Spelling suggestions: "subject:"nursepatient"" "subject:"nursespatient""
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Vårdtagares och vårdpersonals upplevelser av transkulturella möten i den svenska sjukvården / Clients and Health Care staff´s experiences of transcultural meetings in the context of Swedish Health CareLönnkvist, Liselott, Liselotte, Fredriksson January 2013 (has links)
Bakgrund: Den växande kulturella mångfalden i Sverige har lett till nya utmaningar för samhället och inte minst för sjukvården. Kultur är universellt för alla människor och speglas bland annat av faktorer som religion, värderingar, språk, miljö och kön. Den kulturella bakgrunden influerar våra uppfattningar av hälsa och sjukdom och hur vi ger uttryck för smärta och obehag. Det finns likheter och olikheter som leder till att vårdande kan förstås på olika sätt och kräver därför kulturellt kompetenta vårdgivare. Syfte: Syftet är att belysa hur vårdtagare med olika kulturella bakgrunder och vårdpersonal upplever transkulturella möten inom den svenska sjukvården. Metod: Litteraturöversikt där tolv kvalitativa studiers resultat har syntetiserats och sammanställts. Sex artiklar utgår från ett vårdtagarperspektiv och sex från ett vårdpersonalperspektiv. Gemensamt för studierna är att de belyser upplevelser av transkulturella möten i svensk sjukvård. Resultat: Tre teman framkom med två subteman vardera. Det första temat är ”Utmaningar relaterat till kommunikation”, med två subteman, ”Språket som hinder” och ”Användning av tolk”. Det andra temat är ”Utmaningar relaterat till kulturella olikheter”, med två subteman, ”Olikheter i synen på vård och vårdande” och ”Uppfattningar om könsskillnader”. Det tredje temat är ”Fördomar och kränkande bemötande”, med två subteman, ”Fördomar och misstro” och ”Upplevelser och tankar om kränkande bemötande”. Diskussion: Resultatet i denna studie ger en bild av att transkulturella möten i vården inte är helt okomplicerade. Det saknas verktyg att närma sig varandra i transkulturella möten och det handlar om att hitta nya vägar att kommunicera, både verbalt men också icke-verbalt. Vårdpersonal upplever känslor av frustration och osäkerhet när de vårdar människor med andra kulturella bakgrunder än den egna. Dessa känslor kan ses som exempel på ett etnocentriskt förhållningssätt. För att vårdpersonal ska kunna utveckla kulturell kompetens krävs utbildning och reflektion om transkulturell omvårdnad. / Background: The increasing cultural diversity in Sweden has led to new challenges for the society and the health care services. Culture is universal for all humans and is reflected by factors such as religion, values, language, environment and gender. The cultural background influence our perceptions about health and sickness and how we express pain and discomfort. There are similarities and differences which leads to different understandings about caring hence the importance of cultural competence among health care staff. Aim: To illuminate clients and health care staff´s experiences of transcultural meetings in the context of Swedish health care. Methods: A litterature overview. The results of twelve qualitative studys have been synthesized and summarized. Six articles are from a clients perspective and the other six from a health care staff perspective. All of the studys have in common that they illuminate experiences of transcultural meetings in Swedish health care. Results: Three themes emerged with two subthemes each. The first theme is ”Challenges related to communication” with two subthemes, ”Language as a barrier” and ”The use of interpreter”. The second theme is ”Challenges related to cultural differences” with two subthemes, ”Different views of care and caring” and ”Perceptions about gender-differences”. The third theme is ”Prejudices and offensive treatment” with two subthemes, ”Prejudices and disbeliefs” and ”Perceptions and thoughts about offensive treatments”. Discussion: The result in this study provides a picture that transcultural meetings are not entirely uncomplicated. There are lack of tools to approach one another in transcultural meetings and it is a matter of finding new ways to communicate, both verbally and non-verbally. Health care staff experience feelings of frustration and insecurity when they care for people with different cultural backgrounds than their own. These feelings can be understood as examples of an ethnocentric approach. In order to develope cultural competence the health care staff needs education and reflection of transcultural care.
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Electronic Bedside Documentation and Nurse-Patient Communication: A DissertationGaudet, Cynthia 25 April 2014 (has links)
Nurses are often the first members of the health care team with whom patients interact. The initial impression of the nurses’ receptiveness to the patients’ needs influences the patients’ views of their overall care. Researchers have suggested that understanding communication between individuals can provide the human link, or social element, to the successful implementation and use of electronic health records, including documentation (Lanham, Leykum, & McDaniel, 2012). Zadvinskis, Chipps, and Yen (2014) identified that the helpful features of bedside documentation systems were offset by the mismatch between the system and nurse’s workflow. The purpose of this micro-ethnography study was to explore the culture of nurse-patient interaction associated with electronic documentation at the bedside. Data were collected through passive participant observation, audio-taping of the nurse-patient interactions, and informal and semi-structured interviews with the nurses. A total of twenty-six observations were conducted on three nursing units at an urban healthcare facility in New England. These three units were occupied by similar patient populations and all patients required cardiac monitoring. Three themes consistently emerged from qualitative data analysis: the nurses paused during verbal communication, the nurses played a game of tag between the patient and the computer, and the nurses performed automatic or machine-like actions. The participants described these themes in the informal and semi-structured interviews. The nurses’ actions were observed during passive participant observation, and the audio-taped interactions supported these themes. Understanding the adaptation of caregiving necessitated by bedside electronic documentation will have a positive impact on developing systems that interface seamlessly with the nurses’ workflow and encourage patients’ active participation in their care.
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Účast pacientů po prodělaném infarktu myokardu na aktivní péči o své zdraví v rámci sekundární prevence / Participation of patients after myocardial infarction in the active care of their health in the secondary preventionŽAHOURKOVÁ, Marie January 2014 (has links)
Prevention of cardiovascular disease including myocardial infarction is in recent years a widely discussed topic. Cardiovascular diseases are currently the most widespread disease among the worldwide. This thesis deals with the participation of patients after myocardial infarction in active care of their health in secondary prevention. For failure principles of secondary prevention is increased morbidity of these cardiovascular diseases and subsequently increase the costs for further treatment. Well-timed and targeted prevention is very important how to reduce the cost of treatment and the restoration of health and maintaining a good quality of life. The thesis is composed of two parts, theoretical and empirical. The theoretical part of the thesis describes cardiovascular diseases, especially acute myocardial infarction, prevention and education, including educational process of secondary prevention. The empirical part was realized by qualitative research. Information was collected by semi-standardized interview technique. The interview was composed of both closed and open-ended questions where had respondents the opportunity to express individually. The research group consisted of patients and nurses of three selected cardiocenters in Czech Republic - University Hospital Motol, České Budějovice Hospital, a.s. and Faculty Hospital Plzeň. In the first phase of the research we examined the awareness of patients of secondary prevention. In addition we inquire into the level of their activities in the care of their health and the impact of realized changes to their life satisfaction. The research sample is consisted of 12 respondents - patients who in former times have had a myocardial infarction and now were re- hospitalized due to symptoms of heart problems. For the research were patients selected by random sampling and divided into three groups, four from each cardiocenter. In the second phase of the research, we investigated the options and rate of education of nurses taking care of patients after myocardial infarction in pursuance of secondary prevention and types of nursing documentation kept by nurses of cardiology ward. This part of the study sample was consisted of nine nurses working in selected cardiocentre. For one interview were approached three nurses from each chosen department with longer experience in the field of cardiology. For the research was established six goals and eight research questions. The results of the research showed that the patients are relatively well educated in the principles of secondary prevention of cardiovascular disease, but not enough by nurses. The knowledge of patients of prevention of myocardial infarction and secondary prevention measures is at a relatively good level. The rate of changes in the approach to secondary prevention is unsatisfactory and doesn´t meet the rate of improvement of capabilities of modern medicine regardless of their age and length of treatment. The research also showed a positive effect of the principles of secondary prevention on the quality of life of patients.
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A filosofia de Emmanuel Lévinas como fundamento para a teoria e a prática do cuidado humanizado do enfermeiro / The philosophy of Emmanuel Lévinas as a fundament for the theory and practice of the nurse humanization careDébora Vieira de Almeida 28 June 2010 (has links)
O termo humanização tem sido freqüente na prática assistencial, na formação dos profissionais da saúde e nas políticas públicas. Entretanto, não percebemos o apoio do conceito do termo humanização (quando ele existe) em uma teoria ou filosofia, o que dificulta a discussão da temática da humanização em nível científico. Partimos, neste trabalho, do seguinte conceito de humanização: encontro de subjetividades no e pelo ato de cuidar. Considerando que há uma necessidade urgente em tratar a humanização cientificamente, os objetivos desta pesquisa foram: eleger um referencial filosófico que possa sustentar a teoria e a prática do cuidado humanizado; refletir sobre o conceito de humanização proposto neste estudo à luz do referencial teórico escolhido; definir categorias filosóficas que subjazem as relações de cuidado de enfermagem; construir uma articulação entre o recorte filosófico escolhido e os saberes da enfermagem. O referencial escolhido foi a filosofia de Emmanuel Lévinas. Esta escolha baseou-se na finalidade da enfermagem, na complexidade que envolve o saber e o fazer desta profissão e, também, na necessidade de incluir um referencial apropriado sobre humanização na formação do profissional enfermeiro. O método utilizado para a leitura das obras foi a hermenêutica. Após a leitura destas obras elegemos as categorias que subjazem as relações de cuidado entre um eu enfermeiro e um outro, discorremos sobre elas e, por fim, articulamos estes conteúdos filosóficos com os saberes da enfermagem. Em seguida, consolidamos a fundamentação da humanização ancorando-a em uma realidade factual do profissional enfermeiro. As leituras nos mostraram que a relação que o eu estabelece com o mundo é fundamental para que se perceba como um ser separado que pode buscar aquilo que lhe falta. Entretanto, ao se deparar com outrem, este apresenta-se como rosto que traz o rastro do infinito, o qual impede a sua objetivação. Dessa forma, o outro apresenta-se em posição de altura relativamente ao eu enfermeiro, o que produz uma assimetria na relação eu-outro e desperta um desejo no eu. Este desejo não parte de uma necessidade do desejante, mas é despertado pelo desejado. A relação entre estes seres transcendentes se dá através da linguagem, a qual permite que o eu e o outro permaneçam separados e em relação. Nesta relação evidencia-se a separação do tempo do eu enfermeiro com o tempo do outro. E, como no mundo o eu está diante de vários outros, é necessário que ele responda a cada um deles com justiça. É nesta resposta que o eu torna-se uma subjetividade que é responsabilidade até a substituição. Esta responsabilidade infinita do eu, põe em questão a sua liberdade. Dessa forma, a relação humanizada com base na filosofia de Lévinas pressupõe uma assimétrica na qual a responsabilidade do eu é sempre voltada para o outro, a sua liberdade é livre apenas para ser para o outro. Portanto, o conceito de cuidado humanizado aqui proposto deve conter esta assimetria. Assim, substituímos o conceito inicialmente formulado por relação eu-outro no e pelo ato de cuidar. / The term humanization has been frequent in the assistance practice, in the graduation of the health professionals and public politics. However we don´t perceive the support of the humanization concept (when it exists) in a theory or philosophy what makes even more difficult the discussion of the humanization themes in a scientific level. In this research, we part from the humanization concept: a meeting of the subjectivities in and by the act of the care. Considering that is a urgent necessity in threatening humanization scientifically, the goals of this research were: elect one philosophic reference that can support the theory and practice of the humanizated care; a reflection about the humanization concept proposed in this study as a light of the referential theory choose; define philosophic categories that can support the relations of the nurse care; construct a articulation between a philosophic cutting out that has been choose and the nurse knows. The referential choose was an Emmanuel Lévinas philosophy. This choice was based in the nursing finality and the complexity that involves the knows and makes of this profession and the necessity to include a referential appropriated in humanization used in the graduation of the nurse professional. The method used in the reading of these works was the hermeneutics. After the reading of these researches we elected the categories to support the relations of the care between a I-nurse and a I- other we discuss about them and in the end we articulated about these philosophical contents with the knows of the nursing. After that we consolidated the fundament of the humanization anchoring in a factual reality of the nurse professional. The readings showed us that the relation that the I establish with the world is very important to show how a not complete human can search what it is losing. However when meets with another human this presents as a face that brings the trail of the infinity that impossibility the objective of all. This way the other shows in an I-nurse high position that produce a asymmetry in the relation I-other and awakens a desire in the I. This desire don´t go from a necessity of the desiring but is awakened by the desired person. The relation between this humans transcendence happens using the language that permits that the I and the other can stay related separated. In this relation it is evident the separation between the time of the I-nurse and the other. And because in the world the I is distant from the others it is necessary that it responds to each one with justice. It is in this response that the I turns into a subjectivity that is responsible until the substitution. This infinity responsibility of the I put in question it owns liberty. In this way the humanizated relation based in the Levinas´s philosophy presupposes one asymmetrical in which the responsibility of the I is always related to the other and its liberty is free only if is for the other. So the concept of the humanizated care proposed in this research should contain this asymmetrical way. So we substitute the initial formulated concept for relation I-other in and by the care act.
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Specifika ošetřovatelské péče u pacienta s MRSA na operačním sále z pohledu anesteziologické sestry / Specifics of nurse care at the patient with MRSA on surgery from nurses' point of view.KALÁBOVÁ, Miroslava January 2010 (has links)
Title of the thesis: Specifics of the nursing care of patients with MRSA in the operating room from an anesthesiology nurse perspective. The aim of this thesis was to identify the specifics of nursing care of a patient with the MRSA in the operating room from the perspective of nurses working in the operating room. In the theoretical part focus is given to nursing care and its specifics for a patient with MRSA. Chapters relating to the regime measures, barrier nursing procedures and the use of specific aids, instruments and tools are treated in detail. The nursing care provided by anesthesia nurses and perioperative nurses in the operating room is defined. To reach the goals the quantitative research through questionnaires was chosen. The research sample consisted of anesthesia nurses and perioperative care nurses. Two types of standardized questionnaires were used, consisted of closed questions where respondents chose an appropriate answer, and from semi-open questions where respondents could specify their answers, and in one case open questions. Both questionnaires were completed by 12 test questions, where respondents had the choice of three possible answers, where one answer was correct. The results of the investigation are summarized in two types of graphs. Bar charts were used in questions where more answers were possible to mark, and for a better clarity the results were supplemented by tables. Results to other questions, where options were limited by one answer, are shown in percentages in pie graphs. Our thesis is very narrowly focused, because we concentrated on specifics of nursing care in a patient with MRSA in the operating room. We have determined the specifics of barrier nursing, nursing problems in a patient with MRSA in the operating room. We have discovered barrier nursing procedures in a patient with MRSA in the operating room. We have also succeeded in assessing the knowledge of nurses working in the operating room. The goal was met. An interesting finding was that most of anesthetic nurses and perioperative nurses had responded that the structural and technical arrangement in the operating room was not satisfactory in terms of barrier nursing of a patient with MRSA. This problem was expected, owing to the author´s experience in operating theaters. Thus Hypothesis 1 is confirmed. In total five hypotheses were stated, four of which were confirmed and one was disproved. The aim of the thesis was to draw attention to problems in the operating room during nursing a patient with MRSA. In the course of the research work there were no problems, however, it is necessary to mention the lack of literature on MRSA with regard to nursing care in operating theaters. The theoretical section of this thesis could be recommended as a resource for the education plan created on the basis of information collected and the results of this research. The results of the research survey may serve for general public, anesthesia and perioperative nurses who could benefit from the educational plan in practice while providing nursing care for a patient with MRSA.
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Ett gott skratt förlänger livet? : En litteraturöversikt om hur humor används och upplevs i vården, ur ett patient- och sjuksköterskeperspektiv / A good laugh is the best medicine? : A literature review on the use and experience of humour in health care, from a patient- and nurse perspectiveViding, Julia, Tiger, Kristian January 2016 (has links)
Bakgrund: Humor som inslag i mänsklig kultur går att identifiera så långt tillbaka som det finns skriftliga källor. Humor påverkar social interaktion, används för att känna social samhörighet, skapa band människor emellan och stärka relationer. Traditionellt har sjuksköterskans roll haft begränsat medicinskt fokus. Rollen har breddats och innebär nu personligt relationsskapande präglat av engagemang och att se hela människan – en personcentrerad vård. Syfte: Att beskriva hur humor används i vården och hur detta upplevs ur ett patient- och sjuksköterskeperspektiv. Metod: En litteraturöversikt med datainsamling från databaserna CINAHL Complete, PubMed och Ageline. Resultat: Sjuksköterskeperspektivet beskriver hur sjuksköterskor använder humor i vården för att främja en terapeutisk relation till patienten, bevara patientens identitet samt skapa trygghet och tillit och även som strategi för att klara av sjuksköterskearbetet och för att stärka teamarbetet. Patientperspektivet beskriver hur patienter avsiktligt använder humor för att få bättre vård och underlätta för sjuksköterskan. I vården är humorn oftast patientinitierad och används av patienten som skydd och för att lätta upp i svåra situationer. Både patienter och sjuksköterskor ansåg att det finns situationer då humor är opassande. Diskussion: Resultatet diskuteras utifrån Katie Erikssons omvårdnadsteori och relateras till konsensusbegreppet hälsa. Humor spelar en central roll i vårdandet och tycks ha effekter på psykiskt välmående. Humorn är dock oftast patientinitierad och för att ge personcentrerad vård borde sjuksköterskor i högre grad använda humor som ett verktyg i den dagliga professionen. / Background: As far back as there are written sources there is possible to identify humour elements in human culture. Humour affects social interactions, is used to show appreciation, create feelings of social connectedness, form bonds between people and maintain and strengthen relationships. Traditionally the nurse’s role has been relatively limited and the focus has been strictly medical. The nurse’s role has expanded and involves personal relationship building characterized by commitment and to see the whole person – a person-centered care. Aim: To describe how humour is used in health care and how it is perceived, from a patient and nurse perspective. Method: A literature review of data collection from databases CINAHL Complete, PubMed and Ageline. Results: The Nurse Perspective describes how nurses use humour in healthcare to promote a therapeutic relationship with the patient and preserve the patients' identity and create a sense of security and trust. Further, humour was used as a strategy to cope with the heavy work the nurse carries out and to improve teamwork. The Patient Perspective describes how patients deliberately use humour to receive better care and to aid the nurse. Mostly, humour in health care was patient initiated and is also used by patients as protection and to lighten up difficult situations. Both patients and nurses believed that humour is inappropriate in some situations. Discussion: The results are discussed on the basis of Katie Eriksson nursing theory and was related to the consensus concept health. Humour plays a central role in nursing and to deepen the nurse-patient relationship. It seems to have effects on psychological well-being. Despite this, humour is usually patient initiated and in order to provide person-centered care nurses should make greater use of humour as a tool used in their profession.
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Vågar du ställa frågan? : En litteraturstudie om sjuksköterskors erfarenheter av att i sin yrkesroll möta kvinnor som utsatts för våld i nära relation.Eriksson, Evelina, Löfquist, Sofia January 2021 (has links)
No description available.
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Hur omvårdnad kan främja den psykiska hälsan hos personer med schizofreni eller bipolärt syndrom : en litteraturöversikt / How nursing care can promote mental health for individuals with schizophrenia or bipolar disorder : a Literature ReviewSköld, Jenny, Tamine, Aram January 2021 (has links)
Bakgrund Att leva med de psykiska sjukdomarna schizofreni eller bipolärt syndrom innebär stora utmaningar i det dagliga livet, då det sociala livet är inskränkt och stigmatiserade uppfattningar leder till en känsla av diskriminering och ytterligare utanförskap för denna patientgrupp. Symtomen behandlas i första hand farmakologiskt, men det räcker inte med enbart läkemedel för att personen ska uppnå god psykisk hälsa. Alla individer har rätt till adekvat och personcentrerad omvårdnad för att öka välbefinnandet och livskvaliteten, vilket i sin tur påverkar det psykiska måendet. Syfte Syftet med studien var att beskriva hur omvårdnad kan främja den psykiska hälsan hos personer med schizofreni eller bipolärt syndrom. Metod Det utfördes en icke-systematisk litteraturöversikt, där totalt 16 vetenskapliga originalartiklar utgör grunden till resultatet. Sökning av relevant litteratur har gjorts i databaserna PubMed, CINAHL och PsycINFO. Genom tydliga inklusions- och exklusionskriterier har artiklarna granskats och valts ut för resultatet. Med hjälp av tematisk analys av artiklarnas innehåll har följande sex kategorier utarbetats: den terapeutiska alliansen, copingstrategier för ökad livskvalitet, ökad självkänsla, stigmatisering av patienter med schizofreni och bipolärt syndrom, samarbete mellan olika vårdgivare samt hälso- och sjukvårdens kunskap i ämnet. Resultat Resultatet tyder på att byggandet av en terapeutisk allians mellan sjuksköterskan och patienten är grunden till personcentrerad vård. Personer med schizofreni eller bipolärt syndrom måste hitta strategier för att hantera sina sjukdomsepisoder med stöd från sjuksköterskan. Detta leder till ökat välmående och främjar den psykiska hälsan. Individanpassad omvårdnad baseras på utbildning och kunskap, samt ett samarbete mellan olika vårdgivare. Slutsats Som legitimerad sjuksköterska är det viktigt att inneha kunskap om bemötande av personer med schizofreni eller bipolärt syndrom för att kunna ge adekvat omvårdnad och stödja utsatta patientgrupper till god hälsa och ökad livskvalitet. Detta innefattar att främja empowerment hos patientgruppen för att ge möjlighet till önskvärd egenvård. / Background Living with the mental illnesses schizophrenia or bipolar disorder involves major challenges in daily life, as social life is restricted, and stigmatized perceptions lead to feelings of discrimination and further exclusion for this patient group. The symptoms are primarily treated pharmacologically, but medication alone is not enough for each person to achieve satisfactory mental health. All individuals have the right to adequate and person-centered care to increase well-being and quality of life, which affects the mental state. Aim The purpose of the study was to describe how nursing care can promote mental health for individuals with schizophrenia or bipolar disorder. Method A non-systematic literature review was accomplished, where a total of 16 Scientific original articles form the basis for the result. Searches of relevant literature were performed in the databases PubMed, CINAHL and PsycINFO. Through precise inclusion and exclusion criteria, the articles have been carefully reviewed and selected for the result. Using a thematic analysis for the content of the articles, the following six categories were developed: the therapeutic alliance, coping strategies for increased quality of life, increased self-esteem, stigmatization of patients with schizophrenia and bipolar disorder, collaborative care and health care knowledge within the subject. Results The results indicate that the establishing of a therapeutic alliance between the nurse and the patient is the basis for person-centered care. People with schizophrenia or bipolar disorder need to find strategies for managing their episodes of illness with the support of the nurse. This leads to increased well-being and promotes mental health. Individualized nursing is based on education and knowledge, as well as a collaboration between different care providers. Conclusions As a licensed nurse, it is important to possess knowledge about treating individuals with schizophrenia or bipolar disorder, in order to provide adequate care and support vulnerable patient groups to good health and increased quality of life. This includes promoting the empowerment of the patient group to provide the opportunity for desirable self-care.
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Patienters upplevelser av palliativ vård : En litteraturstudie / Patients' experiences of palliative care : A literature studyMandeep, Kaur, Jehrén, Nora January 2021 (has links)
Background: Cancer is one of the most common diseases in Sweden. When illness can no longer be cured, the patient is transferred to palliative care. The majority of palliative care is performed in hospitals. The goal of palliative care is to alleviate suffering and promote quality of life. Research has shown clear insufficiency in palliative care. From a patient perspective, insufficiency is mostly common in pain relief, communication and care environments. Aim: The aim of the literature review was to describe patients' experiences of palliative care in hospitals in the event of cancer. Method: This general literature review was based on twelve original articles with a qualitative approach that were analyzed using thematic analysis. Results: Three themes were identified: The importance of being seen as a whole person, The importance of pain relief and The importance of a good care environment. The patients were generally satisfied with the palliative care in the hospital. The importance of good pain relief and a good care environment at the hospital as well as a functioning communication with the care staff was emphasized. Conclusions: The patients who were cared for in the palliative care ward had different nursing experiences. Through patient experiences of palliative care, the nurse can increase the understanding of the patient's care needs. The knowledge can be used to give the patient an improved quality of life and alleviate suffering. / Bakgrund: Cancer är en av de vanligaste sjukdomarna i Sverige. När sjukdom inte längre går att bota övergår vården till att bli palliativ. En stor del av palliativ vård utförs på sjukhus. Målet med den palliativa vården är att lindra lidande och främja livskvaliteten. Forskning har påvisat tydliga brister inom den palliativa vården. Ur patientperspektiv är det framför allt brister inom smärtlindring, kommunikation och vårdmiljöns utformning. Syfte: Syftet med litteraturöversikten var att beskriva patienters upplevelser av palliativ vård på sjukhus vid cancersjukdom. Metod: En allmän litteraturöversikt baserad på tolv originalartiklar med kvalitativ ansats som analyserades med hjälp av tematisk analys. Resultat: Tre teman identifierades: Betydelsen av att bli sedd som en hel människa, Vikten av smärtlindring och Vikten av en god vårdmiljö. Patienterna var överlag nöjda med den palliativa vården på sjukhus. Vikten av en god smärtlindring och en bra vårdmiljö på sjukhuset samt en fungerande kommunikation med vårdpersonalen betonades. Slutsats: Patienterna som vårdades på palliativ vårdavdelning hade olika vårdupplevelser. Genom patientupplevelser av den palliativa vården kan sjuksköterskan öka förståelsen för patientens vårdbehov. Kunskapen kan användas för att ge patienten förbättrad livskvalité́ och lindra lidande.
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Faktorer som påverkar patienters omvårdnadsupplevelse : En allmän litteraturöversikt / Factors that affect the patients care experience : A literature reviewFuentes, Susanna January 2019 (has links)
Bakgrund: Sjuksköterskans roll i vården runt patienten är att vara omvårdnadsexpert. Vårdrelationen mellan patienten och sjuksköterskan är en viktig del av omvårdnaden. I sitt arbete har sjuksköterskan lagar och regler, riktlinjer och styrdokument att förhålla sig till. Omvårdnadsteorier föreslår olika system för hur en god omvårdnad ska bedrivas. Syfte: Att utforska vilka faktorer som påverkar patienters upplevelser av omvårdnad. Metod: Allmän litteraturöversikt. Uppsatsen är baserad på fyra kvalitativa och sex kvantitativa artiklar hämtade från Cinahl Complete, PsycINFO och PubMed. Artiklarna är kvalitetsgranskade och sammanställda efter resultatens likheter och olikheter. Resultat: Resultatet är presenterat i tre huvudkategorier, Demografiska faktorer, Kommunikation och Kompetens. En patient som får tydlig information, blir behandlad som en människa och som bemöts med vänlighet och respekt känner sig trygg och väl omhändertagen. En sjuksköterska som är kunnig och fingerfärdig och kan använda sig av sina personliga resurser för att få en god relation med patienten utstrålar professionalitet och självsäkerhet och har möjlighet att ge god omvårdnad till patienten Diskussion: Resultatet diskuteras utifrån patientupplevelsen, ramen för sjuksköterskeprofessionen och Joyce Travelbees teori om omvårdnadens mellanmänskliga aspekter / Background: The role of the nurse in caring for the patient is to be the nursing expert. The nurse-patient relation is an important part of nursing care. In her work the nurse has laws and regulations, guidelines and control documents to relate to. Nursing theories suggests different systems to carry out good nursing care. Aim: To explore which factors that affect the patient experience of nursing. Method: Literature review. The essay is based on four qualitative and six quantitative articles retrieved from Cinahl Complete, PsycINFO and PubMed. The articles were quality-reviewed and compiled based on their similarities and differences. Results: The result is presented in three main categories, Demographic factors, Communication and Competence. A patient who gets proper information, is treated like a human-being and with kindness and respect, feels safe and well taken care of. A nurse who is well educated and dexterous and who can use his or hers personal resources to get a good relation with the patient, emits professionality and self-confidence and has a possibility to give good nursing to the patient. Discussion: The result was discussed based on the patient experience, the scope of the profession of the nurse and Joyce Travelbee’s nursing theory
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