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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Nätverkskonstruktion och innovationsprestation : Variationen av sökdjup och sökbredd i öppna innovationsnätverk

Wennström, Sarah, Nilsson, Jenny, Cianelli, Robin January 2015 (has links)
Abstract  Title: Network construction and innovation performance – the variation of search depth and search breadth in Open Innovation networks.  Authors: Robin Cianelli, Jenny Nilsson and Sarah Wennström  Supervisor: Henrik Sällberg  Department: School of Management, Blekinge Institute of Technology  Course: Bachelor’s thesis in Business Administration, 15 credits  The study aimed to investigate how companies construct there open innovation networks and how they in turn affects the innovation presentation. It was distinguishing between the product innovation and the process innovation to investigate if the companies constructed different open innovation networks for different innovation types. This was investigated by looking at how many different extern collaborators the companies were using and how deep these collaborations were. The studies hypotheses were that the search depth and the search width would have a positive influence on the innovation presentation and that the search depth and the search width would have a greater impact for the product innovation than the process innovation. To investigate this a selection of 91 small and middle big Swedish companies in the manufacturing industry where asked to answer a web survey and our collected data was processed by multiple regression analyzes. The results showed that search depth and width in open innovation networks had a positive influence on the innovation performance when the company wanted to do product innovations, but only search depth showed a significant positive correlation for process innovation. This could be explained with the fact that processes innovations are very complex and can look very different even within the same industry. / Abstrakt  Titel: Nätverkskonstruktion och innovationsprestation - Variationen av sökdjup och sökbredd i öppna innovationsnätverk  Författare: Robin Cianelli, Jenny Nilsson och Sarah Wennström  Handledare: Henrik Sällberg  Institution: Managementhögskola, Blekinge Tekniska Högskola  Kurs: Kandidatarbete i Företagsekonomi, 15 högskolepoäng  Studien ämnade undersöka hur företag konstruerar sina öppna innovationsnätverk och hur det i sin tur påverkar innovationsprestationen. Det särskildes mellan produktinnovation och processinnovation för att undersöka om företagen konstruerade olika öppna innovationsnätverk för olika innovationstyper. Detta undersöktes genom att se till hur många olika externa samarbetspartners företagen använde sig av och hur djupa dessa samarbeten var. Studiens hypoteser var att sökdjup och sökbredd skulle påverka innovationsprestationen positivt och att sökdjup och sökbredd skulle ha större påverkan för produktinnovation än för processinnovation. För att undersöka detta fick ett urval på 91 svenska små till medelstora företag i tillverkningsbranschen svara på en webbenkät och vår insamlade data bearbetades sedan med multipla regressionsanalyser. Resultatet visade att sökdjup och sökbredd i öppna innovationsnätverken påverkade innovationsprestationen positivt när företaget ville innovera inom produkt, men att enbart sökdjup kunde uppvisa ett signifikant positivt samband för processinnovation. Detta förklarades med att processinnovationer är väldigt komplexa och kan skilja sig väldigt även inom samma bransch.

Open Innovation: Grundlagen, Akteure, Werkzeuge und Wirkungsweisen

Möslein, Kathrin M. 20 May 2014 (has links) (PDF)
Open Innovation bezeichnet Innovationsprozesse, die nicht an den Grenzen von Unternehmen oder deren Innovationsabteilungen enden, sondern Akteure unabhängig von deren institutioneller Zugehörigkeit als Ideengeber, Konzeptentwickler oder auch Innovationsumsetzer in die Gestaltung von Innovationen einbinden. Dieser Beitrag skizziert Grundlagen der Open Innovation, stellt die einzubindenden Akteure und ihre Rollen im Innovationsgeschehen vor und führt ein in die fünf zentralen Werkzeugklassen, auf die Unternehmen zur Implementierung von Open Innovation heute zurückgreifen können. Herausforderungen und Spannungsfelder, die sich bei der Nutzung von Open Innovation zeigen, werden abschließend aufgezeigt.

Veränderungen in der Arbeitsteilung und Gewinnverteilung durch Open Innovation und Crowdsourcing

Drews, Paul 15 May 2014 (has links) (PDF)
No description available.

Collective Business Engineering

Teichmann, Gunter, Schwartz, Eva-Maria, Dittes, Frank-Michael 30 May 2014 (has links) (PDF)
No description available.

Kommunikationsinfrastruktur virtueller Unternehmen auf dem Prüfstand

Reiß, Michael, Bernecker, Tobias, Steffens, Dirk 15 April 2014 (has links) (PDF)
No description available.

Student Living Lab, kombinera innovation inom boende och byggnadsteknisk forskning med studentbostäder i Jönköping / Student Living Lab, combining innovation in housing and building engineering research with student housing in Jönköping

Javebrink, Linnea January 2018 (has links)
Purpose: The lead time in the construction industry's innovation development today is far too long. Jönköping's population increases and at the same time Jönköping University is expanding. The need for more housing and student housing is therefore a fact. A Living Lab (LL) creates opportunities to solve both above-mentioned situations. It is a home that simultaneously provide different types of researchers with a research platform to test innovations directly in a real-life environment. Such a project could thus be an advantage for a developing city like Jönköping. The purpose of the project is to investigate how LL projects can open opportunities for innovations in housing and building engineering research in Jönköping, while creating new student housing in the city. Method: The research strategy is qualitative, the main method is a case study. Methods of data collection are literature studies and interviews. Literature studies take place around the concept, the background and different existing projects. This is done to investigate the development of the LL concept and its establishments. The main method used in this report is interviews, which the majority is done over the phone and a couple of them as site visits. Interviews take place with stakeholders from HSB Living Lab in Gothenburg, stakeholders from KTH Live-in Lab in Stockholm and potential stakeholders from Jönköping. Findings: This report serves as a preliminary study for potential stakeholders to establish or participate in a Student LL in Jönköping. In order to shorten lead times in housing and building engineering research, LL has been proven to benefit from innovative research in this area. A project would combine a research arena with new student housing to promote the housing contributions to a more efficient innovation process. In the housing- and construction sector, interest has been shown for innovations in housing environment, real estate and construction business, with efficiency and cost reduction, development and efficiency of materials and smart energy solutions. There is also a research interest for studying of the learning environments and the contributions of the residents to their environment. A potential place of establishment is found just by the university, which would benefit both the university, its research and the establishment of new student housing. Implications: To continue developing the work, further research is recommended on the research questions for a LL-project. It is recommended to review additional opportunities that exists in addition to building engineering and develop issues regarding, for example, housing environment and learning environments. When two of the four parts of the university were reached for interviews, it is also interesting to study the interests of the other parts. There would be an interest in studying how a twist of the concept can be applied to find a specific niche for Jönköping. A project would solve several student housing units that would help solve some of the problem regarding the current housing shortage and enable contributing to the development of the city. Limitations: As the LL concept in Sweden is at an early stage, background information is related to international focus. The report is then limited to focus on Sweden's two major LLs with establishment in Gothenburg and Stockholm with permanent student housing. Furthermore, the focus is on Jönköping, the city of the authors of the report, its potential stakeholders, establishment opportunities and innovation opportunities for a Student LL project. Keywords: Living Lab, student, open innovation, building technology and sustainability. / Syfte: Ledtider inom byggnadsbranschens innovationsutveckling är idag alldeles för långa. Jönköping kommuns befolkning ökar samtidigt som Jönköping University växer. Behovet av fler bostäder och studentbostäder är med detta ett faktum. Ett Living Lab (LL) skapar möjligheter för att förbättra bådadera situationer. Det agerar hem samtidigt som det tillhandahåller olika typer av forskare med en forskningsplattform för att testa innovationer direkt i en verklig miljö. Ett sådant projekt skulle således kunna vara en fördel för en utvecklande stad som Jönköping. Syftet med projektet är att undersöka hur LL-projekt kan öppna möjligheter till samskapande innovationer inom boende- och byggteknikforskning i Jönköping samtidigt som nya studentbostäder etableras. Metod: Undersökningsstrategin är kvalitativ, huvudmetoden är fallstudier. Metoder för datainsamling är litteraturstudier samt intervjuer. Litteraturstudier sker kring begreppet, bakgrund samt projekt för att undersöka utvecklingen av LL-konceptet och dess etableringar. Den huvudsakliga metoden för arbetet är intervjubaserat, majoriteten över telefon och ett antal genom platsbesök. Intervjuer sker med involverade aktörer från HSB Living Lab i Göteborg, från KTH Live-in Lab i Stockholm samt potentiella intressenter från Jönköping. Resultat: Rapporten fungerar som en förundersökning för potentiella intressenter för att etablera eller deltaga i ett Student LL i Jönköping. För att förkorta ledtider inom boende och byggnadsteknisk forskning är LL påvisat gynna nytänkande forskning inom detta. Ett projekt skulle kombinera en forskningsarena med nya studentbostäder för att främja de boendes bidrag till en effektivare innovationsprocess. Inom boende och byggsektorn är intresset påvisat för innovationer inom boendemiljö, fastighets- och byggbranschen med effektivisering och kostnadsreducering, utveckling och effektivisering av material samt smarta energilösningar. Forskningsintresse påvisas även för studerande av lärandemiljöer samt de boendes bidrag till dess miljö. En potentiell etableringsplats påträffas i nära anslutning till universitetet, vilket skulle gynna såväl universitetet, dess forskning samt etablering av nya studentbostäder. Konsekvenser: För att fortsätta utveckla arbetet rekommenderas undersökning vidare kring forskningsfrågorna för ett LL. Det rekommenderas att granska ytterligare möjligheter och utveckla specifika frågor gällande exempelvis boendemiljö samt lärandemiljöer. Då två av fyra fackhögskolor nåddes för intervjuer är det även intressant att studera kvarvarande fackhögskolors intressen. Att studera hur en vridning av konceptet kan tillämpas för att hitta en specifik nisch för Jönköping är av intresse. Ett projekt i Jönköping skulle lösa ett antal studentbostäder som bidrar till att lösa en del av problemet angående den rådande bostadsbristen och möjliggör bidragande till utveckling av staden. Begränsningar: Då LL-konceptet i Sverige befinner sig i ett tidigt skede förhåller sig bakgrundsinformationen till internationellt fokus. Arbetet begränsas sedan till fokus på Sveriges två större LL med etablering i Göteborg och Stockholm med permanenta studentbostäder. Vidare landar fokus i Jönköping, staden som författarna till rapporten är placerade i, dess potentiella intressenter, etableringsmöjligheter samt innovationsmöjligheter för ett Student LL-projekt. Nyckelord: Living Lab, student, open innovation, byggnadsteknik och hållbarhet.

Patterns of open innovation within product development: a comparative study between Brazilian and Canadian aerospace industries. / Padrões de inovação aberta no desenvolvimento de produtos: um estudo comparativo entre as indústrias aeroespaciais brasileira e canadense.

Fabiano Armellini 11 April 2013 (has links)
Open innovation is a new research line that emerges from a new industrial organization of research, development and innovation (R,D&I): after a period of vertical integration and accumulation, economy seems to walk towards a more plain level with lesser barriers to new entrants due to a new scenario of collaboration and knowledge dissemination. In this new mindset, firms can and should use external ideas as well as internal ideas, and internal and external paths to market, as firms look to advance in their technologies. The general goal of this research project is to analyze the depth and the impact of open innovation practices, as well as to identify patterns of their integration to the product development process (PDP) with focus on aerospace, a traditional high-tech segment within the metal-mechanic sector. For such, a reference model is elaborated and analyzed in two different contexts, in comparison study between Brazilian (emerging economy) and Canadian (developed economy) industries, more specifically the aerospace clusters in São Paulo and Quebec. The research comprises an aerospace market analysis, as well as the study of both countries national systems of innovation, supported by a survey that measures the intensity and importance of open innovation in Brazilian and Canadian aerospace companies plants. The survey is carried out by means of in-company questionnaire-based face interviews with R&D managers. The sample of analysis comprises a total of 53 aerospace plants, 22 of them in Brazil and 31 in Canada. Through a descriptive analysis of survey data, it is possible to identify similarities and differences in the patterns of open innovation in the two clusters. Among the similarities one highlights the focus on the product, the early involvement of customers in the PDP, the strategies adopted regarding intellectual property (IP) protection, the concentration of collaborative arrangements within the boundaries of the aerospace industry and the low intensity use of pecuniary tools, such as venture capital, spin-offs and/or acquisitions. Among the differences, Canada stands out with respect to its innovation public policies and assistance programs, which are found to be more effective in relation to Brazilian policies. Besides, Canadian plants seem to have a better innovative performance, at the cutting edge of aerospace technologies and higher international relevance. The survey also finds that the intensities of openness in Brazil and Canada are quite similar, although the patterns and motivations differ: Brazilian plants are more engaged in providing R&D services for products of third parties under direct contract (and not within collaborative arrangements) to local customers, while Canadian plants seem to be more engaged in a wider spam of collaborative fronts in a wider geographical range. Besides, Brazilian plants are much less intense in the adoption of formal IP protection methods in relation to Canadian ones, which hinders (but not prevents) the full adoption of open innovation in the Brazilian cluster. Based on the results, this text concludes with recommendations directed to the three vertices of the triple helix in both countries, namely: enterprises, science and technology institutes and the government. / A inovação aberta é uma nova linha de pesquisa que surge a partir de nova organização industrial de pesquisa, desenvolvimento e inovação (P,D&I): após um período de verticalização, a economia parece caminhar em direção a um maior nivelamento com menores barreiras para novos entrantes em um novo cenário de colaboração e disseminação de conhecimento. Neste conceito, as empresas podem e devem usar ideias externas, assim como internas, e caminhos internos e externos para o mercado, na medida em que buscam avançar suas tecnologias. O objetivo geral deste projeto é analisar a profundidade e impacto das práticas de inovação aberta, bem como identificar padrões de sua integração ao processo de desenvolvimento de produtos (PDP) com foco na indústria aeroespacial, um segmento tradicional de alta tecnologia no setor metal-mecânico. Para tal, um modelo de referência é elaborado e avaliado em diferentes contextos, em uma comparação entre as indústrias brasileira (economia emergente) e canadense (economia desenvolvida), mais especificamente os arranjos produtivos aeroespaciais em São Paulo e Quebec. A pesquisa compreende uma análise do mercado aeroespacial, bem como o estudo dos sistemas nacionais de inovação de ambos os países, apoiados por um levantamento (survey) que mede a intensidade e a importância da inovação aberta em plantas de empresas aeroespaciais no Brasil e no Canadá. A pesquisa é realizada por meio de entrevistas presenciais em empresas com gestores de P&D, baseadas em um questionário. A amostra compreende um total de 53 plantas de empresas aeroespaciais, 22 delas no Brasil e 31 no Canadá. Através da análise descritiva dos dados da pesquisa, é possível identificar semelhanças e diferenças nos padrões de inovação aberta nos dois grupos. Entre as semelhanças destacam-se o foco no produto, o envolvimento precoce de clientes no PDP, as estratégias adotadas para proteção de propriedade intelectual (PI), a concentração de acordos colaborativos dentro dos limites da indústria aeroespacial e a baixa intensidade na utilização de ferramentas pecuniárias, tais como o capital de risco, spin-offs e/ou aquisições. Entre as diferenças, o Canadá se destaca com relação às suas políticas públicas de inovação e programas de assistência, que se mostram mais eficazes em relação aos brasileiros. Além disso, as plantas canadenses parecem ter um melhor desempenho inovador, mais próximo do estado-da-arte das tecnologias aeroespaciais e com maior relevância internacional. O levantamento também mostrou que as intensidades de abertura no Brasil e no Canadá são semelhantes, embora os padrões e motivações difiram: as plantas brasileiras estão mais envolvidas no fornecimento de serviços de P&D para produtos de terceiros sob contrato direto (e não dentro de acordos de colaboração) para clientes locais, enquanto que as plantas canadenses parecem estar engajadas em um leque mais amplo de frentes de colaboração, com maior distribuição geográfica. Além disso, as plantas brasileiras adotam com muito menor intensidade métodos formais de proteção da PI em relação às canadenses, o que dificulta (mas não impede) a adoção plena da inovação aberta no cluster brasileiro. Com base nos resultados, o texto conclui com recomendações dirigidas aos três vértices da hélice tripla em ambos os países, a saber: empresas, institutos de ciência e tecnologia e governo.

Incidence des compétences pour l'innovation ouverte des entrepreneurs sur la performance des start-up incubées : le cas des incubateurs roumains / The impact of open innovation competences of entrepreneurs on incubated start-ups performance : the case of Romanian incubators

Grama, Simona 18 January 2013 (has links)
Si l’explosion du système Est-Ouest marque la fin de l’idée de confrontation globale en tant que modèle de la guerre depuis la fin du second conflit mondial, on doit plus fondamentalement s’interroger sur les changements intervenus depuis les années 90 en ce qui concerne le statut de la guerre elle-même et sur le rôle des opérations de paix dans les relations internationales. Les crises politiques découlant de conflits internes sont des sources de déstabilisation et de fragilisation des institutions locales qui subissent le tumulte et affaiblissent la capacité des acteurs à sortir d’une telle situation politique. La nécessité de renforcer les capacités locales pendant cette période charnière afin d’éviter les crises récurrentes se traduit par la présence de la Communauté internationale qui déploie une multitude de stratégies. Il existe en effet, dans la grammaire des Nations Unies, un continuum de modes de gestion des crises qui va des formes les plus réservées de la persuasion à certaines modalités de diplomatie coercitive, impliquant un usage limité de la violence. Lorsqu’on examine les opérations de paix en RDC, un ensemble dynamique de tensions et de liaisons, oscillant entre ordre et désordre dans ses expressions institutionnelles, le constat qui se dégage est que la question de la paix exige une analyse qui prenne en compte plusieurs facteurs. D’où le recours à une approche interdisciplinaire, mobilisant des courants critiques au sein des relations internationales tout en alliant la sociologie des relations internationales. Notre approche interdisciplinaire qui est au centre de cette thèse peut aussi être d’un grand intérêt dans le renforcement de l’approche polémologique, elle-même fort utile pour appréhender les modalités de gouvernance par les groupes politico-militaires. Notre étude s’attache à évaluer la pertinence et la cohérence des pratiques et conduites des acteurs internationaux pour mieux dégager les contours axiologiques et idéologiques de la gestion des crises itératives. / If the explosion of the East/West system marks the end of the idea of global confrontation as model of the war since the end of the second world conflict, we more fundamentally have to wonder about the changes which took place since the 90s as regards the status of the very war and about the role of the peace operations in the international relations. The political crises ensuing from internal conflicts are sources of destabilization and weakening of the local institutions which undergo the tumult and weaken the capacity of the actors to go out of such a political situation. The necessity of strengthening the local capacities during this pivotal period to avoid the recurring crises is translated by the presence of the international community which spreads a multitude of strategies. There is indeed in the grammar of United Nations a continuum in the modes of crises’ management which goes the most reserved forms of the persuasion to certain modalities of coercive diplomacy, implying a use limited by the violence. When we examine the peace operations in RDC, dynamic set tensions and connections, oscillating between order and disorder in its institutional expressions, the report which gets free is that the question of the peace requires an analysis which takes into account several factors. Hence the use of an interdisciplinary approach, involving both critical currents in international relations (critical constructivism) while combining the sociology of international relations. Our study attempts to estimate the relevance and the coherence of the practices and the conducts of the international actors in a better way axiological and ideological outlines of the management of the iterative crises.

Élaboration et mise en oeuvre d'un modèle organisationnel favorisant l'open innovation : contribution à l'innovation collaborative / Design and implementation of an organizational model for Open Innovation : Contribution to collaborative innovation

Steiner, Alexis 26 September 2014 (has links)
L’avènement du concept d’Open Innovation a été perçu par les industriels comme une formidable opportunité pour améliorer leur processus d’innovation et augmenter leur marge. En effet, ce concept prônant la large distribution des connaissances, suggère que les entreprises doivent solliciter leur environnement pour acquérir de nouvelles technologies par le biais de collaborations et que la valorisation des technologies internes à l’entreprise peut se faire de divers manières, comme le licensing. Alors les frontières de l’entreprise deviennent poreuses pour permettre une forte interaction avec des partenaires externes. Malgré toutes les promesses de ce concept, celui-ci a apporté un certain nombre de problématiques allant de la propriété intellectuelle à la culture d’entreprise en passant par les freins cognitifs. En accord avec le partenaire industriel de cette thèse, notre observation terrain et les constats bibliographiques, nous nous sommes concentrés sur les aspects organisationnels à mettre en œuvre pour mener une politique d’Open Innovation. Ainsi, cette thèse propose un premier modèle conceptuel pour ancrer une organisation dans son environnement et prendre pleinement en compte le paradigme d’Open Innovation. Ce modèle se base sur l’hypothèse que l’environnement est composé de facteurs d’influence qui ont un impact sur les projets de l’entreprise et que ceux-ci doivent posséder un capital compétence adéquate pour maitriser ces facteurs et atteindre les objectifs. Fort de ce cadre conceptuel, nous avons modélisé mathématiquement une organisation avec une approche coût/bénéfice pour comprendre le fonctionnement d’une organisation en mode « open ». Cela nous a permis de mettre en évidence le rôle de la structure organisationnelle et de la stratégie pour une politique d’Open Innovation. Enfin, en accord avec notre posture épistémologique d’action-recherche, nous avons développé un outil d’aide à l’orientation de l’action, RO²I (Relevant Organization for Open Innovation). L’objectif de cet outil est de proposé aux porteurs de projets, à t=0 du projet, une aide pour prendre en compte les aspects collaboratifs afin de mener leurs projets à bien et de choisir le bon modèle organisationnel pour inclure les compétences des partenaires. Nous avons pu tester la pertinence de notre proposition sur plusieurs projets passés d’une équipe d’innovation de rupture. Une fois validé, nous avons souhaité vérifier que notre outil était utilisable par les porteurs de projet, eux-mêmes, donc nous avons effectué une expérimentation sur deux projets en phase de démarrage dans les services supports de Solvay. Ce travail conclue sur la nécessité de posséder une organisation adaptée aux activités de collaboration et sur la nécessité d’un outil permettant de prendre en compte l’Open Innovation. Nous proposons, en perspective, d’utiliser cet outil pour mesurer la capacité à Open Innover d’une entreprise / Companies showed the arising of the Open Innovation concept as an amazing opportunity to improve their innovation process and increase profitability. Indeed, Open Innovation proposes to solicit external environment to acquire new technologies thanks to collaborations and, also, to add value to internal technologies by different path, like licensing-out, for instance. Then, firm boundaries become porous to allow strong interactions with external stakeholders. Despite to promises of this concept, it brings a lot of specific issues as intellectual property, firm culture or cognitive brakes. According to our industrial partner, our field observation and our state of art, we focused this work on organizational issues to perform an Open Innovation policy. To solve these issues, first, this these proposes a conceptual model to anchor an organization into it environment and to fully encompass the Open Innovation paradigm. We base our model on the next assumption: environment is composed by influence factors which impact projects of organization and these projects have to own an appropriate capital competence to master the factors and reach the purposes. Thanks to this conceptual framework, we modeled an organization with a mathematic cost/benefits approach to understand the functioning of an organization with « open » policy. Then, we highlighted the role of organizational structure and strategy to perform Open Innovation. Finally, we developed a decision-making tool, RO²I (Relevant Organization for Open Innovation). The objective of this tool is to help project manager to take into account the collaborations to lead his project at t=0 and to choose a suitable organization to anchor his project and acquire external competences. We tested our proposal on past project in an innovation team. After the validation, we verified the usability of our tool in industrial context. We experiment our tool on two projects into shared services of Solvay. We conclude this work on the necessity to anchor a project into a suitable organization for collaboration and on the necessity of a decision-making tool to take into account Open Innovation. For further researches based of our work, we propose to use RO²I to measure the capacity to Open Innovate of a firm

Kommunikationsinfrastruktur virtueller Unternehmen auf dem Prüfstand

Reiß, Michael, Bernecker, Tobias, Steffens, Dirk January 2006 (has links)
No description available.

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