especially the impossibility of obtaining individual consent from all copyright holders of the numerous works to be used, for example, on radio, on television, and nowadays, on the Internet. The first part explains that compulsory licensing is a widely known institute for the Patent Law and less known for the Copyright Law, while the second part provides a brief historical overview of the origin of compulsory licenses of intellectual works. The third part introduces compulsory licenses provided in the Berne Convention and in some foreign countries for translation, for reproduction, for recording and for broadcasting. It also presents foreign solutions to orphan works and private use issues, which include the adoption of compulsory licenses or similar schemes (right to compensation and extended collective licensing). In the fourth part, it is shown that Brazilian law recognizes the need for balancing constitutional rights and the need to prevent abuse of law, presenting the institute of compulsory licenses to intellectual works as a tool to achieve these goals. Then, the two versions of the Draft Bill to reform the Brazilian Copyright Act that mention compulsory licenses are reviewed to point out possible improvements in such provisions. The fifth part of the work distinguishes compulsory licensing of other known institutes in Brazilian law and indicates its legal nature. The sixth section analyzes the transmission of works through the Internet and it brings proposals for implementation of compulsory licensing regimes in Brazil as an improvement to the current structure of the Brazilian Copyright Law. The work concludes that compulsory licenses are copyright management systems, whose implementation is compatible with the Brazilian legal system, especially as a form of solution to the challenges faced by Copyright Law regarding the transmission of works over the Internet, advocating the creation of a general, transient, levy until a definitive legal license can be established a for non-commercial uses and a dual system for commercial uses: imposition of compulsory licenses for the cases permitted by the Berne Convention and of extended collective licenses for other commercial uses.

The Interaction of Industrial Tribunals and Workplace Industrial Relations in Australia: the Metal trades, 1900 to 1929

Cockfield, Sandra A, n/a January 1998 (has links)
This thesis examines the influence of compulsory state arbitration and wages board systems on workplace industrial relations. Using an historical and comparative case study approach, the thesis researches workplace industrial relations at three firms operating in the metal industry between 1900 and 1929. A political economy perspective is employed to examine the interaction of institutional stnictures and economic and political processes in the regulation of the wage-effort bargain at the workplace. Key concepts are drawn from both mainstream industrial relations theory, in particular the Oxford School approach, and labour process theory. Drawing on the work of flanders, a distinction is made between the economic and political aspects of the wage-effort bargain through the differentiation of market relations and managerial relations. This thesis argues that arbitral and wages board systems interacted with a range of factors to shape and influence workplace industrial relations. In keeping with the political economy perspective, the thesis examines the economic, industry, technological, political, and institutional environment within which the three cases operated, identifying changes and trends in these factors during the period under review and their implications for workplace industrial relations. The three cases allowed a closer examination of the influence of these general trends on the development of workplace industrial relations. The cases demonstrate the diversity of the metals sector, each representing a different industry in that sector. Further, the cases differed in their geographic and jurisdictional location, allowing comparisons between Victoria and New South Wales to be made. An examination of the role of arbitral tribunals and wages boards argues that the tribunals used their ability to regulate and stabilise market relations to offset their intervention in managerial relations. In this respect the tribunals sought to engineer changes in managerial relations favourable to industry development and yet simultaneously obtain support from the unions through improvements in market relations. As a consequence of these conflicting objectives the tribunals often behaved in a contradictory manner. In addition, unintended consequences often flowed from tribunal regulation and were important in shaping events at the workplace. Thus while industrial tribunals sought to improve market relations, they inadvertently assisted workers to gain more influence over managerial relations. In each case the workplace was the site of much regulatory activity, whether initiated by management, unions or workers. However, the three cases each present a different pattern of workplace industrial relations in terms: of scope of regulation at the workplace; the role of unions; the nature of managerial strategy; the role of unions; and the implementation and enforcement of tribunals decisions. Moreover, the effect of arbitration and wages board systems at each workplace varied, with the influence of a particular matrix of industry, economic, technological and institutional conditions shaped at the workplace.

Vägledning på grundskolan och ADHD : Studie- och yrkesvägledares arbete med elever med ADHD

Odin, Kicki, Johansson, Karin January 2010 (has links)
<p>Studiens syfte var att öka kunskapen kring hur några studie- och yrkesvägledare på grundskolan arbetar med vägledning av elever med ADHD och vilka kompetenser och resurser de kunde tänkas ha för att stötta väl underbyggda studie- och yrkesval. Kvalitativa intervjuer genomfördes och resultatet visar att respondenterna individanpassar vägledningen i hög grad, för elever med ADHD främst genom mer tid, studiebesök, medföljare, visualisering och empowerment. De använder ingen speciellt utarbetad vägledningsmetod för dessa elever men det visar sig att det vore välkommet med metodutveckling, vidareutbildning och utökat samarbete.</p> / <p>The aim of the study was to increase the knowledge of how some career counselors work with students with ADHD and what skills and resources they might have to support well-founded career choices. Qualitative interviews were accomplished and the result shows that the respondents personalized guidance to a large extent, for students with ADHD above all through more time, educational visits, accompanied by someone, visualization and empowerment. They use no specific guidance method for these students, but it turns out that it would be welcomed with method development, training and increased cooperation.</p>

Språk och status

Åkerblom, Jaana January 2007 (has links)
<p>Denna studie handlar om språk och statusskillnader mellan språken. Syftet var att ta reda på om flerspråkiga grundskoleelever upplever att deras olika språk har olika status. Undersökningen är deskriptiv till sin karaktär. Sex stycken respondenter från åk 9 blev intervjuade. Intervjun består av två delar en skriftlig del och en muntlig del. Resultatet visar att respondenterna betraktade sina språk olika viktiga. Slutsats var att undersökningen trots vaga resultat indikerar att elever i denna studie upplever att det finns statusskillnader mellan sina olika språk.</p><p>This study is about language and status distinctions between languages. The purpose was to find out if multilingual pupils’ experiences that their different languages have different status. The characteristic of this study is that the study is descriptive. Six respondents from the 9th year of the compulsory school were interviewed. The interview was divided into two different parts written and oral. The result of this study shows that respondents considered that their language differs in importance. The conclusion of this study is that in spite of vague results the study indicates that pupils experiences that there is status distinctions between languages.</p>

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