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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Přízemní ozon jako jeden z faktorů oxidativního stresu v podmínkách horských lesů. / Surface ozone as a factor of oxidative stress in mountain forests.

Bendáková, Hana January 2011 (has links)
This study presents mountain forest Norway spruce (Picea abies) injured by surface ozone and oxidative stress. Norway spruce is not a sensitive species but it is the most representative tree in our country and this is the reason to pay attention on its injury. Study was connected to the ozone measurement by CHMI in Jizerske mountains. Aim of our study was to find influence of surface ozone on the forest and show correlation between ozone concentrations, altitude and Norway spruce injury. Ozone concentrations are growing with the altitude. Increasing percentage of injury with growing concentrations and altitude was expected. Needles were collected at the altitude 750-1100 meters. Collected needle years were 2006, 2007 and 2009. The 2009 year was not evaluated because no symptoms were found. Injury was observed on the maroscopical, microscopical and biochemical level. Visual injury was assessed by percentage of injured needle surface by chlorosis and necrosis. Microscopical analysis studied injury on cross and longitudinal sections of needles. On the longitudinal sections were visible typically bone-cells. These cells have lost its shape by ozone stress and were narrowed in its width. Bone-cells were best visible near the stomata. Four symptoms were observed on the cross sections: tannin...

Vztah letokruhových řad k teplotním poměrům na západo-východním gradientu v pohořích střední Evropy / Tree-ring chronologies of Norway-spruce on west-east longitudinal gradient in the mountain ranges of central Europe

Ponocná, Tereza January 2017 (has links)
The Earth's climate system has recently experienced substantial warming which likely impacts temperature-limited communities close to their distribution margins. The alpine treeline ecotone represents upper distributional limit of montane/subalpine forests. This biogeographic boundary relies mainly on decreasing temperature with increasing elevation. Surprisingly the response of treeline ecotone to ongoing warming has varied a lot and the reasons of this variability are poorly understood. The aim of this dissertation thesis is the assessment of growth trends and tree ring response of Norway spruce (Picea abies[L.] Karst.) to climatic oscillations at treelines and montane forests of East-Central Europe. This dissertation deals with both inter-regional and intra-regional (aspect, elevation) variability of tree growth. The presented results are based on an extensive data set of growth curves for almost 1400 trees. All study sites revealed close relationship between tree ring widths and growing season temperatures as well as the temperatures of October preceding to ring formation season. The main site-dependent differences in growth trends and temperature responses were attributed to elevation, the effect of aspect was relatively less significant. At treelines between the Krkonoše Mts. and Nízké Tatry...

Norsko a Botswana jako výjimky z teorie prokletí přírodními zdroji / Norway and Botswana as exceptions to the theory of the curse of natural resources

Drozdová, Miroslava January 2020 (has links)
This thesis compares Norway, Botswana and Venezuela and their sovereign wealth funds. The first two countries are referred to as exceptions to the theory of the resource curse, which explains the phenomenon that shows that countries with a high dependence on income from the export of natural resources have a slower rate of economic, political and institutional development. On the contrary, Venezuela (although it was considered an exception in the past) is severely affected by this phenomenon and thus serves as a negative example in this thesis. The thesis focuses on state sovereign wealth funds and examines whether and under what conditions these funds have an effect on reversing the resource curse. Based on the theoretical part, five key characteristics are identified that the fund must meet in order to function against the negative manifestations of the curse of natural resources - (1) offsetting the effects of volatility, (2) diversifying the economy, (3) budgetary policy, (4) controlling the allocation of expenditure, (5) transparency of funds. Based on these characteristics, it is possible to observe that the Norwegian sovereign wealth fund works best from selected funds as a defense against the resource curse, followed by the Botswana fund and third by the Venezuelan fund. Norway and Botswana...

Analyse af digitale europæiske arkivalier vedrørende huguenotternes genealogi og migration : En stikprøveundersøgelse i huguenot-migrationens verden vedrørende de fransk-reformerte flygtninges genealogi i Europa primært vedrørende personer stammende fra Frankrig og Vallonien fra ca. 1500-1700 – En undersøgelse af den digitale tilgængelighed af ældre fransk-reformerte minoritetsarkiver i Europa

Thorup Koudal, Johanne Louison January 2021 (has links)
The general aim of this thesis is to analyse and compare archival materials concerning Huguenot and Walloon families, and to carry out a sample analysis of these and whether it is possible to find the cities of origin where they lived until the Nantes Edict was revoked in 1685 and they were forced to flee because of their reformed faith. The selected sources consist primarily of materials from the French departmental archives and materials accessed via the internet as digitalized pictures (.jpg-files) and so on.  The descriptive section of this thesis concerns literature about Huguenot and Walloon history, genealogy, and exodus, as well as research into archive and information sciences primarily access and findability. I begin by describing the overall view, to set the stage. Then, I investigate the European archives. Thirdly, I proceed with a time intensive sample analysis of 30 known families from varying places in France, Belgium, Norway, and Sweden and finally, I attempt to clarify the difficulties that arise concerning findability and why those arise.  The method is genealogical research on sources accessible by the internet, and it turns out in the conclusion that 50% of the chosen families can be found in their home parishes, even if findability issues often show themselves, both because we’re talking about a religious minority, people fleeing the country, and a large geographic area. It was heartening and surprising however, that my search was successful in finding so many of the 30 families, and interesting to note which areas were easier to search than others.  The findability issues are further deepened because the archives’ Internet pages are not optimally designed as their metadata is often insufficient, and the pages furthermore so difficult to navigate since they are both widely different from each other, and because they are not, in the words of Wendy M. Duff, managing to hit the “perfect pivot point” between archiving and usage. Reasons for this include a lack of descriptive data attached to the digitalised files, and because .jpg-files are often not searchable, as observed as well by Catherine Styles.  More user research is required in the area of archives, so that better and easier access to these webpages can be guaranteed, especially given varying userbases and their differing needs in searching.

Demokracie v krizi nezájmu: účinky využití internetových voleb ve volebním procesu vybraných zemí / Democracy in the Lack of Interest: the Effects of Remote Internet Voting Implementation in the Electoral Process of Selected Countries

Sál, Karel January 2016 (has links)
203 12 Dissertation Summary Dissertation title: Democracy in the Lack of Interest: the Effects of Remote Internet Voting Implementation in the Electoral Process of Selected Countries Name and Surname: Karel Sál Field of Study: Political Science Place of Work: Institute of Political Studies, Faculty of Social Sciences, Charles University in Prague Dissertation Supervisor: PhDr. Petr Jüptner, Ph.D. No. of Pages: 203 No. of Appendixes: 30 Year of Defense: 2016 Keywords: internet voting; remote internet voting; electoral turnout; crisis of democracy; theory of participation; rational choice theory; Estonia; Switzerland; France; Norway; Spain. Abstract: The dissertation thesis named Democracy in the Lack of Interest: the Effects of Remote Internet Voting Implementation in the Electoral Process of Selected States reflects the phenomenon of the last decade - incorporation of new media into the political process. Internet voting is one of the discussed and suggested solutions of the so-called crisis of democracy, which could possibly stop the negative trend of diminishing voter turnout in advanced western democracies. The entire academic debate can be summarized into one question: It is possible, that the way of ballot casting can affect the voter turnout in that scale, that we can recognize a significant-positive...

Švédsko-norská unie a norská nezávislost 1814 / The Swedish-Norwegian Union and the Independence of Norway 1814

Rozsypal Pajerová, Anna January 2021 (has links)
(in English): This diploma thesis examines Scandinavian countries at the turn of the 18th and 19th centuries and the changes behind the Napoleonic wars. This study is interdisciplinary and combines history, geo-policy, cultural and area studies. The main attention is dedicated to Norway, which has been in Union with Denmark since the 14th century, but not at an equal position. Danish support of the emperor Napoleon and the Danish affiliation to the Continental blockade caused a famine in Norway, which led to society-wide changes. By the fall of Napoleon Denmark was defeated likewise and must have signed the Kiel Treaty that gave Norway to Sweden. However, the Swedish-Norwegian union was created ten months after, because the Norwegians claimed independence, summoned the parliament, created the constitution and chose the king. Using three different perspectives (cultural, social-economical and historic-political), this diploma analyses the background of the Nordic events, explore reasons for actors' behaviour and examines the determinations of Nordic countries behind these historic occasions. The study uses the framework of Miroslav Hroch's national-build theory and inspects if the Norwegian national-build process reached the level of mass movements and accomplished the conditions to become an...

Samhällsbyggnadskonsekvenser av riksgränsens rättsliga reglering mellan Sverige och Norge / Consequences on urban management by the national border between Sweden and Norway

Eliaeson, Emilia, Nilsson, Matilda January 2022 (has links)
Sveriges och Norges geografiska landområde skiljs av riksgränsen. Riksgränsen är den längsta i Europa och avgränsar svensk och norsk lagstiftnings tillämpningsområde. Syftet med studien är att utreda vilken påverkan riksgränsen mellan Sverige och Norge har på samhällsbyggnadsprocessen i gränsnära områden. Detta görs genom att studera översynen av riksgränsen, gränsöverskridande byggnader och fastigheter med utfart över riksgränsen. Studien har genomförts med tre tillvägagångssätt i form av en studie av litteratur, intervjuer med sakkunniga och granskning av förrättningsakter. För studien av litteratur har relevant lagtext, förarbeten och doktrin studerats. Intervjuer med sakkunniga och granskning av förrättningsakter har genomförts för att samla in information som inte kunde inhämtas genom studien av litteratur. Riksgränsens sträckning regleras i svensk rätt av förordning om riksgränsen mellan Sverige och Norge (SFS 1989:809) och i norsk rätt av lov om grensetillsyn og grensekontroll av personer (LOV nr 8, 20/04/2018), som båda hänvisar till överenskommelser mellan länderna från år 1661 och 1751. Översyner av riksgränsen genomförs gemensamt av länderna i enlighet med nämnda överenskommelser. Uppförande av byggnader på riksgränsen sker genom samarbete mellan Sverige och Norge. En problematik med att uppföra byggnader på riksgränsen är att det tolkas strida mot bestämmelser i nämnda överenskommelser vilket gör att ett beslut om undantag från bestämmelserna måste ske.Vem som ska ta ett sådant beslut är inte självklart. Av de studerade fastigheterna vars utfart passerar riksgränsen är det ingen som har någon formell rätt till utfart. Fastigheternauppfyller kraven på lämplighet i 3 kap. fastighetsbildningslagen (SFS 1970:988) såvida inter iksgränsen riskerar att stängas vilket var fallet under coronapandemin åren 2020-2022. Slutsatsen som kan dras är att den svenska lagstiftningen för riksgränsen behöver ses över eftersom det finns brister i vad som gäller för exempelvis uppförande av en byggnad på gränsen. Svensk och norsk lagstiftning är i många avseenden lik varandra vilket gör att samordning fungerar bra vid åtgärder inom samhällsbyggnadsprocessen i gränsnära områden. Däremot har stängningen av riksgränsen under pandemin medfört konsekvenser som gör att det finns anledning att ifrågasätta en alltför snäv samordning mellan länderna utan restriktioner. / The geographical land area of Sweden and Norway is separated by a national border. The national border is the longest in Europe and sets apart the Swedish and Norwegian area of aw. The aim of the study is to investigate the influence of the national border between Sweden and Norway on the process of urban management in border close areas. This is carried out by studying the border overhaul of the national border, cross-border buildings and property units whose property exit crosses the national border. The study has been made with three modes of procedure consisting of a study of literature,interviews with specialists and examination of cadastral dossiers. For the study of literature relevant text of law, legal preparatory work and doctrine has been studied. Interviews with specialists and examination of cadastral dossiers has been carried out to gather information which couldn’t be gathered by the study of literature.The extension of the national border is regulated in Swedish law in ordinance of the national border between Sweden and Norway (SFS 1989:809) and in Norwegian law in law of border supervision and border control of people (LOV nr 8, 20/04/2018), which both refers to agreements between the nations from 1661 and 1751. Overhauls of the national border are carried out jointly by the countries in accordance with the mentioned agreements. Construction of buildings on the national border takes place through cooperation between Sweden and Norway. A problem with construction of buildings onthe national border is that it is interpreted to be contrary to terms in the mentioned agreements, which means that an exception from the regulations must be made. Who should make such a decision isn’t obvious. Out of all the examined property units whose property exit crosses the national border, none of them have a legislated right to use the property exit. The property units fulfills the demands of adequacy regulated in the third chapter first article of the Swedish property formation act (SFS 1970:988) unless the national border isn’t threatened to close, which was the case during the covid pandemic 2020-2022. The conclusion that can be drawn is that the Swedish law for the national border needs to be reviewed because the law is lacking in what applies for example construction of a building on the border. Swedish and Norwegian laws are in many aspects alike which makes coordination between the countries function well for actions within the process of urban management in border close areas. However the closing of the national border due to the pandemic has caused consequences the law couldn’t foresee and a need for restrictions and regulations seem imminent

Otrampad väg : Att kompetensförsörja en cyberdomän

Jansson, Urban, Nilsson, Alexander January 2022 (has links)
Vi har studerat cyberdomänen i perspektivet från en officer och vad denne förväntas kunna om och implementera ur cyberdomänen på sitt system. Studien är genomförd med fokus mot förståelse för utmaningen och komplexiteten som kommer av att integrera civilt dominerad verksamhet i en militär organisation. Vi har antagit en induktiv ansats med kvalitativ metod genom intervjuer och litteraturstudier. Under tiden som studien genomfördes skedde den ryska invasionen av Ukraina, vilket gav ytterligare bidrag till den empiriska delen av studien när cyberområdet hamnade än mer i fokus. Utgångspunkten för analysen har varit tidigare professionsforskning med fokus på officersprofessionen samt forskning som beskriver cyberområdet och dess komplexitet. Analysen är baserad på de kategorier som framkommit i den data som insamlats. Vid studiens slutförande framkommer behovet av att samtliga blivande, och till viss del nuvarande, officerare erhåller en förståelse för cyberdomänens möjlighet till påverkan på eget system. För att möta områdets komplexitet och kunna utbilda inom behöver styrdokument och utbildningsunderlag utvecklas parallellt. Författarna uppfattar att det militära systemet genomgår en teknikutveckling i vilken cyberdomänens framväxt gör sig mer påträngande för varje dag som går. Stora förändringar som får påverkan på stridsfältet har skett tidigare genom historien och kommer med stor sannolikhet även ske i framtiden, vilket organisationen behöver förhålla sig till. / We have studied the cyber domain in the perspective of an officer and what an officer is expected to know about and implement from the cyber domain on current technical systems. The study is conducted with a focus on understanding the challenge and complexity that comes from integrating civilian-dominated activities into a military organization. We have adopted an inductive approach with qualitative methods through interviews and literature studies. During the course of the study, the Russian invasion of Ukraine took place, which made further contributions to the empirical part of the study when the cyber field came into even more focus. The starting point for the analysis has been previous professional research with a focus on the officer profession as well as research that describes the cyber field and its complexity. The analysis is based on the categories that emerged in the data collected. Upon completion of the study, the need arises for all forthcoming, and to some extent present, officers to gain an understanding of the cyber domain's ability to influence current technical systems. In order to meet the complexity of the area and be able to handle education, regulatory documents and training documents need to be developed in parallel. The authors perceive the armed forces is undergoing a technological and organizational military reform in which the emergence of the cyber domain is becoming more intrusive with each passing day. Technological advancements have taken place earlier in history and will in all probability also take place in the future, which the organization needs to relate to.

Spruce bark biorefinery / Bioraffenaderi för granbark

Ahlström, Leon, Mattsson, Rebecca, Eurén, Hampus, Lidén, Alicia January 2021 (has links)
Spruce Bark contains several fundamental main substances; lignin, non-cellulose polysaccharides, cellulose and extractives. This undergraduate study focuses on developing a process to extract each of these components from spruce bark using a biorefinery concept, with a main focus on extracting lignin without degradation. The purpose of the Bark biorefinery concept is to contribute to a circular bioeconomy, by making use of natural resources. With extended research on the area, it will be possible to produce polymers, green chemicals and biofuel from the components in bark.  This report covers the extraction of the bark components with soxhlet extraction, Hot-water extraction, organosolv extraction and peracetic acid delignification. The extraction was made on two samples, matchstick-sized bark (MS) and 20 mesh-sized bark with a diameter of 0.8 mm (20M). The purpose was to be able to compare the efficiency of the extraction between the two samples. Afterwards, the characterisation of extracts and residue was executed with carbohydrate analysis, 2D HSQC-NMR and FTIR-analysis.  The results showed that a smaller particle size led to more efficient extractions of all components as well as more pure extract solutions. Lignin concentration determinations of samples at each step showed that a significant amount of lignin was lost prior to the organosolv extraction. Future research should look into ways to reduce this loss in order to increase the lignin yield. The findings in the FTIR and NMR analyses correlates with what could be seen in other reports, discussing similar subjects. For upscaling of this process, future research should go toward optimization of all extraction methods in order to make an upscaling of the process economically viable.

Papper och lump : studier av kontinuitet och förändring i nordisk pappersindustri från 1600-tal till 1900-tal

Sjunnesson, Helene January 2006 (has links)
. This thesis consists of an introduction and four previously published articles. The joint empirical focus is papermaking based on textile rags as fibre raw material. Furthermore the physical environment is central in the studies. The relationship between continuity and change is a prevailing theme. The thesis also pays attention to the use of different sorts of rags and to the connection between this kind of papermaking and the textile industry. The overall purpose is to throw new light upon the paper industry based on rags – a part of early industry seldom mentioned in historical surveys of the industrialization process in Sweden. The aim is also to question the prevalent Swedish historical writing commissioned by the branch, characterized by set divisions between different phases of technical and industrial development, from simple craft to modern industry. One of these borderlines has been drawn between papermaking by hand and papermaking by machine, with the 1830s as the selected transition period. By studying and analysing changes in the traditional and seemingly static papermaking as well as the opposite: the traditional that has lingered in the new, this thesis shows that the course of events was much more complicated than that. An outcome of the studies is that the industrialization of the rag based paper industry has been a complex, uneven and prolonged process. The first main part of the thesis consists of two Swedish regional studies centred on the province of Östergötland in a long-time perspective. The focus is mainly on the long continuity of papermaking by hand, which was carried out between 1628 and 1968. The study shows that a variety of types and sizes of mills regarding ownership, forms of production, location, paper qualities and techniques can be identified. Continuity was the dominating feature but within this framework technological and industrial change also took place. The second main part of the thesis has a Nordic perspective and deals with a shorter period, mainly 1830-1870. One study examines the introduction of the paper-machine and the establishment of the first machine-made paper mills in Denmark, Sweden, Norway and Finland with special attention given to the Swedish mill Holmen in Norrköping and the Finnish Tammerfors mill, both situated in textile mill towns. A second Nordic study surveys hand-made paper mills founded during and after the time when the paper-machine technology had been established. As the studies show, two parallel development tracks were prevalent in the paper industry in the Nordic countries during the period 1830-1870 – papermaking by machine and papermaking by hand. The first paper machines were imported from Britain to some of the oldest and largest paper mills. The introduction of the new technology led to changes in for instance the paper mill buildings and the organization of work regarding the papermaking process. In the preparatory and finishing work manual methods remained, and as before it employed mostly women. At the same time, papermaking by hand continued to change and new hand-made paper mills were founded until as late as the 1890s. The study discusses possible explanations, among them growing markets for special qualities and combinations with other branches of industry. All the studies show a connection between hand-made paper mills and wool mills on one hand, and machine-made paper mills and cotton and linen mills on the other hand. The paper industry based on rags could in fact be characterized as a kind of textile industry / <p>QC 20101129</p>

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