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Analyse spatiale à Saqqâra des origines à la fin de l'Ancien Empire : les exemples des complexes funéraires de Netjerikhet et de Sekhemkhet / Spatial analysis occupation at Saqqara from the origins to the end of the Ancient Kingdom : examples of the Funerary Complexes of Netjerikhet and SekhemkhetNoc, Eloïse 14 November 2015 (has links)
Cette étude est une analyse spatiale des vestiges archéologiques datant des origines à la fin de l'Ancien Empire des complexes funéraires de Netjerikhet et de Sekhemkhet à Saqqâra. L'objectif de ce travail est de comprendre l'occupation spatiale, l'enjeu étant de pouvoir traiter la quantité très importante d'informations issues des publications. Pour cerner l'ensemble de la documentation à examiner, une base de données et un système d'information géographique (SIG) ont été créés. Grâce à ces outils informatiques, tous les artefacts ont ainsi pu être enregistrés et une analyse des relations qu'entretiennent les différentes entités recensées a pu être menée pour tenter de comprendre comment s'organise l'espace. Des cartes imprimées permettent de visualiser les résultats de requêtes, d'ailleurs imaginées au préalable pour construire les outils. Cet examen des données, par le biais d'une géodatabase, permet également d'évaluer tout l'intérêt des outils informatiques pour la recherche. / This study is a spatial analysis of the archaeological remains dating from the origins to the end of the Old Kingdom of the funerary complexes of Netjerikhet and Sekhemkhet at Saqqara. The aim of this work is to understand the spatial occupation, the challenge is to process the very large amount of information from publications. To include all of the documentation to be processed, a database and a geographic information system (GIS) have been created. With these software tools, all artefacts were thus recorded and an analysis of the relationships between the different entities listed has been conducted to try to understand how the space is organized. Printed maps allow visualizing query results, queries moreover imagined beforehand to build the tools. This examination of the data through a geodatabase also assesses the interest of these tools for research.
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Investissements privés et occupation étrangère : les milieux d'affaires français et l'intervention militaire en Russie, 1917-1920Poirier, Adrien 08 1900 (has links)
En 1917, les Bolcheviks prennent le pouvoir en Russie, répudient la dette extérieure, nationalisent les entreprises privées et imposent un début de gestion soviétique à l’économie. La France, dont les liens économiques avec la Russie ont été largement renforcés durant les trois décennies d’avant-guerre, voit ses immenses avoirs dans l’ancien Empire compromis. Les milieux privés français, qui sont les plus lésés parmi ceux des puissances alliées, réagissent fortement à ce changement de régime.
Ce mémoire s’intéresse à ces milieux d’affaires et cherche à comprendre comment ils réagissent à la prise de pouvoir soviétique. Jouent-ils un rôle dans l’évolution du processus décisionnel vers l’intervention militaire? Ont-ils un impact sur le terrain en Russie? Comment subissent-ils l’échec final des efforts français?
Nous démontrons que le facteur économique est central dans l’adoption d’une politique interventionniste. Nous étudions également comment le gouvernement cherche à soutenir les milieux privés discrètement, mais les utilise surtout pour avancer ses propres intérêts en Russie. Enfin, nous démontrons que l’échec des milieux privés à protéger leurs intérêts a de nombreuses causes communes avec l’échec de l’intervention militaire. / In 1917, the Bolshevik party seized power in Russia, repudiated state debt, nationalized private enterprises and imposed early forms of Soviet management to the economy. France, whose economic ties with Russia had largely grown during the three previous decades, saw her huge investments in the country compromised. The French private sector, by far the most affected of all Allied powers, reacted strongly to this regime change.
This memoir focuses on the subsequent actions of the private sector, and seeks to understand how they reacted to the Bolshevik’s coming to power. Did they play a role in the process of decision-making towards military intervention? Did they have any impact on the ground in Russia? How did they react to the ultimate failure of the intervention and the loss of their assets?
We demonstrate that the economic factor was central in the adoption of an interventionist policy. We also examine how the French government discreetly tried to support the private sector, but mostly used it to advance its own interests in Russia. Finally, we demonstrate that the failure of the private sector to defend its interests has many common causes with the failure of the military intervention itself.
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Upplevelser från vuxna personer med ADHD inom aktiviteterna arbete och utbildning. : -En scoping review. / Experiences from adults with ADHD in the activities work and education. : - A scoping review.Artursson, Daniel January 2021 (has links)
Bakgrund: Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) symtom kan kvarstå genom hela livet och har en påverkan på hälsa, arbetsmöjlighet, utbildning och ekonomiska hälsa. Vuxnas upplevelser med ADHD är en kunskapslucka och studier presenteras ofta utan personens egna berättelser av sin upplevelse. Syfte: Syftet var att kartlägga relevant litteratur som beskriver upplevelser i produktiva aktiviteter hos vuxna personer med ADHD. Metod: En scoping review användes för att söka i databaser efter studier innehållande kvalitativa metoder. Resultaten från 10 artiklar beskrevs med riktad innehållsanalys ur arbetsterapeutiska teorin Model of Human occupations (MoHo) centrala begrepp. Resultat: MoHo var användbart till att beskriva upplevelser inom arbete och utbildning. Personerna med ADHD beskrev hur aktiviteter inom arbete och utbildning påverkades genom viljekraft ur vanor och rutiner samt hur miljön påverkades av personens viljekraft och självupplevda utförandekapacitet. Slutsats: Om intresse för en uppgift fanns eller glädje att utförandet av aktiviteten, så underlättade det möjligheten att vara produktiv. Social miljö har en stor påverkan på hur personer med ADHD uppfattar sig själva och hur uppgifter och aktiviteter blir gjorda inom arbete och utbildning. Strategier kunde förbättra utförande men även vara krävande och skapa utanförskapskänsla för personen. / Background: Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) symptoms can persist throughout life and have an impact on health, job opportunities, education, and financial health. Adults’ experiences with ADHD are a knowledge gap and studies are often presented without a person’s story of experience. Aim: The aim was to map relevant literature that describes experiences in productive activities in adults with ADHD. Method: A scoping review was used, and search was done in four research databases. Results from ten articles were described with a directed content analysis, and Model of Human occupation (MoHo) theory. Results: The adults with ADHD described how activities in work and education were affected by volition from habits and routines, how the environment has an impact on the person’s volition and performance capacity. Conclusion: If there was interest in a task or that joy comes from performing the activity, then it facilitates the opportunity to be productive for that person. The social environment has an impact on how people with ADHD perceive themselves and how tasks and activities are done. Strategies could improve execution but also be demanding and create a sense of exclusion for the person.
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Forgotten and Unfulfilled: German Transitions in the French Occupation Zone, 1945-1949Aldridge, Guy B. 24 August 2015 (has links)
No description available.
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The American way of postwar: post-World War II occupation planning and implementationHudson, Walter M. January 1900 (has links)
Doctor of Philosophy / Department of History / Mark P. Parillo / The United States Army became the dominant U.S. government agency for post-World War II occupation planning. Despite President Roosevelt’s own misgivings, shared by several influential members of his Cabinet, the Army nonetheless prevailed in shaping occupation policy in accordance with its understanding and priorities. The Army’s primacy resulted from its own cultural and organizational imperatives, to include its drive towards professionalization and its acceptance of legalized standards for conflict in the nineteenth and early twentieth centuries. Other related factors included the Army’s ability to create coherent internal doctrine, the training and experience of its leaders, the relative weakness of comparative civilian agencies, the real-world experiences of civil affairs in North Africa in 1942-43, and the personality and leadership style of President Roosevelt himself. As a result, the Army created internal training and education, doctrine, and organizations that operated both at the strategic and tactical level to implement military government in accordance with the Army’s institutional understanding. The Army’s planning and implementation of military government in Germany, Austria, and Korea show the effects of the Army’s dominance in planning and implementing the postwar occupations. Furthermore, in these three occupations (unlike Japan’s), of particular concern were how the Americans interacted with their Soviet counterparts in the occupied territories at the beginning of the Cold War. As these three occupations reveal, American military government in those locations, as well as the actions of the occupants themselves, profoundly shaped American interests in those countries and thus profoundly shaped American policy during the early Cold War.
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Restoring order: the US Army experience with occupation operations, 1865–1952DiMarco, Louis A. January 1900 (has links)
Doctor of Philosophy / Department of History / Mark P. Parillo / This dissertation examines the influence of the US Army experience in military government and occupation missions on occupations conducted during and immediately after World War II. The study concludes that army occupation experiences between the end of the Civil War and World War II positively influenced the occupations that occurred during and after World War II. The study specifically examines occupation and government operations in the post-Civil War American South, Cuba, the Philippines, Mexico, post-World War I Germany, and the major occupations associated with World War II in Italy, Germany, and Japan. Though historians have examined individual occupations, none has studied the entirety of the American army‘s experience with these operations. This dissertation finds that significant elements of continuity exist between the occupations, so much so that by the World War II period it discerns a unique American way of conducting occupation operations. Army doctrine was one of the major facilitators of continuity. An additional and perhaps more important factor affecting the continuity between occupations was the army‘s institutional culture, which accepted occupation missions as both important and necessary. An institutional understanding of occupation operations developed over time as the army repeatedly performed the mission or similar nontraditional military tasks. Institutional culture ensured an understanding of the occupation mission passed informally from generation to generation of army officers through a complex network of formal and informal, professional and personal relationships. That network of relationships was so complete that the World War II generation of leaders including Generals Marshall, Eisenhower, Clay and MacArthur, and Secretary of War Stimson, all had direct personal ties to individuals who served in key positions in previous occupations in the Philippines, Cuba, Mexico, or the Rhineland. Doctrine and the cultural understanding of the occupation mission influenced the army to devote major resources and command attention to occupation operations during and after World War II. Robust resourcing and the focus of leaders were key to overcoming the inevitable shortfalls in policy and planning that occurred during the war. These efforts contributed significantly to the success of the military occupations of Japan and Germany after World War II.
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An analysis of the lifestyle risk factors for long-distance truck drivers / Barend Koortzen von WiellighVon Wielligh, Barend Koortzen January 2014 (has links)
The Road Freight Industry accounts for 1 to 5 percent of most countries GDP (AECOM International Development, 2011). According to e-Natis there was 321 056 Trucks (Heavy load Vehicle GVM > 3500 kg) in South Africa by November 2009 (Arrive Alive, 2009). This relative big industry, according to the statistics, influences most other industries value chains. Vehicles are driven by trucks drivers, making driving trucks their living. These drivers have their own lifestyles and ways that they go about. This study focusses on the risk factors of truck drivers’ lifestyles, especially long-distance truck drivers.
This mini-dissertation draws attention to the limited research done on lifestyle risk factors and occupational hazards of long-distance truck drivers in South Africa. Most of the legislation regulating road transport is old and outdated, and any existing legislation is not being enforced.
The goal of the study is to draw closer attention to the impact of certain lifestyle risk factors, social behaviours and occupational stressors on the lives of long-distance truck drivers, their close families and communities.
The research was based on a comprehensive literature review as well as an empirical investigation done in the Gauteng province. A total of 150 long-distance truck drivers participated in the empirical investigation, by completing anonymous questionnaires. It is the researcher’s hope that this mini-dissertation will aid the betterment of long-distance truck drivers’ lives, general health and to make South African roads safer for all road users. / MBA, North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2015
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An analysis of the lifestyle risk factors for long-distance truck drivers / Barend Koortzen von WiellighVon Wielligh, Barend Koortzen January 2014 (has links)
The Road Freight Industry accounts for 1 to 5 percent of most countries GDP (AECOM International Development, 2011). According to e-Natis there was 321 056 Trucks (Heavy load Vehicle GVM > 3500 kg) in South Africa by November 2009 (Arrive Alive, 2009). This relative big industry, according to the statistics, influences most other industries value chains. Vehicles are driven by trucks drivers, making driving trucks their living. These drivers have their own lifestyles and ways that they go about. This study focusses on the risk factors of truck drivers’ lifestyles, especially long-distance truck drivers.
This mini-dissertation draws attention to the limited research done on lifestyle risk factors and occupational hazards of long-distance truck drivers in South Africa. Most of the legislation regulating road transport is old and outdated, and any existing legislation is not being enforced.
The goal of the study is to draw closer attention to the impact of certain lifestyle risk factors, social behaviours and occupational stressors on the lives of long-distance truck drivers, their close families and communities.
The research was based on a comprehensive literature review as well as an empirical investigation done in the Gauteng province. A total of 150 long-distance truck drivers participated in the empirical investigation, by completing anonymous questionnaires. It is the researcher’s hope that this mini-dissertation will aid the betterment of long-distance truck drivers’ lives, general health and to make South African roads safer for all road users. / MBA, North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2015
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Histoire, mémoire et traumatisme: Regards sur la place des victimes et des bourreaux dans les mangas Astro Boy d’Osamu Tezuka (1952-1968) et Gen d’Hiroshima de Keiji Nakazawa (1973-1985)Urbain, Mylène January 2015 (has links)
Ce mémoire étudie la place accordée aux victimes et aux bourreaux dans le manga, la populaire bande dessinée japonaise, mais aussi son rôle dans la construction d’une société pacifique dans la période de l’après-guerre. Les mangas Astro Boy d’Osamu Tezuka et Gen d’Hiroshima de Keiji Nakazawa sont analysés dans le contexte social des années 1950 à 1980 au Japon. Respectivement témoins de la guerre du Pacifique et survivant d’Hiroshima, Tezuka et Nakazawa exposent tour à tour dans leurs œuvres leur expérience du conflit.
Les mangas reflètent un traumatisme des bombardements nucléaires d’Hiroshima et de Nagasaki. Les mangas sont un instrument de catharsis pour les survivants qui désirent apaiser leur mémoire. Les témoignages des survivants sont réunis sous des discours pacifistes et dénonciateurs que les protagonistes prononcent en leur nom, ce qui permet une extériorisation du traumatisme. Le souvenir des morts, masqué sous l’humour permet au lecteur de revivre inconsciemment ce traumatisme.
Les mangakas s’attaquent à la question des torts refoulés par les Américains et les Japonais désignés comme bourreaux. Il s’agit pour eux de s’attaquer à l’amnésie collective qui se développe au lendemain de la défaite. Ainsi, Tezuka présente une image ambiguë de l’Américain à la fois considéré comme un monstre/extra-terrestre et comme un sauveur/allié. De son côté, Nakazawa s’attaque aux bourreaux américains et japonais qui oublient leurs crimes de guerre.
Le premier chapitre se compose de l’état des recherches et du cadre théorique. Les deuxième et troisième chapitres se concentrent respectivement sur l’analyse du manga d’Osamu Tezuka et celui de Keiji Nakazawa.
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Bedryfsielkundige ondersoek na die verband tussen gehalte van werklewe en persoonlikheid by 'n groep alkoholisteSwanepoel, André Johan 06 1900 (has links)
Text in Afrikaans / The research question in this study involves the subjective
experiences of quality of worklife (QWL) by alcoholics and
non-alcoholics, in order to form an idea about the
differences in such experiences, between the two groups.
Personality is related throughout to QWL and alcoholism.
A sample consisting of 60 alcoholics and 58 non alcoholics
was used. Personality measurements were done by using
Cattell's Sixteen Personality Factor Questionnaire (16-PF)
whilst experienced QWL was measured with the self developed
QWL-questionnaire. In order to test the hypotheses for
this study, the data has been processed by using Pearson's
Product-moment coefficient of correlation and t-tests.
The results from the study indicate a significant
relationship between personality and certain exclusive QWLdimensions
for alcoholics. There is however, no
significant difference in the subjective experiences of
global QWL between alcoholics and non-alcoholics. Several
personality factors have been identified as being related
to alcoholism. / Die navorsingsvraagstuk in hierdie studie betrek die subj ektiewe
ervaring van gehalte van werklewe (GWL) deur alkoholiste en niealkoholiste,
ten einde 'n begrip te vorm van die verskil in sodanige
ervaring, tussen die twee groepe. Persoonlikheid word deurgaans in
verband gebring met GWL en alkoholisme.
'n Steekproef bestaande uit 60 alkoholiste en 58 nie-alkoholiste is
gebruik. Persoonlikheidsmetings is met die 16-Persoonlikheidsfaktorvraelys
van Cattell gedoen terwyl ervaarde GWL met die selfontwerpte
GWL-vraelys gemeet is. Ten einde hierdie studie se hipoteses te
toets, is die data verwerk deur van Pearson se produkmomentkorrelasiekoeffisient
en t-toetse gebruik te maak.
Die studie se resultate dui op 'n beduidende verband tussen
persoonlikheid en sekere eksklusiewe GWL-dimensies by alkoholiste.
Daar bestaan egter geen beduidende verskil in die subjektiewe
ervaring van globale GWL tussen alkoholiste en nie-alkoholiste nie.
Daar is etlike persoonlikheidsfaktore geidentifiseer wat met
alkoholisme verband hou. / Industrial and Organizational Psychology / M.Com. (Industrial Psychology)
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