Spelling suggestions: "subject:"anormative system"" "subject:"deformative system""
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Norm-Regulation of Agent Systems : Instrumentalizing an algebraic approach to agent system normsHjelmblom, Magnus January 2015 (has links)
An architecture for norm-regulated multi-agent systems based on an algebraic approach to normative systems is instrumentalized and further developed. The core of the instrumentalization is a Prolog module, which together with a Java library can be used for creating client/server-based runtime systems. Norms are represented as conditional sentences, whose normative consequences are formulated by applying normative operators to descriptive conditions. From such general normative conditions follow normative sentences regarding specific states of affairs. These in turn result in permission or prohibition of individual actions in specific situations. Furthermore, an approach to turning runtime systems into instruments for problem-solving by using evolutionary mechanisms for evolving normative systems, is presented. The construction of norm-creating operators on conditions, which forms the basis for the representation of normative systems, is approached from two angles. (i) A logical analysis based on the Kanger-Lindahl theory of normative positions is conducted. This results in two extended sets of types of normative positions, and based on an algebraic version of one of these extended systems, a set of operators for creating agent-specific norms is constructed. (ii) An alternative analysis, which takes as its starting point a systematic exploration of types of state transitions, yields a set of norm-creating operators based on prohibition of transition types. It is furthermore argued that in the context of a class of transition systems, in which transitions are deterministic and associated with a single agent performing an act, operators based on (ii) specify a meaningful semantics of operators based on (i). Theoretical results together with shared code and example applications contribute to make possible theoretically sound, transparently described, and efficiently implemented norm-regulated autonomous agent systems. / En arkitektur för normreglerade multiagentsystem baserad på en algebraisk representation av normativa system instrumentaliseras och vidareutvecklas. Kärnan i instrumentaliseringen utgörs av en Prolog-modul som tillsammans med ett Java-bibliotek kan användas för att skapa client/server-baserad körbar kod. Normer representeras som ordnade par av grundvillkor och följdvillkor. De senare konstrueras genom att normativa operatorer appliceras på deskriptiva villkor. Från sådana generella normativa villkor följer normativa satser om specifika sakförhållanden, vilka i sin tur ger upphov till förbud mot eller tillåtelse att utföra enskilda handlingar i olika situationer. Vidare skisseras en metod för att göra körbara multiagentsystem till verktyg för problemlösning genom att använda evolutionära mekanismer för att odla fram normativa system. Konstruktionen av normskapande operatorer på villkor, vilka ligger till grund för representationen av normativa system, betraktas ur två olika synvinklar. (i) En logisk analys, baserad på Kanger-Lindahls teori om normativa positioner. Denna resulterar i två utökade uppsättningar av typer av normativa positioner och utgående från en algebraisk version av ett av dessa utökade system konstrueras sedan en uppsättning operatorer för att skapa agentspecifika normer. (ii) En alternativ analys, som tar sin utgångspunkt i en systematisk undersökning av olika typer av tillståndsövergångar. Denna ger upphov till en uppsättning av normskapande operatorer som är baserade på förbud mot olika typer av övergångar. Argument presenteras vidare för att inom ramen för en klass av övergångssystem, där övergångar är deterministiska och associerade med en agent som utför en handling, så specificerar operatorer baserade på (ii) en meningsfull semantik för operatorer baserade på (i). Teoretiska resultat tillsammans med tillgängliggjord programkod och exempel på tillämpningar bidrar till att underlätta skapandet av teoretiskt sunda, transparent beskrivna och effektivt implementerade normreglerade system av autonoma agenter. / <p>At the time of the doctoral defense, the following papers were unpublished and had a status as follows: Paper 4: Submitted. Paper 5: Forthcoming.</p>
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Les incompétences négatives dans la jurisprudence du Conseil constitutionnel / Negative incompetences in the jurisprudence of the Constitutional CouncilGarcia, Jonathan 27 November 2015 (has links)
Inspiré de la jurisprudence administrative, le contrôle des incompétences négatives est l’un des contentieux les plus mobilisés par le Conseil constitutionnel. Dès la première censure prononcée en 1967, le juge constitutionnel s’est « approprié » les incompétences négatives en s’écartant des classifications traditionnelles du droit administratif et en utilisant ce contentieux bien au-delà de la répartition des compétences. Aujourd’hui, il s’agit davantage d’un contrôle du fond de la loi que de sa forme. Se pose alors la question de savoir pourquoi le Conseil refuse d’accueillir les demandes fondées sur l’incompétence négative – exclusivement – dans le cadre des questions prioritaires de constitutionnalité. En réalité, les incompétences négatives ont une qualité essentielle : elles permettent de réaliser un contrôle effectif des omissions législatives, de renforcer la protection des droits et libertés, sans jamais avoir l’apparence de le faire. / Inspired by the administrative’s case law, control of the « incompétence négative » is one of the most mobilized by the Constitutional Council. From the first censure pronounced in 1967, the constitutional Council "appropriated" this notion by departing from the traditional classifications of administrative law and use this concept well beyond the distribution of powers. Today, it is more of a substance check of the law than a formal control. This raises the question of why the judge refuses to accommodate requests based on the « incompétence négative » - exclusively - as part of the priority preliminaryruling on the issue of constitutionality. In fact, this notion has an essential quality: it allow to achieve an effective control of legislative’s omissions, to strengthen the protection of rights and freedoms without ever having the appearance of doing so.
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Habiter autrement : des squats féministes en France et en Allemagne : une remise en question de l'ordre social. / living otherwise : some feminist squats in france and in Germany : questionning of the social orderGaillard, Edith 11 February 2013 (has links)
Loin d’être homogène, l’habitat est à la fois le reflet de l’assignation des femmes à un rôle de sexe et, dans le même temps, un instrument politique du changement social, de la transgression des normes sociales fixées sur le genre. De quelles manières des actions collectives féministes qui se réclament de l’émancipation peuvent-elles, par le biais de pratiques habitantes, affirmer un autre possible, construire d’autres modes d’être et d’agir en vue d’une vie plus libre ? La mise en œuvre de notre questionnement a conduit à choisir comme objet d’étude le « squat » associé à une critique féministe de l’ordre social. Du squat féministe, un regard se pose sur l’ordre social, un discours est porté sur les raisons de cet engagement dans les marges de la société. Des attitudes, des manières de faire et d’agir s’y construisent afin d’élaborer des réponses à la question des rapports sociaux, des rapports de genre. Nous avons comparé deux modèles de squat féministe : les squats politiques français soumis à une grande instabilité du fait de leur statut « sans droit ni titre » et les squats « légalisés » allemands qui, au regard du contexte historique et politique, s’inscrivent dans un temps plus long. La thèse permet d’élaborer une sociologie du genre renouvelée à partir d’une remise en question de l’ordre social par un engagement féministe autour de pratiques habitantes et de rendre compte de la façon dont des actrices sociales répondent aux problèmes féministes en fabriquant un « autre » modèle. / Far from being homogeneous, the habitat is both a reflection of the relegation of women to the role of sex and, at the same time, a political instrument of social change, of the transgression of social norms of gender. In what ways can feminist collective actions, which claim to be representative of emancipation, affirm another possible, develop other modes of being and acting for a freer life, through inhabitants’ practices? The implementation of our questioning has led us to choose as the object of study the "squat" associated with a feminist critique of the social order.. From the feminist squat, one’s gaze rests on the social order, a speech is focused on the reasons for this engagement in the margins of society. Attitudes, ways of doing and acting, develop to answer the question of social relationships, of gender relationships. We compared two models of feminist squat: in France, political squats which are instable because of their status "without right or title" and in Germany, "legalized" squats which, in terms of historical and political context, are in a longer timeframe.The thesis allows the development of a sociology of gender, from a feminist questioning of the social order around inhabitants’ practices. It also helps to account for how the social actors respond to feminist problems by making an "other" model.
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La logique déontique : une application de la logique à l'éthique et au discours juridiquePeterson, Clayton 08 1900 (has links)
Cet ouvrage a été rédigé en LaTeX, ce qui permet d'atteindre directement certaines sections, notes ou références bibliographiques par le biais des hyperliens. / Ce mémoire se veut une synthèse critique de la littérature portant sur la logique déontique. Le premier objectif est d'y présenter un aperçu historique de son origine et de son évolution. Cet objectif sera principalement atteint par le biais du chapitre 2 portant sur les paradoxes, lequel nous permettra non seulement de voir en réaction à quoi les principales approches se sont développées, mais nous donnera aussi une vue d'ensemble quant aux différents courants que l'on retrouve en logique déontique. En second lieu, cet ouvrage vise à fournir une synthèse de la littérature portant sur l'analyse formelle du discours normatif. Les chapitres 3, 4 et 5 offrent une synthèse des principaux courants qui cherchent à répondre à cet objectif, ce que l'on peut regrouper sous trois banières, à savoir les logiques monadiques, les logiques dyadiques et les logiques temporelles. Finalement, nous proposons une lecture critique de cette littérature. Cette critique, qui repose notamment sur la prémisse à savoir que la logique déontique se doit non pas de rendre compte de l'utilisation du discours normatif mais plutôt de sa structure, vise à montrer que les systèmes actuels ne parviennent pas à rendre compte adéquatement de certaines caractéristiques fondamentales au discours juridique. / In this essay we aim to provide a critical analysis of the literature regarding deontic logic. First of all, we wish to give a historical account of deontic logic's evolution, which will be done mainly by chapter 2. This chapter concerns the paradoxes of deontic logic and gives an overview of the usual systems and their origin. Our second objective is to provide a synthesis of the literature regarding the formal analysis of the normative discourse. The chapters 3, 4 and 5 give an account of the three principal ways which deal with deontic operators, that is the monadic deontic logic, the dyadic deontic logic and the temporal deontic logic. Finally, we propose a critical analysis of that literature and we show that these systems do not represent adequately some of the normative discourse's fundamental characteristics. We will accomplish this by providing an analysis of the legal discourse and show that the concept of obligation has some properties and behaves in a way that cannot be represented by the actual systems.
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La logique déontique : une application de la logique à l'éthique et au discours juridiquePeterson, Clayton 08 1900 (has links)
Ce mémoire se veut une synthèse critique de la littérature portant sur la logique déontique. Le premier objectif est d'y présenter un aperçu historique de son origine et de son évolution. Cet objectif sera principalement atteint par le biais du chapitre 2 portant sur les paradoxes, lequel nous permettra non seulement de voir en réaction à quoi les principales approches se sont développées, mais nous donnera aussi une vue d'ensemble quant aux différents courants que l'on retrouve en logique déontique. En second lieu, cet ouvrage vise à fournir une synthèse de la littérature portant sur l'analyse formelle du discours normatif. Les chapitres 3, 4 et 5 offrent une synthèse des principaux courants qui cherchent à répondre à cet objectif, ce que l'on peut regrouper sous trois banières, à savoir les logiques monadiques, les logiques dyadiques et les logiques temporelles. Finalement, nous proposons une lecture critique de cette littérature. Cette critique, qui repose notamment sur la prémisse à savoir que la logique déontique se doit non pas de rendre compte de l'utilisation du discours normatif mais plutôt de sa structure, vise à montrer que les systèmes actuels ne parviennent pas à rendre compte adéquatement de certaines caractéristiques fondamentales au discours juridique. / In this essay we aim to provide a critical analysis of the literature regarding deontic logic. First of all, we wish to give a historical account of deontic logic's evolution, which will be done mainly by chapter 2. This chapter concerns the paradoxes of deontic logic and gives an overview of the usual systems and their origin. Our second objective is to provide a synthesis of the literature regarding the formal analysis of the normative discourse. The chapters 3, 4 and 5 give an account of the three principal ways which deal with deontic operators, that is the monadic deontic logic, the dyadic deontic logic and the temporal deontic logic. Finally, we propose a critical analysis of that literature and we show that these systems do not represent adequately some of the normative discourse's fundamental characteristics. We will accomplish this by providing an analysis of the legal discourse and show that the concept of obligation has some properties and behaves in a way that cannot be represented by the actual systems. / Cet ouvrage a été rédigé en LaTeX, ce qui permet d'atteindre directement certaines sections, notes ou références bibliographiques par le biais des hyperliens.
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O crime de quadrilha ou bando à luz da teoria do bem-jurídico penalBarrilari, Claudia Cristina 07 May 2008 (has links)
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Previous issue date: 2008-05-07 / The highlight currently given to danger crimes, allied to the organize criminality
increase, are strong triggering factors of the focus received by gang crimes at the current
moment. The caselaw analysis of the mentioned criminal offense makes it possible to
conclude that incriminations due to gangs has been vulgarized , in order to proliferate
denounces due to gang that do not culminate or should not culminate in conviction, as the
strict occurrence of their normative elements. The offense type, either for being open or for
prescinding material results, assumed an evident secondary plan, which cause an evident
unbalance in the criminal law fundamental principles compliance.
Thus, we intend to conduct the present work analyzing those two factors, danger
crimes and criminal association, and the consequences derived from, of the one side,
leaving the punitive legitimacy aside, with the criminal law assuming an eminently social
control function; of the other side, it is sought the gang crime legitimacy and the adequate
dogmatic use of danger crimes, supported by the guaranty criminal law, guided by the
human being maximum protection.
The topic is arduous, mainly in face of the violence escalation, a phenomenon of the
current times. Maybe the current jurist concern should be to conciliate the human person
defense, in its strictest acceptation since Enlightenment, with the criminal treatment
hardening as an appropriate mechanism for violence containment.
The risk increment to which the current society is exposed cannot be despised.
Violence assumes varied forms, and it is in this context that the criminal advance relief is
verified, as an attempt to contain crime at its embryonary moment. In crimes of diffuse
objectivity, the advance relief is potentialized based on the belief that this is the only way to
effectively protect the juridical stead. At the other end, what is fought is the damage
verification in a diffuse way, the relation between a crime and a determined victim is
replaced with collective or even undetermined victimization.
The magnitude generated by the involved interest or by the possibility of affecting
innumerous victims requires the maximum protection of the stead, so that, in the name of
an illusory efficiency, it be compatible only with advance relief up to the limit at which the
protected stead is not under any risk threat. This can be verified in certain environmental
crimes, for instance.
The main issue consists in finding a balance point, that is, in discovering as from
which moment the criminal advance relief actuation, especially in reference to gang crimes.
This question is directly related to the classic conception of criminal law as the normative
system ultima ratio / O destaque que se dá atualmente aos crimes de perigo, aliado ao aumento da
criminalidade organizada, são fatores desencadeadores da ênfase que os crimes de
quadrilha ou bando vêm recebendo no momento atual. A análise jurisprudencial do
mencionado delito permite concluir que a incriminação por quadrilha ou bando vem sendo
vulgarizada de modo a proliferar denúncias por quadrilha ou bando que não culminam,
ou não deveriam culminar, em condenação, por não se observar a estrita realização de seus
elementos normativos. O tipo do delito, seja por ser aberto, seja por prescindir do resultado
material, assumiu evidente plano secundário, o que causa patente desequilíbrio na
observância dos princípios basilares do direito penal.
Assim, pretende-se conduzir o presente trabalho analisando esses dois fatores,
crimes de perigo e associação criminosa, e as conseqüências que se extraem, de um lado,
afastando-se da legitimidade punitiva, assumindo o direito penal função eminentemente de
controle social; de outro lado, procura-se a legitimação do crime de quadrilha ou bando e a
adequada utilização dogmática dos crimes de perigo, com apoio no direito penal
garantístico, orientado pela máxima proteção da pessoa humana.
O tema é árduo, principalmente em face da escalada da violência, fenômeno dos
tempos atuais. Talvez a preocupação do jurista atual deva ser conciliar a defesa da pessoa
humana, em sua mais intransigente acepção desde o Iluminismo, com o endurecimento do
tratamento penal, como mecanismo apropriado para a contenção da violência.
Não se pode desprezar o incremento do risco a que se vê exposta a sociedade atual.
A violência assume variadas formas e é nesse contexto que se verifica a antecipação da
tutela penal, como tentativa de conter o crime no seu momento embrionário. Nos crimes de
objetividade difusa, o mecanismo da antecipação da tutela é potencializado com base na
crença de que só assim é possível a efetiva proteção do bem jurídico. Na outra ponta, o que
se combate é a verificação do dano de forma difusa, a relação entre um crime e vítima
determinada é substituída pela vitimização coletiva ou até mesmo indeterminada.
A magnitude gerada pelo interesse envolvido ou pela possibilidade de atingir
inúmeras vítimas, requer a máxima proteção do bem, de modo que, em nome de uma
ilusória eficiência, seja compatível apenas com a antecipação da tutela até o limite em que
não haja qualquer ameaça de risco ao bem tutelado. É o que se verifica em determinados
crimes ambientais, a título de exemplo.
A questão principal consiste em encontrar um ponto de equilíbrio, ou seja, em
descobrir a partir de que momento é legítima a atuação da tutela penal, especialmente no
que se refere ao crime de quadrilha ou bando. Esta indagação está diretamente relacionada
à clássica concepção do direito penal como ultima ratio do sistema normativo
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