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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

The intention for a preference : Aimless venture

Lazaridis, Georgios January 2021 (has links)
In search of, the current and urgent, accompanied with our guiltless but potentially not agencies, we fight for the intelligence of reality. A zeitgeist that we try to ghostbust, that we hope to understand. A pandemonium circulated around the event, the now, the branches of time that flicker the possibilities and variations of expressions, that we as trajectories might solidify into a reality.  "So, one can start from a simple question, at which one does not care to conclude  with an answer: "why do we mark/trace a surface? Or for that matter, sculpt, think,  animate etc." What is the inclination behind it? And more importantly, why do we  cling to a specific preference?" In this essay I attempt a brief brush through from a number of familiar questions about art. And attempt to provide my own understanding, of art, creativity, society, and the ever newer intentions of the human expressive trajectories, that provide variations of possibilities and potentialities.

Self-realization in contemporary theology : towards a vision of Christian wholeness

Slater, Jennifer 02 1900 (has links)
This research determines the ground for a Christian theological anthropology that makes provision for a doctrine that supports human self-realization. It is evident from the study that anthropological self-realization is an involved process of becoming truly human, not an isolated course founded solely on the biblical knowledge of being created in the image and likeness of God. All sciences, and in particular anthropological sciences, enjoy the prerogative of unraveling and analyzing the human person. Whether these sciences are neuro-biological, psychological, theological, philosophical, biblical, spiritual or mystical in character, each with its specific method legitimately attempts to explain the complexities of the human person. In the light of this neither philosophy nor theology possess the exclusive claim to authentic human wisdom. In truth most scientific insights have a combined impact on the self-realizing growth and development of humanity. The process of self-realization links theology to real life questions such as evil, suffering, hope, love, justice and freedom, as well as with the immanent, the transcendent, the human and the divine. This thesis holds to the opinion that a theology of self-realization would contribute to the 'humanization' of theology since it brings praxis and theory into close alignment. This study equally expresses the conviction that the doctrine of consecrated vowed life, an ecclesiastical structure in the Roman Catholic Church, is particularly in need of humanization, as the notion of 'self' as a strength has been notably absent from traditional treatises on the practices of religious life. Conventional forms of consecrated vowed life called the woman to suppress and spiritualize at least some of her femininity. This was due to the distorted theological anthropology that sustained consecrated life in which God was presented as an idea to be grasped intellectually, and not an experience to be lived. / Philosophy, Practical & Systematic Theology / Th. D. (Systematic Theology)

The missiological dimensions of African ecclesiology

Andriatsimialomananarivo, Solomon 11 1900 (has links)
The growth of the Church in Africa, namely at numerical level, is tremendous. However, we notice that her impact on society and public life is not so visible as the growth is, since Christian values are embodied by Christians. Yet, the Church has huge human resources, pastors, missionaries, lay leaders and theologians. The challenge for the Church in Africa is to incarnate and inculturate these values and the living message of the Gospel. In this thesis we question the co-operation between the Church and mission agencies, between native pastors and western missionaries. We notice that since 150 years, there has been a huge gap between these two entities. This is due to the fact that Theology and Missiology look like two lines that never meet. This situation leads us to revisit not only the current paradigm Church-Mission but also the current link between Theology and Missiology. / Christian Spirituality, Church History and Missiology / D.Th. (Missiology)

Fundamentele andragogiek en die opleiding van onderwysers in 'n kontemporêr-moderne wêreld : 'n kritiese besinning

Van Tonder, Christina Helena 11 1900 (has links)
Text in Afrikaans / Die doel van die studie is om krities te besin oor die noodsaaklikheid van Fundamentele Andragogiek in die opleiding van onderwysers in 'n kontemporer-moderne wereld, ten einde aan te toon dat dosente beter toegerus vir hulle begeleidingstaak sal wees indien hulle oor kennis van Fundamentele Andragogiek beskik. HOOFSTUK EEN Die tema word ingelei deur titel- en begripsverheldering, probleemstelling, doelformulering, metodologiese verantwoording en programaankondiging. HOOFSTUK TWEE Fundamentele Andragogiek word antropologies-ontologies begrond, enkele grondvorme van menswees word beskryf en uitgele en aandag word gegee aan die hunkeringe van die onderwysstudent-in-opleiding as ageinsgebeure. HOOFSTUK DRIE 'n Snel veranderende wereld waarin onderwysersopleiding voltrek word, word ondersoek om vas te stel in watter mate snelle verandering 'n bedreiging vir die grondvorme van menswees inhou. HOOFSTUK VIER Die opleiding van onderwysers in 'n kontemporer-moderne RSA word ondersoek, om vas te stel watter eise en verwagtinge die Ministerie van Onderwys en Opleiding het. HOOFSTUK VYF 'n Terugskou word op die studie gedoen en en enkele toekomstake word ge'identifiseer. / The study aimed at reflecting critically on the need for Fundamental Andragogics in the training of teachers in a contemporary modern world. CHAPTER ONE The theme is introduced through clarification of the title and concepts, stating problems, goal setting, methodological justification and exposition of further programme. CHAPTER TWO Fundamental Andragogics is anthropologic-ontologically grounded. Some basic forms of being human are described and attention is given to the yearnings of the teacher trainee. CHAPTER THREE The rapidly changing world is researched in order to ascertain to what extent rapid change poses a threat to the basic forms of being human. CHAPTER FOUR The training of teachers in a contemporary modern RSA is researched in order to ascertain what the demands and expectations of the Ministry of Education and Training are. CHAPTER FIVE The study is viewed in retrospect and some future objectives for teacher training are identified. / Educational Studies / M. Ed. (Philosophy of Education)

Palimpsestic writing and crossing textual boundaries in selected novels by A.S. Byatt / Therina van der Westhuizen

Van der Westhuizen, Therina January 2014 (has links)
This dissertation examines three novels by the author and critic A.S. Byatt, namely Possession (1990), Babel Tower (1996) and The Biographer’s Tale (2000), using a hermeneutic method of analysis. The investigation pays specific attention to the structure of the novels and how this compares to the structure of the ancient palimpsest. Theoretical information on the palimpsest as model is based on relevant writings by Thomas Carlyle (1830, 1833), Thomas De Quincey (1845) through to Josephine McDonagh (1987), Gérard Genette (1997) and Sarah Dillon (2007). The ensuing argument is that Byatt’s use of postmodernist pseudo-intertextuality and intertextuality cause her novels to have a palimpsestic structure of various layers, with the effect that textual boundaries are transgressed. Ultimately Byatt’s writing strategies result in ontological uncertainty for the reader. / MA (English), North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2014.

Argumentation et engagement ontologique de l’acte intentionnel : Pour une réflexion critique sur l’identité dans les logiques intentionnelles explicites / Argumentation and ontological commitment of the intentional act : Critical dissertation about identity in explicit intentional logics

Fontaine, Matthieu 07 May 2013 (has links)
L'intentionalité est la faculté qu'a l'esprit humain de se diriger vers des objets de toutes sortes. On la capture linguistiquement à travers l'usage de verbes comme "savoir", "croire", "craindre", "espérer". Les énoncés intentionnels comme "Jean croit que Nosferatu est un vampire" ou "Oedipe aime Jocaste" défient les lois de la logique classique, remettant en cause la validité de principes logiques tels que la généralisation existentielle ou encore la substitution des identiques. Je propose dans ma thèse une analyse fondée sur les logiques intentionnelles explicites, des logiques où le langage est enrichi au moyen d'opérateurs qui expriment explicitement l'intentionalité. Des aspects originaux de la signification des énoncés intentionnels sont saisis au coeur des pratiques argumentatives, dans le contexte de la logique dialogique notamment. S'intéressant plus spécifiquement au cas de la fictionalité, paradigme où se mêlent naturellement considérations logiques, linguistiques et métaphysiques, je défends une théorie artefactuelle dans laquelle on définit des critères d'existence et d'identité pour les identités fictionnelles littéraires au moyen de la notion de relation de dépendance ontologique. La notion de dépendance ontologique est toutefois sujette à de graves difficultés que l'on repasse ici dans le contexte d'une sémantique modale-Temporelle, défendant alors une approche novatrice de la dimension artefactuelle des fictions. In fine, on propose une combinaison de la théorie artefactuelle à une sémantique pour l'opérateur de fictionalité qui permet l'articulation entre différents points de vue sur la fiction, les points de vue interne et externe notamment. / Intentionality is that faculty of human mind whereby it is directed towards objects of all kinds. It is recorded linguistically in verbs such as "to know", "to believe", "to fear", "to hope". Intentional statements such as "John thinks that Nosferatu is a vampire" or "Oedipus loves Jocasta" challenge classical logical laws such as existential generalization or substitution of identical. I propose here an analysis grounded on explicit intentional logics, i. e. logics in which languages are enriched by means of specific operators expressing intentionality. Some original aspects of the meanings of intentional statements are grasped within argumentative practices, more specifically in the context of dialogical logic. I focus more specifically on fictionality, a paradigm in which logical, linguistic and metaphysical considerations are naturally embedded. I defend an artifactual theory in which existence and identity criteria for fictional entities are defined by means of the notion of ontological dependence relation. That notion faces several difficulties overcome here in a modal-Temporal semantics in which an innovating approach to the artifactual diemnsion of fiction is defended. Ultimately, a combination of that theory to a semantic for the fictionality operator is suggested. This enable us to articulate external and internal viewpoints on fictionality.

Extraction d'arguments de relations n-aires dans les textes guidée par une RTO de domaine / Extraction of arguments in N-ary relations in texts guided by a domain OTR

Berrahou, Soumia Lilia 29 September 2015 (has links)
Aujourd'hui, la communauté scientifique a l'opportunité de partager des connaissances et d'accéder à de nouvelles informations à travers les documents publiés et stockés dans les bases en ligne du web. Dans ce contexte, la valorisation des données disponibles reste un défi majeur pour permettre aux experts de les réutiliser et les analyser afin de produire de la connaissance du domaine. Pour être valorisées, les données pertinentes doivent être extraites des documents puis structurées. Nos travaux s'inscrivent dans la problématique de la capitalisation des données expérimentales issues des articles scientifiques, sélectionnés dans des bases en ligne, afin de les réutiliser dans des outils d'aide à la décision. Les mesures expérimentales (par exemple, la perméabilité à l'oxygène d'un emballage ou le broyage d'une biomasse) réalisées sur différents objets d'études (par exemple, emballage ou procédé de bioraffinerie) sont représentées sous forme de relations n-aires dans une Ressource Termino-Ontologique (RTO). La RTO est modélisée pour représenter les relations n-aires en associant une partie terminologique et/ou linguistique aux ontologies afin d'établir une distinction claire entre la manifestation linguistique (le terme) et la notion qu'elle dénote (le concept). La thèse a pour objectif de proposer une contribution méthodologique d'extraction automatique ou semi-automatique d'arguments de relations n-aires provenant de documents textuels afin de peupler la RTO avec de nouvelles instances. Les méthodologies proposées exploitent et adaptent conjointement des approches de Traitement automatique de la Langue (TAL) et de fouille de données, le tout s'appuyant sur le support sémantique apporté par la RTO de domaine. De manière précise, nous cherchons, dans un premier temps, à extraire des termes, dénotant les concepts d'unités de mesure, réputés difficiles à identifier du fait de leur forte variation typographique dans les textes. Après la localisation de ces derniers par des méthodes de classification automatique, les variants d'unités sont identifiés en utilisant des mesures d'édition originales. La seconde contribution méthodologique de nos travaux repose sur l'adaptation et la combinaison de méthodes de fouille de données (extraction de motifs et règles séquentiels) et d'analyse syntaxique pour identifier les instances d'arguments de la relation n-aire recherchée. / Today, a huge amount of data is made available to the research community through several web-based libraries. Enhancing data collected from scientific documents is a major challenge in order to analyze and reuse efficiently domain knowledge. To be enhanced, data need to be extracted from documents and structured in a common representation using a controlled vocabulary as in ontologies. Our research deals with knowledge engineering issues of experimental data, extracted from scientific articles, in order to reuse them in decision support systems. Experimental data can be represented by n-ary relations which link a studied object (e.g. food packaging, transformation process) with its features (e.g. oxygen permeability in packaging, biomass grinding) and capitalized in an Ontological and Terminological Ressource (OTR). An OTR associates an ontology with a terminological and/or a linguistic part in order to establish a clear distinction between the term and the notion it denotes (the concept). Our work focuses on n-ary relation extraction from scientific documents in order to populate a domain OTR with new instances. Our contributions are based on Natural Language Processing (NLP) together with data mining approaches guided by the domain OTR. More precisely, firstly, we propose to focus on unit of measure extraction which are known to be difficult to identify because of their typographic variations. We propose to rely on automatic classification of texts, using supervised learning methods, to reduce the search space of variants of units, and then, we propose a new similarity measure that identifies them, taking into account their syntactic properties. Secondly, we propose to adapt and combine data mining methods (sequential patterns and rules mining) and syntactic analysis in order to overcome the challenging process of identifying and extracting n-ary relation instances drowned in unstructured texts.

Coaching ontológico: uma contribuição à gestão hospitalar

Moraes, Marilda Schiller de 17 September 2015 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-04-25T16:44:44Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Marilda Schiller de Moraes.pdf: 2077674 bytes, checksum: 85683f79e158bd4fe193bcf41b45adf2 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2015-09-17 / This study s main goal is to identify how the use of Ontological Coaching, based on the Ontology of Language, can facilitate communication and assist in building healthy and productive environments within companies. In the universe of organizations the communication issue has great importance, because it is through the instructions and exchange of informations that are developed all the actions needed for the effectuation of processes, and respective development of products. So, we inhabit a linguistic world, in which the word, in special the spoken word, becomes the instrument by excellence of the executive s action, the essencial way to get in touch with others and to obtain results. Nonetheless, the administrative language, featured by short, direct, and many times urgent commands, tends to complicate the communication inside the companies. Assuming that a reflexive posture allows comprehension to deep personal transformations and that the realization of sensitization workshops may facilitate the processes of communication, motivation and leadership, transforming people into enabling vectors for the generation of a productive and wholesome environment in the organization, it was done a research with 141 professionals of the Hospital das Clínicas of Campo Limpo Paulista (HCCLP). Taking into account the main goal of the study, meetings of Ontogical Coaching took place, with 7 professionals responsible for the management of the referred institution, along with sensitization workshops, about Human Dynamics and Conversational Skills, for the 141 professionals allocated in the sectors of Reception and Nursing of the HCCLP. To enable the comparison of observable behaviours, there were developed two researches with quantitave approaches and two researches with qualitative approaches, based on Survey interviews, before and after the interventions, which made possible the mapping of the effectiveness of the use of sensitization methodology and the contribution of Ontological Coaching to Hospital Management. The results of the quantitative research indicated a growth of 0,4% in the perception of Communication between the sections of the institution, reflecting on a growth of 3,0% on the perception of employee s Motivation, despite the reduction of -0,7% in the perception of the teams on Leadership. Isolating of these percentuals the evaluation done by the employees from the management area, which went throught the Coaching, a significant improvement on Motivation, Communication and Leadership dimensions could be perceived, with positive evaluation percentuals of 17,5%, 17,1% and 14,5%, respectively, in the period comprehended between the two researches. In that same way, by evaluating the statements resultant of the qualitative research interviews, a lot of testimonials were observed claiming that the Coaching meetings and the workshops brought important contributions to the professionals holders of the management positions, along with the improvement in the communication between the teams allocated in the Reception and Nursing sectors. That being, the conclusion is that the exercise of the Ontological Coaching has a lot to contribute with Hospital Management / O presente estudo tem como objetivo principal identificar o quanto a utilização do Coaching Ontológico, fundamentado na Ontologia da Linguagem, pode facilitar a comunicação e auxiliar na construção de ambientes saudáveis e produtivos dentro das empresas. No universo das organizações a questão da comunicação tem grande importância, pois é por meio das instruções e das informações trocadas que se desenvolvem todas as ações necessárias para a efetivação dos processos e respectivo desenvolvimento dos produtos da empresa, ou seja, habitamos um mundo linguístico, no qual a palavra e, em especial a fala, torna-se o instrumento por excelência da ação do executivo, o meio essencial para entrar em contato com os outros e para obter resultados. No entanto, a linguagem administrativa, caracterizada por comandos curtos, diretos e muitas vezes urgentes, acaba por dificultar a comunicação dentro das empresas. Partindo da premissa de que uma postura reflexiva permite compreensão para profundas transformações pessoais, e que a realização de oficinas de sensibilização pode facilitar os processos de comunicação, motivação e liderança, transformando-os em vetores facilitadores para a geração de um ambiente produtivo e de bem-estar na organização, foi realizada uma pesquisa-ação, com 141 profissionais do Hospital de Clínicas de Campo Limpo Paulista (HCCLP). Levando em consideração o objetivo do presente estudo, foram realizadas reuniões de Coaching Ontológico, com 7 profissionais responsáveis pela gestão da referida instituição, e realizadas oficinas de sensibilização, sobre Dinâmicas Humanas e sobre Competências Conversacionais, para os 141 profissionais alocados nos setores de Recepção e de Enfermagem do HCCLP. Para tornar possível a comparação de comportamentos observáveis, foram realizadas duas pesquisas com abordagens quantitativas e duas pesquisas com abordagens qualitativas, com entrevistas do tipo Survey, antes e depois das intervenções, que permitiram mapear a efetividade do uso das metodologias de sensibilização e da contribuição do Coaching Ontológico na Gestão Hospitalar. Os resultados da pesquisa quantitativa mostraram crescimento de 0,4% na percepção sobre a Comunicação entre os setores da instituição, refletindo em um crescimento de 3,0% na percepção sobre a Motivação dos funcionários, apesar da redução em -0,7% na percepção das equipes sobre a Liderança. Isolando desses percentuais a avaliação efetuada pelos funcionários da área de Gestão, que passaram pelo processo de Coaching, percebe-se significativa melhora de percepção sobre as dimensões de Motivação, Comunicação e Liderança, com percentuais de avaliação positivos em 17,5%, 17,1% e 14,5%, respectivamente, no período compreendido entre as duas pesquisas. Da mesma forma, ao avaliar as declarações resultantes das entrevistas da pesquisa qualitativa, pode-se identificar vários depoimentos que afirmam que as reuniões de Coaching e as oficinas de sensibilização trouxeram importantes contribuições para os profissionais detentores de cargos de Gestão, além de melhora na comunicação entre as equipes alocadas nos setores da Recepção e da Enfermagem. Assim sendo, conclui-se que a prática do Coaching Ontológico tem muito a contribuir com a Gestão Hospitalar

Reductio ad silentium: Ingmar Bergman, os sentidos e ressentimentos da redenção moral em meio aos escombros de Deus

Vasconcellos, Andreia Rocha de 27 November 2013 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-04-25T19:20:29Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Andreia Rocha de Vasconcellos.pdf: 559228 bytes, checksum: 5f32c1c378c1a0818903831f8e61a444 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2013-11-27 / This thesis analyses the silence of God throughout the movie The seventh seal (1957), by Ingmar Bergman, from two fundamental concepts developed by the critic Jesse Kalin: ontological reduction and geography of the soul. The moral vacuity which bursts from the dismantling of the Medieval world grounded over the image and the similarity of a crescently silent God is eschatologically lived by the characters of Bergman's consecrated film. We analyse The seventh seal in order to apprehend the ways the protomodern narrative conflicts help us understand our own times / Esta dissertação analisa o silêncio de Deus no filme O sétimo selo (1957), de Ingmar Bergman, a partir de dois conceitos fundamentais desenvolvidos pelo crítico Jesse Kalin: redução ontológica e geografia da alma. A vacuidade moral que irrompe com a desestruturação do mundo medieval alicerçado segundo a imagem e semelhança de um Deus cada vez mais silencioso é vivenciada escatologicamente pelas personagens do consagrado filme de Bergman. Analisamos O sétimo selo a fim de apreender como os conflitos narrativos protomodernos nos ajudam a compreender nossa própria época

'Exit, loyalty and voice' : the experience of adult learners in the context of de- industrialisation in County Durham

Forster, Mary Josephine January 2018 (has links)
This thesis examines the effects of de-industrialisation on the lives of adult learners attending adult education programmes in the former coal mining and steel working communities of County Durham. It presents the outcomes of a qualitative study of life history stories which are 'person centred'. Focusing on the subjective experiences of learners, both past and present, was an appropriate way in which the learner voice could be heard as well as helping to understand their experiences and views on the effects that de- industrialisation has had on their lives, and if lifelong learning was improving their life chances. The importance of social class and gender in configuring and understanding adult learner experiences are critical factors whilst, at the same time, the collective resources of these working class communities have been systematically undermined. Furthermore, the provision of publically funded adult education has declined dramatically since the 1980s. Through the prism of learners' lives the study explores experiences of employability skills programmes and community adult education programmes on shaping the position, disposition and identity of learners who have experienced a major trauma to their communities, their families and themselves. Ontological insecurity, a product of de-industrialisation, has a critical impact on the lives of these adults. The thesis adopts Hirschman's (1970) framework of 'Exit, Loyalty and Voice', originally used to frame the responses of workers confronting the possibility of job losses in a firm, as a way of understanding the reactions of adult learners to the impact of de-industrialisation on communities. In Hirschman's framework the relationship between exit, loyalty and voice followed a distinctive pattern. Loyalty, for example, was the opposite of voice, as people in a firm stayed silent in order to be saved from job loss. In this study, loyalty to the community has enabled individuals to benefit from support and community provision, which has given them a lifeline for survival and a step on the way to finding a voice. Exit, in the original framework, involved proactive workers getting 'ahead of the curve' by finding alternative employment before others. In this study, employability skills training - as a resource for exit - does not deliver. Instead, it systematically demoralises individuals and undermines their capacity to act. It involves churning learners between welfare and more training programmes and, where and when available, into short-term work. The overall impact has resulted in the social exclusion of these learners from the labour market and from the community - the opposite of agency. It is argued that this is a paradox given that social and economic inclusion was an aim of lifelong learning policies. The thesis challenges the claim of neoliberal ideology that purports to promote the freedom of individuals to determine their own fate. Those attending employability skills programmes are expected to find solutions to structural problems, and are subjected to coercive methods through psychological interventions that are expected to bring about attitudinal behaviour changes to achieve employability. It is argued that this is a paradox given deficient labour market conditions which are beyond the control of the learner. Attention is given to public sector community adult education that once offered liberating models of adult education, but have now been subjected to the logic of neoliberal governmentality. This is creating new 'subjectivities' for educators, who are being coerced to deliver learning for the economy rather than social purpose education. What has emerged is a new role of the employability trainer.

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