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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Filling the gap : Nietzsche's account of authenticity as a supplementary ideal

Baker, Michaela Christie January 2004 (has links)
This thesis examines the ideal of authenticity: why we might want or need such an ideal, what such an ideal would look like, and what mechanisms we would need to ensure the successful operation of such an ideal. The thesis has three main parts. The first part of the thesis aims at motivating the need to look to authenticity as a supplementary ideal to normative moral theory. I do this by drawing a distinction between ethics and morality and arguing that there are important aspects of our lives (such as our relations to ourselves) our beliefs and projects) about which normative moral theory fails to give us guidance and about which an ethical ideal, namely that of authenticity, can provide us with the requisite guidance. The second part of the thesis elucidates Nietzsche's view of authenticity as eternal return. I argue that eternal return consists in holding a particular attitude to one's life - one's past, present and future. I then demonstrate that what is fundamental to successfully living authentically in accordance with eternal return is a rigorous search for self-knowledge. In the third part of the thesis I argue that, in order to achieve the self-knowledge necessary to being a successful authentic agent, one must acquire it through a process of dialogue with other agents. I give a model of self-knowledge as a dialogic encounter that provides two important mechanisms whereby such self-knowledge can be gained.

Liberalismus a jeho odůvodnění v současné politické filosofii / Liberalism and its justification in contemporary political philosophy

Cíbik, Matej January 2015 (has links)
This thesis attempts to answer one basic question: what we can philosophically say to justify liberalism as a mode of political existence of society. It is divided into three parts. In the first one, I critically survey two popular answers to this question, employing the concepts of self- ownership and value pluralism respectively. I argue that both of them are inadequate and unsatisfactory, mostly because they operate with a conception of person that is too thin for the justificatory task. In the second part, I develop an interpretation of John Rawls and the conception of person he uses. I argue that this conception is crucial with regards to his answer to my question, yet that he provides only a limited and in the final analysis unpersuasive justification for it. The third part tries to remedy the deficiencies of Rawlsian liberalism by providing a better argumentative support for his conception of person and developing from it two arguments aiming to justify liberalism as a mode of political existence of society Key words Liberalism - John Rawls - Pluralism - Conception of person

La césure interprétative entre le juge et la doctrine à la lumière de l’expérience constitutionnelle française : proposition pour une rénovation conceptuelle / The interpretative distinction between judge and doctrine in light of the french constitutional experience

Noël, Johanna 06 December 2017 (has links)
Les discours du juge et de la doctrine sont traditionnellement représentés, depuis Kelsen, par l’image d’une césure interprétative. Celle-ci signifie qu’il y aurait deux sphères interprétatives : celle de l’interprétation normative émise par le juge et celle de l’interprétation descriptive prononcée par la doctrine. En proposant un réexamen, au croisement de la théorie du droit et du droit constitutionnel, cette recherche invite à déterminer la césure interprétative, puis à la dépasser. Le phénomène constitutionnel français semble en renforcer l’essence : la brièveté des décisions de justice, l’absence de rapporteur public et la place incertaine des professeurs de droit au Conseil constitutionnel favorisent la fracture entre les mondes de la cognition et de la normativité. Cette thèse cherche à démontrer que la césure apparaît désormais déstabilisée par une nouvelle définition de la normativité juridique. Cette déstabilisation de la césure permet de réfléchir à son dépassement à travers une rénovation de la justice constitutionnelle et la consécration d’une normativité doctrinale ; un nouveau concept émerge, celui de « pending law ». Une requalification voit le jour et aboutit à la communauté des interprètes du droit. Cette représentation alternative doit être réinvestie afin de comprendre l’existence d'un dialogue entre le juge et la doctrine, mais aussi la nature dialogique du discours juridique / Since Hans Kelsen, the discourse between judge and doctrine is usually depicted as subject to a scission between these two actors. There should thus be two interpretative spheres out of which the interpretation issued by the judge and the interpretation issued by the doctrine. The aim of the current thesis, present at the junction between the “theorie du droit” and the french constitutional law, is to redefine this interpretative scission and to even go beyond by proposing new sets of rules to explore it. The french constitutional experience enables strengthening the reality of this scission. Short motivations in court decisions, absence of “rapporteur public” and uncertainty of the impact of the constitutional law professors in the french constitutional Council are factors disclosing the existence of this previously mentioned scission between cognition and normativity. However the determination of this scission is impacted as well by a new definition of the legal normativity, being the reason of our willingness in this thesis to go beyond the initial apparent distinction, to propose a redrafting of the constitutional justice structure and to propose the introduction of a new concept, the “pending law”. The above mentioned redrafting and our new concept proposal aim at re-qualifying this scission into a community of jurists which their actor are belonging to notwithstanding their conscience to be part of it. Furthermore, this thesis reflects the existence of the discussion between the judge and the french doctrine but as well the real nature of this discussion

L'éducation du patient adulte entre normalisation et normativité / Adult patient education between normalization and normativity

Walker, Philippe 30 June 2016 (has links)
L’éducation du patient adulte entre normalisation et normativité. Le développement de l’éducation du patient tente de répondre à l’inexorable progression du diabète et des autres maladies chroniques. L’objectif de cette thèse est d’interroger les rapports aux normes de santé des malades et des soignants. Il s’agit de comprendre ce qui sous-tend le développement de cette pratique avec une médecine qui progresse dans son approche scientifique. La pédagogie devient alors prescription à trouver la norme de santé. La substitution d’une norme médicale par une norme pédagogique pose question sur la démarche éducative entre normalisation et normativité. La normalisation expose le patient aux normes issues d’une médecine fondée sur les sciences alors que la normativité invite le malade à la recherche de ses propres normes de vie avec sa maladie. La démarche éthique permet de questionner l’autonomie prescrite et nous invite à partager nos impuissances pour mieux partager nos savoirs. Le courage nous paraît au cœur de la délibération pour adapter la démarche éducative à chaque situation singulière et permettre à l’éducation du patient d’être thérapeutique. / Education of adult patients : between normalization and normativity. The development of patient education attempts to address the relentless progression of diabetes and other chronic diseases. The objective of this thesis is to examine therelationships between medical standards for patients and caregivers. It aims to understand what underlies the development of this practice with medicine that is progressing in its scientific approach. Then pedagogy becomes a prescription to find health standards. There placement of a medical standard with an educational standard brings into question the educational process between normalization and normativity. Normalization exposes thepatient to the rules that come from science-based medicine while normativity invites the patient to find their own standards in order to live with their illness. The ethical approach makes it possible to question the prescribed autonomy and invites us to share ourweaknesses in order to better share our knowledge. Courage seems to be at the core of the deliberation to adapt an educational approach to each individual situation to enable patient education to be therapeutic.

Sociação de mulheres na prisão : disciplinaridades, rebeliões e subjetividades

Colares, Leni Beatriz Correia January 2011 (has links)
Esta tese analisa as mudanças na morfologia das interações sociais na Penitenciária Feminina Madre Pelletier (RS), destacando os aspectos relativos aos controles formais e informais produzidos em meio aos jogos de poder pelos diferentes grupos que habitam a prisão. O estudo contempla o período entre 1990 e 2008 e desconstrói a percepção do encarceramento feminino centrado na singularidade, homogeneização e sujeição feminina frente a um único poder: o do Estado, deixando de considerar o poder disseminado entre indivíduos em suas diferentes posições na configuração prisional. Focamos a relação das mulheres com os delitos de drogas, na medida em que este delito tem redefinido a trajetória criminal feminina. Ao mesmo tempo, essa relação adentra a penitenciária e põe em circulação interesses e uma lógica mercantil sustentada pela violência entre grupos. As interações na sociedade prisional feminina passaram a se caracterizar pela instabilidade, pela presença de um código informal sustentado pelas presas, por ambivalências nos discursos e nas práticas relativas à mulher envolvida em delitos de drogas e, por extensão, à mulher. Rebeldia, micro poderes, sexualidade e ações coletivas definem as relações sociais entre as mulheres aprisionadas, longe dos antigos projetos da reabilitação da sociedade moderna. / This thesis analyses the morphological changes of the social institutions in the Women’s Prison of Madre Pelletier (RS), bringing out the aspects related to the formal and informal controls produced amid games of power by the different groups that dwell the prison. The study contemplates the period between 1990 and 2008, and deconstructs the perception of the women’s imprisonment centered on the singularity, homogenization and the women’s subjection against a single power: the State’s, not considering the power scattered among the individuals in their different positions in the prison setting. We focused on the women’s relation with the drug offenses, as they have redefined the women’s criminal trajectory. At the same time, this relation enters the prison and causes the circulation of interest, as well as, merchant logic sustained by the violence between groups. The interactions in the women’s prison society began to be characterized by the instability, by the presence of an informal code sustained by the imprisoned, by ambivalences towards the speeches and the practices related to the woman involved in drug offenses and, by extension, to the woman. Rebelliousness, micro powers, sexuality and collective actions define the social relations between imprisoned women, far from the old projects of the rehabilitation of the modern society.

Direito e equidade : os requisitos para a legitimidade da imposição de deveres jurídicos

MacDonald, Paulo Baptista Caruso January 2013 (has links)
A distinção entre ser obrigado a fazer alguma coisa por meio de coerção e ter a obrigação jurídica de fazê-la foi apresentada por H. L. A. Hart como a distinção entre atos coercitivos praticados com ou sem o respaldo de uma regra jurídica válida. Para o esse autor, a validade jurídica de uma regra está condicionada à aceitação do ordenamento ao qual pertence por parte significativa da sociedade, principalmente das autoridades responsáveis por aplicar as sanções correspondentes ao seu descumprimento. A aceitação, por seu turno, pode ter fundamento nos mais diversos tipos de razão, não sendo necessária a concordância moral. Ainda que essa possa ser uma boa descrição do funcionamento do direito enquanto prática social, ela carece de elementos para justificar certos atos coercitivos praticados pelos aparatos estatais como a imposição de deveres jurídicos autênticos àqueles que porventura não os percebam assim. Esta tese busca esclarecer quais seriam os requisitos para a justificação da imposição de tais deveres e a importância dessa investigação na fundamentação das decisões judiciais. / The distinction between being obliged to do something by coercion and having the legal obligation of doing it was presented by H. L. A. Hart as the distinction between coercive acts either backed or not by a valid legal rule. According to him, the legal validity of a rule is conditioned to the acceptation of the legal system to which it belongs by a large part of the society, especially by the officials who are responsible for the application of the sanctions related to their infringement. The acceptation, in turn, may be founded in several kinds of reasons, which do not entail moral approbation. Even though that might be a good description of law as a social practice, it lacks the necessary elements to justify certain coercive acts practised by the officials as the imposition of authentic legal duties to those who happen to see them as mere acts of violence. This dissertation seeks to elucidate the requirements for justifying the imposition of legal duties and the importance of this investigation to the justification in judgements.

A norma gramatical como objeto de análise e de ensino: reflexões contemporâneas / Grammatical rules as object of analysis and teaching: contemporary reflection

Melquiades Paceli Sandes Barros 05 November 2012 (has links)
Normas linguísticas são os usos instituídos pelos falantes da língua. Há normas consagradas pela tradição literária, por exemplo, e há normas consagradas pela tradição das comunidades. Quando estas não são aceitas, pode se dar o conflito, motivado pela não aceitação da nova norma, ou da norma diferente, geralmente acompanhada de avaliações negativas. Tomando os pronomes pessoais ele/lhe acusativos, me inicial e se sujeito (usando outras categorias quando a situação for favorável) como referência, procura-se investigar os motivos que levam a tais conflitos. Usa-se um conjunto de pensamentos provenientes da sociolinguística, do funcionalismo, da linguística histórica, da tradição gramatical, que, juntos, dão sustentação à problemática, sem levantar corpus exaustivo para descrição e explicação de regras da língua, motivo por que essas teorias são aproveitadas, enfaticamente, apenas em suas bases teóricas gerais. Os exemplos são esparsamente colhidos em fontes diversas: livros, canções, textos literários, ensaios, mas principalmente em notícias veiculadas na internet. É o que basta para um exame crítico da questão abordada. Para tanto, foram cotejados os posicionamentos da normatividade (a língua ideal, homogênea) com os da normalidade (a língua em uso, heterogênea). No entrementes é que estão as causas dos conflitos: a ideia de que a escrita representa o modelo certo, a resistência às mudanças e variações, o imaginário social que decide o certo e o errado, a ideologia avessa à evolução da língua e os conselhos do tipo não use e evite vão desgastando a concepção de língua. Para posturas como essas, não são aceitos os usos estigmatizados, embora abundantemente usados nos veículos de comunicação sociais / Linguistic rules are usage-established by speakers of the language. There are rules validated by the literary tradition, for example, and there are rules validated by the tradition of the community. When the latter are not accepted, conflict may ensue, motivated by non-acceptance of the new standard or different standard, usually accompanied by negative evaluations. Taking as a reference, from Brazilian Portuguese, personal pronouns ele/lhe accusative, initial me and se subject (using other categories when the situation is favorable), we seek here to investigate the reasons that lead to such conflicts. We use a set of thoughts from sociolinguistics, functionalism, historical linguistics and grammar tradition, which together lend foundation to the problem, forsaking the need for a comprehensive corpus for the description and explanation of the rules of language, the reason why these theories are utilized only in their general theoretical basis. Examples are sparsely collected from several sources: books, songs, literary texts, essays, but mostly from reports on the internet. That suffices for a critical examination of the issue addressed. For that purpose, standpoints of normativity (the ideal language, homogeneous) and normalcy (the language in use, heterogeneous) were compared. It is in the space in between that lie the causes of conflicts: the idea that the written mode is the model of correctness, resistance to changes and variations, the social imaginary that decides what is right and wrong, ideology inimical to the evolution of language, prescriptions such as "do not use" and "avoid", which wear out the concept of language. For postures such as these, stigmatized uses are not accepted, although they are abundantly used in social communication vehicles

A norma gramatical como objeto de análise e de ensino: reflexões contemporâneas / Grammatical rules as object of analysis and teaching: contemporary reflection

Melquiades Paceli Sandes Barros 05 November 2012 (has links)
Normas linguísticas são os usos instituídos pelos falantes da língua. Há normas consagradas pela tradição literária, por exemplo, e há normas consagradas pela tradição das comunidades. Quando estas não são aceitas, pode se dar o conflito, motivado pela não aceitação da nova norma, ou da norma diferente, geralmente acompanhada de avaliações negativas. Tomando os pronomes pessoais ele/lhe acusativos, me inicial e se sujeito (usando outras categorias quando a situação for favorável) como referência, procura-se investigar os motivos que levam a tais conflitos. Usa-se um conjunto de pensamentos provenientes da sociolinguística, do funcionalismo, da linguística histórica, da tradição gramatical, que, juntos, dão sustentação à problemática, sem levantar corpus exaustivo para descrição e explicação de regras da língua, motivo por que essas teorias são aproveitadas, enfaticamente, apenas em suas bases teóricas gerais. Os exemplos são esparsamente colhidos em fontes diversas: livros, canções, textos literários, ensaios, mas principalmente em notícias veiculadas na internet. É o que basta para um exame crítico da questão abordada. Para tanto, foram cotejados os posicionamentos da normatividade (a língua ideal, homogênea) com os da normalidade (a língua em uso, heterogênea). No entrementes é que estão as causas dos conflitos: a ideia de que a escrita representa o modelo certo, a resistência às mudanças e variações, o imaginário social que decide o certo e o errado, a ideologia avessa à evolução da língua e os conselhos do tipo não use e evite vão desgastando a concepção de língua. Para posturas como essas, não são aceitos os usos estigmatizados, embora abundantemente usados nos veículos de comunicação sociais / Linguistic rules are usage-established by speakers of the language. There are rules validated by the literary tradition, for example, and there are rules validated by the tradition of the community. When the latter are not accepted, conflict may ensue, motivated by non-acceptance of the new standard or different standard, usually accompanied by negative evaluations. Taking as a reference, from Brazilian Portuguese, personal pronouns ele/lhe accusative, initial me and se subject (using other categories when the situation is favorable), we seek here to investigate the reasons that lead to such conflicts. We use a set of thoughts from sociolinguistics, functionalism, historical linguistics and grammar tradition, which together lend foundation to the problem, forsaking the need for a comprehensive corpus for the description and explanation of the rules of language, the reason why these theories are utilized only in their general theoretical basis. Examples are sparsely collected from several sources: books, songs, literary texts, essays, but mostly from reports on the internet. That suffices for a critical examination of the issue addressed. For that purpose, standpoints of normativity (the ideal language, homogeneous) and normalcy (the language in use, heterogeneous) were compared. It is in the space in between that lie the causes of conflicts: the idea that the written mode is the model of correctness, resistance to changes and variations, the social imaginary that decides what is right and wrong, ideology inimical to the evolution of language, prescriptions such as "do not use" and "avoid", which wear out the concept of language. For postures such as these, stigmatized uses are not accepted, although they are abundantly used in social communication vehicles

Direito e equidade : os requisitos para a legitimidade da imposição de deveres jurídicos

MacDonald, Paulo Baptista Caruso January 2013 (has links)
A distinção entre ser obrigado a fazer alguma coisa por meio de coerção e ter a obrigação jurídica de fazê-la foi apresentada por H. L. A. Hart como a distinção entre atos coercitivos praticados com ou sem o respaldo de uma regra jurídica válida. Para o esse autor, a validade jurídica de uma regra está condicionada à aceitação do ordenamento ao qual pertence por parte significativa da sociedade, principalmente das autoridades responsáveis por aplicar as sanções correspondentes ao seu descumprimento. A aceitação, por seu turno, pode ter fundamento nos mais diversos tipos de razão, não sendo necessária a concordância moral. Ainda que essa possa ser uma boa descrição do funcionamento do direito enquanto prática social, ela carece de elementos para justificar certos atos coercitivos praticados pelos aparatos estatais como a imposição de deveres jurídicos autênticos àqueles que porventura não os percebam assim. Esta tese busca esclarecer quais seriam os requisitos para a justificação da imposição de tais deveres e a importância dessa investigação na fundamentação das decisões judiciais. / The distinction between being obliged to do something by coercion and having the legal obligation of doing it was presented by H. L. A. Hart as the distinction between coercive acts either backed or not by a valid legal rule. According to him, the legal validity of a rule is conditioned to the acceptation of the legal system to which it belongs by a large part of the society, especially by the officials who are responsible for the application of the sanctions related to their infringement. The acceptation, in turn, may be founded in several kinds of reasons, which do not entail moral approbation. Even though that might be a good description of law as a social practice, it lacks the necessary elements to justify certain coercive acts practised by the officials as the imposition of authentic legal duties to those who happen to see them as mere acts of violence. This dissertation seeks to elucidate the requirements for justifying the imposition of legal duties and the importance of this investigation to the justification in judgements.

Sociação de mulheres na prisão : disciplinaridades, rebeliões e subjetividades

Colares, Leni Beatriz Correia January 2011 (has links)
Esta tese analisa as mudanças na morfologia das interações sociais na Penitenciária Feminina Madre Pelletier (RS), destacando os aspectos relativos aos controles formais e informais produzidos em meio aos jogos de poder pelos diferentes grupos que habitam a prisão. O estudo contempla o período entre 1990 e 2008 e desconstrói a percepção do encarceramento feminino centrado na singularidade, homogeneização e sujeição feminina frente a um único poder: o do Estado, deixando de considerar o poder disseminado entre indivíduos em suas diferentes posições na configuração prisional. Focamos a relação das mulheres com os delitos de drogas, na medida em que este delito tem redefinido a trajetória criminal feminina. Ao mesmo tempo, essa relação adentra a penitenciária e põe em circulação interesses e uma lógica mercantil sustentada pela violência entre grupos. As interações na sociedade prisional feminina passaram a se caracterizar pela instabilidade, pela presença de um código informal sustentado pelas presas, por ambivalências nos discursos e nas práticas relativas à mulher envolvida em delitos de drogas e, por extensão, à mulher. Rebeldia, micro poderes, sexualidade e ações coletivas definem as relações sociais entre as mulheres aprisionadas, longe dos antigos projetos da reabilitação da sociedade moderna. / This thesis analyses the morphological changes of the social institutions in the Women’s Prison of Madre Pelletier (RS), bringing out the aspects related to the formal and informal controls produced amid games of power by the different groups that dwell the prison. The study contemplates the period between 1990 and 2008, and deconstructs the perception of the women’s imprisonment centered on the singularity, homogenization and the women’s subjection against a single power: the State’s, not considering the power scattered among the individuals in their different positions in the prison setting. We focused on the women’s relation with the drug offenses, as they have redefined the women’s criminal trajectory. At the same time, this relation enters the prison and causes the circulation of interest, as well as, merchant logic sustained by the violence between groups. The interactions in the women’s prison society began to be characterized by the instability, by the presence of an informal code sustained by the imprisoned, by ambivalences towards the speeches and the practices related to the woman involved in drug offenses and, by extension, to the woman. Rebelliousness, micro powers, sexuality and collective actions define the social relations between imprisoned women, far from the old projects of the rehabilitation of the modern society.

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