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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Lietuvos kelių ir geležinkelių transporto sektorių darnaus vystymosi analizė / Analysis of sustainable development of the road and rail transport sectors in Lithuania

Garbaravičius, Paulius 14 June 2011 (has links)
Darbo tikslas – išanalizuoti Lietuvos kelių ir geležinkelių transporto vystymosi tendencijas, įvertinti jų atitikimą darnaus vystymosi principams bei ištirti transporto naudojimo visuomenės įpročius. Vykdant išsikeltus darbo uždavinius buvo renkami, grupuojami, ir analizuojami statistiniai duomenys susiję su transporto sektoriaus darniu vystymusi ir apimantys šio sektoriaus aplinkosauginius, ekonominius bei socialinius aspektus. Duomenys analizuojami programiniais paketais Microsoft Excel ir Statistica 10. Atlikta koreliacinė analizė tarp skirtingų rodiklių siekiant išsiaiškinti jų tarpusavio ryšio stiprumą ir patikimumą. Taip pat buvo atlikta visuomenės apklausa internetinėje prieigoje www.manoapklausa.lt . Apklausa buvo atlikta du kartus – 2010 matų rudenį ir 2011 metų pavasarį – siekiant išanalizuoti visuomenės nuomonės pasikeitimus, susijusius su metų laiko, ekonominės situacijos ir kitų veiksnių pakitimais. Apklausų duomenys buvo analizuojami programiniu paketu SPSS, nustatomas ryšys tarp skirtingų rodiklių grupių. Analizuojamas laikotarpis apima 1995 – 2010 metus. Per šį laikotarpį Lietuvos transporto sektorius labai vystėsi. Ryškiausias augimas buvo kelių transporto sektoriuje. Kelių transporto priemonių skaičius per analizuojamą laikotarpį padidėjo 2,2 karto. Kuro sunaudojimas transporto sektoriuje per analizuojamą laikotarpį išaugo 50 proc. Kuro suvartojimas transporto sektoriuje labai sumažėjo po Rusijos krizės 2001 metais ir dabartinės ekonominės krizės metu. Vis... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / Aim of research – to analyze the Lithuanian road ant rail transport development trends, assess their compliance with the principles of sustainable development and to investigate the use of public transport habits. By research were collected, grouped and analyzed statistical data related to transport sector sustainable development and covering the sector‘s environmental, economic ad social aspects. The data were analyzed by software packages Microsoft Excel and Statistica 10. Were transacted correlation analysis between the different indicators to identify the relationship strength and reliability. It was also made an public online poll. The poll was made two times – in autumn 2010 and spring 2011 – in order to analyze the changes in public opinion related to seasons, the economic situation changes and other factors. The data of polls were analyzed using SPSS software package, defines the relationship between different indicators. Analyzed period covers the 1995 – 2010 year. During this period, the Lithuania transport sector is highly developed. The largest increase was in the road sector. Road vehicles during the analysis period increased 2,2-fold. Fuel consumption in the transport sector during the analyzed period increased 50 percent. Fuel consumption in the transport sector decreased significantly after the Russian economic crisis of 1999 and the current economic crisis. Road transport has a growing share of goods and passenger turnover. Passenger turnover by road... [to full text]

Europos Sąjungos transporto politika: kelių transporto veiklos priežiūra, užtikrinant konkurencingumą bei eismo saugą / EU transport policy: enforcement of road transport sector ensuring competitive abilities and road safety

Asta, Pleškienė 28 January 2008 (has links)
ES transporto politika siekiama sukurti ekonominius, socialinius ir aplinkosaugos poreikius atitinkančias transporto sistemas, kurios užtikrina Europos gerovę. Transporto sektorius turi tiesioginės įtakos ekonomikos augimui per pamatinių bendrosios rinkos principų – laisvo žmonių, prekių, paslaugų judėjimo – įgyvendinimą. Didžiausia vežimo dalis ES viduje vyksta keliais, jais vežama 44 procentai krovinių ir 85 procentai keleivių, transporto priemonių kasmet padaugėja 3 milijonais. Taip sparčiai augant kelių transporto sektoriui, daugėjant rinkos dalyvių bei aštrėjant konkurencijai tarp vežėjų, vis didesnis dėmesys skiriamas kelių transporto kontrolei. Darbe keliama problema – vežėjų valstybinės priežiūros galimybės, užtikrinant eismo saugą bei vienodas konkurencijos sąlygas visiems kelių transporto paslaugas teikiantiems rinkos dalyviams. Darbo tikslas yra apibrėžtas sisteminiu požiūriu ištirti ir įvertinti vienodų konkurencijos sąlygų užtikrinimo galimybes visiems kelių transporto paslaugas teikiantiems rinkos dalyviams. Naudojami tyrimo metodai: dokumentų analizė teisės aktų tyrimui, nustatant naujai įsigaliojusių teisės aktų poveikį; aprašomosios statistikos metodas – pateikti kiekybiniams ir kokybiniams kontrolės rezultatams; lyginimo metodas, siekiant atskleisti esminių veiksnių, įtakojančių kelių transporto sąlygų gerinimą, tarpusavio sąveikas, priklausomybę. Darbą sudaro trys skyriai. Pirmasis skyrius skirtas ES transporto politikos apžvalgai, nusakant pagrindinius... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / European Union (EU) transport policy aims at creating appropriate transport systems that meets economical, social and environmental demands and improves the wealth of Europe. Transport in general and roads in particular play an economic role of prime importance in modern economies by implementing the free movement of persons, goods and services. Road transport’s inland market share is the largest with carrying 44 percent of goods and 85 percent of passengers and keeps increasing with 3 million vehicles per year. In a highly competitive market, in which companies are under pressure to keep costs to a minimum, action must be taken to improve compliance with essential rules. Compliance with the provisions cannot be enforced unless proper and effective control is brought to bear. This study aims at pointing out the enforcement’s abilities to ensure that the working time rules are applied and enforced uniformly and fairly throughout the Union to avoid any distortion of competition. The following methods of research was used in the study: analysis of documents for studying the legislation, descriptive statistics for presenting quantitative and qualitative results of control, comparison method for developing essential factors that makes influence improving road transport conditions, their reciprocity and dependence. There are three main parts in the study. The first one proposes the review of EU transport policy with its main aims, goals, implementing tools as well as description... [to full text]

Transport under Emission Trading

Abrell, Jan 11 August 2010 (has links) (PDF)
This thesis analysis the impact of private road transport under emission trading using two different Computable General Equilibrium models. A static multi-region model with special emphasis on the European Union, addresses the welfare impact of road transport under the European Emission Trading System. Including terms-of-trade effects, this model does not account for congestion which is the main externality of road transport. Furthermore, technological details of electricity generation which are an important factor in evaluating climate policies are not included. Therefore, the second model is a static Small Open Economy model of the German economy including congestion effects and detailed technological characteristics of electricity generation. The results of both models highlight the important role of already existing taxes on transport fuels for the evaluation of carbon mitigation measures in road transportation.

Empregado, autônomo e empresário : a tomada de decisão no setor de transporte rodoviário de cargas em São Marcos, RS

Bertolazzi, Marco Aurelio January 1998 (has links)
São Marcos, no Rio Grande do Sul, caracteriza-se por sua participação no setor do transporte rodoviário de cargas, sendo o município brasileiro com maior número de veículos pesados por habitante. Este trabalho busca identificar os fatores que influenciam a tomada de decisão dentro desse ramo de negócios. Assim, são estudados quatro casos de profissionais da área. Esses indivíduos iniciaram sua trajetória na condição de empregados, passando em seguida para a fase de autônomos. No entanto, apenas dois deles prosperaram, tornando-se empresários; os outros dois retornaram à condição de empregados. O estudo também possibilitou identificar o nível de insatisfação dos empregados do setor na busca de um progresso dentro do mesmo, assim como observar o perfil de competência daqueles que chegam a implantar suas próprias organizações. Dessa forma, é possível formar um paralelo entre as experiências bem-sucedidas e as tentativas frustradas. Os dados foram levantados a partir de uma série de fontes de evidências como entrevistas, registros de arquivos e documentos dos personagens referidos. A análise desses dados leva à interpretação de dois fatores como fundamentais na tomada de decisões dos indivíduos que trabalham no transporte rodoviário de cargas: a intuição e a influência de outras pessoas que cercam os tomadores de decisão. Esses fatores reforçam a idéia da subjetividade dentro do processo administrativo. O trabalho possibilita a formação de um quadro de dados gerais a respeito do setor. Além disso, serve de referencial às atitudes de organizações públicas e privadas, de pessoas ligadas ao ramo e de jovens que pretendem entrar nesse universo de trabalho. / São Marcos, in Rio Grande do Sul, is characterized by its the significant shore in the road cargo transport sector, it is the Brazilian county with the largest number of heavy vehicles per inhabitant. The present research tries to identify the factors that influence decision-making in this business activity. Four case studies were developed with professional workers. These people have started their career as employees, later having become selfemployed. However, only two, out of the four become, becoming successful entrepreneurs. The other two went back to the condition of employees. Through the study it was also possible to identify the dissatisfaction levels of among employees in the sector, who look for professional development, as well as to observe the professional profile of those who reached of establishing their own companies. Therefore, it is possible to make a comparison between successful experiences and fruitless efforts in the field. Data were collected from several sources like interviews, file registers and documents of the referred people. Analysis of these data leads to the identification of two main factors influencing decision-making of people who work in cargo road transport: intuition and influence of other people around them. These factors reinforce the assumption of subjectivity in the management process. The research makes it possible to create a general profile of people involved in this activity. Besides it is a useful reference for the study of public and private organizational behavior, for people already involved in the area and for young people who intend to enter the area.

Le redéploiement technique et organisationnel des réseaux de messagerie dans les territoires / The technical and organisationnal redeployment of French groupage networks

Launay, Pierre 06 March 2018 (has links)
La messagerie est le segment du transport terrestre de marchandises dédié au transport d’envois de détail (colis, sacs, petits lots palettisés) sur des longues distances. Elle s’appuie sur une organisation réticulaire pour traiter conjointement des envois appartenant à différentes chaînes logistiques, afin d’optimiser les capacités de chargement des véhicules. Au cours des vingt dernières années, elle a accompagné le redéploiement des systèmes de production et de distribution dans les territoires, et a intégré les outils de la révolution numérique sur les plans matériel (automatisation) et informationnel (technologies de l’information et de la communication). Dans leurs dimensions techniques et organisationnelles, les réseaux de messagerie n’ont plus grand-chose à voir avec ce qu’ils étaient à la fin du siècle dernier. Pourtant, aucun travail de recherche ne s’est penché sur cette question. Cette thèse propose de caractériser les modalités d’adaptation technique et organisationnelle des réseaux de messagerie aux mutations des systèmes de production et de distribution dans les territoires depuis la fin du XXe siècle. Elle s’appuie sur des informations recueillies auprès de professionnels de la messagerie et des données ouvertes. Elle révèle une multiplication du champ des possibles des envois de messagerie en termes de délais et de couverture géographique, et une segmentation des réseaux de messagerie selon le seul critère de conditionnement des marchandises, déterminant le potentiel d’automatisation de leur traitement dans les réseaux. A l’heure de l’intégration européenne et de la globalisation des chaînes logistiques, cette thèse propose de nouveaux outils pour comprendre le déploiement des réseaux de messagerie dans les territoires / The French concept of “Messagerie” describes both less-than-truckload (LTL) and parcel delivery operations based on network organizations. These transport operations rely on the consolidation and groupage of shipments belonging to different kind of supply chains. In the last two decades, this activity adapted to the evolution of production and distribution systems and has integrated the digital revolution tools in its internal organization. The French LTL and parcels networks have little in common with what they were in the ‘90s. Yet, their transformations are largely ignored in the scientific literature. This thesis proposes an analysis of the organizational and technical adaptation of French LTL and parcels networks to the evolution of the production and distribution systems in the last two decades. It is based on information gathered from professionals and open data. It reveals an extend of the range of possibilities offered by the transport networks in terms of delays and geographic coverage, and a technical specialization of these networks according to the size, weight and packaging of the goods transported, which determine their potential for automation. At a time of globalization, this thesis offers new tools to understand the deployment of transport networks in the territories

Optimalizace správy vozového parku / Efficient fleet management

STERLYOVÁ, Simona January 2018 (has links)
This thesis analyzes actual situation of company fleet management. It describes development of road transport and influence on corporate vehicles. It provides an insight into the legislative conditions for lending cars to employees and car policy. It also focuses on posibilities of financing as are operative leasing, financial leasing, purchase from own and foreign sources. Next chapter describes total cost of ownership, which are, for example service costs, fuel, insurance and other. The thesis contains case study that analyzes development of business trips, number of pool cars and manager cars and real costs of fleet management based on actual data provided by the company. At the end of the thesis several solutions and suggestions are proposed. With these ideas could company save money and improve organization of work.

Empregado, autônomo e empresário : a tomada de decisão no setor de transporte rodoviário de cargas em São Marcos, RS

Bertolazzi, Marco Aurelio January 1998 (has links)
São Marcos, no Rio Grande do Sul, caracteriza-se por sua participação no setor do transporte rodoviário de cargas, sendo o município brasileiro com maior número de veículos pesados por habitante. Este trabalho busca identificar os fatores que influenciam a tomada de decisão dentro desse ramo de negócios. Assim, são estudados quatro casos de profissionais da área. Esses indivíduos iniciaram sua trajetória na condição de empregados, passando em seguida para a fase de autônomos. No entanto, apenas dois deles prosperaram, tornando-se empresários; os outros dois retornaram à condição de empregados. O estudo também possibilitou identificar o nível de insatisfação dos empregados do setor na busca de um progresso dentro do mesmo, assim como observar o perfil de competência daqueles que chegam a implantar suas próprias organizações. Dessa forma, é possível formar um paralelo entre as experiências bem-sucedidas e as tentativas frustradas. Os dados foram levantados a partir de uma série de fontes de evidências como entrevistas, registros de arquivos e documentos dos personagens referidos. A análise desses dados leva à interpretação de dois fatores como fundamentais na tomada de decisões dos indivíduos que trabalham no transporte rodoviário de cargas: a intuição e a influência de outras pessoas que cercam os tomadores de decisão. Esses fatores reforçam a idéia da subjetividade dentro do processo administrativo. O trabalho possibilita a formação de um quadro de dados gerais a respeito do setor. Além disso, serve de referencial às atitudes de organizações públicas e privadas, de pessoas ligadas ao ramo e de jovens que pretendem entrar nesse universo de trabalho. / São Marcos, in Rio Grande do Sul, is characterized by its the significant shore in the road cargo transport sector, it is the Brazilian county with the largest number of heavy vehicles per inhabitant. The present research tries to identify the factors that influence decision-making in this business activity. Four case studies were developed with professional workers. These people have started their career as employees, later having become selfemployed. However, only two, out of the four become, becoming successful entrepreneurs. The other two went back to the condition of employees. Through the study it was also possible to identify the dissatisfaction levels of among employees in the sector, who look for professional development, as well as to observe the professional profile of those who reached of establishing their own companies. Therefore, it is possible to make a comparison between successful experiences and fruitless efforts in the field. Data were collected from several sources like interviews, file registers and documents of the referred people. Analysis of these data leads to the identification of two main factors influencing decision-making of people who work in cargo road transport: intuition and influence of other people around them. These factors reinforce the assumption of subjectivity in the management process. The research makes it possible to create a general profile of people involved in this activity. Besides it is a useful reference for the study of public and private organizational behavior, for people already involved in the area and for young people who intend to enter the area.

Competi??o e regulamenta??o no transporte de passageiros: Um est?dio no transporte rodovi?rio intermunicipal / Competition and regulation in the transport of passangers: a study in road transport intercity

Due?as, Miguel Alfredo Flores 19 May 2006 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2014-12-17T14:52:58Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 MiguelAFD.pdf: 2178470 bytes, checksum: c9994d5f64caab4ca2d21b20e964ccdf (MD5) Previous issue date: 2006-05-19 / The objective of this research is the verification of the competition in the intecity market, after the entrance of new competitors (vans and microbus) regulated and clandestine. For verification of this new view was effected one research of documentary character for the knowledge of the regulation and exploratory character of the system Natal - territory of the Serid?, for thus in making will know this problematic, well as its characteristics, attractivenesses and development of the territory of the Serid?, and its link with the Capital (Natal). Later, through a descriptive exploratory research of the type survey with the passengers to know as these are being taken care and its satisfaction in relation to the regulated companies. With the drivers if focus effected one group, and with the staff of the of sale ticket a research survey, aiming at to know the strategies used for the only company of bus that takes care of the territory of the Serid?, the implantation of these and the consequence of the user. In accordance with the generic tipologia of Porter and its strategies, were perceived that the bus company adopted the strategy of price leadership being competitive, using to advantage its bigger space in the market, already vans and the microbuses with its limited participation bet in a strategy of "differentiation" in its service, effecting faster trips and in the strategy of "approach" we find the not regulated services earn the service to the taste of the user / O objetivo desta pesquisa ? a verifica??o da competi??o no mercado intermunicipal, ap?s a entrada de novos concorrentes (vans e micro?nibus) regulamentadas e ou clandestinas. Para verifica??o deste novo panorama efetuo-se uma pesquisa de car?ter documental para o conhecimento da regulamenta??o e car?ter explorat?rio do sistema Natal Regi?o do Serid?, para assim nos familiarizar com sua problem?tica, bem como suas caracter?sticas, atratividades e desenvolvimento da regi?o do Serid?, e seu elo com a Capital (Natal). Posteriormente, se realizou uma pesquisa explorat?ria descritiva do tipo survey com os passageiros para saber como estes est?o sendo atendidos e sua satisfa??o em rela??o ?s empresas regulamentadas. Com os motoristas se efetuou um focus group, e com o pessoal do guich? uma pesquisa survey, visando conhecer as estrat?gias utilizadas pela ?nica empresa de ?nibus que atende a regi?o do Serid?, a implanta??o destas e o reflexo do usu?rio. De acordo com a tipologia de Porter e suas estrat?gias gen?ricas, percebeu-se que a empresa de ?nibus adotou a estrat?gia de lideran?a de pre?o para ser competitiva, aproveitando a sua melhor coloca??o no mercado, j? as vans e os micro?nibus com sua limitada participa??o apostam numa estrat?gia de diferencia??o no seu servi?o, efetuando viagens mais r?pidas e na estrat?gia de enfoque encontramos os servi?os n?o regulamentares ganha no servi?o ao gosto do usu?rio

Řešení hromadného neštěstí na dálnici D3 / Managing Multiple Car Accidents at D3 Motorway

SEDLÁČEK, Marek January 2010 (has links)
The current development of transport involves lots of pros, but also lots of cons includ-ing real risks. On one hand, there is a need to transport many people at reduced time and costs and on the other hand there is a risk of incidents. New and modern motorways and I. class roads plus using most updated means of transportation allow us transport more people more quickly, in even more convenient and safe way. Car accidents interventions are considered as routine procedures of the integrated rescue system in domestically as well as worldwide and their coordination is not a big deal for emergency teams. However, complications may occur when performing the intervention on the road with more lanes and with a center dividing strip as well as when there is a higher number of injured or a greater area of intervention, such as in the case of a chain accident. Sections of the integrated rescue systems are trained to handle such extraordinary events and follow new methodology, which is step by step put into practice. Within the process of its application, a major role plays the synergy trainings of the integrated rescue sys-tem, which require the approach to the actual conditions simulation. This thesis was produced to serve the needs of the intervention commander and pro-vides a comprehensive view on the issue of managing interventions where a higher number of casualties and injured occurs and related rescue systems on motorways and I. class roads. The thesis also brings information on new trends in training rescue teams for this type of events. It focuses on South Bohemia, D3 motorway is under construc-tion and on its first part Mezno {--} Tabor, which was opened in December 2007.

Regulation, agro-energy policy and market evolution for renewable fuels in Brazil / Regulación, política agro-energética y la evolución del mercado de carburantes renovables en Brasil

Rodríguez Morales, Jorge Ernesto, Rodríguez López, Fernando 10 April 2018 (has links)
The costs of oil dependence, the environmental external costs of fossil fuels, or the promotion of agricultural development, has justified a number of measures of state intervention to expand the domestic market of biofuels, assuming that state intervention is necessary and sufficient condition for achieving this aim. After analyzing the political and economic elements in the Brazilian ethanol sector in historical perspective, in this article we argue that the expansion or contraction of the market should not be understood as an effect of a particular policies determined by the regulatory state. Regarding this, we argue the trends on the market development reflect the effects of aprevious underlying relationship, which is determined by the convergence or divergence over time of the opportunity costs of government and agribusiness. Our analysis shows that the effectiveness of a policy of energy diversification as the promotion of biofuels depends on the economic benefits and political rents generated by expanding the use of ethanol. These restrictions can be extrapolated as part of the cost-effectiveness analysis of public policies related to the sector in other countries. / Los costes de la dependencia del petróleo, los costes externos medioambientales de los combustibles fósiles, o la promoción del desarrollo agrícola, han justificado una serie de medidas de intervención estatal para expandir el mercado interno de los biocarburantes, en el supuesto de que la intervención del Estado es condición necesaria y suficiente para lograr este objetivo. Después de analizar en perspectiva histórica los elementos políticos y económicos en el sector del etanol de Brasil, en este artículo se argumenta que la expansión o contracción del mercado no debe entenderse como el efecto de unas políticas determinadas por el Estado regulador. En este sentido, sostenemos que las tendencias en el desarrollo del mercado reflejan los efectos de una relación subyacente anterior, que está determinada por la convergencia o divergencia en el tiempo de los costos de oportunidad del gobierno y de la agroindustria. Nuestro análisis muestra que la eficacia de una política de diversificación energética como la promoción de los biocombustibles depende de los beneficios económicos y de las rentas políticas generadas por la expansión del uso de etanol. Estas restricciones se pueden extrapolar como parte del análisis de costo-efectividad de las políticas públicas relacionadas con el sector en otros países.

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