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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Assessment of the measures by ports against the impact of the Covid-19 pandemic : a case study of Jiujiang Port

Hu, Hao January 2022 (has links)
The COVID-19 pandemic has seriously impacted the global economy, especially port trade. The port of Jiujiang was hit hard by the COVID-19 pandemic. Jiujiang port is an important port in China's inland rivers, an important hub of the regional transportation system, and an important port for foreign trade and plays a great role in economic development.This article uses a questionnaire survey to find that the factors affecting ports during the COVID-19 pandemic include an increase in COVID-19 diagnosis, a decline in demand, and rising port costs. These factors are analyzed using the BPMN model and BMC model. The BPMN model describes the container handling process in Jiujiang Port and is used to analyze the increase in COVID-19 diagnosis. BMC's Western Europe tour describes the corporate structure of Jiujiang Port. It is used to analyze the decline in demand and rising port costs.The measures of Jiujiang Port Use electronic communication instead of human contact, Port expansion, and building big data platform are used to deal with these three factors affecting the port. These measures are analyzed using SWOT analysis to analyze their strengths, weaknesses, challenges, and opportunities. Improvements to these measures are proposed. Requiring ships and ports to communicate electronically, build big data platforms, and expand ports were measures taken by Jiujiang Port as response measures to the COVID-19 Pandemic. Recommended measures for digitalization are: provide digital training for employees, increase data communication with other ports and enterprises, make thorough plans, complete the realization of intelligent scenarios, and pay attention to government countermeasures and market changes.

Valet av verksamhetsmodelleringsspråk : En fallstudie om faktorer som påverkar beslutet av modelleringsspråk

Garroz Novoa, Mikaela January 2022 (has links)
Tidigare forskning tyder på att beslutsteorier är något som kan användas som teoretisk referensram inom informationssystemsforskning mer frekvent. Denna studie ämnar att undersöka hur beslutsprocessen för valet av verksamhetsmodelleringsspråk har sett ut hos olika svenska organisationer som verksamhetsmodellerar. Genom att undersöka beslutsprocessen identifieras vilka faktorer som påverkar valet. Den teoretiska utgångspunkten för studien har varit beslutsteorier som utvecklats från den beteendeekonomiska läran. De beslutsteorier som legat till grund för studien är Herbert Simons beslutsteori och prospektteorin. Verksamhetsmodellering är aktiviteten att beskriva verksamheter med hjälp av modeller. En modell är en förenkling av verkligheten och för att skapa dessa modeller kan man använda sig av olika slags verksamhetsmodelleringsspråk. Genom att verksamhetsmodellera kan det hjälpa organisationer att fånga relevanta delar och information om sin verksamhet i syfte att effektivisera, förbättra, förändra eller nå andra specifika mål i sin verksamhet (Sandkuhl et al., 2014). Sedan 80-talet har utvecklingen av tekniker och verksamhetsmodelleringsspråk växt vilket har gett upphov till en stor variation av språk och verktyg, vilket har givit användare ett brett urval att välja mellan. Studien har genomförts med en kvalitativ metod där datainsamlingen bestått av intervjuer med respondenter från olika svenska offentliga organisationer. Intervjufrågorna baseras sig på en undersökningsmodell där beslutsteorierna ligger till grund. Intervjuresultaten har sedan analyserats utifrån en kvalitativ och abduktiv analys för att komma fram till studiens slutsats av identifierade faktorer. Studien identifierade fem stycken generella faktorer som påverkar valet, vilka var kognitiva faktorer såsom preferenser, osäkerhet, mänsklig kompetens men även drivande faktorer som effektivisering. Studien identifierar även påverkande faktorer som ligger i linje med Herbert Simons beslutsteori och prospektteorin. / Previous research suggests that decision theories can be used more frequently as a theoretical frame of reference in information systems research. This study intends to investigate the decision-making process for the choice of enterprise modeling language in various Swedish organizations that practice enterprise modeling. By examining the decision-making process, factors that influence the choice are identified. The theoretical reference for the study has been decision theories developed from the theory of behavioral economics. The decision theories that formed the basis of the study are Herbert Simon's decision theory and the prospect theory by Daniel Kahneman and Amos Tversky. Enterprise modeling is the activity of describing enterprises using models. A model is a simplification of reality and to create these models, enterprises can use different types of enterprise modeling languages. By modeling, it can help organizations capture relevant parts and information of their operations in order to improve, change or achieve other specific goals (Sandkuhl et al., 2014). Since the 1980s, the development of techniques and business modeling languages ​​has grown, which has given rise to a large variety of languages ​​and tools, which has given users a wide selection to choose from. The study was conducted with a qualitative method where the data collection consisted of interviews with respondents from various Swedish public organizations. The interview questions are based on a survey model on which the decision theories were based. The results were then analyzed on the basis of a qualitative and abductive analysis to arrive at the study's conclusion of identified factors. The study identified five general factors that influence the decision-making which were cognitive biases such as preferences, uncertainty, human competence but also driving factors such as efficiency. The study also identifies factors that are in line with Herbert Simon's decision theory and the prospect theory.

Timetrees: a branching-time structure for modeling activity and state in the human-computer interface

Brandenburg, Jeffrey Lynn 06 June 2008 (has links)
The design and construction of interactive systems with high usability requires a user-centered approach to system development. In order to support such an approach, it is necessary to provide tools and representations reflecting a behavioral view of the interface—a view centered on user activities and the system activities and states perceived by the user. While behavioral representations exist, there is no behavioral model of interaction between a user and a system. Such a model is necessary for formalization and extension of existing behavioral representations. This dissertation presents a model of interactive behavior based on the timetree, a novel tree-based structure representing tasks, user actions, system activity, and system and interface state, all within a framework of branching sequential timelines. The model supports formal definitions, operations and abstraction techniques. Three application areas—a formal definition of an existing behavioral notation, connection between a behavioral representation and a formal model of input devices, and techniques for analysis of behavioral specifications—provide examples of the model's utility. / Ph. D.

Notation. Schnittstelle zwischen Komposition, Interpretation und Analyse: 19. Jahreskongress der Gesellschaft für Musiktheorie, Zürich 2019

Kocher, Philippe 16 September 2024 (has links)
No description available.

Notation und Analyse von Tonhöhenverläufen in Sprechmelodien

Durão, Manuel 01 October 2024 (has links)
Neuere Forschungsergebnisse aus dem Bereich der Musikpsychologie zeigen, dass die subjektive Beurteilung, ob jemand spricht oder singt, nicht nur von Eigenschaften des empfangenen akustischen Signals abhängt. Obwohl die Tonhöhe beim Sprechen anders moduliert wird als beim Singen, kann der Tonhöhenverlauf einer gesprochenen Äußerung vom Rezipienten als eine musikalische Tonfolge wahrgenommen werden. Dieser Eindruck brachte Musikschaffende und Sprachwissenschaftler bereits seit Ende des 18. Jahrhunderts dazu, Sprechmelodien in Form musikalischer Notenschrift aufzuzeichnen. Im aktuellen Diskurs der Linguistik setzte sich diese Art von Notation nicht durch. Für die Beschreibung der grammatikalisch relevanten Eigenschaften der Sprechmelodie in Intonationssprachen wie Deutsch und Englisch werden schematische Darstellungen eingesetzt, in denen es im Wesentlichen auf die binäre Unterscheidung zwischen Hoch- und Tieftönen ankommt. Um die Sprechmelodie aus musiktheoretischer Sicht zu betrachten, kann sich jedoch die Transkription in musikalische Notenschrift als ein wertvolles Werkzeug erweisen. Durch die Notation wird die Vielfalt der intervallischen Strukturen von Sprechmelodien erfassbar und eine Grundlage für deren musikalische Analyse geschaffen. In diesem Artikel wird zunächst ein methodischer Ansatz zur gehörmäßigen Erfassung von Sprechmelodien erprobt. Der Vergleich zwischen der exemplarisch transkribierten Sprechmelodie und den Messwerten der Grundfrequenz des Sprachsignals deutet darauf hin, dass das Gehör die verfügbare Tonhöheninformation selektiert, um daraus die Vorstellung einer musikalischen Tonfolge zu konstruieren. Im Bereich von Tonhöhenakzenten orientiert sich die Wahrnehmung scheinbar nach dem lokalen Maximum der Grundfrequenzfunktion, während sich in den übrigen Silben deren Mittelwert als auschlaggebend herausstellt. Anhand der Transkription werden mögliche analytische Ansätze dargelegt, die strukturelle Gemeinsamkeiten zwischen sprachlichen und musikalischen Melodien veranschaulichen. / Recent research results from the field of music psychology show that the subjective assessment of whether someone speaks or sings does not only depend on the characteristics of the received acoustic signal. Although the pitch is modulated differently when speaking than when singing, the recipient can perceive the pitch of a spoken utterance as a musical tone sequence. This impression has since the end of the 18th century led musicians and linguists to record speech melodies in the form of musical notation. In the current discourse of linguistics, this kind of notation has not prevailed. For the description of the grammatically relevant characteristics of the speech melody in intonation languages such as German and English, schematic representations are used in which the main focus lies on the binary distinction between high and low tones. However, to approach speech melody from the perspective of music theory, the transcription in musical notation can be a useful tool. Notation allows to capture the variety of intervallic structures of speech melodies and provides a basis for their musical analysis. This paper introduces a methodical approach to the aural recording of speech melodies. The comparison between the transcribed speech melody and the measured values of the fundamental frequency of the speech signal suggests that the auditory system selects the available pitch information in order to construct the representation of a musical tone sequence. In the area of pitch accents, the perception seems to be driven by the local maximum of the fundamental frequency function, while in the remaining syllables, its mean value appears to be determinant. Based on the transcription, possible analytical approaches are presented, illustrating structural similarities between linguistic and musical melodies.

Handlungsraum oder Hürde?: Gedanken zur Operativität der Notenschrift in tempopolyphoner Musik

Kocher, Philippe 01 October 2024 (has links)
Durch die räumliche Anordnung von Symbolen stellt die Notenschrift zeitliche Verläufe dar. Sie ermöglicht dadurch, die Ordnung dessen, was in der Zeit abläuft, nicht nur überblicken, sondern auch manipulieren zu können. Es wäre also anzunehmen, dass diese bildliche Eigenschaft der Schrift, die das Nacheinander in der Zeit zu einem Nebeneinander im Raum werden lässt, gerade bei komplexen Tempostrukturen zu Übersichtlichkeit und Verständlichkeit beiträgt und so ein operatives Potenzial entfaltet. Tatsächlich ist die Partiturdarstellung von tempopolyphoner Musik aber oft eine grafische Herausforderung. Die Festlegung der räumlichen Anordnung der Symbole ist bei der Gleichzeitigkeit verschiedener Tempi nicht trivial und oft mit einem erheblichen (rechnerischen) Mehraufwand verbunden. Dieser Beitrag möchte, unter Bezugnahme auf den aktuellen Diskurs zur Schriftbildlichkeit, Überlegungen dazu anstellen, wie die Notenschrift beim Komponieren von tempopolyphoner Musik ihre Funktion als Denk- und Handlungsraum entfaltet. Dazu werden Erkenntnisse aus einem laufenden Forschungsprojekt beigezogen, die sich auf Beobachtungen, Analysen und Interviews mit den beteiligten Komponist*innen stützen. / Musical notation represents the progress of time through the spatial arrangement of symbols. It thus provides not only an overview of the temporal arrangement of events but also the possibility to manipulate it. One would therefore assume that this graphical property of musical notation, which turns the succession in time into a juxtaposition in space, would contribute to clarity and comprehensibility, especially in complex tempo structures, and thus develop an operative potential. In reality, however, the representation of polytempic music in a score often presents a graphical challenge. Determining the symbols’ positions is not trivial when different tempos are played simultaneously, often requiring considerable additional (mathematical) effort. Regarding the current discourse on ‘notational iconicity’, this article reflects on how when composing polytempic music, notation unfolds its function as a space for thinking and acting. For this purpose, the author refers to findings from an ongoing research project, based on observations, analyses and interviews with the involved composers.

»Figurale Aspekte« im Vierten Streichquartett von Brian Ferneyhough

Lippe, Klaus 28 October 2024 (has links)
No description available.

Wie können Untertöne in der Geschichte der Musiktheorie hörbar gemacht werden?

Rehding, Alexander 28 October 2024 (has links)
No description available.

Les représentations sociales des élèves de 4e secondaire au sujet de l'histoire et de l'épreuve unique ministérielle

Pageau, Laurie 13 December 2023 (has links)
Titre de l'écran-titre (visionné le 15 mai 2023) / Cette thèse porte sur les représentations de l'histoire et de l'évaluation ministérielle qu'entretiennent les élèves sur le point de se soumettre à l'épreuve unique ministérielle du Québec. Une étude du milieu de l'éducation permet de constater que plusieurs facteurs influencent les postures épistémologiques pouvant être développées par les élèves. Une analyse du programme d'éducation de l'école québécoise permet de constater qu'il encourage une vision de l'enseignement cognitiviste et constructiviste; de plus, la vision de la science historique y étant véhiculée est d'inspiration constructiviste, particulièrement au premier cycle du secondaire (Boutonnet, 2017; Cardin, 2010; Éthier, Cardin & Lefrançois, 2014; Éthier, Lefrançois & Joly-Lavoie, 2016). Plusieurs chercheurs ont émis des réserves envers la posture épistémologique de l'épreuve unique ministérielle, l'évaluation certificative des compétences développées venant clore le parcours d'apprentissage de l'élève en quatrième secondaire (Blouin, 2020; Déry, 2016, 2017a; Duquette, 2020; Éthier et al., 2014). En effet, l'épreuve, transitant par la recherche de la seule bonne réponse acceptable par l'autorité ministérielle, laisse de côté l'aspect interprétatif de la méthode historique. Cette recherche de la bonne réponse, ainsi que le récit transmissif, fait partie d'une représentation de l'histoire très forte dans la culture populaire (Bain, 2000; Rosenzweig, 2000; Seixas, 1996). Chez les enseignants, le fait d'évoluer en marge de la communauté des historiens implique de construire leurs représentations de l'histoire sur ce qu'ils ont pu connaître durant leur formation initiale ainsi que par leur propre exploration (Sears, 2014; Wilson & Wineburg, 1993). Les thèses de Moisan (2010), Demers (2012), Boutonnet (2013) et le mémoire de Yelle (2016) notent tous, chez les enseignants du Québec, une tension entre une représentation de l'histoire transmissive et une vision constructiviste de la science historique. Considérant les représentations contrastées présentes chez les diverses figures d'autorités (enseignants, ministère, programme, représentations dans la population générale) que rencontre l'apprenant, nous en venons à nous questionner sur les représentations développées par les élèves au terme de leur parcours secondaire. Nous cherchons donc, dans cette thèse, à (objectif 1) analyser et comprendre les représentations de la discipline historique des élèves en fin de parcours au secondaire et leur rapport aux savoirs historiques et (objectif 2) comprendre les liens existants entre les représentations de l'histoire des apprenants, celles de leurs enseignants et la façon dont les élèves ont de se représenter l'épreuve unique ministérielle. Grâce à une première analyse qualitative des réponses fournies par 339 élèves de quatrième secondaire, provenant de dix écoles réparties sur le territoire du Québec, et à un questionnaire d'enquête, composé de 50 questions ouvertes et fermées, nous avons pu établir une typologie des discours tenus envers la science historique. À l'aide du concept des représentations sociales (Jodelet, 2011b; Moliner, 1994; Moscovici, 1961), du noyau des représentations et de l'association hiérarchisée (Abric, 2003; Flament, 1994; Moliner, 1994), nous avons pu explorer et tracer les éléments les plus importants composant les représentations des participants. Nous avons aussi pu dégager certains éléments constituant le rapport aux savoirs, particulièrement historiques, des participants (Caillot, 2001; Charlot, 1997). Une seconde analyse qualitative des entrevues semi-dirigées tenues avec 8 enseignants nous a permis d'établir leurs rapports aux savoirs historiques, leur croyance épistémologique envers l'histoire et celles entretenues sur l'épreuve unique ministérielle. Une analyse quantitative des réponses fournies à l'outil de positionnement épistémologique (Maggioni, 2010; Maggioni, VanSledright & Alexander, 2009; Mierwald, Lehmann & Brauch, 2018; Miguel-Revilla & Fernández Portela, 2018; Miguel Revilla, Carril Merino & Sánchez Agustí, 2017) a permis de constater la complexité des modèles épistémologiques présents chez les participants, tant enseignants qu'élèves. La plupart des élèves-répondants mentionnent aimer généralement l'histoire, mais ont de la difficulté à comprendre la raison de leur apprentissage de cette discipline scolaire à la vue de son usage, limité selon eux, dans leur futur et leur (future) carrière. Pour la majorité des participants, l'histoire signifie « d'apprendre les évènements du passé qui influencent le présent ». L'analyse de l'échelle de Likert nous a permis d'établir la présence des postures de reproduction, d'emprunt et de critique envers l'histoire chez nos participants du secondaire. Cette même analyse nous permet de constater une mouvance dans les postures des participants-élèves du secondaire, mouvance expliquée lors des entrevues avec les participants-enseignants, par les diverses situations auxquels doit faire face l'apprenant actuellement. Les participants étudiants semblent devoir adapter leurs postures aux diverses situations vécues en classe, par exemple lors d'une discussion sur un sujet d'actualité, ils vont adopter une posture plus critique, alors que, lors d'une situation évaluative, où ils vont tendre vers une posture de reproduction et de recherche de la bonne réponse. L'apport de cette thèse à l'état de la recherche est d'avoir permis de tracer un portrait de ce qui est encouragé et construit actuellement dans les classes québécoises d'histoire. Les diverses postures épistémologiques envers l'histoire auxquels sont soumis les élèves semblent les encourager à une belle adaptivité, mais aussi, semblent mener à une confusion quant à la nature même de la science historique. Devant cette inconsistance des postures épistémologiques, les élèves semblent développer une vision de l'histoire s'adaptant aux besoins immédiats de leur métier d'élève et qui, jumelé à un manque de sens perçu de l'apprentissage de cette matière scolaire, se conclut vers un retour à des postures épistémologiques transmissives et de reproduction inspirées de la culture populaire. / This thesis examines the representations of history and ministerial test held by students at the end of their High School education. A study of the educational environment shows that several factors influence the epistemological position that students may develop. An analysis of Quebec's curriculum shows that the document promotes a cognitive and constructivist vision of teaching; moreover, this vision of history, conveyed particularly at the lower secondary level, is constructivist (Boutonnet, 2017; Cardin, 2010; Éthier, Cardin & Lefrançois, 2014; Éthier, Lefrançois & Joly-Lavoie, 2016). Several researchers have expressed reservations concerning the epistemological position of the ministerial examination, especially regarding the evaluation of the competencies developed throughout the student's secondary education (Blouin, 2020; Déry, 2016, 2017a; Duquette, 2020; Éthier et al., 2014). Indeed, the examination, by seeking only the correct answer acceptable by the ministerial authority, leaves aside the interpretative aspects of the historical method. This search for the correct answer, as well as an inclination for the transmission of a single narrative, echoes the understanding of what shoud be history as found in popular culture (Bain, 2000; Rosenzweig, 2000; Seixas, 1996). Teachers, operating on the margins of the community of historians, must construct their representations of history based on what they may have known during their initial training as well as through their own exploration of the discipline (Sears, 2014; Wilson & Wineburg, 1993). The theses of Moisan (2010), Demers (2012), Boutonnet (2013) and Yelle (2016) all note that among Quebec's teachers exists a tension between a transmissive representation of history and a constructivist vision of history as a science. Considering the contrasting representations of history present among the various authority figures (teachers, Ministry, curriculum, the general population), we can only wonder what understanding students will develop of the discipline by the end of their high school career. In this thesis, we seek to (1) analyze and understand students' representations of the historical discipline at the end of their High School career and their relationship to historical knowledge, and (2) understand the links between learners' representations of history, those of their teachers, and the way in which students foresee themselves when faced with the ministerial examination. Through an initial qualitative analysis of the responses of 339 Secondary IV students from ten schools across Quebec and a survey questionnaire consisting of 50 open and closed questions, we were able to establish a typology of discourses towards history. Using the concept of social representations (Jodelet, 2011b; Moliner, 1994; Moscovici, 1961), the core of representations and the hierarchical association (Abric, 2003; Flament, 1994; Moliner, 1994), we were able to explore and trace the most important elements of the participants' representations. We were also able to identify certain elements of the participants' relationship to knowledge, more specifically towards historical knowledge (Caillot, 2001; Charlot, 1997). A second qualitative analysis of the semi-structured interviews held with eight teachers enabled us to establish their relationship to historical knowledge, their epistemological beliefs about history and their beliefs about the ministerial examination A quantitative analysis of the responses provided to the epistemological positioning tool (Maggioni, 2010; Maggioni, VanSledright & Alexander, 2009; Mierwald, Lehmann & Brauch, 2018; Miguel-Revilla & Fernández Portela, 2018; Miguel Revilla, Carril Merino & Sánchez Agustí, 2017) revealed the complexity of the epistemological models present in both teacher and student participants. Most students in our study stated that they generally liked history, but they had difficulty making sense of why they were learning it based on its limited use in their future and careers. For the majority of participants, history means "learning about events of the past that influence the present." The Likert scale analysis allowed us to establish the presence of reproduction, borrowing and critical stances towards history among our High School participants. This same analysis allows us to observe a shift in students' positions, a shift explained during the interviews with the participating teachers. Student participants seem to adapt their epistemological understanding to the various situations experienced in the classroom. For example, during a discussion on a current event, they will adopt a more critical stance, whereas, during an evaluative situation, they will tend towards a position of reproduction and search for the "correct" answer. This thesis contributes in our ability to better frame the reality of the history classroom in pinpointing what is currently being promoted and constructed. The various epistemological positions towards history to which the students are subjected seem to foster adaptability, but it also leads to confusion as to the very nature of history. This is regrettable as it is during their elementary and secondary years of schooling that students build their understanding of what history is and how it can impact their future. Faced with the inconsistency of epistemological positions, students seem to develop a vision of history that adapts to their immediate needs as students (what to do to have a good mark) and which, combined with a perceived lack of meaning in the learning of this school subject, concludes to their adoption of a transmissive epistemological position based on a form of reproduction inspired by popular culture. / Esta tesis examina las representaciones de la historia y las representaciones de la evaluación ministerial de la historia que tienen los estudiantes de Quebec que terminan su educación secundaria. Un estudio del entorno educativo muestra que varios factores influyen en las posturas epistemológicas que pueden desarrollar los alumnos. Un análisis del programa educativo de Quebec muestra que este promueve una visión cognitivista y constructivista de la enseñanza; además, la visión de la ciencia histórica que se transmite en el programa es constructivista, sobre todo en el primer ciclo de secundaria (Boutonnet, 2017; Cardin, 2010; Éthier, Cardin & Lefrançois, 2014; Éthier, Lefrançois & Joly-Lavoie, 2016). Varios investigadores han expresado sus reservas sobre la postura epistemológica de la evaluación ministerial, con la evaluación de la certificación de las competencias desarrolladas al finalizar la Secundaria IV de aprendizaje del estudiante en la Secundaria IV (Blouin, 2020; Déry, 2016, 2017a; Duquette, 2020; Éthier et al., 2014). De hecho, la prueba, que se basa en la búsqueda de la única respuesta correcta aceptable para la autoridad ministerial, deja de lado el aspecto interpretativo del método histórico. Esta búsqueda de la respuesta correcta, así como la narrativa transmisiva, forma parte de una representación muy fuerte de la historia en la cultura popular (Bain, 2000; Rosenzweig, 2000; Seixas, 1996). Para los profesores de historia de secundaria, operar al margen de la comunidad histórica significa que construyen sus representaciones de la historia sobre lo que pudieron haber conocido durante su formación inicial y a través de su propia exploración (Sears, 2014; Wilson & Wineburg, 1993). Las tesis de Moisan (2010), Demers (2012), Boutonnet (2013) y Yelle (2016) constatan, entre los profesores de Quebec, una tensión entre una representación transmisiva de la historia y una visión constructivista de la ciencia histórica. Teniendo en cuenta las representaciones contrastadas entre las diversas figuras de autoridad (profesores, ministerio, programa, representaciones en la población general) que el alumno encuentra, llegamos a cuestionar las representaciones desarrolladas por los alumnos al final de su carrera de secundaria. Por lo tanto, en esta tesis pretendemos (1) analizar y comprender las representaciones de la disciplina histórica de los alumnos al final de su carrera de secundaria y su relación con el conocimiento histórico y (2) comprender los vínculos entre las representaciones de la historia de los alumnos, las de sus profesores y la forma en que los alumnos se representan a sí mismos en la evaluación ministerial. Gracias a un primer análisis cualitativo de las respuestas dadas por 339 alumnos de Secundaria IV de diez colegios de Quebec a un cuestionario de encuesta compuesto por 50 preguntas abiertas y cerradas, pudimos establecer una tipología de los discursos implementados para hablar de la ciencia histórica. Utilizando el concepto de representaciones sociales (Jodelet, 2011b; Moliner, 1994; Moscovici, 1961), el núcleo de representaciones y la asociación jerárquica (Abric, 2003; Flament, 1994; Moliner, 1994), pudimos explorar y mapear los elementos más importantes que componen las representaciones de los participantes. También pudimos identificar ciertos elementos que constituyen la relación de los participantes con el conocimiento, en particular el conocimiento histórico (Caillot, 2001; Charlot, 1997). Un segundo análisis cualitativo de las entrevistas semiestructuradas realizadas a ocho profesores nos permitió establecer su relación con el conocimiento histórico, sus perspectivas epistemológicas sobre la historia y sus perspectivas sobre la prueba única ministerial. Un análisis cuantitativo de las respuestas a la herramienta de posicionamiento epistemológico (Maggioni, 2010; Maggioni, VanSledright & Alexander, 2009; Mierwald, Lehmann & Brauch, 2018; Miguel-Revilla & Fernández Portela, 2018; Miguel Revilla, Carril Merino & Sánchez Agustí, 2017) puso de manifiesto la complejidad de los modelos epistemológicos presentes en los participantes, tanto profesores como alumnos. La mayoría de los estudiantes encuestados mencionaron que, en general, les gustaba la historia, pero que les costaba entender por qué aprendían esta disciplina escolar, que en su opinión, tiene utilidad limitada para sus vidas y carreras futuras. Para la mayoría de los participantes, la historia significa "conocer los acontecimientos del pasado que influyen en el presente". El análisis de la escala de Likert nos permitió establecer la presencia de posturas de reproducción, préstamo y crítica hacia la historia entre nuestros participantes de secundaria. Este mismo análisis nos permite observar un cambio en las posturas de los alumnos-participantes de secundaria, cambio que se explica durante las entrevistas con los profesores-participantes, por las diversas situaciones a las que los alumnos deben enfrentarse en la actualidad. Los alumnos participantes parecen tener que adaptar sus posturas a las distintas situaciones vividas en el aula, por ejemplo, durante un debate sobre un tema de actualidad, adoptarán una postura más crítica, mientras que durante una situación de evaluación, tenderán a una postura de reproducción y búsqueda de la respuesta correcta. La contribución de esta tesis a la comunidad científica es haber podido rastrear un estado de la realidad que actualmente se promueve y construye en las clases de historia de Quebec. Las diversas posturas epistemológicas ante la historia a las que se somete a los alumnos parecen fomentar su capacidad de adaptación, pero también parecen llevar a una confusión en cuanto a la naturaleza misma de la ciencia histórica, lo cual es lamentable si se tiene en cuenta que los cursos de historia en la escuela primaria y secundaria son los cimientos sobre los que se construirán las representaciones de la futura historia de la población de Quebec. Ante esta inconsistencia de posturas epistemológicas, los alumnos parecen desarrollar una visión de la historia que se adapta a las necesidades inmediatas de su profesión como estudiantes y que, unida a la percepción de falta de sentido en el aprendizaje de esta materia escolar, los conduce a volver a posturas epistemológicas transmisivas y a la reproducción inspirada en la cultura popular. / Questa tesi intende analizzare le rappresentazioni degli studenti che completano la formazione secondaria nei confronti della storia e della prova ministeriale. Uno studio condotto nel campo dell'istruzione rivela che diversi fattori concorrono ad influenzare le posizioni epistemologiche sviluppate dagli studenti. Dall'analisi del programma educativo del Québec si evince che lo stesso promuove una visione cognitivista e costruttivista dell'insegnamento; e che la visione delle scienze storiche veicolata dal programma è di tipo costruttivista, in particolare al livello secondario inferiore (Boutonnet, 2017; Cardin, 2010; Éthier, Cardin & Lefrançois, 2014; Éthier, Lefrançois & Joly-Lavoie, 2016). Diversi ricercatori hanno espresso riserve sulla postura epistemologico della prova unica ministeriale, che certifica le competenze sviluppate e conclude il percorso di apprendimento dello studente nel IV anno della scuola secondaria (Blouin, 2020; Déry, 2016, 2017a; Duquette, 2020; Éthier et al., 2014). La prova, che si basa sulla ricerca dell'unica risposta corretta accettabile per l'autorità ministeriale, lascia infatti da parte l'aspetto interpretativo del metodo storico. Questa ricerca della risposta giusta, così come la narrazione trasmissiva, fanno parte di una rappresentazione molto forte della storia nella cultura popolare (Bain, 2000; Rosenzweig, 2000; Seixas, 1996). Per gli insegnanti, operare ai margini della comunità storica significa costruire le proprie rappresentazioni della storia sulla base di ciò che possono aver appreso durante la loro formazione iniziale e attraverso la propria esperienza (Sears, 2014; Wilson & Wineburg, 1993). Le tesi di Moisan (2010), Demers (2012), Boutonnet (2013) e Yelle (2016) evidenziano, tra gli insegnanti del Québec, una tensione tra una rappresentazione trasmissiva della storia e una visione costruttivista della scienza storica. La tesi considera le rappresentazioni contrastanti veicolate dalle diverse figure autorevoli che l'allievo incontra (insegnanti, ministero, programma scolastico, rappresentazioni nella popolazione generale), ed esamina l'approccio sviluppato dagli studenti alla fine della loro carriera scolastica secondaria. In questa tesi si desidera quindi (1) analizzare e comprendere all'approccio alla disciplina storica da parte degli studenti alla fine del loro percorso nella scuola secondaria e il loro rapporto con la conoscenza storica e (2) comprendere i legami tra la rappresentazione della storia da parte degli studenti, degli insegnanti e il modo in cui gli studenti si approcciano alla prova unica ministeriale. Grazie a una prima analisi qualitativa delle risposte fornite da 339 studenti del IV anno della scuola secondaria di dieci scuole del Québec a un questionario composto da 50 domande aperte e chiuse, si è potuto analizzare l'approccio degli studenti nei confronti della scienza storica. Utilizzando il concetto di rappresentazione sociale (Jodelet, 2011b; Moliner, 1994; Moscovici, 1961), il nucleo delle rappresentazioni e l'associazione gerarchica (Abric, 2003; Flament, 1994; Moliner, 1994), si sono esplorati e mappati gli elementi più importanti che compongono le rappresentazioni dei partecipanti. Si sono individuati alcuni elementi che costituiscono il rapporto dei partecipanti con il sapere, in particolare con il sapere storico (Caillot, 2001; Charlot, 1997). Una seconda analisi qualitativa delle interviste semistrutturate con otto insegnanti ha permesso di stabilire il loro rapporto con la conoscenza storica, le loro convinzioni epistemologiche sulla storia e sulla prova unica ministeriale. Un'analisi quantitativa delle risposte allo strumento di posizionamento epistemologico (Maggioni, 2010; Maggioni, VanSledright & Alexander, 2009; Mierwald, Lehmann & Brauch, 2018; Miguel-Revilla & Fernández Portela, 2018; Miguel Revilla, Carril Merino & Sánchez Agustí, 2017) ha rivelato la complessità dei modelli epistemologici presenti tra i partecipanti, sia tra gli insegnanti come tra gli studenti. La maggior parte degli studenti intervistati ha dichiarato di apprezzare la storia in generale, ma di avere difficoltà a capire il motivo per cui questa materia venga studiata a scuola, vista la sua, a loro avviso, limitata utilità per il loro futuro e la loro (futura) carriera. Per la maggior parte dei partecipanti, storia significa "conoscere gli eventi del passato che influenzano il presente". L'analisi della scala Likert ha permesso di stabilire la presenza di posizioni riproduttive, mutuative e critiche nei confronti della storia tra i partecipanti alla scuola secondaria. Questa stessa analisi ha permesso di osservare un cambiamento nelle posizioni degli studenti-partecipanti della scuola secondaria, cambiamento che, nel corso delle interviste con gli insegnanti-partecipanti, viene da quest'ultimi interpretato come un adattamento alle diverse situazioni che l'allievo si trova ad affrontare. Gli studenti-partecipanti sembrano adattare le loro posizioni alle varie situazioni vissute in classe, ad esempio durante una discussione su un argomento attuale adotteranno una posizioni più critica, mentre in una situazione valutativa tenderanno a una posizione di riproduzione e ricerca della risposta giusta. Il contributo di questa tesi alla comunità scientifica consiste nell'aver tracciato un profilo di ciò che viene attualmente promosso e costruito nelle classi di storia del Québec. Le diverse posizioni epistemologiche nei confronti della storia a cui gli studenti sono sottoposti sembrano incoraggiarli a essere adattivi, ma sembrano anche portare a una confusione sulla natura stessa della scienza storica, il che è deplorevole se si considera che i corsi di storia nelle scuole primarie e secondarie sono le fondamenta su cui si costruiranno le rappresentazioni della storia futura della popolazione del Québec. Di fronte a questa incoerenza di posture epistemologiche, gli studenti sembrano sviluppare una visione della storia che si adatta alle esigenze immediate della loro professione di studenti e che, unita alla percezione di una mancanza di significato nell'apprendimento di questa materia scolastica, porta a un ritorno a posture epistemologiche trasmissive e alla riproduzione ispirata alla cultura popolare.

Kompiuterizuoto natų rašymo technologijų analizė / Analysis of Computerized Music Notation Technologies

Milvydaitė, Aistė 02 September 2010 (has links)
Tikslas:Ištirti kompiuterizuotam natų rašymui skirtas technologijas. Tyrimo objektas:Natų saugojimo formatai ir jų kūrimo programinė įranga. Problemos analizė:Kompiuterizuotam natų rašymui yra sukurta nemažai specialios programinės įrangos ir jų rezultato saugojimo formatų. Tačiau susistemintos informacijos apie tokių technologijų privalumus ir trūkumus rasti gan sunku, todėl vartotojai patys turi jas bandyti ir atrasti jiems labiausiai tinkančias. Tyrimo metodologija:Teoriniai tyrimo metodai: literatūros apžvalga ir analizė. Praktiniai tyrimo metodai: natografijos failų formatų apimties skirtumo tyrimas, natų rašymui skirtos programinės įrangos funkcionalumo įvertinimo bei patrauklumo vartotojui stebėjimas ir tyrimas. Naudotos priemonės:Sibelius 6, Harmony Assitant, Quick Score Elite Level II, Denemo – tyrimo duomenų gavimui ir kūrimui; Microsoft Excel 2003 – tyrimo duomenų aprašymui ir susisteminimui; SPSS Statistics 17.0 – tyrimo duomenų apdorojimui, analizei ir pateikimui; Microsoft Word 2003 – darbo rengimui ir pateikimui. Tyrimo apimtis: Failų formatų apimtis lyginta atsižvelgiant į: failo dydį, natų formato tipą, formato skaitomumą vartotojui, failo apimtį ir jos sumažinimo galimybę. Programinės įrangos funkcionalumas ištirtas įvertinant funkcijų kiekio santykį atitinkamose funkcionalumo grupėse: teksto įterpimas ir apiforminimas, lapo formatavimas, pasirinktų natų ir ženklų atvaizdavimas penklinėje, partitūros rašymas MIDI klaviatūra ir kompiuterio klaviatūra, muzikos... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / Many various science areas are gradually relocating to information technology space and the recording of notes is not an exception. Hence, there are many different note recording and preserving formats and special software intended for the creation of such formats. However, because of comparatively rapid IT advancement it is usually hard to follow the all existing IT solutions and select the most proper, therefore, the objective of this work is to examine the technologies intended for the recording and preserving notes on the computer. During the time of this work the following examinations were completed: • The examination of note preserving formats; • The analysis of note recording software functionality; • The research of note recording software appeal; After completing the review of note preserving formats it was clear that they can be categorized into three groups: ascii, xml and binary. The note preserving formats which are based on ascii and xml codes are more coherent for the common user and take less hard disk space. After analyzing the note recording software the final results reveal that the Harmony Asisstant program is highly advanced and supports most functions. The Sibelius 6 is also very advanced and functional. After completing the note recording software appeal survey it was discovered that the respondents consider Sibelius 6 as the most appealing and coherent program.

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