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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Experiments in Biological Planet Formation and Plants: Nourishing Bodies, Nourishing Planets

Brickman, Jacklyn E. January 2020 (has links)
No description available.

Preparación y propiedades fotofísicas de materiales grafénicos y puntos cuánticos basados en carbono. Aplicaciones en nanotecnología

García Baldoví, Hermenegildo 01 September 2016 (has links)
[EN] In this Doctoral Thesis, it has been studied the photophysical and photochemical properties of new nanomaterials based on carbon as graphene derivatives (GO, rGO, graphene (N,O)-codoped and graphene reconstituted halogenated) and two different types of carbon nanoparticles (C-dots and C-NOR). These materials have been applied in the photocatalytic hydrogen generation, such as gas sensors and bioimaging techniques. In a first stage the material was characterized with different spectroscopic and microscopic techniques, and subsequently was studied the behavior of these materials as semiconductors. Using the techniques of fluorescence spectroscopy and absorbance transition has been proven generation state of charge separation after excitation. The different strategies used in the modification of graphene are aimed at getting systems with higher lifetimes of charge separation to harness the energy absorbed from light. It has been observed that the lifetime and quantum yield of charge separation is greater in rGO than GO. For graphenes (N,O)-codoped, which were prepared by pyrolysis natural chitosan, has shown that there is a direct relationship between the percentage of dopants and the energy of the conduction band and the quantum yield of charge separation state. In the case of reconstituted graphenes halogenated it has been shown the influence of the nature of the halogen in the generation charge separation. The charge separation lifetime obtained in these materials is in the scale of microseconds which is encouraging for possible application in photocatalysis and optoelectronic devices. For this reason we use these materials as photocatalysts for hydrogen generating from a methanol-water mixture and yields were higher for the sample (Cl)G that were seven times higher than the starting GO. Nanoparticles have been prepared using two different carbon methodologies. In one case they have been used zeolites with different pore size as templates, being those of small pore size with a directing agents with large structure, such as ITQ-29 and ITQ-12, were the most suitable for production of photoluminescent carbon dots. Pyrolysis of structure directing agent of these zeolites results in carbon quantum dots with particle sizes between 5 and 12 nm and photoluminescence quantum yield of 0.4 to that were used as photoluminescent oxygen sensors. Another methodology involves the synthesis of carbon nanomaterials from annealing of a mixture of PTCA and PEG under air atmosphere. Nanoobjects are obtained with height of 2.5 nm and with an average size of 40 nm. The morphology of the C-NOR is similar to an onion formed by concentric circles. These nanoparticles can be internalized in the human carcinoma HeLa cells and Hep 3B and they have interesting photoluminescent properties, in the same way as in solution. They showed a remarkable biocompatibility affecting in a very low way to cell viability to short periods of exposure according to the test MTT. In order to address the possible use of this nanoparticles in bioimaging a complete toxicology study was performed in vitro. It was performed feasibility assessments, proliferation, apoptosis studies generation and oxidative stress experiments after continuous and limited exposure, and also varying concentrations. It was observed that both nanoparticles showed no toxicity in the two situations at low and higher concentration, although some toxicity was determined at higher concentrations under continuous exposure. These results support the potential use of nanoparticles C-NOR and C-NOR(Eu) as bioimaging agents. / [ES] En esta Tesis Doctoral se han estudiado las propiedades fotofísicas y fotoquímicas de nuevos nanomateriales basados en carbono como son los derivados de grafeno (GO, rGO, grafenos (N,O) codopados y grafenos reconstituidos halogenados) y dos tipos diferentes de nanopartículas de carbono (C-dots y C-NOR). Estos materiales se han aplicado en la generación fotocatalítica de hidrógeno, como sensores de gases y en técnicas de bioimagen. En una primera etapa se ha caracterizado el material con distintas técnicas espectroscópicas y de microscopia, y a posteriori se ha estudiado el comportamiento de estos materiales como semiconductores. Mediante las técnicas de espectroscopia de fluorescencia y de absorbancia de transición se ha comprobado la generación del estado de separación de cargas tras su excitación. Las distintas estrategias utilizadas en la modificación del grafeno van dirigidas a conseguir sistemas con tiempos de vida del estado de separación de cargas elevados que permitan aprovechar la energía absorbida de la luz. Se ha observado que el tiempo de vida y el rendimiento cuántico de la separación de cargas es mayor en el rGO que en el GO. Para los grafenos (N,O)-codopados, que han sido preparados por pirólisis del quitosano natural, se ha demostrado que existe una relación directa entre el porcentaje de dopantes y la energía de la banda de conducción y el rendimiento cuántico de la separación de cargas. Para el caso de los grafenos reconstituidos halógenados se ha demostrado la influencia de la naturaleza del halógeno en la generación del estado de separación de cargas. El tiempo de vida del estado de separación de cargas obtenido en estos materiales se encuentra en la escala de los microsegundos lo cual resulta esperanzador para su posible aplicación en fotocatálisis y en dispositivos optoelectrónicos. Por este motivo utilizamos estos materiales como fotocatalizadores para la generación de hidrógeno a partir de una mezcla metanol agua y los rendimientos más altos fueron para la muestra (Cl) G que fueron siete veces más elevadas que el GO de partida. Se han preparado nanoparticulas de carbono empleando dos metodologías distintas. En un caso se han utilizado zeolitas de distinto tamaño de poro como plantillas, siendo las de tamaño de poro pequeño con agentes directores de estructura voluminosos, como la ITQ-29 y ITQ-12, las más adecuadas para obtener puntos de carbono fotoluminiscentes. La pirólisis del agente director de estructura de estas zeolitas da lugar a puntos cuánticos de carbono con tamaños de partícula entre 5 y 12 nm y un rendimiento de fotoluminiscencia cuántica de 0.4 que fueron utilizados como sensores de oxígeno fluorescentes. La otra metodología consiste la síntesis de nanomateriales de carbono a partir de un recocido de una mezcla de PTCA y PEG bajo atmosfera de aire. Se obtiene nanoobjetos de 2.5 nm de altura y con un tamaño medio de 40 nm. La morfologia de los C-NOR es de círculos concéntricos similar a una cebolla. Estas nanopartículas pueden internalizarse en las células de carcinoma humano HeLa y Hep 3B y presentan propiedades fotoluminiscentes interesantes, de la misma manera que en disolución. Demostraron una notable biocompatibilidad afectando de manera poco perceptible a la viabilidad celular a cortos periodos de exposición según la prueba MTT. Con el fin de abordar el posible uso de esta nanopartículas en bioimagen y su toxicidad se realizó un estudio toxicológico completo in vitro. Se realizaron evaluaciones de viabilidad, proliferación, estudios de generación de apoptosis y estrés oxidativo tras la exposición limitada o continua variando las concentraciones. Se observó que ambas nanopartículas no mostraron toxicidad en las dos situaciones a baja concentración, aunque cierta toxicidad se ha determinado a concentraciones superiores bajo exposición continua. / [CA] En aquesta tesi doctoral s'han estudiat les propietats fotofísiques i fotoquímiques de nous nanomaterials basats en carboni com són els derivats de grafè (GO, rGO, grafens (N,O) codopats i grafenos reconstituïts halogenats) i dos tipus diferents de nanopartícules de carboni ( C-dots i C-NOR). Aquests materials s'han aplicat en la generació fotocatalítica d'hidrogen, com a sensors de gasos i en tècniques de bioimatge. En una primera etapa s'ha caracteritzat el material amb diferents tècniques espectroscòpiques i de microscòpia, i a posteriori s'ha estudiat el comportament d'aquests materials com semiconductors. Mitjançant les tècniques d'espectroscòpia de UV-Vis i d'absorbància de transició (T.A.S.) s'ha comprovat la generació de l'estat de separació de càrregues després de la seva excitació. Les diferents estratègies utilitzades en la modificació del grafè van dirigides a aconseguir sistemes amb temps de vida de l'estat de separació de càrregues elevats que permetin aprofitar l'energia absorbida de la llum. S'ha observat que el temps de vida i el rendiment quàntic de la separació de càrregues és més gran en el rGO que al GO. Per als grafenos (N,O)-codopats, que han estat preparats per piròlisi del quitosan natural, s'ha demostrat que existeix una relació directa entre el percentatge de dopants i l'energia de la banda de conducció i el rendiment quàntic de la separació de càrregues. Per al cas dels grafens reconstituïts halogenats s'ha demostrat la influència de la naturalesa de l'halogen en la generació de l'estat de separació de càrregues. El temps de vida de l'estat de separació de càrregues obtingut en aquests materials es troba en l'escala dels microsegons la qual cosa resulta esperançador per a la seva possible aplicació en fotocatàlisi i en dispositius optoelectrònics. Per aquest motiu utilitzares aquests materials com fotocatalitzadors per a la generació de hidrogen a partir de una mescla metanol- aigua y els rendiments mes alts van ser per la mostra (Cl)G que van ser set vegades mes elevades que el GO de partida. S'han preparat nanoparticules de carboni emprant dues metodologies diferents. En un cas s'han utilitzat zeolites de diferent grandària de porus com plantilles, sent les de mida de porus petit amb agents directors d'estructura voluminosos, com la ITQ-29 i ITQ-12, les més adequades per obtenir punts de carboni fotoluminiscents. La piròlisi de l'agent director d'estructura d'aquestes zeolites dóna lloc a punts quàntics de carboni amb mides de partícula entre 5 i 12 nm i un rendiment de fotoluminiscència quàntica de 0.4 que van ser emprats com a sensors d'oxigen fluorescents. L'altra metodologia consisteix en la síntesi de nanomaterials de carbono a partir d'un recuit d'una barreja de PTCA i PEG sota atmosfera d'aire. S'obté nanoobjectes de 2.5 nm d'alçada i amb una longitud mitjana de 40 nm. La morfologia dels C-NOR és de cercles concèntrics similar a una ceba. Aquestes nanopartícules poden internalitzar-se en les cèl·lules de carcinoma humà HeLa i Hep 3B i presenten propietats fotoluminiscents interessants, de la mateixa manera que en dissolució. Van demostrar una notable biocompatibilitat afectant de manera poc perceptible a la viabilitat cel·lular a curts períodes d'exposició segons la prova MTT. Per tal d'abordar el possible ús d'aquesta nanopartícules en bioimatge i la seva toxicitat es va realitzar un estudi toxicològic complet in vitro. Es van realitzar avaluacions de viabilitat, proliferació, estudis de generació d'apoptosi i estrès oxidatiu després de l'exposició limitada o contínua amb diferents concentracions. Es va observar que les dos nanopartícules no van mostrar toxicitat en les dues situacions a baixa concentració, encara que certa toxicitat s'ha determinat a concentracions superiors sota exposició contínua. Aquests resultats donen suport a la possible utilització de nanopartícules C-NOR i C-NOR(Eu) com a agents / García Baldoví, H. (2016). Preparación y propiedades fotofísicas de materiales grafénicos y puntos cuánticos basados en carbono. Aplicaciones en nanotecnología [Tesis doctoral]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/68505 / Premios Extraordinarios de tesis doctorales

Etude comparative des procédés de séchage couplés à la texturation par Détente Instantanée Contrôlée DIC, en termes de cinétique et de qualité nutritionnelle. Applications à la valorisation des déchets agro-industriels / Comparative study of drying process coupled by texturing by instant controlled pressure drop DIC, in terms of kinetics and nutritional quality. Applications to agro-industrial wastes

Albitar, Nsren 08 November 2010 (has links)
Dans le cadre de la présente thèse, a été étudié l’impact de la texturation par traitement thermo-mécanique DIC (Détente Instantanée Contrôlée) sur le séchage de divers produits alimentaires. Ce prétraitement a induit une amélioration de la cinétique de l’opération de séchage quand elle est limitée par le transfert interne de la matière couplé au rétrécissement du produit. Ainsi, la diminution du temps de séchage a atteint 67% dans le cas de l’oignon et 77% dans le cas du cassis. Quant à la diffusivité effective Deff, elle a augmenté par rapport à la matière première jusqu’à 246% pour les pépins et 795% pour les déchets de canneberge, 336% pour l’oignon et 1223% pour le cassis. Dans le cas des produits étudiés, la pression de vapeur de traitement DIC a généralement un effet significatif positif sur la cinétique de séchage et d’extraction des différentes molécules. Concernant les caractérisatiques des produits, nous constatons l’impact positif du traitement par DIC quant aux principales caractéristiques de la matière. Ainsi, les composés phénoliques apparaissent plus disponibles à la suite du traitement adéquat par DIC. Le contenu en composés phénoliques et la capacité antioxydante étant supérieurs dans les produits traités par DIC, la qualité nutritionnelle s’est ainsi également trouvée améliorée. Avec une dégradation thermique négligeable, le traitement DIC implique un effet mécanique dû à la détente instantanée, ce qui permet la rupture de certaines structures cellulaires de la matière et l’augmentation de la quantité maximale extractible. Les caractéristiques physiques diverses (masse volumique apparente et taux relatif d’expansion), les caractéristiques microstructurelles (mesurées par microscopie électronique à balayage) et fonctionnelles d’interaction avec l’eau (réhydratation, teneur en eau, isotherme de sorption, microbiologie et contenu nutritionnel...) peuvent être optimisées en fonction des conditions opératoires DIC, selon les besoins du consommateur. / The present PhD work concerns the effect of thermo-mechanical texturing by DIC (Instantaneous Controlled Pressure-Drop) on fruit and vegetable drying. This pretreatment dramatically improves drying kinetics when the internal mass transfer coupled to the shrinkage of the product, is the limiting process. Indeed, the drying time decreased by 67% in the case of onion and 77% for blackcurrants, while the effective diffusivity Deff increased up to 246%, 795%, 336%, and 1223% for cranberry seed and waste, onion and blackcurrants, respectively. With these products, the saturated steam pressure generally has a significant positive effect on the drying kinetics.DIC treatment significantly improves the main nutritional and functional characteristics of the fruits and vegetables, with more available phenols and higher antioxidant activity. As thermal degradation is negligible, the DIC treatment involves micromechanical effect linked to the instant pressure drop, which allows cell to break and structure to be more porous such increasing the maximum extractable amount. Various physical, microstructural and functional characteristics of new textured material allow water interaction to be completely modified in terms of rehydration kinetics and capacity, sorption isotherm, microbiological and nutritional content... depending on operating DIC conditions, which can be optimized according to the consumer needs.

Molekulardynamische Simulation der Stabilität und Transformation von Kohlenstoff-Nanoteilchen

Fugaciu, Florin 02 May 2000 (has links) (PDF)
Ziel der Arbeit ist die theoretische Analyse von Kohlenstoff-Clustern der Größe 100 - 500 Atome. Die experimentellen Beobachtungen sind bei dieser geringen Anzahl der Atome schwierig. Anderseits sind Kenntnisse über solche Cluster sehr wichtig, z.B. für die Keimbildung von Diamant auf Substraten, oder für die Kohlenstoff-Nanotechnologie (Fullerene, Nanotubes), oder für strukturelle Defekte in Kohlenstoff-Systemen. Es wurden gekrümmte Grenzflächen im Diamant simuliert. Zuerst mit einem empirischen Potential. Es wurde danach eine Methode entwickelt, bei der die schwach gestörten Gebiete einem empirischen Potential gehorchen, und die stark gestörten Gebiete, wo eine genaue Berechnung erforderlich ist, durch eine quantenmechanische Näherung beschrieben wurden. Somit kann man mit guter Genauigkeit große Systeme, bestehend aus einigen 10 (hoch)4 Atomen, simulieren, bei denen nur lokal quantenmechanische Methoden erforderlich sind. Mit diesem Hybrid-Code wurden weiterhin Diamantkeime auf Silizium gerechnet. Es wurden Aussagen bezüglich der Stabilität des Diamants auf dem Siliziumsubstrat, der kritischen Keimgröße, der Änderungen, die der Keim erfährt, gemacht. Ein anderes Gebiet ist die molekulardynamische Simulation bezüglich der Stabilität und des Transformationsverhaltens von Kohlenstoff-Nanoteilchen. Es wurden als »Rohstoffe» sowohl Diamant- und Graphitkristalle sphärischer, ellipsoidischer oder quadratischer Form benutzt, als auch amorpher Kohlenstoff. Es wurde demonstriert, daß sich Diamant unter höherer Temperatur und Bestrahlung in Kohlenstoffzwiebeln transformiert. Es wurde der innere Kern, bestehend aus zwei Schalen, der Kohlenstoffzwiebel simuliert. Es wurde, nach meinem Wissen, zum ersten Mal gezeigt, daß zwischen den Schalen der Kohlenstoffzwiebel Quer-Verbindungen (cross-links) existieren. Diese waren von den Experimentatoren vermutet worden. Sie bilden die Initiatoren der Diamantkeime der Kohlenstoffzwiebel bei ihrer ohne äußeren Druck möglichen Transformation in Diamant. Die Zentren der Kohlenstoffzwiebeln befinden sich bereits in der Entstehung der Zwiebel unter einem Selbstdruck. Bei den größeren Kohlenstoffzwiebeln beträgt der experimentell bestimmte Abstand zwischen den Schalen von außen nach innen von 3.34 Å bis 2.2 Å. Anlagen: nano1.mpg (91,8 MB); nano2.mpg (131 MB) Nutzung: Referat Informationsvermittlung der SLUB / The scope of this work is the analysis of carbon clusters of about 100 - 500 atoms. The experimental studies are at such small clusters heavy. Knowledges about thus clusters are very important, for example in the field of the nucleation of diamond on substrates, or for the carbon nano-technology (fullerene, nanotubes), or for local defects in carbon systems. There were simulated curved interfaces in diamond. Firstly with an empirical potential. Than I developed a method, in wich the defects and the structure around them are treated by a quantum mechanical algorithm and the rest with a near to ideal structure with an empirical potential. So, it is possible an accurate calculation of great systems of about 10 (high)4 atoms on wich only locally quantum mechanical methods are necessary. With this hybrid-code diamond nuclei on silicon substrate were simulated. The stability of the diamond nuclei on the silicon substrate, the critical radius of the nuclei and the changes of the nuclei during his transformation was investigated. Another field of investigations is the molecular dynamics simulation of free carbon clusters. The initial structures had spherical, ellipsoidical or square form and consists of diamond and graphite or a free form in the case of amorphous carbon. It was demonstrated that diamond transforms at higher temperatures and under irradiation in carbon onions. The genesis of the nucleus of a carbon onion with two shells was here for the first time simulated. The existence of the cross-links between the shells of a carbon onion was demonstrated. These existence was expected from the experimentators. The cross-links are the initiators of the transformation of carbon onions to diamond. The center of carbon onions is under self-pressure, because the distance between the outer shells is about 3.34 Å and between the inner shells about 2.2 Å. Appendix: nano1.mpg (91,8 MB); nano2.mpg (131 MB) Usage: Referat Informationsvermittlung/ SLUB

Molekulardynamische Simulation der Stabilität und Transformation von Kohlenstoff-Nanoteilchen

Fugaciu, Florin 15 May 2000 (has links)
Ziel der Arbeit ist die theoretische Analyse von Kohlenstoff-Clustern der Größe 100 - 500 Atome. Die experimentellen Beobachtungen sind bei dieser geringen Anzahl der Atome schwierig. Anderseits sind Kenntnisse über solche Cluster sehr wichtig, z.B. für die Keimbildung von Diamant auf Substraten, oder für die Kohlenstoff-Nanotechnologie (Fullerene, Nanotubes), oder für strukturelle Defekte in Kohlenstoff-Systemen. Es wurden gekrümmte Grenzflächen im Diamant simuliert. Zuerst mit einem empirischen Potential. Es wurde danach eine Methode entwickelt, bei der die schwach gestörten Gebiete einem empirischen Potential gehorchen, und die stark gestörten Gebiete, wo eine genaue Berechnung erforderlich ist, durch eine quantenmechanische Näherung beschrieben wurden. Somit kann man mit guter Genauigkeit große Systeme, bestehend aus einigen 10 (hoch)4 Atomen, simulieren, bei denen nur lokal quantenmechanische Methoden erforderlich sind. Mit diesem Hybrid-Code wurden weiterhin Diamantkeime auf Silizium gerechnet. Es wurden Aussagen bezüglich der Stabilität des Diamants auf dem Siliziumsubstrat, der kritischen Keimgröße, der Änderungen, die der Keim erfährt, gemacht. Ein anderes Gebiet ist die molekulardynamische Simulation bezüglich der Stabilität und des Transformationsverhaltens von Kohlenstoff-Nanoteilchen. Es wurden als »Rohstoffe» sowohl Diamant- und Graphitkristalle sphärischer, ellipsoidischer oder quadratischer Form benutzt, als auch amorpher Kohlenstoff. Es wurde demonstriert, daß sich Diamant unter höherer Temperatur und Bestrahlung in Kohlenstoffzwiebeln transformiert. Es wurde der innere Kern, bestehend aus zwei Schalen, der Kohlenstoffzwiebel simuliert. Es wurde, nach meinem Wissen, zum ersten Mal gezeigt, daß zwischen den Schalen der Kohlenstoffzwiebel Quer-Verbindungen (cross-links) existieren. Diese waren von den Experimentatoren vermutet worden. Sie bilden die Initiatoren der Diamantkeime der Kohlenstoffzwiebel bei ihrer ohne äußeren Druck möglichen Transformation in Diamant. Die Zentren der Kohlenstoffzwiebeln befinden sich bereits in der Entstehung der Zwiebel unter einem Selbstdruck. Bei den größeren Kohlenstoffzwiebeln beträgt der experimentell bestimmte Abstand zwischen den Schalen von außen nach innen von 3.34 Å bis 2.2 Å. Anlagen: nano1.mpg (91,8 MB); nano2.mpg (131 MB) Nutzung: Referat Informationsvermittlung der SLUB / The scope of this work is the analysis of carbon clusters of about 100 - 500 atoms. The experimental studies are at such small clusters heavy. Knowledges about thus clusters are very important, for example in the field of the nucleation of diamond on substrates, or for the carbon nano-technology (fullerene, nanotubes), or for local defects in carbon systems. There were simulated curved interfaces in diamond. Firstly with an empirical potential. Than I developed a method, in wich the defects and the structure around them are treated by a quantum mechanical algorithm and the rest with a near to ideal structure with an empirical potential. So, it is possible an accurate calculation of great systems of about 10 (high)4 atoms on wich only locally quantum mechanical methods are necessary. With this hybrid-code diamond nuclei on silicon substrate were simulated. The stability of the diamond nuclei on the silicon substrate, the critical radius of the nuclei and the changes of the nuclei during his transformation was investigated. Another field of investigations is the molecular dynamics simulation of free carbon clusters. The initial structures had spherical, ellipsoidical or square form and consists of diamond and graphite or a free form in the case of amorphous carbon. It was demonstrated that diamond transforms at higher temperatures and under irradiation in carbon onions. The genesis of the nucleus of a carbon onion with two shells was here for the first time simulated. The existence of the cross-links between the shells of a carbon onion was demonstrated. These existence was expected from the experimentators. The cross-links are the initiators of the transformation of carbon onions to diamond. The center of carbon onions is under self-pressure, because the distance between the outer shells is about 3.34 Å and between the inner shells about 2.2 Å. Appendix: nano1.mpg (91,8 MB); nano2.mpg (131 MB) Usage: Referat Informationsvermittlung/ SLUB

Anonymní pohyb v síti internet / Anonymous communication on the internet

Hořejš, Jan January 2014 (has links)
The objective of this master’s thesis was to describe current capabilities of anonymous browsing over the Internet. The theoretical part focuses on three main methods of anonymization with main focus on Tor network. The master‘s thesis describes advantages and disadvantages of different solutions and possible attacks on them. In the next part is demonstrated Tor network, implementation of Hidden service and secured access to the server for clients and possible attacks against this proposal. The work also includes the results of measurements of all three anonymizers and the effects on their speed.

Functionalization of Nanocarbons for Composite, Biomedical and Sensor Applications

Kuznetsov, Oleksandr 24 July 2013 (has links)
New derivatives of carbon nanostructures: nanotubes, nano-onions and nanocrystalline diamonds were obtained through fluorination and subsequent functionalization with sucrose. Chemically modified nanocarbons show high solubility in water, ethanol, DMF and can be used as biomaterials for medical applications. It was demonstrated that sucrose functionalized nanostructures can find applications in nanocomposites due to improved dispersion enabled by polyol functional groups. Additionally, pristine and chemically derivatized carbon nanotubes were studied as nanofillers in epoxy composites. Carbon nanotubes tailored with amino functionalities demonstrated better dispersion and crosslinking with epoxy polymer yielding improved tensile strength and elastic properties of nanocomposites. Reductive functionalization of nanocarbons, also known as Billups reaction, is a powerful method to yield nanomaterials with high degree of surface functionalization. In this method, nanocarbon salts prepared by treatment with lithium or sodium in liquid ammonia react readily with alkyl and aryl halides as well as bromo carboxylic acids. Functionalized materials are soluble in various organic or aqueous solvents. Water soluble nanodiamond derivatives were also synthesized by reductive functionalization of annealed nanodiamonds. Nanodiamond heat pretreatment was necessary to yield surface graphene layers and facilitate electron transfer from reducing agent to the surface of nanoparticles. Other carbon materials such as activated carbon and anthracite coal were also derivatized using reductive functionalization to yield water soluble activated carbon and partially soluble in organic solvents anthracite. It was shown that activated carbon can be effectively functionalized by Billups method. New derivatives of activated carbon can improve water treatment targeting specific impurities and bio active contaminants. It was demonstrated that functionalized carbon nanotubes are suitable for real time radiation measurements. Radiation sensor incorporating derivatized carbon nanotubes is lightweight and reusable. In summary, functionalization of carbon nanomaterials opens new avenues for processing and applications ranging from biomedicine to radiation sensing in space.

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