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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Coping with stress amongst males and females in professional occupations

Mallach, Carol Sue 11 1900 (has links)
This study examines the impact of gender on the coping mechanisms employed to manage work-related stress. The aim of the investigation was to determine whether male and female professionals differ in terms of the coping mechanisms that they employ in managing work-related stress. In order to achieve this aim an assessment battery containing a Biographical Checklist, the Coping Checklist, the Hassles Scale and the Daily Uplifts Scale was distributed to a sample of professional men and women. The fmdings indicate that male and female professionals differ significantly in only two of the six coping mechanisms measured, namely social support and symptom management; that men and women do not differ significantly in terms of coping repertoire; and that women cope more effectively than their male counterparts with work-related· stress. / Industrial and Organisational Psychology / M.A. (Industrial Psychology)

České ženské učitelské spolky v období první republiky 1918-1939 / Czech Female Teacher Associations in the First Republic 1918-1939

Kurzweilová, Jolana January 2013 (has links)
(in English): This work deals with women teachers' unions in the period of 1918 - 1939. It monitors the development of women's education in connection with their employment assertion and with their participation in the union life. The first professional associations which were founded by women were teaching guilds. The paper presents an overview of women's associations and follows basic areas of their activities. It focused especially on putting women's equality given by the Constitution into the reality, improving social and economic status of female teachers and their participation in the reform movement. The Federation of teachers of vocational schools for women's occupations is introduced in detail to give the specific idea about the activities of women's teacher unions. These schools, so called family schools are also more closely characterised in their work. Follows a basic overview of the effects of the Union during this period and a description of its organization. The following chapters show in detail the activities of this association in areas which were the subject of the greatest interest. The union is shown as a feminist organization, fighting for the interests of teachers and women in general and women defending the interests of secondary education. The conclusion focuses on the...

The Operation was Successful but the Patient Died: The Politics of Crisis and Homelessness in Post-Katrina New Orleans

Casper-Futterman, Evan 17 December 2011 (has links)
On July 4th, 2007, a small group of housing activists set up a tent city encampment in a plaza adjacent to New Orleans City Hall. The action resulted in the creation of Homeless Pride, a small group of politicized Plaza residents. Six months later, hundreds of homeless people were moved from the park, and it was fenced off. Using archival videos, interviews, and news media, this thesis analyzes the opportunities and constraints that activists, service providers, and local officials faced in light of two intersecting and overlapping contexts. The first context is the immediate crisis of the levee failures after Hurricane Katrina, and the second is the longer-term national political-economic context of “neoliberal urbanism”. Because of dire short-term circumstances, Homeless Pride articulated a message of homelessness as a “crisis” even though they had larger structural goals and vision. In light of recent “Occupy” movements, this case study addresses crucial questions for organizers and policymakers attempting to combat poverty and wealth inequality.

Les stéréotypes nationaux dans le cadre de l'intégration européenne : le cas des travailleurs polonais en France / National stereotypes in the context of European integration : a case study of Polish workers in France

Patok, Malgorzata 27 September 2014 (has links)
La politique d’intégration de l’Union européenne offre de nouvelles possibilités aux travailleurs migrant dans le marché interne. Néanmoins, et malgré toutes les stratégies européennes, des entraves à l’intégration semblent persister. Comment peut-on repenser l’intégration à l’heure de la crise de légitimité de l’Europe ? Derrière ces défis nous retrouvons la manière dont les uns perçoivent les autres. Le stéréotype, largement médiatisé du « plombier polonais » nous en donne ici un exemple. Ce symbole du dumping social est apparu en France en 2005 à la veille du référendum sur le traité constitutionnel européen. Il incarnait l’angoisse de la société occidentale devant le flux migratoire de l’Europe de l’Est menaçant les postes de travail. Dès lors, nous pouvons nous poser la question suivante : qui est ce travailleur immigré ? Ce stéréotype affecte-t-il l’intégration des travailleurs européens en France aujourd’hui ? Nous nous focaliserons sur les obstacles à l’intégration européenne. L’objet de cette recherche consiste en particulier à étudier les représentations sociales et leurs impacts sur les pratiques sociales, ce qui distingue notre recherche d’autres études sur la migration et l’intégration. Nous proposons dans notre démarche de nous placer du point de vue de l’individu. Notre attention se porte sur les immigrés polonais en France employés dans les métiers peu qualifiés et leur expérience migratoire face aux stéréotypes. Nous saisirons les éventuels stéréotypes présents chez les clients, les collègues ou les employeurs français en examinant le discours et le vécu de l’immigré polonais. Puis, à travers les représentations sociales nous souhaitons identifier les conséquences des politiques de l’Union européenne sur le monde du travail. Ainsi, notre recherche implique trois dimensions afin de comprendre l’univers des représentations étudiées et leur impact sur l’intégration : le travailleur polonais vis-à-vis du milieu polonais en France, le travailleur polonais vis-à-vis de la société française et le travailleur polonais vis-à-vis de l’Union européenne. Cette analyse relève deux points capitaux : l’ouverture du marché et des frontières a provoqué un changement de conscience des Polonais en œuvrant à l’émergence d’un sentiment d’égalité et de liberté ; la possibilité d’un choix permet à l’immigré de construire un projet pour l’avenir, en France ou en Pologne, qui détermine la motivation à s’adapter et à s’intégrer à la société hôte. / The European Union integration policy offers new opportunities for its citizens in the community labour market. Nevertheless, despite all EU strategies to achieve it, resistance to European integration is inevitable. It is important to ask the question of whether or not problems concerning EU integration can be solved during current crises in Europe. One of the most important reasons for resistance to integration may be due to the way different EU member state populations perceive one another in a social context. The stereotype of the "Polish plumber", one that was widely propagated by the French media, gives us one such example. This symbol of social dumping appeared first in France in 2005, just before the referendum on EU Constitution. Behind this depiction, is the western EU’s anxiety of mass immigration from EU Central and Eastern European member states. Here it is important to closely examine the European immigrants and whether or not the societal portrayal of them has had an effect on their societal integration in France today. We focus on the obstacles of the European integration. The purpose of this research is particularly to study social representations and their impact on social practices, which distinguish our analysis from other migration and integration studies. The worker’s own perception of himself within French society should be taken into consideration as a response to the supranational structure of the European Union. The focus of this research will be placed on Polish immigrants in France who are entirely employed in low-skilled labour and the stereotypes they currently face. The stereotypes of Polish workers in France are then tabled and analysed in order to better understand the impact certain stereotypes and depictions have on the process of integration into French society. This research will also identify the societal consequences that certain EU policies have had as well on integration. The research involves three different approaches in order to understand the power of social representations and their impact on the integration process: a Polish worker and the Polish social circle in France, a Polish worker and the French society and a Polish worker and the European Union. Our analysis identifies two crucial points: the European market and the borders opening caused the Polish workers’ consciousness changing towards the emergence of a sense of equality and freedom; the possibility of choice allows the Polish immigrant to construct a project for the future, in France or in Poland, which determines the motivation to adapt and to integrate into the host society.

Etude des facteurs de risque des leucémies de l'enfant / Study of risk factors of childhood leukemia

Amigou, Alicia 24 April 2013 (has links)
Objectif : Ce travail s’inscrit dans le cadre d’une recherche étiologique sur les leucémies aigues (LA) de l’enfant, pathologies dont les facteurs de risque sont peu connus. Plusieurs hypothèses ont été testées : 1) le rôle protecteur d’une supplémentation maternelle en acide folique avant et pendant la grossesse et l’investigation par une approche gène-candidat du rôle de polymorphismes communs rs1801133 et 1801131 de MTHFR et rs1801394 et rs1532268 de MTRR supposés modifier le métabolisme des folates, 2) l’association entre la profession et des expositions professionnelles maternelles lors de la grossesse, 3) l’existence d’un lien positif avec l’exposition des enfants au trafic routier. Matériel et méthodes : Les données analysées proviennent d’une étude cas-témoins française, ESCALE, basée sur le Registre National des Hémopathies malignes de l’Enfant et réalisée en population générale sur la période 2003-2004. L’échantillon comportait 648 cas de leucémie aiguë lymphoblastique [LAL], 116 cas de leucémie aiguë non lymphoblastique [LANL], et 1681 témoins de moins de 15 ans. L’échantillonnage a été stratifié sur l’âge et le sexe. Les données ont été recueillies auprès des mères à l’aide d’un questionnaire téléphonique standardisé, identique pour les cas et les témoins. Les génotypes ont été obtenus par génotypage à haut débit, pangénomique pour les cas et à façon pour les témoins, et par imputation pour les polymorphismes non génotypés. Le géocodage des adresses et des indicateurs dérivés de données d’émission de trafic ont permis d’estimer l’exposition des enfants au trafic routier. Les odds ratios (OR) ont été estimés à l’aide de modèles de régression logistique non conditionnelle, incluant les facteurs de confusion potentiels. Résultats : Le risque de LA était significativement inversement associé à une supplémentation maternelle en acide folique avant ou pendant la grossesse (OR=0.4 [0.3-0.6]). Aucun des polymorphismes génétiques de MTHFR et de MTRR n’était associé au risque de LA. Cependant, le fait d’être à la fois porteur homozygote des allèles variants de l’un des polymorphismes de MTHFR, et porteur de deux allèles variants des polymorphismes de MTRR était positivement associé au risque de LA (OR=1.6 [0.9-3.1]). Nous n’observions pas d’interaction entre MTHFR, MTRR et une supplémentation maternelle en acide folique. Des associations positives et significatives on été mises en évidence entre le risque de LA et des expositions auto-déclarées professionnelles maternelles pendant la grossesse, aux teintures de cheveux (OR=3.0 [1.7-5.2]), à des peintures ou vernis et/ou colles (OR=1.5 [1.1-2.2]), et à des rayonnements ionisants (OR=2.4 [1.3-4.6]). Cependant, ces associations étaient limitées aux fréquences d’exposition de moins d’1 heure par semaine et peuvent refléter une sur-déclaration chez les cas. L’exposition maternelle professionnelle aux pesticides n’était pas associée aux LA dans notre étude.Les LA étaient significativement associées à des concentrations élevées de NO2 de fond liées au trafic estimées au lieu de résidence (OR=1.2 [1.0-1.5]) et avec la présence de routes à fort trafic dans un rayon de 500 m centré sur ce lieu (OR=2.0 [1.0-3.6]). Nous observions une association significative entre les LA et une densité élevée de routes à fort trafic dans un rayon de 500 m (OR=2.2 [1.1-4.2]), avec une tendance linéaire positive significative de l’association des LAL avec la longueur totale de routes à fort trafic dans un rayon de 500 m.Conclusion : Cette thèse apporte des arguments en faveur du rôle protecteur d’une supplémentation maternelle périconceptionnelle en acide folique. Elle suggère également un rôle des polymorphismes de MTHFR et MTRR dans le risque des LA, sans interaction toutefois avec la supplémentation. Enfin, elle renforce l’hypothèse que vivre près de routes à fort trafic pourrait augmenter le risque de LA. / Objectives: This work investigated three hypotheses related to the etiology of childhood acute leukemia (AL):1) maternal folic acid supplementation before or during pregnancy reduces AL risk, accounting for the SNPs rs1801133 (C677T) and rs1801131 (A1298C) in MTHFR and rs1801394 (A66G) and rs1532268 (C524T) in MTRR, assumed to modify folate metabolism, 2) maternal occupation and occupational exposure during pregnancy may be link to LA 3) traffic is a source of environmental exposures, including benzene, which may be related to childhood leukemia. Methods: The data were obtained from the national registry-based case-control study ESCALE, carried out in France in 2003-2004. The ESCALE study included 764 cases and 1681 controls less than 15 years old and the controls were frequency matched with the cases on age and gender. The data were collected by a standardized telephone interview of the mothers. Various indicators of exposure to traffic and pollution were determined using the geocoded addresses at the time of diagnosis for the cases and of interview for the controls. The genotypes were obtained using high-throughput platforms and imputation for untyped polymorphisms. CITP-68 classification was used to classify maternal occupation during pregnancy. Indicators of the distance from, and density of, main roads and background traffic NO2 concentrations data were used. Odds ratio (OR) were estimated using unconditional regression models adjusted for potential confounders. Results: AL was significantly inversely associated with maternal folic acid supplementation before and during pregnancy (OR=0.4 [0.3–0.6]). MTHFR and MTRR genetic polymorphisms were not associated with AL. However, AL was positively associated with homozygosity for any of the MTHFR polymorphisms and carriership of both MTRR variant alleles (OR=1.6 [0.9–3.1]). No interaction was observed between MTHFR, MTRR, and maternal folate supplementation. Significant positive associations were observed between childhood AL and self-reported maternal occupational exposures during pregnancy to hair dye (OR=3.0 [1.7-5.2]), to paints or polishs and/or glues (OR=1.5 [1.1-2.2]), and to ionising radiations (OR=2.4 [1.3-4.6]). However, these associations were limited to exposure frequencies of less than 1 hour by week. Maternal occupational exposure to pesticides during pregnancy was not related to AL. AL was significantly associated with high estimates of traffic NO2 concentration at the place of residence(OR=1.2 [1.0-1.5]) and with the presence of a heavy-traffic road within 500 meters compared to the absence of a heavy-traffic road in the same area (OR=2.0 [1.0-3.6]). There was a significant association between AL and a high density of heavy-traffic roads within 500 meters in comparison to the reference category with no heavy-traffic road within 500 meters (OR=2.2 [1.1-4.2]), with a significant positive linear trend of the association of AL with the total length of heavy-traffic road within 500m. Conclusion: The study findings support the hypothesis that maternal folic acid supplementation may reduce the risk of childhood AL. The findings also suggest that the homozygous genotype for any of the MTHFR variants and carrying both MTRR variants could be a risk factor for AL. Finally, the results support the hypothesis that living close to heavy-traffic roads may increase the risk of childhood leukemia.

Condições socioeconômicas e câncer de cabeça e pescoço / Socioeconomic standings and head and neck cancer

Boing, Antonio Fernando 07 December 2007 (has links)
Foi realizado estudo caso-controle de base hospitalar, envolvendo pacientes diagnosticados com câncer de cabeça e pescoço e que participaram do \"Estudo Multicêntrico Latino-americano de Fatores Ambientais, Vírus e Câncer da Cavidade Oral e Laringe\" do projeto \"Genoma Clínico do Câncer\". Foram incluídos pacientes atendidos no Hospital Heliópolis, no Hospital das Clínicas da Faculdade de Medicina da Universidade de São Paulo e no Instituto do Câncer Arnaldo Vieira de Carvalho entre novembro de 1998 e dezembro de 2005. Consideraram-se casos os pacientes com diagnóstico histologicamente confirmado de câncer de boca, faringe ou laringe e controles pessoas atendidas nos mesmos hospitais por outros motivos que não neoplasia maligna e doenças associadas com os fatores de risco do câncer de cabeça e pescoço. A análise empregou regressão logística não-condicional baseada em modelo hierárquico de determinação. No nível mais distal foram incluídas as variáveis demográficas (sexo, cor de pele e idade), seguidas pela escolaridade (série mais elevada que a pessoa cursou) e ocupação (exercida por mais tempo). No nível mais proximal, foram considerados o consumo de tabaco e de álcool. Também foi investigado se a associação de instrução e ocupação com câncer de cabeça e pescoço se mediava apenas por padrões diferenciais de consumo de álcool e tabaco entre os estratos sociais, ou se havia variação residual que excedia esses dois fatores. Todas as análises conduzidas para câncer de cabeça e pescoço foram replicadas de modo específico para as localizações topográficas da boca, faringe e laringe em separado. O estudo foi aprovado pelo Comitê de Ética da Faculdade de Odontologia da Universidade de São Paulo sob parecer no. 68/07 e os procedimentos estatísticos foram realizados no programa Stata 9. A amostra foi composta por 1017 casos e 951 controles. A análise hierárquica identificou maior chance de câncer de cabeça e pescoço entre os homens (OR=2,01; IC95% 1,57-2,59), pessoas entre 48 e 55 anos (OR=1,82; IC95% 1,42-2,33), pessoas sem estudo ou apenas alfabetizados (2,48; IC95% 1,73-3,52), entre pessoas com primeiro grau completo ou incompleto (1,31; IC95% 1,05-1,63) e entre as pessoas que exerceram durante mais tempo profissão manual (1,38; IC95% 1,10-1,74). Além disso, fumantes e consumidores de bebidas alcoólicas apresentaram maior razão de chances em relação àqueles que nunca consumiram os produtos. No modelo não hierárquico, mesmo após o ajuste por tabagismo e ingestão de álcool, maior chance foi verificada para o grupo de menor escolaridade em todas as localizações topográficas (exceto para os tumores de boca), e para pessoas com ocupações manuais (exceto para os tumores de boca e faringe). A identificação desse efeito residual indica haver fatores adicionais, além da exposição ao álcool e tabaco, operando na distribuição desigual do câncer de cabeça e pescoço entre os estratos sociais. / This is a hospital-based case-control study involving patients diagnosed with head and neck cancer. Such patients have participated in the \"Latin American Multicentric Study from Environmental Factors, Virus and Oral Cavity and Larynx Cancer\", and in the \"Clinical Genome of Cancer Project\", from November 1998 to December 2005, and were attended at the Hospital Heliópolis, Hospital das Clínicas da Faculdade de Medicina da Universidade de São Paulo and Instituto do Câncer Arnaldo Vieira de Carvalho. The case group comprised patients histologically diagnosed with mouth, pharynx or larynx cancer; the control group comprised patients treated at the same hospitals for other diseases than malignant neoplasms or conditions related to head and neck cancer risk factors. Data analysis used non-conditional logistic regression based on a hierarchical model of determination. At the most distal level, demographic variables were included (e.g. sex, skin color and age), followed by education level (e.g. highest grade or degree completed) and occupation (i.e. the one performed the longest period). Alcohol and tobacco consumption were included at the most proximal level. The investigation also assessed whether the association between education level and occupation with mouth and neck cancer was only mediated by differential patterns of alcohol and tobacco consumption among social strata, or there was residual variation that exceeded those two factors. All analyses for mouth and neck cancer were specifically replicated for each topographic location (mouth, pharynx and larynx). The study was approved by the University of Sao Paulo School of Dentistry\'s Ethics Committee, report number 68/07, and statistical analyses used the Stata 9 program. The sample was composed of 1017 cases and 951 controls. Hierarchical analysis identified a greater chance of head and neck cancer for men (OR=2,01; CI95% 1,57-2,59), patients aged 48 to 55 years old (OR=1,82; CI95% 1,42-2,33), uneducated or semi-literate patients (2,48; CI95% 1,73-3,52), subjects with elementary education (8 years) (1,31; IC95% 1,05-1,63) and those performing manual occupations (1,38; CI95% 1,10-1,74). In addition, tobacco smokers and alcohol users presented a higher odds than those non-exposed to these conditions. In the non-hierarchical model, even after the adjustment for tobacco and alcohol use, a higher odds was identified for the less-schooled strata in every topographic location (except for mouth tumors), and for subjects with manual labor occupations (except for mouth and pharynx tumors). Identification of such residual effect indicates that there are other factors than alcohol and tobacco consumption, which mediate the uneven distribution of head and neck cancer across the socioeconomic strata.

La céramique fontbuxienne des plaines du Languedoc oriental / The fontbuxian ceramic plains in the eastern Languedoc

Orgeval, Maxime 13 December 2013 (has links)
En Languedoc oriental, durant la fin du Néolithique final, on assiste à un accroissement important des occupations préhistoriques, en particulier au Néolithique final 3 (culture de Fontbouisse). Ce territoire a fait l’objet d’un découpage en faciès culturels, essentiellement sur la base des productions céramiques (Gutherz, 1975 ; 1990). La recherche s’est majoritairement concentrée sur les villages en pierre sèche des garrigues depuis les années 1950 jusqu’au début des années 1990. En effet, à partir de ces années-là, les investigations archéologiques se concentrèrent en plaine, sur des occupations à systèmes de fossés s’étendant sur plusieurs hectares. Le mobilier céramique, abondant, méritait une analyse plus poussée. Le travail présenté se penchera sur plusieurs séries céramiques des plaines datées du Néolithique final 3. La quantité massive de mobilier servira à vérifier si des régularités dans les productions céramiques peuvent être observées ou non. L’intérêt de ce travail est double : préciser les tendances stylistiques se dégageant des ensembles étudiés ; utiliser le contexte des successions de comblements stratigraphiques en vue d’affiner la chronologie de la production céramique et son évolution durant le Néolithique final 3. / In eastern Languedoc, during the late Neolithic, there has been a significant increase in prehistoric settlements, especially in the late Neolithic 3 (Fontbouisse culture). This area has been divided in cultural facies, mainly on the basis of ceramic production (Gutherz, 1975; 1990). Research has mostly focused on the garrigue’s dry stone villages from the 1950s to the early 1990s. Indeed, from those years, archaeological surveys have focused in plain, on ditch system settlements over several hectares. The abundant ceramicware deserved further analysis. This work will focus on several plain ceramic series dated to late Neolithic 3. The massive amount of ceramicware will make it possible to assess whether patterns in ceramic production can be observed. The value of this work is twofold: outline stylistic trends emerging from the sets studied, use the context of stratigraphic successions of fillings to refine the chronology of ceramic production and its evolution during late Neolithic 3.

Conflitos fundi?rios urbanos coletivos e justi?a / Conflitos fundi?rios urbanos coletivos e justi?a / Collective urban land conflicts and justice

Minnicelli, Jo?o Luiz Portolan Galv?o 12 December 2016 (has links)
Submitted by SBI Biblioteca Digital (sbi.bibliotecadigital@puc-campinas.edu.br) on 2017-03-23T14:26:57Z No. of bitstreams: 1 JO?O LUIZ PORTOLAN GALV?O MINNICELLI.pdf: 3631598 bytes, checksum: 0041ff82bf097abf4859c2d946f81cfd (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2017-03-23T14:26:57Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 JO?O LUIZ PORTOLAN GALV?O MINNICELLI.pdf: 3631598 bytes, checksum: 0041ff82bf097abf4859c2d946f81cfd (MD5) Previous issue date: 2016-12-12 / Pontif?cia Universidade Cat?lica de Campinas ? PUC Campinas / This thesis is developed through analysis of judgments repossession in collective urban land conflicts. Analyzes occupations enthralled by movements for housing on two metropolitan regions: S?o Paulo and Campinas. The review of decisions or judgments processes of the S?o Paulo State Judiciary allows admit as hypothesis: a) that the unilateral way to deal with such conflicts produce weaknesses in the quality of judgment; b) such decisions would impose an "Automation" of the right to property that offends the "principle of effectiveness" that should be observed, for example, in search of this property come to fulfill its social function; c) such decisions seem to forget that these conflicts involve not only rights, but important urban and social issues without regard to the allocation of the occupying families. The thesis is used the inductive method for the analysis of property defense phenomenon. Through the analysis seeks to understand the reasons for this court behavior and their social and urban consequences. As a result the thesis establishes conclusions about the ineffectiveness of the judicial action in these cases by assintonia with thought and constitutional will. / Esta pesquisa se desenvolve a partir da an?lise de decis?es judiciais de reintegra??o de posse nos conflitos fundi?rios urbanos coletivos. Analisam-se ocupa??es protagonizadas por movimentos pela moradia em duas regi?es metropolitanas: S?o Paulo e Campinas. A an?lise cr?tica de decis?es ou senten?as de processos do Poder Judici?rio do Estado de S?o Paulo permite admitir como hip?teses a) que a maneira unilateral de lidar com tais conflitos produz fragilidades na qualidade do julgamento; b) que tais decis?es fariam prevalecer uma ?automa??o? do direito ? propriedade que ofenderia o ?princ?pio da efetividade? da fun??o social da propriedade; c) que estas decis?es pareceriam olvidar que esses conflitos envolvem n?o apenas direitos, mas quest?es urbanas e sociais importantes n?o enfrentadas como a destina??o das fam?lias ocupantes. Utilizando-se m?todo indutivo por partir da an?lise do fen?meno da defesa da propriedade para por meio dele procurar entender os motivos deste comportamento jurisdicional e suas consequ?ncias sociais e urbanas, conclui-se pela inefetividade da atua??o jurisdicional nestes casos por assintonia com o pensamento constitucional.

Exploring the role of spirituality in coping of traffic officers

Jacobs, Rochelle Dorothy 06 1900 (has links)
The main purpose of this study is to explore the role spirituality plays in the coping of traffic officers within the South African Traffic Services. A sample of ten traffic officers participated in the study, and data was obtained by means of open-ended questions during in-depth and semi-structured interviews. The literature review aimed to conceptualise spirituality, to conceptualise coping, and to theoretically explore the role of spirituality in the coping of traffic officers. Specific aims for the empirical study were: to gain a better understanding of how traffic officers experience the role of spirituality in coping with their role within the South African context; to provide a framework that can assist with creating an understanding of the role spirituality plays in coping as a traffic officer; and to formulate recommendations for possible future research that explores the role of spirituality in the coping of traffic officers within the discipline of Industrial and Organisational Psychology, more specifically in employee and organisational wellness, and career counselling. The research findings showed that traffic officers in the sample all utilised spirituality in the workplace to various extents, and that they exhibited adaptive coping abilities when doing so. They associated less spirituality or a lack of spirituality with weaker coping abilities. It was found that spirituality in the traffic officers is informed by a foundation of spirituality or religion, purpose to their work and life, their connection to their spiritual source, and the fruits of spirituality. Their coping ability was influenced by upbringing and background, by stressors from their work environment and by coping mechanisms. The role of spirituality in the coping of traffic officers culminated in their ability to interpret the meaning of spirituality, and then to implement spirituality in order to cope. / Industrial and Organisational Psychology / M. Com. (Industrial and Organisational Psychology)

The role and regulation of private, for-profit employment agencies in the British Columbia labour market and the recruitment of temporary foreign workers

Parrott, Daniel 18 August 2011 (has links)
My thesis examines the role and regulation of private, for-profit employment agencies in the British Columbia labour market with respect to the recruitment of temporary foreign workers. In it, I reviewed the historical origins of employment agency legislation in Canada. I go on to describe Canada’s Temporary Foreign Worker Program in connection with the transfer of federal immigration authority to the provinces. I also present a case study demonstrating how temporary foreign workers are recruited for the Live-in Caregiver Program in British Columbia, and use the study as a basis for comparing British Columbia’s employment agency legislation with the agency licensing regimes in the other Western Provinces. I conclude that Manitoba’s recent Worker Recruitment and Protection Act frames a best practice model for the protection of foreign workers during the recruitment process, and I encourage other provinces like British Columbia to develop and legislatively frame a similar set of best practices. / Graduate

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