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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Op soek na nuwe roetes : persoonlike versamelings as kartering van 'n self

Rust, Zahn 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MPhil)--Stellenbosch University, 2012. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: This thesis is a personal, poststructuralist study of the researcher’s mapping of the self. The researcher refers to her art practice as an action of research and at the same time, a process of reality production. The images that are created through the art making processes, feeds back into reality. The argument for the production of reality images, relies specifically on the non-representational ‘model’ of Deleuze and Guattari. The foundation of this study is based on a theoretical and practical study of the role of personal space and objects in this complex network of production. This thesis argues for the consideration of self as an ‘open’ map and to expand the fiction and idea of representation. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Hierdie tesis is persoonlike, poststrukturalistiese ondersoek na die navorser se kartering van die self. Die navorser verwys veral na haar kunspraktyk as aksie van ondersoek en tergelykertyd ’n proses van werklikheidsproduksie. Die beelde wat deur die kunsmaakpraktyk/-proses geskep word, voer terug na die werklikheid. Die argument vir die produksie van werklikheidsbeelde steun veral op Deleuze en Guattari se nie-representasionele ‘model’. Teoretiese en praktiese studie van die rol van persoonlike ruimtes en objekte in hierdie komplekse produksienetwerk vorm die grondslag waaruit die studie voortspruit. In hierdie tesis word uiteindelik geargumenteer vir die beskouing van die self as ‘oop’ kaart ten einde die fiksie en idee van representasie oop te maak en uit te brei. kartering, objekte, roetes, versamelings, werklikheidsbeelde, poststrukturalisme, beelde, tekening

在史蒂芬‧金《鬼店》裡的明確表達與理解能力 / Articulateness and Intelligence in Stephen King's The Shining

李佳賓, Lee,Jia Bin Unknown Date (has links)
出版於一九七七年的《鬼店》為史蒂芬‧金的第三部小說,探索的為恐怖文學裡其中一種刻畫,鬼故事。雪倫‧A‧拉塞爾給了一項令人信服的理由,何以她認為《鬼店》是一則鬼故事:「在鬼故事中,恐怖的來源來自於通常出沒某個特定地點的邪惡靈魂。」然而,《鬼店》不僅僅是一部單純的鬼故事小說,根據克萊爾‧韓森與史蒂文‧布拉姆的看法,《鬼店》是一宗可從精神分析角度切入的語言學習與退化案例。 在第一章「導論」裡,我提出本文論點:能否透過清楚說出與理解能力完成符徵(signifier)與符指(signified)的連結,決定了傑克與丹尼各自的命運。第二章「方法論」由我在本文中所用的方法構成,本章說明我如何運用席格蒙‧弗洛伊德的伊底帕斯情結(Oedipus Complex)、雅克‧拉岡的想像界(Imaginary Order)、象徵界(Symbolic Order)、實存 (The Real)、語言作為大他者的論述(Language as the Discourse of the Other)、縫合點(Points de Captions)。第三章欲探討的是傑克與丹尼的伊底帕斯情結,傑克的殞落可追溯至他的童年時期,丹尼的生存則可以他的現況加以分析。第四章「似乎他的生命全靠學習閱讀才得以維持」討論丹尼如何藉由語言學習,從想像界前進到象徵界並打破托倫斯家庭特有的父子關係循環,丹尼漸漸地學習如何連結符徵與符指,清楚地說出與理解這些符指及背後的符徵為丹尼鋪了一條歧異的路,透過這條路丹尼得以存活並成長。第五章「理性的蟄伏」將探討全景飯店如何藉由大他者/小他者的論述(The Discourse of the Other/ the other)誘惑傑克,也探討傑克的瘋狂如何藉由象徵界退化至想像界表現出來,我也會藉由瘋狂的其中一種症狀,不能掌握縫合點:越來越不能連結符徵與符指的情形闡述傑克如何變得偏執於並合理化自己的不當行為,例如殺掉他的妻兒。在第六章「結論」,我將簡述前面五章的要點,幫助讀者釐清本文的宗旨。 / The Shining (1977), Stephen King’s third novel, explores one of the horror genre’s characterizations, the ghost story. Sharon A. Russell gives a convincing reason why she considers The Shining a ghost story: “In the ghost story the origin of the horror comes from evil spirits who usually haunt a specific location.” However, The Shining is not merely a simplistic ghost story. According to Claire Hanson and Steven Bruhm, The Shining is a case of language acquisition and regression from a psycho-analytical perspective. In Chapter One, “Introduction,” I issue my thesis statement that aptitude for articulation and intelligence of the signification determines each of Jack’s and Danny’s destinies. Chapter Two, “Methodology,” consists of the methodology I employ in the analysis of The Shining. That is, how I apply Sigmund Freud’s and Jacques Lacan’s theories, Frued’s Oedipus complex, and Lacan’s three orders, language as the discourse of the Other, and points de caption to this study of The Shining. The exploration of the Oedipus complex for Jack and Danny is Chapter Three’s subject matter. Jack’s downfall can be traced back to his own childhood, and Danny’s survival can be studied in terms of the exploration of his own status quo. In Chapter Four, “As though His Life Depended on Learning to Read,” I discuss Danny’s progression from the imaginary order into the symbolic order and breaking away from “the wounded father-son cycle” (Davenport) in terms of his increasing acquirement of language. That is to say, Danny learns to decipher the signifiers and to make significations between the signifiers and the signifieds. Articulation and intelligence of such signifiers pave a divergent way for Danny as a survivor and an adult in the story.” In Chapter Five, “The Sleep of Reason,” I elaborate upon how the Overlook entrances Jack by means of the discourse of the Other/evil other and how Jack’s insanity can be manifested in terms of his regression from the symbolic order into the imaginary order. I will take advantage of one of the symptoms, failing in the grasp of points de captions, increasingly failing to catch the interdependent relationship between the signifier and the signified, to expound how Jack becomes paranoid and self-justified in his wrongdoing and misbehavior, such as to murder Danny and Wendy in conformity to the former caretaker’s indication. In Chapter Six, “Conclusion,” I summarize the previous points to help the readers further understand the thesis’ purpose.

L'elaboració del complex d'Èdip en nens adoptats: dols i vincles

Ballús Barnils, Elisabeth 02 November 2009 (has links)
La nostra investigació empírica s'emmarca, a nivell teòric, dins la teoria relacional pròpia de la psicoanàlisi.Objectius: l'objectiu principal d'aquesta tesi és conèixer com els nens adoptats elaboren el complex d'Èdip, tenint en compte que a tots ells els acompanyen dues variables indissociables d'aquesta condició d'ésser un nen adoptat:- Ser un nen abandonat pels pares biològics. - Tenir una doble parentalitat: pares biològics i pares adoptius. Amb aquesta recerca volem aprofundir -mitjançant el test projectiu Pota Negra, de L. Corman (1961)- especialment en aquells aspectes que configuren la realitat interna de cada nen. Paral·lelament, hem volgut analitzar aquells aspectes de la realitat externa pre-adoptiva i post-adoptiva que s'erigeixen com a factors importants per al bon desenvolupament psicològic de l'infant.Metodologia: el nostre estudi s'ha realitzat amb nens d'adopció internacional, concretament amb 5 nens i 5 nenes del Nepal, amb edats compreses entre els 6 i els 12 anys. Tots ells han estat adoptats fa més de dos anys per famílies que no tenien fills biològics.Els instruments aplicats han estat diversos. Pels pares s'ha utilitzat l'entrevista semiestructurada elaborada per la investigadora i el CBLC -Qüestionari Infantil de Comportament 4/18-, de T. Achenbach (1991). Quan als nens, el test projectiu Pota Negra, de L. Corman (1961). Conclusions: el test projectiu Pota Negra ens ha permès conèixer les principals variables que articulen la realitat interna del nen adoptat, evidenciant la manca d'estructura triangular edípica, i per tant de la no elaboració de l'Èdip, en tots els subjectes de la nostra mostra. Les dificultats per a poder elaborar l'Èdip estan vinculades a la condició de ser un nen adoptat. S'ha pogut observar, entre d'altres, com aquets nens presenten simptomatologia post-adoptiva diversa, com indicador del seu malestar emocional per l'experiència viscuda. / Nuestra investigación empírica se enmarca, a nivel teórico, en la teoría relacional propia del psicoanálisis.Objetivos: el objetivo principal de esta tesis es conocer como los niños adoptados elaboran el complejo de Edipo, teniendo en cuenta que a todos ellos les acompañan dos variables indisociables de esta condición de ser un niño adoptado:- ser un niño abandonado por los padres biológicos- tener una doble parentalidad: padres biológicos i padres adoptivosCon esta investigación queremos profundizar -mediante el test proyectivo Pata Negra, de L. Corman (1961)- especialmente en aquellos aspectos que configuran la realidad interna de cada niño. Paralelamente, hemos querido analizar aquellos aspectos de la realidad interna pre-adoptiva i post-adoptiva que se erigen como factores importantes para el buen desarrollo psicológico del niño.Metodología: nuestro estudio se ha realizado con niños de adopción internacional, concretamente con 5 niños y 5 niñas del Nepal, con edades comprendidas entre los 6 y los 12 años. Todos ellos han sido adoptados hace más de dos años por familias que no tenían hijos biológicos.Los instrumentos aplicados han sido diversos. Para los padres se ha utilizado la entrevista semiestructurada elaborada por la investigadora i el CBLC - Cuestionario Infantil de Comportamiento 4/18-, de T. Achenbach (1991). En cuanto a los niños, el test proyectivo Pata Negra, de L- Corman (1961).Conclusiones: el test proyectivo Pata Negra nos ha permitido conocer las principales variables que articulan la realidad interna del niño adoptado, evidenciando la falta de estructura triangular edípica. I por tanto la no elaboración del Edipo, en todos los sujetos de nuestra muestra. Las dificultades para elaborar el Edipo están vinculadas a la condición de ser un niño adoptado. Se ha podido observar, entre otros, como estos niños presentan sintomatología pots-adoptiva diversa, como indicador de su malestar emocional por la experiencia vivida. / Our empirical investigation is framed, at theoretical level, in the own relational theory of the psychoanalysis.Objectives: the primary target of this thesis is to know as the adopted children elaborate the Oedipus Complex, considering that all of them have two inseparable variables due to their condition of being an adopted child: - to be a child abandoned by the biological parents- to have double parents: biological parents and adoptive parents With this investigation we want to deepen - by means of the projective test Corman’s Patte Noire (1961) - especially in those aspects that form the internal reality of each child. At the same time, we have wanted to analyze those aspects of post-adoptive and pre-adoptive of the external reality that are elevated like important factors for the good psychological development of the child.Methodology: our study has been made with children of international adoption, concretely with 5 boys and 5 girls from Nepal, with ages between the 6 and 12 years old. All of them have been adopted for more than two years by families who did not have biological children.The applied instruments have been diverse. For the parents, we have used a semi-structured interview elaborated by the investigator and the CBLC - Child Behavior Checklist 4/18-, Achenbach,T. (1991). For the children, we have applied the projective test Corman’s Patte Noire (1961).Conclusions: the projective test Black Leg has allowed us to know the main variables that articulate the internal reality of the adopted child, demonstrating the lack of Oedipus triangular structure and therefore the non-elaboration of the Oedipus, in all the subjects of our sample. The difficulties to elaborate the Oedipus are bound to the condition of being an adopted child. It has been possible to observe, among others, as these children have diverse pots-adoptive symptomatology, as indicator of its emotional malaise by the lived experience.

Ο Μίνως Βολανάκης και η αρχαία ελληνική τραγωδία : το παράδειγμα της Ηλέκτρας (1975), της Μήδειας (1976) και του Οιδίποδα Τυράννου (1982)

Δούλου, Ρωμαλέα 30 May 2012 (has links)
Ο Μίνως Βολανάκης ήταν ένας σημαντικός σκηνοθέτης της ελληνικής θεατρικής σκηνής, παρότι δεν απασχόλησε ακόμη τους μελετητές του θεάτρου. Τα βιβλιογραφικά κενά και η δράση του, τόσο στην Ελλάδα όσο και στο εξωτερικό, οδήγησαν στην εκπόνηση της παρούσας μελέτης, η οποία επικεντρώνεται στον τρόπο προσέγγισης του αρχαίου ελληνικού δράματος από τον Βολανάκη.Στόχος της εργασίας ήταν η μελέτη τριών παραστάσεων αρχαίας τραγωδίας, της Ηλέκτρας του Σοφοκλή (1975) και της Μήδειας του Ευριπίδη (1976) για το Κρατικό Θέατρο Βορείου Ελλάδος και του Οιδίποδα Τυράννου του Σοφοκλή (1982) για το Εθνικό Θέατρο, και η εξαγωγή συμπερασμάτων σχετικά με τον τρόπο προσέγγισης της αρχαίας ελληνικής τραγωδίας από τον σκηνοθέτη. Ένα από τα θέματα που μελετήθηκαν ήταν η επιλογή του σκηνοθέτη να αναθέτει στις παραστάσεις του τους πρωταγωνιστικούς ρόλους σε πολύ γνωστούς ηθοποιούς, χωρίς να έχουν απαραίτητα προηγούμενη εμπειρία στην αρχαία τραγωδία και χωρίς να προβληματίζεται ιδιαίτερα για το αν ήταν καλή η υπόκρισή τους. Τέλος, εξετάστηκε η ενδεχόμενη συμβολή του Μίνωος Βολανάκη στον εκσυγχρονισμό των παραστάσεων της αρχαίας ελληνικής τραγωδίας στην Ελλάδα. / Minos Volanakis was a popular director of the greek theatre scene, though he has not yet attracted the scholars of theater. The literature gaps and his action, both in Greece and abroad, led to the preparation of this study, which focuses on how Volanakis approached the ancient Greek drama. The aim of my work was to study three performances of ancient tragedy, Sophocles' Electra (1975) and Medea of Euripides (1976) for the State Theater of Northern Greece and Oedipus Rex by Sophocles (1982) for the National Theatre, and draw conclusions about how the director approached the ancient Greek tragedy. One of the issues studied was the director's choice to delegate the leading roles of his performances to well-known actors, who had not necessarily have previous experience in the ancient tragedy. The next issue studied was that he did not particularly worry whether their acting was good enough. To conclude, I studied the possible contribution of Minos Volanakis in the modernization of performances of ancient Greek tragedy in Greece.


SHAMBA, MBUMBURWANZE N 27 June 2011 (has links)
This thesis analyzes the major theme of ‘postcolonial genealogy’ in portraying the African bending under the weight of colonial history in Le vieux nègre et la médaille, Une vie de boy of Ferdinand Oyono and Le Chercheur d’Afriques of Henri Lopes. Being a product of a colonial Genesis, the African character runs behind the colonizer’s mirror through his Civilizing Mission. René Girard’s ‘double bind’ theory explains how this cultural assimilation is, in Le vieux nègre et la médaille and Une vie de boy, a dead end because the colonizer needs a subordinate and not an equal. The cohabitation of a black housewife with the French Commander in Le Chercheur d’Afriques should be seen as simply an allegory of postcolonial Africa’s dependency on the West. The consequences of the feminization of the African continent are enormous in the post-colonial imaginary. While the colonizer had conquered Africa with his Herculean body, in Oyono’s novels, his Fall is obtained through the aesthetics of Bakhtinian ‘rabaissement’ which degrades his ‘grotesque body’ to that of the colonized. The colonizer and the colonized are neutralized and leveled in their perishable bodies, thus, making futile the Civilizing Mission that operated by ranking races. Power is never total. It is always imperfect, and can never destroy a subjectivity that resists it. In Oyono’s novels, the Fall of the colonial Father is also obtained through the inquisitive gaze that the colonized return back to the colonizer, and through their ‘subversive mimicry’ that parodies his codes. In Une vie de boy and Le Chercheur d’Afriques, the ‘son-Father’ relationship between the hero and the colonial Father, is also symbolic of the ‘Africa-West’ rapports. Living under the specter of the Father, the son has to negotiate his survival between weaning and parricide. The biological miscegenation in Le Chercheur d’Afriques is a metaphor of the ‘rhizome identity’ of the postcolonial African who renounces both the Fathers of Negritude and those of the Civilizing Mission. / Thesis (Ph.D, French) -- Queen's University, 2011-06-24 12:43:30.006

Exclusion in Sophocles

Spiegel, Francesca 30 November 2020 (has links)
"Exclusion in Sophocles" dass Exklusion als Motiv sich durch alle erhaltenen Sophoklesstücke zieht nebst einiger der längeren Fragmente. Auffällig ist die Vielfalt des Motivs, welches sich auf einen Ausschluss aus der Familie (Elektra), der Stadt (Ödipus-Dramen), der Armee (Philoktet), der Gemeinschaft der Menschen (Tereus) und noch vieles Weitere bezieht. Diese Arbeit sammelt, ordnet und analysiert sophokleische Exklusionsszenarien. Insbesondere wird der Gebrauch von Tropologien des Un/Menschlichen in der extrinsischen Charakterisierung der tragischen Protagonisten herausgestellt sowie damit verbundene Metaphern des Pathologischen, Monströsen, Bestialen und sog. Primitiven als Marker und Auslöser von strukturellen Exklusionen. Dabei wird das Exklusionsmotiv nicht als vollendete Tatsache erfasst, sondern als dynamischer und sich teilweise über ganze Plots hinweg erstreckender Prozess, als Narrativ eines ehemals gut Eingegliederten und von der Gemeinschaft nach und nach Exkludierten. Gleichwohl diese Entwicklung vom tragischen Protagonisten in eloquenten und selbstdarstellerischen Reden vehement kritisiert wird, erwächst im Bereich der Metaphern und rhetorischen Bildsprache der Gemeinschaft eine regelrechte Ausradierung und Neuzuweisung seiner Identität. Durch eine vergleichende Gegenüberstellung beider Standpunkte stellt sich heraus, wie tiefgreifend die als Exkludierend handelnde Gemeinschaft in das Vorantschreiten des tragischen Geschehens involviert ist und die Dramen eben nicht nur—wie in zahlreichen Forschungsstandpunkten festgehalten—die Manci des Exkludierten Protagonisten als moralische Fabel vorführen. / Social exclusion as a literary theme is common to all of Sophocles' fully extant plays as well as some of the longer fragments. The variety of settings is wide, between exclusion from the family like for example in Electra, exclusion from the city as in the case of Oedipus, from a regiment of the armed forces like in Ajax or Philoctetes, or even humankind, like with Tereus. This inquiry sets out to present, taxonomize and unpack Sophoclean discourses of exclusion and their attaining literary tropes of the pathological, the bestial, the brutish, the monstrous, and the so-called uncivilized. The aim is to demonstrate how deeply implicated the whole cast of characters and their language are in the process of a tragedy unfolding, rather than the causes of tragedy being lodged in the doings of one protagonist alone. One key point argued here is that, instead of taking 'the isolation of the tragic hero' as fait accompli, exclusion is a dynamic process that often takes up the entire plot arc of a tragedy. In the space of extrinsic characterization, it is argued that a process of rhetorical erasure and overwriting of identity takes place, where peer groups gradually dismantle a formerly well-established identity and re-assign a new and undesirable one. It is shown how the protagonists seek to resist, lament or somehow negotiate this process through long and expansive speeches of futile self-reinstatement. In the synthesis of both, it is argued that Sophocles' deployment of the theme puts a critical spotlight on the rhetorics of exclusion and its discourses of the bestial, the brutal, and especially the pathological, which embed and frame the work's overall literary, cultural and dramatic effects.

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