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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

School uniforms and the human dignity of learners in Swaziland

Bhembe, Mfanzile M. January 2014 (has links)
The study focused on the role of members of the School Management Team (SMT) regarding the manner in which they implement the policy on mandatory school uniform in Swaziland schools. The main question guiding the study was: To what extent is the learners’ right to human dignity protected when teachers enforce the wearing of compulsory school uniforms in Swaziland schools? A qualitative case study approach was employed with empirical data collected using interviews with the SMT members of three schools in the Manzini and Lubombo regions of the Kingdom of Swaziland, as well as an analysis of each of the school official documents. The interviews and the analysis of the documents were aimed at determining the compliance of each school‘s strategy with the Constitution of the Kingdom of Swaziland, and all international conventions regarding the protection of children’s right to human dignity in schools. Data was analysed in accordance with acceptable procedures for processing the qualitative data. The researcher’s conclusion based on the data gathered and from the body of literature consulted, presented evidence that suggests that the rights of learners to human dignity is not well-protected in the three schools that participated in the study. Poor learners continue to suffer the humiliation of being undressed of clothing such as jerseys that they wear to school because it is not the prescribed school uniform and is unacceptable. Some suffer corporal punishment because their parents cannot afford to buy them the full prescribed school uniform. Poverty remains a serious challenge to implementing the mandatory school uniform policy. / Dissertation (MEd)--University of Pretoria, 2014. / tm2015 / Education Management and Policy Studies / MEd / Unrestricted

Att vårda någon med tvång : En deskriptiv litteraturstudie om sjuksköterskors upplevelser och erfarenheter av tvångsvård inom psykiatrin

Goude, Isabelle, Svedberg, Zara January 2019 (has links)
Bakgrund I Sverige vårdas årligen ca 12 000 män och kvinnor med tvångsvård. Tvångsvård regleras av lagar och får endast ges till personer som anses vara en fara för sig själv eller sin omgivning. Denna vårdform syftar till att upprätthålla säkerhet för både patient och dess omgivning, målet är att patienten ska ta emot frivillig vård. Att vårda någon med tvång är komplext och kan leda till svåra situationer för sjuksköterskor, vården ska därför utföras så hänsynsfullt som möjligt för att främja patienters autonomi och delaktighet.  Syfte Att beskriva sjuksköterskors upplevelser och erfarenheter av tvångsvård inom psykiatrin. Metod Litteraturstudien genomfördes med en deskriptiv design. Artiklar söktes i databaserna PubMed, Cinahl och PsychINFO. Totalt tio kvalitativa artiklar och en kvantitativ artikel användes i studiens resultat. Artiklarna har analyserats där teman och subteman har urskilts.    Resultat Resultatet visade att sjuksköterskor saknar alternativ till tvångsåtgärder och detta har lett till etiska dilemman och negativa känslor. Trots detta fanns förståelse hos sjuksköterskor för syftet med tvångsåtgärderna och det sågs som en del av arbetet. Tvångsvård beskrevs ha en negativ påverkan på vårdrelationerna och därmed beskrevs även vikten av en god och tillitsfull relation mellan sjuksköterska och patient. Resultatet beskrevs i tre teman och fyra subteman.  Slutsats Utifrån resultatet till föreliggande litteraturstudie har författarna kommit fram till att det råder delade meningar om synen på tvångsvård hos sjuksköterskor. Sammanfattningsvis dras slutsatsen att det fanns en önskan om möjliga alternativ till tvångsåtgärder och det behövs mer forskning i ämnet.  Nyckelord Tvångsvård, tvångsåtgärder, sjuksköterska / Background In Sweden approximately 12 000 men and women are treated with forced care annually. Forced care is regulated by laws and may only be given to persons who are considered a danger to themselves or their surroundings. This form of care aims to maintain safety for both the patient and the surroundings, the goal is always for the patient to receive voluntary care. Caring for someone with coercion is complex and can lead to difficult situations for nurses, therefore care should be performed as careful as possible to promote patient autonomy and participation.  Aim To describe the experiences of nurses working with involuntary treatment in psychiatric care.  Method The study was conducted with a descriptive design. The articles were searched in the databases PubMed, Cinahl och PsychINFO. Ten qualitative articles and one quantitative article were used the study’s result. The articles have been analyzed and then themes and subthemes have been distinguished. Results The result showed that nurses lack alternatives to coercive measures and this has led to ethical dilemmas and negative emotions. Despite this, nurses understood the purpose of the coercive measures and it was seen as a part of the work. Compulsive care was descibed as having a negative impact on health care relationships, and thus the importance of a good and trusting relationship between nurse and patient was also described. The results were descibed in three themes and four subthemes.  Conclusions Based on the results of the present literature study, the authors have concluded that there are shared opinions about the view of forced care in nurses. In summary the authors conclude that there was a desire for possible alternatives to coercive measures and more research is needed on the subject.  Keywords Compulsory care, Coercive measures, Nurse

Propagating Perfection: Eugenic Sterilization at the Utah State Training School, 1935 - 1974

Rust, Jennifer 01 May 2017 (has links)
Compulsory sterilization as a tool of eugenics occurred in the United States from before the U.S. Supreme Court upheld its’ constitutionality in 1927 until the early 1970s. Initial justification for removing a person’s ability to procreate was rooted in hereditarian assertions that disability was transmitted from parent to offspring, and incorporated an economic argument that individuals with disabilities placed a financial burden on the state for care. Due to scientific deconstruction of the hereditarian argument, rationalization for sterilization evolved into an anxiety over the perceived inability of the disabled to parent. The state of Utah sterilized 738 individuals with intellectual disabilities from 1935 to 1974. This paper explores how Utah was similar to other states in terms of implementing compulsory sterilization through the establishment of the Utah State Training School and the philosophy of its leadership team.

Teacher assignment and Lpo 94

Klang, Mikael, Eklund, Fredrik January 2011 (has links)
Syftet med studien är att undersöka hur Lpo 94 påverkat lärarens yrkesroll i Idrott och hälsa. Undersökningsgruppen består av åtta stycken lärare i södra Skåne. Huvudfrågeställningen lyder enligt följande; Vad innebar Lpo 94 för lärarna i Idrott och Hälsas arbete? Frågan följs även upp av tre stycken underfrågor; Hur upplever lärarna att tolkningen av målen för Lpo 94 förändrats från dess intåg fram till idag? Vad innebar arbetslagen och den förändrade organisationen för lärarna i Idrott och Hälsas arbete? Var lärarna i Idrott och Hälsa redo för förändringen? Detta görs genom en kvalitativ intervjumetod. Resultatet visar på att arbetet med Lpo 94 gått väldigt långsamt och fortfarande inte efterföljs på många skolor. Detta kan till viss del bero på den ökade arbetsbördan som lärarna i Idrott och hälsa upplever. Lpo 94 innebar en ny organisation som genomsyrades av nya samarbetsformer i form av arbetslag, mentorskap och andra former av tidskrävande merarbete. Idrottsämnet och dess nya utformning var inte anpassat för de organisatoriska förändringar som skolan genomgick. Vidare diskuteras och analyseras hur de olika lärarna hanterar det nya uppdraget samt vad de olika värderingarna och handlandena kan grunda sig i. I studien behandlas också ämnet Idrott och hälsa och dess legitimitet i förhållande till andra ämnen samt vilka andra faktorer som påverkat idrottslärarnas arbete efter införandet av Lpo 94. / The aim of this study is to show how the Lpo 94 has affected the teachers professional role in Physical education. Eight teachers from the south of Skåne were used as informants. The main question asked is; What impact did the Lpo 94 have to teachers of Physical education? The main question is also monitored by three subqueries: How do the teachers in Physical education feel that the interpretation of the objectives for Lpo 94 have changed from its entrance until today? What did the “work team” and the changing organization influence the teachers in Physical education? Were the PE teachers ready for the change?A qualitative interview method is used and the results show that the progress of Lpo 94 has gone very slowly and that it still hasen´t been enforced in many schools. According to the PE teachers there are several reasons to why it hasen´t been enforced but a common denominator is the increased workload. Lpo 94 meant new organizations, new cooperation in teams, mentoring and other forms of time-consuming burdens. Physical education and its new design were not adapted to the organizational changes that the school underwent at the same time. Further discussed and analyzed in the study is how the various teachers handled the new assignment and what their different values and actions can be based on. The study also deals with Physical Education and its legitimacy in terms of other school subjects and other factors that have affected the PE teachers work after the introduction of Lpo 94.

Towards Better Schools in Iceland. A divice for Evaluating School Activity in Iceland

Bjarnason, Sigurjon January 2006 (has links)
In this research project, that was carried out in Iceland, an attempt is made to construct and develop a questionnaire administrators can use as a “device” to shed light on and evaluate certain aspects of the administration in their school. The research is based upon a quantitative method that was chosen in order to secure a maximally objective approach of those who carry out the evaluation. The enactment of the Compulsory School Act from 1995 significantly increased the independence of principals. Likewise, the wage agreements 2001-2004 and 2004-2007 extended the scope of administration within the schools. The Act granted principals the warranty and opportunity to enhance the uptrend in school activity. This thesis is part of that uptrend. Theories and concepts put forth and developed by Bert Stålhammar and Tomas J. Sergiovanni concerning the role of the principal were a point of reference in the choice of questions in the questionnaire. Four schools were chosen to participate in the research. All the principals answered the questionnaire, one female and three males. The total number of respondents among the teachers of the four schools was 103. The methodology used to verify the reliability of the questionnaire is a statistically reliable measure and an effective instrument to gather extensive information and with the aid of statistics and a good software program it is easy to present it in an explicit manner. The information contained in this thesis may be used in various ways, e.g. the direct statistical findings of the questions and the comparison of the findings for teachers and the principal (frequency tables, cf. the report of the schools). But it may also be viewed as a manual for those who intend to pose this questionnaire in their school or another comparable one and how the findings of such a questionnaire should be read and interpreted. Principals of other schools do not need to carry out the factor analysis but can utilize the findings of this survey, i.e. the 25 questions that came under the five factors (F1-Interaction with the principal, F2-The policy regarding teaching and pedagogy, F3-Collaboration and flow of information, F4-Praise to teachers and pupils and F5-Teachers’ professionalism).

"Hela mitt liv har jag sagt att jag ligger runt" En studie om asexualitetens innebörd och dess relation till den obligatoriska sexualiteten

Göransson, Rebecka January 2017 (has links)
Asexualitet som begrepp är förhållandevis outforskat och omgärdas av många frågor, varför syftet med denna uppsats varit att belysa såväl asexualitetens innebörd som upplevelsen av att vara asexuell i ett samhälle där uttryckandet av sexualiteten ses som en avgörande del av individens hälsa och välmående. Inför denna uppsats har nio självidentifierade asexuella personer i åldrarna 18 till 45 år intervjuats och vägledande frågor i arbetet är; Hur beskriver informanterna asexualiteten och dess innebörd? Hur har informanternas individuella process till att anamma begreppet asexuell sett ut? Hur upplever informanterna att omgivningen bemöter/har bemött deras asexualitet, samt vilken uppfattning upplever de att omgivningen har kring asexualitet i stort? Påverkas informanterna av den obligatoriska sexualiteten som normsystem och hur återspeglas detta i så fall i deras berättelser?Studien visar att asexualitet är ett komplext begrepp som innefattar såväl individualism som mångfald. Asexuella personer möter en misstro och ett ifrågasättande från omgivningen utifrån ett antagande om en essentiell sexualitet, vilket återspeglar den obligatoriska sexualiteten som normsystem. Informanterna efterfrågar en förståelse för asexualitetens existens och en acceptans för att behovet av sexuella uttryck ser olika ut för alla människor. Vidare framkommer parallella beskrivningar av asexualiteten, som å ena sidan medfödd och inneboende del av individen och å andra sidan som någonting rörligt och i högsta grad föränderligt, vilket kan relateras till de normer som påverkar synen på asexualitet och andra icke-sexuella uttryck. Då dessa uttryck existerar, oavsett om de beskrivs som perioder av bristande lust eller livslång asexualitet, finns det ett värde i att bredda synen på såväl sexualiteten som asexualiteten. Detta då ett breddande kan skapa bättre förutsättningar för välmående i relation till såväl asexualiteten som sexualitetens föränderlighet under livets gång. / The concept of asexuality is relatively unexplored and surrounded by many questions, why the purpose of this essay has been to illustrate the meaning of asexuality as well as the experience of being asexual in a society where expressing your sexuality is considered to be a crucial part of the individual´s health and wellbeing. In this essay interviews have been conducted with nine self identified asexual individuals, aged 18 to 45 years and indicative questions in the essay are: How do the informants describe asexuality and its meaning? What has the individual process of embracing its meaning looked like? How do the informants experience society´s approach to asexuality and what percpetion of asexuality do they feel that society has over all? Are the informants affected by the compulsory sexuality as a normative system and if so, how is this reflected in their stories?This study shows that asexualty is a complex concept that includes both individualism and diversity. Asexual individuals face distrust and questioning attitudes in society, based on assumptions of an essential sexuality, which reflect compulsory sexuality as a normative system. The informants ask for an understanding of the excistence of asexuality, as well as acceptance of the fact that the need for sexual expressions is different for all people. Furthermore the study shows parallel descriptions of asexuality as congenital and inherent, as well as something highly variable, which can be related to the norms that affect the perception of asexuality and other non-sexual expressions. These expressions exist, regardless if they are described as temporary lack of sexual desire or life-long asexuality and therefore there is a value in broadening the perception of both sexuality and asexuality. This broadening can create better conditions for wellbeing in relation both to asexuality, and sexuality as changeable during the path of life.

Transformative Lesbian Experiences in Alice Walker’s The Color Purple : A Look at Celie’s Development

Ellen, Bäckman January 2023 (has links)
The Color Purple (1982) focuses on highlighting Celie’s journey throughout life as an oppressed black woman living in the South in the United States in the early 1900s. Celie is abused mentally, physically, and sexually by her stepfather Alphonso and her husband Mr. _____. This is the oppression she has faced, which holds back her search for her own identity. Black feminism, lesbian feminism and queer theory are explained and used in order to understand how to analyze The Color Purple. Gender performance, compulsory heterosexuality and lesbianism are all important concepts that are used to analyze Celie’s oppression and development. This paper highlights the factors that have aided Celie in her search for selfhood, which are motherhood, female solidarity, black lesbian shamelessness and especially her lesbian relationship with the singer Shug. The analysis concludes that Shug was both the catalyst and one of the driving forces which enabled Celie to find her voice.

Inkludering av grundsärskolans elever i grundskolans verksamhet : En intervjustudie om grundskollärares uppfattningar om inkludering / Inclusion of pupils with intellectual disabilities in compulsory school : A study of compulsory school teacher’s opinions on inclusion

Marklund, Johanna January 2016 (has links)
Studiens syfte är att undersöka grundskollärarens uppfattningar av inkludering av grundsärskolans elever i grundskolans verksamhet. Frågeställningarna är; vilka möjligheter, utmaningar och framgångsfaktorer ser grundskolelärare angående inkludering av grundsärskolans elever i grundskolans verksamhet? Studien är en kvalitativ studie där sex semistrukturerade intervjuer genomförs med grundskollärare med erfarenhet av inkludering av grundsärskolans elever i grundskolans verksamhet från förskoleklass upp till årskurs sex. I analysen används två teorier, Asp-Onsjös (2008) teori om inkludering som belyser inkluderingen på nära håll och Nilholms (2007) perspektiv på specialpedagogik som tillåter en mer distanserad tolkning av fenomenet.     I studien framkommer de demokratiska och sociala fördelarna med att inkludera elever samt utmaningarna som innefattar såväl ledningens ansvar, lärarens arbetsvillkor, föräldrarnas inflytande och det dagliga arbetet. Framgångsfaktorer som blir tydliga är lärartäthet, tillgång till grupprum och att inkluderingen påbörjas direkt i förskoleklass. Intressant att lyfta är de samstämmiga uppfattningarna som presenteras såväl i litteraturen, forskningen, som av informanterna om de positiva effekterna, utmaningarna och framgångsfaktorer i inkluderingssammanhang. Mest anmärkningsvärt är hur betydelsefull socio-kommunikationen är mellan lärare och eleverna som inkluderas för att skapa sammanhang och förståelse om vad som avhandlas. Likaså betonas vikten av att upprätthålla ett gott socialt klimat på skolan.   Studiens resultat genererar ny kunskap som ger en möjlig förklaring om varför inkludering högre upp i skolåren tenderar att misslyckas. Genom att uppmärksamma vad som leder till exkludering kan skolledning, grundskollärare och speciallärare samverka för att finna lämpliga åtgärder för att motverka det. På så vis kan det som framkommer i denna studie användas i den pedagogiska praktiken. I undersökningen framkommer även vad som gynnar en inkluderande verksamhet och därmed kan detta sätta fokus på vad skolor behöver utveckla och inom vilka delar personalen behöver fortbildning för att kunna arbeta inkluderande. / The studies purpose is to examine inclusion of pupils with intellectual disabilities in compulsory schools. The key question is: what are the possibilities, challenges and successful methods as to how teachers can include pupils with intellectual disabilities and involve them in compulsory school? The study is qualitative where six semi-structured interviews are conducted by teachers with experience of including pupils with intellectual disabilities from preschool up to year 6 in compulsory schools. In the analysis there are two theories: The Asp- Onsjös (2008) theory which allowed a close analysis of the topic and Nilholms (2007) prespective on special needs teaching that allows a more distanced interpretation of the phenomenon.   In the study there are both the social and democratic advantages that incorporates pupils challenges. These challenges are also effected by the leadership, teacher, working conditions, parents influence and their daily work. Successful factors that are working are teaching experience, access to student work rooms that are included directly as a continuation of kindergarten. The interest is that the same experiences presented in the literature and research, can present the positive effects, challenges and successful methods inherent in compulsory inclusion. Most noticeable is how important socio-communication is between teachers and pupils that can be included to create inclusion and understanding in a permissive learning environment. It also stressed the importance of maintaining a good social climate at school.   The result of the study generates a new knowledge and gives a possible explanation about why placing inclusive pupils with intellectual disability higher up in the learning stage generally fails. Paying attention to what leads to exclusion can help the school leadership, teachers and special needs teachers co-operate to find suitable alternatives. The finding from this study may lead to improved future learnings and understandings of pedagogy in the school environment. In future studies there should be consideration to what constitutes appropriate activities and what schools need to develop. Staff professional development would also play an important part in this to develop their awareness and knowledge of inclusion of pupils with an intellectual disability.

Likvärdig bedömning i musik : lägesbeskrivning av arbete med likvärdig bedömning av musikaliska kunskaper i grundskolans obligatoriska musikkurs

Påhlsson, Fredrik January 2011 (has links)
A major dilemma for music teachers in Sweden is that the educational system since 15 years dictates that local adaptations should be made, since all students shall be assessed equivalently. In this study I have examined what strategies music teachers have in the grading process, and specifically how they do to grade equivalently. Previous research shows that Swedish music teachers have difficulties when it comes to make use of regulatory documents. Working conditions for Swedish music teachers also often differ from other teacher groups (e.g. it is usually only one music teacher at a school) and therefore, and because of the fact that the area is largely unexplored, new knowledge and understanding is needed.The thesis consists of two parts: A web survey (quantitative and qualitative parts) and core questions in the survey (on how to grade equivalently in music). I emanate in my reasoning from a music teacher’s awareness but with an open approach. With socioculture influences and a critical approach I question the prevailing circum- stances. With the qualitative approach, I aim to get close to the material and identify music teachers' strategies for assessment in accordance with the requirements of national equivalence.More than 600 music teachers contributed to the survey, representing around 50% of all final grades that are written each year in Swedish compulsory school music. The outcomes show that during the last decade an ongoing professionalization has taken place among music teachers. The findings also include knowledge about how impor- tant note taking is for equivalence and the problems music teachers have with physi- cal conditions for the teaching (such as group sizes and instrumentation). Also the gut felling, as a cultural tool, is observed in a particular way in the assessment work. Last, the picture of “music teachers as their own curriculum” is suggested to be revised. Since music teachers need to adjust to local conditions, and now have a greater knowledge and experience in the mechanism of grading equivalently, it is suggested that music teachers are forced to be their own curriculum.

Mellan tvång & frivillighet : Förebyggande insatser i LVU

Olsson Quist, Sofia January 2014 (has links)
The purpose of this paper is to determine the established law and make researches into non-institutional compulsory care (“mellantvång”) paragraph 22 The Care of Young Persons (Special Provisions) Act (from now on called LVU) and examine whether the administration of the law is in harmony with the best interests of the child. This paper combines two methods : traditional judicial method and a social science method. In the juridical part the sources of law have been studied and in the social sciences part semi-structured interviews have been conducted with five respondents. The theoretical framework consists of ideas and theories about the best interests of the child, a concept which is one of the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child's core principles. This study shows that the legislator has identified a problem and an existing need and found a solution to this by introducing a non-institutional compulsory care, paragraph 22 LVU. The problem is that Social Services do not make use of the restraint. Only 30 decisions under § 22 LVU are taken annually in Sweden. For the legal rights of the individual and the best interests of the child, the Social Services are required to make decisions under this article instead of the current use of the informal threat of non-institutional compulsory care.

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