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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Srovnání právní úpravy povinného očkování v České republice a Francii / The comparison of legal regulations of the compulsory vaccination in the Czech Republic and the French Republic

Ševčík, David January 2018 (has links)
v anglickém jazyce (Abstract) The aim of this diploma thesis is to analyze and compare the system of compulsory vaccination in the Czech Republic and in the French Republic. The first part of this diploma thesis is dedicated to international law context of compulsory vaccination. Relevant international organizations in which is the Czech Republic and also French Republic taking part is described. Then the focus of interest is also on all relevant binding sources of international law, or more precisely on promulgated international treaties, ratified and by which the Czech Republic and the French Republic is bound with the rule that if a treaty provides something other than national law, the treaty shall apply. The second part of this diploma thesis is dedicated to the connection between compulsory vaccination and constitutional law of the Czech Republic and French Republic, or rather how could be compulsory vaccination justified by the constitutional law of both countries. The case law coming from supervising constitutional institutions related to compulsory vaccination is also examined. In the third part, the legal regulation of key aspects of compulsory vaccination is examined. The focus of interest is on the amount of regulation made by statute and by secondary legislation. The aim of this part...

Ústavní ochranné léčení protialkoholní a protitoxikomanické - systém léčebných programů v psychiatrických nemocnicích /l éčebnách na Moravě / Institutional compulsory treatment for alcoholic and antitoxicomanials - system of treatment programs in psychiatric hospitals / treatment centers in Moravia

Pánková, Jana January 2019 (has links)
posledních letech časté diskuze na téma ústavní ochranné léčení protialkoholní a protitoxikomanické. Hovoří se o jeho smyslu, délce, neposlední řadě také o bezpečnostních opatření jakým způsobem funguje systém léčebných programů v psychiatrických nemocnicích/léčebnách na Moravě pro pacienty v ústavním ochranném léčení protialkoholním a protitoxikomanickém. Jak dlouhý je časový úsek léčby, v prostředí léčba probíhá, jak jsou jednotlivá oddělení pro léčbu závislostí zabezpečena a jakým způsobem je ústavní ochranné léčení ukončováno. Výzkum je prováděn na základě kvalitativní strategie, s pomocí techniky polostrukturovaných rozhovorů využitím prvků ze zakotvené teorie. Je realizován ve všech psychiatrických léčebnách a nemocnicích na Moravě. Výzkumný soubor tvoří 5 respondentů, jedná se výběr totální. provádění ochranného léč protialkoholního a protitoxikomanického. Nejednotnost spočívá především v ochranného léčení, dále v oblastech charakteristiky oddělení a ve způsobech ukončování nebo přeměny ústavního ochranného léčení. Výzkum také poukazuje na určité shody a to především v názoru na chybějící legislativu pro provádění ochranného léčení, nedostatečné bezpečnostní opatření na jednotlivých odděleních, problematickou komunikaci mezi zdravotnickou institucí a soudci a minimální motivaci k léčbě pacientů v...

The Determinants of Post-Compulsory Education Decision in Rural China: With an Analysis of a Grassroots NGO Intervention

Yao, Haogen January 2016 (has links)
In rural China, when approaching the end of nine-year compulsory schooling, students face four equally popular post-compulsory education decisions (PCED): dropout, work after graduation, vocational high school, and academic high school. The literature tends to simply treat PCED as dichotomous (continue vs. leave school), and there is a geographical research imbalance favoring inner China. An increasing volume of studies also suggest that traditionally recognized factors like socioeconomic status and academic performance are not as influential as before in advancing the schooling. People have started to look at socio-emotional support, such as the promotion of self-discipline and confidence. At present, it is grassroots NGOs (GNGO) who take the major responsibility for providing this type of support in rural China, and there is rare discussion of achievements, let alone evaluation of practical impact. Given the existing problems, the key research questions of this study are: (1) What are the current PCED determinants for China’s rural students? More specifically, what are the PCED determinants for lower secondary students in rural Guangdong, a coastal province? (2) How can GNGO intervention affect PCED by boosting certain subjective factor(s)? The tested treatment is the Lighthouse program, whose one-month summer camp aims to improve student attitudes towards their life, such as making them more confident, organized, and social. The key to answering the first question is to explore a comprehensive list of variables applying to local populations, which cannot be achieved simply through a literature review. When answering the second question, since Lighthouse participation is voluntary, it is important to deal with selection bias, to ensure that any identified Lighthouse impact results from its activities rather than the student characteristics that lead to their participation. To overcome these methodological challenges, I first employed the Delphi approach. Delphi is an iterative process used to collect and distill the judgments of experts using a series of questionnaires interspersed with feedback. It is used to identify possible PCED determinants that are missing in the literature, to determine factors that lead to Lighthouse participation, and to collect discussions about both PCED determinants and GNGO intervention. Based on the Delphi results and literature, I then designed five questionnaires for students, households, teachers, principals, and Lighthouse volunteers. In Jun-Oct 2012, I led seven research assistants in conducting two waves of surveys in eight towns, building a firsthand dataset of 6298 valid observations with imputations. Multinomial logit was used to investigate PCED determinants. It predicted the PCED probabilities, given nine groups of independent variables. Propensity score matching was used to evaluate the program impact. It calculates the treatment propensity for each student based on their characteristics, so the Lighthouse impact can be compared between treated and untreated students of similar treatment propensity. Tests of robustness and heterogeneity were conducted after both methods. Qualitative materials collected from Delphi and on-site interviews were used to explore the causal mechanism. I use relative risk ratios to report the findings of PCED determinants. The findings challenge the existing literature regarding the roles of gender and parental background, further extend knowledge of monetary reward/cost and subjective factors, and confirm new possible determinants that have seldom been investigated in literature. The main model passes the robustness check, and there exist explainable heterogeneity effects. It is notable that education aspiration stands out as a strong PCED determinant, ceteris paribus. Propensity score matching shows that the Lighthouse program mainly affects PCED by boosting educational aspiration for students with high academic performance, although that impact fades gradually if there is no follow-up service. The novelty of the program to local people, volunteer team morale, and volunteer acceptance of Lighthouse training could help explain why increases in aspiration varied across sites. The role-model effect might explain why the increase in aspiration exists, as there are signs that the students tried to copy the volunteer’s schooling decision once trust was built. This study makes three major contributions. It can be translated into comprehensive advocacy for education policies related to PCED, such as dropout prevention and the promotion of VHS. It may also suggest the value of, or at least the required improvement to, China’s educational GNGOs, which are young and remain confined by governmental regulations. Last but not least, this is a unique showcase of how qualitative-quantitative sequential mixed-method works better in exploratory analyses. The study has limitations in timing, missing data, external validity, implementation of research methods, and heavy rely on self-reported questionnaires, but they can be largely eliminated by conducting proper further studies.

Implementering av programmering i grundskolan / The implementation of programming in compulsory school

Lutovska, Irina January 2021 (has links)
This essay will address the introduction of programming as an element in the compulsory school curriculum and examine the extent to which teachers have been affected by the introduction of programming in curriculaand syllabi. The essay is based on two questions: "What difficulties and opportunities have arisen in the teaching after programming was implemented in the syllabus?" and "What forms of pedagogy can teachers use to best support the development of logical thinking, problem solving, creativity and a structured approach through programming skills?". The questions are answered using scientific literature and analysis of previous scientific research. The results of the study are, among other things, that there is a great deal of uncertainty in how programming should be implemented in the students' syllabi, but also how the teachers should feel comfortable in teaching such a new subject when there is a lack of proper training for the teachers. Another conclusion is that the biggest reason for the introduction of programming in schools is to strengthen students' digital skills as society becomes increasingly digital.

Samtycke till frivilliga insatser enligt SoL och LVU : En utredning av möjligheten att besluta om insatser för barn när samtycket till frivilliga insatser inte är tillräckligt eller saknas / Consent to voluntary contributions according to SoL and LVU : An investigation of the possibility of deciding of contributions to children when the consent to voluntary contributions is not sufficient or missing

Wahlberg, Johanna January 2022 (has links)
Sedan år 1982 har utgångspunkten varit att socialtjänstens verksamhet ska grunda sig i den enskildes integritet och självbestämmanderätt. Den enskilde ska därigenom själv få bestämma huruvida en viss insats från socialtjänsten ska tas emot eller inte. Insatserna ska således grunda sig i frivillighet och utformas tillsammans med den enskilde. Detta gäller även när ett barn har behov av vård. I vissa fall föreligger dock ett behov av tvångsvård, där principen om frivillighet och självbestämmande inte kan upprätthållas på samma sätt som vid socialtjänstens frivilliga insatser. Ett barn ska enligt 1 § andra stycket LVU beredas vård i det fall 2 eller 3 §§ LVU är uppfyllda samt att det kan antas att barnet inte kan ges behövlig vård med samtycke av vårdnadshavarna och barnet självt om det har fyllt 15 år. Av bestämmelsen kan därmed utläsas att ett samtycke dels är en förutsättning för att socialnämnden ska kunna fatta beslut om frivilliga insatser, dels att ett samtycke till frivilliga insatser i regel utgör ett hinder för att det ska kunna fattas beslut om tvångsvård enligt LVU.  I uppsatsen uppmärksammas att det kan finnas viss problematik med ett samtycke till frivilliga insatser. Det kan tänkas förekomma situationer där ett samtycke till frivilliga insatser inte kan anses vara tillräckligt för att ett barn ska kunna ges nödvändiga insatser. Det kan vidare tänkas förekomma situationer där det saknas samtycke till frivilliga insatser, men tvångsvård heller inte kan aktualiseras på grund av att barnets situation inte är tillräckligt allvarlig för att uppfylla kraven i 2 eller 3 §§ LVU. Eftersom problematikerna handlar om just samtycke uppmärksammas även vad ett samtycke till frivilliga insatser har för rättslig innebörd och vad som krävs för det ska kunna betraktas som giltigt. För att utreda vad som gäller i dessa situationer och vilka möjligheter som finns att besluta om tvångsvård eller andra insatser för barnets räkning används den rättsdogmatiska metoden i uppsatsen. Metoden används inledningsvis för att identifiera och beskriva gällande rätt på området. Vidare används den för att analysera och kritisera gällande rätt samt diskutera förslag de lege ferenda. Uppsatsen avslutas därefter genom att den deskriptiva och analytiska delen binds ihop till sammanfattande slutsatser. / Since 1982, the starting point has been that the activities of the social services should be based on the individual's integrity and right to self-determination. The individual must thereby be able to decide for himself whether a certain contribution from the social services is to be received or not. The contributions must thus be based on voluntariness and be designed together with the individual. This also applies when a child needs care. In some cases, however, there is a need for compulsory care, where the principle of voluntariness and self-determination cannot be maintained in the same way as in the social services' voluntary contributions. According to 1 § second part LVU, a child must be provided with care if 2 or 3 §§ LVU are fulfilled, and it can be assumed that the child cannot be given the necessary care with the consent of the guardians and the child himself if he has reached 15 years. It can thus be read from the regulation that a consent is partly a prerequisite for the social welfare board to be able to decide on voluntary contributions, and partly that a consent to voluntary contributions generally constitutes an obstacle to a decision on compulsory care according to LVU.  The essay draws attention to the fact that there may be some problems with a consent to voluntary contributions. There may be situations where a consent to voluntary contributions cannot be considered sufficient for a child to be given the necessary contributions. Furthermore, there may be situations where there is no consent to voluntary contributions, but compulsory care can also not be actualized because the child's situation is not serious enough to meet the requirements of 2 or 3 §§ LVU. Since the problems are specifically about consent, attention is also paid to what a consent to voluntary contributions has for legal meaning and what is required for it to be considered valid. To investigate what applies in these situations and what opportunities there are to decide on compulsory care or other contributions on behalf of the child, the legal dogmatic method is used in the essay. The method is initially used to identify and describe current law in the field. Furthermore, it is used to analyze and criticize current law and discuss proposals de lege ferenda. The essay is then concluded by binding the descriptive and analytical part together into summarized conclusions.

Den subtila ojämlikheten : Om grundskolors materiella förutsättningar och elevers utbildningsmöjligheter

Isling Poromaa, Pär January 2016 (has links)
The aim of this thesis is to examine compulsory schools' material conditions in relation to students' learning opportunities and schools staffs’ opportunities to educate. The thesis consists of four published peer-reviewed articles. The empirical data was collected through extensive fieldwork during 2010-2011 in three Swedish schools (ages 14-15), characterized by different social demographics. The material is primarily classroom observations, semi-structured interviews and policy documents. Analysis in the thesis draws mainly on Pierre Bourdieu’s theoretical framework, but also on contemporary developments institutional habitus by Diane Reay and positional capital by Jacques Lévy. Also, materiality as an educational concept is used to reflect and discuss schools’ prerequisites as institutions of education. The first article investigates how school practice emerges for pupils and the importance it has on their perceptions of their own lives in the school, it also considers and discusses the utility of the theoretical tool school habitus. The study was furthermore a critical examination of the reproductive and/or social levelling effects that school practice could have on pupils. The second article explores and compares the schools' access to ICT and classroom teaching. The third article examines the role of the family and its importance for school staff and pupils in the daily operations of the school. In addition, it scrutinizes how socioeconomic conditions affect the middle- and working-class schools' abilities to navigate in relation to families. The fourth article examines material conditions in all three schools with a focus on pupils and school staffs’ perceptions and actions in school practices, and how materiality shapes schools' institutional habitus. The analysis displays that schools’ materiality has major significance for the forms of institutional habitus and which ideals and values about education are developed in the different schools. It also displays that schools’ material conditions are closely interwoven with pupils’ educational backgrounds and the socioeconomic structure of the local neighbourhood. Schools’ material preconditions affect the pedagogical work of the teachers in classrooms and principals’ acting space to follow and implement the schools’ missions according to steering documents. Viewed as preworld, the local area and resources in the schools shape pupils’ sense of worthiness and thus their visions of a possible future in regard to educational and- workinglife carriers. The thesis discusses and concludes that the title The Subtle Inequality illustrate a process where phenomenon such as school choice, teacher shortage or schools’ abilities to compete are taken for granted. They are seen as “natural” and given, thus they hide the existing, objective material preconditions as the sources that shape differences in the educational system. To overcome these differences, the thesis reflects on the need to give all schools in Sweden equal material starting points.

Free and compulsory primary education in Lesotho : democratic or not?

Potjiri, Elizabeth Tello 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MEd)--University of Stellenbosch, 2004 / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: The central question of this thesis is whether free and compulsory primary education in primary government schools of Lesotho has the potential to be thickly democratic. I hold that the Free and Compulsory Primary Education (2000) policy is a less democratic project because it is characterised by principles of thin democracy. My claim is that free and compulsory primary education in Lesotho can be more democratic if there is balance in the demand for equity of access in the FPE (2000) project. I hold that in order to succeed in further democratising the Free and Compulsory Primary Education (2000) programme, the whole process, but primarily the structures of education, should be anchored within thick democratic principles. Although primary education is regarded to have changed, this change has been illusory or superficial (meaning that it is still essentially the same as the colonial one), as it did not affect the structure and value systems governing the delivery of education. The reported conflicts that have come to the fore after independence have been mostly on matters of strategy rather than differences in terms of the values that drive the delivery of education in Lesotho. The focus of Lesotho's education has remained on an elitist and outwardly looking minority. This powerful minority remains geared towards the acquisition of a Western type of education driven by Western values. Lessons and opportunities that could have been learnt from Sotho (pre-colonial) educational experiences and which were regarded as democratic have been lost. I contend that a democratically driven education system has to draw its inspiration from the principles of thick democratic education. An effective and transformational educational system requires the commitment of those in political leadership as well as those in charge of education. This commitment must include a desire to implement an education system that transforms people's worldview qualitatively to put them at the service of their nation. I hold that the value of education in Lesotho can be successful when it is capable of producing men and women of the highest integrity, honesty, tolerance, responsibility and accountability. The education system should produce individuals who are hard working, patriotic, well mannered and committed to serving their society. Education should be able to equip each and everyone to contribute meaningfully to the development of the nation. Finally, the teaching of thick democratic attributes must be founded on the bedrock of a successful education system in Lesotho from the lowest classes or grades. KEYWORDS: Free and compulsory education, democratic education, quality education, equality in education, thick and thin democracy in Lesotho. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die belangrike vraag in hierdie tesis is of gratis en verpligte primêre onderwys in primêre skole in Lesotho die potensiaal het om "dik" demokraties te is. Myns insiens is die beleid van gratis en verpligte primêre onderwys (2000) 'n minder demokratiese projek aangesien dit deur die beginsels van onvoldoende ("dun") demokrasie gekenmerk word. Ek voer aan dat gratis en verpligte primêre onderwys in Lesotho meer demokraties kan wees indien daar 'n balans in die vraag na gelyke toegang in die Gratis Primêre Onderwys-projek (2000) bestaan. Ek meen verder dat die hele proses, maar hoofsaaklik die onderwysstrukture, in demokratiese beginsels veranker behoort te wees ten einde die verdemokratisering van die program vir gratis en verpligte primêre onderwys (2000) suksesvol deur te voer. Alhoewel daar gereken word dat primêre onderwys verander het, was hierdie verandering denkbeeldig of oppervlakkig (waarmee bedoel word dat dit steeds wesenlik dieselfde is as die koloniale onderwysstelsel), aangesien dit nie 'n invloed gehad het op die struktuur en waardestelsel wat die lewering van onderwys beheer nie. Die konflikte wat aangemeld is ná onafhanklikwording het meestal te make gehad met kwessies ten opsigte van strategie eerder as verskille met betrekking tot die waardes wat die lewering van onderwys in Lesotho beheer. Die fokus op onderwys in Lesotho het gerig gebly op 'n elitistiese en uitwaartse invloedryke minderheid wat ingeskakel het by die verwerwing van 'n Westerse soort onderwys wat deur Westerse waardes gedryf word. Lesse en geleenthede wat uit prekoloniale Sothoonderwyservaringe geleer kon word en wat as demokraties beskou kon word, het verlore gegaan. Myns insiens moet 'n demokraties-gedrewe onderwysstelsel sy inspirasie uit die beginsels van demokratiese onderwys kan put. 'n Doeltreffende en transformasionele onderwysstelsel vereis die verbintenis van diegene aan die roer van sake ten opsigte van leierskap in die gemeenskap sowel as diegene in beheer van onderwys. Hierdie verbintenis moet getemper word deur 'n behoefte aan die implementering van onderwys wat mense se wêreldbeskouing op kwalitatiewe wyse transformeer ten einde hulle in diens te stel van hulle nasie en die mense. Die waarde van onderwys in Lesotho kan slegs gesien word wanneer dit in staat is om mans en vroue van die hoogste integriteit, eerlikheid, verdraagsaamheid, verantwoordelikheid en aanspreeklikheid te lewer - hardwerkende, patriotiese, goedgemanierde mense wat daaraan toegewy is om hulle samelewing te dien. Onderwys behoort in staat te wees om 'n ieder en 'n elk toe te rus om op betekenisvolle wyse tot die ontwikkeling van die nasie by te dra. Laastens, die onderrig van "dik" demokratiese eienskappe moet gebou word op die basis van 'n suksesvolle onderwysstelsel in Lesotho vanaf die laagste klasse of grade. SLEUTELWOORDE: Gratis en verpligte onderwys, demokratiese onderwys, kwaliteit onderwys, gelyke onderwys, "dik" en "dun" demokrasie in Lesotho.

Så minns vi skolans ansträngningar för att vi skulle nå målen i svenska : - en kvalitativ studie av elevers erfarenheter från grundskolan / This is how we remember the school's efforts for us when we tried to achieve the goals : - a qualitative study of experiences from compulsory school

Fjätvall, Pia January 2015 (has links)
Syftet med studien är att ta del av erfarenheterna bland några elever på introduktionsprogrammet som inte nått målen för årskurs 9 i svenska i grundskolan. Studien skulle ge svar på bland annat hur eleverna upplevt skolans försök att hjälpa dem nå målen. Andra frågor som skulle besvaras var om eleverna hade egna funderingar kring vad skolan kunde ha gjort för att främja lärandet, om de känt sig inkluderade och delaktiga samt om de hade övriga erfarenheter från grundskoletiden som har varit av betydelse för dem. En kvalitativ metod användes och genom livsberättelser framkom de vuxna informanternas erfarenheter. Två intervjuer genomfördes med de tre deltagarna. Resultatet visar att trots skolans insatser så nåddes inte målen. Informanterna anser att skolan hade kunnat göra mera genom att ge dem bekräftelse, lyssna på dem, ge dem mera hjälp och att inte alla elever med olika behov av stöd ska sitta i samma grupp. De berättar om rädsla att framstå som dumma och att de känt ett utanförskap. Slutligen så kan det konstateras att ur informanternas perspektiv så har skolan inte levt upp till sina åtaganden enligt skollagen, Salamancadeklarationen och Barnkonventionen genom att inte anpassa den ordinarie skolmiljön, inte låta eleverna vara delaktiga och framförallt genom att inte upprätta åtgärdsprogram. / The aim of this study is to examine a few adult students’ experiences from compulsory school where they did not achieve the goals in Swedish. The study was also supposed to point out if the students had any thoughts about how the school could have supported their learning, if they felt included and involved and if they had other experiences from compulsory school. Two interviews were made with the three respondents. A qualitative method was used and the data is collected from their life stories. The result shows that despite the school’s efforts, the respondents did not achieve the goals. The respondents talk about their need of corroboration, that the teachers should have listened to them, given them more help and the unsuitability to put all the students with learning difficulties in the same room. The respondents talk about fear of looking stupid and a feeling of exclusion. From the respondents’ perspective it is obviously that the school did not undertake its responsibility according to the Swedish school law, the Salamanca Declaration and Convention on the Rights of the Child by adjusting the ordinary environment in the classroom, letting the respondents be involved and most of all, by ignoring their duty to write åtgärdsprogram, i.e. individual programmes for higher achievement.

Environment in school : The schools work for a sustainable society / Miljö i skolan : Skolans arbete för ett hållbart samhälle

Gudmundsson, Malin January 2007 (has links)
<p>Environmental issues are highly topical today and most people are more or less concerned. It is important to start with environmental work and environmental studies in early ages, already in school. The purpose of this essay is to examine what a school can do for the environment and to see how a school can work with these issues. Furthermore, what is passed on to the pupils and how involved are they in the work for a sustainable future?</p><p>The study was conducted by the means of qualitative interviews with four teachers and the head of environmental questions at the school.</p><p>The school is new since fall 2006 and they have just started with the environmental work, says the ones I interviewed. But they all think it will be better in the near future. At this school both adults and children are very interested and involved in the environmental work. The school has several recourses to facilitate the practical environmental work, both children and adults are fully engaged. The recycling process is well developed at the school, they rather recycle than consume. The higher grade students have more classes about global environmental issues while the lower grades do concentrate on the nearby environment, on a level that fits the children. The lower grades at this school are more involved in the work for the environment than the higher grades.</p><p>At the school there is a good will to develop the environmental work and they have a great potential to do so.</p> / <p>Miljöfrågor är högst aktuellt och det är något som berör oss alla. Det är viktigt att vara medveten och delaktig redan i tidig ålder för att göra arbetet för ett hållbart samhälle vardagligt och det är därför viktigt att börja med miljöarbete och miljöundervisning redan i skolan. Syftet med arbetet är att få kunskap om vad en skola kan göra för miljön, hur en skolas miljöarbete ser ut, vad förmedlas till barnen och hur medvetna och delaktiga är de i skolans miljöarbete.</p><p>Undersökningen gjordes med hjälp av kvalitativa intervjuer med fyra pedagoger och skolans miljöansvarig.</p><p>Skolan är ny sedan hösten 2006 och har därför inte mer än kommit igång med sitt miljöarbete påstår de intervjuade, men alla är överens om att det kommer att se bättre ut framöver. På skolan är både vuxna och barn intresserade och engagerade i miljöarbetet. Skolan är utrustad med flera verktyg för praktiskt miljöarbete och dessa används både av personal och elever. Källsortering är ett väl fungerande system på skolan och de återanvänder istället för att förbruka. I undervisningen på högstadiet pratar man mer om den globala miljön än i de lägre stadierna. I de lägre stadierna arbetar de med miljö på barnens nivå, de pratar om och arbetar med sådant som barnen kan relatera till och som barnen kan vara med och påverka. De lägre stadierna är över lag mer engagerade i miljöarbetet jämförelsevis med högstadiet.</p><p>På skolan finns en vilja att förbättra miljöarbetet och det finns en stor potential för att genomföra detta.</p>

Kunskap, ordning och krav : Liberalism och konservatism i Folkpartiets skolpolitik

Höglund, Alexander January 2006 (has links)
<p>This paper examines the ideological content of the compulsory school policy of the Swedish Liberal Party. The aim of the study is to investigate whether the Liberal Party does really represent a liberal policy for the compulsory school, or if it is more accurately described as conservative. The analysis is carried through by two separate critical examinations of the Liberal Party motion on school politics to the parliament and the Conservative Party motion on school politics to the parliament respectively. A comparison is then made between the ideological contents of the two documents. The specific party policies are linked to universal definitions of liberalism and conservatism with the help of an analytical tool consistent of a series of educational philosophies. Difference is made between ideologically motivated purposes and concrete policy recommendations in the motion texts.</p><p>The results of the ideological content analyses and the comparison show that the compulsory school policy of the Liberal Party can be categorized as conservative, not only vis-à-vis a universal definition of liberalism and conservatism, but also in comparison with the compulsory school policy of the Conservative Party.</p>

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