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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Training an Adversarial Non-Player Character with an AI Demonstrator : Applying Unity ML-Agents

Jlali, Yousra Ramdhana January 2022 (has links)
Background. Game developers are continuously searching for new ways of populating their vast game worlds with competent and engaging Non-Player Characters (NPCs), and researchers believe Deep Reinforcement Learning (DRL) might be the solution for emergent behavior. Consequently, fusing NPCs with DRL practices has surged in recent years, however, proposed solutions rarely outperform traditional script-based NPCs. Objectives. This thesis explores a novel method of developing an adversarial DRL NPC by combining Reinforcement Learning (RL) algorithms. Our goal is to produce an agent that surpasses its script-based opponents by first mimicking their actions. Methods. The experiment commences with Imitation Learning (IL) before proceeding with supplementary DRL training where the agent is expected to improve its strategies. Lastly, we make all agents participate in 100-deathmatch tournaments to statistically evaluate and differentiate their deathmatch performances. Results. Statistical tests reveal that the agents reliably differ from one another and that our learning agent performed poorly in comparison to its script-based opponents. Conclusions. Based on our computed statistics, we can conclude that our solution was unsuccessful in developing a talented hostile DRL agent as it was unable to convey any form of proficiency in deathmatches. No further improvements could be applied to our ML agent due to the time constraints. However, we believe our outcome can be used as a stepping-stone for future experiments within this branch of research.

The Arabidopsis nucleoporin NUA is involved in mRNA export and functionally interacts with spindle assembly checkpoint proteins

Muthuswamy, Sivaramakrishnan January 2009 (has links)
No description available.

Toll-like receptors in spinal cord derived neural precursor cells: implications on spinal cord injury and cell transplantation

Sánchez Petidier, Marina 11 February 2022 (has links)
[ES] Los receptores tipo Toll, TLR, son receptores clave en la defensa contra los patógenos capaces de iniciar la respuesta inmunitaria innata para proteger al huésped. Su papel no solo se relega a responder a estímulos foráneos, sino que también pueden detectar daños en los tejidos o células lesionadas induciendo su respuesta a lo que se conoce como "inflamación estéril". Las células del sistema inmunitario no son las únicas que presentan TLR; también se encuentran en células de la glía, neuronas y precursores neurales (NPC). Concretamente, TLR2 y TLR4 en NPC en cerebro contribuyen a la determinación del destino celular y plasticidad neuronal durante el desarrollo. Sin embargo, sus funciones en la fisiología y patología de la médula espinal no están bien definidas, así como en procesos críticos como la neurogénesis, autorrenovación o proliferación. Esta tesis doctoral, distribuida entre tres capítulos, se ha centrado 1) en el estudio del papel de TLR2 y TLR4 en precursores derivados de medula espinal neonatal (Capítulo 1); 2) en evaluar el papel de ambos, TLR2 y TLR4 en el proceso de regeneración espontánea o tras trasplante ectópico de NPC, en un modelo de lesión medular inducida (Capítulo 2); 3) en el estudio del papel de TLR4 en la modulación del fenotipo inflamatorio en respuesta al proteoglicano condroitín sulfato (CSPG) secretado tras la lesión medular con actividad inhibitoria del recrecimiento axonal tras lesión medular (Capítulo 3). / [CA] Els receptors tipus Toll, TLR, són receptors clau en la defensa contra els patògens capaços d'iniciar la resposta immunitària innata per a protegir l'hoste. El seu paper no sols es relega a respondre a estímuls forans, sinó que també poden detectar danys en els teixits o cèl·lules lesionades induint la seua resposta al que es coneix com a "inflamació estèril". Les cèl·lules del sistema immunitari no són les úniques que presenten TLR; també es troben en cèl·lules de la glia, neurones i precursors neurals (NPC). TLR2 i TLR4 en NPC en cervell contribueixen a la determinació del destí cel·lular i plasticitat neuronal. No obstant això, les seues funcions en la fisiopatologia de la medul·la espinal no estan ben definides, així com en processos crítics com la neurogènesi, autorenovació o proliferació. Aquesta tesi doctoral, distribuïda entre tres capítols, s'ha centrat: 1) En l'estudi del paper de TLR2 i TLR4 en precursors derivats de medul·la espinal neonatal (Capítol 1); 2) A avaluar el paper de tots dos, TLR2 i TLR4, en el procés de regeneració espontània o després de trasplantament ectòpic de NPC, en un model de lesió medul·lar induïda (Capítol 2); 3) En l'estudi del paper de TLR4 en la modulació del fenotip inflamatori en resposta al proteoglicà condroití sulfat (CSPG) secretat després de la lesió medul·lar amb activitat inhibitòria del recreixement axonal després de lesió medul·lar (Capítol 3). / [EN] Toll-like receptors, TLRs, are key receptors in the defence against pathogens capable of initiating the innate immune response to protect the host. Their role is not only limited to responding to foreign stimuli, but they can also detect damage to injured tissues or cells, inducing their response to what is known as 'sterile inflammation'. Immune system cells are not the only cells that display TLRs; they are also found in glial cells, neurons and neural precursors cells (NPCs). TLR2 and TLR4 NPCs from brain contribute to cell fate determination and neuronal plasticity. However, their roles in spinal cord pathophysiology and in critical processes such as neurogenesis, self-renewal or proliferation are not well defined. This doctoral thesis, distributed among three chapters, has focused: 1) on the study of the role of TLR2 and TLR4 in neonatal spinal cord-derived precursors (Chapter 1); 2) on evaluating the role of both TLR2 and TLR4 in the process of spontaneous regeneration or after ectopic transplantation of NPC, in a model of induced spinal cord injury (Chapter 2); 3) to study the role of TLR4 in modulating the inflammatory phenotype in response to chondroitin sulphate proteoglycan (CSPG) secreted after spinal cord injury with inhibitory activity on axonal regrowth after spinal cord injury (Chapter 3). / The student has been granted with a PhD fellowship from a predoctoral program at the CIPF and with International Research and Training Exchange Programme at the CIPF. This work has been supported by the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness (projects RTI2018-095872-B-C21; MAT2015-66666-C3-R; SAF2015-69187R) and Spanish Ministry of Heath, PNSD2018 I003. / Sánchez Petidier, M. (2022). Toll-like receptors in spinal cord derived neural precursor cells: implications on spinal cord injury and cell transplantation [Tesis doctoral]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/180753

Développement de chargeurs intégrés pour véhicules hybrides plug-in / Development of integrated chargers for plug-in hybrid vehicles

Marzouk, Mounir 08 October 2015 (has links)
Ces travaux de thèse consistent en la conception et la réalisation d’une chaîne de tractionintégrée pour véhicule hybride plug-in. L’étude s’oriente vers une solution de convertisseur mutualisé,dans l’objectif de partager la traction et les modes chargeurs de batteries, la structure en NPC à 3niveaux est retenue. Le chargeur monophasé se base une topologie de redresseur à MLI monophaséavec trois bras entrelacés, avec l’utilisation des enroulements du moteur pour le filtrage. En chargeurtriphasé nous adaptons la topologie pour réaliser un montage en double boost triphasé. Pour chaqueconfiguration, les passifs sont dimensionnés pour répondre aux contraintes en courant BF et HF. Lecontrôle adopté se base sur les correcteurs résonants. Enfin, un prototype de 5 kW a été réalisé pourvalider les différents modes de l’application.Dans une seconde partie, nous proposons une solution de chargeur isolé sans étage continu auprimaire à double ponts actifs (DAB). La topologie est modélisée au premier harmonique et unecommande assurant l’absorption sinusoïdale est étudiée. Une configuration isolée triphasée permetl’accès aux puissances plus élevées ainsi que la réduction des ondulations de courant BF en sortie. / This thesis consists on the design and realization of a plug-in hybrid vehicle integrated tractiondrive supply. The work turns to a solution of a mutualized converter, in the objective to imagine asolution which shared drive and battery chargers modes, the three-level NPC topology has beenretained. The single phase charger is based on an interleaved PWM rectifier, and motor windings areused as smoothing inductors. A double-boost PFC configuration is introduced to ensure the threephasecharger. Passives are sized in each configuration in order to take in account the whole currentconstraints (LF and HF). The PFC behavior is based on the resonant controllers. Then, a 5 kWprototype has been realized to validate the different application modes.In a second part, a single-stage isolated charger based on a Dual-Active-Bridge (DAB) isproposed. The topology is modeled to the fundamental and the PFC control law is studied. A threephaseconfiguration is simulated in order to achieve higher charging powers and to reduce batterycurrent low-frequency ripple.

一國兩制與基本法在香港的實踐與挑戰—三次人大釋法案例研究 / The challenge of “One Country, Two Systems”in Hong Kong ── A study of the NPC interpretations of Hong Kong Basic Law

陳智菡 Unknown Date (has links)
香港在西元1997年7月1日正式脫離英屬殖民地,回歸中國成為中華人民共和國領土的一部分,為了維持香港的穩定繁榮,中共以一國兩制、港人治港做為治港方針,並以中國憲法及在1990年通過並推行香港特別行政區基本法相關條例作為法律依據,給予港人高度自治的權力。 基本法推行至今業已九年,九年當中,中國最高立法機關全國人大常委會對基本法當中的模糊地界先後進行了包括「居港權案」、「雙普選案」以及「特首任期」案等三次釋法;人大釋法雖是寫入中華人民共和國憲法與基本法當中的合理權力,但在這三次釋法的過程中,仍存在有釋法的合法性、與中央是否干涉香港自治的爭議,這些爭議引起香港各界極大的討論,同時也影響了港人對一國兩制在港推行的信心。 香港特區基本法是以中國憲法做為依據的,其法律地位從屬於憲法,換言之,香港特區的自治權乃是由國家主權所派生出之地方自治權利。然而,所謂「一國兩制」,其最高原則就在於所謂「高度自治」之精神,因此,三次主要由北京當局主導的釋法行動難免引發中央過度干涉香港事務的疑慮,本文針對三次人大釋法之源起、內容、過程、及其所引發的爭議為主軸,試圖釐清中共中央是否意圖箝制香港的自治權限、抑或相關爭議只是港人過度恐慌所致?此外,特區政府與特區行政長官在釋法的過程當中又扮演何種角色?他們是否曾如實地反應民意?或者只是積極地配合中央,在相當程度上放棄自我管治的權利?這都是文中所欲釐清的焦點。撰者寄望能由本研究看出中共所大力宣揚的思想成就──「一國兩制」是否真能確實落實,也可為台灣在思考對中國大陸政策時更具體的思考方向。 關鍵詞:香港、基本法、一國兩制、人大釋法、中港關係 / Hong Kong has been a Special Administrative Region (SAR) of People’s Republic of China (PRC) since 1997, it maintains a high degree autonomy except it matters of defense and foreign affairs. It has well-established institutions that support the rule of law and vigorous civil society by the Basic Law. The Basic Law has been published in nine years. During this period, The Standing Committee of PRC’s National People’s Congress (NPC) has been approved to interpret the law for three times. Although the interpretation rights of The Standing Committee of NPC is undeniable, those moves are still causing a great deal of concerns---such as the validity of judicial procedure of interpretations and whether the PRC government interfere with the Hong Kong’s autonomy affairs or not, and so on…. Those controversial issues are not only causing a huge controversy over Hong Kong society, but also lower people's confidence in “one country, two systems”. If the Standing Committee of NPC’s thrice interpretation actions were just reflecting part of NPC membership’s opinions and Bejing’s will but totally disregarded of the view of the Hong Kong people. It will not only cripple the power of legal interpretation of Hong Kong’s judicial body. And even worse, it might cause Hong Kong’s judicial system towards to the mainland one. Meanwhile, by vesting power jointly with Bejing and the HK chief executive, the mainland authorities have succeeded in bring public opinions in HK under their thumb. This essay is aimed at the thrice interpretations, including the source, contents, process and the following issues. The NPC interpretations will have a deep impact on the development of HK’s judicial and political system. I believe, by observing the following situation after the interpretations in the HK, we will have a better understanding of the “one country, two systems”. Keywords:Hong Kong, Basic Law, One country two systems, the NPC interpretations, National People’s congress.

How narrative techniques affect players' engagement in action RPG Dark Souls II

Graff, Lukas January 2018 (has links)
The purpose of the study was to get a better understanding of how players’ engagement is affected by the narrative techniques which are used in the game Dark Souls II. The four most prominent narrative techniques that were analyzed in Dark souls II were cutscenes, item descriptions, NPC’s and environmental storytelling. Qualitative and Quantitative data was collected in a questionnaire that was posted on the forum/ “subreddit” Dark souls II. The answers from 100 questionnaires were analyzed using content analysis methodology. It could be concluded in this thesis that narrative techniques that interfere with the players sense of freedom will reduce their engagement within the game. An example in Dark souls II is when the player is forced to summon NPC’s to boss fights in order to progress in the NPC’s storyline. This also works the other way around: i.e. the player experiences increased engagement if the narrative techniques allow the player to decide over their own actions. An example in Dark Souls II is when the player is given the opportunity to kill friendly NPC’s. / Syftet med denna studie var att få en bättre förståelse för hur spelarens engagemang påverkas av de narrativa tekniker som används i spelet Dark Souls II. De fyra mest framstående narrativa tekniker som identifierades i Dark Souls II var Cutscenes, föremålsbeskrivningar, NPC’s och miljöberättande. Kvalitativ och kvantitativa data samlades genom en enkät som lades upp på Dark Souls II forum/ ”subreddit”. Svaren från 100 deltagare tolkades med koder samt kategorier genom metodologin innehållsanalys. I denna studie kunde det konstateras att narrativa tekniker som negativt påverkar spelarens frihet, kommer reducera deras engagemang i spelet. Detta noterades bland annat när spelare var tvungna att kalla på NPC’s till bossfighter för att kunna fortsätta denna NPC’s uppdrag. Det angavs även att detta fungerade åt andra hållet, när spelarens förmåga att kunna ta egna beslut tilläts så ökade även spelarens engagemang i spelet. Detta noterades i spelmekaniken att spelaren bland annat tilläts döda fredliga NPC’s.

Rectifier And Inverter System For Driving Axial Flux BLDC Motors In More Electric Aircraft Application

De, Sukumar 01 1900 (has links) (PDF)
In the past two decades the core aircraft technology is going through a drastic change. The traditional technologies that is almost half a century old, is going through a complete revamp. In the new “More Electric Aircraft” technology many mechanical, pneumatic and hydraulic systems are being replaced by electrical and power electronic systems. Airbus-A380, Boeing B-787 are the pioneers in the family of these new breed of aircrafts. As the aircraft technology is moving towards “More Electric”, more and more electric motors and motor controllers are being used in new aircrafts. Number of electric motor drive systems has increased by about ten times in more electric aircrafts compared to traditional aircrafts. Weight of any electric component that goes into aircraft needs to be low to reduce the overall weight of aircraft so as to improve the fuel efficiency of the aircraft. Hence there is an increased need to reduce weight of motors and motor controllers in commercial aircraft. High speed ironless axial flux permanent magnet brushless dc motors are becoming popular in the new more-electric aircrafts because of their ability to meet the demand of light weight, high power density, high efficiency and high reliability. However, these motors come with very low inductance, which poses a big challenge to the motor controllers in controlling the ripple current in motor windings. Multilevel inverters can solve this problem. Three-level inverters are proposed in this thesis for driving axial flux BLDC motors in aircraft. Majority of the motors in new more electric aircrafts are in the power range of 2kW to 20kW, while a few motor applications being in the range of 100kW to 150kW. Motor controllers in these applications run from 270Vdc or 540Vdc bus which is the standard in new more electric aircraft architecture. Multilevel Inverter is popular in the industry for high power and high voltage applications, where high-voltage power switching devices like IGBT, GTO are popularly used. However multilevel inverters have not been tried in the low power range which is appropriate for aircraft applications. A detail analysis of practical feasibility of constructing three-level inverter in lower power and voltage level is presented in this thesis. Analysis is presented that verify the advantages of driving low voltage and low power (300Vdc to 600Vdc and less than 100kW) motors with multilevel inverters. Practical considerations for design of MOSFET based three-level inverter are investigated and topological modifications are suggested. The effect of clamping diodes in the diode clamped multilevel inverters play an important role in determining its efficiency. SiC diodes are proposed to be used as clamping diodes. Further, it is realised that power loss introduced by reverse recovery of MOSFET body diode prohibits use of MOSFET in hard switched inverter legs. Hence, a technique of avoiding the reverse recovery losses of MOSFET body diode in three-level NPC inverter is conceived. The use of proposed multilevel inverter topology enables operation at high switching frequency without sacrificing efficiency. High switching frequency of operation reduces the output filter requirement, which in turn helps reducing size of the inverter. In this research work elaborate trade-off analysis is done to quantify the suitability of multilevel inverters in the low power applications. For successful operation of three-level NPC inverter in aircraft electrical system, it is important for the DC bus structure in aircraft electric primary distribution system to be compatible to drive NPC inverters. Hence a detail study of AC to DC power conversion system as applied to commercial aircraft electrical system is done. Multi-pulse rectifiers using autotransformers are used in aircrafts. Investigation is done to improve these rectifiers for future aircrafts, such that they can support new technologies of future generation motor controllers. A new 24-pulse isolated transformer rectifier topology is proposed. From two 15º displaced 6-phase systems feeding two 12-pulse rectifiers that are series connected, a 24-pulse rectifier topology is obtained. Though, windings of each 12-pulse rectifiers are isolated from primary, the 6-phase generation is done without any isolation of the transformer windings. The new 24-pulse transformer topology has lower VA rating compared to standard 12-pulse rectifiers. Though the new 24-pulse transformer-rectifier solution is robust and simple, it adds to the weight of the overall system, as compared to the present architecture as the proposed topology uses isolated transformer. Non-isolated autotransformer cannot provide split voltage at the dc-link that creates a stable mid-point voltage as required by the three-level NPC inverter. Hence, a new front-end AC-DC power conversion system with switched capacitor is conceived that can support motor controllers driven by three-level inverters. Laboratory experimental results are presented to validate the new proposed topology. In this proposed topology, the inverter dc-link voltage is double the input dc-link voltage. An intense research work is performed to understand the operation of Trapezoidal Back EMF BLDC motor driven by three-Level NPC inverter. Operation of BLDC motor from three-Level inverter is primarily advantageous for low inductance motors, like ironless axial flux motors. For low inductance BLDC motor, very high switching frequency is required to limit the magnitude of ripple current in motor winding. Three-level inverters help limiting the magnitude of motor ripple current without increasing the switching frequency to very high value. Further, it is analysed that dc link mid-point current in three-level NPC inverter for driving trapezoidal BLDC motor has a zero average current with fundamental frequency same as switching frequency. Because of this, trapezoidal BLDC motors can easily be operated from three-level NPC inverter without any special attention given to mid-point voltage unbalance. One non-ideal condition arrives in practical implementation of the inverter that leads to non-zero average mid point current. Unequal gate drive dead time delays from one leg to other leg of inverter introduce dc-link mid-point voltage unbalance. For the motoring mode operation of trapezoidal BLDC motor drive, simple gate drive logic is researched that eliminates need of the gate drive dead-time, and hence solves the mid-point voltage unbalance issue. Simple closed loop control scheme for mid-point voltage balancing also is also proposed. This control scheme may be used in applications where very precise control of speed and torque ripple is warranted. All the investigations reported in this thesis are simulated extensively on MATHCAD and MATLAB platform using SIMULINK toolbox. A laboratory experimental set-up of three-Level inverter driving axial flux BLDC motor is built. The three-level inverter, operating from 300Vdc bus is built using 500V MOSFETs and 600V SiC diodes. All the control schemes are implemented digitally on digital signal processor TMS320F2812 DSP platform and GAL22V10B platforms. Experimental results are collected to validate the theoretical propositions made in the present research work. At the end, in chapter 5, some future works are proposed. A new external voltage balance circuit is proposed where the inverter dc-link voltage is same as the input dc-link voltage. This topology is based on the resonant converter principle and uses a lighter resonant inductor than prior arts available in literature. Detail simulation and experimentation of this topology may be carried out to validate the industrial benefits of this circuit. It is also thought that current source inverters may work as an alternative to voltage source inverters for driving BLDC motors. Current source inverters eliminate use of bulky DC-link capacitors. Long term reliability of current source inverters is higher than voltage source inverters due to the absence of possibility of shoot-through. Further, in voltage source inverters, the voltage at the motor terminal is limited by the source voltage (dc-link voltage). This issue is eliminated in current source inverters. An interface circuit is conceived to reduce the size of dc-link inductors in current source inverters, pending detail analysis and experimental verification. The interface circuit bases its fundamentals on the principles of operation of multilevel inverters for BLDC motors that is presented in this thesis.

Operation of Parallel Connected Converters as a Multilevel Converter

Kannan, Vijay 11 January 2018 (has links)
The still increasing demand of electrical energy and the rising popularity of renewable energy sources in today's world are two important developments that necessitate the need for innovative solutions in the field of power electronics. Parallel operation of converters is one possible method in trying to bridge an increased current demand. The classical two-level converters, which are the standard in low voltage applications, are rarely adopted in medium and high voltage applications due to the voltage limits on power semiconductor devices. That is one reason for the growing popularity of multilevel converter topologies in medium and high-voltage applications. Although an increase in the number of voltage levels of a multilevel converter has its advantages, there are also challenges posed due to the increased number of switching devices. This has resulted in three-level converters being the most popular compared to converters of higher voltage levels. In this dissertation, the unified operation of parallel connected three-level converter units as a multilevel converter of higher voltage levels is proposed. The mathematical basis for operating parallel connected converter units as a single multilevel converter and the governing equations for such systems are derived. The analysis and the understanding of these equations are important for assessing practicality of the system and devising appropriate control structures. Parallel operation of converter units operating as multilevel converter have their own set of challenges, the two foremost being that of load-sharing and the possibility of circulating and cross currents. Developing solutions to address these challenges require a thorough understanding of how these manifest in the proposed system. Algorithms are then developed for tackling these issues. The control structures are designed and the developed algorithms are implemented. The operation of the system is verified experimentally. / Die weiterhin steigende Nachfrage nach elektrischer Energie und die zunehmende Verwendung erneuerbarer Energiequellen in der heutigen Welt sind zwei wichtige Entwicklungen, die die Notwendigkeit innovativer Lösungen im Bereich der Leistungselektronik erfordern. Der Parallelbetrieb von Stromrichtern ist eine mögliche Methode, um einen erhöhten Strombedarf zu decken. Der klassische Zweipunkt-Spanungszwischenkreisstromrichter, der bei Niederspannungsanwendungen weit verbreitet ist, wird aufgrund der Spannungsgrenzen für Leistungshalbleiterbauelemente zunehmend weniger in Mittel- und Hochspannungsanwendungen eingesetzt. Die begrenzte Spannungsbelastbarkeit der Leistungshalbleiterbauelemente ist ein Grund für die wachsende Beliebtheit von Mehrpunkt-Stromrichtertopologien in Mittelund Hochspannungsanwendungen. Obwohl eine Erhöhung der Anzahl der Spannungsstufen eines Mehrpunkt-Stromrichters Vorteile hat, gibt es auch Herausforderungen und Nachteile aufgrund der erhöhten Anzahl von Leistungshalbleitern. Dies hat dazu geführt, dass der Dreipunkt-Stromrichter die verbreiteste Topologie im Vergleich zu anderen Stromrichtern mit einer höheren Anzahl von Spannungsstufen ist. In dieser Dissertation wird der Betrieb von parallel geschalteten Dreipunkt-Stromrichtereinheiten als ein Mehrpunkt-Stromrichter mit erhöhter Anzahl an Spannungsstufen vorgeschlagen. Die mathematische Basis für den Betrieb von parallel geschalteten Stromrichtereinheiten als ein Mehrpunkt-Stromrichter und die beschreibenden Gleichungen eines solchen Systems werden abgeleitet. Die Analyse und das Verständnis dieser Gleichungen sind wichtig für die Beurteilung der Praktikabilität des Systems und die Erarbeitung geeigneter Regelstrukturen. Der parallele Betrieb von Stromrichtereinheiten hat seine eigenen Herausforderungen, wobei die beiden wichtigsten die Lastverteilung und die Möglichkeit von Kreis- und Querströmen sind. Die Entwicklung von Lösungen zur Bewältigung dieser Herausforderungen erfordert ein gründliches Verständnis dafür, wie sich diese Phänomene in dem vorgeschlagenen System manifestieren. Algorithmen zur Lösung dieser Probleme werden anschlieend entwickelt. Die Regelstrukturen werden entworfen und die entworfenen Algorithmen implementiert. Die Funktionsweise des Systems wird experimentell überprüft.

Vergleichende Untersuchungen von Mehrpunkt-Schaltungstopologien mit zentralem Gleichspannungszwischenkreis für Mittelspannungsanwendungen

Krug, Dietmar 16 January 2017 (has links) (PDF)
Die vorliegende Arbeit befasst sich mit einem detaillierten Vergleich von Mehrpunkt-Schaltungstopologien mit zentralem Gleichspannungszwischenkreis für den Einsatz in Mittelspannungsanwendungen. Im Rahmen dieser Untersuchungen wird die 3-Level Neutral Point Clamped Spannungswechselrichter Schaltungstopologie (3L-NPC VSC) sowohl mit Multilevel Flying Capacitor (FLC) als auch mit Multilevel Stacked Multicell (SMC) Schaltungstopologien verglichen, wobei unter Verwendung von aktuell verfügbaren IGBT-Modulen Stromrichterausgangsspannungen von 2.3 kV, 4.16 kV und 6.6 kV betrachtet werden. Neben der grundlegenden Funktionsweise wird die Auslegung der aktiven Leistungshalbleiter und der passiven Energiespeicher (Zwischenkreiskondensatoren, Flying Capacitors) für die untersuchten Stromrichtertopologien dargestellt. Unter Berücksichtigung verschiedener Modulationsverfahren und Schaltfrequenzen werden Kennwerte für den Oberschwingungsgehalt in der Ausgangsspannung und dem Ausgangsstrom vergleichend evaluiert. Die installierte Schalterleistungen, die Halbleiterausnutzungsfaktoren, die Stromrichterverlustleistungen sowie die Verlustleistungsverteilungen werden für die betrachteten Stromrichtertopologien detailliert gegenübergestellt und bewertet. / The thesis deals with a detailed comparison of voltage source converter topologies with a central dc-link energy storage device for medium voltage applications. The Three-Level Neutral Point Clamped Voltage Source Converter (3L-NPC VSC) is compared with multilevel Flying Capacitor (FLC) and Stacked Multicell (SMC) Voltage Source Converters (VSC) for output voltages of 2.3 kV, 4.16 kV and 6.6 kV by using state-of-the-art 6.5 kV, 3.3 kV, 4.5 kV and 1.7kV IGBTs. The fundamental functionality of the investigated converter topologies as well as the design of the power semiconductors and of the energy storage devices (Flying Capacitors and Dc-Link capacitors) is described. The installed switch power, converter losses, the semiconductor loss distribution, modulation strategies and the harmonic spectra are compared in detail.

Vergleichende Untersuchungen von Mehrpunkt-Schaltungstopologien mit zentralem Gleichspannungszwischenkreis für Mittelspannungsanwendungen

Krug, Dietmar 28 June 2016 (has links)
Die vorliegende Arbeit befasst sich mit einem detaillierten Vergleich von Mehrpunkt-Schaltungstopologien mit zentralem Gleichspannungszwischenkreis für den Einsatz in Mittelspannungsanwendungen. Im Rahmen dieser Untersuchungen wird die 3-Level Neutral Point Clamped Spannungswechselrichter Schaltungstopologie (3L-NPC VSC) sowohl mit Multilevel Flying Capacitor (FLC) als auch mit Multilevel Stacked Multicell (SMC) Schaltungstopologien verglichen, wobei unter Verwendung von aktuell verfügbaren IGBT-Modulen Stromrichterausgangsspannungen von 2.3 kV, 4.16 kV und 6.6 kV betrachtet werden. Neben der grundlegenden Funktionsweise wird die Auslegung der aktiven Leistungshalbleiter und der passiven Energiespeicher (Zwischenkreiskondensatoren, Flying Capacitors) für die untersuchten Stromrichtertopologien dargestellt. Unter Berücksichtigung verschiedener Modulationsverfahren und Schaltfrequenzen werden Kennwerte für den Oberschwingungsgehalt in der Ausgangsspannung und dem Ausgangsstrom vergleichend evaluiert. Die installierte Schalterleistungen, die Halbleiterausnutzungsfaktoren, die Stromrichterverlustleistungen sowie die Verlustleistungsverteilungen werden für die betrachteten Stromrichtertopologien detailliert gegenübergestellt und bewertet.:Inhaltsverzeichnis Liste der Variablen i Liste der Abkürzungen v 1 Einleitung 1 2 Überblick von Mittelspannungsstromrichtertopologien und Leistungshalbleitern 3 2.1 Mittelspannungsumrichtertopologien 3 2.2 Leistungshalbleiter 8 3 Aufbau und Funktion von Mittelspannungsstromrichtertopologien 10 3.1 Neutral Point Clamped Stromrichter (NPC) 10 3.1.1 3-Level Neutral Point Clamped Stromrichter (3L-NPC) 10 3.1.2 Mehrstufige NPC-Umrichter 21 3.2 Flying Capacitor Stromrichter (FLC) 23 3.2.1 3-Level Flying Capacitor Stromrichter (3L-FLC) 23 3.2.2 4-Level Flying Capacitor-Stromrichter (4L-FLC) 33 3.2.3 Mehrstufige Flying Capacitor-Stromrichter (NL-FLC) 39 3.3 Stacked Multicell Stromrichter (SMC) 43 3.3.1 5L-Stacked Multicell Stromrichter (5L-SMC) 43 3.3.2 N-Level Stacked Multicell Umrichter (NL-SMC) 51 4 Modellierung und Auslegung der Stromrichter 59 4.1 Verlustmodell 59 4.1.1 Sperrschichttemperaturen 64 4.2 Auslegung der Leistungshalbleiter 65 4.2.1 Stromauslegung 67 4.2.2 Worst-Case Arbeitspunkte 69 4.3 Auslegung der Zwischenkreiskondensatoren 75 4.3.1 Spannungszwischenkreis 76 4.3.2 Lastseitige Strombelastung und resultierende Spannungswelligkeit im Spannungszwischenkreis 77 4.3.3 Abhängigkeit der Strombelastung und der Spannungswelligkeit im Spannungszwischenkreis vom Frequenzverhältnis mf 95 4.3.4 Netzseitige Zwischenkreiseinspeisung 97 Zwischenkreiseinspeisung mit idealisiertem Transformatormodell 98 Zwischenkreiseinspeisung mit erweitertem Transformatormodell 101 4.3.5 Simulation des Gesamtsystems 104 4.4 Auslegung der Flying Capacitors 107 4.4.1 Strombelastung der Flying Capacitors 109 4.4.2 Spannungswelligkeit über den Flying Capacitors 113 4.4.3 Abhängigkeit der Spannungswelligkeit der Flying Capacitors vom Frequenzverhältnis mf 124 4.4.4 Auswirkung der Spannungswelligkeit der Flying Capacitors auf die Ausgangsspannungen 126 5 Vergleich der Stromrichtertopologien 129 5.1 Daten für den Stromrichtervergleich 129 5.2 Basis des Vergleiches 132 5.3 Vergleich für einen 2,3 kV Mittelspannungsstromrichter 134 5.3.1 Vergleich bei verschiedenen Schaltfrequenzen 134 5.3.2 Vergleich bei maximaler Trägerfrequenz 142 5.4 Vergleich für einen 4,16 kV Mittelspannungsstromrichter 146 5.4.1 Vergleich bei verschiedenen Schaltfrequenzen 146 5.4.2 Vergleich bei maximaler Trägerfrequenz 153 5.5 Vergleich für einen 6,6 kV Mittelspannungsstromrichter 156 5.5.1 Vergleich bei verschiedenen Schaltfrequenzen 156 5.5.2 Vergleich bei maximaler Trägerfrequenz 162 5.6 Vergleich von 2,3 kV, 4,16 kV und 6,6 kV Mittelspannungsstromrichtern 165 5.6.1 Vergleich bei identischer installierter Schalterleistung SS 165 5.6.2 Vergleich bei einer identischen Ausgangsleistung 167 6 Zusammenfassung und Bewertung 171 Anhang 175 A. Halbleiterverlustmodell 175 Referenzen 177 / The thesis deals with a detailed comparison of voltage source converter topologies with a central dc-link energy storage device for medium voltage applications. The Three-Level Neutral Point Clamped Voltage Source Converter (3L-NPC VSC) is compared with multilevel Flying Capacitor (FLC) and Stacked Multicell (SMC) Voltage Source Converters (VSC) for output voltages of 2.3 kV, 4.16 kV and 6.6 kV by using state-of-the-art 6.5 kV, 3.3 kV, 4.5 kV and 1.7kV IGBTs. The fundamental functionality of the investigated converter topologies as well as the design of the power semiconductors and of the energy storage devices (Flying Capacitors and Dc-Link capacitors) is described. The installed switch power, converter losses, the semiconductor loss distribution, modulation strategies and the harmonic spectra are compared in detail.:Inhaltsverzeichnis Liste der Variablen i Liste der Abkürzungen v 1 Einleitung 1 2 Überblick von Mittelspannungsstromrichtertopologien und Leistungshalbleitern 3 2.1 Mittelspannungsumrichtertopologien 3 2.2 Leistungshalbleiter 8 3 Aufbau und Funktion von Mittelspannungsstromrichtertopologien 10 3.1 Neutral Point Clamped Stromrichter (NPC) 10 3.1.1 3-Level Neutral Point Clamped Stromrichter (3L-NPC) 10 3.1.2 Mehrstufige NPC-Umrichter 21 3.2 Flying Capacitor Stromrichter (FLC) 23 3.2.1 3-Level Flying Capacitor Stromrichter (3L-FLC) 23 3.2.2 4-Level Flying Capacitor-Stromrichter (4L-FLC) 33 3.2.3 Mehrstufige Flying Capacitor-Stromrichter (NL-FLC) 39 3.3 Stacked Multicell Stromrichter (SMC) 43 3.3.1 5L-Stacked Multicell Stromrichter (5L-SMC) 43 3.3.2 N-Level Stacked Multicell Umrichter (NL-SMC) 51 4 Modellierung und Auslegung der Stromrichter 59 4.1 Verlustmodell 59 4.1.1 Sperrschichttemperaturen 64 4.2 Auslegung der Leistungshalbleiter 65 4.2.1 Stromauslegung 67 4.2.2 Worst-Case Arbeitspunkte 69 4.3 Auslegung der Zwischenkreiskondensatoren 75 4.3.1 Spannungszwischenkreis 76 4.3.2 Lastseitige Strombelastung und resultierende Spannungswelligkeit im Spannungszwischenkreis 77 4.3.3 Abhängigkeit der Strombelastung und der Spannungswelligkeit im Spannungszwischenkreis vom Frequenzverhältnis mf 95 4.3.4 Netzseitige Zwischenkreiseinspeisung 97 Zwischenkreiseinspeisung mit idealisiertem Transformatormodell 98 Zwischenkreiseinspeisung mit erweitertem Transformatormodell 101 4.3.5 Simulation des Gesamtsystems 104 4.4 Auslegung der Flying Capacitors 107 4.4.1 Strombelastung der Flying Capacitors 109 4.4.2 Spannungswelligkeit über den Flying Capacitors 113 4.4.3 Abhängigkeit der Spannungswelligkeit der Flying Capacitors vom Frequenzverhältnis mf 124 4.4.4 Auswirkung der Spannungswelligkeit der Flying Capacitors auf die Ausgangsspannungen 126 5 Vergleich der Stromrichtertopologien 129 5.1 Daten für den Stromrichtervergleich 129 5.2 Basis des Vergleiches 132 5.3 Vergleich für einen 2,3 kV Mittelspannungsstromrichter 134 5.3.1 Vergleich bei verschiedenen Schaltfrequenzen 134 5.3.2 Vergleich bei maximaler Trägerfrequenz 142 5.4 Vergleich für einen 4,16 kV Mittelspannungsstromrichter 146 5.4.1 Vergleich bei verschiedenen Schaltfrequenzen 146 5.4.2 Vergleich bei maximaler Trägerfrequenz 153 5.5 Vergleich für einen 6,6 kV Mittelspannungsstromrichter 156 5.5.1 Vergleich bei verschiedenen Schaltfrequenzen 156 5.5.2 Vergleich bei maximaler Trägerfrequenz 162 5.6 Vergleich von 2,3 kV, 4,16 kV und 6,6 kV Mittelspannungsstromrichtern 165 5.6.1 Vergleich bei identischer installierter Schalterleistung SS 165 5.6.2 Vergleich bei einer identischen Ausgangsleistung 167 6 Zusammenfassung und Bewertung 171 Anhang 175 A. Halbleiterverlustmodell 175 Referenzen 177

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