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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Nybyggnation av hotell : Gestaltning av hotell på en ljudutsatt plats i Stockholms stad / Formation of a hotel : Building of a hotel on a noise exposed environment in Stockholm city

Yosifova, Eliz, Baban, Zanwer January 2019 (has links)
En stor problematik för att kunna bygga fungerande bostäder och kontor i Stockholms Stad idag är bullers påverkan från stora trafikplatser i staden. För att bostäder och kontor som staden har behov av ska kunna uppnå de krav Boverkets byggregler ställer för buller idag, behöver ytor vid bullerutsatta platser redan vid planeringsskedet för fastigheter i innerstaden beaktas. Ett hinder för att minska bostads och kontorsbristen i Stockholm är de bullerkrav som Boverkets byggregler ställer på ytorna i innerstaden, i samband med trafikökningen som medför en ökad buller. För att kunna lösa problemet från de utmaningar som finns för bostadsbristen i Stockholm kan hotell byggas på ytor i staden som är belägen nära trafik. En önskad effekt av att bygga hotell i sådana ställen är att kunna skärma av överflödig ljud in mot bostadsområden då Boverket inte ställer krav för bullers påverkan för hotell på fasad, även om rekommendationer finns för att uppnå en bra akustisk komfort inomhus. Att hotell byggs på fastigheter nära trafikområden i Stockholms tätort kommer också gynna den sociala utvecklingen i staden då man öppnar möjligheter för flera olika folkgrupper att mötas och träffas i en och samma punkt. Stockholm är idag en stad som utvecklas inom turismen och allt fler besökare kommer till staden vilket ställer stora utmaningar för hotellverksamheten och den utbud Stockholm har för turisterna att kunna bo på. Att nyttja ytor i innerstaden och tätorten i Stockholm som utsätts för buller som tex. fastigheter nära trafikplatser är en förutsättning för hotellbyggnation, då akustisk komfort för tillfälligt boende inte är ett krav från den svenska förvaltningsmyndigheten för boende dvs. Boverket. Detta examensarbete redovisar en studie på gestaltning av ett hotell som ska projekteras på en ljudutsatt plats i Stockholms Stad. Den valda fastigheten är belägen på Årstafältet som ligger söder om Stockholm och utsätts idag för höga bullernivåer pga. Huddingevägen som är en högtrafikerad bilväg. Problematiken med platsen för att kunna bygga bostäder, skolor eller kontor är att den valda fastigheten utsätts för hög buller som inte klarar Boverkets krav för bullernivåer på fasad. Då Boverket inte har ljudkrav på fasad för hotell, skapar detta en möjlighet att kunna bygga ett hotell på Årstafältet. / One major problem today in Stockholm City is to be able to build functional housing and offices becuase of the impact from the noise large interchanges distribute in the City. In order to build housing and offices it is important to achieve the requirements that Boverkets Byggregler, which is the Swedish rules for constructions. The county in Stockholm has to plan and observe the noise exposed properties in the inner City. One obstacle to build more housing and offices which the city needs, is the rules and demands on the areas but also the growth of the traffic in Stockholm city. This problem results for increased noiselevels which also affects the acoustic comfort for housig and offices. To be able to solve the problem for the challenges that is caused by the lack of housing in Stockholm, hotels can be built on these areas that are located close to traffic in the city. In order to solve this problem a hotel that screen the exessive noise towards residental areas can be a solution, because Boverket does not require any guidelines and regulations for noise on hotel constructions. The fact that hotels can be built on properties that is close to the traffic can benefit the social development of the city. A hotel can open opportunities for different people and groups to meet in the same point which can be used to increase the city´s social development. The tourism in Stockholm City is developing a lot today and more visitors visits the city day by day. The increase of visitors creates challenges for the range of hotels in the city. Utilizing areas in the inner city of Stockholm and urban areas that are exposed to noise from traffic is an advantage to build a hotel since Boverket does not require any benchmarks for noise. To make use of these kinds of properties, can also increase the range of hotels for the visitors in the city. This project will present a hotel that is located in Årstafältet in the southern part of Stockholm City. Årstafältet is a place that is exposed to high noise because of the highway on Huddingevägen that passes through the place. The problem with the location is the traffic noise which has a negative effect on housing constructions in the area. The noise problem in the area gives the chosen property good conditions for building a hotel and allows the residents close to the hotel property, to be less affected by the noise level coming from the traffic jam.

Insurance office location in Roanoke, Virginia, 1960-1983

Park, Thomas Michael January 1985 (has links)
Intra-urban office location research has traditionally described office location patterns in large metropolises. Research is needed to determine whether these findings accurately describe locational patterns in average-sized American cities, such as Roanoke, Virginia. The pattern of insurance office location in Roanoke, Virginia, was examined from 1960 to 1983. It was determined that research in large metropolises accurately described certain trends in Roanoke but inaccurately described others, particularly with regards to office construction and office migration patterns. Insurance offices in Roanoke were stratified on the basis of their affiliation, or the way the office marketed its products. Four common types of insurance offices were identified: independent agencies, general agencies, captive agencies, and indirect writers. Questionnaires were distributed to a random stratified sample of each office type. Chi-square tests revealed significant differences in the organizational features, contact patterns, and locational characteristics of independent agencies, general agencies, captive agencies, and indirect writers. Future research should attempt to understand the structure of other office industries and identify industry-specific factors affecting the locational characteristics of each industry segment. / M.S.

REGIONAL LOBBYING IN THE EU : A comparative case study of regional representative offices / Regional lobbying i EU: : En jämförande fallstudie av regionala representations kontor

Skoglöf, Stina January 2024 (has links)
Almost all of the regions and municipalities in the EU are represented by a regional representative office in Brussels and their purpose and mission with offices differs from each other. Previous research has focused on the larger more powerful regional representative offices and omits the smaller ones. This thesis aims to get a larger understanding of the regional representative's role in the EU. This thesis studies the Stockholm Regional EU Office and the North Sweden European Office within three different dimensions, at the EU level (Upload), at the regional/local level (Download) and the connection between these two levels (Crossload). The results of the thesis are based on interviews with representatives of the offices and the offices annual reports. This thesis has identified implications the regional representation offices are contributing of heading to a new form of governance, with offices' aim of influencing EU policies.

Le monde de la pratique saisi par la communauté des procureurs au parlement de Paris (1670-1738)

Morin, Geneviève 05 February 2021 (has links)
''Thèse en cotutelle, Doctorat en histoire, Université Laval, Québec, Canada, Philosophiæ doctor (Ph. D.) et École des hautes études en sciences sociales, Paris, France'' / Ce travail prend appui sur une source jusqu’ici largement sous-exploitée et qui appartient à la communauté des procureurs au parlement de Paris sous l’Ancien Régime. Source aux apparences familières en ce qu’elle se rapporte à un ordre disciplinaire commun à de nombreuses compagnies judiciaires et corps de métiers de l’époque, son objet est pourtant passé inaperçu : la pratique. En 1670, est établie sous l’autorité du Parlement une Chambre de la postulation qui a pour objectif de poursuivre les faits d’entreprise supposée sur le ministère de procureur au parlement de Paris. Les registres par elle produits entre 1670 et 1738 forment la matière première de ce travail en consignant des usages qui forment autant d’écarts à une mise en ordre opérée par la communauté que de fenêtres sur le monde de la pratique. La postulation saisie dans ses rapports entre le postulant et le procureur qui prête son nom devient, une fois sortie des registres et articulée à d’autres corpus de sources, un outil pour sonder la vie des études de procureurs, la difficulté du métier et son accès disputé par divers praticiens sans titre. En tant que manifestation d’une inscription sociale et professionnelle, la postulation mise en lumière par la communauté des procureurs éclaire divers usages du monde de la pratique où le déploiement de l’exercice du procureur s’accommode mal de l’étroitesse du titre. / This work is based on a source hitherto largely underused and which belongs to the community of attorneys (procureurs in French) in the parliament of Paris under the Ancien Régime. The source seems familiar in that it relates to a disciplinary order common to many judicial systems and trades of the time, yet its object has gone unnoticed : la pratique. In 1670, a Chambre de la postulation was established under the authority of Parliament, the objective of which was to prosecute alleged corporate acts against the ministry of the attorney in the Parliament of Paris. The registers produced by this chamber between 1670 and 1738 form the raw material of this work and reflect uses which form as many deviations from an order made by the community as windows on the world of practice. The postulation, caught in its relations between the postulant and the attorney who lends his name, becomes, once out of the registers and articulated with other corpora of sources, a tool to probe the life ofthe attorney’s office, the difficulty of the profession and its access as disputed by various untitled practitioners. As a manifestation of social and professional registration, the postulation, brought to light by the community of attorneys, sheds light on various uses inthe world of the pratique where the deployment of the attorney’s pratique is ill suited to the narrowness of the title.

Pharisäer in der Darstellung des Lukasevangeliums : eine Charakterisierung unter Anwendung der Methoden der narrativen Exegese

Beyer, Hartmut 30 September 2005 (has links)
ABSTRACT (deutsch) Das Lukasevangelium ist ein literarisches Werk in Form einer Erzählung. Die Pharisäer spielen darin eine zentrale Rolle als wichtigste Gruppe der Gegenspieler Jesu. Die Methode der narrativen Exegese ist daher geeignet, die Darstellung der Pharisäer zu analysieren und eine literarische Charakterisierung vorzunehmen. Eine Untersuchung aller Texte des Lukasevangeliums, in denen Pharisäer erwähnt werden, ergibt ein komplexes und facettenreiches Pharisäerporträt. Die Pharisäer werden primär negativ dargestellt, als religiöse Führer, die die göttliche Sendung Jesu, seine Vollmacht und seinen Auftrag, nicht erkennen und ablehnen. Die Pharisäer haben eine Kontrastfunktion innerhalb der Gesamterzählung des Lukasevangeliums. Sie dienen als Negativfolie, auf der die Bedeutung der Hauptfigur Jesus umso heller aufleuchtet. Ein Merkmal des Lukasevangeliums ist jedoch, dass dieses primär negative Bild durch die erzählerische Darstellung mehrfach abgeschwächt wird. Der Erzähler zeichnet kein einseitiges Pharisäerbild (flat character), sondern differenziert deutlich (mehr als die anderen Synoptiker). Er verzichtet bei der Präsentation ihres Verhaltens und ihrer Worte weitgehend auf explizit feindliche Aspekte. Er deutet eine relative Nähe zwischen Jesus und den Pharisäern an. Eine abschließende negative Wertung oder Verurteilung der Pharisäer unterbleibt. Auffällig ist die komplette Auslassung der Rolle der Pharisäer beim Prozess gegen Jesus. Die Reaktion Jesu auf die Pharisäer ist geprägt von Milde und Hoffnung, trotz vereinzelter scharfer Auseinandersetzungen. Jesus ist bei allen Begegnungen mit den Pharisäern bemüht, ihnen zur Erkenntnis seiner Person als göttlichem Gesandten zu verhelfen und sie zur Umkehr zu bewegen. ABSTRACT (english) The Gospel of Luke is a literary work in narrative form in which the Pharisees play a central role as the most important group in opposition to Jesus. Thus narrative exegesis is an appropriate method to analyse the presentation of the Pharisees and to undertake a literary characterisation of their role. An examination of all the texts in Luke's Gospel which mention the Pharisees yields a complex, multi-facetted portrait of the Pharisees. The Pharisees, characterised primarily negatively as religious leaders, neither recognise nor acknowledge the divine mission of Jesus, nor his authority nor mandate. Rather the Pharisees function in juxtaposition to Christ and his ministry within the overall narrative of Luke's Gospel. They serve as a negative backdrop against which the central figure of Jesus appears all the more significant, indeed even radiant. However, it is one trait of Luke's Gospel that this primarily negative picture is repeatedly softened by the narrative presentation. The narrator does not paint a one-sided picture of the Pharisees (flat character) but differentiates clearly in his presentation (more than the other Synoptic Gospels do). In his presentation of the Pharisees' behaviour and words the author to a large extent forgoes mentioning explicitly hostile aspects, but rather intimates the relative proximity between Jesus and the Pharisees. There is no final negative evaluation or judgement passed on the Pharisees. It is noteworthy that there is a complete omission of the role of the Pharisees in the legal proceedings and court trials against Jesus. Jesus' reaction to the Pharisees is nevertheless one of gentleness and hope, despite a few acrimonious conflicts recounted in the narrative. In all of his encounters with Pharisees Jesus endeavours to help them recognise himself as divine envoy and to move them to repentance. / New Testament / M.Th.

The maleness of Christ : revelational or cultural?

Williams, Neil Harvey 11 1900 (has links)
The maleness of Christ: revelational or cultural? is a biblical-theological investigation of the significance of Christ's maleness. This thesis attempts to answer questions as to the significance and meaning ofJesus' maleness. Is the maleness of Christ revelational of God's being and character; is it foundational for the gospel; is it reflective of an ongoing created order? Is revelation and salvation impossible apart from a male redeemer? Or could Christ have been born a woman in a different time and culture? Chapter one describes the various positions and arguments: complementarian, biblical egalitarian, Christian feminist, and post-Christian feminist. Chapter two examines two related topics to the problem, namely slavery and the Sabbath. This section investigates how the church has decided, regarding other issues, what is revelational or cultural. We consider the various implications that the slavery and Sabbath debates have on our topic. Our subject relating to the significance of Christ's maleness has many interrelated concerns. In answering the questions regarding Jesus' maleness, chapter three organises much of the material under the motif of the sonship of Christ. This structure allows us to remain focused as well as interact with the differing topics affecting our concern, such as innertrinitarian relationships, the relationship between revelation and culture, the so-called subordination of the Son, the truth and status of analogy, inclusive language, and the implications of Christ as the image of God. Also included this chapter is a discussion on the relationship between Jesus and Wisdom and whether we can refer to Christ as "Daughter." The chapter concludes with a section on whether Christ's maleness either relates to an ongoing created order of male headship or allows for the transformation of patriarchy. / Philosophy and Systematic Theology / D.Th. (Systematic Theology)

“Do this in remembrance of Me :” The Christological and social significance of Luke 22:14-30 for restoring human dignity

Etukumana, Godwin Akpan 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MTh)--Stellenbosch University, 2012. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Using social-rhetorical hermeneutics, this study examines Jesus’ statement “Do this in remembrance of Me” during the last meal He had with his disciples before He went to the cross – both in the light of the Lucan context and our/modern present context. A careful examination of the text in Luke 22:14-30 poses a challenge to Lucan scholarship as it delves into the reason of the insertion of the phrase in the context of this meal. In the first place, different views as regards the meal are examined so as to present the motif of the meal. It has been discovered that Luke wanted his community to use this meal as a medium of remembering what Jesus was to humanity during his time on earth. Socio-rhetorical analysis helps to appreciate Luke’s rhetorical nuances in presenting this meal scene to his audience. In Chapter two it is revealed that Luke used his sources rhetorically in different textures and patterns to present to his audience that Jesus was the Saviour and a servant-leader. The intertexture of Luke’s material of the meal shows that Luke appealed to his community using Ancient Near Eastern, Greco-Roman socio-cultural rhetoric in order to reiterate what his audience needed to know about Jesus. It reveals Jesus as a broker, patron, and benefactor to his community with the aim of restoring the dignity of humanity. The sacred texture of the Lucan meal shows the ever abiding presence of Jesus in the midst of the community whenever they meet due to the divine power of Jesus. Socio-rhetorical hermeneutics of Luke 22:14-30 explicates that the phrase “Do this in remembrance of Me” in the context is Luke’s rhetorical strategy of encouraging his audience to remember Jesus with the view to imitate his lifestyle and his inclusive approach to the marginalised and the outcasts of society. It is when the community eats the meal concomitantly with the imitation of his lifestyle, especially his approach to God and humanity, that the community will truly remember Jesus and thus restore human dignity in society. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die ondersoek van die uitspraak tydens die laaste maaltyd wat Jesus met sy dissipels gehad het voor sy dood aan die kruis, met behulp van sosio-retoriese hermeneutiek, toon die belangrikheid van die stelling, “Doen dit tot my gedagtenis”, in die lig van die Lukaanse gemeenskap en die moderne konteks. ’n Deeglike ondersoek van die teks in Lukas 22:14-30 bied ’n probleem aan die bestudering van die Nuwe Testament, veral vir Lukas-spesialiste, as gevra word na die rede vir die invoeging van die frase binne die konteks van hierdie maaltyd. In die eerste plek word daar gevra na die motivering vir die plasing van die maaltyd binne die teks. Dit blyk dat Lukas sy gemeenskap wou motiveer om hierdie maaltyd te gebruik as ’n middel om te onthou wat Jesus vir die mensdom beteken het gedurende sy tyd op aarde. Sosio-retoriese analise help ons om te bepaal watter retoriese nuanses Lukas gebruik het in die aanbieding van hierdie maaltydtoneel aan sy gehoor. In hoofstuk twee word aan die lig gebring dat Lukas sy bronne in verskillende retoriese teksture en patrone aanbied aan sy gehoor om te toon dat Jesus die Verlosser en ’n dienaar-leier was. Die intertekstuur van die Lukaanse weergawe van die maaltyd toon dat Lukas met behulp van Ou Nabye Oosterse en Grieks-Romeinse bronne, asook sosio-kulturele retoriek ’n beroep op sy gemeenskap doen om Jesus regtig te leer ken. Dit toon Jesus as ’n bemiddelaar, beskermheer, en weldoener aan sy gemeenskap ten einde die herstel van die waardigheid van die mensdom te bewerk. Die heilige tekstuur van die Lukaanse maaltyd toon die ewigblywende geskenk van Jesus aan die gemeenskap en die feit dat die gemeenskap alles te danke het aan die goddelike krag van Jesus. Sosio-retoriese hermeneutiek van Lukas 22:14-30 maak dit duidelik dat die frase, “Doen dit tot my gedagtenis”, binne die konteks ’n retoriese strategie is waarmee Lukas sy gehoor wou leer om Jesus se leefstyl na te boots en sy inklusiewe benadering ten opsigte van die gemarginaliseerdes en uitgeworpenes van die samelewing te onthou. Dit is wanneer die gemeenskap die maaltyd eet en sy lewenstyl naboots, veral sy handelinge en benadering tot God en die mensdom, dat die gemeenskap werklik vir Jesus sal onthou en so menswaardigheid in die gemeenskap sal herstel.

Embodied souls, ensouled bodies : an exercise in christological anthropology and its significance for the mind/body debate, with special reference to Karl Barth's 'Church dogmatics' III/2

Cortez, Marc January 2006 (has links)
Contemporary developments in cognitive neuroscience are having a profound impact on the philosophy of mind as philosophers work to understand the implications of these advances for appreciating what it means to be a human person. At the same time, a recent consensus has formed among contemporary theologians around the thesis that Jesus Christ is the revelation of what it means to be truly human. Unfortunately, very few thinkers have made any concerted effort to bring these two developments into dialogue with one another. This study addresses this lack by drawing on the anthropological insights of Karl Barth and bringing them to bear on certain aspects of the contemporary discussions regarding the mind/brain relationship. The thesis thus comprises two major sections. The first develops an understanding of Karl Barth’s theological anthropology focusing on three major facets: (1) the centrality of Jesus Christ for any real understanding of human persons; (2) the resources that such a christologically determined view of human nature has for engaging in interdisciplinary discourse; and (3) the ontological implications of this approach for understanding the mind/body relationship. The second part of the study then draws on this theological foundation to consider the implications that understanding human nature christologically has for analyzing and assessing several prominent ways of explaining the mind/body relationship. This study, then, is an exercise in understanding the nature of a christocentric anthropology and its implications for understanding human ontology. While it will devote significant attention to the theology of Karl Barth and various contemporary philosophers of mind, its fundamental aim is to draw together these apparently disparate fields of inquiry by engaging both theology and philosophy in a vital dialogue on the nature of the human person as revealed in the person and work of Jesus Christ.

Office land use planning and Information Technology (IT): a case study of banking sector in Hong Kong

Yung, Hung-tan, Nelson., 翁胸坦. January 2000 (has links)
published_or_final_version / Urban Planning / Master / Master of Science in Urban Planning

Greek texts and English translations of the Bible: a comparison and contrast of the Textus Receptus Greek New Testament of the sixteenth century and the Alexandrian text of Westcott and Hort (nineteenth century) and Aland and Metzger (twentieth century) concerning variant texts that pertain to the orthodox Christology of the Council of Nicea, A.D. 325.

Samples, Gil L. 12 1900 (has links)
The argument of this paper is that certain salient passages in the New Testament concerning Christology, as it was defined in the Nicene creed in A.D. 325, reflect such orthodoxy better in the Textus Receptus Greek texts and the English translations made from them than do the Alexandrian texts. Arian theology, which was condemned as heretical at Nicea, is examined. Patristic quotations, historical texts, and arguments of the scholars are cited and traced, along with a comparison of Christological verses.

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