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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Vad händer hos oss? : Om att hitta rätt sätt att kommunicera uppdateringar och nyheter till kunder

Persson, Annika January 2012 (has links)
The purpose of this thesis is to compose a way for a small IT-company to communicate with their costumers and include them in the development of their IT-solution. The ambition with this study is to make this information strategy applicable to other small companies with the same problem. The empirics is built on literature studies and qualitative interviews which leads to a design proposition and try-outs with the target group. The results lead to a newsletter where news and information from the company could be presented simple and clear. / Detta examensarbete har som syfte att utarbeta ett sätt för ett litet IT-företag att kommunicera med sina kunder och inkludera dem i it-lösningens utveckling. Ambitionen är att denna informationsstrategi ska gå att anpassa till liknande småföretag med samma problem. Empirin byggs på litteraturstudier samt kvalitativa intervjuer vilket leder fram till designförslag och återkoppling med målgruppen. Resultatet blev ett nyhetsbrev där nyheter och information från företaget kan presenteras enkelt och tydligt.

Digital marknadskommunikation : ur ett konsumentperspektiv / Digital marketing communication : from a consumer perspective

Sundkvist, Christine January 2016 (has links)
Användningen av digitala medier ökar konstant. Onlinekulturen har kommit att bli en naturlig del av vardagen och konsumenter är dagligen aktiva på diverse sociala medier där de utbyter information och kommunicerar med andra individer. Digitala medier är även plattformar där konsumenter interagerar med modemärken. Den digitala marknadskommunikationen har kommit att bli en självklar del av ett företags marknadsföringsstrategier, inte bara i varumärkesbyggande syfte utan även exempelvis för att fungera som trafikdrivande till företagets onlinebutik. En förståelse för konsumenten är väsentlig för att framgångsrikt nå ut via dessa kanaler. Tidigare forskning visar dock på ett gap i forskningen om konsumentens upplevelser och mottagande av den digitala marknadskommunikationen, vilket indikerar på ett behov av fortsatt forskning. Syftet med denna studie är att undersöka digital marknadskommunikation ur ett konsumentperspektiv. Studien ämnar få en förståelse för konsumentens mottagande av svenska modemärkens digitala kommunikation och vad som stimulerar konsumenten till att klicka sig vidare till modemärkets onlinebutik. Studien avgränsas till nyhetsbrev och Instagram, vilka är två vanligt förekommande digitala kanaler. Nio semistrukturerade intervjuer genomfördes med kvinnliga respondenter i åldrarna 25-30 år. Instagrambilder och nyhetsbrev inkluderades i intervjun från Totême, Rodebjer och Filippa K. Studien bygger på AIDA modellen som beskriver konsumentens steg i mottagandet av marknadskommunikation. Studiens resultat visar att konsumentens uppmärksamhet på digitala medier är svårfångad. Det existerar ett överflöd av digital marknadskommunikation, vilket gör konsumenten selektiv och kräsen. Konsumenten stimuleras av inspirerande bilder och en visuellt tilltalande helhet samt vill mottagaren kunna identifiera sig med det som kommuniceras. För att meddelandet inte ska stanna vid inspiration och framgångsrikt påverka konsumenten till att klicka sig vidare till onlinebutiken behöver konsumenten guidas av modemärket på ett enkelt och tydligt sätt. Konsumenten är bekväm och den digitala marknadskommunikationen får inte upplevas tidskrävande. Lyckas modemärket stimulera konsumenten visar studien att konsumenten är positivt inställd och mer frekvent besöker onlinebutiken. / The usage of digital media is constantly increasing. The online culture has become a part of our daily lives and consumers frequently engage in social media practices such as communicating with other individuals and sharing information. Digital media channels are also a way for consumers to interact and communicate with fashion brands. Digital marketing communication has become a natural part of a firm’s marketing strategies and communicating through digital channels offers advantages not only from a brand-building perspective but also drives traffic to the online store. An understanding of the consumer is essential to successfully reach out to the consumer in the digital sphere. Existing research is though limited within this field and further research concerning consumer perception of digital marketing communication is demanded. The study aims to examine digital marketing communication from a consumer perspective. The purpose is to get a deeper understanding of the consumer’s perception of digital marketing communication within the context of Swedish fashion brands. The study addresses consumer motivations and aspects that drive the consumer to visit the online store. The study is restricted to two widely used digital channels, newsletter and Instagram, and was conducted by nine semi-structured interviews with females between the age of 25-30. The interviews involved newsletters and Instagram pictures by Totême, Rodebjer and Filippa K. The study is based on the AIDA model, which describes stages that occur when a consumer receives marketing communication. Findings show that it is hard to catch the consumer’s attention. It exists an overload of information and fashion brands in the digital sphere bombard consumers with messages. The outcome is a “picky” consumer. The consumer demands inspiring and visually appealing pictures and content they can relate to and identify themselves with. Furthermore, the findings show that the fashion brand has to guide the consumer to an action. It is essential that the fashion brand communicate a message that is permeated by ease and simplicity. The consumer is a comfy individual and the digital marketing messages will not get the consumer to visit the online store if it feels time consuming. Lastly, the result shows that the consumer has a positive attitude and more frequently visits the online store when the fashion brand successfully reaches out and stimulates the consumer. This thesis is written in Swedish.

Identitet och kommunikativt ledarskap i en fragmenterad organisation : En studie av Karlstads kommun och dess chefsbrev / Identity and communicative leadership in a fragmented organization : A study of Karlstad municipality and its managerial letter

Wigertoft, Joakim January 2016 (has links)
Syftet med denna uppsats var att undersöka hur Karlstads kommuns chefer ser på chefsbrevet, ett månatligt nyhetsbrev som sänds ut till dem. Brevet innehåller information som ska underlätta för kommunens chefer att bedriva ett kommunikativt ledarskap med fokus på meningsskapande och delaktighet. Karlstads kommun är emellertid en stor och fragmenterad organisation och som chef är det en utmaning att ha ett helhetsperspektiv. Studiens frågeställningar baserar sig dels på om det finns en samsyn mellan cheferna på de olika delarna av kommunen gällande organisationens identitet och dels på hur de beskriver sitt ledarskap. Chefsbrevets relation till dessa båda fenomen ingår också i frågeställningarna. Utifrån studiens syfte och frågeställningar arbetades ett ramverk fram där kärnan bestod av teoribildningar kring meningsskapande, organisationsidentitet och kommunikativt ledarskap. Det gemensamma meningsskapandet utgör en central del i både studerandet av organisationsidentiteten och det kommunikativa ledarskapet. Metoden som valdes för att genomföra studien var kvalitativa intervjuer. Detta eftersom att frågeställningarna var av den art att de krävde djupare och mer utförliga svar. En intervjuguide arbetades fram med utgångspunkt i det teoretiska ramverket och personer att intervjua kontaktades. Totalt genomfördes nio stycken intervjuer med mottagare av chefsbrevet. Resultatet av intervjuerna sammanställdes och analyserades sedan utifrån de tidigare uppställda teorierna. Resultatet visade att intervjupersonerna i stor utsträckning hade en samsyn gällande de egenskaper som de såg som centrala och kännetecknande för Karlstads kommun. Värt att notera var också att dessa egenskaper låg väldigt nära kommunens varumärkeslöften. Ett av de kommunala bolagen visade sig dock ha en stark egen identitet som skiljde sig från den övriga kommunens. Resultatet pekade också på att intervjupersonerna på flera sätt arbetade enligt kriterierna för ett kommunikativt ledarskap. Utifrån resultatet så presenterades sedan slutsatserna där det gick att utläsa att de forum för gemensamt meningsskapande som finns inom kommunen lyfts fram som särskilt viktiga när det handlar om att skapa en enad organisationsidentitet och en sammanhållning. Chefsbrevets roll som identitetsskapare får ses som tämligen begränsad även om det har en funktion i att bidra så att kommunens samtliga chefer får samma information. Gällande det kommunikativa ledarskapet så bidrar det till viss del med hjälp att sortera ut vad som är viktigt men den kommunikativa utmaningen att rama in och kontextualisera budskapen ligger fortfarande på den enskilda chefen. / The purpose of this essay was to study how the managers of Karlstad municipality views the managerial letter, a monthly newsletter which is sent to them. The letter contains information that will facilitate for the municipal managers to engage in communicative leadership with a focus on sensemaking and participation. The questions of the study are based partly on whether there is a consensus between the managers of the various parts of the municipality regarding the organization's identity and partly on how they describe their leadership. The managerial letter related to these two phenomena are also worked into the questions. A framwork was brought together based on the study's purpose where the core consisted of theories of sensemaking, organizational identity and communicative leadership. Collective sensemaking is a central part of both the study of organizational identity and communicative leadership. The method selected for the study was qualitative interviews. Because of the fact that the questions required deeper and more detailed answers. An interview guide was developed based on the theoretical framework and the people to interview were contacted. A total of nine interviews were conducted with recipients of the managerial letter. The results of the interviews were compiled and then analyzed on the basis of the previously established theories. The results showed that the respondents shared a consensus regarding the characteristics they viewed as central and distinctive of the municipality of Karlstad. Worth noting was that the findings shared similar charachteristics to those of the municipality's brand promise. One of the municipal companies however proved to have a strong identity of its own, distinct from the rest of the municipality. The findings also indicated that the interviewees in several ways worked under the criteria of the communicative leadership. A conclusion was presented based on the results and it was possible to deduce that the forums for collective senemaking within the municipality were highlighted as particularly important in relation to create a unified organizational identity and cohesion. The role of the managerial letter however has to be seen as quite limited in that sense although it has some function in contributing to that the managers of the municipality all receive the same information. The managerial letter helps to some extent in regards to the communicative leadership with the task sort out important information, but the communicative challenge to frame and contextualize the messages is still up to the managers.

Resiliensforskning, varumärke och identitet : Stockholm Resilience Centres nyhetsbrev i ett marknadskommunikationsperspektiv

Huldt, Camilla January 2008 (has links)
<p>Since the beginning of 2007 Stockholm Resilience Centre has produced scientific</p><p>transdisciplinary research in the subjects of sustainability and resilience. There is a high</p><p>ambition to communicate the results of the research to key stakeholders. One of the target</p><p>groups is policy makers, because the mission identifies this group as important when reaching</p><p>for the main goal (vision) of the research institute. The media of choice is an e-newsletter</p><p>with the latest resilience research produced within Stockholm Resilience Centre. It is at the</p><p>same time an opportunity to bring forth the organisations objective connected with the vision.</p><p>The newsletter is studied in the light of marketing communication with the purpose to clarify</p><p>the needs of policy makers, examine the limits and possibilities of the media and the</p><p>organisational aspects with the intention to give guidelines concerning the development of the</p><p>newsletter. Through extensive litterature studies and qualitative interviews, conclusions are</p><p>made about the research institutes´ activities, it´s identity and message. The result is</p><p>interesting and useful for anyone who has tried to understand the complexity of organisational</p><p>communication.</p>

Nyhetsbrev för e-handeln : Vad man bör veta när man designar nyhetsbrev för modebranschen

Nilsson, Jessica January 2010 (has links)
<p>This thesis gives the reader an understanding for newsletters within e-commerce, and how to work with them as a channel for marketing. Furthermore it explains the technical and graphical demands, and how to ensure that the newsletter reaches the intended receivers.</p><p>A successful newsletter can entice people to shop, but can also help to strengthen a brand and the relationship between the customer and the company. During the writing of the thesis, it has emerged that the most important part of a newsletter (which also determine whether or not the receiver reads the letter) are the subject heading, sender, layout, headlines,images and the deregistration link.</p><p>A part from working with the different parts of the letter, the sender should also be aware of the technical and graphical demands. Since the E-mail clients are looking out forimages, fonts that are not embedded in the computer, and for questionable words there’s a big risk for ending up in a spam filter when not considering the demands. To ensure that the letter reaches the receivers it is common to test it against spam filter, look at it in the different E-mail clients, use A/B split test and finally test what time and day that fits the receivers the best.</p><p>One of the strongest arguments to use E-mail communication is because it is an extremely measurable medium. With help from special programmes one can easily find out which E-mails bounced, why they bounced, how many opened the E-mail, which links they clicked, who deregistered and who forwarded it. The answers to these questions are all valuable information since it gives an understanding for the customers and gives the sender a chance to improve the letters.</p>

Nyhetsbrev för e-handeln : Vad man bör veta när man designar nyhetsbrev för modebranschen

Nilsson, Jessica January 2010 (has links)
This thesis gives the reader an understanding for newsletters within e-commerce, and how to work with them as a channel for marketing. Furthermore it explains the technical and graphical demands, and how to ensure that the newsletter reaches the intended receivers. A successful newsletter can entice people to shop, but can also help to strengthen a brand and the relationship between the customer and the company. During the writing of the thesis, it has emerged that the most important part of a newsletter (which also determine whether or not the receiver reads the letter) are the subject heading, sender, layout, headlines, images and the deregistration link. A part from working with the different parts of the letter, the sender should also be aware of the technical and graphical demands. Since the E-mail clients are looking out for images, fonts that are not embedded in the computer, and for questionable words there’s a big risk for ending up in a spam filter when not considering the demands. To ensure that the letter reaches the receivers it is common to test it against spam filter, look at it in the different E-mail clients, use A/B split test and finally test what time and day that fits the receivers the best. One of the strongest arguments to use E-mail communication is because it is an extremely measurable medium. With help from special programmes one can easily find out which E-mails bounced, why they bounced, how many opened the E-mail, which links they clicked, who deregistered and who forwarded it. The answers to these questions are all valuable information since it gives an understanding for the customers and gives the sender a chance to improve the letters.

Resiliensforskning, varumärke och identitet : Stockholm Resilience Centres nyhetsbrev i ett marknadskommunikationsperspektiv

Huldt, Camilla January 2008 (has links)
Since the beginning of 2007 Stockholm Resilience Centre has produced scientific transdisciplinary research in the subjects of sustainability and resilience. There is a high ambition to communicate the results of the research to key stakeholders. One of the target groups is policy makers, because the mission identifies this group as important when reaching for the main goal (vision) of the research institute. The media of choice is an e-newsletter with the latest resilience research produced within Stockholm Resilience Centre. It is at the same time an opportunity to bring forth the organisations objective connected with the vision. The newsletter is studied in the light of marketing communication with the purpose to clarify the needs of policy makers, examine the limits and possibilities of the media and the organisational aspects with the intention to give guidelines concerning the development of the newsletter. Through extensive litterature studies and qualitative interviews, conclusions are made about the research institutes´ activities, it´s identity and message. The result is interesting and useful for anyone who has tried to understand the complexity of organisational communication.

Nyhetsbrev för e-handeln : Vad man bör veta när man designar nyhetsbrev för modebranschen

Nilsson, Jessica January 2010 (has links)
This thesis gives the reader an understanding for newsletters within e-commerce, and how to work with them as a channel for marketing. Furthermore it explains the technical and graphical demands, and how to ensure that the newsletter reaches the intended receivers. A successful newsletter can entice people to shop, but can also help to strengthen a brand and the relationship between the customer and the company. During the writing of the thesis, it has emerged that the most important part of a newsletter (which also determine whether or not the receiver reads the letter) are the subject heading, sender, layout, headlines,images and the deregistration link. A part from working with the different parts of the letter, the sender should also be aware of the technical and graphical demands. Since the E-mail clients are looking out forimages, fonts that are not embedded in the computer, and for questionable words there’s a big risk for ending up in a spam filter when not considering the demands. To ensure that the letter reaches the receivers it is common to test it against spam filter, look at it in the different E-mail clients, use A/B split test and finally test what time and day that fits the receivers the best. One of the strongest arguments to use E-mail communication is because it is an extremely measurable medium. With help from special programmes one can easily find out which E-mails bounced, why they bounced, how many opened the E-mail, which links they clicked, who deregistered and who forwarded it. The answers to these questions are all valuable information since it gives an understanding for the customers and gives the sender a chance to improve the letters.

Kommunikationsstrategier under kris för att upprätthålla kundlojalitet : En kvalitativ innehållsanalys av organisationsdokument för att undersöka hur e-handelsföretag i modeindustrin anpassar sin kommunikation under kris / Communication strategies during a crisis in order to maintain customer loyalty : A qualitative content analysis of organizational documents to investigate how e-commerce businesses within the fashion industry adjust their communication during a crisis

Axdal, Klara, Odqvist, Nora, Rydlinger, Emma January 2020 (has links)
Denna studie undersöker kommunikationsstrategier hos tre online multibrand retailers (Matches Fashion, Moda Operandi och Mytheresa) verksamma inom lyxsegmentet i modeindustrin under en global pandemi. Krisen har påverkat modeindustrin omfattande och bidragit till ekonomisk instabilitet. Modeindustrin är vidare extra utsatt då den består av globala försörjningskedjor. Givet krisen blir en lojal kundbas för företag viktig för att upprätthålla lönsamheten. Detta med anledning av av den höga kostnaden som förvärv av nya kunder innebär, vilket blir särskilt kritiskt under en lågkonjunktur. Forskningsfrågorna vilka studien ämnar besvara är (i) Hur förändras företags kommunikation till kund under en kris? och (ii) Hur försöker företag upprätthålla kundlojalitet med hjälp av kommunikationsstrategier under en kris? De tre företagens kriskommunikation som återfinns i deras nyhetsbrev analyserades genom att använda det teoretiska ramverket: Situational Crisis Communication Theory (SCCT), utformat av Coombs (2007). En kvalitativ innehållsanalys genomfördes med hjälp av ett strukturerat observationsschema på urvalet om 432 nyhetsbrev. I enlighet med SCCT-teorin (Coombs 2007) påvisade resultatet att de strategier för utformning av kriskommunikation som var mest förekommande antingen var att förminska eller kompensera för krisen. Vidare kunde det utläsas från resultatet att företag genom kommunikationsstrategier försökte upprätthålla kundlojalitet med hjälp av rabattkoder, realisationer, kundservice samt redaktionellt innehåll, vilka är kategorier som framkommit ur operationalisering av kundlojalitet. / This bachelor thesis explores communication strategies of three online multi brand retailers in the luxury segment in the fashion industry; Matches Fashion, Moda Operandi and Mytheresa, during an external crisis, generated by a pandemic disease. Thus leaving the global fashion industry and supply chains with severe repercussions, contributing to a fragile financial environment for companies. Hence, retaining loyal customers is vital for sustaining profitability due to the high cost of acquiring new customers, which becomes critical during an economic recession. The research questions being examined are (i) how companies’ communication towards their customers changes during a crisis and (ii) how they try to maintain customer loyalty through communication strategies during the crisis. By using the theoretical framework Situational Crisis Communication Theory (SCCT), presented by Coombs (2007), each company’s communication through their newsletters was evaluated and analyzed. A qualitative content analysis was conducted on a sample of 432 newsletters using a structured observation schedule with predetermined categories. In accordance with the SCCT-theory (Coombs 2007), the findings showed that the most common strategies for crisis communication were to either diminish or rebuild. Attempts to maintain customer loyalty were communicated through discount codes, sales periods, customer service and editorial content which are categories generated from the operationalization. The thesis is written in Swedish.

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