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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

The Greek Resistance in the area of Kalavrita and Egialia between 1941 and 1944

07 November 2012 (has links)
M.A. / The aim of the present essay is the study of the Resistance which took place in the area of Kalavrita and Egialia between 1941-1944 and how it is re-lated to the Resistance in the rest of Greece, using everyday people’s memo-ries. More specifically, we are going to find the impact of the geomorphology of the area on the development of the Resistance and the importance of the lo-cal history and traditions on the development of the patriotic feeling of the ar-ea’s citizens. Moreover, we are going to study the factors which led to the crea-tion and development of Resistance, the impact of the Communist party and ideas and of other factors, and the role of the allies’ diplomacy. Although many books and essays have been written about that period of time, the history of Greek Resistance is not complete yet, as they used to em-phasise the patriotic aspect, minimizing the importance of the Resistance in so-cial aspects, and the impact on the lives of everyday people. Moreover, most of the local history talks about the facts in the town of Kalavrita, and less is known about the Resistance in the rest of Achaia. However, there are still un-exploited sources, like interviews, diaries and photos. Their study will result in a more complete understanding of the local history and also in the preservation of these important memories of the people who were alive at that time. For this study, the quality methods of interviews and field study will be used. Qualitative analysis will be used to extract similarities and differences with other studies, so as to generate new evidence for the local history. This essay will contain 3 major parts. In the 1st part, we are going to discuss what was happening in Greece just before the beginning of the 2nd World War. More specifically, we will speak about the position of the Greek expedition from the day of capitulation (April 1943), till the organisation of the Resistance towards the German and Italian expeditions. Then we are going to find out what was going on in the same period in the regions of Kalavrita and Egialia (summer 1943) during the first years of the war. Moreover, we are go-ing to explore the everyday life of the Greek people, how the Greek society changed due to German and Italian army and the more or less important facts which helped in the organisation of the local Resistance, as these facts were presented in the local newspapers. In the first part, we are going to speak exten-sively about the birth of the Greek Resistance. We will also speak about the re-sisting organised teams, armed or not, in the local area and in the whole of Greece which were related to the Resistance. More specifically, we are going to speak about the people who took part in these teams, the way they were or-ganised and the relations they had with each other and similar European teams. Also, we are going to find out the relations with the political parties, so as to discover the political ideas of these teams. Moreover, we will talk about the le-gal and illegal mass media of the time, the way they were organised and their importance in the development of Resistance, through the newspapers and the testimonies of the people who lived of that time.

Rolpredisposisies in taakgroepe

17 November 2014 (has links)
D.Litt et Phil. / Questions relating to organisational roles in industry are studied in terms of personality factors as well as the associated group behaviours. A two dimensional model is conceptually constructed according to which eight role sets can be placed in relation to Introversion vs Extroversion on one axis and Group vs Self Orientation on the other. The research is aimed at establishing the homogeneity of natural work groups and comparing the preferred team role profiles of different groups with one another. By means of the procedure and methodology used in the study it becomes possible to analyse group compositions, establish role requirements and to compare these role requirements with an individual's role preferences. A questionnaire, that measures a person's predisposition towards these roles, was used for ranking the order of 1415 respondent's role preferences. The statistical significance of the homogeneity of 40 organisational job groups are calculated by means of the Kendall Coefficient of Concordance and reported in the study. The different group profiles are compared using the Chi-square statistic for 2x2 tables. By means of this comparison, the similarities and differences between job groups are indicated in terms of status level, hierarchical relationships, titles and job types. Significant homogeneity, below the 0.05% level, is reported for 90% of the job-related groups selected for the study. Of these homogeneous groups, 75% indicated significance levels below 0.001%. The similarities and differences between groups were identified for each role set and meaningful conclusions could be reached regarding the reasons why these differences were observed. The conclusions drawn from the study are that job-related groups are homogeneous in terms of role composition, that differences between groups are significant, and that the extent of a person's adaptation to meet the requirements of another role can be judged according to his predispositions towards that role.

Ouers se kennis van hulle kinders se persoonsmoontlikhede in die konteks van beroepsoriëntering

20 November 2014 (has links)
D.Ed. (Educational Psychology) / Please refer to full text to view abstract

Risk factors for sciatica

Euro, U. (Ulla) 20 August 2019 (has links)
Abstract Sciatica is a common musculoskeletal disorder, especially among the working-age population. It causes huge costs to society through work absenteeism and hospital treatments. The common cause of sciatica is the herniated lumbar disc compressing the nerve root. The neurological deficit resulting from this compression can be either sensory or motor-related. Earlier studies have shown both genetic and environmental factors to exist in the aetiology of sciatica. The aim of this study was to investigate how individual, physical and work-related risk factors associate with sciatica, and to determine the prevalence of sciatic pain among Finnish adolescents. The data used in this study were from large, population-based Finnish surveys: the Northern-Finland Birth Cohort 1986, the Mobile Clinic Health Examination Survey, the Mini-Finland Health Survey, Health 2000, the Young Finns Study, and the Helsinki Health Studies. The results of this study showed that sciatic symptoms are already common among adolescents. Young women in particular reported sciatic pain more often than men. Low back pain at the age of 16 predicted sciatic pain at the age of 18. Physically demanding work, smoking and obesity were found to predict an increased risk of hospitalization for sciatica. In the Mobile Clinic Health Examination Survey, leisure-time physical activity protected men from hospitalization for sciatica, whereas among women obesity increased this risk. Occupation also modified the effects of various risk factors. In the Mini-Finland Health Survey, overweight and obese participants who had been exposed to whole body vibration in their work were at a higher risk of hospitalization due to sciatica. In addition, lifting and carrying heavy objects at work, or sedentary work involving the handling of heavy objects predicted an increased risk of hospitalization for sciatica. Heavy or very heavy work protected against hospitalization for sciatica. A meta-analysis of four prospective cohort studies showed that walking and cycling to work reduced the risk of hospitalization for sciatica. This thesis extends our knowledge regarding the risk factors for sciatica. Its results show that these risk factors are complex and can modify each other’s effects. Thus, further research on the interactions of the various risk factors is needed. / Tiivistelmä Iskias on etenkin työikäisten keskuudessa yleinen sairaus, joka aiheuttaa paljon työkyvyttömyyttä ja sairaalahoitoja ja siten kustannuksia yhteiskunnalle. Iskiaksen taustalla on yleensä välilevyn pullistuma, joka painaa hermojuuria. Hermojuuren puristuksesta aiheutuva neurologinen puutosoire voi olla joko sensorinen tai motorinen. Aiemmat tutkimukset ovat osoittaneet iskiaksen taustalla olevan sekä geneettisiä että ympäristötekijöitä. Tämän tutkimuksen tavoitteena oli selvittää yksilöllisten, fyysisten ja työhön liittyvien riskitekijöiden yhteyttä iskiakseen sekä tutkia iskiaskivun yleisyyttä suomalaisilla nuorilla aikuisilla. Aineistoina tutkimuksessa käytettiin laajoja väestöpohjaisia suomalaisia aineistoja: Pohjois-Suomen syntymäkohorttia 1986, Autoklinikka- ja Mini-Suomi-aineistoja sekä Terveys 2000-, Young Finns- ja Helsinki Health Study -tutkimuksia. Tutkimuksessa selvisi, että iskiasoireet ovat yleisiä jo nuorilla aikuisilla ja etenkin naiset raportoivat iskiaskipua useammin miehiin verrattuna. 16-vuotiaana ilmennyt alaselkäkipu oli myös yhteydessä iskiasoireisiin 18 vuoden iässä. Työn fyysisen rasittavuuden, tupakoinnin ja lihavuuden todettiin lisäävän sairaalahoitoon johtaneen iskiaksen riskiä. Autoklinikka-aineistossa vapaa-ajan fyysinen aktiivisuus suojasi miehiä sairaalahoitoon johtaneelta iskiakselta, naisilla taas ylipaino lisäsi iskiaksen riskiä. Lisäksi ammatti näytti muokkaavan riskitekijöiden assosiaatioita. Mini-Suomi-aineistossa ylipainoiset ja lihavat henkilöt, jotka olivat altistuneet työssään koko kehon tärinälle, olivat korkeammassa riskissä sairaalahoitoon johtaneen iskiaksen suhteen. Töissä raskaiden esineiden nostaminen tai kantaminen tai painavien esineiden käsittelyä sisältävä istumatyö lisäsivät myös iskiaksen riskiä. Raskas tai erittäin raskas fyysinen työ taas näytti suojaavan sairaalahoitoon johtaneelta iskiakselta. Neljän prospektiivisen kohorttitutkimuksen meta-analyysissä selvisi, että työmatkapyöräily tai -kävely vähensivät sairaalahoitoon johtaneen iskiaksen riskiä. Tämä väitöstutkimus kasvattaa ymmärtämystä iskiaksen taustalla olevista riskitekijöistä. Tulokset osoittavat, että iskiaksen riskitekijät ovat moniulotteisia ja voivat muokata toistensa vaikutuksia, joten lisätutkimusta eri riskitekijöiden välisistä interaktioista tarvitaan.

The DIAMONDS at Work: Applying the DIAMONDS Dimensions to Occupations

Unknown Date (has links)
Just as people can be described by traits, situations can be described by the “Situational Eight” DIAMONDS (Duty, Intellect, Adversity, Mating, pOsitivity, Negativity, Deception, Sociality) (Rauthmann et al., 2014). Based upon the common occurrence of situations in combinations unique to different occupations the current study sets out to (1) map the DIAMONDS dimensions into the workplace and (2) examine the relationships between the DIAMONDS dimensions and other measures of work contexts (Skill, Abilities, Knowledge, etc.). Through the use of a modified version of the S8* (Rauthmann & Sherman, 2014), the DIAMONDS dimensions were correlated with scored responses of either individuals in the profession, or professional experts, on important worker characteristics and occupational requirements for 954 individually identified occupations (n = 954) compiled by O*NET (National Center for O*NET Development, 2016). / Includes bibliography. / Thesis (M.A.)--Florida Atlantic University, 2017. / FAU Electronic Theses and Dissertations Collection

Histórias para habitar: memórias, moradas e trajetividades / Stories to live in: a journey through memories and homes

Penteado, Daniela Caielli 18 August 2014 (has links)
A presente pesquisa buscou investigar, por uma perspectiva simbólica, as dinâmicas de convivência e os processos de apropriação afetiva dos espaços de um bairro, tendo em vista compreender a cultura do morar. O intuito foi incrementar o repertório de pesquisas sobre o período de pós-ocupação de Conjuntos Habitacionais de Interesse Social (CHIS) possibilitando, posteriormente, a ampliação do campo para elaboração de intervenções de cunho pedagógico, que possam futuramente ser propostas nesse contexto. Para tanto, o presente estudo propôs uma leitura interpretativa de entrevistas e peças expressivas (fotografias e colagens) além da análise de mapas simbólicos (ATu-9) de moradores do distrito de José Bonifácio nosso bairro-foco. Os CHIS constituem a configuração de moradia predominante em José Bonifácio e parte-se dessa realidade para refletir acerca da relação entre o espaço físico de moradia e a cultura do morar, numa convergência de narrativas: algumas oferecidas pelos moradores durante as entrevistas, outras nascidas das peças criativas, sempre em diálogo com a própria narrativa da pesquisadora que observa e participa do processo como um todo. O objetivo foi identificar a dimensão simbólica que se expressa nos gestos cotidianos do grupo estudado, tendo o imaginário como fio condutor na compreensão das dinâmicas instauradas na vida social e, para tanto, teve-se como principais referenciais no tratamento do material a Teoria Geral do Imaginário de Gilbert Durand, a Sociologia Compreensiva de Michel Maffesoli e os estudos sobre o cotidiano de Michel de Certeau. A pesquisa permitiu concluir que os processos de apropriação dos espaços comuns entre os blocos de apartamentos assim como dos demais lugares do bairro estão relacionados à livre circulação de matrizes simbólicas, sendo incentivado, na concepção de intervenções pedagógicas neste contexto, o reconhecimento das táticas de resistência cultural e simbólica já adotadas pelos moradores como ponto de partida para as ações propostas à comunidade durante o pós-ocupação tardio dos CHIS. / This study seeks to investigate, from a symbolic perspective, the dynamics of social organization and coexistence, focusing on the processes of affective appropriation of common spaces, with the aim of understanding the cultural elements related to housing. It intends to contribute to the body of research about the post-occupancy period in Social Housing Complexes in order to expand the possibilities of developing educational interventions in this context. Therefore, this thesis proposes an interpretative reading of interviews and artistic work (photographs and collages) as well as the analysis of symbolic maps (ATu-9) that were made by residents of the José Bonifácio District of São Paulo, Brazil. Social Housing Complexes are the main housing type in the José Bonifácio District, and this reality is the basis for reflection on the relationship between the physical aspects of housing and the cultural elements related to the act of residing, towards a framework of convergence. This framework brings together the collection of narratives offered by the residents through interviews and through creative work, and the personal narrative of the researcher, who observed and interacted with the process as a whole. The main objective of this study is to identify the symbolic dimension that is expressed in the everyday actions of the studied group, with the imaginary as the guiding principle to understand the dynamics of social life of this group. The principal references for this are the General Theory of The Imaginary, developed by Gilbert Durand, the Comprehensive Sociology of Michel Maffesoli, and the studies of everyday practice by Michel de Certeau. The research indicates that the processes of appropriation of common spaces between the buildings and in the surrounding neighbourhood are related to the free circulation of symbolic matrices, thus encouraging in the field of social and educational interventions - the recognition of cultural and symbolic forms of resistance already adopted by the community as the starting point for actions proposed to the community in Social Housing Complexes during late post-occupancy period.

As violações impunes de direitos humanos e humanitários dos palestinos vivendo sob a ocupação israelense: possíveis interpretações / The unpunished violations of human and humanitarian rights of Palestinians living under occupation: possible interpretations

Sahd, Fábio Bacila 28 August 2017 (has links)
A presente tese tem por objeto o conflito na Palestina/Israel, mais especificamente as políticas da ocupação israelense na Faixa de Gaza e Cisjordânia e a vulnerabilidade palestina, desde 1967 até os dias de hoje. A situação é analisada a partir da contextualização do conflito no mundo contemporâneo e na região e da contraposição entre bibliografia específica e geral com relatórios de direitos humanos e humanitários. Averígua-se em que medida essa documentação referenda ou fragiliza diferentes interpretações do conflito e da ocupação, bem como quais outras leituras são sugeridas por sua análise. É a permanência do impasse que mantém o tema sempre atual, justificando seu estudo. Constata-se a manutenção de um padrão peculiar de violações sistemáticas dos direitos humanos e humanitários dos palestinos pelo Estado e parte da população israelense, que os mantêm expostos à violência soberana, sendo adequados também para a compreensão dessa situação o conceito de terrorismo estatal e as categorias agambeanas de homo sacer e campo. / This thesis deals with the conflict in Palestine/Israel, more specifically the policies of the Israeli occupation in the Gaza Strip and West Bank and the Palestinian vulnerability, from 1967 to the present day. To analyze the conflict and the occupation they are contextualized in the contemporary world and in the region and the specific and general bibliography are compared to human and humanitarian rights reports. One checks to what extent this documentation endorses or undermines different interpretations of the conflict and Israeli occupation, as well as what other readings are suggested by their analysis. It is the permanence of the impasse that keeps the theme always current, justifying its study. Is verified the maintenance of a peculiar pattern of systematic violations of the human and humanitarian rights of the Palestinians by the State and part of the Israeli population, which keeps them exposed to sovereign violence, and the pertinence of the concept of state terrorism and of the agambean categories of homo sacer and camp to understand this situation.

Ocupação da região da Caldeira Vulcânica de Poços de Caldas - MG (Séc. XVIII-XX) / Occupation of the region of the Caldera Volcanic Pocos de Caldas - MG (18th - 20th century)

Rovaron, Carlos Eduardo 30 April 2009 (has links)
No presente trabalho de pesquisa buscamos acompanhar e analisar o processo de ocupação da Caldeira Vulcânica de Poços de Caldas-MG entre os séc.XVIII e XX. Chegamos a resultados que nos permitem afirmar que a sua ocupação esteve relacionada com a emigração populacional dos centros de mineração aurífera na Capitania de Minas para o sul da mesma por conta do esgotamento das lavras de ouro em fins do séc.XVIII. As pessoas que migraram para região da Caldeira o fizeram em busca de pastagens. O crescimento em importância dos mercados das cidades do Rio de Janeiro e depois de São Paulo também foram fatores que estimularam esse movimento demográfico entre os fins do séc.XVIII e XIX. Esta pesquisa foi um esforço de tentar entender como a região estudada esteve inserida neste contexto de mudanças demográficas e econômicas apontado por Caio Prado Júnior em Formação do Brasil Contemporâneo. Entre o final do séc.XIX e início do XX o café e a Ferrovia Mogiana tiveram outro impacto econômico e demográfico sobre parte do exterior da Caldeira Vulcânica, nas imediações de Andradas-MG e São João da Boa Vista- SP. Impacto que se concretizou com a transformação do município de Andradas-MG em uma região minifundiária. / The objective of this research was to analyze the occupation process of the Poços de Caldas volcanic crate from the eighteenth to the twentieth century. Results obtained show that this occupation process was related to the population emigration toward the south of the Brazilian State of Minas Gerais during the last quarter of the eighteenth century, immediately after the mining economy crisis. People from the mining areas migrated to the volcanic crate in the south of Minas Gerais looking for pasture and grazing areas. The growth of the market economy in Rio de Janeiro, soon followed by São Paulo, was another reason that stimulated the demographic flow to the area between the end of the eighteenth and beginning of the nineteenth century. The objective was to further understand how the studied area was contextualized in the demographic and economic changes reported by Caio Prado Júnior, in his book The Colonial Background of Modern Brazil. Furthermore, by the end of the nineteenth and beginning of the twentieth century, the coffee plantations and the Mogiana railroad had an important economic and demographic impact on the area outside the volcanic crate, in the surroundings of Andradas MG and São João da Boa Vista SP.

Urbanização de favela em área de proteção de mananciais: o caso da Comunidade Sete de Setembro. / Slum (favela) upgrading at a protected area for water catchment: the case of Comunidade Sete de Setembro.

Silva, Jane de Souza 26 February 2003 (has links)
Este trabalho analisa um projeto de urbanização de favelas, onde foi implantado o Programa de Saneamento Ambiental da Bacia do Guarapiranga, localizado na região Sudoeste da Região Metropolitana de São Paulo (RMSP). O local selecionado para o estudo é conhecido como a Comunidade Sete de Setembro, instalada numa área de proteção aos mananciais e pertencente à SubPrefeitura de Capela do Socorro.No estudo do referido caso, adotou-se o método denominado Avaliação Pós-Ocupação (APO), que se constitui num conjunto de métodos e técnicas, aplicado em ambientes já construídos e já ocupados. Foi analisado como o usuário se apropriou das benfeitorias promovidas no local e apresentado o grau de satisfação dos moradores em relação às intervenções efetuadas. / This work analyses a slum (favela) upgrading project which is part of the Programa de Saneamento Ambiental da Bacia do Guarapiranga (Program of Environmental Sanitation of the Guarapiranga Basin), located in the Southeast region of Sao Paulo´s Metropolitan Area. The slum selected for this case is known as Comunidade Sete de Setembro. It is located in a protected area for water catchment and belongs to the borough of Capela do Socorro. In the study a Post-Occupation Evaluation (POE) methodology was used. This method consists on the aplication of a series of methods and techniques in applied research of built environments which are in use. It analyses mainly how the user is appropriating the intervention. This work presents the satisfaction of the residents regarding the upgrading interventions performed.

Os espaços edificados vazios na área central da cidade de São Paulo e a dinâmica urbana. / The excess vacancy and its relations to the urban dinamics in downtown São Paulo.

Bomfim, Valéria Cusinato 29 April 2004 (has links)
Este trabalho estuda a presença acentuada da vacância imobiliária e suas relações com a dinâmica urbana na área central de São Paulo. Para tanto, são verificadas as diversas formas de tratamento da vacância. A análise é completada com um breve histórico do desenvolvimento urbano da cidade. O cenário atual o cenário atual da área central é descrito através das características específicas do mercado imobiliário, da demanda, da atuação dos diversos agentes urbanos e da presença das ocupações organizadas. A metodologia utilizada inclui entrevistas com agentes ligados ao mercado imobiliário, e uma pesquisa de campo, apoiada em um plano amostral estratificado, por meio da qual se obtém a estimativa da vacância para os distritos Sé e República. Como resultado final do estudo, apontam-se os fatores do crescimento e permanência dos espaços edificados vazios na cidade de São Paulo. / This work studies the excess vacancy and its relations to the urban dynamics in downtown São Paulo. Several forms of dealing with the problem of vacancy are explored, and analysed within the context of a brief historical description of the urban development of the city. The present scenario of the central urban area is described, showing the characteristics of the real estate market, the demand on buildings, the performance of different urban agents, and the organized occupation of housing spaces. The methodology used includes interviews with agents related to the real estate market, and a survey based on a stratified sampling technique, to estimate vacancies in the districts of Sé and República. Finally, the factors leading to the uprising and persistence of vacant buildings in the central area of São Paulo are pointed out.

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